Bullet Journal*:
hi my loving tiffanythinks family, thank you for watching :) love you a lot a lot.
Instagram, TikTok & FB: tiffanythinks
We Got This x
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Bullet Journal*:
hi my loving tiffanythinks family, thank you for watching :) love you a lot a lot.
Instagram, TikTok & FB: tiffanythinks
We Got This x
This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won't put anything here that I haven't verified and/or personally used myself.
00:00Good morning my loving Tiffany thinks family it is super super early and we
00:05are on our way to the hospital of course we are and so today we have three things
00:11I've got a pit clean a blood test and an appointment with the doctors it's kind
00:18of like a follow-up we find out what happens with the PET scan results a
00:21little chit-chat before they sign me off for the next chemo I'm still still kind
00:27of having issues with the breathing but I think it's because I've been at home
00:31and haven't done enough walking and so my lungs still are like it still needs a
00:37bit of help so that's something I will talk to the doctors about and I think I
00:41need to start walking to help with my breathing situation and my lung
00:44situation so I don't know I've just been at home sleeping I think it's because
00:50where my back hurts I've just been taking painkillers and sleeping most of
00:55it but in turn when I walked out of the house I was really struggling to breathe
01:00so I do need to kind of do a bit of exercise daily just a bit walking but
01:05yeah my darling is driving me to the hospital and we might pop over to our
01:12favorite bakery after that's the plan we have a few snacks in the car so we've
01:18got pan de chocolats which I don't know if I really want right now but you all
01:24know Matt made a little nuts situation yesterday with pistachios no there's no
01:31pistachios raisins cashew nuts chocolate covered raisins Oh chocolate peanuts so
01:37he made this big mix of nuts and he just forgot to bring some and then we also
01:44have some bananas I'm gonna eat one of these now even though I don't really
01:47want to eat it because it's fasting but I feel like if I eat this it will help
01:52my blood test so let's have this to kind of start our day off. One each and one each of the panchox
02:05Have you got front sensors as well as back? I've only got back sensors I don't have
02:12front sensors in my car and I was snoozing away in the car and Matt was
02:17listening to his podcast and it's so funny because the podcast is about
02:22footballers and this goalkeeper and they were talking about how they negotiate
02:27how much money and whether they talk to other footballers about it and so I was
02:33in and out of sleep listening to that podcast it was actually really funny I'm
02:36gonna rush in now because I need to get the blood test done first and then we'll
02:40have to wait for about an hour before we get the results for the blood test to be
02:45signed off for chemo and then we'll see the doctor and then come home and sleep
02:51your girl is so tired so so tired. The cold air is waking me right up
02:59breathing because it's fasting there's loads of parking spots so that's nice
03:07I'm gonna get a coffee in here I think. Are you? Did you hear that Matt's gonna get a little coffee a
03:14latte or flat white? I don't know I'll get something. Fancy something. I guess yeah you should yeah
03:26and when I was snoozing away I did feel bad because you know when someone's
03:31sleeping in the car and you're driving it makes you sleepy as well did I make
03:36you sleepy? Nah I was listening to the podcast. Here we are, out of breath
03:45Hiya, I have an appointment today. Then you've got a consultation and observations afterwards. Thank you so much
03:53thank you. This corner? Yeah. I am gonna have a little snooze I think.
04:06That was so sweet I love love love meeting you guys yeah that was so kind
04:11I always whenever I see any of you and you come up to me I always hug you so if
04:16you ever come up to me just know I will give you if you ever come up to me just
04:20be aware I will give you a big cuddle it's because it feels like I know you so
04:25it just feels like comfortable like oh oh I'm gonna have a little snooze. Are you
04:31okay? Do you want to get a coffee now or you can get it from there. I'll get it when you go.
04:41We've got an hour gap do you want to get it then? Do you know what it was actually quite good to
04:45come first thing in the morning get this done yeah do you think otherwise we're
04:48kind of waiting around and the whole day is about going to the hospital so it's
04:52actually quite nice to come in first thing.
05:01Matt got himself a coffee a flat white and we're just now waiting
05:07we're now waiting for the doctors I think it's gonna take about an hour
05:12because they need to get the blood test result and then we will be seen in so
05:18hopefully not too long. I'm waiting Matt has his coffee and his little pound of
05:29the waiting room is quite full now it's actually every every corner is being
05:34taken up by someone. Very very busy day. How's your coffee? It's good. Is it good? Fresh? Yes.
05:43Is it fresh beans? Probably not though. Is it a machine? Yeah. You know it's very quiet here
05:50because it's soundproof. Is it soundproof here? Something soundproof here and that's
05:57why there's no it's very very quiet there used to be a tree in here a real
06:03tree it's gone yeah there used to be one number 15 we've not been to this
06:13room before they all look the same to be honest you sort my hair out before the
06:20doctor gets in this is a room number 15 and my birthday is 15th of August so it
06:28might be a good room. We'll get the PET scan results blood test results and then
06:35sign off for chemo. They've got the computers here. That's the plan so nothing
06:41kind of nothing to worry about nothing to worry about. Matt's just taking
06:45his coat off. I'm just sitting here. Do you want to sit next to me? Yeah. Do you want me to come next to you?
06:55I'm not worried about the PET scan results because that's just a
06:58to see if things are okay I'm not worried about it because if something
07:01was up they would have called me by now you know because it's been a while so I
07:06think everything's kind of okay and then chemo will be signed off today if the
07:11blood test is fine. Does this give a bit of Squid Game vibes? What? Each of the
07:15rooms and you go in. No. No? I always think this one hasn't you know in the PET scan
07:21area there's you're put in little rooms and that's kind of what this reminds me
07:27I've got a room there there's a room there and then we're in one room. I had a
07:33banana in the car but I think it's made me more hungry now. I was telling the
07:39nurse who cleaned my PICC line I said because of the steroids I do think about
07:44food quite a lot and that's why I've got chubby cheeks as well. I would say out of
07:56everything waiting in these rooms gives you a lot of feeling like this inside
08:05even though nothing bad's gonna happen today it's just waiting around but what
08:10they do is you go from the waiting area then you come into one of these little
08:14rooms and then the doctor will come in and sit on that chair and then they will
08:20talk to us so that's kind of the steps and that's always been the way it's
08:26always been waiting room no waiting area with everyone and then you come
08:29into this little waiting room and then the doctor comes in sometimes on their
08:34own sometimes with a nurse with my CNS nurse but it just depends I think today
08:38we'll just be the doctor. We don't have any questions to ask. My hands are shaky
08:44yeah we don't have any we don't have any questions to ask I just want to ask
08:50about actually how long it will take for the lung to recover I guess it
08:56depends on everyone I guess everyone's different because my right lung I felt
09:00like I recovered a lot quicker and I was able to breathe a lot quicker whereas the
09:04left one after I walk a little bit I'm like out of breath so I guess it's
09:09different. I need to have a chest x-ray just because I was kind of out of breath
09:14so she's just gonna check that before she can sign me off for chemo. Hiya they
09:21booked me in for an x-ray Tiffany perfect thank you so much. I'm the next
09:28one in to have a x-ray just to check on my lungs and then need to go back
09:36downstairs to see the doctor and then hopefully she'll sign me off for the
09:40next chemo. Hi they told me to come here for a CT scan. The doctor wants to do a
09:50CT PA scan for my lungs just to check to see if I have a clot or not. My sister's
09:55here she's come to see us and she just wants to make sure there's no clot so
10:02they'll do the scan now. She's just been booking us in for everything x-rayed on
10:05CT scan she's been really like making sure everything's good before she can
10:10sign me off for chemo. No thyroid problems? No thyroid problems.
10:20It is about two o'clock now we've been in the hospital for a very long time I
10:27have had a CT scan and x-ray I had to kind of talk to the doctors now I'm
10:34just gonna wait on a call from the doctor to see if I have a clot or not
10:38Matt and I are so hungry so we're going to the Carl Shorten Beaches cafe near
10:43the little bakery we're gonna go there and have some food and then just wait on
10:48the call from the doctor. I can't believe it's two o'clock. I will update you with everything that's gone on and results and
10:56conversation with the doctor and you know being out of breath and that's why
11:01they did all of what they've done with the scans but I'll talk to you properly
11:05after I've had food because I'm so hungry I'm so so hungry and the bakeries
11:10just around the corner literally like a four minute drive from here four or five
11:14minute drive from the hospital and then we'll talk properly. Sorry I'm just so
11:19hungry I can't even function. I think I said cut we're going to Carl Shorten
11:25Beaches cafe but we're not we're going to the bakery you know the little bakery
11:29on the corner one that I absolutely love that's the one we're going to the
11:36bakery the lunchtime rush is gone
11:59Matt's just putting in some petrol in the car what a day honestly what a day
12:13I okay let me update you I wrote things down in my notes so with the PET scan
12:24you know where the ablation site it can't be assessed at such
12:29short interval but the ablation sites you know I had the right ablation done
12:34and then shortly after I had the PET scan so the radio the reporter said that
12:39that site can't be assessed at such short note interval the right clavicle
12:44so underneath you know the collarbone that's reduced so we know that the chemo
12:49is working and it's going a little bit smaller so that's that there's a another
12:57thing happening so there's a new area in the left clavicle supra clavicular
13:03fossa node could be reactive only but close interval follow-up is advised is
13:09what I wrote so there's a little area on the left clavicle area which has popped
13:14up on this PET scan I didn't want to talk about this again in front of Matt
13:18because he was very kind of we were kind of shocked about the left side but it
13:23was the doctor kind of reassured us and said it was so so tiny and it could
13:27just be a node that has popped up and it might disappear with the four last
13:33four chemo sessions I've got left so hopefully the left side I don't know
13:41guys I honestly don't know what is going on and the only thing I can think about
13:47is that where it's so small in the left I'm not gonna think about it but it's
13:52kind of you know when you first hear about the left because I knew about the
13:56right clavicle the left clavicle just showed up on this PET scan so that's
14:01something that's new and I just have to take it take all these like new
14:11information my oxygen saturation when I was sitting down was 98 and they checked
14:18my oxygen levels when I was walking and that was 94 on movement and so that's
14:25why the doctor wanted to request requested a what's it called a x-ray a
14:34chest x-ray and a CTP a scan I've never had a CTP a scan before but that's to
14:41check to see if I've got any clots in my lungs so a lot of information and a lot
14:47that I'm saying at you but that's kind of what's been going on I'm kind of
14:52praying that the left clavicle isn't anything to worry about and I'm just
14:58praying that the chemo wipes it out I feel so sorry and so bad for Matt
15:06because it's so hard I always say this all of this is hard on me but when this
15:11is happening to your partner so for him this is because he wants to protect me I
15:18want to protect him and we're both very much oh no it's okay it's gonna be okay
15:23it's okay because we're trying to reassure each other but I know it's
15:26really really tough also another thing that keeps happening is anytime I cough
15:30up there's a little kind of dry blood sorry little dry blood and that's why
15:38they're checking for the clot as well so it's the shortness of breath reduced
15:43saturation levels and then there's blood in the cough so that's why they just
15:47need to make sure everything is okay and that I don't have any clots she is
15:52going to give me a call so I'm gonna keep my phone with me and it's on loud
15:55so that when the doctor calls we will know she says she did tell us to go home
16:01didn't she she said go home and she will give us a call if if I need to get some
16:07blood thinner tablets then she'll give us a call or injections but it just
16:12depends on what the results come back as I'm not too worried about it she also
16:16said the chest x-ray was absolutely fine so it could just be where I'm
16:20recovering from the procedure the ablation also the shortness of breath of
16:26breath it's not all the time it's only when I walk for a long period actually
16:32when I walk into the car I got out of breath as well I don't know it just
16:38I'm so glad we're kind of going home now I feel like it's been such a long day it
16:44was really nice for my sister to come as well I think where we were rushing we
16:48were meant to meet her for lunch and then where we were rushing around having
16:52all these scans done and then I told her what the doctor was saying that she
16:56quickly popped to the hospital which was nice wasn't it because it just kind of
17:00broke it up a bit you know and yeah I'm just so ready to go home and get
17:06changed into my pajamas now just got changed to my pajamas and I think I need
17:11to have a little nap because there's a lot going on in my mind and I just need
17:17to kind of have a little snooze and wake up and try and process what's gone on
17:21today I feel like I need to drink a lot of water because you know when you have
17:25a CT scan they put a dye in you and they always say make sure you drink lots of
17:29water so I'm gonna have some hot water just flush it out and pee it out and get
17:37rid of the dye in my body hot water so cozy to be home isn't it nothing like
17:44it's like I think you know when you spend so many hours in the hospital well
17:48we left really early because my blood test was super early then we went to we
17:54had a little break because we have to see the doctor and they said like you
17:57have to wait for an hour then we see the doctor and then it was just quite
18:01intense today it was like right go and have a x-ray right come back see the
18:06doctor then go and see this person and then go and get your CT scan done and
18:11then yeah it just felt very much like a very hectic day today wasn't part of the
18:17plan at all the part of the plan was just to go and have a blood test go and
18:20see the doctor and then it was like it was meant to be us come back home we
18:26thought we'd be out by 11 honestly we honestly thought we'd be out by 11 but
18:30we left around 2 wasn't it so it was a lot later Matt had something he had to
18:36do but he's had to kind of change things around I just feel really bad that it's
18:43been a whole day pretty much in the hospital but it's just one of those
18:47things isn't it yeah Matt did have the day off today but it's still annoying
18:53that the whole kind of time was in the hospital it's so weird because when
18:58you're there and you leave you're just so drained out yeah the lady who had a
19:04x-ray also came down to have the CT scan she was opposite me so she's had a long
19:10day as well when you go to the hospital is just non-stop you can't plan do you
19:18know what when you if your appointments at 10 o'clock don't think you're gonna
19:21be out at 11 never because there's so much going on in between that you can't
19:27predict I just feel bad because it's your day off we are gonna just chill on
19:33the sofa now I do need to update my mum I think my sister will update her with
19:40what's going on it is a lot on everyone especially like family and Matt it's
19:47just a lot all of this is a lot a lot it feels like oh feels like it's never
19:53gonna end I just want a break I have my phone here so the doctor will update me
20:04I don't think there's anything to worry about in regards to the CT AP scan no
20:10BLA Oh CTP a scan sorry I said AP CTP a scan because I'm sure the doctor would
20:19have got the results by now so she would have called us if it was bad news she
20:23said if it's something she'll call and let us know and come and collect the
20:26medications or the injections but no phone call yet Matt's having a cup of
20:33tea and what snack are you having today I'll show you a digestive biscuit and a
20:44timeout I actually don't like timeouts I like
20:49digestives but hot water is the best hot water honestly it's just so
20:54refreshing you know what we should have got a boiling tap we should have got a
21:00boiling tap because we boil that kettle so much I drink hot water a lot a lot
21:06and Matt drinks lots of cups of tea we should have got a boiling tap maybe in
21:09the future no evidence of anything any large clots it's dinner time and we're
21:16having these flatbreads which we've had before and they're so yummy so this is
21:22dinner and then we've got avocado red onion creamy soft mash Matt made it and
21:33it's gonna be perfection and look at the chicken lovely and also this Nando sauce
21:40we keep buying again and again and again it's so yummy I would pay ten pounds
21:56for it I think it's such a good healthy wrap how much would you pay eight quid