• 2 days ago
Bonjour à tous les amateurs d'artisanat miniature ! Aujourd'hui, vous allez vous régaler ! Sam et Sue ont décidé d'aider Barbie à réaliser son rêve. Voici ! Nous allons construire un salon de manucure incroyable ! 💅🏠🎀

Nous commencerons par la base - tout salon de manucure a besoin de murs et de sols, après tout. Nous fabriquerons également des meubles confortables pour que les clientes aient où s'asseoir et que les spécialistes des ongles aient où ranger leurs fournitures. En parlant de fournitures - nous allons tout créer à partir de rien, en commençant par les vernis à ongles et en terminant par les lampes UV. Croyez-le ou non, ces mini-projets artisanaux seront formidables ! Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:30Stay seated, Master Sam will take care of you.
00:33Phew, I think we're done!
00:35Uh, thank you, I guess. They look impressive.
00:39Oh, they're so uncomfortable!
00:44Oh dear, let me fix that for you.
00:47It's okay, okay, just give me a second.
00:52Nobody likes my art!
00:54And we're done!
00:55Oh wow, that's much better, thank you Barbie!
00:58Of course, no problem!
01:01Wow, what a color!
01:03What a texture! They're perfect!
01:08You should really open your own nail salon!
01:11What, really?
01:13That would be nice!
01:15If only I knew how to do it!
01:17Don't worry, Sam and I are both excellent handicraftsmen
01:20and we'll help you, right friend?
01:22No problem, let's go!
01:24Oh, I can't wait!
01:28Nail polish is a necessity in the nail salon!
01:31You're right, but first we have to build the salon.
01:35Oh, what do you think of this arrangement?
01:38Wow, Samy, it really looks great!
01:41Let's start with the walls.
01:45But should it be so dull and boring?
01:49No, no, I just haven't used my magic of colors yet!
01:54Rainbow power activated!
01:57Cool, right?
01:59Oh, it's my favorite color, you're a genius!
02:02Genius, me? Oh, stop it!
02:05Wait to see the other colors I have!
02:08Wow, wonderful!
02:10Very pretty, but this wall looks a little empty.
02:13Ah, what a beautiful weather! Winter, snow, just what you need for a hot chocolate break!
02:19Samy, what are you talking about?
02:21It's just a texture, not the window!
02:24So, the important thing is that I can drink my delicious and sweet chocolate!
02:28Oh, I see, you just needed an excuse, little gourmand!
02:34And that should do it!
02:36And what are we going to do with these ugly cutouts?
02:39You see, they don't match the idea of a nail salon at all!
02:43Don't worry, I just have what I need for that, I'll be right back!
02:47Shh, hey, Barbie, shh!
02:51Why don't we build the salon ourselves?
02:54I would be so impressed!
02:56Oh, great idea, let's go!
03:00Can you hold it at least?
03:03Yes, we'd better turn it the other way now.
03:07A little more to the left, to the left!
03:11I'm going to get burned!
03:14A little more!
03:17We did it!
03:18Hey, we're the best!
03:20Oh, I think I can hear Sue, she's going to be so happy!
03:23Okay, these are for...
03:26Oh, come on!
03:27Oops, sorry!
03:28Although it looks like someone forgot the most important part, the glue.
03:38And this will give a clean look to the ugly cutouts.
03:45I love your choice of color!
03:47Thank you, Sammy, and I think the base is done.
03:50Now we need a table somewhere here.
03:53Oh, I'll take care of it!
03:55Wait, how do they make these tables nowadays?
03:59No idea!
04:03Sammy, get down, get down!
04:06Here's the table!
04:08Thank you, that means we can move on to the accessories now.
04:12We have a long list of things we need for the salon.
04:16Hey, Sue!
04:17How are we going to handle all this?
04:24Help me!
04:25What's that?
04:26Sammy, be careful!
04:29What are those things, Sue?
04:30I'm so scared!
04:31Phew, at least no one panicked!
04:33Hey, Barbie, do you think this eye protection would be good for me when I do my manicure?
04:39Oh, Sammy, you won't see anything like that!
04:42Do you mind?
04:43It might not be as good as eye protection, but it's great for making a table lamp.
04:50A table stand, and it's done!
04:54One lamp is done, and here's another one!
05:00Come, I have your eye!
05:01Oh, you're here!
05:03Hey, it looks like you're ready to test me!
05:06So, tell me why you want to open your own manicure salon?
05:10I just love making everyone around me more beautiful!
05:13Great, we agree on that!
05:15Actually, you did a good job with my nails!
05:18I had a great teacher!
05:20Now we just have to apply the special oil for the cuticles!
05:24Oh, what?
05:25Why is that detached?
05:27Sue, these lamps don't work!
05:29They didn't dry the varnish!
05:32Ha ha ha!
05:33It's because a regular lamp isn't good for that!
05:37We need special UV lamps!
05:40I'll make one right now!
05:44Um, UV what?
05:46UV lamps!
05:47They make the varnish last longer!
05:51Phew, I hope it works!
05:53I won't ruin it again!
05:57Wow, it's perfect!
05:59I love the result!
06:02Wow, I'm learning so much today!
06:04Barbie, I want you to be my sensei of manicure!
06:07Oh yes, but I'm not really a sensei!
06:10Come on, I'll even get all the equipment I need!
06:13Look how much money I've saved!
06:15Oh, it looks like you don't have a choice, Barbie!
06:19Okay, I'm leaving!
06:21Oh no!
06:24This is my favorite manicure machine!
06:26And now it's broken!
06:28Oh no, my poor sensei!
06:29Don't cry, I'll fix it!
06:31I think I can fix it!
06:34Help me!
06:37I think a thread is enough.
06:39And with that, I can easily help.
06:41I just need a toothpick
06:43and a little modeling clay.
06:46It's so delicious!
06:47Hi, Tibidaba, I found this coffee!
06:50Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?
06:55Hey, Sammy!
06:56Have you heard about the new Barbie manicure salon?
06:59I can't wait to go see it!
07:02Oh no!
07:04How could I forget?
07:06Hey, wait!
07:07You forgot to pay!
07:09Oh, he always does that!
07:11Sorry, I let myself be carried away!
07:13Here's your toothpick!
07:14Oh, just in time!
07:16I'd better lie down.
07:18Now a few simple movements and the thread is ready!
07:24You see, Barbie, you didn't have to worry.
07:27Your manicure machine will be like new!
07:29That's true!
07:30Let me just tie the thread.
07:33I'll plug it in and you can go and try it, Barbie!
07:38Sensei, show us how to do it!
07:43Thank you, guys!
07:44But where's all the nail polish?
07:46Oh, don't worry, Sensei, I'll take care of it!
07:50Hold your nail polish!
07:52Oh, they're so small, so colorful, so cute!
07:57Well done, Sammy!
07:58But don't you feel sorry for your own nail polish collection?
08:05I mean, everything is gone now!
08:09Nah, it's for the good of the company!
08:11In fact, advertising is the key to attract customers to the new salon!
08:15Oh, you heard that!
08:16I really want to try it!
08:17Puppies, toys of all ages, come visit Barbie and get your manicure done!
08:21Sammy, what are you doing?
08:22We're not ready yet!
08:25Can I have a manicure?
08:28We're not ready yet, come back later!
08:31It seems that your advertising skills have worked too well, Sammy!
08:36Oh no, customers are coming!
08:37We don't even have a chair yet!
08:39No problem, I'll fix it right now!
08:41A bra and a chair!
08:43That's it, it's done!
08:46These are not chairs!
08:47These are more like cushions!
08:51So stressful!
08:52Let me sort this out a bit,
08:54it will make the chairs very comfortable!
08:59And of course, we can't forget the solid feet!
09:05The manicure master must be beautiful!
09:07What do you think of that?
09:09I like it!
09:10And you, Barbie?
09:11You're beautiful, Sam, but it's too much for my manicure salon!
09:16Sorry, Sammy, we can't accept that!
09:19Oh, no one appreciates my talent!
09:21In fact, we could use these straps for the chairs,
09:24so good choice!
09:27Very well, I think we're done with the equipment,
09:29let's move on to the decoration!
09:31Oh, excuse me, I heard you said you were done,
09:33can I have a pedicure?
09:35We're not open yet!
09:36And who is this pedicure you're talking about?
09:41Oh, Sam, it's the same thing as a manicure, but for the feet!
09:45Wow, how did you do that?
09:47So we forgot the pedicure for my salon, it's important!
09:51Okay, I'll take care of it!
09:52Wait, wait, listen carefully!
09:54The secret of a perfect pedicure has always been a perfect foot bath!
09:58Oh, I see!
09:59So what should I do?
10:01Sammy, we have to make sure we have these foot baths in our salon!
10:07Slimes also do pedicures?
10:10Let's see if I have to test this foot bath!
10:13Why not finish here first,
10:15and then no one will be left without a pedicure!
10:19That's cool!
10:20Wait, we're not supposed to have more chairs now?
10:23Sammy, wait, I have the chairs!
10:25Oh, he's so dramatic!
10:28We really need more towels!
10:30What we really need is to train you to become a manicure master!
10:34Hurry up, take this!
10:36Poor Sam, Barbie turned out to be a very strict teacher!
10:41Listen carefully, Samuel!
10:43Anyone who wants to succeed in nail work must have endurance!
10:48You must become strong, fast and brave!
10:51Yes, I'm ready!
10:53Now run, Sammy, run like the wind!
10:57Okay, understood!
11:01You were right, Sensei!
11:03It's much more difficult than it looks!
11:07Keep going like that, Sam!
11:09He's making progress!
11:12I can't take it anymore!
11:15Wow, you also did that for nail work?
11:17Good job, Sammy!
11:22The real manicure master should cut the cuticles in a blink of an eye!
11:27Guys, guys, that's enough!
11:29Take that! You can't hide from me!
11:33Oh, I don't feel good!
11:35Hey, what's under this box?
11:38Oh, we just missed it!
11:42Let's go!
11:45Very pretty!
11:46Okay, Sam, you assured me!
11:48Very pretty!
11:49Okay, Sam, you surpassed your teacher!
11:51I taught you everything I knew!
11:53Thank you, Barbie!
11:54You are the best sensei of the nails I know!
11:57Congratulations, Sammy!
11:59Let me just finish here!
12:02Wait a second!
12:03You taught us to do this job,
12:05so you're also a sensei here?
12:07Oh, it's very nice of you to say that!
12:09Okay, let's welcome our first customers!
12:49Oh, I'm so excited!
12:51I can't wait for the first customer to arrive!
12:53Oh, there she is!
12:55Hi, can I have a manicure, please?
12:58Absolutely, come with me!
13:00Trust me, you are among good people!
13:05Hello, show me your hands, okay?
13:07Oh, I see, we have work to do!
13:10Aha, I see what the problem is!
13:12Come on, take the towels!
13:14First, let's wash your hands well!
13:16Well done, Sammy!
13:18There you go!
13:20Now we can do your nails!
13:27And don't forget to file this one!
13:29I think we need a almond-shaped nail, right?
13:32Now choose a color!
13:34This one!
13:35Excellent choice!
13:46The hand in the lamp, that's it!
13:52Oh, it's so beautiful!
13:54Thank you very much!
13:56You are welcome!
13:57Tell your friends about this manicure salon, okay?
14:00Oh, yes!
14:01We have a new customer!
14:03For a pedicure, I guess!
14:06Yes, I've been waiting too long!
14:08Please sit here!
14:12Like this, very good!
14:15This foot bath will impress you, I promise!
14:20Ah, so fresh and so clean!
14:22Don't forget the sandpaper!
14:24It's true, thank you!
14:29It tickles!
14:31Please be patient!
14:32You want your feet to be beautiful, don't you?
14:35It's nail polish time!
14:37Oh, I love this color choice!
14:41Let's go!
14:42Thank you, I'll tell everyone about you!
14:45Oh, thank you very much!
14:47That's all for today, my friends!
14:49Thank you for watching and helping me realize Barbie's dream!
14:52Don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
14:54And give a like to this video!
14:56See you soon!
14:57Oh, duty calls me!
15:03And it wasn't even the end of the story!
15:05Can you imagine?
15:07They tell me, we don't have such short dresses!
15:11What? Really?
15:12Oh, sorry girls, I have to take this call!
15:16Hello, I am happy to inform you that you are in the finals of a beauty contest!
15:20Is it a joke?
15:21Wow, I can't believe it!
15:23Girls, you won't believe it!
15:25It was a model agency!
15:26I'm going to the finals of a beauty contest!
15:28And I'm going to live in my own apartment in town!
15:31Can you imagine?
15:32I can't wait to see it!
15:33She's so lucky!
15:35So, what are we going to make here today?
15:37A new sports car for me?
15:40Or a castle for Elsa?
15:42I don't know.
15:45Couldn't we just relax?
15:48Relax? Yes!
15:50Hi guys!
15:51I have news!
15:52I'm going to a beauty contest!
15:55Sam, calm down!
15:56She scared me!
15:58And I want you to come with me!
16:00Are you ready?
16:01Pack your things and let's go!
16:03Wow, that's super cool!
16:05Where's my suitcase?
16:06Come on, let's go!
16:09Well, guys, I think I'm going to take this room.
16:13Hey Barbie, what happened?
16:16What's going on here?
16:21Hey, there's a pancake paradise!
16:24First floor!
16:28Oh my gosh!
16:30I thought you said apartment, not a dump!
16:33Oh, poor little thing!
16:35Are you afraid of spiders too?
16:37Me? Never!
16:38I love spiders!
16:39They are so cute!
16:41You see?
16:42What a charming creature!
16:44We'd better stay away!
16:46No problem!
16:47It must be a mistake!
16:48We can't stay here!
16:50Of course not!
16:51Sue, what are we going to do now?
16:53It's a disaster!
16:54You have to find a way, please!
16:56Calm down, I have an idea!
16:59It looks edible!
17:00Can I?
17:01Maybe it's not that bad after all!
17:06What if we made a house?
17:10Can we do that?
17:11Of course!
17:12Let's make a car too!
17:13Not today!
17:16Very good!
17:17Let's get to work!
17:18We have a lot to do!
17:19Wait for me!
17:20So hurry up!
17:21First, let's make the base!
17:23Friends, always be careful when you work with hot glue!
17:27It's better to ask an adult to help you!
17:31And just like that,
17:32two walls of our mobile home are in place!
17:36Can I help you?
17:38Of course!
17:39We need two more walls!
17:40One second!
17:41I think these will do!
17:43Barbie, you weren't supposed to be absent!
17:47You know, the beauty contest has been postponed!
17:49Yes, it will be tomorrow!
17:50I see!
17:51Okay, good luck!
17:54It was hot!
17:55Now, where should we put it?
17:57Here are the walls you asked for!
18:00Thank you!
18:01No, thank you!
18:02No problem!
18:03Helping you is fun!
18:05Besides, it's been a long time since I wanted to do it,
18:07so it's a win-win!
18:10Oh, I'm so stressed!
18:12You can't imagine!
18:14What a pretty pool!
18:15Oh no, it's not a pool!
18:18Here we will hang a painting,
18:19and over here you will keep all your clothes and everything!
18:23Hi girls!
18:24I'm Barbie!
18:26Hi girls!
18:27What are you talking about?
18:29And now she says they postponed the date of the contest!
18:32Oh no!
18:33The rumors have begun!
18:35Oh, great pool!
18:37Let's see, Sammy,
18:38this will be Barbie's room!
18:41If you say so!
18:42Hey, Barbie, wait!
18:44I heard rumors about you, you know?
18:47Oh, I knew it!
18:49No need to panic!
18:50Sammy will take care of it!
18:51Oh, thank you, Sammy!
18:53Always happy to help!
18:55Oh, really?
18:56So why don't you help me with the DIY?
19:02that's it!
19:03We have one more room!
19:06And here is the last one!
19:08Now all we need
19:10is to fix everything together
19:12using these pieces!
19:15It's time to make Barbie's house
19:17bright and pretty!
19:18Let's start here!
19:19I hope Barbie will love these textures!
19:24Let's start with the walls!
19:50So, friends,
19:51isn't it wonderful?
19:53Now we can take care of the furniture!
19:55And when we arrived,
19:56they told us
19:57it was due tomorrow!
19:58Do you hear me?
20:01What did you say?
20:02So she didn't lie?
20:04Can they really win
20:05a beauty contest like this?
20:07I don't know!
20:09The contest is tomorrow!
20:12What was that?
20:14Hey, Ken!
20:15The rope is moving!
20:16I can't talk like that!
20:17Hold it tighter!
20:20I'm doing my best here!
20:22They won a beauty contest!
20:24It has nothing to do
20:25with the dirty room!
20:27The room?
20:30You're too heavy!
20:31I can't hold you anymore!
20:34What are you doing up there, Ken?
20:38Sorry, Sammy!
20:41Hi, girls!
20:42I wonder how Barbie
20:43did in her beauty contest!
20:45You didn't hear?
20:46He won!
20:48And that's how
20:49we solve rumors!
20:53Let's put the bed here!
20:56It's so soft!
20:57Sammy, where were you?
21:00Personal stuff, you know!
21:02Secrets, eh?
21:04It's OK!
21:05Forget it!
21:06The room is almost ready!
21:07Look how comfortable it is!
21:10I brought a blanket!
21:13Good idea, Barbie!
21:15Now tell me
21:16how you find your room!
21:18I find it charming!
21:22I agree!
21:23Can I unpack my things?
21:25Wait a minute, please!
21:26You see?
21:27The closet isn't ready yet!
21:31I'll wait!
21:32By the way,
21:33here's the drawer's base!
21:34You'll need it!
21:36Let me just make it colorful!
21:40like this video
21:41if you think
21:42it's getting cute!
21:46I really like
21:47how these colors go together!
21:49And all these pearls!
21:51Now it goes here!
21:53And we'll cover the top
21:54with this blanket!
21:59let's put the bed
22:03I agree!
22:04You see?
22:05The closet isn't ready yet!
22:08I copied
22:09each of your moves
22:10and look
22:11what I made!
22:14It's even better
22:15than mine, Sammy!
22:19And if we unpack
22:20my things now?
22:22Come on,
22:23let me help you!
22:24Your backpack
22:25fits perfectly
22:28And this will add
22:29a touch of comfort!
22:34We could also
22:35hang this picture!
22:37Of course!
22:38Why not?
22:41A favorite picture!
22:42I see!
22:44I also like
22:45candy pictures!
22:46Or even better,
22:47ice pictures!
22:50That's perfect!
22:53You really work fast!
22:54There are only
22:55two pieces left to build!
22:57I can keep
22:58my candy in this one,
23:00Sorry, Sammy!
23:01But it's going to be
23:02a hangout
23:03so that Barbie
23:04doesn't freeze!
23:15If it's a hangout,
23:16there must be
23:17a secret door inside!
23:18It works for
23:19all hangouts,
23:20doesn't it?
23:22I've seen that
23:23in the movies!
23:25Nobody around!
23:26I have enough time
23:27to investigate!
23:28At first sight,
23:29nothing strange!
23:31I have to dig
23:34Where's my favorite dress?
23:35I'm sure it was
23:36somewhere around here!
23:39A ghost!
23:40I'm sure
23:41there was a ghost
23:42in there!
23:43But Barbie,
23:44ghosts don't exist!
23:45OK, let's see!
23:49Oh, hi Lucy!
23:51what are you doing in there?
23:52So it was you!
23:54I'm looking for
23:55a secret door!
23:56I hope there are
23:57candies on the other side!
24:00there's no secret door!
24:02And no candies
24:03for you!
24:04So your
24:05laundry is fake!
24:07This room
24:08will be mine!
24:09No way!
24:10It will become
24:11the playroom!
24:12It will be
24:13a yoga room!
24:15in fact,
24:16Barbie will apply
24:17her makeup
24:18in this room!
24:19I've already
24:20made a mirror!
24:22So stop
24:25And here is
24:26the table
24:27where all the
24:28makeup products
24:29will be stored!
24:33but I'll sit
24:34on the floor!
24:37what are you talking about?
24:39I'll make you a chair!
24:40Look how sweet
24:41and cute it is!
24:42Me too!
24:43It's so pretty!
24:44I'll make one too!
24:47it's done!
24:50this chair
24:51will also need feet!
24:54it's true!
24:56how do you use them?
24:58what are you doing?
25:00I wanted to talk
25:01about feet
25:02for the chair!
25:04I finally have them!
25:05You wanted these feet,
25:06didn't you?
25:08that's exactly
25:09what I asked!
25:13the chair is ready!
25:17so that means
25:18the house is ready!
25:19It's so beautiful!
25:22it's the most beautiful
25:23day of my life!
25:24My clothes
25:25are so beautiful
25:26and tidy here!
25:29This chair
25:30is so comfortable!
25:31Thank you so much,
25:34my dear!
25:35I'm so happy
25:36that you liked it!
25:37But let me show you
25:38a very important
25:39asset of this house!
25:40What are you talking about?
25:43Your house
25:44is totally portable!
25:50I think it's super
25:51practical and cute!
25:53What do you think?
25:58isn't it?
26:00who wants to take
26:01a closer look?
26:31I really don't know
26:32how to thank you
26:33for this beautiful
26:35It's okay,
26:37we were very happy
26:38to help!
26:39I want a house
26:40like this too!
26:41No problem!
26:42We'll make you
26:43one, Sammy!
26:45Of course!
26:48now it's time
26:49for us to go
26:50and see
26:51what Sam
26:52has prepared
26:53for us!
26:54Let's go!
26:58It's really time
26:59for me to go
27:00take a bath!
27:01Bye everyone!
27:03like this video
27:04if you liked
27:05this house as much
27:06as I did!
27:07And don't forget
27:08to subscribe
27:09to our channel!
27:10See you soon!
