• yesterday


00:00The internet is a place filled with a bunch of weird people a bunch of scam artists shanksters
00:05And I must say this person above me
00:10Really freaks me out in a sense. This is a South African immigrant
00:15Cosplaying as a South African. Maybe as you watch this video
00:20You'll start to grasp what I mean by he's cosplaying as a South African. I've never seen someone
00:27Really hold this much disdain
00:30For a country they have come from I don't understand what would have happened in his past
00:35but he's clearly projecting a lot of anger and pain that he has either in his personal life or
00:42He has because of things that happened to him
00:46specifically in
00:47South Africa, I'm not sure when he left what age he left, but we are just going to watch this video. It's called
00:54the truth
00:56about white South African
00:58refugees and
01:00We are going to see how much truth he tells and we are going to see how honest he's being with the information
01:06He is presenting to the world stage to you guys there
01:10Alright, let's open this up man
01:14Before you go to bed make sure you lock your gates
01:27Arm the alarm
01:29lock your doors and
01:32Most importantly lock the security gate between the living room and your bedroom
01:38Yeah, okay. So crime in South Africa is a huge issue
01:43murder break-ins
01:45Huge huge huge problem so far. This is not a lie. This is what it is
01:50Especially if you live in houting case it in
01:53Western Cape, those are the three main provinces where everyone kind of flocks
01:58There's a lot more people there. So a lot more murder and crime happens in those areas
02:03I think we were number one in the world in terms of the crime index
02:08Just last year. So it is a major problem. This does happen
02:13That's what saved the life of this couple who was about to be murdered and horribly tortured and who knows what else in their own beds
02:21This is the reality of South Africa
02:23It's a mess
02:25And you know, okay, if it saved them you're already
02:30Misrepresenting the information you're already misrepresenting the information you're already misrepresenting the truth
02:36You're already misrepresenting the truth. You're already misrepresenting the truth
02:39You're already
02:41Misrepresenting the information you're saying it saved them from being murdered and tortured. This looks like a break-in
02:48It doesn't always happen that in break-ins people get killed
02:54Know what South Africa's in the news because it looks like people are
02:58Finally taking this very big problem that South Africa faces serious white problem
03:02And of course, I'm talking about the problem of race targeted violent attacks and ethnic cleansing
03:10ethnic cleansing
03:14By this video you would assume
03:18That there's some sorts of genocide happening in South Africa
03:22We'll look at the stats later. Let's just let the video run. We'll look at stats
03:34That's crazy
03:40Cutting the throats of whiteness the concept
03:45If you don't know South Africa went through apartheid and it kind of radicalized a lot of our leaders
03:52So there are a lot of politicians who will say wild shit like this knowing that it's going to get them votes
03:59Because votes put you in Parliament and it's the same as what the other side of politics is doing by screaming genocide
04:06because if they scream those kinds of terms
04:09It's going to radicalize the minorities
04:13Which are the white people in South Africa and it's gonna make them who?
04:18Who genocide it's gonna make it into this scary issue when nothing like that is happening in the country. I promise you
04:33Yeah, he shouldn't he shouldn't have done this because
04:37It's a mark now
04:39Every time Elon or whoever from America wants to build a narrative about South Africa
04:44They are going to look at Julius Malema and they're going to act like everyone has this sort of thinking
04:53Malema doesn't even have a kill the poor
04:57Mentality for real. He's not trying to kill people for real. Otherwise more people would be dead
05:04He has kind of a lot of power he could orchestrate stuff like that the fact that people aren't dying en masse
05:13There's no great narrative coming from South Africa's political parties to kill people
05:18This happens to be a major
05:21political party in South Africa called the EFF
05:24They were radicals at some point and that's what got them a lot of attention and a lot of praise
05:30But in the last local election they somewhat lost that
05:36Sense of radicalism and they lost a little bit of their base
05:40Their supporter base a lot of people jumped off of their party to go into another party
05:45Which was called MK and the DA the main opposition to the big party the ANC
05:52performed a lot better this year, which has resulted in a GNU government the
05:58Best way to explain this is like if the Democrats and Republicans in America
06:03Was somewhat in power at the same time and they had to share the power
06:08With some of the other smaller parties that are there
06:24That's great, that's crazy that's too much
06:27Be an interesting video to talk about because this is such a landmine of a topic and something
06:34That's very divisive and the best way for me to start to talk about this topic is to show you something
06:42What you're seeing here is a flag that I took around with me when I did my first road trip through America back in
06:51Okay, the signatures of people that I met along the way
06:54Okay, and the kind words of
06:57welcome and
06:58Encouragement and love that I received from all walks of life. He's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do
07:05There's no way. There's no way he's gonna do what I think he's gonna do
07:10This flag is proof that America works
07:14This flag is proof that America is filled with people of compassion and love
07:19No offense Americanos, no offense to the Americans here, but every time I see you guys on Twitter
07:25There's a huge fight between the left and the right of your politics
07:30You guys cannot agree your country is split in half most of the time
07:34So this thing that America doesn't have its own political problems where opinions are clashing is complete BS
07:42It's a lie. What is this? What does this flag have to do with anything?
07:46It's a lie, what is this what does this flag have to do with South Africa
07:51Good people kind people generous people
07:54yeah, every place in the world has good people kind people generous people every place in the world also has shanksters scammers and
08:02Shitty youtubers who try and exploit their audiences to get clicks
08:06And that's something that I will never forget because the people here is what makes this country great. Oh my god. I
08:13Can't say the same for South Africa. However
08:20Knew it I knew oh
08:23That's so crazy selling out your own country for like clicks and views is mad, bro
08:29It's mad. You have this household issue going on in your country. You go overseas and
08:35Instead of giving people a fair accurate representation of what you believe is going on
08:42You intentionally skew the evidence to try and
08:46polarize people
08:48To try and put out a hit piece against your own country
08:52Ironically, these are the type of people that Trump hates in America
08:58Trump hates traitors and this guy is a traitor sucks. It's a shithole
09:04Wow listen to the city say Africa, however, South Africa sucks
09:08It's a show and I'm being completely serious here
09:11South Africa is a nation divided into tribes in a nation that has been circling the toilet bowl forever
09:17I live in South Africa. Yeah, I
09:21I'm kind of a little bit older than you think
09:24I'm a lot older than you think
09:27How I'd put it is my mates my boys in my dogs
09:33Black white colored
09:36Indian from all parts of life
09:40But in every kind of household
09:44Pretoria. Alright, so Pretoria is like the capital city. That's where the Afrikaners were
09:49They set up their home base in Doria, right?
09:53Next to Pretoria is the renowned and famously known Johannesburg. I'm somewhat
09:59I'm somewhat slap bang in the middle of those two cities to get to Joburg and Pretoria
10:07Is like 30 minutes for me both sides. So it's a very easy way to traverse, right?
10:14I grew up in the epicenter of South Africa
10:18what I learned is
10:21That the divide is caused by people like this people who want to create the divide
10:29Even the media in South Africa does its best to un-radicalize
10:34people because there's still
10:36people like this
10:39Ignorant people who know nothing about this country
10:43But want to speak about it from outside of it and act like they're inside
10:49cosplaying as South Africans
10:53Now don't call my country a shithole, bro
10:56Nation divided into tribes in a nation that has been circling the toilet bowl for a very long time
11:02I'm sorry, but I'm not going to hold back. I have every right to criticize South Africa
11:06You have no right to criticize South Africa. I am a white South African. I grew up in South Africa
11:10But you grew up privileged
11:12We'll talk about that later
11:14You grew up extremely privileged to be a white South African being black in South Africa is a huge huge
11:22Disadvantage despite what anyone might tell you it is a huge disadvantage
11:29You are a rich black person in which case it is an advantage
11:34Born in Cape Town moved to Johannesburg when I was about 10, and I moved to China when I was 25
11:41So that's when I left South Africa at the age of 25 years old and I will never ever go back
11:47But what about all this brouhaha in the news now that President Trump has signed something wanting to give refugee status to
11:57This is the this is the life cycle of so many white South Africans
12:02It's a pity because they hold a large percentage of the wealth in South Africa
12:08So I'm not sure people know this about my country
12:11But the Gini coefficient the Gini coefficient is basically the divide between the rich and
12:18The poor right the Gini coefficient in South Africa remains one of the largest if not the
12:25largest in the world
12:28Type in Gini coefficient on Wikipedia look up the map
12:31You'll see that the whole of southern Africa in general has this problem
12:37We're in South Africa 10% of
12:42the people own
12:4485% of the household wealth
12:49Tell me how that ever
12:52makes sense and
12:54You have to think about this a large part of that 10% or white South Africans
13:01Let's go to Trump, let's see what Trump is talking about and Trump has signed something
13:07wanting to give refugee status to
13:09The Afrikaans ethnic minority in South Africa. Well, we're gonna talk about this heavy topic
13:14But first a data broker rap deep within the corporate officers
13:18Being given a refugee opportunity in America. Well, the Afrikaans people are
13:26Basically the descendants of Dutch settlers
13:30Think of your Oregon Trail in America. Think of your pioneers with their ox wagons
13:36It's exactly the same thing same idea. They also had ox wagons
13:40They also had a lot of people with their ox wagons. They also had a lot of people with their
13:45Ox wagons. Yeah in South Africa. They are called the food trackers. I
13:51Believe that means front runners, but you may correct me. It's been a while since I did Afrikaans the
13:57forefathers of the country
13:59Who came in and claimed a country which wasn't theirs and stole it from black South Africans
14:05Much like how the Spanish also did that in America
14:09Now the main goal of people like this is to radicalize races against each other
14:14So the radical ones are the EFF, which is radical black
14:21And the F-reform guys, which is radical whites
14:28They ran to Trump and they misrepresented information about farm killings
14:34It's this huge conspiracy theory that we need to debunk in a certain sense
14:40What what is interesting about it as well? What I'll say before we even debunk it
14:45We'll get to that later. Let's carry on. They went through the African bush
14:49They gave the middle finger to the British just like you Americans did and turns out they're incredibly good farmers because you know
14:56They had to survive and figure out the land and all that along the way and guess what?
14:59They became incredibly good farmers. True. They are. They are good farmers. I love Monday
15:05Afrikaans speaking. I'm not I'm not an Afrikaaner
15:08I do have Afrikaans people on my father's side of the family
15:12I can speak Afrikaans because we had to learn it in school, but I'm not what I
15:18Affectionately call a Dutchman
15:20I am a
15:21Sooty or soap peel as they call us. We're not a Dutchman
15:25I am a
15:27Sooty or soap peel as they call us which means
15:30Um a salt dick. That's what they call British, uh, South Africans like
15:35so he says he has Afrikaans on his
15:38Parents side on his father's side, but he's a sooty. He's a white guy. He's a Englishman. Sorry
15:45I said a white guy because
15:47If you don't know this about South Africa the white people in South Africa also fought each other
15:52So there was something called the Anglo-Boer war, right
15:55So Anglo being the English Boer being the Afrikaans
15:58So even the Afrikaans and English people could not agree with each other in South Africa
16:03so him speaking on behalf of people who
16:07Somewhat hated his forefathers like his forefathers hated his forefathers funny enough, bro. I'm gonna keep it real with you
16:15I was at an Afrikaans wedding
16:18And I was speaking to the grandfather of um
16:23Of the young lady getting married and he said you know what?
16:27We had problems with black people, but we really hated
16:32the English
16:34We hated those mother
16:41He told me that and I was shocked to learn
16:45That the racism in South Africa was
16:50Which is something that is being
16:54solved slowly with each generation that is
16:57Dissolving my generation has dissolved a lot of that, but we still have problems. Don't get me wrong
17:04The issue is people like this who want to bring it back
17:08Why dog leave us
17:10You left at 25
17:12Leave the 20 year olds and the younger generation in this country to fix it. Leave my country alone
17:17Why are you still chatting about us? If you if you hate the country if you hate the nation
17:22Why are we on your mouth? Why are you on South Africa's dick, bro?
17:27Myself got one foot in South Africa one foot in England with your
17:32dungus hanging in the sea
17:35Hence the salt dick name
17:38You have nothing in South Africa. You have no love from here. You have no respect
17:44I pray you do not talk about us again and slander us in any video
17:50Every part of us the white people the black people the colored people the indian people. We don't claim you
17:56You are trying to radicalize some misinformed people in our country
18:00Some old people who maybe do not have information up to date
18:04And I don't like what you're doing
18:07I'm being completely serious the afrikaans people specifically, uh farmers the buddha as I call the bull just means farmer
18:29Have been targeted for um
18:32Murder been targeted for horrendous crimes for decades now
18:36And uh by every stretch of the definition of genocide, that is what they're going through and have been going. Oh
18:44He used the word, okay
18:47Here's where we speak on facts. Here's where we present information and data
18:55Okay, so i've got the article right here
18:57It says thousands of white farmers took to the streets throughout south africa last month to protest a spate of deadly attacks in rural
19:05Communities protesters claim that farmers are much more likely to be murdered than the average south african
19:10And that many of the brutal attacks are racially motivated
19:14There is a popular narrative that the country's white farming minority is under siege says the male and guardian
19:21Guardian, all right
19:23The high rate of murders on farms has been used by many as evidence that south africa's white minority is facing
19:30victimization oppression and possibly genocide the newspaper ads
19:34But what is the real story behind this?
19:38politicized debate
19:40Protesters say the so-called black monday demonstrations on 30th 30th october
19:46This was in 2017 were backed by every forum a
19:51controversial lobby group that promotes the rights of south africa's africana
19:57Population so they speak on behalf of one racial group the africanas
20:04This organization puts the farm murder rate at 156 per 100 000 people
20:11More than four times the national average
20:14So they just made up a stat one day and decided to rock with it
20:19Where they get this that we do not know if we read a little bit further
20:26We can see to calculate the farm murder rate
20:29You need two numbers the number of people who were murdered in farm attacks and the number of people who work on
20:36live on
20:37or visit farms and small holdings
20:41Not every farmer is a white boor and not everyone who lives on their farms is a white africana either
20:49There's a mix of black people english people and other people who are also their visitors as well
20:56So you have to account for that in the stat when you say something like 156
21:02People per hundred thousand which is crazy, which is great. That's the highest murder rate anywhere in the world
21:10That's why you'd say it's genocide
21:12But that's not a real stat the real stat according to seps the actual south african police service is that there were
21:2074 farm murders in 2016 to 2017
21:25Which was when they were presenting this information?
21:29up by 28 percent from the previous year and the highest number since
21:342010 to 2011
21:36So we'd had this amount of farm murders before
21:40but obviously the number had gone up from the previous year, which obviously made a lot of people uncomfortable the
21:47uncomfortable truth of south africa is that crime
21:51unfortunately affects
21:53Every single community in this country. It is a plague and we need to work to solve it
22:03Using a term like genocide to radicalize not only south african afrikaners
22:09South african english people because they group themselves as white people, but also americans
22:17Nasty work and I think what elon and this serpent guy are doing is extremely dangerous
22:26They will start a race war in this country
22:29Okay, however, there is no breakdown by race and it is unclear whether the victims were farmers workers family members or visitors
22:37Yeah, so 74 people died not
22:41156 per hundred thousand farmers. It was 74 people on farms
22:47period across the entire country
22:51What's more the police database on farm murders is a live system meaning that the statistics are
22:57Live system meaning that the statistics derived from it are subject to change if new information i've lost it
23:06Are subject to change if new information on cases emerges
23:11major general
23:12Sally DeBeer head of communication of south african police service told africa check
23:19earlier this
23:22Sally DeBeer is Afrikaans
23:25An afrikaans woman
23:29So, let's see what else this guy has to misrepresent about the country and say about it
23:35We've kind of debunked the farm killings if you don't believe me do more research on it
23:39I implore you especially if you are american or if you are not south african
23:44To do a lot of research on this before you trust grifters like this
23:48Through there are horrendous stories
23:50I'm, not going to get into it because if I even try to describe some of the absolutely disgusting things that have been done to these
23:59you know in front of their families and
24:01How many generations of people have passed away? This is a symmetry, but he's chosen this footage specifically because it looks like a mass grave
24:11It's the programming he's trying to paint
24:15A picture for you. He's trying to create a narrative to their families and so on this video would get removed from youtube
24:23I mean being a white south african growing up in south africa. I myself was targeted for crime
24:28My family was targeted for crime. We had home invasions. My mother was molested while
24:33these guys broke into
24:35And that's the problem
24:38And that is the sad thing and that's why he hates this country
24:44But instead of pinning it
24:46On the absolute scumbags who did that to his mother
24:51He decided to paint our entire country like this
24:57It is easy to feel discouraged in south africa if you stay here and you live here
25:04And the harsh reality of this country hits you
25:08Like it hits a lot of us
25:13To act like every single person
25:17In this country is like that
25:19Or to even act like everyone in this country is a radicalized politician
25:25It's just not the truth
25:27If there was a genocide against white minorities in this country
25:32It would be
25:34absolute slaughter
25:36We'd be talking thousands tens of thousands
25:39We would not be talking about
25:42made-up figures from afriforum the biggest slaughter of a group of south african people since the
25:49apartheid era since the national party was in control of the country and there was
25:57racial oppression
25:59The biggest slaughter happened in 2012 in an incident called the marikana
26:06Where more than 30 black minors were killed
26:10by south africa's police force
26:14Do your research on that incident that's not what we're talking about
26:19But black south africans to this day
26:22Are the group which has been killed the most
26:25If in the past tried to kidnap her and they put her in the trunk of a car and all this other stuff
26:29I've made videos about this
26:31The story about his mother is very tragic on this specific front
26:36I can forgive him
26:38And I can understand not condone
26:41I can understand
26:43Where the hatred is coming from?
26:45stuff in the past, you know, i've been shot at i've been
26:48um attacked i've had
26:50Lots of bad things happen. My sister's been hijacked at gunpoint, you know, like every every member of my family
26:56every friend that I I have who's
26:59uh white in south africa, well, I should be fair and say black to have
27:03experienced crime
27:05But there is a big difference
27:08Although everybody in south africa and I mean everybody is a target of crime
27:13And i've mentioned this before in my videos. You get something called a tzotzi
27:17and a tzotzi is a criminal like a
27:23Yeah, like in ss3 you've got to know where to be at what time where not to be
27:30You've got to know when people are approaching you dodgy. You've got to have like a sixth sense
27:35You've got to be like peter parker. You've got to
27:38You've got to be able to sense these things coming
27:41And you you have to watch your location very
27:45very carefully
27:47You're not free to move in the streets like a first world country. So in that sense, yes
27:54It's bad
27:56They will attack anyone regardless of their race or background doesn't matter what color they are doesn't matter who they are
28:04They will rob you rape you murder you torture you no matter what exactly there's one big difference
28:09and the big difference is
28:11You do not get politicians going up on stage or in parliament calling for the slaughter of white people
28:17The slitting of their throats the murdering of their pets. Oh, but you're misrepresenting a lot of information
28:23Yeah, you're forgetting
28:25that the mass amount of political killings
28:29Happen in kzn and they happen to black people
28:34So it's easy to present one thing and say genocide
28:38But if white politicians were being killed on the level that black politicians were
28:44You'd call that genocide as well
28:46You're out here presenting one part of evidence and trying to mask the intentions of your videos
28:53Which is to create a shock reaction in people to get them to click whether they're south africans or americans
29:00So you go up
29:02And your platform grows and you get your podcast or your interview with whichever politicians you want to bring in
29:09And then you get to dissect south africa even more by choosing an echo chamber type of person
29:15And bringing them on your platform
29:18And in that echo chamber you can paint a narrative even more and more and more
29:23And you can funnel people through this pipeline
29:25You can radicalize them and you can somewhat ruin the decent people we have in the country
29:32Look, this video is 16
29:35minutes 32 long
29:37I will not be doing him the courtesy of watching this entire video
29:42I do hope he landed some better points at the end. He wrapped it up a lot better
29:47I feel like my content is going to go too long for what I want to do
29:52I just wanted to respond to the general
29:56assertion that there's
29:59Genocide happening in south africa. There's no genocide happening in south africa. There is a lot of crime
30:05And it's that's the problem
30:08And our our government needs to look at that and come up with a better solution
30:14our laws
30:15Need to be more punishing on people who break them
30:19It's a huge problem it's it's systemic bro, it's the justice system it's the laws it's the
30:26Prison system. It's everything together and to try and condense it into
30:33one term
30:34genocide to try and condense it into
30:38Political killings or whatever you you're trying to do with it
30:41It's disingenuous to any viewers who are watching this on an international stage
30:46Um, look if you like the way I presented the evidence, please do share this
30:51Um, I don't really ask people to share my videos a lot
30:54Usually i'm just like, you know, leave a comment, but I do feel in this case. It's appropriate to just
31:02the the picture that like
31:04My country's not fucked up, dude
31:07We love this place and we want to fix it and the goal of the youth
31:13Is that we will fix it
31:15Some people are weak-minded they're going to leave they're going to run away
31:19And albeit that's their prerogative. In fact, I shouldn't even call them, uh weak-minded. That's their prerogative
31:25That's what they want
31:27This is Lois signing off. This one was a bit more heavy than I thought it was going to be
