• 2 days ago
Wondering if investing in the stock market aligns with Islamic principles? In this insightful educational video, we tackle the important question: "Is stock market haram?" We’ll explore how the stock market functions, its key features, and whether stock trading is halal or haram according to Islamic law. Gain a deeper understanding of the key elements that make stock trading either permissible or forbidden in Islam.

Learn practical tips on how to make halal investments and ensure your trading decisions comply with Islamic teachings. This video is perfect for anyone interested in the stock market and seeking to invest ethically. Don't miss out on this essential guide to understanding whether "stock trading is haram in Islam". Watch now to make informed decisions in your investment journey!

For a Complete lecture on Stocks Haram or Halal, and for more lecture on islamic banking and finance, visit: https://aims.education/is-investing-in-stocks-haram-or.../

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Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
Certified Islamic Banker (CIB)
Certified Islamic Finance Expert (CIFE)
Master Diploma in Islamic Finance (MDIF)
MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance
PhD Islamic Finance


