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Ramadan Food Appeal – Help Feed Widows & Orphans This Ramadan

🌙 Ramadan brings joy to many, but for those in refugee camps, it brings hardship.

Yet, their faith remains strong they still say Alhamdulillah.

🍽️ Widows and orphans struggle to find food for iftar.

Clean water is scarce, and every meal is a test of patience.

💛 This Ramadan, let’s be their relief.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"The best of you are those who feed others." (Ahmad)

🙏 Your support provides food, water, and financial aid.

🌍 Give today. Share the blessings.

#RamadanFoodAppeal #FeedWidowsAndOrphans #RamadanCharity #EndHunger #FoodForNeedy #RamadanBlessings #GiveBack #SadaqahJariyah #SupportOrphans #HelpWidows #ZakatDonation #CleanWaterForAll #IftarForAll #DonateForGood #IslamicCharity #HumanitarianAid #RamadanKareem #ActOfKindness #HopeForHumanity #ShareTheBlessings


