• last month
Kane Brown joins Katie Neal in our Audacy Sound Space studio located at the Hard Rock in the heart of Nashville for Totally Private Country!


00:00I'm Katie Neal from Odyssey Country and we are here tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe Nashville
00:07with the Diamond Certified Kane Brown.
00:10Thank you for being here.
00:12Yeah, thanks for having me.
00:13I'm happy to see you again.
00:14I feel like I've gotten to see you a lot lately.
00:15I feel a little bit spoiled.
00:16We've got a lot of your time, so thank you for being here again.
00:18Of course.
00:19Since I saw you, album has dropped.
00:21You're getting ready to go out on tour.
00:22Are you kind of enjoying this last little moment before life gets crazy crazy?
00:27Oh, we're so bored.
00:28You're bored?
00:30I'm so bored.
00:31Me, my whole family's bored.
00:32Yesterday, we went to PetSmart just for fun.
00:35Oh my God.
00:36Just look at the animals.
00:37What did you come home with?
00:39We almost came home with a cat.
00:41We probably wouldn't have came home with it.
00:44Kate started thinking of people that she could get to come get the cat.
00:49That's awesome.
00:50And then I saw you were just in London for F1.
00:52How was that?
00:53It was great.
00:54Got to see the cars showcased before they actually hit the track.
00:58Got to see one of my favorite artists in person, Tim's.
01:01It was a good time.
01:03Got to meet Gordon Ramsey.
01:07I saw that.
01:08I feel like F1 is so funny because here we don't totally know a lot about it, but there
01:13it is the biggest thing.
01:15You're probably meeting people and you're like, you're so famous everywhere, but I have
01:18no idea.
01:20It was cool seeing the drivers around.
01:23And then, yeah, it was crazy seeing how big it was.
01:26And it was also amazing to see who was loved and then who was not so loved.
01:34Who do they love?
01:35Like, what do you mean?
01:36Like Lewis Hamilton won the night.
01:37Oh, okay.
01:39For loved.
01:40And then he just signed with Ferrari, which was a big deal.
01:44Big deal.
01:46And then there's another person that I guess he's won so much that a lot of people don't
01:51like him.
01:52So he was getting booed quite a bit.
01:54I would never know any of this.
01:55I would ask because every time I see you, like the kids are growing so fast.
01:57How are they?
01:59Crew is massive.
02:01Oh, my God.
02:02His little rolls.
02:04He's already big, bigger than what he's supposed to be at one years old.
02:08And then Kingsley is just sassy, but greatest big sister.
02:14And so is Cody.
02:15They're so sweet.
02:16And the videos that you posted them, like I just like crack up like they're so funny.
02:20They're awesome.
02:21I know tour starts next month.
02:23I imagine.
02:24Have you been rehearsing?
02:25I know you said you've been bored, but have you had that at least?
02:27So my band came and rehearsed and I got to sit in and listen to a couple songs, but they
02:32practice all week.
02:33And then we're about to leave for Philadelphia to go actually do tour rehearsals.
02:38So run through everything, see the setup.
02:41And really what's really cool is it's where my wife's family's from.
02:45So we'll be able to drop the kids off at Mimi's and then go back and work.
02:49So it'd be nice.
02:50That'll be nice.
02:51And to get to see family, I'm sure.
02:53That's great.
02:54Is there any moment I know you haven't like fully like been in it or seen it yet, but
02:57what moments are you excited about in the set?
03:01So this tour, we've built something that's only been for me.
03:04So no artists will have it on stage, which is really cool.
03:08And then like our last tour, I was really focused on I didn't want anybody to leave
03:13and like go get a beer or take a bathroom break.
03:16So I was just like energy, energy, energy, energy.
03:19With this album, it's the most I've ever changed my show of bringing in new songs off the album.
03:26And then we're going to go through like a roller coaster stage of, you know, hype songs.
03:30And then we're going to do this really cool thing where we do like a campfire and I talk
03:34about the songs and I get really personal and close, which is what I used to do at the
03:39very beginning of when I started out.
03:42We're going to try and bring that back and, you know, bring some tears, bring some tears
03:47to the show.
03:48Well, I feel like and I don't know if this is the song that you're talking about, but
03:51off of this album, when you forget, like I was thinking that's probably going to be a
03:54moment that people are going to everyone will be sobbing.
03:58So like when you forget three, it's not in the show, but like just for the past, like
04:05we used to play for my daughter and I had a bunch of old videos up, which would bring
04:10a lot of tears during the show.
04:12So things like that just to bring you in and really connect with the fans.
04:16For sure.
04:17For sure.
04:18And then last time we talked, we were talking about the name of the album, The High Road.
04:21And I know that there's a song that goes with this.
04:23Have you decided like where that's going to find a home or like when that will?
04:27No, not yet.
04:28But I'm not I'm not as upset because Johnny that was a writer on it.
04:32It's like me and him.
04:34We've been working quite a bit, so we'll get we'll get it figured out.
04:38Yeah, for sure.
04:39I know you like albums out and then you immediately start working on the next thing.
04:41So we're trying to put another one out this year.
04:43Are you really?
04:44I don't know what's going to happen, but we try.
04:45Is Martha like losing her mind?
04:46Your manager?
04:47She's like, yeah, another one.
04:50That's so fun.
04:51Is this stuff that you already have done or that you've just been working on that you
04:53like wanted out really quickly?
04:54No, I just I just want to put I just want to put a new album out.
04:58That's awesome.
05:00I feel like I've just been chilling.
05:01So I'm ready to go.
05:02Again, you're bored.
05:03So you're making all these plans.
05:04Yeah, that's awesome.
05:05So tonight you're playing this totally private show for us here.
05:08And these are like Kane Brown super fans, super excited.
05:11I want to know, like, if you had the chance to just be a fan at a show and you could have
05:16a totally private concert with an artist, who would you want it to be?
05:24You just got to me.
05:27I didn't even meet her.
05:31I mean, I just we walk by we walk by each other and I was just like, I'm your biggest
05:33And then she's like she like double take me like, oh, and then thank you.
05:37But she was literally she was supposed to be on stage.
05:39It was like a super time crunch and she forgot something.
05:42So she had to go back to her green room, which I was walking out because I was like, I can't
05:45miss Tim's.
05:46And so then we pass each other.
05:48That's awesome.
05:49I always love to hear that even people like you still have that moment where you get like
05:52a little bit.
05:53I don't really have that moment.
05:54No, there's some about Tim's and I got to watch it.
05:57I never I always watch from backstage.
05:59So Tim's is the last artist that I watch.
06:03In front, like in the crowd, and there's just something about her, like her band, they're
06:08very like jazz.
06:09She and she's just up there like, her voice is sick, but she's just got this stage present
06:17of just like, I'm a badass and I don't know some cool and her music's dope too.
06:21There's a vibe.
06:22It's awesome.
06:23Yeah, it's fun to get excited.
06:24I'm sure it's fun to get excited about someone else's music to when you're so in yours all
06:27the time.
06:28Like it's hard to like find the joint.
06:29I apologize for cursing.
06:31You're fine.
06:34We're not live.
06:36Game Brown.
06:37It's always great to see you.
06:38I can't wait to see this tour.
06:39Congratulations on the album and another song climbing up the charts.
06:42We're so excited for you.
