• 2 days ago


00:00Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Strictly Pod. I'm Chris and today we've got two more
00:12willing victims for this week's episode. They are Shirley and Laura.
00:17Hello. Hi.
00:18Both performing street and musical theatre in support of Highland Hospice. They're here
00:23to share their journey as they gear up for the big night, which I think is what the 15th?
00:27No, 16th. 16th we are, yeah, 16th of May.
00:30We're six weeks in and we've got 11 more weeks to go.
00:34Yeah, 11 weeks tomorrow, I believe, yeah. So it was on the group chat, I know it.
00:39How are you both finding it?
00:41Completely out of my comfort zone. Couldn't be any further out my comfort zone, but loving it.
00:48Good partner, getting on good. Yeah, totally out of my comfort zone,
00:52but I'm enjoying learning. Fantastic partner, great team Friday. It's an experience,
01:00it's a really good experience.
01:02And so I think what got you both involved in this in the first place?
01:05I think me, I wanted to prove that I was able to do something. I don't know, I've always felt
01:13not confident in anything and I wanted to push myself completely out of my comfort zone and
01:20try not to embarrass the teenagers doing it and raise money for a good cause.
01:26A few people I've known over the last few years have needed the hospice, so.
01:31Has that been a big role for you then?
01:33Yeah, 100%. We actually just lost a man that stayed in our local village
01:40and he wasn't that much older than me and he was under the care of the hospice. So
01:47that's another driving force and just doing the best I can do and try to raise
01:52as much money as possible for it. So.
01:55What about you, Sharni?
01:56Well, I mean, it's kind of similar reasons. It's the comfort zone thing,
02:02trying to build a bit of confidence and learning something new, but working for the hospice,
02:08you see so many things. And so the difference that the hospice makes in our community,
02:15and because I've worked for them now for five years and like seeing so many people come and go
02:22and it's a very sad place, but it's just a very loving place as well. So if I can do my bit just
02:29to raise a bit of extra funds, then I'll do my best.
02:33And how long have you been with Island Hospice?
02:35Five years.
02:36So you must have seen, or you've seen probably quite a lot of strictly in that case.
02:39I have indeed. Yeah. A lot of the events actually come through or have some kind of
02:45involvement with the warehouse. So strictly Nesfactor, Catwalk, they've all kind of
02:52been involved indirectly, providing things, outfits or props, anything like that.
02:58Of course, I can say this now because we're six weeks in. I think we've all had a good number of
03:04lessons behind us. How are you finding that element of it?
03:08I think last week, it was kind of the first week that we were a group, we had lots of fun and
03:15lots of laughs and everybody's like getting into it now. And yeah, I think now that we've got a
03:21few lessons behind us, kind of know roughly what we're meant to be doing.
03:26And how's the dynamic?
03:27Oh, grand. In general, like get on great and the dancing. If I lose track, she's just like,
03:35no, that way. Because I tend to just panic and like and end up at the opposite end of the hall.
03:43Does that mean one of you has got more rhythm than the other?
03:46No, no. I think it's more a confidence thing. I think it's finding that inner,
03:54what were they? Sassy. Sassiness. Divas. We've just got to find them because they're in there
03:59somewhere. Yeah. As I was kind of saying, six weeks in, we're learning the dances.
04:04We've sort of touched on a tiny bit of like how that's going. But I mean, have there been any
04:08standout moments for you both so far in terms of just things that you've done that you didn't think
04:11you'd be able to do? Or, you know, there's a particular move that you never thought in your
04:16wildest dreams that you'd have been doing that you are doing?
04:18I think there's a bit in our dance and this word that the teacher says has been stuck in my head.
04:26And I finally got the movement of it. I don't know if I can even say it, but it's scoop,
04:32it's scoop, scoop. And I just cannot do it. And then last on Sunday there, I managed to do it. So
04:40I was like, you know, there is a bit of rhythm in there somewhere. It's just trying to let it out.
04:45Lots of scoop, scoop.
04:46You've got a brief, well, I've got a briefcase and we've just like, it's like we're digging
04:54with legs going one way, arms going the other way and oh, what could possibly go wrong?
04:59It's good fun though.
05:01What about you, Shelley?
05:03Um, I don't actually know. The scoop one was quite frustrating, but yeah, we did get that last week.
05:12The other one, the musical theatre one, I think possibly was it last week,
05:16we kind of got most of the way through it. And I was quite impressed with that.
05:21Yeah. The only thing is we're doing it a lot slower than it's going to be.
05:24So that bit kind of scares me a wee bit.
05:26I think Rachel said this, didn't she?
05:28She said, aren't you learning at half speed and then it needs to go at double speed.
05:31And it's already fast and we don't know what shoes we're going to have to wear yet either.
05:35It hasn't been decided. So I'm just hoping that the heels don't have to come out
05:40because that's not fun.
05:42Yeah, I can imagine that's quite stressful. Any background dancing at all?
05:46Nothing. I did a little bit of Highland dancing when I was maybe
05:50six or seven and that was it. I've never, other than dancing in the room or in my car alone,
05:58nothing. I'd never dream of putting myself out there in front of people.
06:02So yeah, it's well and truly out of my comfort zone in every way possible.
06:08I can do the Macarena after a few vodkas. That's my limit. That is it.
06:15It's such a worthwhile cause still nonetheless. I mean, I don't know how to dance,
06:19but I look back and I just see, at least in the last five weeks,
06:23now we're practicing lifts, for example, and weren't doing that on day one.
06:28So I've been impressed at how far I've come in such a short space of time at the same time.
06:32I think it's quite surprising. Even if you feel stupid doing it,
06:38when you look at the video afterwards, you think, actually, that looks quite good.
06:42Or we're all kind of in the same boat. We're all doing the same kind of thing.
06:48So yeah, I think there is definitely a difference over the last few weeks of
06:53progress. Little glimmers of hope that I might be able to do it.
06:58Well, when you look at the group dance, for example, week one, we were all just like,
07:04and when you look at last Sunday, it was amazing. I think everyone was just buzzing after it.
07:11It's funny, because last week, I don't know, I felt like I'd made the most mistakes I've
07:15probably ever made on a set, but it still looked good. It still all came together.
07:20I think that's the thing. When I look back at the videos that we get sent to reflect on or
07:25to train with, they never look quite as half as bad as I expect them to be after doing it.
07:30Yeah, definitely.
07:31I would spend like most Sundays, I would message Shirley and be like,
07:35oh, I look terrible. I can't do this. I'm struggling.
07:40And yeah, I think when you look back and don't be so hard on yourself and you think,
07:45it's slowly falling into place. But even if I say to the kids little snippets of,
07:52oh, I'm going to be wearing a hat or I'm going to be bopping to this bit of the song or whatever,
07:58and they'll be like, really? They never thought they would see their mum do anything like that.
08:04So it's a good learning experience.
08:07Have there been any moments so far that have really stuck with you?
08:10Last Thursday wasn't good for me. I was about ready just to, I can't do it,
08:16because we had a different teacher and it wasn't anything she did or said, but just
08:22I was feeling really like, oh, no, I just can't do it. But then you kind of, you just,
08:29it makes me then think of all the poor souls that aren't around anymore or aren't able to
08:35do these things. And I just think, just stop moaning and just get on with it and try your
08:40best. That's all you can do. So, yeah, that's full of highs and more lows for me at the start.
08:49But I think it's going to be more highs now that I'm letting go a bit.
08:55Now that you've mastered the scoop.
08:57Absolutely. Yeah.
09:03Will that be the thing that will stick with you forever?
09:06Yeah. Every time I hear that word, every time.
09:09Yeah. It's just playing on repeat in my head the whole time. Scoop, scoop, scoop.
09:15Oh, God.
09:16What about you, Sia?
09:18I don't, standout moments. I mean, it's similar. Like the first couple of weeks,
09:23I was just like, what am I doing? Why am I putting myself through this?
09:26But I would say the last two, three weeks, I've just felt different. I felt something's
09:32changed. And it's like, actually, I'm starting to enjoy it. Why am I putting so much pressure
09:36on myself? You know?
09:38And I think you're building, like, friendships. Like, we'll be friends after this. So I think
09:44it's giving you so much. It's not just dancing. So, yeah, it's a positive thing.
09:51I mean, how do you stay motivated? I mean, and I say that that's a bit of a loaded question.
09:55I appreciate it because, I mean, I'm knackered. And I feel tired 24-7 at the moment. A lot of
10:01dancing, fundraising, work. And it's just like, OK, because I need to balance this somehow. How
10:08do I, what am I doing? And so I suppose I had a bad week last week, for example, where I was
10:13overtired. But this week, I managed to pull through it. I felt quite chipper. And I think that
10:18Sunday was such a good day that, you know, that really changed, I think, how I was going into
10:23the week.
10:24Yeah, definitely. And it is the people around you that, like, your friends and family are so
10:30excited for you. I mean, I'm getting messages all the time.
10:33Yeah, same.
10:34It's like, can't wait to come and watch you. And it's really, that buzz is the thing that
10:38keeps you going. And then, obviously, the people you're dancing with, your couples days and your
10:43group days, they just, everyone just kind of keeps you motivated. That's what's keeping me going.
10:48How do you guys support one another?
10:50We're pretty much in constant communication. And then, like, surely you'll help if I need any help
10:57with any of my fundraisers. Same, me with her. And then I've gone to her work a couple of times,
11:03a bit of extra practice, get to know her colleagues. And I think we started to build,
11:10like, a firm friendship. And then I think that has helped to progress, like, the dancing and
11:15that. Because if you trust each other, then, for me, anyway, I can work with that. If I can trust
11:21you and I calm enough to take information in, because if I'm nervous wreck, nothing goes in,
11:27I'll just laugh the whole time. But yeah, I think it's the people being so, like, proud of us,
11:34so encouraging. Like, all my customers and that, they're every day, they're offering,
11:41can they do anything to help? Do I need anything from my fundraisers? They will come and see me
11:47dancing and that. And I think, you know, it's worth doing. It's worth putting yourself out there.
11:52And yes, you're tired, but it's not a permanent thing. Just take a rest when you can.
11:58And how are you both finding the fundraising side of it? What have we done so far? What are we
12:02looking forward to doing? Yeah, that's the sticky bit. Yeah. I don't like asking people for money,
12:11because obviously times are quite tough for a lot of people, but people have been so generous,
12:17so, so generous. Some of the raffle prizes I've received, wow, they just kind of blow me away.
12:22But I think because of the kind of person Shirley is and the work she does and the amount of help
12:28she's given other people, I think that's like why so many people have stepped up and given back to
12:34her, you know. So I did a Ladies Day on Saturday. That was my first big fundraiser. I've got a
12:44Mother's Day afternoon tea and spring fair coming up. And we're in Tesco's doing a Tombola next
12:52month. Oh, good luck. I know. I've got my daughter roped in. She's going to be Bobby the Bee, so.
12:59Well, that sounds good. What about you? Have you got any other events coming up other than that?
13:02I've got a quiz and I've got a Bag of Bargain Day.
13:07Oh, it's Bag of Bargain Day. Ah, I see. Watch this space.
13:11It's a bit like a fun day, kind of jumble sale-y type thing. Just Bag of Bargain. A bit of face
13:17painting, some stalls. Do you have a particular goal in mind, how much you want to try and
13:22raise? I put myself way up at 10,000 because I thought go big or go home. So we'll see whether
13:29I make it or not. I don't know. How far along are we on that? I'm only on my just giving. I've
13:35only got about a thousand, but after that fundraiser and raffle tickets, sales, I should be
13:43maybe close to three, two and a half, three, maybe, maybe a bit more. Yeah. Have you got a
13:48goal in mind as well? Well, I just put down two. I was a bit realistic, maybe. But yeah, I think
13:57I'll get more than that. I think I'll just keep going until it's time. It's crazy when you hear
14:03what everyone's trying to plan, what they're trying to do. It's somewhat scary what people
14:10can do when you sort of give them a good cause to do it for. Absolutely. I'm similar in your
14:16boat in that I don't really like asking people for money. So whatever fundraising efforts I'm
14:21trying to do, often doing something rather than sort of sending my just given pages they can
14:26donate because it sounds awful, but I never quite like receiving it. So I don't want to put myself
14:34in that position of asking for it. So yeah, I've got lots of stuff in the diary. I just need to
14:43do it. That's the thought. Yeah, I know. I think that's part of the reason when we're doing like
14:49Tesco, we're doing a tombola because then we're not like just standing there. Please give us some
14:54money because neither of us were like, oh, don't really want it. You know, at least if you feel
14:59like they're getting something for their money, that's it's better with me. The same with the
15:04events, you know, like they get a nice family day out or the ladies get a trip out or whatever it
15:12might be. I think that's definitely the better way for us anyway. But I mean, it just goes to show,
15:18I think how heartwarming I suppose it is, you know, if all these people come forward, even just
15:22with raffle prizes, you know, to show that sort of love and support, even if it's money or a donation.
15:29Oh, there's been many tears already and that's just like gratitude for everybody that's
15:35donated so far. And, you know, it's just, it brings out the kindness in everybody. Like you
15:41see people for, for really what they are deep down, you know, like I've had people make me
15:49tablet to sell, to make money and donating things for my raffles, offering their time. And yeah,
15:58it's lovely. Has this surprised you in any case? I mean, definitely.
16:05Absolutely. I mean, just as soon as you put yourself out there saying you're doing something
16:09like this, just, it was kind of instant, wasn't it? Just the support. And if you need anything,
16:15let me know. I can give you this for a raffle prize without even asking people. They're like,
16:19Oh, I've got something for you. Yeah. It's just overwhelming at times. Yeah. Just the kindness.
16:26Yeah. So what's the best raffle you've got?
16:29No, no, no, no, no. They're all, they're all very special. They're all very,
16:35very special in their own way. Yeah. Every single raffle price I've received is very,
16:40very special to me. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I guess you have a lot of friends that have
16:46small businesses and that to me, like them giving up because it's hard enough to, to make a living
16:53and by the time you pay everything, but for them to give you a voucher, you know, that's so many
16:59hours they're going to be working effectively for nothing because they've chosen to give. So that
17:05to me, it's like, it is, it's a beautiful gift really from any of them. So yeah, there's loads
17:13of, loads of nice people out there. I've always been pleasantly surprised at just how quickly
17:19people come together, I guess. And I'm quite a cynical person, which is why it always catches
17:23me off guard, I'd say. So I live out in Elgin and even the Elgin people have sort of rallied,
17:29which is good considering it's Highland Hospice and it's somewhat out of Elgin's remit, let's be
17:34honest. Shouldn't be, shouldn't be. Have you surprised yourself in any of this? You know,
17:40I was surprised myself in, and I vocalise this something in every podcast episode. I wasn't
17:45particularly keen on doing lyrical, but now if I'm being totally honest with you, it's probably
17:50my favourite one. Well, yeah, when we got told our dances, I thought Hoss Street. Yes, I really,
17:58I think that'll be my dance, but actually musical theatre is like, I like Street, but so far musical
18:07theatre is like the song that I would favour out of the two. That surprised me because I,
18:14I thought, oh, not musical theatre. That's not for me. It's good. I don't know. I kind of like
18:20them both because probably six weeks in and week two, three, they changed our song.
18:27I wasn't keen on our first song. And when they changed it, it was like, that's the moment I
18:33started enjoying it. Yeah. I didn't like the first song. Did you get a say in the second song or?
18:38We kind of had a vote. We kind of had a vote, which I was like, I like that one. I want that
18:44one. And then everyone else kind of went, yeah, okay. But no, I think it's a good song. I think
18:51it's right for, for us. I mean, I know that there's been lots of same-sex couples in the past,
18:56but I think you're the first ones to come on the podcast. There you go. How does,
19:01how does that dynamic? I mean, is there, is there anything to consider on that regard or how does
19:06it feel? It feels fine. It's, I'm natural around Shirley. There's no, no awkwardness, nothing like
19:14that. I mean, when it comes to other people, like a few, cause I'm married with kids, but a few of
19:22them I'll be like, Oh, you're dancing my woman. Yes. I'm dancing my woman. It's like, so I've had
19:30to re-educate them that, you know, it's dancing. It's not any, you know, it's not a, I'm not going
19:39to change my life. And like, you know what I mean? You're not going to run off with Shirley.
19:44Yes. I'm like, what am I like to say? No, like, yeah. People just automatically jump to that.
19:52You know, like looking at my husband thinking, huh, you better watch, you know, she's dancing
19:57my woman, but it's not like that. It's a strong friendship. I think it'll be, you know, and we all
20:05need more decent, loyal friends in our life. And I think that I find that in my dance partner. So
20:13that's all I need to know. This is going to cost me a fortune. Is it in coffee?
20:22Oh dear. Well, I have to say a couple of years ago, one of my team did a strictly
20:30and they were at me from then, you know, are you going to, why don't you do it? Why don't you do
20:34it? And I stupidly said to Carrie one day, I'll do it when you're doing same sex couples. And did
20:41they not do same sex couples? So I kind of shot myself in the foot there and here I am. So,
20:49and I mean, it is, it is basically just dancing. We were a bit awkward when,
20:53because our dancing is like kind of, we're not on hold or anything.
20:59It's not contact dancing in our dances.
21:01And the first time that we had to do that, it was quite awkward.
21:03We were like, Oh, what's this?
21:05Was this for the photos?
21:07Oh yeah. We had to pose for the photo. Yeah.
21:09The photos were okay. This was the, in our group when we had to do the first.
21:13The photos were not okay. The photos were horrendous and every.
21:19But the photos aside, the dancing bit was like, the first time we had to do that,
21:23it was very awkward. And now it's just like, right, come on.
21:27Yeah, exactly. It's, um, but I think it would have been like that for any couple, regardless
21:34whether same sex, different sex, it's just that initial touch, isn't it? And once you're,
21:41you're used to that contact.
21:43It's being that close with a stranger, let's be honest.
21:45Yeah. And then especially when you come to lifts and things, well,
21:50you know, for the group dance anyway, that like, you know, you've, you're like, where do you?
21:56Yeah. Well, everyone's given me a weird look to say, Oh, I shouldn't be holding my leash there,
22:00but I'm like, well, what, where, where do you want me to hold it?
22:04You want to drop her?
22:05Yeah, exactly. I mean, interestingly, from my point of view on this, on the,
22:08on the situation is when I signed up for it, a few people asked, would you,
22:12are you doing it same sex? Were you doing it with a woman? I said, well, I don't
22:16really care to be honest with you. And it wasn't until I suppose we got into the first couple of
22:20lessons that I started to feel it in that sort of, in the sort of sense of, um, I don't think I would
22:28have been as initially uncomfortable as I would have been if I think I was with another man,
22:33that's what I'm used to. And so, you know, I was having to be quite intimate,
22:38holding Alicia in certain poses and stuff. And I never quite knew where to look or what body
22:43parts to be holding and stuff like that. And I just think it's an unusual problem because I've
22:48not had this before. So. So would you have danced with a male?
22:54I wouldn't have said no. I think, um, I've come into this completely open-minded. And so I think
23:00if I happen to be with another man, that's totally fine. Um, I think there tends to be a shortage
23:05for men, as I understand, for Strictly. Um, but I wouldn't have ruled it out. Um, it's,
23:11it's, it's an interesting one. And I've actually really enjoyed learning what it's like to be
23:19dancing. And I, it's a very subconscious thing. I can't quite put words to it. It's just a very
23:25interesting sort of situation to be in because it's totally foreign to me in, in, you know,
23:31off the dance floor. So. Well, that's kind of the same idea for me. Like, cause obviously I've
23:38got a husband and like, you're not used to being up close to another woman. And it is, you're like,
23:45well, where's my hand? Might it be up here, down here? You know, we're all,
23:51we're all adjusting to it, but nah, once you get over that initial bit, it's fine.
23:55Yeah, I'd say I'm really enjoying it. Where can people find you if they want to donate?
24:00I'm on Facebook or, um, my business is out in Compton, a wee village just near Dingwall.
24:10So you would get me there. Serenity by Laura. Okay. What, what do you, what, what is Serenity
24:17now that on that subject? Serenity is my baby. That's what it is. During COVID, I decided it
24:25was time to make a change. I've always been a carer, a support worker and that sort of role.
24:33And I thought, nah, I wanted to change it up a bit and do like my way of caring. So I trained
24:42in body massage, hot stone treatments, facial treatments, all sorts of things like that.
24:51It's like a holistic approach to caring for people. So people come to me all stressed out,
24:58sore. Will that just be most of the Strictly team at this point? Yeah. Well, they all keep saying,
25:04no, you're bringing your massage bed in. That might happen one day, but yeah. So Serenity
25:11is a space to come and forget your troubles, relax, find a bit of peace and then go out
25:18feeling that bit calmer. So that's, that's what it is. And yeah, I've been doing it for
25:24four and a half years now and I've recently just started training. So I train in all the courses
25:31that I'm qualified in as well. Pass on some of my, my experience and my love for the industry.
25:39So yeah. There you go. And how's it working at Highland Hospice? Yeah. What's your job there?
25:46I'm the warehouse manager. So we're, we're the kind of the hub for all the donations
25:53and we put stock out to our 15 shops. You must get some really good gold mines that come through.
26:00We get some interesting things coming through. Yeah, definitely. I think you need to have a
26:06wee team building day. Come and see us. Have a team building day. Well, I've been to the
26:12catwalk before. But not, not working, not working. Come, come and help us one day,
26:16get your team together and do a team building day. Okay. And you'll see, you'll see. We were
26:21always told this training story that we have is, you know, there was somebody searching through a
26:27bin bag and it was all just rubbish. It wasn't anything exciting, but then they thought the
26:34black bag was empty and they got right to the bottom and it was a £25,000 ring they found in
26:40the bottom. So it's like... Did you take that? No, this was, this was unfortunately before my time.
26:48We have had a few nuggets of gold, but yeah, sometimes you just have to get right to the
26:53bottom to find that, that gold nugget. Absolutely. A bit like us and the dancing really. That's it.
26:59Gold in the making. Yeah, there you go. I think we're nearly at the end, but I think we need,
27:04we can't end without doing the wheel of torture. Can we not?
27:07So new to the podcast, we've got a spinning wheel and with it, seven categories that all correlate
27:14to a card on the table there. So what the deal is, is Shirley, if you want to give it a spin
27:20and land on a category. That wasn't much of a push, was it? I'm trying not to move the microphone. Go for it.
27:29Secret code. So grab the card in front of you and then you've got a question there for Laura.
27:39Is there a side of me you never anticipated seeing and how has it influenced our teamwork?
27:47Nice and easy. Yeah, there you go.
27:50I think on first impressions, you were quite closed off and I think as we've got to know each other,
28:01like your true self has come out. So you're more, you're letting me in a bit more, getting to know
28:07you more. So yeah, that's, that's about all I would say. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, there you go.
28:15See, you learnt something new. Yeah. Laura, your turn.
28:21That was not much. That was pathetic. Come on. Scoop. Inside joke.
28:30What's one quirky habit of mine that always makes you laugh?
28:35Is it scoop? It's definitely scoop.
28:38Scoop. Yeah, definitely scoop. Scooping was just...
28:45Or pretending I'm going to kick somebody in the head. If I mistake, like my movements look like
28:50I was wanting to kick somebody. Oh, yeah. It's, that dance is like trying to be serious because
28:57we actually, the way we start, it's like, because we're quite close when we start and
29:01if one of us says the wrong thing, it's game over. It's over. Yeah. So.
29:06How do you reckon you'll be on the night? I'll probably be too frightened to even speak.
29:11I'll need somebody to push me out on the stage. Either that or we'll go the total opposite way
29:16and be just... Yeah, I think we'll, we'll be fine. Saturday night will be different because Amy's
29:20going to be there, so. Yeah. Yeah. Because the whole point, one of the reasons I'm doing this
29:25is for Amy, Amy Dowden. And she is just like... To meet her or? She's a fan girl.
29:32I'm a big fan. Big fan. I think she's just such an inspirational woman. And given that in the group
29:38dance, I'm just there. Yeah. I think Laurel will have to drag me away. And I'm like, Charlie,
29:44remember me. Come on. Get over here. Amy will surely come backstage, though. Oh, I hope so.
29:49I hope so. Surely. You would expect. I would hope so. Yeah. Yeah. I just think... Alternatively,
29:55you just kind of win it to meet her that way. Yeah. Yeah. I just think she's just such an
30:02inspirational person and it'd be lovely to meet her. If we can put ourselves out there a little
30:07bit. Yes. It's nothing compared to what she's been through. Absolutely. I think that's a good
30:12way to end the show. There you go. That's it, folks. Thank you very much. Thank you.
