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Episod 820 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 12 Mac 2025 Surah Yusuf (12: 5-6) Halaman 236

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Yusuf ayat 5-6 halaman 236 ini adalah:
* Nasihat Nabi Yaakub AS kepada anaknya untuk merahsiakan mimpi (5)
* Keistimewaan dan kelebihan yang akan Nabi Yusuf terima (6)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 5-6 halaman 236:
* Berhati-hati semasa berkongsi maklumat agar tidak memudaratkan diri (5)
* Jauhi perasaan hasad dengki yang merugikan diri (5)
* Syukuri kelebihan yang Allah kurniakan dengan menggunakannya untuk kebaikan (6)

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00:00The dialogue between Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Ya'qub, the father of Prophet Yusuf, was
00:23described in Surah Yusuf as an example of a model in which the relationship between a father and a son is very important to pay attention to.
00:31We will follow the discussion of how Prophet Ya'qub responded to the comment of the sharing of a dream from a small child named Yusuf in this episode.
00:53In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:23When you relate your dream to your brothers, they devise a plan for you.
01:40Indeed, Satan is a manifest enemy to man.
02:10Alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'du.
02:13How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
02:15We meet again in My Qur'an Time.
02:17In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:19We will look at two verses from Surah Yusuf, the fifth verse and the sixth verse.
02:24Today, we will read together with Al-Fadl Ustaz Tirmidhi Ali.
02:28How are you, Ustaz?
02:29Alhamdulillah. How are you?
02:31Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub, the father of Prophet Yusuf, to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
02:41Today, we are with our guest.
02:44Alhamdulillah. Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
02:47Yesterday, we stopped.
02:50It depends.
02:53I was shocked.
02:54Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
02:58Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:01Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:03Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:05Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:07Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:09Today, we will look at the response of Prophet Ya'qub to a child who had a dream of seeing 11 stars.
03:11Peace be upon you.
03:13Peace be upon you.
03:15Peace be upon you.
03:17Peace be upon you.
03:19Peace be upon you.
03:21Peace be upon you.
03:23Peace be upon you.
03:25Peace be upon you.
03:27Peace be upon you.
03:29Peace be upon you.
03:31Peace be upon you.
03:33Peace be upon you.
03:35Peace be upon you.
03:37Peace be upon you.
03:39Peace be upon you.
03:41Peace be upon you.
03:43Peace be upon you.
03:45Peace be upon you.
03:47Peace be upon you.
03:49Peace be upon you.
03:51Peace be upon you.
03:53Peace be upon you.
03:55Peace be upon you.
03:57Peace be upon you.
03:59Peace be upon you.
04:01Peace be upon you.
04:03Peace be upon you.
04:05Peace be upon you.
04:07In a complete way, in this Surah Yusuf, hopefully we can learn together,
04:13considering the journey of Prophet Yusuf,
04:19to the point that this Surah Yusuf is like a Madrasah,
04:23Madrasah Yusufiyah,
04:25Madrasah of Prophet Yusuf,
04:27for us to learn together.
04:31Let's read the first two verses.
04:33The fifth verse and the sixth verse.
04:35In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
05:05In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
05:35And He teaches you from the interpretation of the hadiths,
05:53And He will perfect His favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob,
06:15as He perfected it upon your forefathers before Abraham and Isaac.
06:41Indeed, your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
06:49Peace be upon you.
06:51Peace be upon you.
06:53We are in the reading of the fifth verse and the sixth verse,
06:55after we see how Prophet Yusuf,
06:57may Allah be pleased with him,
06:59told his father about the dream of eleven stars, the sun and the moon,
07:03prostrating to Prophet Yusuf, peace be upon him.
07:07This is a strange dream,
07:09but for those who have the knowledge to interpret dreams,
07:13this is one of the knowledge of Allah.
07:19So, when the story of this dream is told to Prophet Yusuf,
07:23the father of Prophet Yusuf,
07:25Prophet Yusuf's father responds.
07:27In the fifth verse,
07:29it is stated,
07:39Once again, using the father's words to his son,
07:43if Prophet Yusuf himself said,
07:45using the words,
07:49or if he called his father,
07:51or if he said,
07:55or if he said,
08:01there is a way of talking full of love,
08:03which is eternalized in the fourth verse.
08:05In the fifth verse,
08:07the use of the word,
08:09shows that Prophet Yusuf
08:11spoke with full love to his son,
08:15even though he may be talking about a dream.
08:17This is something that,
08:19if the father did not pay attention,
08:21he would say,
08:23is this a dream?
08:25So, here,
08:27the ability to listen,
08:29to be patient,
08:31to show love,
08:33is eternalized in the word,
08:35and what is the advice from the father?
08:39Do not tell your dream to your brother,
08:45and also to your sister.
08:47To your brother, there are ten above,
08:49and below there is a person named,
08:53So, do not tell.
08:59Later, they will deceive you
09:01with one type of power.
09:03So, the assertion that
09:07there is something that is not right.
09:09In the Quran, there is a word,
09:11and also,
09:13the Prophet Yusuf did not deceive
09:15for evil,
09:17but here,
09:19he did it for good or bad.
09:21So, there are fifty-fifty.
09:23It is not that the Prophet Yusuf
09:25was very negative towards his son,
09:27but there were also
09:29things to be careful about,
09:31which were used in the words,
09:33because the father knows his son.
09:35Sometimes, in our lives,
09:37we have to teach our children,
09:39if we buy ice cream,
09:41do not tell.
09:43Do not say, when you come back,
09:45do not tell your father
09:47that you bought ice cream.
09:49Why? Because if you tell,
09:51your brother will say,
09:53you bought it alone.
09:55So, not telling is important
09:57because if the child
09:59is an objective person,
10:01Alhamdulillah, you bought it.
10:03It's okay if you didn't buy it for me.
10:05Maybe next time.
10:07That is a mature child.
10:09What we learn here,
10:11we should not share everything.
10:13We should share the goodness of a husband,
10:15the goodness of a wife on social media,
10:17because there are people who pay attention
10:19and they also see, wow, her husband,
10:21when he shares a lot of food,
10:23when he goes out,
10:25and so on,
10:27there are people who
10:29have a special feeling
10:31in themselves,
10:33when they see,
10:35if he has been out for a long time,
10:37there are people who pay attention
10:39and this is the discipline
10:41that is brought by
10:43Inna syaitan alil insan
10:45ya'adu mubin,
10:47that is, Prophet Jacob reminds
10:49one fact about
10:51real hostility from whom,
10:53we will follow the next discussion
10:55after we rest.
11:07Thank you for watching this video.
11:09Don't forget to subscribe to this channel.
11:11See you in the next video.
14:21In the name of Quran Time, Quran Salat Infaq, we are together in the fifth and sixth verses of Surah Yusuf.
14:27How did Prophet Jacob respond to Prophet Yusuf a.s?
14:31And in the fifth verse, it is stated,
14:34لَتَقْصُسْ رُؤِيَكَ عَلَىٰ إِحْوَاتِكَ
14:36Don't tell your dream to your brother.
14:41Because this dream has its own advantages.
14:45Because Prophet Jacob knew what is the meaning of the dream.
14:51So when there is an advantage to his son, he said,
14:54don't tell your brother and sister.
14:57Because maybe they are fayaqidu lakaqaida.
15:01They will do deceit that may lead to goodness or lead to evil.
15:09So here is a lesson for parents like us.
15:12Don't trust your child 100%.
15:14That is what we get from the saying, fayaqidu lakaqaida.
15:18Because this is Prophet Jacob.
15:19This is a prophet who has a child.
15:22So he should trust his child 100%.
15:26But he was not taught to trust 100%.
15:30The 100% trust is only to Allah s.w.t.
15:33We have to check and balance to the child.
15:36Give the phone, give the phone too.
15:38But you have to check what is being done.
15:40Go to class, make friends.
15:42Everything has to be checked.
15:47Because there is the most real enemy which is the devil.
15:51The devil cannot disturb the father.
15:53He disturbs the child.
15:54He cannot disturb the child.
15:56He disturbs the friend of the child.
15:58Or anything that is used by the child.
16:01So in this fifth verse, we learn that the enemy of Prophet Jacob is not to his child.
16:08But to the devil.
16:09That has to be clarified.
16:11Because the father does not want to question the child.
16:16The child will say,
16:17This father does not trust us.
16:19For example.
16:20Actually, the father does not trust the devil 100%.
16:24He does not trust the child.
16:26Not that he does not trust the child.
16:27He trusts the child 50%.
16:29He trusts Allah 100%.
16:31Let's read the fifth verse again with Ustaz Tirmizi.
16:34A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
16:41Surah Al-Fatihah.
17:11Surah Al-Fatihah.
17:41Surah Al-Fatihah.
18:12Surah Al-Fatihah.
18:24Surah Al-Fatihah.
18:26We have read the sixth verse as a continuation of the advice from Prophet Jacob.
18:32But the fifth verse is actually how Prophet Jacob gave the first warning to the child.
18:41Starting with the word La.
18:43Do not tell.
18:44So that is an important thing.
18:46Before it is clarified again about the dream.
18:49The dream.
18:50That is why we want to read the fifth verse again.
18:53For us to pay attention together.
18:55If there are certain advantages to the child.
18:59Or in our lives.
19:02Before we bring that advantage to be continued.
19:07Once again, the fifth verse with Ustaz Tirmizi.
19:09A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
19:31Surah Al-Fatihah.
20:00Surah Al-Fatihah.
20:01Surah Al-Fatihah.
20:02The fifth verse as an explanation that do not tell.
20:06The dream.
20:07The advantages in a family.
20:11Not everything needs to be told.
20:13If the father talks to the first child.
20:16The second child.
20:17We reserve.
20:18Not everything that is told by the first child.
20:21Needs to be shared with the whole family.
20:24Unless it gives advantages to all parties.
20:28If that advantage can be denied.
20:31Envied by one of the family members.
20:34It is better to keep it.
20:37Because the main enemy, namely the devil.
20:40Will try to point to one of them.
20:43That's why in the character of the pharaoh.
20:45Wealth or gifts and so on.
20:48It must be fair.
20:50But at the same time.
20:51It should not be revealed or told anywhere.
20:56And this lesson gives guidance to believers.
21:00That the advantages we have.
21:02We can tell only to certain people.
21:06Only certain people.
21:07And keep it to people who may.
21:10Sometimes people go to Hajj.
21:11For example.
21:12He has a certain experience.
21:13And that experience is told to people who may be mistaken.
21:17He said, I want to show him.
21:19That's Hajj Mabro.
21:20For example.
21:21So, the experience of spiritual emotion.
21:24We keep that thing.
21:25If it's just eating.
21:26That's okay too.
21:27There are people who are envious of that.
21:29There are people who are envious.
21:30Because he said.
21:31He only eats delicious food.
21:32He doesn't spend money.
21:33So, those things.
21:34The father needs to be sharp.
21:36The mother needs to be sharp.
21:37Don't let it become.
21:39Become as one culture.
21:41For some people.
21:42He said.
21:43Just share.
21:44The important thing.
21:45The important thing.
21:46We tell the truth.
21:47Talking about the truth.
21:49And ensuring the truth.
21:50That does not invite to moderation.
21:53Two different things.
21:55And this leads to the word of choice.
21:57For our episode this time.
21:58We watch.
21:59The word is.
22:02The word is from the word.
22:06But the difference with.
22:09Makar is for negative things.
22:11Related to positive or negative things.
22:14And later we will meet many times.
22:16In this Surah Yusuf.
22:1835 times mentioned in the Quran.
22:20Appears in Surah Al-Qalam.
22:21Surah At-Tariq.
22:22In Surah Al-Fil.
22:24For us to pay attention.
22:27And we will see together.
22:29How the plan.
22:31Even though the dream is not told.
22:34But still.
22:36Even though it is not told.
22:38The danger that will come.
22:40That will test Prophet Yusuf.
22:43Still happens.
22:44That is not a story.
22:45If it is a story.
22:46So, what happens.
22:48Before we see what happens.
22:50There is an advice from the Prophet.
22:52Yusuf to his son.
22:54Look at the dream.
22:56Which was conveyed by his son.
22:58In the fourth verse.
22:59We take a short break.
23:00Quran Time.
23:01Quran Salam.
26:24Kita kembali mai Koran time.
26:26Koran, Salah, Imfad.
26:27Kita mendengar kupasan Tarabo sebentar tadi daripada ayat kelima
26:33Where Prophet Yusuf was told not to tell his dreams to his siblings because he was afraid it would happen.
26:42Why did Prophet Yusuf tell his father, but his father did not tell other people because he was worried?
26:48He was actually the easiest person to argue with. He was the closest person to us.
26:53We did not argue with President Trump or Barack Obama because he was far away.
26:59He was the closest person.
27:01As for the officials, they were people who were sitting next to us.
27:04It was easy for us to argue with them.
27:06That was why if there were any advantages, especially this dream which will be stated in verse 6 which we will read after this.
27:15It was a big deal.
27:16So, Prophet Yusuf knew the advantages of Prophet Yusuf.
27:20So, he gave him a ban first.
27:23He was told not to tell his dreams.
27:26before we are told the truth about the dream
27:29So, back to the Quran time, we want to read the 6th verse
27:32together with Fadil Ustaz Timizi
27:56Surah Al-Fatihah
28:26Surah Al-Fatihah
28:56Surah Al-Fatihah
29:04Surah Al-Fatihah
29:06Surah Al-Fatihah, that was the reading of the 6th verse
29:08Prophet Jacob continues to give the explanation
29:11about the dream of Prophet Joseph in the 6th verse
29:15So, the 5th verse, before I tell you
29:19don't tell your siblings first
29:22Prophet Joseph said,
29:24Prophet Jacob said,
29:26And thus he has chosen you
29:30So, Prophet Jacob chose the word Ijtaba
29:33What does Ijtaba mean?
29:35Choose for merit
29:38That is Ijtaba
29:39If Istafa, there are 3 terms in the Quran
29:41at least
29:42Istafa, Mustafa, choosing without a reason
29:45Like Prophet Muhammad was chosen as a prophet
29:47So, Allah wants to choose, Allah chooses
29:49There is no reason why Prophet Muhammad
29:51not Umar or Abu Bakr
29:53That is a choice from Allah
29:55If Ijtiar, that is a choice because
29:58there is a kindness to someone
30:01So, when Prophet Jacob chooses
30:04or uses the word Ijtaba
30:06that Allah has stated here
30:07Allah chose Prophet Joseph because
30:10there is a merit
30:12So, the merit is actually
30:14what is conveyed in this 4th verse
30:16In this 4th verse, Prophet Joseph
30:18is very attentive
30:20very focused
30:21and he can see
30:23the 11 stars, the sun and the moon
30:28When he uses the word Sajidin
30:30Prophet Jacob already knows
30:32This is my son, he is different
30:34Sometimes there are children
30:36who can speak
30:38in a focused and clear way
30:41There are those who when they see
30:43but they don't know whether it is a star or a moon
30:46That one has a different potential
30:48So, when the father saw that
30:50he said, Allah has chosen you
30:55and he will teach you
30:58What is that?
30:59The skill of ta'wil to
31:01dream events
31:04Ta'wil has a difference with
31:06the word iftaq and ta'bir
31:09If ta'bir is for dream events
31:12while iftaq is like a mufti
31:15to deal with a complicated problem
31:20However, for ta'wil
31:22there is something complicated
31:24that is confusing
31:26but can still be explained
31:28So, the skill that Allah will teach
31:31to Prophet Joseph is
31:33ta'wil al-ahadith
31:35Ahadith are events
31:37for Prophet Joseph
31:40If it is just a word or an event
31:42he can interpret it
31:45In fact, if it is a dream
31:47he can know this and that
31:49and this is the knowledge that will be taught
31:51to Prophet Joseph
31:53because it is based on
31:55what was told in the dream
31:57The way he told it
31:59My son is smart
32:01Sometimes we can see that
32:03he is good at drawing
32:05he is good at reading the Quran
32:07he is good at ta'dabur
32:08Even when he was young
32:09he was able to read the Quran
32:10Some of the children
32:12among you
32:14who are 5 years old
32:16he was able to read the Quran
32:18Even a 40-year-old father
32:20can read the Quran
32:22So, these potentials
32:24were read by Prophet
32:26Prophet Jacob
32:28and it was explained again
32:29وَيُتِمُ نِعْمَتَهُ
32:31عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَىٰ أَهْلِيَكُمْ
32:34which is
32:36Allah will perfect His blessings
32:38to you and to
32:40the family of Jacob
32:42the family of Prophet
32:46So, what does it mean?
32:48Firstly, it means that Allah has chosen you
32:50with your potential
32:52You will be taught
32:54Ta'wil al-Hadith
32:56because you already have these qualities
32:58Thirdly, Allah will perfect
33:00His blessings to you
33:02and will perfect His blessings
33:04to the family of Jacob
33:06to their own family
33:08In our language, it means
33:10you will make our family proud
33:12The father said this
33:14to the son
33:16What did the son feel?
33:18The son got the father's words
33:20not that you are a dream
33:22you have no potential
33:24No, he said
33:26you will make the family of Jacob proud
33:28you will be given
33:30a great blessing
33:32This is what the father said
33:34to Prophet Joseph
33:36in the following chapters
33:38when he entered the prison
33:40he still remembered
33:42the words of a father
33:44who said, Allah has chosen me
33:48I will be taught
33:50valuable knowledge
33:52and will make the family proud
33:54when the father said that
33:56the son will continue
33:58to have a strong identity
34:00when faced with
34:02various challenges in life
34:04and this is what we bring
34:06from Selekuh Tajam
34:08Let's take a look at our Selekuh Tajam
34:10which is
34:12in the fifth verse
34:22Let's read together
34:26we want to hear the voice
34:28of the father
34:30from section 18
34:58The father said,
35:00O my son,
35:02do not relate
35:04your vision
35:06to your brothers
35:24First, there are two letters
35:26The first is in the front
35:28and the second is dead
35:32The sound in the front
35:34is su
35:36as we know
35:38it is a thick letter
35:40Then, the second sound
35:42is dead
35:44Ok, repeat
35:56Do not relate
36:00The sound
36:02Do not relate
36:04Make sure the two sounds are clear
36:08The father said,
36:10O my son,
36:12do not relate
36:14your vision
36:16to your brothers
36:26to your brothers
36:28to your brothers
36:30They are planning
36:32a plan for you
36:34They are planning
36:36a plan for you
36:38The devil
36:40is a clear
36:44of man
36:46of man
36:48is a clear
36:52of man
36:54The devil
36:56is a clear
37:00of man
37:04That is the fifth verse
37:06There are two letters
37:08that we must take care of
37:10Do not relate
37:12Do not relate
37:14Do not relate
37:16Only the letter ta is thin
37:18The two letters are thick
37:24We will take a break
37:26in My Quran Time
37:28Quran Salat Infah
37:52Quran Salat Infah
38:22Quran Salat Infah
38:52Quran Salat Infah
38:54Quran Salat Infah
38:56Quran Salat Infah
38:58Quran Salat Infah
39:00Quran Salat Infah
39:02Quran Salat Infah
39:04Quran Salat Infah
39:06Quran Salat Infah
39:08Quran Salat Infah
39:10Quran Salat Infah
39:12Quran Salat Infah
39:14Quran Salat Infah
39:16Quran Salat Infah
39:18Quran Salat Infah
39:20Quran Salat Infah
39:22Quran Salat Infah
39:24Quran Salat Infah
39:26Quran Salat Infah
39:28Quran Salat Infah
39:30Quran Salat Infah
39:32Quran Salat Infah
39:34Quran Salat Infah
39:36Quran Salat Infah
39:38Quran Salat Infah
39:40Quran Salat Infah
39:42Quran Salat Infah
39:44Quran Salat Infah
39:46Quran Salat Infah
39:48Quran Salat Infah
39:58Quran Salat Infah
40:06Welcome to My Quran Time
40:08with me today is in
40:10fifth verse and the sixth verse
40:12from Surah Yusuf
40:14where prophet Yaqub
40:16to his son named Yusuf, who told him a dream
40:20where he saw 11 stars, the sun, and the moon bowing down to him.
40:26Let's read the sixth verse again
40:28to explain how Prophet Jacob, as a father,
40:32gave a view to his son.
40:35And this is also a format that must be learned by parents
40:40in looking at the potential of a child
40:42and the interpretation of this incident
40:45according to Imam Qurtubi,
40:47happened 40 years after this sixth verse was spoken.
40:53Let's read the sixth verse together with Ustaz Tirmizi.
40:56What? 40 years?
40:5740 years, yes.
40:58MashaAllah, from a dream from the beginning
41:00to all these stories?
41:07I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
41:12That your Lord may choose you
41:17and teach you from the interpretation of the hadiths
41:36and perfect a favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob,
42:02as He perfected it upon your forefathers
42:25Abraham and Isaac.
42:39Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise.
42:50Peace be upon you.
42:51Peace be upon you too, Nazim.
42:52Let's read the sixth verse.
42:53In the sixth verse, Prophet Jacob said,
42:55Allah has chosen you with all the qualifications
43:02based on the style of Prophet Yusuf's story
43:06related to his dream which is mentioned in the fourth verse.
43:10So, a father can read with the words
43:14or actions of the child when he was young
43:17and it gives an impression to 40 years after that.
43:21Not only when he was young,
43:22maybe it was just a dream
43:24or he was only good at painting.
43:27But it gives an impression of 40 years later.
43:30This is an important thing
43:31because Prophet Muhammad was the same.
43:33The first 40 years of his life
43:35was what attracted him to his life
43:38after 40 years of age.
43:40Prophet Musa was the same.
43:41He was brought up,
43:42went into the river
43:43and then went to the castle of Fir'aun.
43:45That was the basis of the first 40 years
43:47before he worked with Prophet Jacob,
43:51his father-in-law.
43:52And finally, he became a prophet
43:55using his skills,
43:56the first 40 years of his life
43:58to continue his life.
44:01So, the first 40 years of a human's life
44:03is very important
44:04for a father-in-law to see that potential
44:08and to apply it.
44:09And after 40 years,
44:10focus on what potential is there
44:13to convey goodness.
44:16So, first, Allah has chosen.
44:18Allah will teach you
44:20to be able to manage
44:23the complexity of various events
44:26and thirdly,
44:27to perfect the blessings to you,
44:29to the family of Jacob.
44:34That is,
44:36perfected to your great-grandmother,
44:39Ibrahim and Ishaq.
44:41What does it mean?
44:42The highest blessing that was given
44:44to Prophet Ibrahim and Ishaq
44:45was the blessing of prophethood and religion.
44:48So, this is what is said
44:49that Prophet Yusuf has this potential.
44:51He will be a person who
44:53maintains religion
44:55and is given prophethood.
44:57And at the end,
44:58it is ended with the words,
44:59Inna rabbaka alimun hakim.
45:02This is expensive, sir.
45:04Advice from Prophet Jacob to his son
45:07and this is what guides
45:08the life of Prophet Yusuf.
45:10Indeed, your God knows very well.
45:13Knows what?
45:14Knowing about what happened
45:17to the next Prophet Yusuf.
45:20And secondly,
45:21Hakim is very wise.
45:23Everything that happened
45:25in the life of Prophet Yusuf
45:27after that
45:28is full of wisdom,
45:30a plan from Allah
45:33who is very wise.
45:35So, when Prophet Jacob told
45:37and gave that advice
45:38to his son,
45:39his son knew,
45:40even though he went into the well,
45:43even though it was sold
45:45at a cheap price,
45:46even though,
45:47but he knew that
45:48Allah knows.
45:49It is impossible that Allah does not know.
45:50Allah knows.
45:51Allah is the one who knows
45:52the solution to this matter.
45:53And everything up and down
45:56is full of wisdom
45:59from Allah
46:00to bring Prophet Yusuf
46:02to be a person
46:04who is perfected in religion,
46:06but also in the world.
46:08Finally, he was given
46:10a very comfortable place to live
46:12when he arrived in Egypt.
46:14And that is the story
46:15that we will learn
46:17after this episode.
46:19So, this brings us to
46:21the resolution for this episode.
46:23Let's watch.
46:24First, be careful
46:26when sharing information
46:28so as not to humiliate yourself.
46:30This is what we learn
46:31from the fifth verse.
46:32Do not tell the dream
46:35to the brothers and sisters of Prophet Yusuf.
46:38keep away the feeling of jealousy
46:40that harms yourself.
46:42When Prophet Yusuf said,
46:46maybe your brothers and sisters
46:48are planning something
46:49that may be good,
46:50but may not be good.
46:51So, you have to be careful.
46:54be grateful for the advantages
46:55that Allah has granted
46:56by using it for good.
46:58And what are those advantages?
47:01We have to pay attention
47:02to ourselves.
47:03The parents can help their children.
47:06Oh, you were actually
47:07small before.
47:08Like this, like this, like this.
47:09You like to study this.
47:1140 years of your life
47:12like this, like this, like this.
47:13I think you are like this, like this, like this.
47:16That is the reading
47:17of a parent
47:18who needs to be taught
47:20with knowledge.
47:21And of course,
47:22this was stated
47:23by Prophet Ya'ub a.s.
47:25We pray to Allah SWT
47:26that we become parents
47:27who are able to read
47:29the potential of their children
47:30and entrust God
47:32to their children
47:34so that they live
47:35up and down
47:36with guidance
47:37from Allah SWT.
48:08May Allah SWT
48:09grant us
48:10the ability
48:11to be grateful
48:12for the blessings
48:13that you have given us,
48:14O Allah.
48:15May we be able
48:16to get closer to you,
48:17O Allah.
48:18May you be pleased with us,
48:19O Allah.
48:20May you help us,
48:21O Allah.
48:22May you give us
48:24and steadfastness
48:25on the path of truth,
48:26O Allah.
48:27May you give us
48:28the goodness of this world
48:29and the hereafter,
48:30O Allah.
48:31May you keep us
48:32away from evil,
48:33O Allah.
48:34May you keep us
48:35away from suspicion,
48:36O Allah.
48:37May you give us
48:38the goodness of this world
48:39and the hereafter,
48:40O Allah.
48:42Ya Rabbil Alamin.
49:07to produce
49:08digital Quran programs
49:10or field studies,
49:12book studies,
49:13television programs,
49:15and hopefully
49:16that is our share
49:17to ensure
49:18that we are safe
49:20in front of Allah SWT.
49:23we will continue
49:24in the next episode
49:25to see together
49:26how the siblings
49:28of Prophet Yusuf,
49:29the son of the Prophet,
49:30can plan
49:31to kill
49:32a sibling
49:33in the next chapter
49:35of My Quran Time
