• 6 hours ago


00:00Let's see how many correct answers we can get in a row by dividing into two teams!
00:05Animal Common Sense Test!
00:07Let's start with Team Chinobu!
00:09Ready, set, go!
00:12What is the official name of a polar bear?
00:15Arctic bear
00:18What is the name of the largest mouse in the world?
00:24How many legs does a beetle have?
00:28Six legs!
00:30What is the name of this octopus?
00:34What is the name of this turtle?
00:39What is the name of the animal that emits the strongest electricity in the world?
00:42Electric jellyfish
00:45What is the name of the largest animal in a cat family?
00:51What animal is this hand made of?
00:57What is the name of this baby?
00:59What is this?
01:01Baby octopus
01:03What is the name of this bonito?
01:06Red bonito
01:09What is the name of this knight in horseback riding?
01:14I don't know!
01:16What is the name of this animal hidden in your wallet?
01:20You have a lot of room
01:22What is the name of this animal?
01:27Head and butt
01:28What is the name of this cat?
01:31I don't know what this is!
01:34What is the name of this squid?
01:40What is the name of the only mammal that has a koala?
01:46What is the name of this animal that is said to be a natural enemy of Hubs?
01:48What is the name of this animal?
01:51This is difficult
01:53What is the name of this animal?
01:59What is the name of this animal?
02:02This is bad!
02:03Is there a mole in a baby yakuza?
02:09What is the name of the human head and body of Sphinx?
02:15What country sells snake bread?
02:18Snake bread
02:25What is the name of this animal that is said to be a pet?
02:30What is the name of the animal that is raised the most in Japan?
02:36What is the name of this animal?
02:40Spicy dog
02:42What is the name of this animal that is a nocturnal animal?
02:47It's a cat!
02:48What is the name of this animal?
02:52What kind of question is this?
02:54What is the taste that a cat does not feel?
03:00What is the name of a pig in English?
03:04What is the name of a cat in the Sakagami family?
03:17It was difficult
03:18I can win this
03:19Kaito is not good at all today
03:23Only two questions
03:25I don't agree
03:26Which one is nocturnal?
03:28Isn't Chinta a cat?
03:30The correct answer is Carver
03:34Tell me the reason
03:36Carver has weak skin and is not good at adjusting body temperature
03:40So it is nocturnal so that there is no change in temperature
03:44Which dog breed is the largest in Japan?
03:47Shiba dog?
03:51Miniature ducks?
03:55Golden Retriever?
04:00He said poodle
04:02He said poodle
04:03If he said poodle, it would be a standard poodle
04:07There are so many types?
04:08So many?
04:09That's right
04:10There are 77,908 subscribers to Japan Kennel Club in 2023
04:16The only mammal that has a shell
04:18It's a shell
04:20Some people think it's a skin
04:23A lizard
04:25A hedgehog
04:32Is it a shell?
04:34It's a shell
04:35But you said it's a skin
04:36It's a shell
04:37But it's a skin
04:40It's a shell
04:45Enami, I quit in the evening and now I'm a lizard
04:513 questions in a row
04:53Can Team Yagisa overcome this?
04:57Ready, start!
05:01What do you call when a snake's skin comes off?
05:03A lizard
05:05Isn't that obvious?
05:06What do you call a long, sharp fang?
05:08You know this, right?
05:09A swordfish?
05:12What animal is this?
05:14A mouse
05:18What is the animal that lays the most eggs in the world?
05:24Where are the eyes of a snail?
05:30What does a snail breathe?
05:33What does it breathe?
05:36What is the animal that has the strongest teeth in the world?
05:39A hippo
05:41No, no, no
05:42What is the name of an animal in a square?
05:46A bug?
05:48An animal in a square?
05:52What kind of baby is this?
05:54A hippo
05:57Who am I?
06:03What am I doing to a chick?
06:06Deciding the gender
06:09What is this animal?
06:14A camel
06:15Complete the animal
06:17A sea turtle
06:20What is this pose of a cat?
06:23A penguin?
06:26What is the color of a penguin's legs?
06:30It's black
06:31Good, good
06:32What is the only mammal that can fly in the sky?
06:35You're saying unnecessary things
06:38What kind of fish lives 200 meters deep in the water?
06:41A deep sea fish
06:44What is this animal?
06:45What is this?
06:46A fish?
06:50What is the name of this animal?
06:52A bat
06:56Does a frog have eyelids?
06:58What? Eyelids?
07:02What is the food that 4 rats eat?
07:07A mystery?
07:09A juicy
07:12What is the animal that can be rearranged?
07:14A Siberian Husky
07:17What do you think about before you get it?
07:20A raccoon
07:23What is the biggest aquarium in Okinawa?
07:28I love you
07:30I love you forever
07:33I love you
07:42What is the biggest aquarium in Okinawa?
07:45A sea turtle
07:48What is the name of this animal?
07:52A dog?
07:54Which one is real?
08:00What is the name of this animal?
08:02A hedgehog
08:05What is the color that a cat can't recognize?
08:11What is the name of a zebra in English?
08:16What is the name of the only mammal in the world?
08:21The only mammal
08:23You can say anything
08:25Can I say it?
08:27All of you
08:32I thought it was all of you
08:33Me too
08:36What is the only mammal in the world?
08:38There are a lot
08:39A female?
08:40A crab
08:41A scorpion
08:42A mammal
08:45You don't know anything
08:46A cow
08:49Nagisa-san, what is the name of a sea turtle?
08:53A sea turtle
08:55That was close
08:56In the entertainment world, it's the other way around
08:58I see, it's like a giraffe
09:01I don't understand the riddle
09:03What is a hiroba?
09:04This is really easy
09:06This is a donkey
09:12It's inside
09:13It's inside
09:14It's a hiroba
09:16Aren't comedians good at that?
09:18I'm not good at it
09:20I'm not good at it
09:21It's a job that requires a lot of work
09:24A bug
09:25The correct answer is
09:27Nagisa's team has 3 points
09:32The correct answer is
09:34Is that possible?
09:35Kishinobu's team has 13 points
09:37Nagisa's team has 15 points
09:41So, Kishinobu's team wins
09:45Let's stop
09:47Don't call yourself Kim-Puri
09:50Don't call yourself Kim-Puri
09:54Kishinobu's team has 2 points
09:58Who will receive the punishment?
10:01On this day, a dog had a problem
10:08I've been working, so my body is half out and stiff
10:14My legs are bent
10:187 months ago, Shibako was a wild dog from Ibaraki
10:23She was a wild dog, but
10:25From the first day she came to the Sakagami family
10:28Is it okay?
10:30Is it okay?
10:32She's a mischievous dog
10:35She loves to play
10:37She's cute
10:40Shibako got used to people and dogs
10:45But actually
10:48I'm scared of the Sakagami family
10:52I don't like this
10:54What should I do?
10:55What do you hate?
10:57I don't like iron
11:00I don't like that
11:01I don't like iron
11:03What should I do?
11:05She doesn't like the lid on the road
11:13I'm scared
11:15She's walking on the road
11:24She's walking on the road
11:26You can't do that
11:33Shibako doesn't like to go through here
11:37She doesn't go through here
11:40Let's go
11:41Let's go
11:45Come here
11:48What do you hate?
11:49I'm scared
11:52She can't get out of the cage
11:56Did something happen?
11:57Shibako's strange habit
11:59Has been improved by moving to the living room
12:06When she's tired of playing
12:09She puts her body out
12:15Don't put out your hind legs
12:20She made a rule not to put out her hind legs
12:26Even today
12:28Shibako, do you still do that?
12:34I still do
12:38Is it a habit?
12:39Are you scared?
12:40I'm not scared
12:42She did it
12:43She's cute
12:46She's amazing
12:50Shibako, that's what I'm talking about
12:53Shibako is in this state
12:56When will her hind legs come out?
13:00First, when the lion invites her to play
13:11She can't get out
13:14She can't get out
13:18It's interesting
13:20Is there a rule in Shibako?
13:23There seems to be
13:25Shibako is very stubborn
13:31Next, she invites her to play with her favorite toy
13:40She can't get out
13:50There is another toy
13:57She can't get out
13:59She can't get out
14:01She's amazing
14:08When is her favorite time to go for a walk?
14:16Does she know it's a walk?
14:20She's going for a walk
14:22She can't get out
14:26She's cute
14:30She can't get out
14:32She's amazing
14:35She can't get out
14:39She's doing her best not to get out
14:42In the end, her hind legs never came out
14:49Shibako is still more scared than interested in society
14:56That's why she leaves her hind legs in a safe cage
15:01She only shows her upper body
15:04She smells and does her best to explore the society
15:08Shibako is the type to get excited
15:16But little by little, she got used to the rules here
15:20and how to interact with other pairs
15:24She can go for a walk
15:26I think she has a good life in the Sakagami family
15:32One dog that changed Shibako
15:39Mokomoko is like a best friend
15:45Two dogs who lived together in a harsh environment
15:52Mokomoko was shaking when she first came to the Sakagami family
15:58She ran around a lot
16:02When she walks, she looks happy
16:07What made you change?
16:10When Shibako is with me, I feel safe
16:14I feel like I can be myself
16:19I feel like I've been with her outside
16:23I can trust her
16:26Two dogs who grew up together in the Sakagami family
16:31Thanks to Shibako, Mokomoko's getting used to people
16:37Shibako is like that today
16:43Shibako's graduation day
16:49It's Shibako's graduation day
16:51Shibako's graduation day
16:55Kouho Satoya is from the Otsuka family
17:02Will their first meeting with Shibako go well?
17:07I'll put on the leash
17:13The size is the same
17:15The same
17:17The same size
17:21The same size
17:26It looks fine
17:28I'll put on the leash
17:30Can you walk?
17:35She's energetic
17:39She's running a lot
17:43She wants to run
17:48She's relaxed
17:52How do you feel about each other?
17:55Shibako is closer to me
17:59I feel like we'll get along well
18:03Shibako fell in love at first sight
18:07Shibako's love has begun
18:09I'm glad
18:11I think we'll have fun from now on
18:16Why did they want to adopt Shibako?
18:21While watching the Sakagami family's videos
18:26Shibako is a mischievous dog
18:29Shibako is energetic
18:31Shibako often plays with Lion
18:35I want her to feel the same as me
18:39Shibako is a lonely dog
18:42I want her to play with me
18:47She's like a dog before she gets married
18:53Shibako is always playful
18:58Shibako is playful
19:01Shibako and Lion were like a pair
19:06Shibako and Lion were like a pair
19:09Shibako and Lion were like a pair
19:12Shibako is like a support for Lion
19:16Shibako and Lion are like partners
19:21Shibako and Lion are like partners
19:26Shibako, say hi to Mokomoko
19:29Shibako, say hi to Mokomoko
19:32Mokomoko, I'm going
19:35Shibako, I'm going
19:38Shibako is a strong dog
19:42Shibako is a strong dog
19:46Shibako is a strong dog
19:49Shibako, good luck
19:53Thank you
19:59Shibako seems to like Mook
20:02Shibako seems to like Mook
20:04I want to get along with Mook
20:07I want to get along with Mook
20:12Let's take a look at Shibako during the trial
20:17I can't get my hind legs out
20:19I can't get my hind legs out
20:25Will Moegi change?
20:28Will Moegi change?
20:31And the miracle of the 149th day
20:34And the miracle of the 149th day
20:36It's like a dream
20:38And the miracle of the 149th day
20:41I did a special dance
20:44The audience wanted Kaito to be on the show
20:48The audience wanted Kaito to be on the show
20:50Kaito is great at dancing
20:54I'm happy
20:56You're aware, right?
20:57I'm aware
20:59You're aware
21:00You're aware
21:01You're number one in Japan, right?
21:02I am
21:05We're number one in manzai
21:07That's right
21:11Legend of 2007
21:18You're number one and debut in the entertainment world?
21:21Number one?
21:22I'm number two
21:23You're number two
21:24I'm Takatobi
21:32Shibako, a former resident of Ibaraki
21:35She says goodbye to her long-time partner, Mokomoko
21:40She says goodbye to her long-time partner, Mokomoko
21:41To Trial
21:43What's your new family like?
21:51I can't get my hind legs out
21:53I can't get my hind legs out
21:55I can't get my hind legs out
21:56As usual
21:58I'm going to drink water
22:02It's easier to drink when I get out
22:05The next day
22:07The next day
22:08I'll do my best
22:10You're funny
22:11I'll do my best
22:18It didn't work
22:21But if she takes a step forward
22:37Shibako is blessed with a new partner
22:45I'm curious about Mokomoko's future
22:49We've been through everything together
22:51I sing with it all the time
22:55Like the last greeting
22:58Do you know what that is?
23:01I try to not think about it
23:06It's a little different
23:10I thought it would be okay
23:13We should be able to sympathize
23:14Does she feel a difference from me?
23:16I think so
23:18On the other hand...
23:20For the past few days,
23:22Moegi-kun's condition
23:24has been a bit strange.
23:26He hasn't pooped
23:28for about three days,
23:30and he doesn't eat
23:32at all.
23:34And his expression
23:38doesn't seem like
23:40the usual Moegi-kun.
23:44The strongest scaredy-cat, Moegi's
23:46younger brother,
23:48is 97 days old.
23:50At home,
23:52he has a big change of heart.
23:56I'm sorry.
23:58It must have been hard.
24:00It's okay. Come here.
24:06His fever is high.
24:10It's true.
24:14It's 1.8.
24:16His stomach seems to be moving a bit,
24:20but other than that,
24:22it's normal.
24:26I'm sorry.
24:28He's really quiet.
24:30I'm surprised.
24:34He's afraid of humans.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:40Moegi couldn't even touch him at all.
24:44You're amazing.
24:46By the way,
24:48how long do you think it's been?
24:52He's so quiet
24:54that I've never seen him
24:58I'm sorry.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:02The result of a thorough examination
25:04is a seasonal cold.
25:06For now, I'm relieved.
25:10He's a little relieved
25:12after the diagnosis.
25:14However, at the same time,
25:16he had a big anxiety.
25:18I brought him to the hospital,
25:20so I think
25:22Moegi-kun's anxiety
25:24has gotten a little stronger.
25:26I think he's a little
25:28distant from me.
25:30I think he's a little distant from me.
25:32I think he's a little distant from me.
25:34I think he's a little distant from me.
25:36I think he's a little distant from me.
25:40By living together for three months,
25:44Moegi, who has been locked up,
25:48is getting closer and closer.
25:54In three months,
25:56he's been eating snacks
25:58with Moegi.
26:02The trust between Moegi
26:04and Moegi
26:06seems to have collapsed
26:10after Moegi came back home.
26:12after Moegi came back home.
26:14It's okay.
26:16It's okay.
26:18It's okay.
26:22It's okay.
26:24It's okay.
26:26It's okay.
26:30He looks a little anxious.
26:34Moegi is still on guard.
26:36Moegi is still on guard.
26:38Moegi is still on guard.
26:40Five minutes later,
26:44It's easier to get out.
26:46It's easier to get out.
26:48It's easier to get out.
26:52I'm sorry.
26:54I'm not doing bad things.
26:56I'm sorry.
26:58I'm sorry.
27:00I want you to stay healthy.
27:02I'm sorry.
27:04I'm sorry.
27:06I'm not Moegi.
27:08After that,
27:19Korema de la joy no you can't need it. It's a nice. You know, she did that has no more you know
27:27Monokani couldn't it it tonight. Oh no, she don't eat. Oh, don't ask us to leave us
27:35John Borey steely mass
27:37To touch check not to remass
27:41Sukhoi Sean Borey steely mess, huh?
27:45Kawaii this
27:48Ocean I can I can do more you can
27:51Hawaii this
27:55Daga joy no fu and only yoku jitsu
28:04You know, oh good. Hey, Kono volunteer. Oh, I think I'd take it on this guy. Well, you can
28:16KG more you know, it's more you know me
28:21We're more you know
28:23More you know, it's a bus show so cool
28:28All right
28:31Shut up, okay, I'll get it
28:45Massage it's you know
28:54No, no, no, no, no
29:02What do you do today?
29:06Shut up, I'm a buzzer. You've got Kool-Aid champion
29:13Yeah, I know that you go to a kikkake need she don't know they were free to see me. What did she not talk about?
29:49Maybe I'll take it. Oh, yeah, it's like I better see you
29:53She did it's an age. It's done
29:56So, let me hold on. Yeah, can you see me? You are?
30:04Don't go my dick take a look at it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what you think of this kid
30:40It's actually not this kid. Oh, you're weak. My room. Oh, you know who got
30:46Kiki, I'm teach you what to do this, you know
30:48Give it there. Okay. I'm gonna tell them all what I see you. Oh, I give you a miss a little you're not gonna
30:54Come up there. Oh, you must have
30:56been a little boy
30:58Yes, I suppose I need to talk. I hope I don't know who's keen. That's it. I don't know. I don't know
31:07You know, I mean, you know Rico and Mikaeta Moe get a choice. No, he don't know they got sick young
31:13Just a little
31:16Sticky tail, I don't want this kiddo
31:19Suki watch it. Oh
31:21So I lay Tara eek on a toy
31:55Ha ha
32:05Suck on me can you cook? I know I'm gonna get it. Oh, no, could you talk about it?
32:12Nice, you know, she did
32:15Hitomi line young co-op. Oh, I didn't look up Moe get a China kodose. It's yonka gets me
32:23Just to do to hit on a date sticky tail, don't want this kiddo
32:28Suki watch it. Oh
32:30So I lay Tara eek on a toy
32:35Little do you know day?
32:37So now they got a cheetah
32:39Economy, I see
32:41Nancy, oh my kick in the court. Oh, I'll talk to you. Say it. Hey you thought that you are
32:47So I'll let you know that you know, I have to see
32:50Sorry, do you know
32:54Chakunichi okoye mojito no kyodo seikatsu. Oh, hey
32:59Sweeney Takagata
33:00Sawaruto you all can I'm okay
33:04Forever the China's got to keep an echo that you are
33:36Daga kono jiten de mojito no kyodo seikatsu wa chakunichi okoye teiru
33:42Move auto more more a new book you're just getting you make it show you up
33:47Kankai, oh, it's a shibari me. Kachira. Oh, what did you musta?
34:03Saka no more koto each name Hama a
34:06I don't know. I got you could be piqued. Oh, she's got to keep a baby. Yeah, I'm called Ruby. No time. Mr. Choy. No, she meets dog
34:14Nabe, it's commie
34:20Hey, thank you
34:24Quack quack quack
34:28Hajime was a coach to eat a ruby. That's another she died
34:35No, I'm talking I do show
34:41It's just a little bit of it could be to come in just a little
34:47Little killer Vivian codemo play a totally okay. No, he's already good
34:53Kona, that's commie day. Come on. Come on, you couldn't kill you. She's a male. Oh boy. What's
35:01So cool
35:03Thank you. I think you can see do I can't know you only saw a
35:08Jojo knee
35:09to know some day or
35:11Makara city
35:15Mazuma, that's commie day. Can't it's taking you free? So what I didn't can shock me. No, they didn't morale
35:26It's right
35:30Mazuma, oh, yeah, it's the key game was hungry. Shh. Shikishi
35:39He and was a standard
35:41Soon you have to chill tonight
35:56We have sticky or kiss it's
36:28How do you know that it's coming you can't I stand on top
36:33They are I is that's all crap this you know, it's a mechanical
36:37She cusses joy, we'll kill a midnight
38:39Don't know they have to do it. Oh, you know, I'll carry a squeak. I know
38:43Neko, noってずっといたいんだよなんだか知んないけど
38:58You know that you are so that he couldn't not I don't know sucks in more
39:32I wish he would stop being afraid of me.
39:37It would be weird if he was sleeping on the bed.
39:46Well, I don't think so.
39:49From this day on, he has been living on the floor.
40:02He is sniffing.
40:18He is sniffing.
40:32They are getting closer to each other day by day.
40:39Is it because he has been sleeping on the floor for a week?
40:43On the 144th day, there is a change in Moegi.
40:49It is the usual snack time.
40:54I put Moegi next to the snack to make him get used to not moving.
41:05He is cute.
41:06Then, on the 149th day, there is a miracle.
41:17Oh, no.
41:19I want to see you.
41:29Takagami Animal Kingdom is on TVer and FOD.
41:35Will he change?
41:39On the 144th day, there is a change in Moegi.
41:46It is the usual snack time.
41:51I put Moegi next to the snack to make him get used to not moving.
41:56I put Moegi next to the snack to make him get used to not moving.
42:00Then, I put my hand on him to make him not scared.
42:16Moegi is staring at his hand.
42:26I put my hand on him to make him not scared.
42:35He smells my hand.
42:44I put my hand on him to make him not scared.
42:54He smells my hand.
43:03He never put his hand on Moegi's hand.
43:12I put my hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
43:21He put his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
43:33I put my hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
43:45He stares at my hand.
43:49He never put his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
43:57He never put his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
44:02He put his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
44:11He smells my hand.
44:17He puts his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
44:29Today, she will try to touch Moegi with her bare hands.
44:39I will touch Moegi with my bare hands.
44:54His face...
44:57What do you want to do?
44:59He is relaxing.
45:02Then, he puts his hand on Moegi's hand to make him not scared.
45:15He is suspicious.
45:17He is watching Moegi.
45:24Here I go.
45:36His fingers are sticking out.
45:39He is touching Moegi with his fingers.
45:48Moegi finally allowed him to touch Moegi's fingers.
45:56He did his best.
45:59He is not scared anymore.
46:02He is not scared anymore.
46:05He is not scared anymore.
46:08He is not scared anymore.
46:10Moegi is getting more and more injured.
46:27From today, we will live together.
46:32Nice to meet you.
46:35I didn't do anything wrong.
46:38You don't like it?
46:41It hurts!
46:44I believe in Moegi's potential.
46:48I think Moegi will change.
46:53You are scared, right?
46:55Don't worry. I won't do anything bad to you.
47:04He is tired.
47:06He is touching Moegi.
47:08That's amazing.
47:13I can't believe it.
47:16It's like a dream.
47:18He touched Moegi.
47:24He touched Moegi.
47:26He touched Moegi with his fingers.
47:28He touched Moegi with his fingers.
47:34Moegi got used to Moegi's touch on the 149th day.
47:41Let's show Moegi how Moegi got used to Moegi's touch.
47:47I can't believe it.
47:48He touched Moegi.
47:50I'm about to cry.
47:54I'm about to cry.
47:57I've never seen Moegi so gentle.
48:01So I'm worried about Moegi.
48:05I don't want Moegi to get used to Moegi's touch on the 149th day.
48:12I think Moegi will get used to Moegi's touch on the 149th day.
48:21I love cats.
48:23Moegi looked like a wild tiger at first.
48:27But now he looks like a cat.
48:30He has a gentle face.
48:32Moegi has a gentle face.
48:35He is cute.
48:38I can't believe Moegi can express his feelings so well.
48:45His fingers came out of his sleeves.
48:47His fingers came out of his sleeves.
48:49His fingers came out of his sleeves.
48:51Animal Common Sense Test
48:53Let's review the wrong answers.
48:57What is snake bread?
48:59Where is it from? Egypt?
49:01It's a mystery.
49:03How many snakes are there?
49:06Mi, Ja, Japan.
49:10Japan is a mystery.
49:13It's Japan.
49:15What is a bat?
49:17It's a koala.
49:21It's a koala.
49:23He is stupid.
49:25You don't know the answer.
49:27How many times have you said it?
49:29I don't know if the person in this quiz is stupid.
49:35I don't think so.
49:37I have a bad image.
