00:00Hey, Tomás. Hey, Mom. Hi.
00:04You want to join us?
00:05Uh, well, she's calling the shots, you know.
00:07And I have to talk to Dad about something, so, uh, we're just gonna...
00:11Good to see you.
00:18What do you think that's about?
00:20Your guess is as good as mine.
00:22How about your guess on Cyrus for now?
00:26You mean who disappeared him?
00:28My guess is Jason.
00:31And it is so frustrating to me because I begged him not to do it.
00:35For his sake and Danny's.
00:37Especially Danny's.
00:39He just lost his mother. Does he need to lose his father, too?
00:42I'm actually picking him up in a little bit. I'm gonna take him to see a movie.
00:46That's sweet. Thank you.
00:48Yeah. I'll do a subtle check-in.
00:50Or as subtle as I can be.
00:53Just see how he's holding up in the wake of everything.
00:55How you doing, honey, anyway?
00:57It seems like we jumped from one disaster to another since Sam died.
01:01Before then.
01:03Do you think life's ever gonna feel normal again?
01:08Not likely.
01:21Oh, good. I need a doctor's expertise.
01:26Is it possible to die of boredom?
01:29It's rare, but it's great to see that you're recovering nicely.
01:33Yeah, well, I'm good, but I have a favor to ask.
01:36Name it.
01:38Get me out of here.
01:56Can you hold the door, please?
02:19So how are things at Deception?
02:22None of your damn business.
02:24No need to be hostile or concerned.
02:27I have no intention of telling your co-workers that we were married once.
02:31Your secret is safe with me.
02:41Come in.
02:43Hey. How's Michael?
02:48Slow and steady.
02:50Slow and steady.
02:52But he's moving in the right direction.
02:54Thank you for asking.
02:57What's going on?
02:59I need your help.
03:01Okay. With what?
03:02Rescuing Sasha from the quartermaints.
03:19You okay?
03:21Your mother is driving me crazy.
03:25I'm not sure how much more I can take.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:49All I wanted was a cup of coffee, not a face full of their drama.
03:53Well, we're not going to let them drive us out of here.
03:56Besides, it could be fun.
03:59You all right?
04:01Yeah, I'm not going to let Ava distract me from what we came here to discuss.
04:06You going to let me in on it?
04:09Yes. We need to talk about your living situation, Dad.
04:14Hey, Miles.
04:16Hi, Dad.
04:20Good morning.
04:21Miss Jones. How lovely to see you again.
04:32If you'll excuse me, I don't want to keep my breakfast companion waiting.
04:37So, did you get this SOS from Lucy?
04:39I did. Many, many, many times. Do you know what this is about?
04:44We're going to find out.
04:48Any chance you got Jason to admit he's the father of Sasha's baby?
04:53Oh, don't act like you're above it.
04:55I'm not above it. Jason hasn't said anything to me yet.
04:57And Sonny and I promised each other we wouldn't pry.
04:59I would have thought you would be all over this.
05:01If Jason wants or needs me to know, he will tell me.
05:04Until then, I'm going to stay out of it.
05:06Wow. That is some really serious personal growth.
05:10Don't give me that much credit. Sonny talked me into it.
05:13And I hate to admit it, but he's right.
05:15Well, I think it's great. And it's exactly why my plan is going to work.
05:19The Coordinates are really suffocating Sasha?
05:21Carly, I'm just afraid they're going to become so intrusive that Sasha is going to bolt
05:26and then we'll never see her or that little baby ever again.
05:30I adore Monica and I know that she means well.
05:34But she's driving you crazy.
05:36Well, family is. It's like I have no independence.
05:41And I would really like to think that that's all in my head, but look at Willow.
05:46I mean, I'm not condoning what she's done or her relationship with Drew,
05:51but the Critimains are really relentless in trying to bring those kids back into the fold.
05:56Her kids.
05:57They're Michael's kids too.
05:59You know what I mean?
06:00I don't ever want to be in Willow's position.
06:05Having your family calling the shots on how I live my life, how my children live their lives,
06:12what doctors they see, what schools they go to, what sweaters they wear.
06:23Green. I guess we don't know the sex yet.
06:26All right, I'll talk to Monica.
06:28No. I don't need you to.
06:32From the day I found out that I was pregnant, I have been prepared and wanting to be a single mom.
06:38I want to do this on my own and figure it all out because I know that I will.
06:43I don't doubt that.
06:44And I respect your boundaries.
06:46Do you?
06:47Yes, I do, but sometimes life is unpredictable.
06:50You know, stuff comes out of nowhere all the time, and if that's the case, you might need some support.
06:56And that's you.
06:57Yes. I've made that commitment.
06:59I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, I'm not going to tell you how to raise your kid,
07:02but I'm going to be here to make sure you and the baby are okay.
07:05And one of the things I can always offer, if necessary, is money.
07:12I'm not your doctor, therefore I can't sign you out.
07:15If I were you, I'd just wait it out.
07:17I'm sure your paperwork will come through soon.
07:19Besides, it may not be the worst thing in the world to just give yourself a minute to recover.
07:25Come on, man. I mean, you've seen me in way worse shape than this.
07:30True. But all those other times, you were never at that store.
07:34This time, you weren't just knocking, you were halfway through.
07:39How's the house hunting going?
07:41Uh, it's on the back burner for now.
07:45No, I'm busy, Christina. What do you want me to do?
07:48I know you're busy, okay? I get it, but you need to prioritize this.
07:52You need to prioritize getting a home for Donna and Avery.
07:57Everything good?
07:59Yeah. You know, busy, as usual. You?
08:04Can't complain. I'll call you later, okay?
08:09Enjoy your breakfast.
08:10You too.
08:11Well, that went okay.
08:15How badly did you want to suggest that he leave?
08:17So badly.
08:19But you were afraid.
08:21Maybe this is the new laid-back me.
08:24Yeah, I always wanted to know what it would be like if one of us were laid-back.
08:28Well, laid-back Molly is super chill. Doesn't try to control anybody's emotions or lives.
08:34Mom, you've been like this since you were a little girl.
08:36But now, I have to focus my energies where they can do the most good.
08:40On Danny and Scout, first and foremost.
08:42Well, I love that.
08:44Do me a favor, just make sure that you save some of that energy for yourself.
08:52Here's to an equitable custody arrangement, the way it should have been all along.
08:57And you know, he may not admit it, but I think Sonny is a great man.
09:01The way it should have been all along.
09:03And you know, he may not admit it, but I think Sonny is happy about it too.
09:07And relieved that it's over and we now have common sense boundaries.
09:14I wouldn't press your luck on that front if I were you.
09:17There's no luck to press.
09:20Why? Really?
09:21No, Sonny and I, we are in a very good place right now.
09:26All right, watch. Then I'll show you.
09:28Donna and Avery need their own bedrooms.
09:31Good morning.
09:37There was a moment where it could have gone either way.
09:41It's ironic, isn't it?
09:43All the talking I did about staying or going.
09:47In Port Charles, you mean?
09:49Yeah, turns out the real decision to stay was whether my heart would keep beating or not.
09:54And you decided it would?
09:56Well, someone did. I mean, with your help, obviously.
10:00Did it actually feel that way? Like you were in control of the situation?
10:06Well, you and I have both seen enough death to know that most of the time there is no choice.
10:13But there was this strange, overwhelming feeling that I'm not done yet.
10:21That there's too much here.
10:23People I love, my son, who I want to see grow up, my mom, my sister.
10:31Anyone else?
10:36You're a lucky man. She is a remarkable woman.
10:40I assume your plan keeps Sasha in town somehow?
10:43Oh, yeah. I was thinking maybe we give her a jab at the metro court.
10:47You know, start her out in the kitchen, move her to the front of the house when her due date gets a little bit closer.
10:52Maybe even comp her room to make life a little bit easier.
10:57I like it. I'm in.
10:59Yeah. I'm glad that you are on board with my plan.
11:02I was just about to go extend the offer to Sasha, but obviously I wanted to run it past you first.
11:06That's great.
11:10Of course.
11:11What? What's going on?
11:12One of the parents that was supposed to chaperone Neo's field trip has dropped out.
11:15And guess who's first on the reserve list?
11:17Oh, go.
11:19Are you sure?
11:20Yes, yes. I can talk to Sasha.
11:24Seriously. Go.
11:26So, no baby stuff? No baby daddy stuff?
11:33Hey, enjoy the field trip.
11:35Where are you going anyway?
11:36I'm going to my mom's.
11:38Hey, enjoy the field trip.
11:40Where are you going anyway?
11:42The Port Charles Historical Society.
11:47Well, that will be interesting.
11:50From your lips.
11:54You know, if I had run a con on you and it had worked, I would be fine taking your money.
12:03I never understood that about my mom, but now I do.
12:05Because she earned that money.
12:07She swindled it fair and square.
12:10So if I gave you the money, then it would be charity?
12:13Which I hate.
12:14Because the charitable person can decide at any point to take away that charity for whatever reason.
12:21It's their money, so they're in charge.
12:24Oh, I get it.
12:26You want to be the one calling the shots.
12:28And I don't know, Jason.
12:29And I don't know, Jason.
12:30For all your laid-back vibes and your do-your-own-thing persona, I think you're someone who wants to be in charge, too.
12:38You're stealthy about it, but at the end of the day, you always get your own way.
12:44Not this time.
12:45Not with me.
12:48Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work.
12:52I understand that Cyrus Renault has gone missing and that foul play is suspected.
12:56The PCPD is still trying to figure out what happened.
13:00You were quoted in the Invader article I read.
13:03I was aware that you were once police commissioner, but I didn't realize that Mr. Renault was such a problem during your tenure.
13:10Yeah, well, problem is putting it mildly.
13:13So how does it feel to have Renault seemingly no longer around?
13:18Well, I'm relieved he can no longer hurt anyone, but it's not the way I wanted it to happen.
13:26For someone to play God and do him in because they felt like it, I don't get any satisfaction from that.
13:33Remember the trouble we had with our zincite dealer in Helsinki?
13:37Yeah, they didn't get their payment on time.
13:38But Brooklyn took care of that.
13:40Yeah, I thought so, too, but I just got word this morning, guess what?
13:43Yeah, I thought so, too, but I just got word this morning, guess what?
13:46Didn't happen. And that payment debacle?
13:49They turned around and sold our zincite to...
13:52Please don't say it.
13:55No, no, no, no. We need that zincite. It is the key ingredient in the new overnight wrinkle cream.
13:59Look, if Enchantment drops their product before ours hits the shelves, we're going to look like we're selling a cheap knockoff.
14:05So we need a new mineral connection right now.
14:07But zincite is a rare mineral. It's going to be almost impossible to find a new supplier in, like, that short a time.
14:14No. No, no, no, no, no. I know that look.
14:18Well, I just happen to know someone who works in rare minerals.
14:28Well, as much as I love discussing the criminal justice system with you, I don't believe that's why you asked me for this meeting.
14:35No, I wanted to discuss the Esplanade.
14:38I figured as much.
14:39I'm waiting for confirmation from the mayor's office about the site being moved to the new location, but so far, nothing.
14:46Mayor Collins feels Port Charles is better served keeping the Esplanade in its original location.
14:53This wouldn't have anything to do with the mayor's personal relationship with Sonny Corinthos, would it?
14:58I am so, so, so very sorry to interrupt, but Gens, my very, very dear friend Gens, the Deception team and I have a business opportunity for you.
15:11And I just thought, you know, you happen to be here, and we happen to be here, so...
15:16Let go. We can pick this up at a later date.
15:19Are you sure? Because you and I had an appointment, whereas Ms. Coe and I, uh...
15:23Well, I actually have another meeting to get to, so it's fine.
15:29Good luck.
15:32So, Lucy, am I going to need luck for this?
15:39Oh, hey, the coffee machine at the stables is busted, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
15:43That's fine.
15:44You sure? I can take off.
15:46You do whatever you want, but don't leave on my account.
15:50That's a novel concept, right? Doing whatever you want?
15:54Rough day?
15:55Just so sick of the chrodomanes breathing down my neck. It's like this baby gives them an all-access pass.
16:04Look, I'm really sorry again, Sasha. I know this is all my fault.
16:08No, no. I mean, it is your fault that they found out how and when they did, but...
16:15It wasn't realistic to think that I could hide it.
16:18I may have been engaged in more than a little wishful thinking.
16:25Does that mean we're...
16:27You apologized. I accepted. We're all good.
16:31I'm sorry to intrude. I just wanted to confirm Tuesday's exchange.
16:35I'll be picking Avery up at Carly's at 3.30, right?
16:38Sounds good.
16:39Okay. Oh, and you know about her recital, right?
16:41Yeah, I got the email.
16:43She tried on her costume the other night. She is just adorable. You will melt when you see her.
16:48Wow. Must be so nice to spend all that time with your daughter out in the world
16:52instead of in the cemetery where I visit mine because you killed her.
16:57I'm sorry you still feel that way, Christina.
16:59I'm still? That I still feel that way? I'm going to feel that way forever.
17:03And what exactly are you sorry about, Eva?
17:05Are you sorry that I'm never going to get to go to my daughter's dance recital?
17:09Or are you sorry that my daughter is dead because you killed her and got away with it, you conniving bitch?
17:15Okay, okay. That's enough.
17:16No, it's not enough. She has her daughter and I don't have mine.
17:19All right, look. You have, much like your father, the loosest acquaintance with the law.
17:22So let me outline some basics here for you.
17:24Watch it, Rick.
17:25When a jury acquits somebody of a crime, they are free.
17:29I am painfully aware of that.
17:30Oh, good. Then you don't need a lawyer.
17:32But you definitely need a therapist because you seem incapable of accepting the reality that literally everybody else has.
17:37Christina, you tripped and fell. You, okay?
17:40After you went to Eva's uninvited, you bulldozed your way into her hotel room and you forced an altercation.
17:45So, either it was a tragic, terrible accident or you caused it.
17:49But the person who caused nothing here is Eva.
17:52You weren't there, Rick.
17:53You know what? Your anger is more about your guilt about what happened to that child.
17:56My child? She was my child.
17:58No, Molly, actually.
17:59Back off, man!
18:00Back off now, Rick!
18:02Now, your daughter, much like you, seems to think that her feelings at any given moment are the most important things in the entire world.
18:08She's self-indulgent, self-involved, self-centered.
18:10Stop it. Shut up.
18:12Both of you, walk away.
18:14Why would you engage with him?
18:16He's a horrible, petty person who can't be reasoned with.
18:19Oh, excuse me, Alexis.
18:20I came over here to have a perfectly reasonable conversation.
18:24And it's Christina who spun out with her inappropriate,
18:27This might be something you want to take up with that therapist.
18:29Oh, go to hell, Rick.
18:30Oh, not today.
18:31I'm just going to go back to our table. Come on.
18:35Thanks for the interview.
18:36I was going to punch him, but then he'd sue me.
18:39So what's the point?
18:41Are you all right?
18:42Yeah, I just, I gotta, I can't be here.
18:45I gotta go.
18:46I'll walk you out, baby.
18:58Thank you, Mom.
19:00Yeah, any time.
19:02Hopefully never again.
19:04Oh, what a surprise. Miley's gone.
19:07Did you even notice?
19:09She probably left because she didn't want to watch you be an ass.
19:12Oh, come on, Alexis. You know better than that.
19:23I just came from a meeting with Sedwell.
19:27Words I definitely did not want to hear.
19:31Yeah, it was unsettling.
19:36Yeah, of course it was unsettling.
19:38Sedwell is as dangerous as they come.
19:40And not just because he's some ogre or sadist.
19:44He's not interested in gratuitous cruelty or torturing people for sport.
19:49He's interested in making money.
19:51And if you get in the way of that, he will get rid of you.
19:54He won't.
19:56Why? Because you say so.
19:58Because I know what I'm doing.
20:00With all due respect, and you truly have mine,
20:03you are beautiful and smart and compelling
20:05and all the things to make any guy fall for and trust you.
20:08But he's not just any guy.
20:11Meaning this may not be the easy undercover assignment that you're envisioning.
20:16As a matter of fact, I can guarantee you it won't be.
20:20I need to get out of here. I'm meeting Olivia at the MetroCort.
20:23Okay, can I say one thing?
20:25Sure, sure. Just make it quick.
20:27Got it. So the quarter mains, they're crazy.
20:30We know that.
20:32And they have the uncanny ability of getting on a person's last nerve.
20:36But I do think they care.
20:38Deep down.
20:40And sometimes right on the surface.
20:42I do think they care, too.
20:45But there's a fine line between caring and controlling.
20:50And I refuse to let them control me.
20:54Yeah, you go, cuz.
20:57Yeah, no, no, that was too soon. Got it?
20:59That felt gross coming out. I almost choked on it.
21:02See you later.
21:03Yeah, yeah, see ya.
21:08Are you okay?
21:09Yeah, why?
21:11You seemed a little off in the elevator.
21:14Well, you know, I'm pretty concerned about this Sidwell guy.
21:18I did some research on him.
21:22Well, and I think we would really regret working with him.
21:28The answer to our prayers.
21:31I understand Deception is willing to do business with me after all.
21:39Molly, what's up?
21:45I'm just taking Danny to a movie.
21:49Very cool.
21:50But I do think I did just see him take off on his bike like five minutes ago.
21:55Yes, he texted. He's gotta get a textbook from a friend's house.
21:58I was just gonna wait here till he gets back.
22:04No, I'm good. Thanks.
22:07Well, how are you? I haven't seen you since our trip to the roof.
22:11Do you think they've fixed that lock up there yet?
22:15Certainly not.
22:19Uh, is it sad to say that I would rather spend a week back up on that roof than a minute where I just was?
22:25Yeah, where were you?
22:28Um, sorry, no, I don't need to be whining about my life, do you?
22:33No, no, you don't need to, but I really want you to.
22:36And if you're gonna whine, could you put some muscle into it?
22:39I want you to try and hit those high notes that only dogs can hear.
22:42Oh, yeah, I would, but, um, there's really not that much to it.
22:47I mean, my parents can't stand each other. I've known them my whole life, and there's really nothing to be done about it, so...
22:53Yeah, but it hurts like hell to see it play out, right?
23:02Do you ever tell them?
23:04Tell them that their actions are actively hurting me and risk them feeling bad about it?
23:09God, no.
23:12Yeah, I gotcha. Um, one of the reasons I waited so long to tell Mac that he was my dad was because I didn't want him to be disappointed in me.
23:21I felt like it was my job to manage his feelings.
23:25I am queen of that.
23:27Well, I guess I'm the king.
23:30Yeah, the way I figured it, uh, as long as Mac didn't know that I was his son, then he couldn't have any negative feelings about any of it, right?
23:38Couldn't have any positive ones, either.
23:40Yes. Yes, exactly. It would have been great if I could have figured that out in the beginning.
23:46But that's not my way.
23:48So, what happened?
23:50I, yeah, I finally told him, and it's, it's been amazing.
23:55There have been some hiccups.
23:58There always are.
23:59But it, it did teach me that being a part of the family means being aware of, like, everyone's feelings.
24:06But, on the flip side, they need to tune into your feelings, too.
24:11I'm very relieved you're okay, and I'm so grateful for you and Elizabeth.
24:14Because of you, now we know who killed Sam and why.
24:17As sick as it is.
24:19Have you, um, have you heard anything? I mean, have they been able to find Cyrus?
24:25No, I don't, I don't think they ever will.
24:31He's Sam's ex and Danny's father.
24:33Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.
24:35Does that, uh, does that bother you?
24:39As long as he gets away with it and Danny doesn't lose another parent, no.
24:45I mean, my mom thinks it's a horrible idea for Danny, but personally, I think, I think it's a lot better than trusting the system and, and waiting and, and then just watching his mother's killer walk free.
24:57Good to see you're not at the PCPD. What happened?
25:01They arrested me for Cyrus's disappearance. They had physical evidence.
25:05You didn't do it?
25:06I told you I didn't do it.
25:07Well, you had an alibi?
25:09I did. I was with Drew the whole time. Like, when this whole Cyrus thing went down, I was with Drew.
25:13But, uh, he denied it. He told the cops that I was lying.
25:16Son of a bitch.
25:17Yeah, so whoever killed Cyrus planted hair at the scene. My hair.
25:22Well, maybe they weren't trying to frame you. Maybe they were just trying to avert suspicion.
25:26I mean, you are a likely suspect.
25:30Okay, we need to get into another issue.
25:34Sidwell and Drew have teamed up. They want to take the pier.
25:42Drew is driving it. Sidwell is right there. And if Drew doesn't get the pier through eminent domain, he's going to go through Congress because he has connections there. If that doesn't work, all bets are off.
25:56Look, I don't see Drew getting violent on this.
25:59Well, Sidwell can, right?
26:01Like he did with maybe the fire at your penthouse.
26:04He had means. He had motive.
26:07Okay, but Anna told me that the device Sidwell used at the warehouse was not the same device that was used at the penthouse.
26:12He could have used two separate devices.
26:15Yeah, I agree, but I don't know. I just don't buy it, man. I don't buy it.
26:20Yeah, I don't buy it either. I mean, if Sidwell's first step is to try to kill me, why would he go through legal channels? Anybody who's smart would know he would do that in reverse. And Sidwell doesn't seem like a stupid guy.
26:40No. But the timing is suspect. I mean, Sidwell comes to town the same day your penthouse goes up in flames. I don't know.
26:51I don't like coincidences. This isn't adding up.
26:57I do indeed have access to the zincite you need, but Enchantment Cosmetics has made me a very compelling offer.
27:04Well, Eric, Kane does not need your zincite because she already has ours, and we will pay more than she's paying. You name it.
27:14To break my deal with Miss Kane would require much more than meeting their price. I want five percent of deception.
27:22Okay, all right. Let's all just take a minute here. After you left the meeting the other day, Lulu had some things to say about Mr. Sidwell.
27:32Ah, well, I heard what Lulu had to say, and I really don't need any more details. What I need is zincite. He's got it, so you know what? Let's keep our eye on the prize.
27:42Yeah, I understand. I'm just not sure this is the prize.
27:46Just think about it. If we could get our cream out way before Enchantment does, that is a game changer. Look at this. How rare is it that we have the right person in the right place at the right time? Come on!
27:59I'm just saying, if Lulu were here, she would not be on board with this.
28:03Lulu is our assistant. She has no stock in deception.
28:08Look, I deal in dozens of minerals that are essential to cosmetic products. As an asset, I'm worth far more than five percent.
28:17Hey there. I know you were supposed to meet Olivia.
28:21I can't believe it.
28:25What are you doing sitting down with this guy?
28:28You know, Maxie told us what Lulu had to say, and even more. And obviously, Lucky has some sort of issues with this gentleman. But why should that stop us from doing business with him?
28:40He kidnapped me and held me in a room with a bop in it. This is not a guy you want to be doing business with. Trust me.
28:49I know I can't change the way my parents feel about each other. Sometimes I just feel like they're judging me for loving the other one when they can't stand them.
29:00That's not right. No one should feel ashamed for loving their mom or dad.
29:05Maybe one day I'll work up the courage to say exactly that.
29:11It's okay.
29:13My mom. Her ears must be burning.
29:15Ah, now's your chance. Tell her.
29:17Hi, Mom.
29:19You disappeared from Bobby's. Are you okay?
29:23Uh, yeah. I just, I had to go and pick up Danny.
29:27Oh, that's right. I forgot. Give him a hug for me, okay?
29:30Will do. Love you.
29:32I love you too, honey.
29:38It's a process.
29:42What did you mean when you said Alexis knew better?
29:47Just that she's the one who drove Molly off.
29:50Pretty much since Molly was born, Alexis has noticeably and consistently favored Christina over Molly.
29:56Why do you think?
29:58Honestly, I think it's as simple as I, who she absolutely despises, and Molly's father and sonny, who she seems to think the sun rose and set on, is Christina's.
30:07But you know what? No matter what the reason, Alexis has chased after Christina her entire life to clean up her messes.
30:14And every once in a while, she'll deign to remember she has another daughter.
30:18And poor Molly, she has to trip over herself just being grateful for all of the attention that she may get from her mother.
30:25Alexis certainly is an equal opportunity offender, isn't she?
30:28Yes, as she stands over her lofty perch, gazing down at her moral superiority.
30:33Yeah, right? I mean, after favoring one daughter over the other, and treating you in such a vile manner,
30:39she has the audacity to get up on her high horse and start trotting around, right?
30:43Alexis Pavis, attorney at law, defender of justice.
30:46Yes, yes, yes. And after all the transgressions that she's made.
30:49Exactly. Like helping the Casadines rob me of money that is rightfully mine, while I am sentenced to a lifetime in a shoebox.
30:59Yeah, well, you know what they say about being at the top. No place to go but down.
31:07He kidnapped you?
31:08And handled me at gunpoint. Yep, and I was standing right there when it happened.
31:12Deal with this man at your own risk.
31:21For all their colorful accusations against me, you'll notice there are no pending charges against me, no investigations, no arrests made.
31:30So you're saying that they're lying?
31:32I'm saying that all events are subject to interpretation.
31:36Let's just get back to the issue at hand, shall we? How much zincite do you have?
31:42Are you seriously still considering this?
31:46Natalia, what do you actually think?
31:51We need the zincite. And being first to market would have a profound financial effect on the company.
32:00Well, okay, see? See?
32:03I'm going to let you think my offer over. But you should know, it won't be on the table for very long.
32:19I am so sorry you had to deal with that.
32:22You know, I'm realizing I never officially thanked you for going to the WSB when I was kidnapped.
32:28I might not be here right now if you hadn't.
32:31I'm so happy I can help.
32:33So, why didn't Olivia want to meet with me?
32:37Well, it's about the baby.
32:39Carly, I'll tell you what I've told everyone else. I'm not discussing my child with you.
32:43No, it's not like that. It's not like that.
32:45Olivia knows that you've been having a pretty tough time at the quartermates.
32:50And she thought, and I agreed, that, well, maybe you could use a change of scenery.
32:55How so?
32:56Well, instead of dealing with the quartermates every day, you could work here instead.
33:02Sidwell or not, somebody burned your penthouse down, almost killed Michael to get to you.
33:06Which makes me even more uneasy about the trouble that we're having securing this suite.
33:11Have you spoken to Christina?
33:13No, why?
33:14Because I spoke to her earlier. She lectured me.
33:18Look, the issue is security, but the most important thing is Donna and Avery.
33:23They can't stay here. They need a home.
33:26Okay, you want me to start looking?
33:28No, I'm going to make a call that I don't want to make.
33:33First of all, thank you for the compliment.
33:37I'm pretty sure there were three compliments, and they were all true.
33:41Second of all, I'm not sure you have a true appreciation for undercover work.
33:46Or at least the kind that I do.
33:49Jordan, are you doing this to prove that you're more than just the deputy mayor, or do you just miss your undercover days?
33:58I'm not trying to prove anything.
34:00But if someone winds up dead because of Sidwell, and I could have done something to stop it from happening, I'm not okay with that.
34:08And I'd rather do anything I could, even if it was a little risky, to get him out of the way first.
34:14At least sleep better at night.
34:17Well, I'm going to need that beauty rest if I'm going to deserve all those compliments.
34:25Look, I'm doing this for me.
34:30Sounds like you're going to be pretty busy.
34:33Do you think you'll have any time for a little fun?
34:38What kind of fun?
34:40I don't know. Maybe we could work that out together.
34:47Do you think I'm wrong about the whole Cyrus-Jason situation?
34:52I don't know. I mean, look, when you take things into your own hands, you're acting solely on the information that you have.
35:03And I'm not saying that it's wrong in every circumstance, but I don't want to be responsible for ending someone's life
35:13because it's what I want or what I desire, because at the end of the day, I mean, it's basically exactly what Cyrus did.
35:22Sounds like you haven't had the legal system fail you in the same way that it's failed me.
35:27You haven't had to watch Ava Jerome swanning around Bobby's with a satisfied smirk on her face,
35:33acting like she has some sort of right to be there when she has put three people in the ground, and one of them is my daughter.
35:43I don't know.