Baloo enters a race against a robot pilot to prove that a good old fashioned pilot is better than a machine. The catch: If he fails, all of the pilots in Cape Suzette will be out of work.
At Louie's Place, several Khan Industries pilots bicker with freelance aviators over which of them are the better fliers. Louie's opinion on the matter is asked by a stranger, and Louie puts forth Baloo as the best of the best. As Baloo enters, Louie attempts to introduce him to the stranger, but the dog has left. The next day, Baloo and Kit wake up to the apparent theft of the Sea Duck, only to learn that Rebecca has rented it to the stranger. He introduces himself as Professor Martin Torque, and he is using the Sea Duck for a test flight of his Auto-Aviator, a robotic pilot.
Baloo is quickly put off by Torque's arrogant manner and his suggestions of the Auto-Aviator's superiority, moreso when it becomes clear that the Auto-Aviator is indeed an effective pilot. When Torque announces to a group of reporters that the Auto-Aviator will replace the likes of Baloo, he receives a black eye for his mouth. Torque soon goes to Shere Khan, a prospective buyer, and Khan proposes that the Auto-Aviator be tested in a race against Baloo. After Torque lures away one of Higher for Hire's clients, Baloo agrees to the competition.
The two are set to race to Tundra City, and Baloo's ego is shaken by pressure from both his fellow pilots and Rebecca. Baloo manages to reach Tundra City first, but begins to suffer from his lack of sleep. As a result, he runs out of fuel and is forced to set down on the way back to Cape Suzette, allowing the tireless Auto-Aviator to win the race. As Baloo is left disheartened, Khan buys the Auto-Aviator from Torque, leaving all the living pilots without jobs.
News of this reaches Pirate Island, where Don Karnage soon sees the potential to take advantage of the simplistic machine's unerring flight path. Baloo packs his bags, and Molly is left distraught by his actions and Wildcat's claims. After a broker arrives to see about purchasing the Sea Duck, Rebecca passes the keys off to Kit to give to Baloo. Meanwhile, Torque and Khann are flying aboard one of Khan's plains when the Air Pirates attack.
Much to his dismay, Torque's Auto-Aviator pilot refuses to change course, and Shere Khan suggest-forcefully-that he send out a distress call. Baloo, Kit, and Wildcat, out fishing on the Sea Duck, overhear the message, but Baloo is initially reluctant to help. However, Kit-with some assistance from Wildcat-manages to convince him to intervene. Baloo soon arrives and boards Khan's plane, shortly before the pirates begin shooting.
Baloo shorts out the Auto-Aviator, and Shere Khan interrupts Torque's attack on himso that the bear can take the helm. His flying soon gets the better of the pirates, and Khan soon turns his wrath on Torque. Torque is forced to accept all of the Khan-manufactured Auto-Aviators back in return for what Shere Khan paid him.
At Louie's Place, several Khan Industries pilots bicker with freelance aviators over which of them are the better fliers. Louie's opinion on the matter is asked by a stranger, and Louie puts forth Baloo as the best of the best. As Baloo enters, Louie attempts to introduce him to the stranger, but the dog has left. The next day, Baloo and Kit wake up to the apparent theft of the Sea Duck, only to learn that Rebecca has rented it to the stranger. He introduces himself as Professor Martin Torque, and he is using the Sea Duck for a test flight of his Auto-Aviator, a robotic pilot.
Baloo is quickly put off by Torque's arrogant manner and his suggestions of the Auto-Aviator's superiority, moreso when it becomes clear that the Auto-Aviator is indeed an effective pilot. When Torque announces to a group of reporters that the Auto-Aviator will replace the likes of Baloo, he receives a black eye for his mouth. Torque soon goes to Shere Khan, a prospective buyer, and Khan proposes that the Auto-Aviator be tested in a race against Baloo. After Torque lures away one of Higher for Hire's clients, Baloo agrees to the competition.
The two are set to race to Tundra City, and Baloo's ego is shaken by pressure from both his fellow pilots and Rebecca. Baloo manages to reach Tundra City first, but begins to suffer from his lack of sleep. As a result, he runs out of fuel and is forced to set down on the way back to Cape Suzette, allowing the tireless Auto-Aviator to win the race. As Baloo is left disheartened, Khan buys the Auto-Aviator from Torque, leaving all the living pilots without jobs.
News of this reaches Pirate Island, where Don Karnage soon sees the potential to take advantage of the simplistic machine's unerring flight path. Baloo packs his bags, and Molly is left distraught by his actions and Wildcat's claims. After a broker arrives to see about purchasing the Sea Duck, Rebecca passes the keys off to Kit to give to Baloo. Meanwhile, Torque and Khann are flying aboard one of Khan's plains when the Air Pirates attack.
Much to his dismay, Torque's Auto-Aviator pilot refuses to change course, and Shere Khan suggest-forcefully-that he send out a distress call. Baloo, Kit, and Wildcat, out fishing on the Sea Duck, overhear the message, but Baloo is initially reluctant to help. However, Kit-with some assistance from Wildcat-manages to convince him to intervene. Baloo soon arrives and boards Khan's plane, shortly before the pirates begin shooting.
Baloo shorts out the Auto-Aviator, and Shere Khan interrupts Torque's attack on himso that the bear can take the helm. His flying soon gets the better of the pirates, and Khan soon turns his wrath on Torque. Torque is forced to accept all of the Khan-manufactured Auto-Aviators back in return for what Shere Khan paid him.