• el mes pasado
In an alternate reality where the only purpose of the news is to report on horrific and sensationalist, Mark Bob and Wade are on the scene!
LISTEN TO DISTRACTIBLE ►► https://open.spotify.com/show/2X40qLyoj1wQ2qE5FVpA7x
MY COMFY CLOTHES ► https://cloakbrand.com/

Edited By ► @LixianTV
Edited By ► @NerdFiction
Edited By ► https://twitter.com/rad_r
Edited By ► @Diceroll

Awesome Games Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiDAf0LeFLFH8S83JWBjvtqE

Scary Games Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiBSFOFhTC5wt75P2BES0rAo
00:00Mouth mouth mouth mouth. Is my mouth moving? Is my mouth moving?
00:03Yeah, yeah. Mouth moving. There we all done.
00:06So smart technology.
00:10I'm gonna record. I'm gonna record.
00:12Oh, that's a good idea.
00:16Clickety clackety.
00:17Wait, is it? Sorry, Wade. I took your character.
00:21Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:28You guys have like the same exact face.
00:31Nuh uh. You have the same face, it just has a beard on it.
00:34What about this guy?
00:36Ooh, that looks like Mark.
00:38Yeah, it's me, right?
00:39You got a lumpy dumpy in that.
00:42Bob has a lumpy dumpy too.
00:43I think we all have lumpy dumpy.
00:45No, Wade does not actually have a lumpy dumpy.
00:49Let me see, wait, let me compare, Mark, let me compare, yeah, you don't have a lumpy-dumpy,
00:54you have just like a back tumor, sorry, she, her arm, her, something's bad, yeah, get your
01:03hand out of your pocket, ugh, why, why are your legs like that if your arms are going
01:09to be like that, weird, I don't know, what are you doing, what the fucking, what the
01:14fucking physics is going on with those arms, alright, whatever, how do we do anything,
01:20guys, here's the shop where we have no money right now, I got an achievement, no, I downloaded
01:28a game, two in the same, these are multipliers, you do those things and you get, I could have
01:36gleaned that, explain something important, Bob and I have been hard at work breaking
01:40this down, we've come to some strong conclusions, alright, Mark, you can get a camera and a
01:46light over here, wow, it's like a flashbang went off, bam, boom, we only get ten pictures,
01:54that's it, maybe it's a rating, maybe it's a ten out of ten picture, that's true, oh,
02:01selfie mode, oh, what's up, dog, how do you do selfie mode, R for Ralphie, oh, alright,
02:11cool, okay, our mission's right here, our mission is green doors get in, green doors
02:16get in, what does that mean, oh, I see, green doors get in, it says mission, green doors
02:22get in, well, that helicopter's got a purple door, I say we get in and see what happens,
02:28we're already ruining our mission, I don't like that our pilot's asleep, he's probably fine,
02:33he's doing radio stuff, he's wearing a cool guy beanie, he's dream flying or he's wearing VR
02:41goggles, it's fine, search and explore, it says above our head, yeah, search and explore inside
02:48and outside, snap, well, I was reading that, okay, what would be happening inside, all the
02:53outside stuff's gonna be what I'm looking for, I, listen, green doors get in, green doors get in,
02:59everybody, inside, outside, listen, boys, green doors get in, what the fuck was that,
03:09why's my flashlight not working, green doors get in, green doors get in, my flashlight's
03:13not working, guys, did you use all the battery already, no, it's fine, it's just not working,
03:19there's a ladder, am I dancing, oh god, you are dancing, oh, where's, oh, there we go, okay,
03:26finally, yeah, what is that sound, anybody see some green, have you seen anything, you, if you
03:32were really scared, I feel like you'd run faster, uh, should we just stay by the helicopter, ah, nice,
03:41oh, no, oh, no, all right, uh, ladder, yeah, ladder, okay, are we competing or are we working
03:51together here, together, as far as I know, oh, okay, well, we each want to have, I don't know,
03:57I imagine together, all right, well, we can get over into the park here,
04:03how do I get down safely, yeah, I feel like I'm just gonna fall off and die at this rate,
04:08oh, how did you get in the park, I walked further down the street, what does that mean, okay, calm
04:14down, hey, green doors get, no, green doors get in, green doors, I see green doors, I see green
04:20doors get in, green doors get in, there's three door, four, there's a lot, we should go, what about
04:25blue doors, what about blue doors get in, blue doors get out, I don't recall any instructions
04:29about blue doors, there was no blue mentioned, blue, I don't like that, I don't like that,
04:35I don't like blue, blue's bad, all right, I'm hearing a lot of something, probably nothing,
04:43yeah, it's probably nothing, is reality supposed to be glitching inside of the
04:47building, I'm gonna come inside, okay, we're in a mall, oh, wait, I see something,
04:53what am I seeing, mark, mark, oh, god, I'm seeing something, got it, mark, see it, see it closer,
04:59see it closer, light it, I'll light it up, you guys get a good picture of it, oh, god, it's so
05:04ugly, oh, it's hideous, oh, god, it's a shuffling monstrosity, you getting good snaps of this, oh,
05:11boy, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, my guy, my guy, oh, wait, that was so good, oh, I thought you were,
05:19oh, you're missing, you're missing some stuff, how are you doing that, yeah, are you all right,
05:27do you need like a hug or, I can't run anymore, can't imagine why, oh, oh, look at this feller,
05:35I want some of that action, someone just died upstairs, I don't think so, oh, boy, oh, oh,
05:41that's much quicker than I thought it would be, all right, so, don't worry, Wade, you're probably
05:47safe, huh, yeah, this guy's dead, guy's getting a good body of this, picture of this dead body,
05:54I tried, I really like Wade's missing limbs, I feel like it sets it off, oh, here's an extra one,
06:00yeah, why don't you try putting that on, yeah, because does that fit, oh, I'm sorry,
06:07what did you just do to me, I threw my arm at you, why'd you do that,
06:12why, I, I didn't know, why, it wasn't a drop, but why, I'm sure we were both disarmed,
06:20is this, uh, is that a problem, that's a little odd, I mean, think of that, get a pic of that,
06:30okay, look happy, that's a good one, nuts, oh, cool, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, nice,
06:38all right, here's a pile of goop, I like piles, do I touch this or not touch this,
06:43I don't know, I'll touch it, that's fine, huh, uh, wait, a rat just kicked my ass,
06:53what do you mean, there was a rat, I hear stim stamps, I hear stim stamps, you guys hear that,
06:58yeah, I hear stim stamps, oh, downstairs, right there, what's that guy, I don't want him,
07:02I don't want him, he seems like problems, uncommon shamble chasing,
07:08hmm, I think I just want to go wait, wait, when he goes after mark, yeah,
07:15wait, there's a little one, mark, there's a little one, got it, oh, rattler, oh, I see my arm,
07:23sure, it's yours, probably five, hey, guys, green doors get inside, green doors get in,
07:30okay, green, green doors get in, green doors get in, oh, green doors get in,
07:35um, not this, oh, another one of these, we have four and a half minutes to get back to the
07:41helicopter, huh, the very top of the screen, we started with 10 minutes, now we're down to five,
07:46oh, I don't think that's a clock, oh, yeah, sometimes there's numbers on the screen,
07:52you know, doesn't mean anything, I don't think they mean anything, I wouldn't, yeah,
07:54I don't think they mean anything, where'd the, well, I don't know, you look, I'll watch,
07:59oh, he might have died, guys, oh, the rat, attack him, I'll get a picture,
08:07I can't run, I can't chase him, oh, you saved, you saved your arm,
08:12this is, that's either mine or the guy upstairs, I think we should go outside,
08:16I think we've seen everything to see in here, yeah, I'm not interested, I only got one picture
08:20left, I got six, does it count up or down, I think in gold, yeah, it counts down, I've been getting
08:27gold, green doors, get in, Sirocco Bank, how bad is it if the thing that's not a clock hits zero,
08:36whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, did you throw your arm at it,
08:44Wade, run, run, run, why didn't he run, why didn't he run, Wade, he didn't run, let's go,
08:52get his stuff, all right, I got his stuff, let's get out of here, man, let's get out of here,
08:56the timer at the top, why didn't he tell us about the clock, yeah, we're so low on time,
09:01oh, man, all right, but I think we can make it through the power of teamwork,
09:05yep, and the grumbling of my stomach, oh, no, oh, I wish I had a, I do have a camera for, oh,
09:13too late now, don't worry, I'll get your pictures, oh, never mind, I can't, let me drop this,
09:20oh, god, oh, I mean, oh, god, all my friends are dead and I'm out of sprint,
09:28I think I have to hide, that doesn't seem right, oh, shit, oh, god, no, but I hear you,
09:40oh, god, oh, god, oh, god, okay, I made it, oh, everything's fine, wow, turns out I'm amazing,
09:48I wish I got a picture of the tentacle that got you, Bob, what a move, you know, just, yeah, it,
09:54it did you, it did you, Wade survived his first attack, I didn't, I didn't survive anything,
09:59not at all, oh, well, I'm, I'm interested to see the footage that Mark got, oh, yeah,
10:06where can I sit, wow, nice, nice, nice, oh, nice photo, all right, oh, oh, yeah, I got a sneaky one,
10:25oh, shit, wow, you got that picture, yeah, got him,
10:35that's why your back was turned, I see,
10:42would those, before disaster, if I didn't get those pictures,
10:45uh, the cameras back, would you have not have gotten the pictures, or does it not matter,
10:50I am, I imagine we need them, I don't know, a pro camera, we got a hundred dollars for that,
10:59well, we, we didn't get the, at the very top, we were supposed to hit 2,500, we got 1,900,
11:04so we didn't even hit the quota, oh, shit, all right, well, let's get back out there, then,
11:10do our damn job, oh, hey, I made the front page, yeah, whatever, man, you were dead,
11:15listen, green doors, get in, green doors, get in, I don't know if I like the green doors,
11:21green doors, get in, actually, it seems like outside was way worse, green doors, get in,
11:27green door, oh, get in, green, are you doing doors, get in, green, all right, okay,
11:35why did the skulls go up, yeah, why'd the skulls go up, Wade, oh, maybe we were a quarter,
11:39I don't know, I thought we didn't get the quota, maybe we did, it said good job, or what, whoa,
11:43look at Wade's camera, look at that shit, nice camera, man, what the hell, oh, look, it's like
11:49spinning around on your knee, oh, yes, it's yours, all right, all right, there's no time for jerking
11:57around, yeah, is it, I'm sorry, is it snowing, or is it nuclear wintering, um, I don't know,
12:06is there snow in the park, there's a park again, I don't want to go over there, I don't like that,
12:11yeah, this is the same place, I don't like that place, I want to go somewhere else,
12:15I don't like that place, I don't think it's the same place, what happened to you last time, Bob,
12:18I just got smacked, I just got bitch smacked, it was a floor tentacle, yeah, out of nowhere, boom,
12:25I was carrying your half-alive corpse, and then nothing, yeah, well, I think it might have been
12:30full dead, but half-alive is also ambitious, it was probably in there, I don't see any green doors,
12:36get in, get in, and enter, wait, enter what, enter, what am I entering, what's enter,
12:42there's something that says enter here, can the helicopter land over on this end or something
12:46weird, maybe, I mean, try it, you know, I don't know, see, see what you get into, my feet are
12:53on hard floor, I have my, my, my floor mat over here, make sure I don't die, guys, all right,
13:00I'm not going to watch them, no, no, guys, my photo was worth 16 points, I should have taken
13:08that one, all right, got my mat, all right, that was probably worth it, uh, I don't see one set
13:15of green doors, I guess, green doors, get in, huh, yeah, is that the deal, it's the ones I'm at,
13:21right, I don't know where you're at, but I'm assuming, yeah, there's one further to your
13:26right too, but there's, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, which one are we doing,
13:34oh, we could, yeah, okay, I hear something,
13:42all right, this is cool, this is cool, I see some blood,
13:47neat, why can't I switch items by number, yeah, I'm with you, I really don't like,
13:54can I change my controls, I don't even have a flashlight this time, I've only got a camera,
13:57this was probably a cool place to work until, you know, this, what the hell, what was that, guys,
14:06what, are you both okay, yeah, why, there's an alien, I'm not gonna fall for it, no, it was not
14:14that guy, it's a little dude behind the counter, he, I don't know where he ran, there's a little
14:17dude, oh, there's a guy here running around, yeah, were you talking about him, I wanted plant
14:22a minute ago, no, he was in here, then I heard a loud boom and I ran back out and saw the little
14:26alien thing, uh-huh, uh-huh, Mark, I think Wade's either going insane or just lying, I think he
14:33might be actually, both, no, no, no, guys, it's real, nah, I don't think there's anything here,
14:40did you make this mess, what is this tentacle, what's going on there,
14:45what's the deal with that, why is this guy creeping around, follow, what are you,
14:51the stranger is following me into the back here, okay, well, that's interesting,
14:55oh, get a photo and then help, oh, help, uh, what do I do, what do I do, I don't know,
14:59well, what do I do, I don't know, oh, I'm dying, what do you mean, I don't, oh, detach, detach,
15:04gotcha, okay, you're welcome, oh, I was trying to get close for a selfie, I guess I got too close,
15:10a little too close, yeah, don't do that, oh, I can still run, it was a simple, why,
15:14it didn't even give me a bonus on that photo, that was hardly worth it,
15:18I wish you would come stand by the alien thing, oh, guy, oh, no, hmm, what happened,
15:28Wade, oh, the little alien, the little alien, the little alien, I feel like Wade's just making
15:35shit up, I don't know, oh, well, ow, oh, okay, I don't think anything interesting is going on,
15:43huh, well, going upstairs, oh, Bob, I'm gonna prove him wrong, I don't even know where you
15:49guys are, where, what's happening, I don't even know where I are, hello, oh, I'm upstairs,
15:55oh, that's interesting, throw, hang on, look at this guy, yeah, yeah, yeah,
15:58oh, god, oh, I, I don't know if he made, oh, he made it, yeah, okay,
16:09huh, whoa, are we doing that again, stand closer, oh,
16:16the hell's going on, you killing him for content, yeah, anything for the clicks, right, yeah,
16:24yeah, there's not even a door over, oh, there is a door over here, but you guys have already
16:30been in it, okay, never mind, yeah, I don't like, let's get out of here, this place sucks,
16:35whoa, that's funny, I'm keeping this alien, baby, you're not invited, random guy,
16:43uh-oh, is he gonna, is he gonna follow us, I don't know, but there's a,
16:48oh, I see that, bigfoot, yeah, maybe he's chill, whoa, there's a naked guy over there,
16:53what do you mean there's a naked guy, why is everything happening over where you are,
16:56Mark, did you come outside the building, or, no, you, I'm still in, wait, what, oh, my god,
17:01naked guy is dead, when did you, what, when did you leave, when did we agree to that, what, what,
17:06when I was like, let's leave, and then Wade was like, okay, I'm gonna, oh, my god, what the shit,
17:14I mean, it's fine, why am I missing this, hello, there's a lot of murder out here,
17:19okay, where, oh, there you are, outside, um, was that guy big,
17:26there's, oh, my god, oh, my god, I don't like that,
17:31oh, my god, okay, huh, all right, that's, I hate to say it, boys, but I think he's
17:53at our helicopter, a guy to the right, that's interesting, there's a guy to the right,
17:58that's Bigfoot, oh, uh, he's sort of, he's sort of, there's another Bigfoot,
18:05there's another Bigfoot, yeah, oh, uh, yeah, is our helicopter okay, or, um,
18:12oh, he's coming back, oh, he comes back, okay, that's, wait, Bob, follow me, I know a way,
18:18where, oh, okay, the alley, uh-oh, we're going in the alley, I'm not going where Wade is,
18:25I'm following you, oh, but it's way the hell over there, wow, I just saw, did you see that cargo,
18:34oh, fuck, yeah, I don't know if this is, oh, no, oh, my god, again, again, again,
18:44why is it when Bob dies, I hear Mark echo, I hear you echo too, I don't know, Mark, run,
18:50I am, Mark, my camera, green door, get in, I can't, yeah, you, you didn't have good shots
18:55anyway, I had some really good stuff, don't worry, guys, I carried, I carried, don't worry,
18:58yeah, yeah, he carried, why is echoey ghost Wade crying in my ear, why did we die like the same
19:08way as last time, I, apparently, what you really want to do is not step on manhole covers, which
19:13I don't know why I didn't learn that the first time around, but whatever, oh, I should have grabbed
19:17your camera, I guess, my camera, yeah, you should have, yeah, well, I didn't know where it was,
19:21my photos, I didn't even know where you died, I have no idea, it's okay, guys, I got some absolute
19:26bangers, oh, nice, yeah, 91, I did better than that, yeah, that was number five, oh, shit, look,
19:32I got 96, oh, frick, ah, nice, nice, nice, I had a 417, it better, it didn't show my 417,
19:41oh, but watch this one, ha, ha, Bob, take that, yeah, I bet we won, we're all the same team,
19:48ah, fuck, oh, that's not 2,500, well, we only have two press badges now, is that bad,
19:57oh, hey, now it shows our score at the top, so I guess the first time we did do it, yeah,
20:01yeah, it didn't show any of my photos, so we do have to get our cameras, all right, well,
20:05probably didn't have any good ones, maybe try harder next time, okay, you wanna fight the big
20:11guy, you tall man, you taller than me, man, you big tall six foot four man, you huge man,
20:15you giant man, I feel like you're complimenting him, you big, big man, you big, strong man,
20:21you beardless bitch, I have a beard, yeah, his character and his man have a beard,
20:28he's a, I don't even know, I don't even know what you're on about, you're also beardless,
20:32I'm the only bearded one here, well, I don't claim to have a beard, but Mark, he said it,
20:38Mark, I, you did say, yeah, you did say, I'm going off on my own this time, I'm going off on my own,
20:45I'm going with one of you two, what if I just wait out here, because I'm gonna get the epic
20:51shot of the dino, ignore the fact that I'm not separating from you guys at all, I'm gonna go
20:58off on my own, he said aggressively, watch out for manhole covers, god, he's being so aggressive,
21:04fucking apparently, god dang, I'm going to the green door, I'm going upstairs,
21:10and by that I mean the ladder, I think you mean you're going up lad, wait, if I get grabbed by
21:15something again, there'll be no one to save me, that's okay, weep, death defying, is that a robot,
21:22what's the point of coming over here, oh my god, what are you, see something,
21:28yeah, I'm going back outside, where are you, I went in the green doors, well, that was stupid,
21:35I'm not afraid, I'll go inside, okay, I'm going in the other green doors, no one follow me,
21:41which green doors did you go in, the other ones, no reason, no reason, okay,
21:46jeez, I do not like the sounds out there, good thing I'm inside, oh, don't go crypto,
21:53oh, nice, watching for manhole covers, watching for manhole covers, can you believe how persistent
21:59crypto has been, dude, if I had bought bitcoin when we were in college and it was worth negative
22:06money, if you, like, I would never have guessed that, but can you imagine, you could have,
22:12bitcoin, like, one bitcoin used to be worth pennies, yeah, back in the, way back when it
22:17was used for buying heroin on the silk road or whatever the hell, but, oh, yeah, definitely not
22:21used for that now, what, yeah, no, that, who's in my building, wow, oh, god, someone's out here
22:27flirting with me, guys, I found some military men, okay, cool, take pictures of them, I'm gonna,
22:37I'm gonna get a selfie with, this dude's got a RPG over here, whoa, is he shooting 22s, oh,
22:44god, oh, fuck, what the fuck is that, oh, my god, it's so shaky, oh, my god, what the fuck,
22:51oh, my god, you all right, what, yeah, I don't know, not all right, hang on, gotta try to get
22:58a selfie of this, it's unclear from what you're moaning, oh, my god, oh, wait, where is it,
23:04yeah, I don't know where it is, it wasn't here, what is it, I don't know, it was in, oh,
23:09there's a trap here, god damn, I'm cool, yeah, I don't know, there was something down here,
23:16holy shit, yeah, I just got a 682 picture and all these guys, all these guys are dead,
23:24but I think they all killed themselves, oh, um, you didn't kill them, did you,
23:33what, no, what, what, no, no, okay, well, he didn't say, he said no,
23:41I'm gonna go get some footage of this, oh, wait, this is that new studio, we're here,
23:45can I climb this ladder, oh, heck, bro, oh, you boys find getting the spot right now, my boy,
23:55my boy, oh, fuck, oh, oh, god, oh, my god, you guys, you're on your own,
24:01if there's not fall damage in this game, I'm about to have the best, yeah, well, I figure,
24:09all right, up, up, do we need to get your, oh, my camera's gonna be really close to the helicopter,
24:16so, that wasn't even my fault, literally, I was climbing on a fire escape and then I just stepped
24:23on part of it and it was like, it exploded and fell off the building and I died, I didn't do
24:28anything and there were no monsters involved, all right, interesting, sorry, whoa, what in the
24:37fuck, I'll go grab your camera, man, what just exploded, so, it's, if you're walking down the
24:41street toward the helicopter, it's like on the left side, oh, I found the pile of military, yeah,
24:47those guys, they, they didn't even kill the alien, they blew an arm and a leg off the alien,
24:52but they all blew themselves up with the rocket launcher they had, wow, but I got a sick picture,
24:57so, please get my camera, yeah, down, down here to the left, you see the, you see me, yeah,
25:04so, I was all the way on top of the building and one of the fire escapes was like, nah,
25:09and then fell off, oh, I see, it's really, really, I hope it's not the one I'm on right now, no, yes,
25:17oh, fuck, no, see, but that was Mark's fault, he did that, I didn't jump off, I got tricked,
25:29Wade, get some pictures or something, all right, all right, I don't even know, look, there's a guy,
25:35there's a guy, there's a guy, you see the guy, do you see the guy, you see the guy, I did, I did,
25:42Wade, I believe in you, use your flashlight or something, oh, there you go, yep, yep, yep, maybe,
25:52oh, boy, did you plan that, yeah, I see what you did, I see what you did there,
26:06oh, and there's another one, where, where, over by the white panel van again,
26:11right there, that's the guy, that's the guy, that's the guy who doesn't have his arm and his leg,
26:18oh, see ya, see ya, bye, my inventory's full, what, don't you have like two other cameras,
26:26I definitely had some pictures left, yeah, I also had the flashlight,
26:29oh, wait, can you throw that at the manhole cover, oh, maybe, maybe, I think this one's not,
26:38making that rattling, oh, they ran, I see, it was making a rattling around it,
26:45uh, two minutes, two minutes, wow, get him, get him, selfie him, oh, what a guy, look at this guy,
26:54Wade, go for it, go home, he's just, he's just toying with him, Wade, go home,
26:59before the big thing spawns, that's a good point, get the flashlight, also, where's Bigfoot,
27:07I hear stomping, I'm sure he's not in a very disadvantageous position for you,
27:14oh, hey, is it, oh, it's the central part of my corpse, yeah, yeah,
27:25well, I did fall off the absolute top of the entire building, so,
27:31probably touch it, I saw nothing, I saw nothing, I have so many,
27:35so many photos left to take from all these cameras,
27:38uh-huh, uh-huh, better get them home,
27:46yeah, nice, nice, nice, zero points, what,
27:54nice, bud, there's probably,
27:58he's looking out the window of the helicopter, talking to me,
28:00yeah, well, I think we add our points to the other ones, so, we probably got more than enough,
28:07hopefully, I got a good 681, and a couple halfway decent ones, yeah, it's lethal company style,
28:14yeah, yeah,
28:18the photo I got of that guy in the dying would be worth more than it was,
28:24wow, nice, look at that, good, look at that, he's caked up,
28:28did you, did you grab my guy, did you grab my camera, did you, did you grab,
28:32did you grab my camera, that's where I got more points than that,
28:36yeah, I definitely had some, I don't even get the number one photo after all this,
28:40this, this is the picture of the guys blowing themselves up, nice, way to go, hell yeah,
28:48oh, that's not enough, yes, it's enough, it adds on, lethal company style,
28:53that's not a, oh, lethal company style, company style, all right, mark, which of these photos was
28:59you, huh, so proud of, you didn't get my camera, there was a, there was a fucking eldritch horror,
29:05scroll through here, they should be here, all the photos are, there's a fucking eldritch horror,
29:09this one, this photo, you took this one, uh, yeah, but there was another one, there, see,
29:15see that thing, oh, that thing, what the fuck is that, it's tiny, yeah, but it's weird,
29:20it's adorable, it's like a hand, but all the fingers end in eyeballs, or at least three of
29:24them do, it's all eldritchy, what'd you buy, nothing, oh, okay, when you put it that way,
29:38nothing, oh, what'd you buy, nothing, well, I'm ready, wow, look at that flash,
29:51oh, you can only bring one camera into the mission, I see,
29:57are you about to flash some nerds, look at how much light this does,
30:01I don't need a flashlight, look at this, I don't need a flashlight, because I don't have a
30:05flashlight, all right, don't worry, I bought the camera that takes 15 pictures, all right,
30:11how much money did you blow on that, same as you two, 100 each, I spent 25 dollars,
30:17I don't know what the hell you're talking about, I thought you bought a better camera,
30:20no, I spent 25 dollars, like a responsible adult, oh, well, Mark and I spent 100,
30:25yeah, that's not the same amount at all, well, we didn't agree to that,
30:30why does there have to be an official agreement for everyone to not be dicks about it,
30:34well, I wasn't a dick, hey, I wait until everyone else is there shopping, and then I shop, and I did mine
30:39first, so that I could get what I wanted, excuse me, ma'am, what can you tell us about what you
30:43saw in there, oh, oh, that's not good, that's not good at all, I'm gonna get such a good picture,
30:54son of a bitch, you all are gonna cry, yeah, you better curse now, there's a bunch of ladders
30:58around here, if you guys wanna climb some, I am gonna wait on that, I do, I would enjoy that
31:05very much, oh, I heard a banging, yeah, I heard that, what was that, I'm going in the mall,
31:11I'm gonna get this scoop up, I'm just gonna try not to step on any manhole covers for a second,
31:16oh, my God, I just wanna live, oh, God, I'm gonna go in Wade's mall, oh, God, oh,
31:21don't go in this mall, don't go in this mall, don't go in this mall, holy shit,
31:24photo, oh, my God, oh, oh, all right, I killed it, I think, all right, all right,
31:44all right, all right, cool,
31:58oh, my God, stop it, is it dead or not dead or I'm so confused, I don't like it,
32:08I don't know, I don't either, I'm out in the elevator, this can't, oh, whoa,
32:15it really wants to stay alive, I don't wanna be last in this line,
32:20can I close the door, yeah, maybe it can't open doors, dead end, dead end, okay,
32:27uh, good, mine's not,
32:31hooray, we're not trapped, oh, guys, what if we lead it into this, yeah, that's a great idea,
32:38oh, wait, I tried to grab me, you coming, bud, I'm ready, I'm ready, I am also ready,
32:48where is it, we're gonna be here ready together, wait, do the hard part,
32:55wait, if you could, yeah, I had to punch it because it was stuck, I'm tired of waiting,
33:00where is it, right here, hey, oh, my God, I don't know if this plan's gonna work, guys,
33:23oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, no, oh, no, get pictures, boys, oh, that would've been good,
33:32I didn't get a picture at all, oh, son of a bitch, ow, ow, get out of there,
33:41all right, I don't think this is gonna work, guys, I have faith, we just need to all get over here,
33:45and then make sure that I get the best picture, hey, hey, hey, he's not coming,
34:02take that, ah, interesting, we just kick his ass all the way over to there, yeah,
34:07can we like scoot him around on the floor, wait, yeah, what if we punch him all the way over there,
34:11yeah, that'll work, get out of there, oh, he went back, oh, I kinda wanna go outside,
34:16cause we're running a little more on time, eh, you might be right, all right,
34:19I wanted to do that, though, god damn, we'll get him eventually, we'll get one eventually,
34:22yeah, we'll get him, oh, big, big, watch out for manholes, there's a manhole here,
34:30watch out for that one, where, oh, my God, oh, he's coming back, right by the NYPD box,
34:36oh, my God, oh, my God, I'm gonna get the shot of a fucking lifetime, guys, oh, God, oh, no,
34:43oh, yeah, Bob, Bob, it's smoking and it moved, I see, oh, my God, I'm out of here,
35:02okay, that doesn't sound good,
35:08oh, something ahead, some the head, oh, there's something ahead,
35:13where's the helicopter, I don't, uh, we're a ways from the helicopter,
35:19uh-oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, no, not like this, oh, oh, I'm going home,
35:28I don't care, I don't care, I'm going to, I'm going to the, ah, hey, guys, how's it going,
35:34oh, shit, not great, not great, run, flee, I had such good pictures, where's your camera,
35:41I had such, it's on my dead body, right by the giant thing, my, my camera is under my body,
35:48the best pictures, that's my leg,
35:53you're gonna love my, where's the helicopter, uh, behind the creature, oh, good,
36:01oh, God, oh, God, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's time, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, my God,
36:09oh, my God, oh, no, no, no, no, you can make it, I believe in you, I believe in you, oh, God,
36:17go behind obstacles, go behind obstacles, weave, serpentine, ah, this is as wavy as it gets,
36:23baby, all right, cool, why are you going into the tree, into the tree, I gotta sprint,
36:29I gotta sprint, this is the fastest I got, yeah, oh, my God, oh, my God, I can't believe you made
36:35that, guys, we're about to have the best, it's really sad, I used my last picture right before
36:41Wade got picked up by the thing, so I was like, take one, take one, ah, damn it, it's okay,
36:51I think we got some bangers, guys, yeah, we got some bangers, we got the bangiest bangers,
36:57uh, so what do I do here, see results, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, watch this, watch this,
37:04oh, oh, look at that one, yeah, oh, yeah, that's crazy, the red, oh, yeah, nice, I got his ass,
37:17nice, whoa, oh, that was 600, that's a hell of a shot, uh, I felt like I could have been better,
37:30yeah, I feel like I had a couple more that were, yeah, I thought my dinosaur one was way better
37:36than that one, well, that's really unfortunate that that's the last one I think I have time for,
37:40oh, no, oh, this one's so cool, I like that one, you can download it right here as a
37:46thumbnail, you know I will, I quite enjoy this one myself, that is good,
37:50I really like this one too, get the shot, get the shot,
37:58oh, yeah, Bob, I didn't realize you made the headline last time with your exploding
38:02SWAT team, yeah, oh, yeah, I mean, it's a good picture, the heck of a picture, one might even
38:08say a hell of a picture, all right, yeah, watch, I don't need you to tell me to stand up when I'm
38:12standing at my standing desk, this is as standing as I get, bro, you should stand up, yeah, calm
38:17down, watch, don't forget to stand, don't forget to watch Distractible, oh, that's right, hey,
38:24have you actually taken the time to listen to Distractible, because now's your opportunity,
38:28if you listen to one episode, you can listen to another episode completely for free, and we'll
38:33throw in a third episode for free just for you listeners who listen in the next five minutes,
38:39click that link in the description below, watch out, that promotion was worth 41 points,
38:44oh, cool, that's nice.
