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How do infections spread?

The chain of infection is a crucial concept in understanding how diseases spread. It involves a series of interconnected steps that allow infections to travel from one person to another.

For example, water is contaminated with typhoid virus and this is called the agent. If a person drinks this water, the agent enters their stomach and this is called the portal of entry. The virus colonises the stomach and enters the bloodstream to cause the infection. When the patient passes diarrhoea, the agent comes out with the stool. If the patient touches something without properly washing their hands, the agent transfers it to the surface and passes it on to the next person touching it.

Watch Dr. Vijayalakshmi Balakrishnan of Kauvery Hospital, one of the best Infectious Disease specialists in Chennai, explain how understanding this process can help prevent the spread of illnesses and infection prevention tips.

Watch This Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c43Wa3iwgVI

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