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A Mar Capítulo 12 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 12 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 12 Completo HD
A Mar Capítulo 12 Completo HD
00:00The 4 of them have virtues but also defects that I, as their mother and grandmother that I am, can clearly identify.
00:24Y lo único que le pido a Dios, todas las noches, es que...
00:30es que me perpita verlas realizadas de la forma en que ustedes elijan.
00:37Pero... pero siempre unidas.
00:43Y bueno...
00:44¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Auch!
00:48¡Salud por la novia!
00:50¡Salud! ¡Salud!
00:52¡Y por todas las Contreras!
00:58¡Ah! ¡Y las Contreritas!
01:01¡Salud! ¡Salud!
01:11¿Qué trae con la chepa?
01:13Te veo medio apachurrado.
01:16¿Pues qué traes, chamaco?
01:18Pues aneta siendo bajoneado por lo que me dijo don Gonzalo.
01:22Que no estoy a la altura de la Yasmín.
01:24Y seguramente, don Fabián también ha de pensar que este jarocho es poca cosa para su princesita.
01:28Ah, tira, tira.
01:34¿Me permiten su atención?
01:37Antes que nada, quiero darle mi más sentido pésame al festejado.
01:43Ah, hombre, en serio.
01:46Me gustaría hacer un brindis por quien considero más que un socio y un amigo.
01:51Un hermano.
01:52Eres correspondido, mi Fabián.
01:56Me acuerdo muy bien cuando nos conocimos en la capital y la vida te pegó bien duro.
02:00Estabas pasando por momentos económicos bien difíciles.
02:03Y sobre todo con tu hijo bien chiquito.
02:06Y yo también estaba pasando por adversidades y me tendiste la mano.
02:10Nos hicimos los mejores amigos.
02:12Después iniciamos nuestra sociedad.
02:15Y comenzamos a levantar nuestro negocio.
02:18Y te admiro porque eres un buen hombre.
02:20Eres trabajador, eres generoso.
02:23Además de ser un padre fuera de serie.
02:25Te mereces todo lo mejor en tu vida.
02:28Así que salud por ti, compadre.
02:30Porque tu matrimonio por Brisa marca el principio de tus años más felices.
03:01Buenas noches, amor.
03:04¿A dónde vas? ¿A dónde vas?
03:07Vine a pedirle a la zorrita esa que se vaya.
03:10Necesitamos hablar.
03:13Sabes perfectamente que no me gustan las escenas de celos.
03:16¿Prefieres pedirle tú que se retire?
03:18No estoy celosa, ni vengo a reclamarte nada.
03:21¿Sabes por qué estoy con otra mujer?
03:23Porque tú no me das lo que necesito.
03:26Hasta que no tengamos los resultados de los análisis,
03:29voy a seguir probando con una, con otra, con otra.
03:32Estoy embarazada.
03:35¿Estás embarazada?
03:39Diles a ti pa' que llegó tu futura esposa.
03:44La quiero fuera de aquí en menos de dos minutos.
03:47Te espero, amor.
04:18¡Hora de Pascual!
04:20¡Es pa' todos! ¡Deja algo!
04:23Perdón, Oliver, es que cuando estoy nervioso me da por comer.
04:26Y mañana es un día muy, pero muy importante para mí.
04:31Sí, amigo, la perdita que van a salir, campeón.
04:36A ver, muchacho, te veo muy seco.
04:39Esto es una fiesta.
04:44Mira nada más, así me gusta verte, Nemesio.
04:48Contento, feliz.
04:50Pues es que mira, dicen que una no es ninguna.
04:54Y vida solo hay una.
04:57Capitán Rojas.
04:59Capitán Rojas.
05:00¿Qué pasó? ¿Qué se propone?
05:02Oiga, pues que todos los pescadores se pasen en un momento agradable, Fabián, eso es todo.
05:08Sí, pero este par tiene que ir a recoger redes mañana.
05:11Pero así como van, lo único que van a pescar es una cruda marca diablo.
05:15Bueno, ¿y qué quieres que haga?
05:17Yo no me puedo hacer responsable de lo que vean los pescadores de las Contreras.
05:23Pero sí debo exigirte a ti, como presidente del sindicato,
05:28que les hagas llegar la multa por haber salido al mar sin permiso.
05:33Sí, sí, justamente quería hablarle de eso. ¿Por qué no mejor?
05:36No, no, no. A ver, a ver, a ver.
05:38Las normas son iguales para todos y deben cumplirse, Fabián.
05:42Quiero que entregues esa multa mañana mismo.
05:47Bueno, ¿qué?
05:50¡No es una fiesta!
05:59¡Ay, Estrella! ¡Qué bárbara! ¡Me levantaste de madrugada para nada!
06:05Nemesio y Oliver ya deberían de estar aquí desde hace rato, oye.
06:10No, pues ellos son bien cumplidores, hermana.
06:13A mí se me hace que tuvieron un problema.
06:18Es que no puede estar pasando esto, Vegan.
06:20Justo ahora que tenemos que entregar la pesca a don Gerardo.
06:23Y ninguno de los dos me contesta, caray.
06:27¿Saben qué? Pues yo misma los voy a buscar, ¿eh?
06:29Pues, órale.
06:30Aquí las dejo.
06:32Vente, échate, que falta un montón.
06:39Uy, espérate.
06:54¡Ay, qué barbaridad!
06:56¡Mira nada más!
07:00¡Ya despiértate!
07:02¡Mira nomás la hora que es!
07:07¡Despiértate ya, mijo!
07:09¡Tienen que irse a chambear!
07:23Buenos días, Teresita.
07:24Discúlpame la molestia.
07:26¿Sabes dónde está tu marido?
07:27Es que lo estoy esperando para salir a recoger las redes.
07:30Ay, estrella.
07:32¿Qué? ¿Pasó algo?
07:33Pues, pásale, mira.
07:38Llegaron en la madrugada y no hay poder humano que los pueda despertar.
07:45¡Madre de Dios!
07:46Pero estos dos se bebieron la cantina completa, oye.
07:48Sí, ya sé.
07:49Están más pa' allá que pa' acá.
07:51Pero yo no puedo salir sin ellos.
07:54¿Qué voy a hacer?
07:59Mira, campeón.
08:01Agarra la tortilla así, mira.
08:04Y échale los frijolitos pa' adentro.
08:06Que estos son los que te dan la energía para todo el día.
08:15Parece que no dormiste en toda la noche.
08:19¿Tanto se me nota?
08:23Es cuestión de paciencia.
08:26Ten paciencia.
08:29Yo, yo abro.
08:34Don Gonzalo.
08:35¿Se puede?
08:36Pásale, por favor.
08:39Les tengo noticias, muchachos.
08:41Estuve preguntándole a algunos colegas y me dieron un par de datos.
08:45¿De verdad?
08:46¿Entonces encontró la playa que andamos buscando?
08:49Bueno, no quiero tirar remos viejos hasta no tener dispuestos los nuevos.
08:54Pero hay una pequeña bahía relativamente cerca donde me dicen que hay una sola casa.
09:01Así como Marina nos la describió, rodeada por mucha vegetación y unas rocas.
09:06¿Y está lejos de aquí?
09:08Bueno, está algo retirado.
09:10Pero mi amigo Guajardo, el de los trioneros de Barra.
09:15Me contó que en ese lugar hay una casita parecida a la que describes, Marina.
09:22Yo sabía.
09:23Esa es tu playa, sirena.
09:26Bueno, es mejor no emocionarse antes de tiempo, muchachito.
09:30Porque si esta no es la ubicación, las posibilidades de quedemos con esa casa son muy pocas.
09:38Vamos, a ver.
09:39A la cuenta de tres.
09:40Una, dos, tres.
09:45¡Más fuerte, más fuerte!
09:48Está imposible, hermana.
09:50No se mueve ni un centímetro esta cosa.
09:53Ay, ya me rompí una uña.
09:55Ahora ya te quedan nueve.
09:58A seguirle.
09:59A ver.
10:01¡Tenemos que poder, Contreras!
10:04¡Hay que ir a recoger las redes, por favor!
10:06¡Don Gerardo está esperando la pesca!
10:10Mira, yo creo que mejor marca a la Don Gerardo y dile que va a tener que seguir esperando.
10:14Porque es que no se mueve esto.
10:16No, hermana.
10:18No, pues ya.
10:19Entre las tres ya vimos que de plano no podemos.
10:23Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya.
10:30Está muy pesado.
10:31Oigan, un intento más, por favor.
10:33Tenemos que lograrlo, ¿sí?
10:35Una, dos, tres.
10:39Échale más ganas, prisa.
10:41Nomás estás haciendo como que jalas y no haces nada.
10:44Échale más ganas, tú.
10:46Estoy haciendo lo que puedo, hermana.
10:48¡Vamos, Contreras! ¡Así se puede!
10:54Venga, una.
11:01¿Qué pasó?
11:02Las Contreras necesitan ayuda.
11:03Ay, virgencita, ¿qué tienen?
11:05No, tranquila, todo está bien.
11:07Lo que pasa es que están solas y no pueden empujar su bote al mar.
11:10Está muy pesado.
11:11Ay, pues vamos a ayudarlas.
11:13Vámonos, Erika, córrele.
11:14No, yo no voy a ir después de que Estrella le robó el negocio a Fabi.
11:17No, yo no quiero que él se enoje conmigo.
11:19Lo siento.
11:20Pues nosotras sí vamos.
11:21¡Qué grosera!
11:22Vamos, córrele.
11:23Teresita, ¿dónde vas?
11:24No te puedan ir así porque...
11:31¡Vamos, hermanas! ¡Fuerte, fuerte!
11:34A ver, ¿dónde se va a ayudar?
11:40¡Aquí estamos! ¡Y el refuerzo también!
11:47¿Qué haces aquí?
11:49Ya que aquí los hombres no quieren ayudarnos, pues nosotros podemos.
11:59¡Mamita, pero no quiero que te vayas a lastimar! ¡Te duele la espalda!
12:04¿Qué? ¿De qué me estás hablando?
12:07¡Me va a doler cuando me agarren en el cajón!
12:10¡Vamos a jalar! ¡A ver, empapos, empapos! ¡Órale!
12:14Capitán, ¿se puede saber por qué no hay ningún pescador ayudándolas?
12:19Porque se los prohibí.
12:21El día de ayer las contreras desacataron una orden.
12:24Sí, pero eso no tiene nada que ver.
12:26¿Sabe qué? Yo les voy a ayudar.
12:28A ver, a ver, Javier.
12:29Lo que yo necesito es que hoy mismo entregues esa multa a las contreras.
12:41¡Lo logramos!
12:43¡Gracias! ¡Muchachos, muchas gracias!
12:49Ahí tiene el sexo débil.
12:51¡Miren nomás! Estrella es una capitana de primerísima.
12:56¡Nos quedamos dormidos!
13:09¡En Playa Nostralla!
13:11Estás de vacaciones y buscas un lugar especial para disfrutar conmigo,
13:16con amigos, se invitamos a vivir la experiencia de veloz de bailar en la entrada de Playa Nostralla.
13:21We fell asleep.
13:26We didn't go to pick up the nets with Estrellita.
13:31The captain is going to hang us, Ignacio.
13:34We are fried fishermen.
13:38Oh, the gentlemen have already woken up.
13:42Wait, old woman, don't talk like that,
13:44because right now your voice is like an old boat engine in my head.
13:48And how do you want me to talk to you then?
13:52You shut up, you don't tell me anything.
13:55They really should be ashamed.
13:59I can't believe they are so irresponsible, damn it.
14:03They arrive at the house in bulk quality
14:06and then the gentlemen miss their job.
14:09No, well, that's good.
14:11Don't tell me, I have a knot in my stomach for being bad to Estrellita.
14:16Do you know something?
14:18In life, irresponsibility pays off.
14:22So finish this broth, this birria,
14:25and apologize to Estrella before they leave you on the street.
14:29Did you hear me?
14:31Did you hear me?
14:34And wash the dishes.
14:46We need to find a theme for the exhibition.
14:51What if we talk about sea monsters?
14:53Sea monsters?
14:55Yes, the other day I saw a video of a giant squid that sank a boat.
15:00Oh, how scary.
15:02But I've never heard of a squid.
15:05I've never heard of a squid.
15:07I've never heard of a squid.
15:09I've never heard of a squid.
15:11I've never heard of a squid.
15:12Oh, how scary.
15:14But I've never heard of giant squids here in town.
15:18Yes, you're right.
15:20Me neither.
15:22We have to think of something else.
15:26Let's see.
15:28I think I need water to refresh my ideas.
15:31But I think there's no water in the bathrooms again.
15:38Let's talk about that!
15:39About what?
15:40About the lack of water.
15:42Yes, because you know a lot about ecology.
15:44I could make the drawings of the sheets.
15:47Yes, we have to start investigating.
15:49The other day I saw a video that talked about all that.
15:54Yes, I have a lot of colors and a lot of paper to start making the drawings.
15:59Let's go.
16:08Oh, now it was deadly.
16:10I need to lie down.
16:11I swear I can't with my soul.
16:14No, no, no, Brisa, no.
16:16We're running out of hands.
16:17Come on.
16:18We have to deliver Mr. Gerardo Oral's order.
16:23You know I don't take him to work, right?
16:27Can I leave a little earlier?
16:29I have an appointment.
16:31Unless it's to fix a refrigerator.
16:33Because you...
16:34It's true.
16:37I'm going out with someone.
16:39I'm very happy.
16:41Yes, how nice that you give yourself the opportunity to have an appointment.
16:46What appointment?
16:47It's just a story so as not to stay and arrive early.
16:50She's crazy.
16:51Brisa, please.
16:54It will help me a lot to distract you.
16:56Meet people, go out, talk.
17:00Thank you, sister.
17:02Dr. Alejandra also advised me.
17:05To start to resume my life without fear.
17:10Not all men are the same.
17:12Of course not.
17:17Well, let's hurry up so we don't be late.
17:20Come on.
17:21Come on.
17:22Let's go.
17:25Good evening, gentlemen.
17:30Excuse us, little star.
17:33Yes, yes.
17:34Please don't leave us without a job, Captain.
17:36I know we failed and we don't have God's forgiveness.
17:38But you know we are your most faithful fishermen.
17:41Did you know that today we had to fulfill a very big request to deliver to Don Gerardo?
17:47They left us alone.
17:49How dare you say this, damn it?
17:52I'm your captain and you have a commitment with me.
17:57Your only duty is to fulfill.
18:03I'm going to give you an opportunity.
18:06Just one.
18:10No, no, no, no.
18:12I'm not happy with you at all.
18:15Get to work.
18:16Unload the fish.
18:18Thank you very much, Captain.
18:22It's for today.
18:23Let's go.
18:24Come on.
18:25Let's go.
18:27Are you ready?
18:28Let's go.
18:31Hurry up, relative.
18:33You're going to be late for your appointment.
18:40And now what happened to you?
18:44Thirty-eight and a half.
18:46I have a fever, Pari.
18:49I'm dying.
18:51I've been stuck in the bathroom all morning.
18:53That's why I didn't go to work.
18:56Let's see.
18:57No, of course not.
18:59Last night you got sick.
19:00You alone, the whole tower of seafood.
19:04I think I got sick of the nerves.
19:06It's not the first time it happens to me, Pari.
19:08When I was little, I got like this
19:10the day I had to act in the Via Crucis of Holy Week.
19:14I remember it well.
19:15What are you going to do?
19:18I can't go like this, Pari.
19:20And worst of all, she must be waiting for me.
19:24I need you to help me.
19:25Come on.
19:32I hope everything goes well.
19:35I hope everything goes well.
19:41Come on, Nemesio.
19:43I'm going to my head.
19:44There it is.
19:45That's it.
19:46Come on.
19:48Perfect, Nemesio.
19:51Ready, Mr. Gerardo.
19:52That's all the order.
19:53It wasn't easy to get it from one day to the next,
19:56but we did it.
19:58I am very pleased
19:59that it has been so fulfilled, Estrella.
20:02Let's continue like this.
20:03The transfer has been made to your account.
20:06Thank you very much.
20:07You're welcome.
20:14Estrella, daughter.
20:17Look what came to the house.
20:19What is it?
20:20The fine they gave you
20:23for fishing without permission.
20:46I can't stop looking at it.
20:49It's like...
20:51It's like it's going to give me answers.
20:54But the answers are out there.
20:56And we're going to find them.
20:58Did you hear Mr. Gonzalo?
21:00Gonzalo, it's very unlikely that this is the place.
21:05Well, it was very unlikely
21:07that a week ago I would find a woman floating in the sea.
21:11It was unlikely that woman would die in my arms.
21:16But even less likely
21:18that she would recover
21:22or that she would be here in front of me, safe and sound,
21:24with that smile on her face.
21:26So I wouldn't think much about the probabilities.
21:28As Gonzalo says,
21:30you have to get out of doubt.
21:33Let's go to that bay.
21:36Let's go.
21:43Aunt Perla, they're looking for you.
21:50Oh no, Perla, please help yourself a little.
21:53You can't go like this as if you were going to fix refrigerators.
21:56You're crazy.
21:57Oh, my aunt is super pretty just the way she is.
22:02You and I are different, sister.
22:06And not everything is on the outside.
22:11There it is.
22:14Oh, oh, oh.
22:20Pascual, you shouldn't have brought me those flowers.
22:23Those details, the truth...
22:25Hi, Perlita.
22:40I'm here to pay this fine.
22:41Estrella, it was the captain of Puerto who imposed that sanction on you.
22:44And do you think I was born yesterday?
22:46I know perfectly well that you are behind all this.
22:50You wanted to hurt me so that I couldn't fulfill the request of Don Gerardo.
22:54But what do you think?
22:55I turned him in completely.
22:57And I'm here to pay the fine and return the money you lent me to help my mom.
23:01There you go. You're making a mistake with me.
23:04I'm not like you think.
23:05Here, the only one who lies, who deceives and who plays dirty is you.
23:10Yes, you. And frankly, I don't even know why I'm surprised.
23:13You turned out to be identical to your father, who was even able to falsify my signature to get money out of the union.
23:19No. No, no, no.
23:21How long are you going to keep making my life impossible, Fabián?
23:23You're the one who makes it impossible for me.
23:25Stealing the businesses that were mine.
23:28I didn't steal anything from you.
23:29It's not my fault that you lost that contract for not fulfilling the request.
23:34Why don't you admit that you played me dirty?
23:36I didn't do anything to you.
23:37I helped you and you betrayed me.
23:40Assume what you did.
23:42Don't continue with your stories, Fabián.
23:44I'm going to continue because this is wrong for me.
23:46Very wrong. And this is your fault.
23:48You are wrong for me.
23:50What's wrong with me?
23:51I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know.
23:54But I can't get you out of my head.
23:56I can't stop thinking about you.
24:22In my arms you will contemplate a world full of tenderness
24:27I'm going to show you that there are still those we love madly
24:32We are two of a million
24:35The most difficult thing happened
24:37Destiny has already presented us
24:42Fall in love with me
24:45As if they hadn't hurt you
24:48Together we are going to heal wounds from the past
24:54You have that something that makes me
24:57I don't know how and I imagine you
25:00How I never imagined
25:04Fall in love with me
25:07If you give me your hand, I'll let go of the world
25:10Loneliness and love again, I don't confuse
25:15You have that something that makes me
25:18I don't know how and I imagine you
25:21How I never imagined
25:25The decision to love you not always and forever
25:30You have it
25:45What are you talking about?
25:48You are so different from all the women I've met
25:52And you disconcert me, star
25:54I don't understand you
25:56I never know what to expect from you
25:58You are unpredictable
26:00Look Fabian
26:02If you are expecting something from me
26:04That's your problem
26:06Because I am as I am
26:08And that's what's wrong with me
26:10What confuses me
26:12I don't know if it's an image of you
26:14The one of this woman bulletproof
26:17That despite being on the edge of the cliff
26:19They stand up
26:21Because I don't even know what fear is
26:24And suddenly
26:26Suddenly you are another person
26:28That has that fragile side
26:32And I
26:34And I see you and
26:36I feel some desire
26:38Of what?
26:41And what are you doing here?
26:44And Pascual?
26:46Don't be so happy to see me
26:49What happens is that my paris got sick
26:51He got really bad with fever and all that
26:54And he asked me to come and tell you
26:56That he doesn't want to see me
26:58And that's why I'm here
27:00And I don't want to see you
27:02And I don't want to see you
27:04And I don't want to see you
27:06And I don't want to see you
27:08He asked me to come and tell you
27:10That he won't be able to come to his appointment
27:12And he also sent you this
27:17Thank you
27:19Thank you, Valentín
27:21I'm going to call Pascual
27:23To see how he's doing
27:25And to thank him for the flowers
27:30Don't get mad
27:32No, no, it's nothing
27:34It's just that
27:36It's just that now I'm going to have to take advantage
27:38Of my sister Brisa's jokes
27:40She couldn't believe that
27:42The ugly duckling from Las Contreras
27:44Was going to have an appointment
27:47But it's nothing
27:48I'm used to it
27:50See you later
27:52Wait, wait, wait
27:54Brisa isn't going to take you down
27:56Of course not
27:58Do you know why?
28:00Because you're going to go out
28:02With the most handsome and coveted fisherman
28:04From all over the coast
28:07Valentín Rios
28:09So what?
28:11Are we going to have some shrimp tacos or what?
28:25I want to
28:30Help you
28:32Give you a hand
28:34And tell you that everything is going to be fine
28:37But then you come
28:39And the other one shows up
28:41Which other one?
28:43The other star
28:45The woman
28:47Who doesn't shake her hand
28:49To stab me in the back
28:51Because you're a double-faced woman
28:55No, no, no Fabian
28:57You forgive me there
28:59Because if we're going to talk about double faces
29:01One day you want to leave me homeless
29:03And the other day you tell me that everything is going to be fine
29:05One day you help me with my mom's medicines
29:07And the other day you give me a fine
29:09For wanting to go out to earn my livelihood
29:11And do the same
29:13That wasn't my decision
29:15But the decision of the captain of the port
29:17Yes, yes, yes, shield yourself as you want
29:19But stop blaming me
29:21For everything that happens to you
29:23I say the same
29:25At least I do assume my mistakes
29:27And if I came here
29:29Not to hear your reproaches
29:31But to pay a fine
29:33For having offended you
29:35And all the men of this town
29:37For going out to fish
29:39To get my family ahead
29:41There you have your fine
29:43And the money you lent me
29:59Well, I'm leaving
30:01Erika was very understanding with me
30:03She let me take the night shift tomorrow
30:07Then I'm going to talk to Fabian
30:09To let him know that I'm going to take one of the boats
30:11Look, the idea is to leave early tomorrow
30:13Because the trip is long
30:15And in the afternoon we would be back
30:19Do you think it's the beach where the house I remembered is?
30:23I don't want to get my hopes up, but
30:25Look, I don't know
30:27All I know is that something good is going to come out of this trip
30:29Whatever it is
30:33And where are you going?
30:35I mean, if you can know
30:37Because they haven't told me anything
30:57The habanero is as spicy as the devil
30:59Do you think I don't know?
31:05Come on
31:07You are Perlita Contreras
31:09The bravest of the whole town
31:13That's Estrella, my sister
31:15You also have your
31:17It's more with everything rude you look
31:19I didn't think you would like flowers so much
31:23And why not?
31:25Not because it's serious
31:27Well, it means I don't have my little heart
31:29Thank you for inviting me
31:31It was very nice of you
31:33What do you thank me for?
31:37I know this is not the romantic date you were waiting for
31:41At least
31:43With Valentín Ríos
31:45There is no place for sadness
32:01I was just going to look for you
32:03To explain
32:07I have to go back to the hostel
32:09Excuse me
32:11I'll leave you alone so you can talk
32:15What did we agree on, Gabriel?
32:17I asked you to
32:19Well, no
32:21I demanded that you get that girl out of this house
32:23And what do you do?
32:25You start planning a trip with her
32:27But you think I'm going on vacation
32:29Or that it's an opportunity
32:31For the girl to remember where she comes from
32:33Didn't you want that, Brisa?
32:37And then?
32:39Well, yes, but the idea of you two alone
32:41On top of a boat
32:43And the drops of the sea
32:45Wetting your muscles
32:47And you in front of her
32:49And no, I don't like it
32:51I don't want
32:53I'm not laughing at you, Gabriel
32:57I know very well how you get into those
32:59Romantic boat trips
33:01That's just with you
33:03Stay still, nothing will happen
33:05Swear to me, Gabriel
33:09It's serious
33:11Very serious
33:13Give me your word that nothing will happen to her
33:15Not in this house
33:17Not in the boat
33:21Come on, swear to me
33:23Stay calm
33:29Stay calm
33:31I don't know
33:33Nothing will happen
33:37How are you doing, Pascual?
33:39Do you feel better?
33:41Yes, Pari, thank God
33:43My fever is down a little
33:45Hey, how did it go with Perlita?
33:47Was she very sad because I didn't go?
33:49Did she like her flowers?
33:53She didn't like them
33:55She was crazy happy
33:57I don't know if she liked the flowers more
33:59Or the habanero sauce
34:01That her tacos gave her, right?
34:05Let's see, what tacos?
34:09Did you go to my date with Perlita?
34:11What happened?
34:13No, no, no
34:15I just invited her to eat
34:17To go watering the chamontes
34:19Look, don't hang up
34:21Better listen to how your Pari does the job
34:25Of course
34:27See you later
34:29Go ahead
34:31I was talking to Pascual
34:33Do you feel a little better?
34:35But are you going to believe that with everything and the fever on top
34:37He started cleaning the house
34:39If he is the most orderly man
34:41Clean and responsible I know
34:45If my relative is a great guy
34:47You heard the bouquet of flowers he sent you
34:49If with me on my birthday
34:51He gets splendid
34:53Oh, what can I tell you
34:55I imagine when he has a girlfriend
34:57He's going to shine
34:59Hey, Perlita
35:01Speaking of girlfriend
35:03I say you would make a very nice couple
35:05Well, Valentín
35:07I understand that you want to be nice to your friend
35:11I'm not interested in Pascual
35:19In fact
35:21When I invited him to go out
35:23I told him it was just like friends
35:27Can we talk about something else?
35:35Thank you, Valentín
35:37Keep it up
35:39I love you
35:43Do you want your sauce?
35:45Thank you, Perlita
35:49I swear I don't understand Fabián Bravo
35:51One day he wakes up
35:53And he wants to leave us on the street
35:55And the next day he's almost an angel
35:57All good people
36:03So incoherent
36:05It's impossible to reason with him
36:07And you know what?
36:09He had the nerve to call me double-faced
36:11To me
36:13Can you believe it?
36:17And what do you care what Fabián thinks of you?
36:19No, no, no
36:21I don't care, mom
36:23Then calm down
36:25Why are you like this?
36:27Like this?
36:29Well, like this, like this
36:31So upset
36:33Oh, mom
36:35It's just that
36:37Among all the nonsense
36:39I had to hear from that guy
36:41He told me he couldn't stop thinking about me
36:47Oh, holy virgin
36:49But well, then that man
36:51Was he insulting you?
36:53No, no
36:55No, no
36:57Well, I don't think so
36:59I hope not
37:01Estrella, what about you?
37:03What about me?
37:07Is something wrong with him?
37:11Do you feel something for Fabián Bravo?
37:15Oh, mom
37:17How can you think of those things?
37:19No, no, no
37:21Yes, I was just
37:23No, mom
37:25You better not say anything
37:29After they broke my heart
37:31I learned that I don't need a man to be happy
37:35My daughter is my universe
37:37It's my everything, mom
37:39It's my only priority
37:43It's not good for you to be alone
37:45It could be that at some point
37:47Someone comes
37:49Who wants to be by your side
37:53Support you at every step
37:55A partner
37:57Who doesn't want to replace
37:59What you have
38:01But add
38:03Add love
38:05Happiness to your life
38:07And to your daughter's
38:09Of course, mom
38:11But not Fabián Bravo, for God's sake
38:15Erika is my best friend, mom
38:17She is his girlfriend
38:19And I would never play dirty with her
38:30And I swear I love Estrella a lot
38:32But I can't deny that she's always been like this
38:34Like, like very hypocritical
38:36For me she's a hooligan
38:39She came to blame me for that fine
38:41When Captain Rojas is the one who has the authority
38:43To decide when you can go to the sea
38:45And when not
38:47And she disobeyed a direct order
38:51You worry me
38:53Because since Estrella arrived
38:55I've only seen you get angry
38:57I swear that woman makes me sick
39:01Well, then you have to stop thinking about Estrella
39:03And all the problems she has brought you
39:07I don't know, maybe like
39:09Relax a little
39:11No, no, no, no, Erika
39:13No, no, no, it's okay, really
39:15You are very tense
39:17Your back says it all
39:19Look, you have some knots here
39:21And these go over here
39:23No, no, Erika
39:25No, Erika, no, no, no, it's okay
39:27Really, don't do that
39:29We better leave it like this
39:31Fabián, I love you
39:33And I've shown you
39:35That I'm with you in the good and the bad
39:37Your daughter loves me very much
39:39She has told you that she would accept to see us together
39:41Why do you refuse to give us
39:43A second chance, huh?
39:45No, don't pressure me, please
39:49Just tell me that you're going to think
39:51About what I told you, okay?
39:53Okay, I'll think about it
40:07I'm helping him with his daughter, supporting him in everything
40:09Fabián is finally realizing
40:11That I'm the woman he needs by his side
40:15I'm very happy for you
40:17But anyway, be careful
40:19What are you talking about?
40:21Well, don't pressure him too much
40:23Men don't like that
40:25And he keeps them away
40:27And I know you and I know how you are
40:29I know you, I know you
40:31Look at what Maria brought
40:35But what?
40:37Aren't you going to give your mother a hug?
40:47Hello, how are you?
40:49How are you?
40:51Well, I signed up for the town prep
40:53And tomorrow is my first day
40:55How are you?
40:57Well, look, it was kind of cloudy
40:59But I saw you and it was sunny
41:01You're very cool
41:03Well, look, I was a little down
41:05And you made me smile
41:07Oh, well, you know it's also very good
41:09To cheer up
41:11An ice cream, come on?
41:13No, I don't feel like it, thank you
41:15You know it never fails
41:17These are some skates, come on?
41:19Sorry, but they're not my hit
41:21The truth is, I'm really bad at guessing
41:23But you have to like something, right?
41:25You know what?
41:27Right now I don't feel like anything
41:29But we'll talk later, okay?
41:33Do you mind if I just walk you?
41:37Well, okay
41:39Come on
41:43What the hell are you doing here, Rosalba?
41:45Oh, what a way to welcome your mother, daughter
41:49Do you realize, Teresita?
41:51Children are very ungrateful
41:53What are you here for?
41:55Oh, what am I going to do? Well, to see you, my love
41:57But you left me very heartless
41:59And not a single call
42:01Not a single hate message
42:03Not even a sad meme
42:05A meme?
42:07And I really miss you so much, my love
42:09It's just that you miss me
42:11When a man leaves you
42:13When a woman leaves you without a kiss
42:15Tell me, which one is it?
42:17Look, no, no, no
42:19I don't deserve your comments, my love
42:21I admit that I made some small mistakes with you
42:27Well, as in these cases
42:29The fault is always shared
42:31I accept what I have to
42:33And here I am
42:35Taking the first step
42:37And you, Tere, what?
42:39What are you doing standing there?
42:41I'm going to the usual room
42:43How? Are you going to stay? And how long?
42:45Well, it's enough
42:47To fix some pending issues
42:49Well, look
42:51There are the prices of the rooms
42:53And the meals are separate
42:57No, no, no, my daughter, it's not worth it
42:59Aren't you going to make me a little discount?
43:01Look, thank God
43:03That I don't get you out of here with everything and luggage
43:11The simple one, right?
43:13The simple one, the one you want, whatever
43:15Over here, please
43:23Well, don't forget to draw it like that
43:25All athletic, muscular
43:27Yes, it has to be the same
43:31Oh, if Marina is going to be on fire
43:33When I give her the portrait of Valentín Ríos
43:37Yes, of course, I'll love it
43:41Thank you
43:47Is that me?
43:49Oh, hey, of course
43:51I'll draw you the same
43:53I do better drawings than you
43:55Don't get mad, Valentín
43:57It's a caricature
43:59Look, I even made you a little more waisted
44:03Don't make fun of yourself
44:05Well, look at the little nose he drew you
44:07He made it smaller than the bow you have there
44:09For now
44:11Do we get along like this or what?
44:13Come on
44:15It's yours
44:17He painted you very cool, seriously
44:19It looks like he drew you a plastic surgeon
44:23I didn't think you were so funny
44:27There you go
44:29It's less
44:31At least for the bad taste
44:35Take it
44:37Keep it
44:41There are many things you still don't know about me
44:49You're right
44:53Today I'm getting to know you more
44:55And I'm having fun
45:03Why are you looking at me like that?
45:05What was I going to say?
45:07No, Perla Contreras
45:09You're a very special girl
45:11Kind of rude
45:23Like you have everything