00:00Go back to your seat.
00:05Next is Gochi.
00:07Shiraishi has become Hatsujiwara.
00:10How was it?
00:11I was sad.
00:14I thought about it very much.
00:16I want to be the highest today.
00:20Gochi is a true friend after defeating it.
00:29From now on, more and more jokes will be added.
00:31Please don't do that.
00:33I'll do my best to be careful.
00:35Today's theme is my particular time.
00:38I'd like to introduce you to the time that I can't give up on a certain holiday.
00:45Let's call today's VIP challenger.
00:47This person.
00:48Nice to meet you.
00:49I'm Murotsuyoshi.
00:50I'm Mr. Murotsuyoshi.
00:51Nice to meet you.
00:52Nice to meet you.
00:53I'm Mr. Murotsuyoshi.
00:54Nice to meet you.
00:55Mr. Murotsuyoshi is amazing.
00:57This is the second time.
00:58This is the second time since the last time.
01:00It's dangerous.
01:01I'll do my best.
01:03I'll do my best to win.
01:06It's not a win.
01:07It's a tournament.
01:08Is that so?
01:09Today's stage is La Tour Edo Oto, which opened in October last year at Ginza 6.
01:16Here, you can enjoy French food that can be enjoyed with your eyes.
01:25Mr. Mizuki Murata, who is a young chef, will introduce the most recommended ingredients.
01:30I prepared a super rare white Hiratake Shinshu Puruotto.
01:35It has a chewy texture and a juicy umami.
01:39It's beautiful to look at and delicious to eat.
01:41It looks delicious.
01:42This rare Shinshu Puruotto, which is only produced in Yamagata Village in Nagano Prefecture,
01:47is sauteed with garlic butter.
01:51On top of that, a whole abalone is placed on top of it.
01:59If you add a rich cream sauce with fresh cream to the mushrooms and shallots,
02:07you can enjoy a plate of Shinshu Puruotto and abalone with a thick texture and a sweet sauce with a mushroom aroma.
02:15In addition to this, gorgeous French dishes will appear one after another.
02:21Now, let's announce today's set price.
02:25This time, Yabe-chan-man is given a fitness bike that is linked to the set price.
02:30I think it's pretty hard because it's set to the weight athletes use in training.
02:36Yabe-chan-man, good luck.
02:37This is hard.
02:39My thighs and buttocks are getting sour.
02:45It's hard.
02:46Was it this hard?
02:48Not yet.
02:52It's really hard, isn't it?
02:54This is the last spurt.
02:59I heard a voice.
03:01Please go back.
03:04I went back too much.
03:07I went too far.
03:10The set price is 15,000 yen.
03:14I'm so stupid.
03:18The set price is 15,000 yen.
03:21There are 7 people, so the set price is around 150,000 yen.
03:26Let's start with the first order.
03:29Let's start with the meat dish.
03:31I heard a voice.
03:32It's Kumejima Akadori's Kokuoban Champignon Tart.
03:38Fumiya-san's Jyoshu beef sirloin with red wine sauce.
03:43Fumiya-san won the Errandall Award.
03:49Fumiya-san was also selected last year.
03:52I was also selected 8 years ago.
03:55I wanted to hear that information.
03:59It's a prize given to a person who will fly in the future.
04:04That's the Errandall Award.
04:08Beef sirloin with red wine sauce.
04:13Amadai's Urokoyaki Sauternes.
04:18I don't know what Sauternes is.
04:21I don't know what Nagejitate is.
04:24I want to know what I don't know.
04:28Viennoise with Nishi shrimp.
04:33Mie-ken's adult shrimp.
04:38Matsuzaka pork and mochimugi croquant with mustard sauce.
04:44I'll eat it.
04:45Kumejima's Kokuoban Champignon Tart.
04:49It's beautiful.
04:52It's wonderful.
04:53Kumejima's Kokuoban Champignon Tart has a juicy meat and umami.
04:58It's a traditional French dish with red wine and red beans.
05:04It's a tart with mushrooms on top.
05:09The red wine sauce brings out the umami of the red chicken.
05:16It looks like this.
05:17It's soft.
05:20It looks soft.
05:21It looks delicious.
05:22It's beautiful.
05:23It looks delicious.
05:24I'll eat it.
05:27It looks delicious.
05:32What is this?
05:33It's a soft chicken.
05:37The texture is similar to fish.
05:41It's a beautiful and gentle chicken.
05:43It has a good personality.
05:45Did you understand the personality of the chicken?
05:48I didn't understand it.
05:52This is my favorite time of the day.
05:54I drew a picture of how you spend your day off.
05:59This is the number of days off.
06:02This is amazing.
06:05He is sleeping.
06:06He is sleeping.
06:07He sleeps a lot.
06:08I had a day off the other day.
06:10I wanted to sleep as much as possible.
06:12I slept until 5 p.m.
06:15He sleeps from 4 p.m.
06:16He can sleep.
06:18Do you eat with a camera?
06:20I bought this to make it my hobby.
06:22This is the camera I showed you before.
06:26I take this with me when I go out to eat with my friends.
06:28This is the picture I took.
06:34I bought this because I thought it would be popular if I posted a fashionable picture on Instagram.
06:39I take a picture of myself with a camera.
06:40This is a picture of me not being in the picture.
06:43I bought shoes.
06:44This is what happens when I try to put myself in the picture.
06:46Why did you put yourself in the picture?
06:47I thought it would be fashionable.
06:49Did you get popular?
06:51Not at all.
06:53I brought my favorite picture.
06:57That's it.
06:58This is a picture of MATSUSHIMA of TIMELESS.
07:01I thought it would be fashionable if I took this picture.
07:04It's better not to be in the picture.
07:07This is artistic.
07:09I understand.
07:11I also like cameras.
07:13I understand.
07:14This is a picture taken by FUMIYA.
07:16Please take a picture.
07:18This is beautiful.
07:20This is amazing.
07:22This is the picture I took when I went to Shiga Prefecture for a movie.
07:26Did you just pretend to be in the picture?
07:28I chose a different picture.
07:29This is a picture of TAKASHI.
07:31I understand.
07:33This is a good picture.
07:34I took this picture in TAKADAI.
07:36This was taken in March.
07:38There was a lot of snow in TAKADAI.
07:41There was a lot of snow in TAKADAI.
07:43There was a snow-covered tree.
07:47This is amazing.
07:48I just turned off the shutter.
07:49This is amazing.
07:50I can see the picture clearly.
07:51The picture in the picture was blurry.
07:53Please teach me how to take a picture.
07:56Let's make a guess.
07:58How much is this picture?
08:01This is 5,800 yen.
08:02This is 5,800 yen.
08:03This is more than 5,800 yen.
08:05This is a big loss.
08:07This is a big loss.
08:10This is SHIRAISHI.
08:11This is a pie wrapped with beef fillet.
08:15The cross section is beautiful.
08:17This is delicious.
08:18This is a sauce.
08:20This is a dish.
08:22This is a dish.
08:24This is a pie.
08:25This is a dish.
08:28This is a roasted rice cake.
08:32This is a mushroom paste.
08:36This is baked in the oven.
08:39This is a sauce.
08:46This is a crispy pie crust and juicy beef fillet.
08:49This sauce has a deep taste.
08:55This is soft.
08:58This is delicious.
09:03I eat this.
09:04This looks delicious.
09:10This is delicious.
09:13This is soft.
09:15I was surprised by the beef.
09:17I can eat this with my teeth.
09:21You can eat this with your teeth.
09:24Please don't make a straight comment.
09:27Today's theme is my favorite time.
09:30Let's take a look at SHIRAISHI's holiday.
09:34What is SHIRAISHI's favorite time?
09:37I watch my favorite TV program.
09:46I watch it and reflect on it.
09:51Have you watched your favorite TV program?
09:54I don't think it's similar.
09:57I have a bad feeling about this.
10:01Is there a TV program that you praise yourself?
10:05It's a TV program I watched last time.
10:12I was surprised that I was good at it.
10:16I watched it a few times.
10:19Did you watch it a few times?
10:21You are good at it.
10:23How many times do you watch it?
10:24SHIRAISHI, how much is this?
10:319800 yen.
10:34The correct answer is 8100 yen.
10:39Will SHIRAISHI lose again?
10:42This is an order from Muro Tsuyoshi.
10:44This is a hot olive oil on the fish.
10:49This is a crispy skin.
10:51The sauce is French wine SAUTERNE.
10:55This is a high-fragrance sauce made with shellfish broth.
11:00This is a crispy fish.
11:04This is an artistic dish that looks like it's swimming.
11:08This is beautiful.
11:10This smells good.
11:12This is crispy.
11:14Did you hear the sound?
11:16Is this delicious?
11:19This is SAUTERNE's sauce.
11:22This is NAHJU.
11:30This is a crispy fish.
11:33This is SAUTERNE's NAHJU.
11:38This is delicious.
11:40This is an elegant dish.
11:43Today's topic is how to spend a day on Muro Tsuyoshi's day off.
11:52I have a lot of thoughts.
11:55I think it's not a hobby, but a personality.
12:00I have a lot of thoughts.
12:03I think about what to do next week.
12:06I think about what to do next month.
12:10I think about a lot of things at the same time.
12:13That's how I spend my time.
12:16I take a nap every day.
12:19I take a nap every day.
12:21I take a nap every day.
12:24Do you take a nap every day for 30 minutes?
12:27I take a nap every day.
12:30I take a nap every day.
12:33I change my clothes every time I take a nap.
12:36I change my clothes every time I take a nap.
12:39There is a game you want to play with everyone.
12:43When I make a stage, I play a game.
12:49I play a game to get along with everyone.
12:53I like playing a game that goes up to 50.
12:59When you multiply the number from 1 to 3, you clap your hands.
13:04You aim for 50.
13:06Let's count the numbers.
13:09I will start.
13:25You can't do it at this tempo.
13:28You can't do it at this tempo.
13:30If you repeat this, you will understand.
13:34Let's start.
13:46You can't do it at this tempo.
13:56It's very difficult.
14:05You did it.
14:06You did it.
14:07You are very excited.
14:09I haven't even counted 20 yet.
14:20How bad was I?
14:23You were very good.
14:25You wanted to do 30 steps.
14:27You wanted to do 30 steps.
14:29I don't want to do it.
14:30I don't want to do it.
14:31Let's see how much it is.
14:32It's a scale of Amadai.
14:34It's a scale of Amadai.
14:36How much is it?
14:37It's 3,800 yen.
14:38It's 3,800 yen.
14:39Mr.Murotsuyoshi is expecting 3,800 yen for a scale of Amadai.
14:43This is a good deal.
14:44It's a good deal.
14:47Koshiba's order.
14:48Mieken's Kuruma-ebi with a lot of umami.
14:51It's made of Hojicha bread.
14:53It's covered with a fragrant raw bread.
14:56It's evenly fried by frying the head and the body at the same time.
15:02It's boiled with a base of shellfish broth and saffron.
15:06It's a veal base.
15:07He puts the sliced crab meat on top.
15:11He eats the fried shrimp with a little bitter Hojicha.
15:14He eats it with a saffron-flavored veal base.
15:17It's a plate for adults.
15:20He eats the fried shrimp in the middle.
15:22It looks delicious.
15:25It's very thick.
15:27He eats the fried shrimp with a saffron-flavored veal base.
15:33He eats the fried shrimp with a saffron-flavored veal base.
15:34It's very thick.
15:37He is looking at the back.
15:39He is looking at the back of a child.
15:41He is a strange child.
15:42Hojicha has a strong scent.
15:46I'm sorry, but I'm curious about what's behind you.
15:48I'm looking at the camera.
15:49I didn't know there was such a strong scent of tea in the batter.
15:56It's a fried shrimp that can't be called tartar sauce.
15:59It's delicious.
16:01I was surprised.
16:02Let's see how FUKA spends her day on a holiday.
16:07What is FUKA particular about?
16:09It's a place to put pilates and needles.
16:12It's a place for maintenance.
16:14I'm not the type to stretch or take care of myself when I'm working.
16:19I'm trying to relax as much as I can on my day off.
16:24What do you do on your day off?
16:25I take a bath and play games.
16:26I learn the script.
16:27On my day off, I learn the lines until the next day off.
16:31If there is a game or something I like as a reward, I can concentrate.
16:36If I work hard, I can play games.
16:38How do you learn?
16:40If I want to sleep at 12 o'clock today, I take the script from 11.45 and learn it in 15 minutes.
16:47That's pretty fast.
16:49It's only the next day.
16:51I repeat the script for the next day.
16:55Can you make it in time for the next day's shooting in 15 minutes?
16:58It's better to make it in time.
17:00I see.
17:01Do you remember everything on the spot?
17:03That's right.
17:04That's great.
17:05I remember everything.
17:07But I forget everything on the spot the next day.
17:10Don't you remember?
17:11I don't remember anything when I check.
17:13I'm shaking.
17:15It's a waste of time to remember.
17:17Don't you remember anything on the spot?
17:22Yes, I do.
17:23You're an actor.
17:24It's different when you go to the set in the morning.
17:26It's sad.
17:27I remember three pages, but I cut one and a half pages.
17:31I remember.
17:32Are you lucky?
17:33Yes, I'm lucky.
17:35I forgot.
17:37Fuka, how much is the adult fried shrimp?
17:413,200 yen.
17:44KOSHIBA expects 3,200 yen.
17:47And then,
17:49Chef TAKAHASHI's cooking class.
17:51Please cut it in half.
17:53I'll cut it.
17:54It's delicious.
17:55Is it delicious?
17:56It's amazing.
17:59KOSHIBA expects 3,200 yen for the adult fried shrimp.
18:03This is a great start.
18:07This is TAKAHASHI's order.
18:09After grilling the sweet-flavored Jyoshu beef sirloin until it is browned,
18:14the surface is grilled with rice straw to give it a fragrant scent.
18:18The sauce is a combination of red wine and hondobo.
18:23If you add the texture-enjoying soramame beignet to the finish,
18:28you can enjoy a plate of Jyoshu beef full of meat juice with the scent of straw.
18:35KOSHIBA expects 3,200 yen for the adult fried shrimp.
18:38This is surprisingly solid.
18:43This looks delicious.
18:44I eat this.
18:47This looks delicious.
18:49This is delicious.
18:51What kind of taste is this?
18:53Wait a minute.
18:56I write a character.
18:58Please write a kanji character.
19:01This is it.
19:03This is written as SHIN.
19:05This is in the middle.
19:07This has the scent of grilled straw and red wine.
19:10I ordered this because I thought it would be a dish that can be eaten with various ingredients.
19:14The taste of beef is so delicious that all the information is blocked.
19:20The sweetness and umami of the fat of the beef are spreading.
19:26I think it's a fun dish with the scent of straw and the taste of onions.
19:33I understood the meaning of beef.
19:36This is my favorite time.
19:38This is how Fumiya spends her day off.
19:41This is detailed.
19:43This is when the next day after the radio is off.
19:47Where do you sleep?
19:48I sleep from 5 to 9 o'clock.
19:50I sleep from 5 to 9 o'clock.
19:52I sleep from 7 to 9 o'clock.
19:54What do you do after you sleep?
19:56I like YOUTUBE.
19:59I want to introduce you to Chinese food.
20:02Chinese food?
20:03I just make Chinese food.
20:06I like it too.
20:07Is that okay?
20:08I watch it and make it.
20:10I will show Fumiya how to cook.
20:17Fumiya has a cooking license.
20:20Please give her a tip on how to cook.
20:23This is an onion.
20:25This is a common ingredient.
20:28People who cook often use this.
20:31Have you ever heard of changing the way onions are cut?
20:36For example, cut an onion in half.
20:41Do you often see this shape?
20:43I often see it.
20:44Cut it along the fibers.
20:46Cut it vertically.
20:49This will make cooking more fun.
20:54Cut it along the fibers.
20:57This is delicious.
20:59This is amazing.
21:01This is a vertical slice.
21:04This is a stir-fry.
21:07This is a little thin.
21:09I heard a good thing.
21:10When cutting onions, cut off the fibers.
21:15The shape will change.
21:17This will make it wider.
21:20You can change the shape of the onion depending on the dish.
21:22I want you to cut off the fibers when you make a salad.
21:27Be careful not to cut off the fibers.
21:29This is a little watery.
21:33This is because the spiciness has disappeared from the fibers.
21:37If you wash this in water, you can eat delicious onion slices without spiciness.
21:44This is amazing.
21:45Shirai, what do you think of this information?
21:47I learned a lot.
21:49I didn't know at all, so I was embarrassed to say that I like cooking.
21:54KOUEI MATSUSHITA was not good at cooking.
21:57Fumiya, let's make a guess.
21:59This is a red wine sauce.
22:02How much is this?
22:03This is 4,900 yen.
22:05TAKAHASHI guesses that this is 4,900 yen.
22:07The correct answer is a mistake.
22:09If this is the case, it will be dangerous today.
22:12Seiya's order.
22:14Half-boiled lobster.
22:16Grill the lobsters so that they don't lose their umami.
22:20Add sakura shrimp, lobster broth, and bread crumbs with cheese.
22:26Then add biennois.
22:29Finally, add truffles.
22:32This is a thick and delicious lobster.
22:34This is a fragrant sakura shrimp biennois.
22:37This is a dish full of shrimp.
22:41This shrimp is delicious.
22:44This is the most delicious part of the lobster.
22:54This is delicious.
22:56This is delicious.
22:58This has a lot of meat.
23:00This is a fragrant shrimp truffle.
23:04This is a delicious biennois.
23:07This is delicious.
23:10This is delicious.
23:12My family is imitating this.
23:15This is a biennois.
23:18This is a fragrant sakura shrimp.
23:22This is delicious.
23:24This is the most delicious part of the lobster.
23:28This is delicious.
23:29Today's theme is my favorite time.
23:31Next, let's see how Seiya spends his day off.
23:36When I wake up, I use my smartphone to search for English.
23:40I search for SEIYA SPACE GOCHI.
23:44Some people don't look at SEIYA SPACE GOCHI.
23:47I'm sure there are people like that.
23:49I go to that person's house and look at SEIYA SPACE GOCHI every week.
23:54I look at that person's house the most.
23:56I also like watching anime and movies.
23:59When I watch a movie, I think of a story.
24:03Then I think of a story.
24:06It's easy to think of a story.
24:11I think of a story about SHIMORI MYOJO.
24:14I think of a story about PIN.
24:16Then I go to bed.
24:17Can you show me a new story you recently thought of?
24:21I will imitate ONE COIN.
24:25How do you signal that you are going to deny it from the beginning?
24:31I understand.
24:33I understand everything.
24:35I understand everything.
24:37I understand everything.
24:42I see.
24:43He is a fast talker.
24:45I understand.
24:47SHIRAI, do you have a new story recently?
24:50I'm sorry.
24:52Everyone is looking forward to it.
24:54I'm not good at it yet.
24:56I'm not good at imitating.
24:59You are good at imitating.
25:02Can you do it next time?
25:03Yes, I will do my best.
25:07Do you have a story in your head?
25:10I'm not good at imitating.
25:14Let's see SEIYA's prediction.
25:16This is a shrimp dish.
25:18How much is it?
25:196500 yen.
25:21SEIYA's prediction of two shrimp dishes is 6500 yen.
25:24But this is a big miscalculation.
25:29This is OKAMURA's order.
25:30This has a mild sweetness of oil.
25:33This is Matsuzaka pork skin.
25:35This is grilled.
25:37This is a croquant.
25:39This is a crispy surface.
25:43This is a mild sauce with soy sauce and mustard.
25:49This is a mustard sauce with a sour taste.
25:51This is a crispy and juicy pork flavor.
25:57This is very beautiful.
26:01This is a fun meal.
26:03I eat this.
26:07This mustard sauce enhances the sweetness of the pork.
26:14This is a rice cake.
26:16This is a crispy texture.
26:21This is delicious.
26:26This time it's French.
26:28This is a cafe in France.
26:29This is MATSUNO KOHEI, a latte artist.
26:32I will make this.
26:35I will make it according to the shape of the bubbles.
26:40I've never seen this before.
26:42This is chocolate.
26:45This is chocolate.
26:48This is very delicate.
26:52This is amazing.
26:54This is a cute character.
26:58This is very cute.
27:06This is delicious.
27:08This is amazing.
27:11This is very similar.
27:13This is OKAMURA.
27:15I'm shaking because I'm nervous.
27:17This is amazing.
27:19I held this higher than usual.
27:22This is amazing.
27:23MATSUNO, thank you very much.
27:25This is amazing.
27:28This is a mustard sauce with Matsusaka pork and mochimugi croquant.
27:32How much is this?
27:33This is 5,500 yen.
27:35OKAMURA has a budget of 5,500 yen.
27:38Will OKAMURA be able to show off his skills in the balloon game?
27:43He is a professional.
27:45He is fast.
27:49OKAMURA has a budget of 5,500 yen for Matsusaka pork.
27:52This is a mistake.
27:54Will OKAMURA be able to recover?
27:57What is today's special dish?
28:00This is KASUMIGAMO.
28:03This is KASUMIGAMO.
28:04This is KASUMIGAMO.
28:05This is KASUMIGAMO with soft meat and sweet fat.
28:08This is KASUMIGAMO with Ibaraki prefecture's KASUMIGAMO skin.
28:12This is KASUMIGAMO with sweet miso and seafood paste.
28:17This is KASUMIGAMO with orange and sweet and spicy sauce.
28:20This is KASUMIGAMO with a lot of flavor.
28:24This is KASUMIGAMO with teriyaki in the oven.
28:29KASUMIGAMO is delicious.
28:32This is KASUMIGAMO with a refreshing orange flavor.
28:37What is the game to play with this dish?
28:40This is a game to move the cup with a balloon.
28:45Use a balloon to inflate the paper cup.
28:52Then put the balloon on the colored paper cup.
28:56If the paper cup falls, you can fix it with your hands.
28:59This is a team game.
29:01The team that can inflate the 16 paper cups on the desk first wins the special menu.
29:07I think everyone is in a hurry because it's a competition.
29:10Everyone, please challenge the game calmly.
29:13By the way, YABE painted the colored paper cups for us.
29:18YABE has done a lot of things.
29:22Masuda Takahashi's team vs. KOSHIBA Shiraishi's team.
29:27When it comes to balloons, Shiraishi is a professional.
29:29This is a balloon competition.
29:32I will do my best.
29:34This is a game that matches Shiraishi.
29:37Let's start.
29:41This is fast.
29:43The professional is also fast.
29:47FUUKA doesn't inflate the paper cup.
29:50FUUKA doesn't inflate the paper cup at all.
29:52FUUKA is a professional.
29:54The professional is fast.
29:56FUMIYA is also fast.
29:58FUUKA doesn't inflate the paper cup.
30:00Is FUUKA not good at this game?
30:03FUMIYA's team won.
30:06This is the end.
30:10FUMIYA's team won.
30:14Shiraishi's team was good.
30:16Shiraishi's team is fast.
30:18What are you doing while thinking?
30:20I concentrate on the balloon.
30:26FUUKA was terrible.
30:28This is a waste of money.
30:30Is this a waste of money?
30:32I was healthy the other day.
30:34This is a waste of money.
30:36Murosan Seiya's team vs. OKAMURA Shiraishi's team.
30:40While the Murosan Seiya's team was struggling, OKAMURA's team was able to win.
30:48OKAMURA's team won.
30:51The four of them got the orange.
31:00It's delicious.
31:02Orange is delicious.
31:04Orange is delicious.
31:06The orange smells good.
31:09How is the orange?
31:11This is delicious.
31:12I thought the orange was hard.
31:15This is soft and rare.
31:18This is delicious.
31:19This is a waste of money.
31:21I wanted to eat the orange.
31:23The balloon was better.
31:25I was able to inflate the paper cup.
31:27I didn't know how to deal with the paper cup.
31:29I asked a professional.
31:31The paper cup came out of the paper cup.
31:33The paper cup came out of the gap in my mouth.
31:36You are a genius.
31:38There will be more games to inflate the balloon in the future.
31:42As you can see, OKAMURA's team won.
31:46OKAMURA's team won.
31:50This is the last order.
31:52MASU, please.
31:53Let's eat.
31:57MASUDA ate a special menu.
31:59This is gratin with only porcini.
32:01This is beef stroganoff.
32:02This is risotto.
32:04This is a total of five dishes.
32:06This is a fish dish.
32:08This is a crispy grilled fish.
32:10This is a bulgogi dish.
32:13This is one dish.
32:15This is a movie starring me and NISHINO.
32:17This movie will be released on March 20th.
32:19This is a moving story about the bond between humans and dogs.
32:22Please watch this movie.
32:26This is a total of three dishes.
32:27This is the main dish.
32:29This is the main dish.
32:30This is a delicacy.
32:31SHIRAISHI ate a special menu.
32:36This is a marinade and a dessert.
32:39This is a total of four dishes.
32:40This is a special dish for two people.
32:43This is a special dish for two people.
32:46MURO ate a grilled fish dish.
32:49This is a marinade and a roast beef dish.
32:53This is a total of four dishes.
32:56This is MURO.
32:59This is 전에寿司.
33:01SENYA eats NISHINO's shrimp dish.
33:04This is a big marinade and a roast beef dish, konyaku pasta, and dessert.
33:09This is a total of five dishes.
33:12This is前菜.
33:14KOSHIBA eats fried shrimp.
33:17This is a vegetable shroud marinade dish and a roast beef dish, konyaku pasta, and a dessert.
33:22This is a total of five dishes.
33:25KAMOTO POROSU is a throat stone dish.
33:26By the way, Okamura, who ate Matsuzaka pork and a special menu,
33:30added 5 types of bolognese sauce and 2 desserts.
33:34Here is a hint.
33:35This is the No.1 menu of L'Atelier d'Otto.
33:38This is it.
33:40This is a dish with two types of shrimp.
33:42Is that so?
33:43No way.
33:44This is the most expensive dish that Seiya ordered.
33:47Is that so?
33:48No, no, no.
33:49This is more expensive than beef pie.
33:50I thought so.
33:51I will stop eating.
33:53I will stop eating konnyaku pasta.
33:55I will stop eating sabaran of lemon tea.
33:58I will stop eating Basque cheesecake with olive scent.
34:01Fumiya, what do you think?
34:03Takahashi, who ordered only one dish, added one dessert and added 4 dishes.
34:08Shirai added one appetizer and changed it to 5 dishes.
34:12Will this be a success or a failure?
34:16Murosan Seiya, Koshima Order.
34:18Princess egg with rich egg white.
34:21The yolk is half-cooked.
34:22The egg white is boiled in a soft poached egg.
34:26This is served with roasted beef.
34:30This is served with red wine sauce.
34:34The soft Miyazaki beef.
34:36This is a beautiful local dish.
34:39It's called Ufuan muret.
34:41This is very expensive.
34:46It's smooth.
34:47It looks delicious.
34:48I think it's expensive.
34:49It's delicious.
34:52It looks delicious.
34:53It's delicious.
34:55The sauce is rich.
34:57The egg makes it smooth.
35:01It's delicious.
35:03Murosan, how does it taste?
35:04This is more delicious than you think.
35:07This is more delicious than you think.
35:09This is very delicious.
35:11Today's theme is my favorite food.
35:14Let's see how OKAMURA spends his day.
35:17It's simple.
35:19He wakes up in the morning and exercises.
35:21That's good.
35:22I wake up at 7 a.m. and exercise.
35:25I only exercise on the first day.
35:28There are a lot of exercises in Spanish and Chinese.
35:32I don't get tired of it.
35:34I exercise in various languages.
35:37That's interesting.
35:38When I feel like it, I listen to classical music.
35:40That's fashionable.
35:41Do you exercise in English?
35:42I use an app to study English.
35:45If I can't use the app for a day, I ask TAKASHI what's wrong.
35:50I ask him what's wrong.
35:52What's wrong with TAKASHI?
35:53How is OKAMURA's day?
35:55I take good care of my morning time.
35:57OKAMURA's morning time is cool.
36:01That's good.
36:02I want to be influenced by him.
36:04I want to do it.
36:06FUMIYA always exercises.
36:10I do 10 push-ups before going to the bathroom.
36:15I don't do it when I'm at home.
36:17Isn't it good to do it after going to the bathroom?
36:19Isn't it hard to do it before going to the bathroom?
36:21The bathroom is a time to face yourself.
36:24I go to the bathroom with a sense of accomplishment.
36:28That's amazing.
36:29I don't want to do push-ups.
36:31At that time, I go to the bathroom.
36:33What is that?
36:34He flattens all the dishes he ordered.
36:38After this, the result of his tears will be announced.
36:42The result is announced.
36:46Please predict again.
36:49This is delicious.
36:51This is a little strange.
36:53I can't read this.
36:55If this is broken, it will be a disaster.
36:58I ate three meals at the end.
37:02If I read this wrong, it will be a big problem.
37:05I think this is perfect.
37:08MURO, I do this every time.
37:11Let's stop talking to each other.
37:16I don't think the flow is good.
37:20But this is perfect for me.
37:23Don't say that.
37:26I'm saying the same thing.
37:28SHIRAISHI, what do you think?
37:32Isn't it hot?
37:35I eat fish and meat together.
37:38I eat meals together.
37:41I eat vegetables together.
37:42This is a very good balance.
37:44This is too much.
37:46Fumiya, what do you think?
37:48I think it's SEIYA.
37:51I think he is too scared to be No. 1.
37:54Is that true?
37:55At the end of the game, he turned around.
37:58I saw SEIYA turning around.
38:02I'm not confident.
38:05FUYUKA, what do you think?
38:07I think Fumiya is going too far.
38:11I see.
38:12I went to SAARLIN and AWABI.
38:15Thank you very much.
38:17Thank you very much.
38:18I can't talk to you.
38:20What do you mean?
38:21I like to be called by my name here.
38:24What do you mean?
38:27Today's OMIYA is the ultimate HASHIRO BEEF.
38:32MURO will pay for it.
38:37I will announce it.
38:39This is the PITARI prize.
38:41The price is 15,000 yen.
38:43This time, the PITARI prize is...
38:49The PITARI prize is...
38:53The prize is 14,500 to 15,500 yen.
38:59The prize is 14,500 to 15,500 yen.
39:04The first prize is 16,000 yen.
39:10The prize is 16,000 yen.
39:13The first prize is over 1,000 yen.
39:17Do you understand?
39:20I'm not good at this.
39:22Do you understand?
39:25The prize is 1,000 yen.
39:26The first prize is 16,000 yen.
39:38The prize is FUUKA.
39:40The prize is FUUKA.
39:44This prize is very expensive.
39:49The prize is 1,000 yen.
39:51I thought it was a minus.
39:54The prize is very expensive.
39:56MURO is very expensive.
39:58I'm similar to FUUKA.
40:01That's why it's expensive.
40:03Is it expensive?
40:05I don't have dessert.
40:08So I'm minus.
40:13What will happen?
40:16I will announce the second prize.
40:19The second prize is 16,900 yen.
40:26This is expensive.
40:28The prize is 1,900 yen.
40:32Who is the winner?
40:35I'm not good at this.
40:37MURO is minus.
40:39What will happen?
40:41The prize is 1,900 yen.
40:43The second prize is 16,900 yen.
40:49The second prize is 16,900 yen.
40:55The prize is MURO.
40:57The second prize is MURO.
41:03The prize is 1,900 yen.
41:05Who is the winner?
41:07I'm not good at this.
41:10I'm not good at this.
41:12The winning team ate the special menu.
41:17If you lose, you will go to hell.
41:23I won't lose.
41:25I'm scared.
41:28The third prize is 17,100 yen.
41:38This is expensive.
41:40The prize is 2,100 yen.
41:45The prize is 18,600 yen.
41:49He is calm.
41:52What will happen?
41:54The prize is 2,100 yen.
41:56The third prize is 17,100 yen.
42:06The prize is SEIYA.
42:08The prize is SEIYA.
42:12The prize is expensive.
42:14The prize is expensive.
42:16The prize is expensive.
42:18The winning team ate the special menu.
42:22FUMIYA, you said you were scared.
42:25Is it over?
42:27This is dangerous.
42:29What will happen?
42:31No one is minus.
42:33Everyone is above.
42:35There is a possibility that OKAMURA is below.
42:39I'm not below.
42:41Is that true?
42:44SHIRAI, what do you think?
42:45This is a special menu.
42:48I should have eaten this.
42:51I eat this every week.
42:53There are four people left.
42:56The fourth prize is 19,100 yen.
43:05This is expensive.
43:07The prize is 4,100 yen.
43:09This is expensive.
43:10Do you know who this is?
43:12That's right.
43:14It's not strange for anyone to come.
43:16The prize is 4,100 yen.
43:19The fourth prize is 19,100 yen.
43:30This is straight.
43:33This is straight.
43:36This is straight.
43:39Is OKAMURA below?
43:42Is he below?
43:43How about OKAMURA?
43:45Everyone says I'm below.
43:47If it's minus, it's 18,000 yen.
43:50This is reasonable.
43:54This is me.
43:59Do you pay now?
44:00Is that okay?
44:02Is SHIRAISHI PRO above?
44:05I think SHIRAISHI PRO is above.
44:07If SHIRAISHI PRO is below, it's OKAMURA.
44:11OKAMURA is below.
44:12SHIRAISHI PRO is above.
44:14I don't want to do this twice in a row.
44:18What will happen?
44:20This is the fifth prize.
44:23Is SHIRAISHI PRO above or below?
44:27There are two people.
44:29This is over.
44:31If SHIRAISHI PRO is above, it's confusing.
44:34There are two people in fifth place.
44:36OMIYA will be eliminated.
44:40All three people will be eliminated.
44:43And here is the drone.
44:50GURUNAI is distributed on TVER and HULU.
44:53Please register your favorite.
44:55Today's stage is French Latouried Auto in Ginza 6.
45:02The drone will land in front of one of the three people.
45:07The person will receive a meal fee.
45:09The two people who did not land will receive a meal fee.
45:13I'm not good at this.
45:15This is a very important scene.
45:19This is an important announcement from MURO.
45:21The stage I will host will be held on April 5th.
45:29Tickets are now on sale.
45:31Thank you very much.
45:34Thank you to everyone in FUKUOKA and TOKYO.
45:36Everyone in OSAKA.
45:38What's wrong?
45:40It's a little slow.
45:42I want to do my best.
45:45Please come and see it.
45:47Please come.
45:49YABESHI will also challenge today.
45:53I'm alone in the car.
45:55I'm lonely.
45:56YABESHI is back in the second place.
45:59YABESHI's result is 3,900 yen.
46:03This is difficult.
46:05YABESHI is in fourth place.
46:07I don't have to eat at home.
46:11Who will land on this drone?
46:16This is the moment of fate.
46:19Is there a continuation?
46:21There is no continuation.
46:23Please stop.
46:26There is a sudden pattern.
46:28There is a fast one.
46:30There is a fast one.
46:32I'm scared.
46:36This is not enough.
46:41This is good.
46:45This is fun.
46:46Please don't touch this.
46:48Don't touch this.
46:50Where is this going?
46:55He is touching this.
46:57Don't push it back.
46:59Which of the two is in front of you?
47:02That's fine.
47:04That's fine.
47:12Please put this down.
47:14Does this move?
47:16This has moved.
47:19Please put this down.
47:21Please put this down.
47:26This is broken.
47:28Please stop.
47:33SHIRAISHI is in fifth place.
47:37SHIRAISHI is in second place.
47:41I'm not good at this.
47:43FUMIYA and OKAMURA are in second place.
47:46The total amount is 19,500 yen.
47:48The total amount is 4,500 yen.
47:50SHIRAISHI is in second place.
47:52The total amount is 21,000 yen.
47:54This is expensive.
47:56I have to add all the money.
47:58Why did you add all the money?
48:00I'm not good at this.
48:03This is not good at all.
48:06SHIRAISHI added 6,000 yen.
48:10Did you add 6,000 yen?
48:12Let's see the total amount.
48:16The total amount is 129,100 yen.
48:21This is expensive.
48:29Are you crying?
48:30I'm not good at this.
48:33MAYAN, are you okay?
48:36Don't cry.
48:38This is the reaction when you get fired.
48:41You have to shoot this at the end of this year.
48:43I'm not good at this.
48:46It's okay.
48:48This is the first time I've seen you cry at the receipt.
48:51I'm not good at this.
48:53Are you still okay?
48:55I'm not good at this.
48:57I'm not good at this.
48:59I'm not good at this.
49:01I'm not good at this.
49:03I brought the money.
49:06I will pay for the kitchen.
49:10This is the rule.
49:11I brought a lot of money.
49:14I feel good.
49:15Who is this person?
49:17Celebrities and popular idols.
49:20Who is this person?