• el mes pasado
Part 2 of RoadCraft, the spinoff from Snow Runner and Mud Runner, expands on the previous games by adding construction! But just how realistic is it?

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#realcivilengineer #engineering #roadcraft
00:00Hello fellow engineers and welcome back to RoadCraft where today we're taking on the second map where this time
00:06We're gonna be building a road and because it's challenging. I've enlisted the help of an editor
00:10I appreciate you letting me out of the basement the dungeon and to help you with this
00:15Yeah, I know don't don't get scared. But the that thing above you that's called the sky
00:20I know you're used to just seeing concrete right so bird. Let's uh, you've driven, you know, let's drive a car, right?
00:26I'm sure you've driven a car. Yeah. Oh, there's a parking brake
00:29Oh, I hope you wouldn't notice it took me like two minutes to work it out
00:33I don't know why we're driving off that way. Anyway, because we need to build a road today
00:36Oh, is that what we're doing?
00:37yeah, so basically the story of this is like I think a
00:41Disaster hit like a bad weather event and like the the area got damaged. We've got to rebuild the place
00:46So we're like the heroes in this story. Yeah. Yeah, so very very similar to your editing
00:51But yeah, right. So first things first, we've got to restore the path the concrete plant now
00:56The concrete plant is straight ahead. You can see it like on on the on the horizon over there, right?
01:01Okay, so yeah, oh, I'll follow you over that way. Okay, and we'll just we'll just go scout it out
01:05So oh boy. Oh man. Wow. Wow, no fear
01:10You sure you sure you've driven before oh
01:15Bird Oh slight problem over here. Yeah, that's here. Well, I got you. I got you. You know, these are company cars
01:22Company cars, it's okay. We just do it my company. Oh, they're your cup. Oh that then it really doesn't matter
01:27So if we just do a little of the old I called this the engineering tap. Oh, yes that Oh actually
01:34Actually, I mean you're crushing my head the reef has collapsed onto my skull
01:38But I mean, there's not much loss there right not sure. This is working
01:42I think I have a winch so I can aim the winch. Oh, there's a little tree. Hang on. Whoa, right?
01:47I now have winched myself. So if I pull winch engine not running, that's cuz I'm upside down
01:53How do I start my engine should I try winching you and dragging you knock a lot? Oh, oh, it's a lot deeper
02:00I expect it stuck in the mud over there. It's not even mud. You're stuck in the rocks for an all-wheel drive vehicle
02:05This this isn't a getting through very well. Well, this is a this is a great start
02:09This is I literally I can't use my winch because my engine isn't running and I don't think my engine will run because I'm almost
02:15Trying to winch you yeah, can you like a winch from behind me if I like D winch from that tree?
02:20Oh, I can can you winch to the tree? Yeah, you've got me. No, not by the roof. You mad. That's it
02:25It's got me by my knob right now. Just well now I'm just stuck
02:28I love how you moved into the mud before winching me, right? This might be a lost cause I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
02:34I'm gonna head into the map because I did notice there was another vehicle up here
02:39I'm in the pike like transport vehicle now that Land Rover stay in there. It's just it's a tax write-off. It's a lost cause
02:46Yeah, so if you come just come back up the hill like to where we started
02:49Oh, let me just simply drive up that massive hill real quick. Yeah, it should be easy
02:53I can't even get out of the mud this man's talk about driving up a mountain a large talk from the man who flips
02:59Okay, well, let me let me come I'm gonna reverse down. I don't know why I'm reversing down. All right
03:03Can you see me? Oh, I got stuck. Hang on. Hang on. Oh, I might need a tote
03:10Okay, have I got two vehicles stuck already this is your fault is it wasn't this your job shut up
03:16Don't worry old editor birds here to rescue you. Go go go. Yes. Yes. Yes
03:25So I have a plan now to stop this happening again to snatch your winch there we go
03:29So what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put my put my things down a little ramp and now because you keep getting stuck in the mud
03:35And stuff I want you to get on the back because I can drive way safer than you can
03:39And shall I not do this at the bottom of a valley?
03:41Hang on
03:41So if you go on to the back then I can safely get you to the objective and then we won't have to worry about losing
03:46Another another Land Rover. So ramp back up probably do your parking brake. Yeah, that would be a good call
03:55But yeah, and then we're gonna oh no, it's like I think that's a sandstorm do you have a sandstorm when you're yeah
04:01Whoa, am I gonna show this?
04:07It's fine because I'm the boss
04:09We're actually doing today. We're gonna be building a road from where we are now if you look behind us
04:14Can you see it's all lit up nicely? Yes, so we're gonna be building a road that way
04:18But first we've got a head up to that concrete plump
04:21So what I'm liking about this game a lot so far is that now this whole experience is riding on you
04:28No pun intended. Well, it always was going to be to be fair. I just put it in a low gear
04:33Oh, that's not help. Why stop shaking about what are you doing back there? Anyway, I'm going to first person
04:39I'm sick of looking at you. So let's just drive up. Oh be careful. Be careful. You're about to launch you. Oh, no
04:51It's okay
04:53Don't attach your winch. Whatever you do, right? Okay, we're up to be fair. We have arrived now say you can't attach you're good
05:00I'm gonna lose my mind
05:04Dear, what did I say the whole reason you're on the back for say this didn't happen again
05:09Oh, what are we gonna do now? Okay, actually I have a slight idea
05:14All right winch on to me and then I'm gonna drag you onto your wheels
05:18Yes in the sandstorm Matt to the rescue now. We're here. We've got to we've got to clear the area
05:25Can you see like the storms like blown stuff in the way like all these objects? Yeah, this is this is a road here
05:31No, it's quite hard to see because it's more stormy. But uh, we've got to push these things out the way
05:35Can I just like pull now? Oh, yeah. So yeah. Yeah, you've done your winch now give it a pull. I will supervise
05:42Okay, I love that. You did the car under the pole first. You didn't do the pole first
05:46All I'm saying is that this car definitely has this parking brake on because this is ridiculous
05:50So I give you a hand is that giving me a hand? I'm trying to do the shortest distance
05:54Why are you dragging it that way? You're just gonna block the road further down, you know, that's a later problem
05:59You've got to look after your future self. I get paid by the hour. So alright, so you just drag all those around
06:05I'm gonna go. I don't know why I'm reversing everywhere. I'm gonna go have a little look around
06:08So got all got loads of drainage pipes. We've got a tractor up there. I bird. How are you getting on?
06:17Okay, well luckily for you I have something that might help us so detach that follow me this way
06:23Can you see those two things in front of me?
06:26You're watching me struggle that whole time and these were right around the corner
06:30Yes, if the jobs worth doing it's worth doing twice. We're gonna use these. So these are like these are cranes
06:35Obviously, I'm having the big one. So I am now in this one. Do you want to get in the other one?
06:39Oh, I'm way ahead of you. Nice, right and then we can use this to to crane some stuff out the way
06:44So yeah, you go clear over there. I'm gonna have a little play with this one. So I got a
06:49Poggle anchors. Oh, wow. They are some hefty anchors. Actually actually before I do this
06:54I've already had to go in the cranes. So I know how they work. So I'm just gonna borrow your truck
06:57I'm just gonna watch you attempt to control the crane. Okay. Okay. I'm glad you weren't here for what?
07:04I just got stuck on a trash bag for a good 15 seconds. So you're moving. Okay, you're moving the crane
07:09You haven't put the anchors down
07:12Interesting attach. What are you doing?
07:15Got it. Okay, you're creating it from down there. Interesting. What's he do?
07:20I mean at least I was like moving my crane when I first said okay
07:24I'm trying to figure out how to get the crane up. I can see that
07:27Okay, we got we got the side-to-side action down pretty Pat and honestly, I think that's a great start
07:33That is true. You've got you got your anchors out now as well. What you want to do you want to lift your arm up?
07:37Well, okay, obviously, but how do I do said thing press the lift arm up button on the other screen?
07:43I'm writing up my resignation right now
07:46You're saying living living in the in the basement with no sunlight and gruel is easier than my old day job actually, yeah
07:53Hey, mr. Engineer, mr. Top-notch
07:57Engineer most handsome person in the world British next top model. Do you want some help? How do I how do I erase it?
08:05How do I erase them? Give me a second. I'll bring my crane
08:09Boy, he's done it. He's done it. He's already gonna done it. Oh my goodness. Oh, hang on. Hang on
08:13He's about to pull that into himself. Okay. Okay. Well hold everyone. Oh, I love how you went for the smallest crane
08:19But the biggest object that's you said
08:24Okay, he's got it he's got it remember it's got to go all the way out of the of the yellow area
08:29Oh, come on. Come on, baby. Come on, baby. He's done it right now
08:33You've got to make sure you don't knock it back in. Oh, there you go. It's rolling. He's done it
08:36Oh, he's just driving away with the arm straight out
08:39Close lining everyone to be fair to you
08:42You actually did a hell of a lot better than I did you haven't edited the first episode yet
08:46Have you I have not even seen the first episode you're in for a treat
08:50Hang on
08:50I'm just gonna use this little car that you said was impossible to move any of these with I'm just gonna push all these strange
08:55Pipes out the way when you're hitting something that's circular from the side. Okay, maybe it will will move a little bit
09:02Bird, I'm stuck. Oh
09:05Oh, this is this is funny, this is weird. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. Oh, let's go cranium
09:11Oh, what are you doing over there? You're meant to be craning. You know, miss you pushing stuff
09:14Well, I didn't realize this is a lot strong. Watch this watch this boss
09:18Whoa, okay fair play. All right. Yeah, that is that is one one way to get it out using the crane
09:24Not quite what I intended but a point for creativity, I guess. So this crane how do we oh
09:31Should I go over and watch watch you do this? No, no, just give me a minute just to remember
09:37Oh, look, look what I did first time. Oh good for you. I like the load that's attached to it
09:42All right. Anyway, I'm gonna get the big old red container over there. Is there a different camera angle?
09:48Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. So if I lean this forward. Oh, yes, then we can come to there and we can say
09:55Attach load. Okay. So now I just like hang on. Hang on now I
10:02Raise the arm. Yes, and then we just move it off to the right and then we detach load. Oh, no your car
10:12That's okay it was a business vehicle you paid for it
10:15You know what? This game reminds me of when I was younger just playing in the sandbox with like the Tonka trucks
10:21Yeah, but it's just real life, well, it's not real life, but you know what I mean? Hey, um us this area is clear
10:28I'm like yours. What's going on over there? I'm I'm working on it. What are you doing? Oh my gosh. Oh
10:37Yeah, I reckon actually I can do this they look but if you just press
10:42One and then you can just drive off. I'm not sure my plan with this car is how are you?
10:47So good at the crane compared to me
10:48I mean my way does work I guess but I'm gonna try your method of just pushing
10:53Yeah, pushing is much easier. Oh another another sandstorm is roaming in there
10:58We've been at this for quite a long time. I think we are nearly there
11:02They I assume the driver of that car didn't want it back as well. Nice. I've just cleared an area
11:06Are you still doing that middle area? What do you mean still this is my second area?
11:10So, I don't know if I did something wrong, but it now refuses to like go up and down
11:16Oh got ya got ya. Oh
11:20Come here. Oh, no
11:22All right. Let me just move everything out the way
11:25All the problem areas out the way. There we go. There's nearly done. It was bird gone
11:30You know, it's hilarious. You were able to do that. So easily as soon as you attach to me
11:37You're you're like an expert at this anything else
11:40You would think it's your first day on the job
11:43But as soon as it's removing me from the area, you're a 20-year veteran complete coincidence. I look at this
11:49I'm even I'm even stacking now. I've got the hang. I have the hang boost. What's he doing? Is that tractor?
11:56I'm also stacking and then I think we are nearly we're nearly there, right? I think so
12:02I think we just have this trailer here. All right, I'm on it. I'm on it
12:05Don't you dare steal the last thing wait wait bird? No, I wanted the credit next job
12:11We we have to build a road now. This was literally my old job. I use it. We're not I didn't used to build them
12:16I used to design I used to supervise. He used to tell people how to do their jobs
12:23But it means I've got experience of telling people how to design how to build a road
12:28So I'm gonna tell you how to build a road. Sounds good. I reckon we go park these cranes over here
12:34We're probably not gonna need cranes to build a road. That's where you're wrong. Oh, there's a road planning request
12:40We've got a date, right? Okay, so bird we are what are you doing in the steamroller?
12:44All right, we'll get out the roller because we do that last actually. No, I shouldn't help you. I shouldn't help you actually
12:49Yeah, you know what? I got this. I got this. All right. What is this?
12:52Oh, this looks like something that builds a road first. Sure. Well, yeah, you're not you're not wrong. But um
12:59Please just don't road everywhere. I think you need a hint stop stop do provision
13:07Experience is coming in stop
13:09Right. Take that back. We do not just put road straight onto the ground. That's stupid
13:15What you have there is the like it lays asphalt the very top layer of a road
13:19But roads are made up of several layers. I imagine in this game. They've simplified it for
13:26Gamers, what are you trying to say?
13:29Nothing, but you did just try and lay asphalt straight onto the dirt. So okay
13:34Get into there and this is this has loads of well, I think it has sand in the back
13:39It should be sub base, but sand sub base same thing pretty much. What are you gonna do?
13:43You're gonna come over to where we're gonna build our road, right?
13:46So yeah, bring that load of sand over here. There's not enough sand on the floor as you can see
13:51It was until he drove over and made all these tire marks in it. But yeah in the real world. This isn't sand
13:57This is sub base. There's like big old like quite chunky gravel and be a reverse back to the start
14:03You want to dump it where our roads gonna go? Okay, so you've gone all the way back to that
14:07So you're gonna dump that onto the tarmac that's already there. I probably wouldn't advise that I'd probably start a little bit forwards
14:13All right. There we go. There we go. Now what you want to do? Oh, that's a lot of sand
14:17You've just dumped it all there
14:20Well, I was gonna say is yeah
14:21You want to slowly open it as you drive along gone a little bit higher a little bit higher a little bit higher
14:28God, oh not that high
14:30That's as big as my truck look how tall it is this is tall as this truck
14:35All right. Well, anyway, you've now you've now laid your material out your sub base
14:40So what you want to do you want to smooth try and spread it out get it nice and even
14:45So that we can lay our asphalt on top
14:48So what I recommend you do get in the truck that I was just in yet then lower
14:52Lower that blade at the front right and then just smooth it out
14:58Nice and smooth remember we don't want to ramp onto a hood. We're tying in with this end. So it's got to be light
15:07It keeps wanting to just go right up I don't want to micromanage you but what are you doing? What's he doing?
15:13She's going up. Stay down just like that. Okay, you got this you got this
15:20That's it power power. Is that flat? Is that trying to um creator control there? There we go. We want that down
15:26There we go. Here we go. Look back. Not backwards. Stop. It's forwards. Oh
15:34That's fine. We'll fix it in post
15:37This isn't a video
15:39All right. Let me just see what it would be like for oh my goodness. It's lumpy
15:43The good thing is they because it's a sub base we can just keep driving over this and it should flatten it down
15:48I mean, maybe not that first bit. All right
15:52You ready see some magical show me magic show me the why does it keep going up
15:58That actually it does look better. Okay, it's now going uphill. But maybe maybe the road could go uphill. Okay
16:04Okay, I think I just have to hold this down
16:06There we go. That's not bad. That is much smoother to drive over. I mean this
16:14Yeah, so basically we've just got a we've just got to do this a few times I
16:19Suggest because because it's quite a length of road. So we should we do one job each. So what would you rather do?
16:25Um, I'll try to keep flattening because I'm already in this vehicle. I'm honestly very good at it. So, okay
16:30Well, I'll get in the dump truck now. I gotta go. I gotta go refill this
16:33I think I can just head over to this machine here and then press and hold
16:40G and yeah that refills the sound. Okay, I'm gonna do something really dumb and you're not gonna judge me for it
16:48But I need to do it for science for science for science. I know they will come back. We'll come back with a roller
16:53Well, would this not flatten the snow not the snow the sand? It's not
16:59We need to go way back to the beginning
17:02So yeah, this will flatten it, but it's not gonna move it around now
17:05You've got a lot of sand on the tarmac there flattening it into the tarmac isn't gonna help it
17:11I see your point. All right, if you just go like I've just hit your truck. Sorry. That's company vehicle
17:17Have you used this bulldozer, by the way? No
17:21Okay, you know what? I'm sure you need to use this because this thing I got this job to do
17:27I can't do everything but this is this is why you're here. So what does it mean that it's red?
17:32Does that mean it's good since when has red meant good? I was just really coping. I'm not gonna lie
17:38I was really hoping that meant good. All right. Meanwhile, I'm just tipping
17:43Tipping sand a bit more gently than you did. So I think all the orange means is there is enough like
17:49Sand there like because we're like putting sub base in basically putting the foundation of the road
17:54And it's about time to tell you I'm totally stuck
17:57That's because you haven't flattened it and you want normal cars to drive on this
18:00You're just saying it's fine a second ago. You know what this area right here. I feel like it's looking pretty good
18:06I've done most the sound there's only a tiny bit of sanity. So I'll let you do that
18:10I will now try and fix everything you've done because it looks absolutely shocking from this angle
18:16Yeah, how about you hop into that bulldozer and tell me tell me how you do, right? Okay. I'm in the bulldozer
18:21Let's go back to the start and do this properly. So the mess you've made
18:27I'm excited to see your result. Oh, you kept the tipper open. What do you mean?
18:32I just
18:36Did that bit perfect me what have you done? I didn't do anything with it
18:40It was already open and I moved forward all the sand came out. Oh
18:45Dear, yeah, so let's just lower this tilt the blade so it's not pointing down
18:50Cuz that's just right and then we just flatten the road
18:55Nicely and then we're ending up with a nice
18:59The road unlike what bird did mine wouldn't caddy want this every single time. Well, that's cuz you were driving it
19:14And you're still and I gotta push you out as well the things I do here
19:19The things I do man, look how smooth it is compared I did one pass over a you
19:26There's something there's something wonky here whenever I would drive my thing would go up in the air
19:32And then I'll start doing a kickflip or something
19:35Well, I did I did notice as you were driving you weren't in the greater mode sand flattening
19:40You're actually in greater mood destruction, but you know, this is all making a lot more sense
19:47Sounds like a training issue, sir. There's there's a unflat spot over here
19:52I've done one pass and it's cuz whoever laid the sand did a terrible job
19:55I'm going back who was in the sand layer ready past two in the opposite direction
20:00We're just smoothing out all the materials and then bird what you would do in real life
20:04You would come back with the with the steep with the roller and you'd flatten this you'd compact it
20:10Should I get the roller? I'm not sure you actually have to do that in this game
20:14By the way, there is there is a lump. I don't know I can get rid of we may need a bit more sand
20:18It's like by the rocks in the middle. Aye aye captain
20:22Potentially we might need some at the very start just a very small amount because somebody it dropped it all over the existing road
20:28Yeah, right. Here we go. Just a little bit just a tiny tiny little bit go back go back
20:34Back more back. Well, there we go. Okay, that's too much. Okay. Yeah, I'm just gonna try and push this
20:40We got a bit of a bit of a ramp. You know what? I think I think we're getting that
20:44I think we are it's looking pretty good final pass. You put some sand by that rock, right?
20:48No, because I dumped it all in the beginning. We just come like in front of no, no, don't come
20:53Okay, can you go around me? Yeah, that's fine. You're fine. Oh, no. Oh, you just dropped it
20:59Like what's up with blade? You get the blade into the ground get out of the way. Hang on. Hang on a second. Jeez
21:07It's trying to make a maneuver a maze
21:10Okay, a little bit there just so we can we can smooth out that little
21:15That was good. That was good. Yeah, just a tiny bit. I put there
21:23Now I think you might need a little bit more see this is like proper like how they actually do it someone comes in drops
21:28The stuff make sure it's all level though
21:30You wouldn't just do this by I you would like it'd be all marked out and then oh, it's a bit of a bit lumpy
21:35It's fairly smooth though. I think that's like a 9 out of 10 road right there
21:39Yeah, considering like I did this for 10 years of my life. I think I think it's up to standard
21:44Is it typical for the company vehicle to be on its side? Like is that just standard when building a road?
21:49Oh, I see what you mean about the the truck on its side. You come rescue me with the with the scooper thing
21:55I mean all you can try that. Yeah, this is what I learned on site
21:57So lift up your the back of your thing now tip it. Yeah, there's sand in that
22:04Just follow an order sir, it's a little wedge act who put the sand here. It's really
22:10Yes, there we go. It worked. So now bird we need to flatten down the sub base
22:15What are we going to use to flatten it down team roller?
22:19Yeah, except it's away from steam. It's just a roller
22:22Roller the way this works. I mean, how do you think it works? You just gotta run it over, right?
22:28Yeah, how does it how does it flatten the ground? It's just heavy, right?
22:31Yeah, no wrong. No, it vibrates. Oh
22:36Hey, no, I'm just keeping an eye on you. So you're just gonna he's keeping a leash
22:39Yeah, I can't be bothered to like try and get my speed to like follow yours. So I figured yeah, basically
22:44It's like a dog lead so you can't wait
22:47Wait, you're putting tire tracks and the things I'm getting rid of cars are gonna drive along it
22:52I'm just helping to flatten it. I'm getting rid of the tire tracks and you're putting more on
22:57Okay, you might have a point when we get to the end I'll stop driving on it
23:03So I can do it again the jobs worth doing it's worth doing twice get rid of all these time marks
23:08But yeah, no this this doesn't work by weight. Okay, it's not actually that heavy at all
23:12yeah, the way the way it compacts the
23:14Like wheels they're like rollers. They vibrate for the game
23:18All the time and it like shakes all the little bits of stone closer together
23:22So it's like when you pan for gold and you're like shaking it all together
23:27Like when you when you shake it it makes the gaps between all the all the individual pieces a little bit smaller
23:32Don't you dare get near this with those tires?
23:36I'm not but you've missed some you did you have actually miss on me. I have to go back
23:40That's looking pretty good. This is now stuck
23:42So I'm just gonna leave it there
23:43But you get to jump in to the paver now and say what this does it has like hot
23:49Asphalt in the front and you can control like how much comes out and basically it just like it just pours it onto the road
23:55And then it's got like little
23:57Rollery things that sort of like spread it out fan out and it just smooths it to become the road surface
24:02Generally, though you wouldn't go straight from sub base to like the finished like top layer of a road
24:08That'd be like a few other other layers
24:11So like what you're doing now on straight into the sub base wouldn't be the final layer
24:15It'd be like I'm so I'm really concentrating on the fact that this thing is
24:20Barely moving you have like piece of right mess behind you. There's like it's like spewed out all over the side
24:27There's like patches you've missed all I see is the roads golden to be fair. Yeah games happy with your efforts
24:33So what I'm gonna do I'm gonna jump into the roller and as before we're gonna flatten this time
24:40The upper layer and you want to do this like pretty soon after it's been
24:44Been laid like pretty much straight behind like what we're doing here because there the the asphalt is hot and it's workable when it's hot
24:50And oh, this is satisfying. Oh my goodness. Oh, it's green now. Oh
24:56We've built a pothole though, I mean we've made a realistic road
24:59You might have to come back and do the first the first bit. We can't keep potholes in it. Oh, this is so satisfying
25:05I wonder what happens if you come back and like do yours on top
25:08I'm just gonna go off the edge and let you probably ruin everything. I've just done. Oh, no. Oh, no. This is quite stuck
25:15Oh, no, there's another sandstorm. We don't want to do this in a sandstorm. We're about to see what we're doing
25:18I'm on my way. Why am I taking the dirt road when we just build a road right here?
25:24No, don't drive out there yet. Cuz it's gonna be oh, there's gonna be tire marks in it now. All right, okay
25:29We're nearly out. We're nearly out. Look how much pollution I'm making just try to get this thing out. Wait a second
25:34It's like a big rock in front of you. Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh. How did you get over here?
25:40Oh, you could go get the crane. We have cranes. Oh, you're so right
25:43I could bird to the rest. I can actually see the crane from here because you didn't put it away
25:48Is this why everything takes so slow to have anything done like any roads built or anything?
25:53Is this what they're doing half? Oh, yes people getting unstuck and you were like also to be fair
25:58You're like, oh, why do you need cranes for to build a road on the floor? No, you look this is why I stay corrected
26:04All right. Let's see how much you've improved your crane driving skills. And this is the big one now
26:08Not just the junior one. This is the big one. All right
26:12Let's see how you get on
26:14Your back wheels went off and your back hankers. Maybe these rollers do weigh a little bit
26:18I'd say what put me exactly where I need to go and make sure I'm facing the right direction as well
26:23I think you should be able to do that. Yeah, I got you
26:25All right. Now you just want to come like back a bit back towards you. Well, it's flattening from up here
26:29It's actually flattening the road. I'm not even joking
26:31Oh, there's actually tire marks in it, which I haven't been able to flatten from up here. All right
26:36This is the first person image and it's like I'm flying. I have a little propeller in here as well
26:40So it does make sense. Oh my goodness. Look at this
26:44Look, it does it easy does it look at oh, can we see?
26:47Actually, pick me back up go come as close to me as you know
26:50Come as close to me as possible like come down right now lift me up as high as you can
26:55All right, keep keep going. Oh my goodness. Let me just have a little look at the first person
27:00Oh, yeah, this is high. This is high. Hang on. Don't swing me. Don't swing me. I don't like it
27:04I don't know swinging. Can you drive forward a little bit? I'm angry
27:14We're fine, we're fine
27:17Yes, we drop now ready?
27:23Now that's the power of engineering and teamwork and now you're on your side, right?
27:28So very completed. We've done it. We've got all right
27:31So we're gonna do now is just come back with the white lines paint them on actually this road doesn't even have white lines
27:37I don't think so. Let's just take these take these vehicles back. What are you doing?
27:41We've had our first crash on the road. All right, I'm just gonna drive our road. Make sure it's all good
27:47Final final checks and approval looks pretty. I mean that rock probably could be moved. Oh, no. Oh dear
27:55The mishaps when you put an American and a British person on the same road don't establish
28:01Okay, so we've got to do now is we just plot a route so if we start plotting
28:06But basically I'm plotting a route along our little road and this is what like the what the trucks are gonna use
28:12You can take concrete slabs from the from the factory over to our desert base and they're gonna they're gonna go along my route that
28:18We're doing so that's why we had to make the road decent
28:21Your brute, yeah, I'm literally I'm drawing a route now like along the road it's our route. Oh, this is a team effort
28:28I get it, but I'm not I'm not doing your job for you. So you you can finish that finish that route yet
28:33Oh, I'm just gonna get into position so I can like watch it. Yeah, you you make the route
28:38Okay, six and a half hours later
28:40So something you often mistake is that I feel like you're trying to do this. You're trying to engineer this, right?
28:47It's all about efficiency and that's what you're doing wrong here. You're not doing it efficiently enough
28:52So, let me show you how it's done. All right, there is truck number one coming out. All right, here he comes. Let's see
28:59Where's he?
29:02But but he's fine. All right next one
29:09What are you doing we built a road does that mean nothing to you?
29:13These have all-wheel drive look look how big these tires are. How are they doing down there?
29:18I mean, oh, I'll lay it down and you supervise to make sure it's in a good spot. Okay, I'll give it a check
29:24I forgot that is what happened last time. I forgot to check your work and that that's why we went off a cliff
29:29That's right. Oh, they're ready to go. Are they? Yeah, I'll tell you what
29:32I'll just quickly let me just come back because I just want to see them come out again
29:35Make sure you're doing a good job right send them send them send them. All right, I'll follow I'll follow this one
29:40Okay, I'll follow the next one proper convoy
29:43I can tell how jagged II you did your lines like it gets to somewhere and then does an immediate sharp turn and then go straight
29:49Again, what going off the road then across the road off the road the other side most direct route possible save on gas
29:56Saving the company money say what though now it is on our brand new road and it is loving life
30:01There was part of me that wanted to make the directions go straight off that road like only that part
30:07Just a spite right you made it go over the rocks you know, push it push it. Oh
30:15We're good. I've just blocked the other one. Oh wait, you might be good. You might be good. Oh
30:20There's more trucks. Oh wait, I think we're good. I think we're good. Let me get the weight
30:24Oh one guy's climbing an Everest over here. I think we're good. I think we're good. Don't fall. Don't tip
30:32No, no, so this third one is stuck quick quick quick
30:37Oh, it's good. It's moving. Yes. I think we've got it. I think we got it
30:42It's like the human center truck, oh, yes, we've done we're done flawless
30:46Perfect road. I'm learning so much about roads today
30:51I'm glad I'm glad so bird. Do you think you could cut it as an engineer in the real world?
30:55I think I could I think I could I think I'm gonna actually go up to my local
30:59Road building place and just be like hey
31:02I'm a great brain operator for all the times you guys I get your truck stuck and flip them like I cannot flip them
31:08Oh, I forgot to move us in the middle of moving it when I jumped you had one job
31:14I had ten jobs had all of your jobs
31:17Let's tell you what to do and then I had to move this you had one job. I think we've made it
31:22I think we're about to complete this. All right, and that is it. We did it. We built a road
31:26How long did that take us like two hours two hours, which is to be fair a lot faster than real life
31:31Yeah, usually I feel like they take two months to build a road around here. Yeah. Well, you can see why now
31:36But yeah, we have now done the easy. We have now done the challenging
31:39Let me know in the comments and obviously let bird know as well. Should we do the hard mission?
31:44It's called seal the breach. It gets harder. I'm so stressed
31:49Peace love and Tony editor to build a road and he actually did it. Bye. Bye
