• 2 days ago
Love Is Blind S08 Ep03


00:00:00I woke up excited and ready to meet Monica in person.
00:00:18By far one of my biggest challenges in past relationships was really being able to open
00:00:24And when Monica and I are together, I feel very comfortable like being myself.
00:00:29So far, I do believe love is blind.
00:00:40Hopefully he likes a tall lady.
00:00:44Hopefully he thinks I'm cute.
00:00:47What's going on?
00:01:00What is this?
00:01:01What is this?
00:01:02Holy shit!
00:01:04I'm shaking.
00:01:05I'm totally shaking.
00:01:06I'm totally shaking.
00:01:07I know, it's weird.
00:01:08Oh my god, your hands!
00:01:09I know.
00:01:10I'm shaking.
00:01:11I'm shaking.
00:01:12I'm shaking.
00:01:13I'm shaking.
00:01:14I'm shaking.
00:01:15I'm shaking.
00:01:16Your hair!
00:01:17I know, crazy.
00:01:18I did not picture your hair like this.
00:01:20Your hair is so beautiful.
00:01:24You're beautiful!
00:01:25It's so ugly.
00:01:26Stop it!
00:01:27Wait, I have a gift for you.
00:01:29Stop it!
00:01:30Stop it!
00:01:31Stop it!
00:01:32Stop it!
00:01:33Stop it!
00:01:34Stop it!
00:01:35Stop it!
00:01:36Stop it!
00:01:37Stop it!
00:01:38Oh, I'm shaking.
00:01:39I think I put this on your finger, don't I?
00:01:40Which one?
00:01:41That one?
00:01:42Is it that one?
00:01:43Holy shit.
00:01:46There you go.
00:01:48What a weird voice to hear you.
00:01:51I know.
00:01:52It's weird.
00:01:55What are your thoughts?
00:01:56I mean, you look beautiful.
00:01:59Your eyes are amazing.
00:02:01It's just weird putting a voice to it.
00:02:07What is this?
00:02:08What do we do?
00:02:09Do we sit down?
00:02:10Yeah, let's sit down.
00:02:11Do we stand?
00:02:12Oh my god!
00:02:14I didn't even think of facial hair.
00:02:15I know.
00:02:16I didn't even think about it.
00:02:17I love facial hair.
00:02:18Like, you're beautiful.
00:02:19I know.
00:02:20I love facial hair.
00:02:21It's in here.
00:02:22It's in here.
00:02:25You're, like, here.
00:02:27I know.
00:02:28And your shirt.
00:02:29We've been sitting.
00:02:30I'm Hawaiian.
00:02:31You look like Tarzan.
00:02:33That's a good thing.
00:02:34It's a good thing.
00:02:36He was in here.
00:02:37When I was younger, he went, oh.
00:02:40Like, Tarzan, yes.
00:02:44I haven't looked at this.
00:02:45I can't even look at this.
00:02:46Do you like the one I picked out?
00:02:53Wait, wait.
00:02:54I think there's champagne in there.
00:02:55Let's have champagne.
00:02:56Let's do it.
00:02:57Okay, this is my trip.
00:02:58We've got to celebrate.
00:02:59I got you.
00:03:00He's so cute.
00:03:02I did not even consider the hair length, which is, like, oh, that's nice.
00:03:09It's like a dream land.
00:03:10I know.
00:03:11This is the wildest dream ever.
00:03:14And the facial hair, like, the little stubble.
00:03:18Like, chef's kiss, man.
00:03:20Your hair is beautiful.
00:03:21Do you like it?
00:03:22Yours is beautiful.
00:03:23Have you had it long for, like, ever?
00:03:24I've had it long only for the last year.
00:03:28This is the first time I've ever grown it out.
00:03:29What do you usually, like, do?
00:03:30I usually have it, like, slick to the side, like, short.
00:03:33Do you like the short side?
00:03:34But I want to grow it out so I can donate it.
00:03:36So I want to get it to, like, 18 inches so then I can donate it.
00:03:39Do you do, like, man buns?
00:03:41I've never done one, ever.
00:03:42I love a good man bun.
00:03:43Okay, you might have to.
00:03:44I literally don't know how to do it.
00:03:47I literally do not.
00:03:48I'm fine.
00:03:49So you can teach me.
00:03:50I'll teach you.
00:03:59I know.
00:04:01Oh, my God.
00:04:02Can I, like, kiss you?
00:04:03I do want to kiss you.
00:04:04Do you want to kiss me?
00:04:07Oh, my God.
00:04:10That was funny.
00:04:14Holy shit.
00:04:17You have lip gloss.
00:04:18I'm so sorry.
00:04:19That's okay.
00:04:24Best first kiss, honestly, I've ever had.
00:04:27Like, you've imagined it, you've, like, wondered,
00:04:30and then all of a sudden it happens,
00:04:31and it's just, like, an explosion of all, like, senses.
00:04:35I'm just, like, mind blown right now.
00:04:39Okay, we got it.
00:04:40Oh, my God, you're so cute.
00:04:48One more.
00:04:50Leave me one more.
00:04:56Okay, bye.
00:04:58You look beautiful.
00:05:00You look great.
00:05:02Oh, my God.
00:05:06Bye, Joey.
00:05:08Bye, Monica.
00:05:20That was crazy, you guys.
00:05:22That was crazy.
00:05:23That was wild.
00:05:28Oh, my God.
00:05:29I'm gorgeous.
00:05:30She is.
00:05:38Oh, my God.
00:05:44What's been your happiest memory this past year?
00:05:50I was, I was pretty excited when I got the call.
00:05:54To come?
00:05:55To come here.
00:05:57There's no way, like, why me?
00:05:59Because you're incredible.
00:06:01I feel like there's a reason that I'm here.
00:06:03Yeah, for sure.
00:06:05I didn't know if I was going to come here and, like, truly connect with someone.
00:06:13And, like, I definitely have, and it's a little bit nerve-wracking.
00:06:18I get it.
00:06:20But it's also very exciting.
00:06:23The older I've gotten, and the more I've seen love happen for everyone around me,
00:06:32I have crossed my mind of, like, maybe my person doesn't exist,
00:06:37or maybe that's not something I'm going to have in my life.
00:06:42And so I've, like, tried to come to terms with it.
00:06:46I don't know.
00:06:47I guess that's probably my biggest fear is that maybe that kind of happiness
00:06:53doesn't exist for me.
00:06:56You're one of the more amazing people that I've, like, gotten to know.
00:07:00Like, I can't ever imagine you not finding your person.
00:07:07I just, whether that person's me or not.
00:07:13You're not going to end up alone.
00:07:17There's just, there's no chance.
00:07:36You asked the question last night, will you be okay around my sister?
00:07:41I wanted to give you certainty.
00:07:43I support that community, and so does, like, my faith,
00:07:48because I had told you about how, like, I've made it my own.
00:07:51You shouldn't have to bring it up, right?
00:07:53You do sometimes.
00:07:55Everyone that I've talked to, like, gotten this far with,
00:07:58I brought it up just to make sure at least, like,
00:08:00they're aware that that's important to me.
00:08:02And, like, I've noticed there are different responses,
00:08:05and, like, then I don't see them the next day.
00:08:07And, like, it's telling that's just clearly not my person.
00:08:13Like, it's a big decision.
00:08:15I wanted to come in here and just make sure that you knew where I was at.
00:08:18Well, thank you.
00:08:19And that I didn't want there to be any barrier in the back of your head
00:08:21with that being maybe something that would be in the way
00:08:24of this working out if it's right.
00:08:26Oh, then.
00:08:28That's very thoughtful of you.
00:08:31Thank you so much.
00:08:33Did you just sneeze?
00:08:34I did.
00:08:35Bless you.
00:08:37Bless you.
00:08:38That was really cute.
00:08:40Did I just sneeze?
00:08:41Yeah, that was a cute sneeze.
00:08:44I do have a question.
00:08:45What did you love doing as a kid that you don't do as an adult?
00:08:50As a 12-year-old, I would always wake up, Price is Right would be on.
00:08:55My mom would have my Eggo waffles ready.
00:08:56Oh, my God, cute.
00:08:57Neighbor kid would come over.
00:08:58Maybe a few others would come over.
00:09:00We would start off by, like, Wiffle Ball by, like, 1030.
00:09:02Wiffle Ball in the backyard.
00:09:03Oh, my God, cute.
00:09:05And then my mom would bring out, like, some pizzas and stuff.
00:09:07And we would either eat it outside or inside while we watched Family Feud.
00:09:10Oh, my God.
00:09:11And then my friends would have to head home because we would have to be
00:09:14getting ready for our, you know, Little League baseball games.
00:09:17Oh, that's nice.
00:09:18So, we would go run inside, change, get into uniform.
00:09:20Then we'd head to the baseball field.
00:09:22And then we'd play a baseball game.
00:09:24And then we'd go to Dairy Queen.
00:09:25Oh, my God, wow.
00:09:27And then I would always usually stay up a little bit later to watch the end
00:09:30of the Twins game with my dad before going to bed and doing it all over
00:09:33again the next day.
00:09:34Oh, my God, that's so sweet.
00:09:36My best memory was, like, okay, I played Xbox a lot.
00:09:44Oh, Gamer Girl?
00:09:45With my sister, Lisa.
00:09:46Yeah, I was a Gamer Girl.
00:09:47Oh, my gosh.
00:09:48Turn me on.
00:09:49I played Halo and COG.
00:09:51Did you ever play Halo?
00:09:53A little bit, yeah.
00:09:54Okay, so it was my eighth birthday.
00:09:56Me and my sister, Lisa, we were playing Xbox, Halo, Halo 1,
00:10:00and we matched with this team called Red vs. Blue Team.
00:10:03And they were, like, famous.
00:10:04Like, they were famous players.
00:10:06And we beat them.
00:10:08They were like, holy crap, like, who are you guys, where do you guys live?
00:10:10And we, like, literally told them we're 13 and 8 years old.
00:10:13Like, we were so good.
00:10:14Like, it was bomb.
00:10:15That is amazing.
00:10:16Is that something you want to get back to?
00:10:18Like, you want you and your husband to, like, game together?
00:10:21Oh, I would totally game.
00:10:22Like, I want to.
00:10:23Well, Sarah, so if I propose right now, does that work?
00:10:27That could work.
00:10:28We can make that happen.
00:10:42How was your nap?
00:10:43So good.
00:10:44I got, like, a good hour in.
00:10:47Now you're going to be all fresh.
00:10:48Back and better than ever.
00:10:50I would say my strongest connections are Mason and Alex.
00:10:54Alex was saying that he wasn't sure if he liked me just because he liked me
00:10:58or if he liked me because I was similar to people he dated in the past.
00:11:03That sucks to hear.
00:11:05He's pulling back his energy, and there's nothing I can really do about it.
00:11:09Naturally, in the real world, that would have made me run away.
00:11:13But instead, I think it made me realize my feelings for him.
00:11:19I actually really do have a connection with this person.
00:11:22I did a little special thing for one of my guys.
00:11:25I'm going to show him that that's not who I am.
00:11:32No way.
00:11:35Do you see it?
00:11:40I love it.
00:11:41It's the Berlian.
00:11:44I'm giving it a big hug right now.
00:11:48Oh, my gosh.
00:11:50I was hoping you could just get to cuddle it while we talk.
00:11:53That's amazing.
00:11:56I love this.
00:11:58So this is what you cuddle every night?
00:12:01She is my most prized possession.
00:12:03Do I get to keep this for the whole night or just this date?
00:12:06If you want to keep it for the whole night, you can.
00:12:10If you promise to see me again.
00:12:13Yeah, that's a deal.
00:12:14This is the best thing of my whole day.
00:12:16I'm putting my blanket over her.
00:12:19I'm tucking her in.
00:12:21She's got a big smile on her face.
00:12:24Obviously, we had kind of an intense conversation last time.
00:12:27We did.
00:12:28And I know you have maybe like some preconceived notions of me,
00:12:32but I just wanted to show you that, like, I'm not that person anymore.
00:12:37You know, just like in the same way that, like, you used to be anxiously attached,
00:12:42I used to be avoidantly attached.
00:12:45And we as humans can grow and learn and get kind of hurt when you're like,
00:12:50I don't know if I'm dating you because I've dated you before.
00:12:54And I was like, oh.
00:12:57Hearing about, like, some of your past experiences.
00:12:59I'm not that person.
00:13:01Well, I believe you and I trust you.
00:13:03And I also wanted to say that, like, I apologize.
00:13:07It was intense.
00:13:08It came off very strong.
00:13:10And I didn't mean for it to.
00:13:14I don't want you to feel like you can't bring up, like, concerns or anything.
00:13:17But, yeah, it felt like after that you kind of shut down on me.
00:13:22And that was disheartening a little bit.
00:13:26I shouldn't take past relationship traumas into new relationships.
00:13:31So I apologize if I was, like, trying to do that or anything.
00:13:35But I would love to keep talking to you and put that behind us.
00:13:40That would be great.
00:13:41I love the barely in.
00:13:44That's amazing.
00:13:45Yeah, don't make the other guys jealous.
00:13:48You're going to, aren't you?
00:13:50Yeah, I definitely will.
00:13:51I'm going to show her off for sure.
00:13:56I am thinking about you a lot.
00:14:00And, yeah, I just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable and cared about.
00:14:04I was so happy when I heard your voice walking in here.
00:14:07I'm not going to lie.
00:14:08It's me, baby.
00:14:11Okay, let's do something.
00:14:13What do you want to do?
00:14:14Lay down on the couch.
00:14:16I'll do it with you, okay?
00:14:17I'm getting the pillows off the couch.
00:14:19All right.
00:14:20Me and barely in.
00:14:22Are you laying?
00:14:23I'm laying.
00:14:25All right, are you comfortable?
00:14:26I'm comfy.
00:14:28And are you looking upward?
00:14:30You're looking up.
00:14:31All right.
00:14:32Okay, close your eyes.
00:14:34All right, picture yourself on the beach.
00:14:36Listen, and you hear the waves.
00:14:38You smell the ocean.
00:14:41All right, you're there, all right?
00:14:42I'm there.
00:14:43I'm so there.
00:14:44You're looking up, and you see, like, a billion stars, all right?
00:14:48I love the stars.
00:14:50When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronomer.
00:14:53No way.
00:14:55I would just research the stars, different galaxies, different, like,
00:14:58constellations and planets, and I would save the coolest pictures
00:15:01into each of their own folders.
00:15:05That is so nerdy, and I love it.
00:15:08When I was a kid, I put, like, those little glow-in-the-dark stars
00:15:12all over my ceiling.
00:15:14The lights would go off, and I would, like, sit there
00:15:16and pretend I was under, like, a billion stars.
00:15:18My whole ceiling was full of, like, 200 of them.
00:15:21Dang, that's a lot of stars.
00:15:23I know.
00:15:24I was really into stars, I guess.
00:15:25Yeah, you and me both.
00:15:29Madison, you are pretty cool.
00:15:32I think you're cool, too.
00:15:34Okay, I'm going to cuddle Berylian all night.
00:15:37I hope you have a great night with Berylian.
00:15:40And, yeah, think of me.
00:15:43Oh, I will.
00:15:45This is a dream, don't wake me up now.
00:15:56What is that?
00:15:57What did Alex get?
00:15:58This is a gift from my date.
00:16:01You got a gift?
00:16:02Yes, for the date, buddy.
00:16:04He's getting married for sure.
00:16:08Let's go.
00:16:09Look at that.
00:16:10Oh, my gosh.
00:16:11Hell, yeah.
00:16:12I got a gift, bud.
00:16:13It's Berylian.
00:16:15Bear alien.
00:16:18And she said for the night, she wants me to, like, hold onto it and, like, cuddle.
00:16:21You're not going to sleep a wink tonight.
00:16:24Not with Berylian.
00:16:26I wish I could have seen, like, him just holding the bear.
00:16:29My Berylian is so cute.
00:16:31My mind is blown right now.
00:16:33I'm very happy for you.
00:16:34I was able to show him that I am a good partner.
00:16:37I feel like our connection is stronger than ever,
00:16:41but Mason always says all the right things.
00:16:44He affirms me.
00:16:46You know, we find ourselves vibing in and out of that, like, fun talk versus serious talk.
00:16:50It's funny to find myself connecting with two people who are, you know, honestly very different.
00:16:57How are you, Mason?
00:16:59I was thinking before I got on this pod.
00:17:02It's like, man, I really just wish I could cuddle up with Madison.
00:17:07And here you are.
00:17:08Here I am in front of you.
00:17:10Madison and Mason.
00:17:12Madison and Mason.
00:17:13How is this all just happening so fast?
00:17:16I've never even, like, seen you.
00:17:18Like, I've never even touched you.
00:17:21It's fucking crazy, right?
00:17:23Were the rest of your dates horrible?
00:17:25Oh, they were nothing compared to you.
00:17:29I love to hear that.
00:17:30Yeah, it's just like you wish.
00:17:32Careful what you wish for.
00:17:34How old were you when you moved out of Indiana?
00:17:39Yeah, so I moved for college.
00:17:40What did you go to school for?
00:17:41I went to school for business.
00:17:43I consider myself a very creative person.
00:17:46But I took a business class and just absolutely loved it.
00:17:51It just came so naturally to me, which was really weird because I had never taken a business class before.
00:17:58You reminded me of how insane it is for an 18-year-old to choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives.
00:18:06I was, as you know, a skater punk.
00:18:11Did not do well in high school.
00:18:14I would have to go in every morning at, like, 7 a.m. just to go to my algebra teacher's classroom.
00:18:22I was so good at algebra.
00:18:24Okay, mathematically.
00:18:27So eventually he saw that I was trying, and he passed me with a D minus, baby.
00:18:35You did that shit.
00:18:36I know.
00:18:37I graduated high school, which was honestly going to be my just best accomplishment in my life.
00:18:44And then after high school, I got a job at a factory, a filter manufacturer in Yankton, my hometown.
00:18:54And I was going to just kind of settle and just work that job for the majority of my life
00:19:01because I knew that I got shitty grades, a terrible score in the ACT.
00:19:07I did not think I was going to really amount to much.
00:19:11But my mom and dad told me, you should apply to USD.
00:19:16And sure enough, they accepted me.
00:19:20I don't know who messed that one up.
00:19:23I'm sure you got accepted for a good reason.
00:19:26I hope so.
00:19:28But from there, just really honed my skills in video production and got a diploma.
00:19:38And that led to my video production teacher hitting up my current boss.
00:19:45And I was really lucky to just get my dream job right out of college.
00:19:50That's amazing.
00:19:51I really love talking to you.
00:19:54It's like my favorite part of every day.
00:19:56Oh my gosh.
00:19:57I'm blushing.
00:20:00I feel like a kid over here.
00:20:03It's so easy to talk to you.
00:20:04It's stupid.
00:20:05I know.
00:20:06I feel the same way.
00:20:08It's like I totally know who you are, and it's crazy.
00:20:16For anyone, this side or that side, you never know what else is going on.
00:20:28That's what shook me yesterday.
00:20:29And I walked in so excited.
00:20:30I was like, oh my gosh, we've had such good connections, like weird synchronicities, where
00:20:35I'm like, how is that real?
00:20:36So I walked in, energy was low for me.
00:20:40I was like, every time I leave, I'm excited, and then I leave confused.
00:20:45I was like, I leave not confused.
00:20:49I leave wanting to stay.
00:20:50As ever.
00:20:51And I'm like, nervous, but excited to just know.
00:20:56I felt like an energy shift yesterday.
00:20:59You said you get confused when you leave our dates, so I was like, what does that mean?
00:21:04Is he tired, or like has the connection bit changed for him?
00:21:09Because when I leave the pods, to be honest with you, I feel more confident.
00:21:14I'm like, I really like this guy.
00:21:15I like where I feel like this could go.
00:21:18So I just wanted to make sure you're not like, I'm confused in a way of like, this might
00:21:23not be it.
00:21:24Meg, I've never connected with anyone really in the way that I've been connecting with
00:21:30It's kind of surreal.
00:21:31I told you, I feel like you're not even real.
00:21:34You're just a computer voice on the other side of the wall here.
00:21:38Which I am thinking.
00:21:39I genuinely am just more confident whenever we get out of the pods.
00:21:46I just needed to hear that.
00:21:48And I get a little bit of affirmation because like, seriously, Mason, I feel like I have
00:21:52not connected with anyone like this in a really long time.
00:21:57It's really crazy, isn't it?
00:21:59It's like really refreshing and excites me, but like, obviously there's a little bit of
00:22:04Oh my God.
00:22:05We are dating.
00:22:06I know.
00:22:07We are dating real people and it's terrifying.
00:22:10It's terrifying.
00:22:11It's terrifying?
00:22:13It's so scary.
00:22:17That's what I came here for, to like, learn and grow.
00:22:18And like, I want you to be with the girl that like, you truly are like, she lights me up.
00:22:23I could see this forever.
00:22:25Like we're choosing a partner for life.
00:22:28This is the whole point of being here.
00:22:29Totally agree.
00:22:30How's things going in the girl land over there?
00:22:33Oh my God.
00:22:34It's getting real, Mason.
00:22:35I'm sure.
00:22:36I'm sure.
00:22:37It's getting really real.
00:22:38Like, I'm not going to lie.
00:22:39I cried yesterday.
00:22:40I had a little bit of a meltdown.
00:22:41Oh no.
00:22:42I just really feel like I'm trying to let in every emotion and not close off and just
00:22:46be like, if I'm sad, I'm going to cry.
00:22:47If I'm happy, I'm going to be happy.
00:22:49And like, I just want to feel every single peak and valley of the experience.
00:22:53You know, that's my mantra.
00:22:55What is?
00:22:56Feel no matter what.
00:22:58If you're heartbroken, feel as heartbroken as you possibly can.
00:23:03And use it as inspiration, whatever.
00:23:05And when you're happy, just be as happy as you can.
00:23:09No matter what.
00:23:10Just feel all the freaking feels, you know?
00:23:12I love that because it means you're alive.
00:23:14One of the things that I really like about you is the energy that you bring and how happy
00:23:20and passionate you are and interested in learning about everything.
00:23:25Listen, for me to be like, okay, like this conspiracy theory and like get super weird
00:23:30and for you to be like, yeah, I've heard about this.
00:23:32I'm like, I just like hard eyes.
00:23:35Like that, I love that.
00:23:37Have you heard of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?
00:23:41Tell me all about it.
00:23:42They are green tablets.
00:23:45That have been discovered in the pyramids of Egypt.
00:23:50That have these chiseled words on them.
00:23:55Wait, how?
00:23:56Do they have like video or pictures of this?
00:23:58Or is it like?
00:23:59There is shitty Google images that I've seen, which makes me now think that this could just
00:24:05be a complete fucking hoax and I'm an idiot for believing in them.
00:24:09But they're like just kind of glowing green tablets.
00:24:13Why are they glowing?
00:24:14Well, that's the thing.
00:24:15They are made out of a material that no one knows.
00:24:18No one can like destroy them.
00:24:20That's where the aliens come in.
00:24:24That's so, there's so much on planet earth that we don't even know about.
00:24:28That's what makes me so excited about that stuff.
00:24:31It's like I don't ever have anyone to talk to about these things.
00:24:35Now you have me.
00:24:45I really like him.
00:24:47I've never felt better.
00:24:49How'd it go for you?
00:24:51It was incredible.
00:24:54Really good.
00:24:55Was he your top person?
00:25:00All right.
00:25:01So yeah.
00:25:02This makes things very difficult.
00:25:05Great problems now.
00:25:09So you got two top ones now.
00:25:11They're different.
00:25:13But I really like both.
00:25:15Oh yeah.
00:25:16Just in their different ways.
00:25:20Tonight might put an edge on someone.
00:25:22I don't know.
00:25:23Are you guys focusing on the one or does everyone here have like one two strong connections
00:25:26that are like equal?
00:25:27I have two neck and neck.
00:25:30It's like every time I have a date with each one of them I'm like it's you.
00:25:33And then I go and it's you.
00:25:35What do you feel like you need to see from one to be like that clinches it?
00:25:38I need them to be like you're my girl.
00:25:41Like I want to do this with you.
00:25:44I'm down to one.
00:25:45With my person I feel like we go and we just like chat so well.
00:25:49It's just like every other day I switch up.
00:25:51Just don't let someone else's like feelings for you like determine how you feel.
00:25:56I feel like Madison if it's not me I feel like I'll be happy that he found his person.
00:26:01Like you're so cool.
00:26:02Like I just I don't know.
00:26:03I think I'm gonna be disappointed.
00:26:04I'm definitely gonna cry.
00:26:06I could go either way and I want us all to be happy.
00:26:10I want us to all find our man.
00:26:12I want everyone to get engaged.
00:26:13That would be so fun.
00:26:15I would be.
00:26:22I was like I think some other girls are treating me differently and I can't figure out why.
00:26:27I think yesterday made me realize I want to be like more guarded in the lounge and stay
00:26:32in my confident self with like all of this.
00:26:35Just be you Lauren because you are literally I've said all the time now but you are amazing.
00:26:40You are too.
00:26:42This is what it is.
00:26:43I'm not going to think you're like being a bitch or like being drama queen over there
00:26:47or anything.
00:26:48Okay I do have some questions for you.
00:26:51Are you ready to talk about kids?
00:26:52Yes I'm pumped to talk this.
00:26:54My closest girlfriends we're all 30.
00:26:57Yeah you're getting old so like let's let's crank this thing up a notch.
00:27:02I'm kidding.
00:27:04I am like ready in a way but I know it's hard to visualize kids when you don't have a husband.
00:27:10Totally or even a boyfriend.
00:27:12Or even a boyfriend.
00:27:13Thank you for the reminder.
00:27:15Somebody brought up like when you get your phone back.
00:27:18It's like if you're engaged or whatever.
00:27:21Like people are like I might have to delete some shit.
00:27:26I don't have to delete anything.
00:27:27I haven't like talked to a girl like that in a while.
00:27:30I don't think I have to delete anything.
00:27:33No nudes on there?
00:27:35I mean those are hidden so you wouldn't find them anyways.
00:27:40I didn't expect that one.
00:27:44I don't have anything to hide.
00:27:47I've never lived with a significant other before.
00:27:50You said you haven't either right?
00:27:51No I haven't.
00:27:52I want to run a house with someone who can like equally mentally run the house with me.
00:27:59Same with the kids.
00:28:00Like I want you to be able to tackle everything with the kids that I'm able to tackle.
00:28:06If you had to pick a chore pick laundry or dishes.
00:28:11We're like a match.
00:28:13I love doing laundry.
00:28:14You do?
00:28:15I hate dishes.
00:28:16Are you a weirdo?
00:28:17Because I love that like it's clean.
00:28:19Like you're just working with like clean stuff whereas dishes like it gets really gross.
00:28:22Oh I have no problem doing the dishes.
00:28:25Cool, cool, cool.
00:28:26Oh man.
00:28:27I haven't really realized how badly I want to like share these things with someone else.
00:28:33All of these things would be that much better with you there.
00:28:37I feel the same way.
00:28:38I could see myself proposing to you.
00:28:44I haven't been in love in a long time.
00:28:47So I kind of don't really know what that feels like.
00:28:51I'm this like completely different person.
00:28:53In like such a good way and I mean you're definitely part of it.
00:28:56I feel like I'm just like becoming the person I've always like meant to be.
00:29:00I don't act like this in the real world.
00:29:03Because I'm like afraid to show it or something.
00:29:06Are you excited or nervous to have your family see this side of you?
00:29:11I feel very good.
00:29:14About it.
00:29:15Because I feel so like strongly about you and I kind of get the feeling it's mutual.
00:29:22Oh man.
00:29:24Lauren, you are amazing.
00:29:30Lauren, Lauren, Lauren.
00:29:33Lauren is making this process very confusing for me.
00:29:39Like at first like when I think teacher like okay she's kind of nerdy.
00:29:43Not typically who I'd go for right away.
00:29:46Nothing against teachers.
00:29:47They're all great.
00:29:48But like I just haven't really gone for like a teacher before.
00:29:52But with Molly I feel like she's kind of the type I would go after usually.
00:29:56She was a dancer.
00:29:58So I don't know.
00:30:04How's the vibes been over there with the boys?
00:30:06We're finally starting to like talk names.
00:30:08You are.
00:30:09Yeah, we are.
00:30:10Oh, that scares me.
00:30:12It shouldn't.
00:30:13Well, it doesn't scare me actually because I'm not talking to anyone else.
00:30:16You're not?
00:30:18I didn't know that.
00:30:21Well, that's new.
00:30:22You did not tell me that.
00:30:24It makes me feel very like not in control but like very confident.
00:30:27No pressure.
00:30:28I'm just.
00:30:29I know.
00:30:30I'm very decisive.
00:30:31I love that.
00:30:32Obviously, I want my husband to want me the most.
00:30:34But I want you to feel like you're making the right choices for yourself.
00:30:38Gosh, that's awesome.
00:30:40We aren't super emotional people about like all these like dramatic emotions that people are having.
00:30:46Like we just want to have fun together.
00:30:49That's the goal.
00:30:51There's nothing wrong with that.
00:30:52Life should be fun and easy, I think.
00:30:57Oh, now I'm laying on the couch.
00:31:02I'll lay down too.
00:31:05Do you think we have like schedules we can work around?
00:31:09I think so.
00:31:10I think it's important to do what you need to do for your work.
00:31:14And you make time outside of it.
00:31:16And you just have like dance, right?
00:31:18I'm an executive assistant for a bank.
00:31:21And then teaching or taking class, which sometimes I get home like 9, 30, 10-ish.
00:31:28That's heavy.
00:31:31That's actually like a plus for me.
00:31:34I like when girls have their own interests and hobbies.
00:31:37You don't like just rely on me to provide entertainment all the time.
00:31:41I have a few conversations here where it was like, oh, yeah, we'd make dinner every night at like this.
00:31:46I'm like, I'm not going to be home every night at that time.
00:31:49So that's not a thing.
00:31:52See that?
00:31:54That's why this experiment is so cool.
00:31:55Because like we're all different.
00:31:59And like there are a lot of guys in there that like, and girls, I guess, they're looking for that.
00:32:05For sure.
00:32:06That's why I'm loving this.
00:32:08So much.
00:32:09Because like it freed up my mind to be like, that's okay to want what I want.
00:32:13Because there are people out there that want that too.
00:32:15For sure.
00:32:16What about religious political beliefs?
00:32:19Growing up, my parents were never the same political party.
00:32:22I don't think I need to agree 100% on every single thing.
00:32:26I totally agree.
00:32:29I totally agree.
00:32:30We all have different backgrounds.
00:32:32For sure.
00:32:33We all like learn different things.
00:32:34And like to say that one certain belief is so wrong compared to what you think is just dumb.
00:32:43Like Republican side, yeah, I agree with I want less taxes.
00:32:48For sure.
00:32:49And less government in my life.
00:32:52But then on like the liberal side, it's like, like liberals have probably better hearts.
00:32:58Like they want more, you know, love throughout the country and world.
00:33:02I fully agree.
00:33:04It's like the abortion stuff.
00:33:07Like Republicans for some reason are just so anti-abortion.
00:33:10And it's like, okay, but like-
00:33:12They want less government in their life.
00:33:14So yeah.
00:33:16That's hypocritical.
00:33:17And then also it's like, what if someone's raped?
00:33:21And they get pregnant.
00:33:22What if like there is a birth defect or the mother's life is in jeopardy and there's like, you know, it's just such a tricky situation.
00:33:34It shouldn't be so like left or right.
00:33:38But like that's politics.
00:33:39That's why it sucks.
00:33:40For sure.
00:33:41And I think that's a huge like issue in our society now is like they even add it into like dating apps.
00:33:47Like what's your political status?
00:33:50And it's like, why does that matter?
00:33:51Just because we have different political views, we can't love each other?
00:33:56I'm like that with my friends too.
00:33:57We don't all agree, but like we're still friends.
00:34:00I feel like a lot of our generation would agree on that.
00:34:05How would you react if at some point your child told you they were LGBTQ plus?
00:34:11I think I would just be very proud parent that like my kid felt comfortable enough to like muster up the courage to tell me.
00:34:19For sure.
00:34:20And I want them to feel comfortable like telling me things and not thinking that I like judge them for it or even for whatever it is.
00:34:28I don't even know.
00:34:30That was the perfect answer.
00:34:31I agree with everything.
00:34:33I mean, I feel like-
00:34:34And I kind of thought you'd say that, but I, you know, had to ask.
00:34:36With kids, like I hate to bring like politics back into it, but like being a stay-at-home mom isn't a negative.
00:34:43I agree with that.
00:34:44You know what I mean?
00:34:45Like all of a sudden it turned into this negative thing.
00:34:47Like, oh, women are so much like, they have so much more potential than that.
00:34:51It's like, that's fucking hard.
00:34:52I agree.
00:34:53I think it's the hardest job.
00:34:55My mom was a stay-at-home mom.
00:34:56So was my mom.
00:34:57And I loved having my mom at home.
00:35:00And I think nowadays it's harder just because everything's expensive.
00:35:04And so I would do what made sense for the family.
00:35:06Like if I needed to make money, I would.
00:35:09But I also would love to be able to spend time with my kids and like be able to fully raise them.
00:35:15Yeah, totally.
00:35:19Gosh, Molly.
00:35:21We are the freaking same.
00:35:22I know.
00:35:23It's actually kind of scary.
00:35:25It is.
00:35:26We are literally the same.
00:35:27I feel like I can't wait to like wrap my arms around your neck, wrap my legs around your waist.
00:35:32Oh my God.
00:35:33I love that.
00:35:34If you were to like jump into my arms.
00:35:37And I hold you like with your legs around me, that's like my favorite.
00:35:41With you.
00:35:42I feel emotionally connected to the point where I feel a physical connection.
00:35:46Are you starting to believe the emotional connection strengthens it?
00:35:49Yeah, for sure.
00:35:50I do too.
00:35:51I was just never like that coming into this.
00:35:55Yeah, me neither.
00:35:56I feel like I've like removed myself from society for a year.
00:36:02And I come back this like completely different person that might even be married.
00:36:08Do you think like if we end up getting married, like do you think you're cool with like this being our story?
00:36:14Yeah, I do.
00:36:15You are?
00:36:17If we do end up getting married like this?
00:36:19We are each other.
00:36:21So cute.
00:36:27Let's make a fort.
00:36:30We're doing it.
00:36:31We have support.
00:36:32We're going to make a fort.
00:36:33Oh, I'm down with that.
00:36:34My inner child is stoked.
00:36:36It's like they wanted us to make a fort.
00:36:38Look at all these.
00:36:39Oh my God.
00:36:40Let's go.
00:36:43We need more height.
00:36:45So we could turn like the chairs.
00:36:48The other.
00:36:49Oh, this is going to be so good.
00:36:50This is going to be so good.
00:36:59Wholesome fun here.
00:37:07I brought snackies.
00:37:09Are we all going to fit?
00:37:10I hope so.
00:37:11Don't we?
00:37:12Oh my God.
00:37:14The snacks are going to go right here.
00:37:17I'm good.
00:37:18This is so perfect.
00:37:20Okay, you guys.
00:37:21Should we share secrets?
00:37:23Because you guys is number one.
00:37:27I'm happy.
00:37:29Did he give you affirmation?
00:37:30I'm happy too.
00:37:31What do you say?
00:37:32You're my number one?
00:37:33I'm freaking out.
00:37:34I'm freaking out.
00:37:35Oh my God.
00:37:36He didn't.
00:37:37Oh my God.
00:37:39I'm so happy for you.
00:37:40What do you feel right now?
00:37:41I'm like so giddy.
00:37:42Are you going to be a fiance?
00:37:43I feel like.
00:37:44Beyonce, Beyonce.
00:37:45I really, really feel like yes.
00:37:46But I also like don't want to jinx it.
00:37:48I don't know.
00:37:50Just relish the moment.
00:37:52Revel in it.
00:37:54I'm excited for you.
00:37:55I'm excited for you.
00:37:57That's so exciting.
00:37:58Oh my God.
00:38:03I was getting a little claustrophobic in that tent.
00:38:06Guys, I'm so smitten.
00:38:08I love that.
00:38:10I love that you said smitten.
00:38:11I'm just really decisive and it's okay if you're not.
00:38:14I want you to take your time.
00:38:15I just.
00:38:16You straight up said that you're the only one.
00:38:18Like you're the only one talking to you.
00:38:20Did he take it well?
00:38:26Yeah, he's like, I love that about you.
00:38:28Just saying.
00:38:29I love that about you.
00:38:30Like you love me?
00:38:32Wait, did you accept that?
00:38:33What is that?
00:38:34I heard you love me.
00:38:39Not good.
00:38:41Not the good.
00:38:48You see the hoop, right?
00:38:50I see that little hoop over there.
00:38:51That's for you, boo.
00:38:53You are absolutely right.
00:38:54And I'm going to be shooting on it while we're talking.
00:38:57That would be wise.
00:38:59You said it would be wise?
00:39:00You're funny.
00:39:02I'm going to let you shine because that's your strength.
00:39:03You know what I mean?
00:39:05You the basketball player.
00:39:06That's fine with me.
00:39:07In five years, I feel like I see myself in like a park center top.
00:39:14Wow, really?
00:39:17A baby on my hip.
00:39:19And I feel like you're coaching varsity.
00:39:21And I feel like I'm like making walking tacos.
00:39:25At the concession stand?
00:39:26At the concession stand.
00:39:27Wow, that's really cute actually.
00:39:29I'm going to stop shooting now that you said that.
00:39:31I'm locked in.
00:39:32Go ahead.
00:39:33Shoot your little basketball.
00:39:36Five years out, park center.
00:39:37I like that vision.
00:39:38I have never dated anybody like that are in these pods.
00:39:44No one similar at all?
00:39:45Absolutely not.
00:39:46What makes me different?
00:39:51It's a lot of things.
00:39:52Like you're a really, really, really amazing person.
00:39:56That's sweet.
00:40:01I know you said like you've been closed off from like telling people things.
00:40:06But we should really focus on like getting deeper.
00:40:09Because I don't think I can get down on one knee and propose to you if I don't know everything about you.
00:40:16I think you wouldn't want to accept my proposal if you didn't know everything about me on my side.
00:40:21It's supposed to be a forever thing.
00:40:24I don't think it could be forever if you don't feel like you could talk to the person about anything.
00:40:35With Virginia, I could see her being my wife.
00:40:38But I know there's something that I don't think she's like fully telling me yet.
00:40:43And in a marriage, I have to know everything about you.
00:40:46And I feel like you should know everything about me so that we can know if it's going to work.
00:40:54Good morning.
00:40:55Good morning.
00:40:56Oh, you got lots of energy this morning.
00:40:59I also have that connection with Brittany.
00:41:01She's just a really fun and exuberant person.
00:41:04And I'm very outgoing.
00:41:05And I have a lot of energy myself.
00:41:07So I feel like we can match each other.
00:41:09And it'd just be a good time being together.
00:41:12I'm trying really hard to decide between two people not knowing which one is the best for me.
00:41:19So it's been a crazy time.
00:41:21But it's also been really good.
00:41:23Would you rather have your partner say one else's name in bed or accidentally sex to your mom?
00:41:30Oh, my goodness.
00:41:32I'm going sex to my mom.
00:41:34Would you rather wake up with a tattoo of Whoopi Goldberg on your butt?
00:41:38On my butt?
00:41:40Or get locked out of the house while naked?
00:41:44Oh, I'm doing the naked one.
00:41:46I know.
00:41:47Like, I don't want my husband behind me while we're intimate.
00:41:51And he's seeing Whoopi Goldberg dreadlocks bouncing on his butt.
00:41:55Why is Whoopi Goldberg there?
00:41:57There'd be so many questions.
00:41:58It's like, yeah, I lost the bet.
00:42:00Oh, my gosh.
00:42:03I love that.
00:42:04When I first talked to you, you're talking about your family, your nieces, to, you know, how you always have envisioned yourself being married.
00:42:11I'm like, okay, this is so cute.
00:42:13I'm not afraid to say it.
00:42:14Are you the youngest of everyone?
00:42:16I'm almost.
00:42:17I have a little sister.
00:42:18I have three adopted siblings.
00:42:19So there's five of us.
00:42:20Your mom.
00:42:21Can I ask, like, her reasoning?
00:42:23All three of my siblings were in a hard situation.
00:42:26And she just wanted to be that light and bring them into our family.
00:42:30That's amazing.
00:42:31Like, I have a little peace of mind that you were, like, raised by good people.
00:42:35Yeah, she really is a great person.
00:42:37What's your middle name, Devin?
00:42:38Oh, I hate it.
00:42:39What is it?
00:42:40You know, you got to be a special person to know my middle name.
00:42:44Well, I think I'm pretty special.
00:42:46I do, too.
00:42:47So it's my great-grandfather's name.
00:42:49And it's not really a name.
00:42:51It's Devin Early Buckley.
00:42:56Mr. Early.
00:42:57Oh, what was the movie?
00:43:00See, and this is why I didn't want to tell you.
00:43:02Because now.
00:43:03Devin Early.
00:43:04Devin got sold.
00:43:05Devin got sold.
00:43:06That's all I'm going to hear.
00:43:07I don't love it.
00:43:08Devin Early.
00:43:09It's my name.
00:43:10Okay, it's cute.
00:43:11What's yours?
00:43:12My middle name starts with an A.
00:43:14Is it Amanda?
00:43:17I've had a lot of guys tell me that they think me and you are it.
00:43:23Like, yeah, Devin, I know who the perfect girl is for you.
00:43:26And I'll say, did she play basketball?
00:43:28Is she a coach?
00:43:29And then they'll say, yeah.
00:43:30I'm like, yeah, I know.
00:43:31But it's so much more than that.
00:43:32It is.
00:43:33Like, obviously, that was our initial, like, oh, yeah, that's dope.
00:43:36But, like, it just seems like the compatibility, like everything that I
00:43:41weigh down is exactly the same for you.
00:43:44That's crazy.
00:43:45Oh, my God.
00:43:49I like what we have.
00:43:52These past few dates have been really clarifying for me.
00:43:59There's one other person that I've been, you know, dating, and, like,
00:44:03I know there's another girl that's dating him,
00:44:06and I just haven't been even upset about it at all.
00:44:10You know?
00:44:12I love your voice.
00:44:13I like how thoughtful you are.
00:44:16Literally, like, feeling all the feels.
00:44:20Oh, my gosh.
00:44:22I mean, we did have that one moment, but, like,
00:44:24I was still very confident in you.
00:44:27And I think we almost needed that moment to, like, prove to each other,
00:44:30like, we're not, like, past versions of ourselves.
00:44:34I think so.
00:44:35That was a really good moment.
00:44:37And I completely agree.
00:44:38Like, I do feel like I have a clear connection here,
00:44:42and, like, I don't have to sit and worry or, like, wonder,
00:44:46and I just feel really good about it, so.
00:44:50I never want to, like, put pressure on you,
00:44:52but at the same time, like, I wouldn't mind just focusing on you.
00:44:59Well, that sounds good to me.
00:45:02It's just you and me, baby.
00:45:05You and me, Mads.
00:45:09I love to hear that.
00:45:11Okay, I wrote down some questions for you.
00:45:13Let's do it.
00:45:14Some not-so-serious questions.
00:45:15Okay, let's do it.
00:45:16If we're eating pizza together, would you want to eat my pizza crust?
00:45:20Of course.
00:45:21But I have to tell you something.
00:45:23Oh, no.
00:45:25Which is very unfortunate.
00:45:27Are you lactose intolerant?
00:45:30No way!
00:45:32We can be lactose intolerant together.
00:45:34Love it.
00:45:35Okay, are you a pickle guy?
00:45:39I wasn't for many years.
00:45:42And just, like, a year ago, I got into them.
00:45:44But only the certain kind.
00:45:46It's like those little bags at the gas station.
00:45:49You know those?
00:45:50The chopped up ones?
00:45:51Oh, snap.
00:45:52Oh, snap, yeah.
00:45:54I actually don't eat pickles unless it's the oh, snap.
00:45:56Well, in any other situation, I will eat your pickle for you.
00:45:59Any other time, you can eat my pickles.
00:46:02Can't wait.
00:46:03I bet they're delicious.
00:46:14Next question before I get derailed.
00:46:18An alien comes down to Earth.
00:46:21What is the first thing you're telling them?
00:46:23Okay, the first thing I would say is, I love you.
00:46:29Welcome to Earth.
00:46:31And they'd feel good, and then we'd, like, maybe hug, and it would be sick.
00:46:34Like, I'd go on their UFO, and we'd chill.
00:46:37That would be, like, the first one to be friends with an alien.
00:46:39That'd be so fun.
00:46:42What about you?
00:46:43I'm getting them a McChicken and a Diet Coke.
00:46:46So McChicken.
00:46:47Add pickles.
00:46:48All right.
00:46:49You cook a lot?
00:46:51I mean, sometimes, like, I'm just, all I can do is really snack for myself.
00:46:55When I get stressed, I can't eat at all.
00:46:59I can tell you exactly when it started.
00:47:02I was 17, and I felt so, like, responsible for, like, the well-being of my family.
00:47:15I would remember, like, telling myself, like, you are a robot.
00:47:19You don't feel anything.
00:47:20I would just completely disassociate from my own body.
00:47:23So what is that?
00:47:24Like, what happens?
00:47:26It's just hard for me to, like, keep track of time.
00:47:29It can have, like, a bad memory sometimes.
00:47:32It's nothing to be concerned about.
00:47:35It's just something to be aware of, I guess.
00:47:39I wonder how I could help in that situation.
00:47:43Or what could I, is there anything I could do in that situation?
00:47:47There's nothing really that, like, anyone can honestly do.
00:47:51I can handle things.
00:47:53You can't always, like, be there to, like, save the day.
00:47:58And, like, it's sweet that you want to be able to, like, do something or help or, like, whatever.
00:48:02But it's, like, at the end of the day, it's my responsibility.
00:48:06And I'm doing everything that I can and everything that I know in my resourced way to work through that.
00:48:16Do you think that that would affect a relationship?
00:48:21In what way?
00:48:23In the negative way.
00:48:25It's not necessarily affecting, like, my relationships at all.
00:48:29Maybe I'll forget something, but usually that's not the case.
00:48:33It's just, like, my childhood memories that I kind of, like, forget sometimes.
00:48:37But, yeah, that's, like, my honest answer.
00:48:41Do you foresee that being an issue for you?
00:48:46I don't know. It's tough because it's, like, not really in my control, I think.
00:48:51And I think that's really the only thing that maybe, like, is scary for me is that, like, it's not...
00:49:00If there's nothing I can do, then it's out of my control and then it's kind of like a wild card.
00:49:05I truly, like, don't think that you would notice it.
00:49:09It's not like I just disappear.
00:49:11I just kind of go into, like, an autopilot mode.
00:49:14For the most part, like, I'm fine with it, I think.
00:49:17It's just it's hard because I don't really know, right?
00:49:19It's just, like, an unknown.
00:49:23I mean, there's lots of unknowns, you know.
00:49:25You can't always be really sure about anything.
00:49:28That's true.
00:49:30At the end of the day, I think it just comes down to trust.
00:49:32Like, how much do you trust that, like, I am an aware person, that I'm working on that,
00:49:43that I'm a resourced person, you know, that I can handle it?
00:49:49How much can you trust this connection?
00:49:52If we are moving forward in this, like, I want to know that you can trust me
00:49:56and not just, like, hear me say something and, like, get scared.
00:50:02Yeah, I think...
00:50:04I don't know. It's hard. It's definitely hard, right?
00:50:06Because I can't see you and it's like I don't know the extent of that.
00:50:13But, I mean, I think at this moment I think I'm fine with it.
00:50:15Like, you haven't shown me anything that is, like, crazy or too extreme or anything.
00:50:21So I think, like, the only thing I can do at this point is trust
00:50:26and just, like, trust your word and what you're saying.
00:50:29And, like, if you show me something different than that, then I can, like, not trust you, right?
00:50:36But I think I should start with trust.
00:50:39Yeah. You're funny sometimes.
00:50:44I think we all have our different issues.
00:50:47I think is where I'll leave that.
00:50:52Obviously, there's probably people who have been through a lot less than me.
00:50:56And if that's what you're looking for, like, that's totally understandable.
00:51:00But I also think it's those things that made me me
00:51:04and I think that's why we were able to connect in a lot of ways.
00:51:12Your natural inclination seems to be very fearful.
00:51:16Well, Madison, I think, you know, from my perspective, like, jump into my pod real quick
00:51:22and, like, just, like, I'm thinking about a huge decision, right?
00:51:27Yeah, I get it. I am too.
00:51:30Yeah. I don't know. It's just a lot, you know.
00:51:33And I just want to make sure that's the right decision
00:51:35and it's something that I can handle.
00:51:37And I'm completely happy helping someone with their issues, right?
00:51:41That is what a marriage is.
00:51:42Like, you would help me with my issues and I would do the same.
00:51:45I just want to make sure it's issues that I can deal with.
00:51:49And it's hard to be sure of that in this scenario, right?
00:51:53That's kind of where I'm at.
00:51:54Like, I definitely am not scared of it.
00:51:59Well, thanks for clarifying that.
00:52:01Because, yeah, sometimes it feels like that's the case.
00:52:05So, that's me trusting you.
00:52:08Yeah. Okay.
00:52:11Relationships are built on trust.
00:52:14And not to toot my own horn, but out of everything life has thrown at me,
00:52:20I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job.
00:52:25You definitely are.
00:52:27And I definitely love, like, your depth.
00:52:30I'm interested in you and, like, who you are,
00:52:33because you are a very unique person.
00:52:36I definitely appreciate it.
00:52:42Thanks for saying that.
00:52:45Oh, love me and let me down.
00:52:51Oh, love me and let me down.
00:52:54Love me and let me down.
00:53:00Oh, my God, there's a huge bug in here.
00:53:02It's a massive spider.
00:53:04It might jump at my face.
00:53:05It looks like it's going to jump at me.
00:53:07Use the golf club.
00:53:09Nathan, we're in protect.
00:53:11You have to use the golf club.
00:53:13I don't want to kill it.
00:53:14I don't like killing things.
00:53:16You got this.
00:53:17Okay, hang on.
00:53:18I think I'm going to do a cup.
00:53:19There's no cup.
00:53:20There is a cup.
00:53:21Okay, I'm going to do a cup.
00:53:22I'm going to scoop it, and then I'll just trap it there.
00:53:23I guess you can look at what you're doing.
00:53:24Oh, my God, it might be poisonous!
00:53:26Okay, I'm scared it's going to be poisonous.
00:53:28Have you seen arachnophobia?
00:53:31That's, yeah, you're going to need to capture it.
00:53:35I'm just going to let it live its life.
00:53:37It's not bugging me.
00:53:38Honestly, like, my parents think I'm going to hell,
00:53:41but, like, for all the animals lives I've saved,
00:53:43I'm definitely, like, I think my spot in heaven is secure.
00:53:46I actually appreciate that.
00:53:47Okay, if you go on the getaway, no matter who it's with,
00:53:50do you plan on having sex there,
00:53:52or would you wait until you get home?
00:53:59I would definitely plan on having sex there.
00:54:01You would?
00:54:03I would probably like to do that with my fiancée
00:54:06on a romantic getaway.
00:54:08I haven't had sex in a long time, actually.
00:54:11I really don't want to have sex
00:54:13outside of, like, committed relationships now,
00:54:15and the last guy that I was, like, dating
00:54:18was in December of 2022,
00:54:20so that's the last time I had sex.
00:54:22It's been so long.
00:54:24Good for you.
00:54:25When we got here and we're talking about it,
00:54:26I was like, damn, I cannot wait to, like,
00:54:28have sex with, like, a partner again.
00:54:30Like, it's just such a fun thing to do.
00:54:32Like, I really miss that.
00:54:34I'm, like, literally, like, fanning myself.
00:54:37Oh, my God.
00:54:38Okay, what about...
00:54:40Oh, okay, this is one I like to ask.
00:54:42What's your fantasy?
00:54:43Do you have, like, a fantasy?
00:54:45Oh, man.
00:54:51I like role-playing.
00:54:52You like role-playing?
00:54:54Like, are we doing Dr. Nurse
00:54:55or are we doing, like, something out of, like, a movie?
00:54:57Like, what's the vibe?
00:54:58I'm liking the nurse kind of vibe.
00:55:02Yeah, yeah?
00:55:03Oh, hold up!
00:55:04Sly transition, but you would frickin' love these.
00:55:07What's that?
00:55:08Halloween costume.
00:55:09Oh, shit.
00:55:10You're gonna die.
00:55:12You know the Blink-182 album with, like, the blonde girl
00:55:15with, like, the gloves?
00:55:16No fucking way.
00:55:17I still have that hot nurse uniform.
00:55:18Okay, that's amazing.
00:55:20I just choked on all my drink.
00:55:23You're just cooling yourself off.
00:55:35I am liking everything I'm hearing so far.
00:55:38Okay, good.
00:55:40I am so happy I got to talk to you again.
00:55:48I know.
00:55:50Miss you!
00:55:58Why doesn't he ever say Miss you back?
00:56:01Let me say!
00:56:18Oh, I'm in trouble.
00:56:30Brett, I got it bad.
00:56:33You got it?
00:56:34That was the one?
00:56:35I got it.
00:56:36You Johnson?
00:56:37What, what?
00:56:39You gotta love Johnson.
00:56:41Oh, I'm gonna be engaged to a heartbreak and flying home.
00:56:45It could go either way.
00:56:47It could really...
00:56:52Oh my God.
00:56:53I'm having the best night.
00:56:54He came in with a different energy.
00:56:57It got a little hot.
00:56:58My knees are shaking.
00:57:00I really like him.
00:57:02It's always so weird when you know someone else that's just had a date with one of your types.
00:57:06I know.
00:57:13You know what's really weird is there's this girl that I know has a really good connection with you.
00:57:19And I can always tell when she comes out of a date with you.
00:57:24And that's just the weird part about dating the same person.
00:57:27Is she just glowing immaculately?
00:57:31I won't say too much.
00:57:33It doesn't, like, bother me.
00:57:35I just know on my end I try to keep things a little, you know, quieter and whatever.
00:57:43Totally agree.
00:57:44Are the guys not, like, talking about it at all still?
00:57:47Yeah, no.
00:57:48There's no names being mentioned.
00:57:50But you can kind of tell, can't you?
00:57:52Honestly, no.
00:57:54I've actually been keeping it very under wraps.
00:57:57Girls aren't very good at that.
00:58:00So I hear.
00:58:02What are you eating?
00:58:03Beef jerky.
00:58:05You're a carnivore over here.
00:58:06I am a carnivore.
00:58:07I feel carnivorized right now.
00:58:09That is the hottest thing I've ever heard.
00:58:13So were all your dates terrible today?
00:58:15They were awful.
00:58:16Yeah, right?
00:58:18Oh, God.
00:58:21I'm still going to talk to these people regardless, for God's sakes.
00:58:25What do you mean?
00:58:26I mean, I'm here to be open and honest with everyone.
00:58:32So I'm, you know, just doing that.
00:58:36That's good.
00:58:40I feel uncomfortable.
00:58:45Just because I have a really strong connection with you.
00:58:49And I don't want to ruin that.
00:58:55Why do you feel like you'd ruin that?
00:58:58Because every ounce of me feels wrong for being in a relationship with multiple women.
00:59:05I'm seeing other people too.
00:59:07I know.
00:59:08But I don't know.
00:59:10I care about your feelings and just don't want to hurt you by doing this.
00:59:17I don't feel hurt at all.
00:59:20I know what I signed up for.
00:59:22I'm honestly just teasing you.
00:59:24Are you?
00:59:26Because I always tell you I hope your dates aren't as good as this one.
00:59:28I know.
00:59:29And it low-key makes me very happy.
00:59:35So obviously your dates were terrible then.
00:59:37Something like that.
00:59:38Something like that.
00:59:41We have another pretty strong connection.
00:59:45Now we're here.
00:59:46Now we're here.
00:59:47Here we are.
00:59:48That's the name of the game.
00:59:49The name of the game.
00:59:52What are you eating?
00:59:53Pringles, got some beef jerky, got some Oreos, but there's so many calories.
01:00:00Welcome to bulking season.
01:00:02Welcome to bulking season.
01:00:04Welcome to breakup season.
01:00:06I don't like that season.
01:00:08Have you primarily been broken up with or break up with people?
01:00:12Oh, my God.
01:00:14I have never broken up with anyone.
01:00:19I'm always the person who gets broken up with.
01:00:21Why do you think that is?
01:00:25I just don't really like giving up.
01:00:27I want to do everything I can to make it work.
01:00:30And I feel like there's been a lot of times where I've been given up on
01:00:35and broken up with.
01:00:37What do you think it is, though?
01:00:43It's usually from them falling in love with somebody else.
01:00:53That's just usually been the outcome.
01:00:55It makes me kind of scared to, like, fall for someone again.
01:01:02But you just got to trust your heart and trust your gut,
01:01:07because if you don't do that, then it's not going to be worth it in the end.
01:01:15I don't know.
01:01:16Whenever I'm feeling heartbroken, it sucks a lot,
01:01:21but I really like feeling those deep emotions,
01:01:24regardless of if they're bad or good.
01:01:27I hate feeling any intense emotion.
01:01:30Why is that?
01:01:32I don't know.
01:01:34Have you been the one to break up with people?
01:01:37I have been the one to break up with people.
01:01:43Wow. Okay.
01:01:45Is there a reason?
01:01:46I just respect myself too much to allow bullshit.
01:01:52And I think I've dated a lot of people who are really good at just bullshitting.
01:02:02I just think today has, like, kind of made me think about my connections a lot more.
01:02:10Which ones I can see existing past the pods.
01:02:16How are you feeling about our connection?
01:02:23I am feeling very, very good about our connection.
01:02:28I'm feeling very strong, and I honestly don't think there's anyone here
01:02:34who makes me feel the way that you make me feel.
01:02:42What does that mean?
01:02:51I mean, we knew right away, like, there's something here, right?
01:02:56I really think feelings have started to develop for you when it comes to me.
01:03:05It's weird having to, like, compare your relationships when they're so different.
01:03:12You know?
01:03:15I do know.
01:03:16I actually know what you're talking about.
01:03:19Yeah, I figured.
01:03:21It's hard.
01:03:22Like, I very much have, like, a connection with you,
01:03:26and I know you have connections with other people or one other person or whatever.
01:03:32I wish I didn't have to, like, think about, like, this girl's feelings too.
01:03:40I get that.
01:03:42At this point, it's very, like, make or break, you know?
01:03:45Yeah, to say it's, like, a big deal is such an understatement.
01:03:53So many people's hearts on the line.
01:03:57Yeah, that's... seems to be the case.
01:04:02I just know that, like, the other girl that you have a connection with
01:04:07is very much, like, it's you or, like, her.
01:04:11And that makes it really difficult for me.
01:04:14Like, I know that I shouldn't, you know, take that into consideration,
01:04:19but it's hard not to,
01:04:23especially when I do have another really amazing connection.
01:04:29And for her, like, you're it.
01:04:33Yeah, I did not know that information.
01:04:35You know, I feel like you are a person that I can be honest with.
01:04:40And I feel like you would want to know something like that.
01:04:43And, yeah, I think, like, my other connection, I'm getting just, like, a little more
01:04:49when it comes to, like, that affirmation.
01:04:56I'm not sure if I'm ready for this.
01:04:59When it comes to, like, that affirmation...
01:05:05If it's not me, it's not me.
01:05:09And that's okay. Like, I can handle that.
01:05:13I don't want you to be afraid of, like, hurting me
01:05:16if that's, like, something that's, like, holding you back.
01:05:19I get that this is go time, you know?
01:05:25You're making other connections, and it sucks to hear that you're getting
01:05:30words of affirmation, but it's, like you said, the name of the game.
01:05:44What we have is real. I mean, I know that for a fact.
01:05:50This is, like...
01:05:55I've never felt this way about someone.
01:06:00You do mean a lot to me.
01:06:04I've never doubted that.
01:06:07Mads, you're amazing.
01:06:10And I know that because you've shown me who you are as a person.
01:06:16This is a connection that means so much to me,
01:06:19and I'm not going to just throw this away.
01:06:22I know it's hard what we're doing, but...
01:06:26Yeah, I'm not worried about, like, our connection.
01:06:30I think that was just kind of on my mind
01:06:34coming into this date.
01:06:39Well, I'm glad. I'm glad you shared.
01:06:43And I hope you have a really good night.
01:06:48Can I be closer to you one last time?
01:06:54If I'm talking sober, we know only memories stay alive.
01:07:00Can I be closer to you one last time?
01:07:07Virginia, I got it bad.
01:07:09I have no idea if, like, his feelings are at the same level.
01:07:13Something about them aren't the same.
01:07:15I know.
01:07:17Literally, everyone I've fallen madly in love with
01:07:20is, like, an artistic free thinker,
01:07:22and Mason's an artist free thinker.
01:07:25It's so worth it. It's so worth it.
01:07:28You have to risk it big for the big love.
01:07:33Hi, welcome back.
01:07:35Why is this, like, all just, like, working out?
01:07:38Like, it's just, like, aligning.
01:07:40Oh, good God.
01:07:41This guy was like, it's just you and me.
01:07:46That's exciting.
01:07:50It doesn't mean, like, an engagement, but, like...
01:07:52No, but...
01:07:54We're very compatible in a lot of ways,
01:07:56but then I have other connections.
01:08:01I think half of us could leave here engaged.
01:08:03I hope so.
01:08:05Hunger games, baby.
01:08:07I don't know.
01:08:09I don't know.
01:08:11My mind is scrambled.
01:08:13I know.
01:08:16Hunger games, man.
01:08:18Dog eat dog.
01:08:38I was born in the darkest night
01:08:41Don't wanna meet the monster inside
01:08:45So don't test me
01:08:47Cause you won't like what you find
01:08:51So don't test me