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#aroundthehousehappenings #momlife #sahm #update #houseproject #roommakeover #DIY #thewads #dinnerideas
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a Clean With Me:
Cook With Me Always New Recipes Playlist:
Costco Shop With Me Playlist:
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Around The House Happenings Playlist:
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The Wads
PO BOX 273593
Tampa, FL 33688-3593
Music from Epidemic Sound:
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#aroundthehousehappenings #momlife #sahm #update #houseproject #roommakeover #DIY #thewads #dinnerideas
00:40I have to run out the door, but
00:42I'm gonna scarf down breakfast
00:44really quickly.
00:46My morning routine is like cut by
00:485-10 minutes because I have to
00:50eat before I leave. Normally I just eat a banana
00:52in the car on the way to the gym,
00:54call it a day, and then when I get home
00:56from the gym I normally like eat my breakfast.
00:58But, you guys,
01:00I got Invisalign!
01:02Huge life update!
01:04Big announcement!
01:06It's ridiculous.
01:08If you're wondering so far, I
01:10hate it. I did not realize
01:12how heavily
01:14I relied on snacking throughout
01:16the day to fuel my body
01:18and like get most of my nutrition
01:20that way. I'm just a crazier!
01:22I mean, I still eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
01:24but then I also snack like 50 times
01:26throughout the day. You can't do that with Invisalign.
01:28You have to like pop them out and brush your teeth and floss
01:30and it just deters me. I'm like,
01:32is it worth eating a beef stick
01:34right now or not?
01:36Anyway, I'll talk more about that
01:38like later, I guess, because
01:40I need to get this on the road.
01:42I'm not wearing them right now. If you're like,
01:44oh, I can't even tell! You don't have the Invisalign list!
01:46Oh! It's because I'm not
01:48wearing them right now. They're cleaning.
01:50They're like the little thing to clean because it's
01:52morning time. I'm like, okay, if I'm
01:54eating breakfast, then it's a good time to do it.
01:56I used to be so good
01:58about what I ate when I was like
02:00training for a runner's
02:02but I'm not training for anything and I couldn't care
02:04less, so I don't know. I guess in a way
02:06I kind of eat better now, but
02:08granola is what I need. Here's the good
02:10stuff! I'm going back to my old ways.
02:12Oh my gosh, is this even healthy anymore
02:14if I throw a bunch of granola in there?
02:16Oh! What I eat
02:18in a day. Wearing Invisalign.
02:20Anyway, I've got a big day.
02:22Actually, speaking of Invisalign, one of my little
02:24knobs fell off and that's a whole
02:26story and a half. You guys, I've had it
02:28just a couple of days. One fell
02:30off yesterday. One fell off today.
02:32Is one going to fall off tomorrow? Because
02:34if so, I quit. I can't
02:36deal with it. I don't live that close to my dentist.
02:38Anyway, this does look kind of good. I'm going to
02:40take a picture. Anyway, the most
02:42important thing that I do in the morning
02:44is fuel my body by taking
02:46Element. I'm going to throw this in my water
02:48bottle right now before I run out the door
02:50and this is normally what I do and
02:52huge thanks to Element for sponsoring me on today's
02:54video. Huge thanks to you for supporting me
02:56when I have amazing sponsors
02:58like Element. There's always a deal in fold
03:00for you if you're interested. Element is
03:02the best hydration stick
03:04on the market. It has
03:06everything that you need in this little packet.
03:08The perfect science-backed ratio
03:10of sodium, potassium, and
03:12magnesium in here. It's
03:14super important to stay hydrated
03:16throughout the day and this is
03:18what Element does for me. It keeps me hydrated
03:20throughout the day. It fuels my workout.
03:22It prevents me from
03:24having muscle cramps or muscle soreness.
03:26It's actually an amazing
03:28tool. Probably one of the best things
03:30that I do for my body on a regular
03:32basis. Electrolytes are great for so many
03:34things. I didn't realize just
03:36how much it affects us when we're
03:38dehydrated. Our bodies are like
03:40they struggle to perform
03:42well or even function in general
03:44because, well, most of our
03:46body is made out of water, right? So we need to
03:48keep it hydrated. We need to keep it going
03:50for so many reasons like headache,
03:52muscle cramps, fatigue is a
03:54big one, dizziness. It also helps
03:56with digestion because it helps
03:58maintain fluid balance. It literally
04:00helps with so much. It also, I was reading,
04:02helps with our blood pressure because
04:04when we're dehydrated, our heart has to
04:06like pump harder, you know?
04:08Just to function. So, on top of
04:10that, it also helps mentally.
04:12Well, there's a ton of science-backed ratio on
04:14the Drink Element website that you can
04:16read up on yourself. It has
04:18a plethora of articles
04:20that are backed by science.
04:22If you're interested in learning more or wondering
04:24hmm, is this right for me? It likely
04:26is because we all need to stay hydrated.
04:28Especially during the winter. Especially during
04:30the summer. Every single day of the year.
04:32It's great. And this is my favorite way to
04:34stay hydrated. I love the flavors
04:36that Element offers. My
04:38favorite is watermelon salt. I really like citrus
04:40salt and raspberry salt.
04:42Those are my top three. But they have a
04:44lot more flavors on the Drink Element
04:46website. They also offer sparkling
04:48water in 16-ounce cans if you're
04:50interested in that too. But another thing
04:52that I love about Element is that the
04:54stuff in here is created
04:56without any sugar. It's fantastic.
04:58It doesn't have any artificial ingredients.
05:00It's free of gluten. So, that's
05:02another reason why I gravitate toward Element
05:04over any other hydration mix.
05:06That combined with the fact that it's absolutely
05:08delicious. So, if you're interested in
05:10checking out Element, I will leave my link
05:12in the description box below.
05:14slash the wads. And that will
05:16get you a free sample pack with any
05:18purchase so you can try all the flavors
05:20yourself and figure out which one is your favorite.
05:22I think during the winter they are still
05:24offering the chocolate
05:26medley that you can drink warm
05:28because I know for some of you, me wearing
05:30a tank top is like, what the heck is she wearing?
05:32I am buried under snow.
05:34So, the hot hydration mixes might be for you.
05:36But for me in Florida, I'm loving
05:38my watermelon salt. So, head to slash the wads. slash the wads.
05:44And that will get you the deal. Alright, I'm gonna scarf this
05:46down. Uh, you wanna come with me
05:48to the gym? Alright, let's go.
05:50By the way,
05:52mmm, the granola is better than I
05:54remember. My kitchen's a mess.
05:56Nothing new here. It's been a while
05:58since I shared a workout with you.
06:00So, I figured I'd give you
06:02a few clips of me at the gym. Sometimes,
06:04it can be a little tricky to get footage of
06:06myself at the gym. It's also, like, kind of awkward.
06:08Like, oh, there she is, filming
06:10herself working out. You know what I mean?
06:12But plenty of people do it. Even
06:14if you're just filming it for yourself and looking
06:16at your form, I think that's important
06:18to do. But, you know, I mean, there's a reason
06:20why there are mirrors all over the workout
06:22studio. And it's so you can look at yourself from
06:24the side, from the profile, from the front
06:26to see if you, you know, are doing
06:28things with the proper form.
06:30Which I always strive to do.
06:32You know? So, this is my
06:34Friday workout. What I like to
06:36call the easier workout, which
06:38really, I think, is just a mindset. Because
06:40any workout can be, and don't
06:42get me wrong, this is still a challenging workout
06:44for me. And I did up my
06:46weights a little bit. So, that's
06:48one way to challenge yourself. So, even
06:50if it is, like, an easier class,
06:52it's, you can make it harder
06:54by the intensity that you put
06:56into it, which is always fantastic.
06:58Anyone can do every class with certain
07:00modifications, I think. Well, I mean,
07:02depending on what kind of restrictions you might
07:04have. But, I'm telling you,
07:06like, the workout classes I go to,
07:08there are people who are younger than me, there are
07:10people who are older than me. I feel like I'm right
07:12in the middle there. And it's always so
07:14encouraging, you know,
07:16just to see the different
07:18types of people that are there.
07:20Just moving your body is the most important thing.
07:22Sometimes I see people that really inspire
07:24me. I'm like, well, if they're doing it that way,
07:26like, surely, maybe I can add a couple pounds,
07:28you know? So, it's really
07:30nice, but I also have to remind myself
07:32this is not a competition.
07:34The only person I'm in a competition with
07:36is myself, getting better, getting
07:38stronger, getting healthier. And that's
07:40really the most important part of it, right?
07:42We can look at other people to feel
07:44inspired, but I never try to let it
07:46bring me down in
07:48terms of work, do you know what I mean? Like, in
07:50comparing myself, because we're all
07:52on different fitness journeys
07:54and everyone's just doing the
07:56best that they can. So, I love
07:58workout classes. I've told you guys over and over
08:00again, I mean, there are so many benefits
08:02to moving your body and lifting
08:04weights and being fit, especially,
08:06I mean, I've told you before, but if you forgot,
08:08I'm pretty sure when you reach
08:1030, yeah, I said that right, 30,
08:12in your 30s, you start to lose your
08:14muscle mass. So, weight
08:16lifting is really important, and I'm not like,
08:18look at me, I'm not a bodybuilder. I barely
08:20have little baby muscles on me, okay?
08:22But, incorporating any type of
08:24weight into your workout is really great
08:26for your body to just help
08:28maintain that muscle mass. It's hard.
08:30It's hard to pack on the muscle
08:32weight, okay? But, try as
08:34we may, we just gotta stay healthy and stay
08:36moving. Moving our body is the most
08:38important thing. So, I hope if you get
08:40anything from this today, I share
08:42a lot with you in this video, but just get up
08:44and move your body. Take a little stroll, take a little
08:46walk, and sometimes
08:48that's all you need. It not only helps you physically,
08:50but mentally in all the things. And
08:52listen, I mess up all the time in workout
08:54classes, too. I'm not perfect. Never
08:56will I ever be. And I
08:58just, I was like, wait, what do I do? I follow the instructor
09:00and sometimes I kind of disassociate
09:02in these classes. I'm like, okay, they're gonna tell me
09:04what to do, and I'm gonna do my best. When
09:06I work out alone, though, I'm like, mmm, I'm tired.
09:08This is too heavy. I'm done. That's why
09:10workout classes are perfect for
09:12me. So, check out your local YMCA.
09:14That's where I go. My workout is over.
09:16Yes, I have my sweater on because, you guys,
09:18it's like 38
09:20degrees outside. It might be like 42
09:22degrees by now. The sun's out a little bit, which I
09:24know, welcome to spring for most
09:26of you, but for us in Florida, we're like bundling
09:28up, okay? We've got our parkas out, we've got
09:30scarfs on, galoshes,
09:32the whole nine. Anyway, did
09:34I tell you we're going to IKEA? I feel
09:36like I need to freshen up a little bit, but there's no time
09:38for that. Oh, and my dentist, ha-ha,
09:40doesn't have anyone in the
09:42office today to fix my issue,
09:44and then it's the weekend, so
09:46I just wanted to be like, well, just let me
09:48do it. Like, I saw her do it twice. I feel like
09:50I could figure it out by now. Get a little
09:52solution, clean it up, put the
09:54stuff in the thing, plop it on,
09:56blue light, good to go. Like, let me at least
09:58try going three days without it. I don't know
10:00if that's the best idea, but here we are.
10:02It's what I'm going to do, but first,
10:04IKEA. Do you see everything I have to return?
10:06That's a story and a half, you guys.
10:08Really, I'm only going to IKEA
10:10because I need a couple of shelves for
10:12the DIY project, if you will,
10:14up in the movie room, but
10:16if I'm going, I'm like, okay, well, I might as well bring it.
10:18Oh, the trunk is full, too, because
10:20the built-ins that we're getting,
10:22the heat is on, it's not necessary
10:24right now. I'm dripping in sweat still from the
10:26class, which, by the way, I don't know how good the footage was,
10:28but that's all I could get. The classes
10:30are very high-paced, so whatever. Anyway,
10:32the built-in closets,
10:34you guys, they've been out, like, you know, we did
10:36both of the big girls' closets,
10:38we did with IKEA, and they were awesome,
10:40but I can't figure out a solution
10:42for the boys' closets with, like,
10:44that little custom, you know, peek-a-boo
10:46door, and then also the hallway
10:48closets, which I thought I had a solution, but they've
10:50been out of the things I
10:52need to finish the project for
10:54literally a year, and I'm just like,
10:56I'm not gonna wait anymore, so I think we're just getting
10:58normal shelves in those closets,
11:00which I think, I don't know, pros and cons, but
11:02that's what we're doing. Let's go to IKEA.
11:04IKEA's pretty innovative, right? Can someone
11:06tell me why they haven't figured out how to get
11:08their wheels to turn when
11:10you turn? Add that on top
11:12of the fact, like, this is...
11:14These are all my returns. An obscene amount.
11:16It's a closet. Anyway,
11:18add that on top of the fact
11:20that the parking lot is on a slope.
11:22It's like fighting the cart the whole
11:24time, and it's so heavy, so it
11:26kept, like, falling down.
11:28Fingers crossed that,
11:30I don't know, they take it all back. They should.
11:32I'm not sure if I can look any more like a naked mole
11:34rat. I'll show you a couple of the showrooms.
11:36Oh, look at the cherry blossoms
11:38here. Those are so
11:40pretty. Oh my gosh.
11:42I think I love that room the most. The pink is really
11:44speaking to me. Oh, this one finally
11:46got finished. Okay,
11:48cool. Love the LED lights on the wall.
11:50They've got a really cool pegboard, too.
11:52Oh, all the tools.
11:54Oh my gosh, all the gaming equipment.
11:56I want to do something cool like that in Wentworth's
11:58room. Look at this one, too.
12:00The snake in there.
12:02So funny. This is stuffed animal.
12:04This was a shortcut, but it was, like, too
12:06much of a shortcut.
12:08I missed... I don't... I feel like the
12:10entire store. I'm in the
12:12kids' section now.
12:14The lemon wallpaper.
12:18I'm just really trying
12:20to find anywhere where they have
12:22the shelf that I'm looking for,
12:24just so I can know what bin it's in.
12:26I might just look it up
12:28online and then see, like,
12:30where it's located.
12:32Like, you know, down below, so I can just
12:34pick it up and get out of here.
12:36Oh, but I also wanted to look at Wentworth's
12:38room inspiration.
12:40Isn't IKEA just so inspiring?
12:42Just being in here and looking
12:44at all... and then it's overwhelming.
12:46And I'm like, well, what can I actually
12:48implement in my house?
12:50This room looks new to me.
12:52Right? Oh my gosh,
12:54I feel like they're always putting out
12:56new things.
12:58No, I feel like maybe we could have explored that
13:00last time. I'm not sure. This one,
13:02I feel like they were working on
13:04or maybe... I don't know. I don't remember
13:06this bed being as luxurious
13:08as it is. I feel like Meredith would
13:10really vibe with this one.
13:12This bedspread is new. The owls
13:14and the wildlife. So cute!
13:16New for summer, they've got this
13:18sand ice cream set.
13:20This is adorable. It's $5.
13:22And apparently this kitchen is new.
13:24It looks similar to their old one, just more modern
13:26maybe? Different colors. The nursery
13:28section here always has a ton
13:30of basically everything that you would need for
13:32baby, really. And this
13:34is a new
13:36toddler bed, if you will. I think it looks
13:38adorable and I love how
13:40they took advantage of the space
13:42between the floor because
13:44this is a perfect storage
13:46solution. I am
13:48crying over this combo. Can we
13:50have it in my room, please? I've been seeing some
13:52really cute displays for spring
13:54so I guess I'll show you this one. Oh my
13:56gosh, isn't it darling?
13:58Take a look at this bowl.
14:00The flower petals.
14:02Oh my goodness, and the cupcake liners.
14:04Shape of flowers.
14:06So darling. I love it. I grabbed
14:08the shelves for the project.
14:10Now I need to look around for frames
14:12because I figured while I'm here I might as well get all
14:14the frames I need for my
14:16artwork collage,
14:18the artwork wall, my art gallery.
14:20So now
14:22I know a lot of you
14:24when I asked what color I should get
14:26some of you said hodgepodge to keep the
14:28theme of the kids' artwork. I don't want to take
14:30away from the kids' artwork. Some of you
14:32said black would make the artwork pop.
14:34Some of you said white.
14:36So it's a mix
14:38of emotions. I think
14:40I'm going to go with white or
14:42neutral. Oh my gosh, look how
14:44nice this looks too.
14:46I think I'm going to go with white.
14:48There's the most variety
14:50of frames in white I feel like
14:52here at IKEA. Okay,
14:54I'm probably going to be here for like 20 minutes just
14:56getting frames. I think we're good with the
14:58frames and out of the corner of my
15:00eye. Good thing I stopped here because
15:02these are like command hooks. I'm going to grab
15:04a few of these. They used to sell batteries here.
15:06I haven't seen them in a while for a really great
15:08price. Anyway, I'm going to grab these.
15:10I don't think I have any at home
15:12so this is actually perfect
15:14because I don't want to put a bunch of holes in my wall.
15:16I'm headed out. I saw a lot of
15:18this color blue for spring. I love
15:20it. Now you know I have to pick
15:22up some of these and
15:24actually they have another one
15:26that I like more than this
15:28and I thought that's what it was but it's not
15:30but they do have plant-based chicken
15:32nuggies. Okay, I found them.
15:34Oh, I'm just
15:36happy looking at them. This is the best thing
15:38IKEA sells. It is so good.
15:40If you're not allergic to almonds,
15:42I'm pretty sure you're going to be obsessed with this.
15:44I'm going to grab an embarrassingly
15:46large amount
15:48of these. Of course, only
15:50self-checkout is open. Why wouldn't they be? But, oh my gosh,
15:52I just got a spot. Chocolate bunny.
15:54There's a free sample here but I
15:56can't eat it. Normally, I would get like
15:58a hot dog, an IKEA hot
16:00dog. I'd eat chocolate on the way home.
16:02All of the goodies. I have my
16:04Invisalign in. What a
16:06crock. Let me tell you more about it when
16:08we get home. Oh my god!
16:10I just ran over my ankle
16:12with the cart.
16:14I'm pretty sure I broke my ankle.
16:16Oh my gosh. Hold on.
16:20I'll be fine. I'm fine.
16:22If you're keeping up with the numbers here,
16:24not only am I limping. This was all free
16:26because I returned
16:28everything. I actually earned
16:30money today. So, that's girl math.
16:32I'm pretty sure my ankle's
16:34not doing okay.
16:36Thank you for being a friend.
16:38So, I've got Invisalign.
16:40What the heck? I figured
16:42I'd pop them in with you. This is the top
16:44and the bottom which is so weird to like
16:46see my teeth like this.
16:48They have every little indentation.
16:50It's crazy.
16:52Hold on.
16:54Oh! And the top.
16:56And the top.
16:58Ah! It's taking
17:00them out. That is the hard part.
17:02I can't take them out with my fingers. First of all,
17:04I plan to share a whole
17:06video just on Invisalign because
17:08there's so much to share
17:10but the short and sweet version
17:12I got Invisalign.
17:14I shared with you a while ago
17:16that my bottom teeth are like
17:18falling out essentially.
17:20They're at like 30% right now.
17:22And I'm too young for that. And the reason
17:24they're falling out is because I have an overbite
17:26which is wild to see
17:28like the 3D of my overbite.
17:30I'm like, ah! So, that
17:32is the reason why I have them. It's less
17:34for cosmetic purposes.
17:36I kind of like imperfections
17:38in people. I find them
17:40to be beautiful but here I am.
17:42Not to say that my smile is gonna be like perfect
17:44because when I think of a perfect smile
17:46I think of like Margot Robbie.
17:48I mean, she's just like perfect human being
17:50but Invisalign will
17:52correct all of my little like
17:54crannies and
17:56crookedness and
17:58like whatever. Spoiler alert, they actually
18:00shaved a couple of my teeth. I'm gonna
18:02I'm telling you like there's so much to share
18:04but I will just say here I just had
18:06lunch and I
18:08hate it. Like
18:10I don't know if it's gonna be like this for the next
18:12by the way I'm gonna have them for like 8 months
18:14but I don't know if it's gonna be like this
18:16all 8 months. It hurts to
18:18chew my food. They're so tight
18:20I literally cannot take them out with my fingers
18:22I have like a little tool to help me
18:24the knobs on my teeth that they had
18:26to put on, they're like scraping
18:28the insides of my gums. I'm like
18:30I'm over it already. I think I'd just rather
18:32have my bottom teeth fall out at this point
18:34but the clip notes version of
18:36me getting Invisalign was that
18:38by the way my insurance does not cover it
18:40and that's a whole story and a half on it's own
18:42but I went to the dentist and they took
18:44like a 3D image of my entire
18:46mouth that I got footage of. I don't know
18:48if I'm gonna share it here or wait to
18:50share it all in the video
18:52about Invisalign so you can like
18:54be real excited about it. But anyway
18:56they took that image, they sent it out
18:58to get my trays made which took
19:00I initially thought they said your trays
19:02will be done in 2 weeks. It took about a month
19:04I wanna say. Maybe more than that
19:06for my trays to come in which is fine
19:08like I wasn't in a rush. I love snacking
19:10I didn't wanna give that up. I honestly
19:12wasn't ready for it but I'm like I'm an adult
19:14like I gotta take care of myself cause no one
19:16else did it when I was a child. So
19:18here I am with Invisalign
19:20once my trays come in I had to get like
19:22these little knobs on my teeth
19:24because that's what helps
19:26the Invisalign move. You know
19:28what it's above my knowledge
19:30and to put those on was a process
19:32and apparently I don't know if I'm
19:34being too rough with them or maybe
19:36they weren't dry enough when they
19:38were initially put on my teeth
19:40but they keep falling off. I mean I'm on day 3
19:42but it's like if one falls
19:44off today I told you like I don't know what I'm
19:46gonna do. So hopefully you
19:48can't really tell when I'm speaking that was like
19:50my main concern was
19:52oh my gosh I'm gonna have like the Invisalign
19:54Lisp which is what everyone talks about
19:56which by the way the fact
19:58that they named that
20:00with that word is just cruel
20:02it really is. Lisp like
20:04come on they could have named it
20:06anything else and that's what
20:08they chose. Give me a break.
20:10I feel like mine isn't bad
20:12but you'll have to let me know if
20:14you can distinctly hear it
20:16if it bothers you or what like I don't know
20:18what I'm gonna do. I mean this is my life for the next
20:208 months, 7, 8 months is what they told me
20:22but it typically goes a little longer
20:24is what they also said so
20:26who knows. But I have seen creators
20:28get Invisalign and
20:30watching their videos I could definitely
20:32tell a difference with the way
20:34that they spoke. And then on the other side of that
20:36I've also seen creators get Invisalign where
20:38I barely even noticed and if they wouldn't
20:40have said anything I probably wouldn't have
20:42known at all that they had
20:44like a different way of speaking so
20:46I hope that's how I come across. Maybe
20:48if I scoot back a little bit
20:50you won't be able to tell. But I have posted
20:52like several stories and
20:54I actually recorded a bunch of stuff
20:56for Costco's latest
20:58and editing those I'm like I can't tell
21:00a difference you know. I mean there's a slight
21:02but you can kind of tell. But like
21:04come on. Give me a break over here
21:06I'm just trying to do my best. Anyway
21:08that's the short and sweet. I have like
21:1074 products that I
21:12bought to try to help the situation
21:14and um they
21:16told me if it's uncomfortable
21:18or painful to take Advil
21:20I don't even own Advil. Is there
21:22an essential oil I can use
21:24in lieu of medicine?
21:26I think I have ibuprofen. It's not
21:28even that bad though. Like the
21:30discomfort I'm not gonna like take
21:32an ibuprofen before I eat
21:34cause eating takes me like 5
21:36minutes. What I'm getting at is
21:38I'm not at that level of
21:40discomfort or pain. I haven't had
21:42any headaches so if you're
21:44getting Invisalign and you're worried about
21:46maybe those things because that's initially what I was worried
21:48about. I heard every time you you know
21:50change a tray you're gonna have to
21:52do it at night because it's really painful and you're
21:54gonna have to take some medicine to
21:56help with the pain and so I was really
21:58worried but I don't have any of that
22:00so I'm thankful for that so
22:02far anyway. I'm on like day
22:043. I'm a baby. I don't know anything
22:06about this. Hey let's go upstairs
22:08and like do the project that's been taking up
22:10space in my closet. Are you excited? I'm so
22:12excited about this. Okay before we do that
22:14I'm gonna head out front. I bought
22:16a couple of, hey this is a new angle isn't it?
22:18I bought a couple of welcome mats. I'm gonna throw
22:20one here. I'm just trying to like
22:22declutter my bedroom with the things that
22:24I bought and actually use them and put them out
22:26but these were for Easter so I'm gonna just
22:28throw one out here at the front door.
22:32We're ready for spring. The most
22:34embarrassing part of that is that there's people
22:36in my front yard.
22:38Who's that girl?
22:40La la la la la la la la
22:42Yeah I still have a Christmas
22:44mat out here. Am I
22:46the only one?
22:48Please tell me otherwise.
22:50Oh my gosh!
22:52Everybody it's a spring decorate with
22:54me. Look at me evolving and
22:56changing, taking tags off and stuff.
22:58Oh this is so cute!
23:00I love it. I love the colors for
23:02spring. Oh I love the little chickies.
23:04I love everything about it!
23:06I also think I could
23:08put our plant back out here.
23:10I need more plants. Well there's no sunlight in this
23:12room but I'm going to bring
23:14up all the
23:16stuff that I got.
23:18Why am I out of breath?
23:20This is ridiculous.
23:22I gotta go in the car and get the Ikea
23:24shelves and then the
23:26Okay for this project
23:28of mine
23:30movie room makeover
23:32I wish. I was
23:34thinking it's going to be awesome. I'm going to
23:36redo the whole movie room. I can't
23:38find anything to put here.
23:40That will fill up the wall.
23:42It's such an odd amount of inches.
23:44I mean obviously this desk
23:46fills it up which is fine.
23:48Maybe I could just put curtains on them
23:50to cover up the chaos
23:52that's underneath it. And then like where
23:54are we going to store all of this? I don't know.
23:56For now I guess that's working out.
23:58It's not Pinterest worthy. And then these
24:00they got ruined the day we moved in.
24:02We had someone come over and mix
24:04some slime or kinetic sand with
24:06water and oh my gosh I don't want to talk
24:08about it. I've got nightmares. But I was
24:10thinking even the couch looks kind of sad
24:12at this point. Don't worry I'm going
24:14to spruce it up up here. But I was
24:16hoping to find like popcorn
24:18end tables. And I found the Kentucky Fried Chicken
24:20ones at Home Goods
24:22the other day and I thought that kind of
24:24looks like popcorn. I thought about buying
24:26them but I didn't because it's not very practical
24:28and they're like so much lower
24:30than those. So it's whatever. I'm
24:32going to do this wall. I was very
24:34inspired. Let me grab it for you.
24:38It just fell out of the box.
24:40I hope it didn't break. Oh fingers crossed.
24:42I was very inspired by a
24:44reel that I saw on Instagram
24:46and it was someone
24:48I don't even know what kind of room it was. It must have been
24:50a room deep down in their basement
24:52under the closet.
24:54I scare too easy. It just fell
24:56off of it. Anyway so
24:58they turned their movie
25:00they turned that space
25:02into a
25:06Oh my gosh.
25:08I cannot tell you.
25:10When I saw it I was so inspired I
25:12said this is what I've been waiting for.
25:14So I found this on
25:16Etsy and it
25:18lights up. It's like LED.
25:20This is not the most fun thing
25:22you've seen in a while. So
25:24the idea is like plop that up there
25:26with some shelves.
25:28I thrifted some DVDs and
25:30VHS's and it's probably
25:32going to take me all day. But really it's so
25:34simple just throw a bunch of
25:36shelves up but it's like will I get
25:38them even? Do I have a laser
25:40thing? No. Am I going to be able
25:42to find a stud? Stay
25:44tuned. Isn't this so cool? I can't wait
25:46to plug it in. It took a long time to come
25:48in too. I will say.
25:50I'm dying. Okay well wish me
25:52luck. I have to find
25:54a level somewhere. I don't even
25:56want to tell you how long it took me to
25:58find these two things.
26:00It's going to make me upset. But then I'm
26:02thinking how the heck do I even hang this?
26:04Oh okay it has two.
26:06Okay well I didn't bring my measuring
26:08tape up. I was just going to do it by eye.
26:14This is why I don't do
26:16DIY's. Alright I finally found
26:18a measuring tape. Guess where it was?
26:20Last place I looked you guessed it.
26:22I'm sure you're like oh your tools
26:24should be together. I have bought myself
26:26two separate times.
26:28On two separate occasions
26:30my own tools.
26:32People still use them and don't put
26:34them back. Shocking! Alright
26:36let's mess this wall up. Hold on
26:38the last little nugget here
26:40is a real
26:42vintage authentic
26:44blockbuster card!
26:46Can we get
26:48slow claps for the fact that I've kept this
26:50around for so long? Although I can't
26:52take credit it is Alex's.
26:54Screenshot that. Scan the barcode
26:56at your nearest blockbuster. Pay the
26:58late fees for us will ya? Because I'm sure
27:00he's accrued plenty on here.
27:02Actually there's one
27:04blockbuster left open. Who knows where it is?
27:06Like some place in Ohio where like no one
27:08wants to be. I'm just kidding.
27:10I think there's just something so special about blockbuster
27:12and like going there on a Friday
27:14night, getting some popcorn,
27:16renting a movie or a video game.
27:18I always wanted to rent video games
27:20and my friends were always like movies!
27:22Anyway I can tell you so
27:24many stories about renting
27:26stuff from blockbuster. Man the good old days
27:28you know? I feel like let's just have a few. Let's just
27:30like pop up a few. Bring the nostalgia
27:32back. So that's what I'm trying to do here.
27:34Grab on to a little bit of that
27:36like nostalgia. A little bit
27:38of my childhood and make it fun
27:40and festive for the kids. Even though
27:42we don't have a DVD player up here or anything
27:44we just have the projector.
27:46We tried to put a TV in here
27:48but it just, it looked off and anyway
27:50even though we won't be like playing any of these
27:52I think it'll still be just
27:54fun decor for the kids. So I'm really
27:56excited about this! Can you tell?
27:58Alright I can't lose this.
28:00I don't know how some people do so many
28:02DIYs and projects around their
28:04house. There's so much involved
28:06with doing even just a simple
28:08project like this and can I tell you I messed up
28:10about 7 million times.
28:12I took the old adage, measure
28:14twice, you know hammer
28:16it once or whatever the heck this saying is.
28:18I don't even know. You guys I measured 100
28:20times, put it in the wall
28:22wrong. Wrong. And I have
28:24to, I'll get there when I get
28:26there I suppose when I show you what the heck I did
28:28wrong. But even looking back at this
28:30project it took a lot
28:32just, I'm not made
28:34for it apparently. I
28:36was thinking this was going to be the
28:38coolest. It's like just a little
28:40nothing like people would come into my house
28:42and just be like oh you know.
28:44The amount of energy
28:46I put into thinking that this was
28:48going to be amazing and
28:50like don't get me wrong. It is amazing.
28:52The blockbuster sign is like the
28:54coolest thing. This is it. I looked at the wall
28:56and I said that's not even.
28:58I looked at you. Why the heck didn't you tell me?
29:00Are you joking?
29:02I measured the wall. I even
29:04googled what is half
29:06of and then the measurement whatever it was
29:0870 something inches, 90 something inches.
29:10I don't remember. Whatever half of that was
29:12I marked it on the wall
29:14except for the measuring tape was upside
29:16down and my eyesight is kind
29:18of bad. So instead of
29:20like 69 inches which is
29:22halfway, I did 59
29:26I even thought like
29:28I'll just leave it. It's no big deal.
29:30The more I looked at it, I was like no man
29:32I can't leave it like that.
29:34I did move it like if it was a couple inches
29:36off but it was like 10 inches
29:40When I tell you this took me an hour
29:42and a half like it was no small
29:44feat. You think oh just hang a
29:46couple of shelves and put a little
29:48blockbuster sign up.
29:50What the heck? My whole
29:52day was spent hanging a
29:54So dumb, but
29:56the end result was worth
29:58it. I suppose because it was perfect.
30:00I will also mention
30:02I obviously edit these clips down a ton
30:04because you're just seeing it for a few minutes and it took me
30:06an hour and a half. You're welcome.
30:08But the shelves I'm
30:10thinking I could have bought two
30:12shelves and put them side by side like
30:14this wall definitely has the space
30:16for it. And when I bought the shelves, I didn't
30:18measure the wall to see like, you know
30:20if it was big enough, it would look good.
30:22And I really think to maximize
30:24the space in this room
30:26I think putting two shelves there
30:28but will I ever do it? I don't know. Probably not.
30:30Do you know what I mean? Like side
30:32by side next to each other so it's
30:34long shelves and then like still
30:36a couple of rows. Anyway
30:38so maybe that's my future project.
30:40I even think it's big enough to put
30:42three shelves. One on the left
30:44one on the right and not have to shift it either
30:46which way but anyway I figured
30:48out the blockbuster sign is kind of small
30:50which is honestly the biggest one
30:52that I found but you can also DIY that
30:54get a piece of wood, get a router
30:56whatever like have we met? I'm not going to do that
30:58but like if you're crafty you can do it
31:00I could have
31:02you know elicited
31:04Eleanor commissioned her to maybe make it
31:06for me but this one has LED
31:08lights you can plug in and Alex did say
31:10he was going to put an outlet up there and or
31:12drill a hole in the wall. You know how people do that a hole
31:14to the outlet down
31:16at the bottom but he was thinking
31:18an outlet up top like behind the blockbuster
31:20sign was probably a better option
31:22so he's going to do that so there will be no
31:24wires in the future. I wasn't sure where to
31:26put his blockbuster card so I just hung it on the wall
31:28with the thumbtack that's how I normally hang things
31:30you're lucky the shelves aren't
31:32hung with thumbtacks honestly because that's
31:34my go to. Nice and simple
31:36but check this out isn't this so cool
31:38I'll link, I'll try to link the Etsy
31:40shop that I got it from if I forget. Remind me
31:42or you can just google blockbuster sign
31:44Etsy and I'm sure it will come up. I doubt many
31:46people are making them
31:48but this I'm pretty sure this was like custom built
31:50so cool I love it I can change
31:52whatever color we were partial to blue
31:54let me know what you think about it this is so cool
31:56does this remind you of your
31:58childhood as much as it does mine. It's hard to
32:00see on camera
32:02because it's so dark in that room but once we get
32:04a little more light in there I feel like
32:06it'll really pop for you
32:08but these are some of the ones that I didn't put up
32:10I thought I'd just share with you I got 101
32:12Dalmatians Hannah Montana on
32:14blu-ray come on Frozen 2
32:16on blu-ray which I thought was funny Love Actually
32:18Valentine's Day The Wedding Date
32:20all my favorite chick flicks The First Wives
32:22Club He's Just Not That Into You
32:24Made in Manhattan and Monsters
32:26Inc. So many good ones
32:28and I left a million more behind
32:30at the thrift store but I feel like I
32:32could also like I have so much
32:34room on this wall I could have
32:36doubled the shelves
32:38and put them like next to each other
32:40and made really long shelves feel like that was
32:42an oversight it would have really made a statement
32:44in this room and it looks small
32:46on camera but
32:48when you come in the room I feel like it looks really nice
32:50I like it and I don't know if I showed you right here
32:52but we do have like movie posters
32:54on the side of the wall which I think is
32:56a nice little touch I'm just trying to clear
32:58some space out in my room
33:00I have these I got them
33:02from Home Goods and they're actually
33:04perfect I'm gonna hang them I used to have
33:06pictures like the hallway where
33:08the kitchen is and I loved having
33:10pictures there but one day
33:12we used to leave the doors open a ton
33:14now when we do it we have to
33:16be very vigilant about
33:18keeping eyes on Wolfgang because
33:20you know he just loves to be outside
33:22so he'll go outside so anyway one
33:24day we had our windows open
33:26it was a couple years ago at this point
33:28right now and it was
33:30so windy and
33:32they just blew off and broke
33:34so I'm gonna get these hung I bought six
33:36I hope they look okay
33:38I think four would look really nice
33:40but you know I've got
33:42five kids so I don't know
33:44I'm gonna do what I'm at I figured
33:46I put a picture of one kid in each one
33:48and it was so much
33:50more affordable
33:52buying them in a pack like this
33:54I'm hoping it has one
33:56hole to hang it if it has two I'm gonna give up
33:58I don't have the mental capacity
34:00to deal with that right now yes perfect
34:02perfect thank you so much
34:04now I just have to do some measuring
34:06and we know I'm not very good about
34:08doing that so
34:10hang these up so this is the wall
34:12in question and I
34:14actually have a ton of bare walls
34:16around here everywhere
34:18I kind of like the look of a bare wall
34:20I don't feel like I need to fill the space
34:22just because I have an empty
34:24wall I like not having
34:26the visual clutter but I also
34:28have mixed feelings
34:30about it so I'm going to
34:32I love having artwork up well when I
34:34say artwork I mean oh my gosh well
34:36obviously I just bought 700 frames
34:38from Ikea I have all the bare
34:40walls I'm such an idiot
34:42I want to display my kids artwork and
34:44honor it and appreciate it so anyway
34:46I also want pictures of my kids around
34:48and I think that's okay yeah
34:50I'm gonna need a some kind
34:52of ladder so the first one I feel like
34:54eye level there is actually a
34:56rule of thumb where the middle of the picture
34:58so a picture or artwork
35:00should be 57 to
35:0260 inches from the
35:04floor and that would make it
35:06like ideally eye level
35:08I mean I'm like 5 foot nothing
35:10so 57 inches
35:12is here to have the middle
35:14of the artwork there
35:16seems a little ludicrous
35:18that would be like here
35:2057 inches is right here
35:22isn't that a little crazy
35:24so they say 57 to 60 I think
35:26so 60 is right here I think that's
35:28a little better especially since our
35:30ceilings are a little taller
35:32but I also 57 might be
35:34best because I'm doubling
35:36up and I'm putting another picture up there
35:38is that just too much too bad that's
35:40what I'm doing I don't know if 3 are
35:42gonna fit this way though so that kind of
35:44sucks I'm gonna have to squeeze them in
35:46okay let's do 1
35:482 3
35:50I actually think 3 is gonna look
35:52really nice and fill up the space
35:54there's also another rule it's like
35:56if you're hanging something
35:58over a table or like you know
36:00like a hallway table or something
36:02then there's an amount of inches from the table
36:04up that it should be but
36:06you know I don't really follow the rules
36:08around here okay so if the first picture
36:10is here holy
36:12second picture is gonna be
36:14right there is that a little weird
36:16I feel like if you're just
36:18walking by you can see it's not
36:20even in frame it's fine and there's still a
36:22substantial amount of space
36:24from the frame I'll show you
36:26I'll fix this alright so picture
36:28it first one's about
36:30here ish oh gosh
36:32hold on hold on
36:34here does that look good and then the
36:36second one's about
36:40right pretty cool
36:42draws your eye up
36:44I don't know how I feel about it
36:46hey follow me
36:48for more interior design
36:50and decorating
36:52oh my gosh that's
36:54so funny you guys I'm the worst
36:56the worst person to get tips from but I
36:58will tell you after
37:00hanging like why does everything take
37:02so long even just putting these
37:04pictures in the frames I'm like
37:06this is a little ridiculous honestly
37:08also I got prints
37:10to put in my living room you know how I have those
37:12really large frames in my living room
37:14yeah well my order came back with
37:16like different pictures than what I ordered it was
37:18really weird so now I have two of like one
37:20and then I'm missing one so I'm
37:22gonna have to make another order I don't know like
37:24can I return it like it wasn't on my
37:26end I went back and looked at my order and I was like I
37:28ordered this but it didn't come in anyway they're very
37:30expensive by the way so check for a
37:32sale I waited for like a 50% off sale
37:34Walgreens CVS wherever I did it from
37:36but anyway I'm so
37:38glad that I got these up on the wall
37:40it took a lot of math to
37:42figure out spacing I even tried chat
37:44GPT and they steered
37:46me in the wrong direction I was like forget it I'm just
37:48gonna have to do it myself because I started
37:50doing it with the chat GPT measurements
37:52and I was like forget this this is not right
37:54so then I you know took measurements of the
37:56wall did a little math kids pay attention
37:58in school you you will actually
38:00need to know how to do
38:02math in the future this was
38:04this is my
38:06my blueprint okay
38:08this is why I'm not an architect
38:10I was like okay how many is
38:12and then what is this and
38:14it's a whole mess and a half
38:16and I had so many measurements wrong I was starting
38:18to X things out and I was like what is
38:20the right thing that I'm looking at
38:24that took me a little bit to figure out but
38:26I did it yes
38:28I was like I can math
38:30you know so I got those up
38:32on the wall and then I did the
38:34higher ones which you
38:36know what I'm so glad that these
38:38are up on the wall it makes it feel like home
38:40like this is the kind of thing that makes a house a
38:42home to me that and like crayon
38:44on the wall you know makes
38:46gives it a little extra touch
38:48but I love the way that this looks
38:50I think it looks homey it looks like
38:52oh we actually live here we've got pictures of
38:54our kids up on here and I
38:56personally love it like it's one of my favorite
38:58parts in the house and it
39:00actually inspired me because in my
39:02mind there's like a hundred projects that I wanted
39:04to want to do around the house
39:06but actually
39:08implementing them and doing them is a whole
39:10other thing you know so I'm glad
39:12I finally got a couple projects done
39:14I've got a couple more in the future in the near future
39:16because I just ordered something off Amazon
39:18I actually found it on Facebook Marketplace
39:20brand new so that was really
39:22exciting so you know I've got to pick that up
39:24and we'll see if that happens oh my gosh that reminds me
39:26okay it reminds me of something else
39:28that I forgot to do anyway
39:30I need to make a list doesn't this
39:32look great I just love
39:34it it's a picture of each of the kids
39:36and then a picture of all of them together and I was
39:38like this is perfect
39:40I mean pictures
39:42there's actually a study done
39:44stating that when there are pictures
39:46of your kids around the house it like
39:48boosts their confidence and makes them
39:50feel worthy of themselves
39:52it's actually pretty amazing
39:54so the science behind it is seeing themselves
39:56visually represented within the family unit
39:58reinforces a sense of belonging
40:00identity and self worth so
40:02it's really important and my kids love
40:04seeing pictures of themselves I mean who doesn't
40:06if you don't put pictures of them up who will
40:08plus I paid a lot of money for the family photos and the frames
40:10I'm going to start on dinner
40:12I've never made this one before but
40:14it is honey harassa chicken
40:16and it's a sheet pan meal
40:18it takes a little bit longer to cook
40:20but it's like you mix it together
40:22you throw it in the oven there's not much
40:24to do after that except for like when it's
40:26almost done then you add the broccoli to cook
40:28because broccoli doesn't take nearly as
40:30much time but it does sit
40:32in the oven for a little bit longer
40:34like 40 minutes which is still
40:36hardly any time at all right
40:38in the grand scheme of things
40:40pop it in let it cook do something
40:42else fold some laundry and before you know it
40:4440 minutes have gone by
40:46so I'm going to get everything that I need for it
40:48it seems really simple which is what I love
40:50about these recipes they are
40:52like you know healthier
40:54also simple slightly delicious
40:56if any of the past recipes
40:58are to gauge
41:00this one does call for
41:02chicken thighs which I love and you're going
41:04to see what we're going to do with it
41:06the drippings from the chicken thighs are
41:08going to like basically season the potatoes
41:10it's so good I'm trying to look
41:12for what I need for this but
41:14did you see this?
41:16I just bought this I thought you know what
41:18the pots that I have
41:20are dark like you know my cast iron
41:22skillets and stuff like I'll get a light one
41:24you know just for you
41:26honestly it's not for me
41:28at all I've literally used it once
41:30my lips are so pink they're chapped
41:32someone took my chapstick I have
41:34no idea where it is
41:36I used to have one in my purse one in my bathroom
41:38can't find either of them I have two names
41:40in mind okay and they're probably
41:42not the two names that you think of
41:44but anyway check it
41:46literally used this once didn't bang
41:48it up against anything washed it
41:50this is a joke
41:52the amount of money I paid for this
41:54like this should not happen on
41:56day two whatever oh my
41:58gosh it's on the handle too
42:00what did one of my kids like drop this down the
42:02stairs absolutely unacceptable
42:04ridiculous but what am I
42:06going to do about it nothing piss and moan
42:08like I'm confident in it hey this
42:10recipe has garlic dang it I was
42:12just out there I don't know why I don't keep my garlic
42:14in this fridge it makes no sense I use it
42:16almost every single day but it does
42:18call for a carasa I have
42:20no idea what this smells like okay so
42:22it's like a tomato base
42:24it also kind of smells like the Ikea
42:26some kind of Ikea sauce what's
42:28in it red bell pepper it's
42:30not tomato at all I can't
42:32something something
42:34salt citric
42:36acid no I can't where's my
42:38magnifying glass I've reached this
42:40season of life ah extra virgin olive
42:42oil red chili pepper garlic
42:44cider vinegar salt and
42:46citric acid oh simple
42:48ingredients thank you for being
42:50my friend through this this
42:52is oh oh this is tahini it's sesame
42:54seeds and that's what I love about this
42:56simple ingredients potatoes broccoli
42:58but I've got I'm going fancy okay
43:00I've got some kind of broccoli sweet baby
43:02broccoli it's supposed to be broccolini I
43:04don't know you guys it's too fancy for my
43:06blood chicken thighs ooh
43:08black sesame seeds I don't have that
43:10but I do have white it don't matter if
43:12you're black or white so I'm gonna
43:14use these and then get the rest
43:16putting this dinner together when I tell
43:18you this is one of the best
43:20chicken recipes I've made in such a long
43:22time like listen up
43:24get your pen and pencil write this stuff
43:26down of course I will
43:28try to link the recipe below
43:30sometimes I'm on top of it sometimes
43:32I'm not I'm trying to be better about it for you
43:34so this one is
43:36delicious by the way I
43:38mispronounced harissa because
43:40hooked on phonics did not work
43:42for me I think I called it
43:44harissa now I don't
43:46know that what I said but it's harissa
43:48harassa is what I said
43:50with an a instead of an I
43:52unbelievably ridiculous anyway so I
43:54googled the correct pronunciation here we are
43:56harissa chicken
43:58the harissa paste was
44:00delicious the chicken
44:02was chicken thighs bone in
44:04skin on so you know it had all of
44:06the juice in there it was so
44:08delicious and
44:10juicy and perfect
44:12it was so good
44:14and then the potatoes were like exactly
44:16what I needed out of life right now
44:18and the broccolini on top
44:20of it was just
44:22superb I put a rack
44:24on top so the chicken drippings
44:26kind of seasoned the potatoes as they cooked so they
44:28were less crispy and you know more
44:30mushy but nonetheless a potato
44:32I totally forgot to film this but
44:34I threw a sauce together for
44:36the chicken so it's just
44:38tahini I don't know
44:40I added a little bit of that I added a little
44:42less of the soy sauce or
44:44cocoa aminos I also added
44:46a quarter cup of water in here
44:48and I grated in some garlic
44:50and that's it and it is delicious
44:52amazing could probably use
44:54some salt honestly if you want to leave
44:56that extra sauce out I don't even think
44:58it's necessary the harissa does
45:00a great job of seasoning it
45:02the tahini is just like an added little
45:04touch an added flare if you're
45:06trying to be fancy but if you're not
45:08who cares like if you don't have tahini
45:10at home don't even buy it okay
45:12you'll be fine without it this
45:14sauce was delicious on its
45:16own if you want to add a little bit of cocoa
45:18aminos to the other side like I don't
45:20even the chicken alone I'm telling you guys
45:22it was so good so I just put it on
45:24the platter to be a little fancy I
45:26cooked the broccoli with the potatoes
45:28in the oven I added the broccoli to the
45:30sheet pan of potatoes after I took the chicken
45:32off after cooking it in the oven
45:34for 40 minutes at 411
45:36degrees and then I added the broccoli
45:38popped it back in for 10 more minutes everything
45:40was nice and cooked perfection
45:42does exist in this
45:44dish you guys I'm telling you like
45:46it I used mild harissa
45:48so I don't know if that if it gets spicy
45:50but it was amazing
45:52the kids loved it I did cut it
45:54up for them just so they're not like you know
45:56picking at their plates trying to get the bone
45:58off and stuff like that but it was
46:00amazing everyone in the family loved it
46:02the potato oh my gosh the potatoes
46:04I still have leftovers I've been
46:06munching on them for a couple of
46:08days the potatoes in particular my kids enjoy
46:10crispier ones these were less crispy but
46:12still good hey I also forgot to record
46:14this so it's brownie Friday
46:16Friday oh there's broccoli
46:18on the floor too that's fine don't worry about
46:20it this is a special brownie
46:22recipe some of you have been sharing it with
46:24me apparently it's like a viral
46:26recipe that's going crazy or
46:28maybe it's just you know like
46:30how many people have shared I don't know how many people have tried
46:32it who the heck knows but
46:34there's this one dude who said it's the
46:36best and can we really
46:38trust him no but you know you can
46:40trust me I eat brownies
46:42basically breakfast lunch and dinner
46:44every day of my life in heaven
46:46but the shtick on this is
46:48you take a box brownie mix you don't follow the
46:50recipe on the back you
46:52add one egg I used Ghirardelli
46:54because obviously it's superior
46:56it's the best mix in one egg and then
46:58one can of sweetened condensed milk
47:00that's it it's a really thick
47:02batter really thick consistency it
47:04did take a little bit to mix it but
47:06it's fine and then I'm going to cook this in the
47:08oven and I'll let you know how it tastes
47:10fingers crossed because
47:12I'm always up for a quick easy
47:14new brownie recipe
47:16but I always go back to the classic
47:18Ghirardelli I'm just saying
47:20these were delicious
47:22if you're looking for like something different to try
47:24a really really truly
47:26fudgy chewy brownie
47:28mix fishy as well if you
47:30follow me on Instagram you know exactly what I'm
47:32talking about I can't delete it now
47:34it wouldn't make any sense so
47:36definitely fishy and
47:38absolutely incredible
47:40you know just give them a try just to try
47:42something new I think
47:44I'll go back to the original
47:46but you know it's good to try new things
47:48there's nothing better
47:50than the original Ghirardelli brownie mix
47:52it's not except for that
47:54one homemade brownie mix I made that one time
47:56it was so good anyway I'm cleaning up the kitchen
47:58after dinner just you know normal everyday
48:00life things but that is it thank you guys so much
48:02for hanging out with me and doing all
48:04the things around the house with me if you want to
48:06subscribe put a little happy in your day and I
48:08will see you next time my friend bye