Blue Suede Shoes : Record Date: January 30, 1956 (Elvis vocals); Late 2014 and/or early 2015 (music); October 2015 (Cliff vocals) [Note: Cliff probably recorded his vocals between October 12 and October 19]; Record Location: RCA Studios, New York City, New York (Elvis vocals); Blackbird Studio & Steve Mandile Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (music and Cliff vocals); Written By: Carl Perkins
His Latest Flame ;Record Date: Late 2014 and/or early 2015 (music); October 2015 (vocals); Record Location: Blackbird Studio & Steve Mandile Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; Written By: Mort Shuman & Jerome "Doc" Pomus
Keep A Knockin' : Record Date: Late 2014 and/or early 2015 (music); October 2015 (vocals); Record Location: Blackbird Studio & Steve Mandile Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; Written By: Richard Penniman
His Latest Flame ;Record Date: Late 2014 and/or early 2015 (music); October 2015 (vocals); Record Location: Blackbird Studio & Steve Mandile Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; Written By: Mort Shuman & Jerome "Doc" Pomus
Keep A Knockin' : Record Date: Late 2014 and/or early 2015 (music); October 2015 (vocals); Record Location: Blackbird Studio & Steve Mandile Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; Written By: Richard Penniman