Toya and Reginae S02 Ep02 Sneak in the Streets
00:00Previously on Toya and Reginae.
00:03Being crowned queen of the Six Floor Steppers,
00:06it's a really big thing.
00:08Everybody was enjoying themselves,
00:10and here come KC.
00:12So what happened in New Orleans?
00:13I caught a serious breakdown.
00:15I was on real alcohol.
00:17I did not want him on the floor.
00:19You're ruining my moment
00:21because you want to turn it into some ghetto rah-rah.
00:24So I blocked him, and I'm not talking to him right now.
00:28She's doing good. She in L.A.
00:30I relocated to L.A., you know, where the sun shines.
00:34She spend, like, almost $18,000 or $20,000 a month in L.A.
00:38This is real cute.
00:39Y'all be living the life.
00:41It's like you throwing money at me, like, for real.
00:44How you and Ricci doing?
00:46We didn't work out.
00:47Is there somebody else?
00:48And Mel in a real great space.
00:50Then y'all is really shocked that I'm back with Mel.
00:53We back on the same boat.
00:55Don't tell y'all that.
00:57I'm not saying...
00:58I'm so excited to throw this welcome home party for Walter.
01:01Where is the news ring?
01:03I've done it myself with a needle.
01:05My mom's behavior is really giving me anxiety.
01:08I ain't got time to be talking to no grown people.
01:10They got you.
01:11And now Kasey is rolling up.
01:13If he starts it up today, I'm gonna lose.
01:16I'm gonna lose.
01:29What is that?
01:30Kasey is here.
01:35Well, that s**t is another different level.
01:37Oh, Lord.
01:39It sounds fortunate, though.
01:41I knew that when Kasey, you know, arrived at the barbecue
01:44the barbecue that it was going to be uncomfortable.
01:46I was already prepared for that.
01:48So I'm going to try to be cordial with my brother.
01:52How you doing?
01:53Can't you see?
01:54Oh, my God!
01:55Tell me now.
01:56Yeah, how you doing?
01:56You back speaking to me?
01:59All right.
02:00What you doing?
02:01Come on.
02:01Look at him.
02:02Stop, stop, stop.
02:03Don't do that.
02:06You're doing too much, stop.
02:07Don't do that.
02:08Look at him.
02:08Now that's love.
02:09And she said I'm doing too much.
02:10Yeah, this is probably the longest me and Talia ever.
02:13I've not talked before.
02:15That really hurt me when she brushed me off.
02:17Like, I wasn't even her brother.
02:19It hurt, man.
02:21It hurt.
02:22Ain't out here for nobody to raise me, bitch.
02:23I wish I would.
02:24Y'all crazy.
02:26I ain't do you nothing.
02:27I ain't do nobody nothing.
02:28I don't know what you're talking about.
02:30We're trying to give Walter a welcome home party,
02:32and my mom just not acting right.
02:34Because children lose diamonds, baby.
02:36And with my mom's past, this kind of behavior
02:39always triggers a concern.
02:41And it's kind of hard for me to really deal with.
02:43Turn around and say a prayer.
02:46To yourself.
02:47Child, please.
02:48You as right as mother, you's not mine, OK?
02:53That's not changing.
02:55No matter what you do, that is not changing.
02:58So with Kasey here, Nita acting up, and Talia on edge,
03:03I hope everyone just keep it together.
03:06This is just real.
03:07This is our real reality.
03:08That's what we have to.
03:10This is what it is.
03:12That's her.
03:14It can't really be made up, you know?
03:16I don't know how y'all could just say that with no empathy.
03:20Like, with no, I can't just, what's she say?
03:22That's very much empathy.
03:23Yeah, it's like, I can't just say that and like,
03:27and don't feel nothing.
03:28It's just my reality.
03:29It's just been happening so long.
03:31When I was young, my mom was on drugs.
03:33So you have to accept the reality.
03:34That's why my mom's behavior, it doesn't trigger me
03:37as much as it triggers Talia.
03:39You know, that don't mean that I don't want better for her.
03:41But sometimes my sister can only see things
03:44from her point of view.
03:46Let's go home.
03:48We're all trying to eat her.
03:51Can't do it.
03:52Seeing Talia get stressed, it really bothers me.
03:55I mean, it's my wife.
03:56She has a huge heart.
03:57Because Talia love her mom.
03:59And her strange acting, of course, is going to upset her.
04:02I hate to see my wife like that.
04:06My husband is such a calm and present.
04:09He always makes me feel better when I'm having a bad day.
04:13I got to get in the sun.
04:14Yeah, girl, you supposed to have them legs out.
04:17Because girl, it's nice to get some sun.
04:20You are like, look at this bitch, I'm brown.
04:22No, you should really think that.
04:23It's all love.
04:25It's all love.
04:26Let me show you.
04:27Put them up to the ceiling.
04:30Everybody raise your hands in the divine.
04:32Put them up to the sky.
04:33Put them up to the sky.
04:36Let's go.
04:37Put them up to the sky.
04:38Put them up to the sky.
04:39Put them up to the sky.
04:40Put them up to the sky.
04:41Put them up to the sky.
04:42Put them up to the sky.
04:43Put them up to the sky.
04:44I'm really emotional.
04:46Just seeing everybody here, for them
04:48to surprise me in this way.
04:50I feel good.
04:51What you want to do?
04:52Your mama can get it.
04:53Girl, I'm free.
04:54I want to do whatever.
04:55What you want to do?
04:56I just want to say something to Walter real quick.
04:59I want to say welcome home.
05:01The last few weeks or whatever, we have been talking and bonding.
05:07And I'm watching how helpful you are, you know,
05:11with trying to keep everything together.
05:14And I just was telling my husband
05:16how I need somebody that can back me up so everything
05:20wouldn't always fall on me.
05:22I feel like out of everybody, you feel me.
05:25And I genuinely needed that.
05:28All these years, I needed that.
05:30I've been feeling you.
05:31I need a person that can help me do what I've been trying to do,
05:34look out for everybody, keep everything together,
05:37hold her together, help him.
05:40You know what I'm saying?
05:41And I feel like you are the big brother.
05:44So I'm so happy to welcome you with open arms.
05:46And I'm really genuinely looking forward to us building and growing
05:51together, brother, for real.
05:53I love you.
05:54I love you, too.
05:55I love you, bro.
05:57I love you.
05:58I love you, too.
05:59My sister's speech kind of got to me a little
06:01because I just felt like, you know,
06:02me and my sister understood each other.
06:04That kind of made me feel, like, unappreciated.
06:07Definitely makes it hard for me to kind of be
06:09open to her about me and Mel.
06:12Yeah, it's too much.
06:14I can't do it.
06:16Brother, it's been so many years while I've been, like,
06:20like, really, like, I'm tired.
06:23Like, for all jokes aside, like, really trying to keep
06:27this together, dog.
06:29And really genuinely trying my hardest.
06:32And you did.
06:33Bro, you did, you did everything you was supposed to do, bro.
06:37I get it, bro.
06:38And I'm sorry for leaving like that, bro.
06:40I just, at times, bro, at that time, bro, I felt like I was,
06:43it was like that with me.
06:44And then my, like, I just, I just,
06:49moments that's supposed to be, like, good, joyful.
06:53My mama have a, you know, mama have a heart of gold.
06:56But, like, when she get in these moods or whatever,
06:58it's difficult to deal with her and to watch her in these moods.
07:01And like this.
07:02Having my big brother home to help me with the family
07:05is a blessing.
07:06Because our relationship was a bit rocky for a couple of years.
07:10He was very aggressive in his way of talking to me.
07:13Like, he would talk to me as if I was a kid.
07:15But now, I feel like it just feel different.
07:19I'm gonna be honest with you.
07:20What's up with you and KZ, bro?
07:21Because if I'm gonna try with him, bro,
07:23you done with him?
07:26He just gotta get help.
07:28It's a lot, dealing with KZ.
07:31I've been in hell with KZ, actually.
07:34Standing right now, nobody really understands him like me.
07:38At the same time, I've been in Toya's shoes,
07:41as well, dealing with KZ.
07:42Let's try to change the atmosphere right now.
07:44Yeah, for real.
07:47You wanna play, y'all wanna play a game or something?
07:49Oh, it's cool up here.
07:50I love you, sweetie.
07:51I love you, too, baby.
07:57What's up, son?
07:58It's good to see you, bro.
08:01What's up, man?
08:02Why you acting funny?
08:03I'm joking.
08:04You just falling apart.
08:06Camden is my 13-year-old son.
08:09My firstborn.
08:10I only have one.
08:11He's funny.
08:12Some days, he'll just be quiet.
08:15I haven't been in his life that much.
08:17You know, I've been in and out.
08:19I've been incarcerated.
08:20But when I see him, it just strike a light in my eyes.
08:25That's my little man, bro.
08:26I really love my son so much.
08:28So you gonna tell your mama let me get you tomorrow?
08:32She gonna say no.
08:33I already know.
08:34There's no point in asking her.
08:35Gabby is my son's mother.
08:37I feel like she's still hurt from what I did from the past.
08:42I slipped up and lost a good woman.
08:44She don't let me see him.
08:47I just feel like I'm losing a lot of special moments in his life.
08:54Ooh, throwing that too hard, boy.
08:56I'm gonna get him back.
08:57Yeah, get him back.
08:58Slam dunk him.
08:59Say, KC, my bad, sir.
09:02Let me talk to you right now.
09:07Bro, I'm gonna be honest with you, son.
09:11Many people might not even understand the s*** that we've been through.
09:14But at the same time, I have to find some type of way to cut you like you keep cutting us.
09:20Like the s*** that happened at the parade.
09:23Well, I caught an episode.
09:24You did.
09:25You know, that was, you know.
09:26You did.
09:27You did.
09:28But to even come back and tell your sister, man, look, I'm sorry, bro.
09:32I apologize.
09:33I didn't mean for that to happen.
09:35That was not my intention.
09:36I did.
09:37I told her.
09:38I know you did that after the s*** started escalating to more things.
09:41I believe my mistakes can make KC a better guy because I actually learned my lesson.
09:48If he keep going down this path that he's on, he's gonna self-destruct.
09:52He has to change.
09:54Right now in your life, my s*** should be about Cam and your music.
09:58Nothing else.
09:59No, I'm ready to recruit, bro.
10:01Like, I'm ready to get my child and be in my son's life, bro.
10:04And it all starts from you showing up.
10:05Cam not even respecting me all the way like that.
10:07Because he's not around you enough.
10:08Because he's not around.
10:09Where Cam and them going now?
10:11Where they about to go?
10:12Where they about to go?
10:13There's the opportunity right there.
10:14Both of them together.
10:15Call them.
10:16Oh, Gay-Gay.
10:18Handle your business, dog.
10:20It be kind of hard, bro, getting to this girl right here.
10:27Where y'all about to go?
10:28He wants to talk to you.
10:29KC wants to talk to you.
10:30Hold on, I'm not doing that.
10:32Come on.
10:33Come on.
10:34I'm not doing that.
10:35I told him already.
10:36Let's go.
10:38It ain't gonna never work, bro.
10:40From here on out, my s*** is not about no talking then.
10:44It's about doing from here on out.
10:46It's easy for somebody to tell you what you ain't doing
10:49and trying to make it happen.
10:51It ain't that easy.
10:52Frustrating for me.
10:54Show it.
10:57Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
10:59Now that I'm in L.A., I see my dad a lot.
11:02I've been getting a lot of auditions.
11:04Baloney's is fulfilling to you.
11:06We over here making shows and TV.
11:09I just met Billy Evans.
11:11He is super successful.
11:12I'm gonna put you a little bit on the spot.
11:14I want to see what your improvisational skills are.
11:18I definitely have been spending more quality time with Mel.
11:22You're gonna talk to Toya, right?
11:23As long as not being, like, approached like a little girl.
11:27It's time for, like, you know, to get, like, a bigger space.
11:31I'm getting annoyed that Toya keep talking about this bigger gym.
11:34What are you tripping about?
11:44Hey, hey.
11:46Have a seat there.
11:47Let me just grab my chair, bring it over to you.
11:51I'm so excited.
11:52Billy Evans is super successful.
11:54He's a successful writer, director, and producer.
11:57This is nice.
11:58You like this?
11:59I mean, you know, we over here making shows and TV.
12:03He actually worked on one of my favorite shows, which is Martin.
12:07I'm just hoping to get great career advice
12:09and just a relationship to have because this is dope.
12:13You know, my studio's called Harvest Studios.
12:16For me, what's important is to constantly keep the initiative going
12:21to make sure that we are working.
12:23And that's what I try to do.
12:25My own daughter, she is a writer on The Proud Family.
12:30You know The Proud Family?
12:31You don't know The Proud Family.
12:33You don't know nothing about The Proud Family.
12:34I love The Proud Family!
12:35Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
12:36I love The Proud Family.
12:37Oh, that's so crazy.
12:39That's crazy because I call my boo now Wizard Kelly.
12:42Wizard Kelly.
12:43That is so crazy.
12:44You know where Wizard Kelly comes from?
12:46You know, do you know what that is?
12:47No, where it comes from?
12:48So it's basically a play on Magic Johnson.
12:53Wizard Kelly, Magic Johnson.
12:56I don't get it.
12:57I'm confused.
12:59It's a thing.
13:00It's a thing.
13:02Tell me a little bit about you.
13:03Okay, so my manager Rick hooked this up for me.
13:08I've been talking to him just about just knowing the acting world more.
13:14I want to be more grounded and want to work on my facial expressions more.
13:19There you go.
13:20You know, the thing with acting, obviously, is it's an instinct.
13:23So I'm going to put you a little bit on the spot.
13:25I want to see what your improvisational skills are.
13:29You are going to give us the impression that someone was just following you.
13:36And just think, reactions.
13:38Acting is all about the reactions.
13:41Let's give it a try.
13:43Shall we?
13:44Shall we?
13:45Let's go.
13:46Let's do it.
13:47It's super important for me to make a great impression on Bentley Evans
13:49because I feel like this is just another door opening.
13:52I might be nervous, but shoot, I'm going to do it.
13:55We are on the set.
13:56I'm going to have you go out the door.
13:59And I want to see that real frantic.
14:01You can use the windows.
14:03Use the room.
14:04Okay, here we go.
14:05And action.
14:19There's no service.
14:21Are you serious?
14:29Nobody's here.
14:36Oh, ma'am, you left your phone at the...
14:38Oh, my gosh.
14:40I'm so sorry.
14:41Like, I literally am the scariest person.
14:43I got robbed before.
14:44I don't want any problems.
14:45I'm so sorry.
14:46Yeah, yeah.
14:47Enjoy yourself.
14:48Okay, thank you.
14:49Okay, absolutely.
14:51So that's our scene.
14:53I think you did a fantastic job.
14:55Give yourself some.
14:58Improvising is fun to me.
14:59I feel like I'm an extra person,
15:01so I definitely would love to explore improv and more.
15:05Who's your favorite actress?
15:06Angela Bassett.
15:08Good choice.
15:09So I would say study the greats.
15:11And really just make it your practice now
15:14to look at films not just from the perspective
15:18of being entertained,
15:19but looking at the actual, you know, performance.
15:24But I can see from what you just did,
15:27I think that you have what it takes
15:29to take it to another level.
15:31Bentley Evans could get me roles in the future,
15:34so every blessing I'm taking, I'm going with it.
15:37I expect to see a lot of great things out of you.
15:41Thank you so much.
15:42Thank you for having me.
15:43Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:44Thank you for coming.
15:45I had a great time.
15:46Absolutely, absolutely.
15:48What's up, y'all?
16:09I am headed to the gym with my girls today.
16:12We're going to get a workout in and wait no more studios.
16:15And plus I need to catch up with my friends.
16:17You know, like, it's been a lot going on.
16:19I need to check in with them.
16:21Don't try to, like, kill them.
16:23Danielle really coming?
16:25She said she was.
16:26I really been trying to get Danielle in the gym forever.
16:29And then the classes be so full, like, you know,
16:33so soon we'll have our bigger space.
16:37What you mean?
16:38You know, like a bigger space,
16:39like to be able to accommodate.
16:41Oh, add another location?
16:42No, I'm talking about get a bigger location.
16:46Nah, it's, I mean, it's home.
16:48It's where it started.
16:49You know what I'm saying?
16:51Wait no more has been doing really, really good.
16:54The business is definitely growing.
16:56I think it's a huge mistake for Red to dismiss the idea
16:59of getting a larger space so quickly.
17:02But I'm not giving up.
17:03That's what makes it.
17:07Whoa, she showed up.
17:10I'm super excited to have my girls here working out with me.
17:14It's been so long since we all caught up.
17:16And I have some things that I need to get off my chest
17:19about Walter's coming home party.
17:21Oh my God!
17:23Gotta get off the red turf with the drink.
17:25Green tea is healthy.
17:26You drink it all the time.
17:28You got extra liquid cane syrup?
17:31What's that?
17:32That's healthy sugar.
17:33Three sips.
17:34I need it.
17:36I've been trying to get Danielle to come to the gym
17:38since we opened.
17:39And then the first thing she do walk in there
17:41with some Kool-Aid.
17:43Let me see that.
17:44Let me see that.
17:45Let me see that.
17:46Come on.
17:47Green tea lemonade.
17:49Come on now.
17:50We're supposed to go to the drink.
17:52Oh, why you throw a drink away?
17:54I hate it here.
17:55I knew I shouldn't have came to this damn workout class today.
17:58We starting off with ball slams.
18:01One, two, three, let's go.
18:05Wait, I think I'm sweating.
18:09It would not be Danielle if she do not come playing in the gym.
18:12I got to do it cute.
18:14Pretty girls do not work out.
18:16Eight, nine, two, three.
18:20I hate it here.
18:21Red's got the band on him though.
18:23Oh my God.
18:25Red stole my fan and then used it during the workout.
18:28Now how shady is that?
18:30Look, look, look.
18:32I was working out with y'all in spirit.
18:35In spirit.
18:37Sis, you got to do ten jumping jacks.
18:39You got to do ten jumping jacks.
18:41Because they made me work out.
18:43Eight, nine, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
18:49On top of Danielle complaining,
18:51we got the other one that misses the whole workout.
18:54Rasheeda, my friends.
18:57Got to love them.
19:00No man left behind.
19:02I miss my friends.
19:05I miss y'all.
19:06Y'all have been packed, sis.
19:08Like, what is going on?
19:10I'm so proud of y'all.
19:12Inspired me to get back into it.
19:14You know what I'm saying?
19:15It's been really going good.
19:16Online is doing real good.
19:18I think it's time for like, you know,
19:20to get like a bigger space.
19:21I was about to say, y'all going to outrun this, honey,
19:23because it be a lot of people.
19:25No, we ain't doing no big gym.
19:26I'm not saying like huge.
19:28I'm just saying.
19:30Just a little bigger.
19:32I'm going to see y'all this week.
19:33I'm out.
19:35I'm getting annoyed that Toya keep
19:37talking about this bigger gym.
19:38Because right now, I don't want to lose the intimate setting,
19:41the boutique style.
19:43I'm not changing my mind.
19:44Man, what's been going on with y'all?
19:46The nails.
19:47Oh, yeah.
19:48That's y'all.
19:49That's y'all.
19:50We've been trying to meet.
19:51We've been trying to meet.
19:54I love y'all.
19:55And they look really good, too.
19:57It looks like you just got out the nail salon.
19:58Thank y'all.
19:59I love y'all.
20:00I miss my friends.
20:01I really miss y'all.
20:02Ellen, what's been going on, sis?
20:03Oh, yeah.
20:04Child, I don't know.
20:05You know, my brother just came home from prison.
20:08And I gave him a welcome home party.
20:10And girl, my mama came there and showed out.
20:13What happened?
20:14Lately, she's just been on a whole different page.
20:17It's like going off on people, very snappy.
20:21It was to the point where I left the thing and blocked her.
20:26You blocked her?
20:27You didn't tell me that.
20:28I blocked her.
20:29No, you lying.
20:30I did.
20:31I said I need about a week.
20:33When I see her, you know, displaying this type of behavior,
20:35it makes me feel like history repeating itself.
20:38I just don't like it.
20:39Sometimes it's better to just take that time away
20:42to just cool off.
20:43No, I feel you.
20:44And I know you need it.
20:45Because sometimes, even with family,
20:47you might say something, the wrong thing.
20:50Like, this crazy.
20:51With everything Toya has going on with Anita and Casey
20:54right now, I think Toya finding out
20:58about Beatty keeping this secret, about Mel,
21:01is going to take their relationship
21:0310 steps backwards.
21:05It was just too much.
21:07And I hate it the way I felt that.
21:08That's not OK.
21:09Y'all still here?
21:11We might well get a couple more sets in.
21:13I'm leaving.
21:14No, no, no, no, no.
21:15Come on.
21:16You want more sets?
21:17I love y'all.
21:18Get ready.
21:19Don't ever come here with no sugary drink like that.
21:21Love y'all.
21:22See you next year.
21:24Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
21:27Part of the reason why I haven't told my sister
21:29that me and Mel are back together,
21:31it's because of how it went down last time.
21:33Why would you just sit there and let them go crazy?
21:37I don't know.
21:39This is where we need to put the gym.
21:41Red, wanna do this?
21:43You know, sometimes you just gotta move on.
21:46You gotta get what happened.
21:47No, like, I know what I'm doing.
21:58OK, ready?
21:59You're gonna go down.
22:02Inhale up.
22:06Find your center.
22:08OK, I got it.
22:12I definitely have been spending more quality time with Mel.
22:16We have really been growing our bond
22:18and really just been focused on us.
22:29How your tattoo feel?
22:31It's peeling.
22:33Yeah, mine is, too.
22:34I like how we got, like, the little matching
22:36little things right here.
22:39You gotta get my name on your neck next.
22:42Gotta get it right here.
22:44Pop, pop.
22:49This is so peaceful, man.
22:52Feels so much better than, like, last year.
22:55Oh, yeah.
22:56Last year at my mom's birthday party was crazy.
23:00What I have an issue is,
23:01one, I feel like you manipulate my sister.
23:03That's one.
23:04Two, the fact that me and my sister is not as close
23:06and you manipulate that and I don't like that.
23:08If that's what you wanna say to make yourself feel good,
23:11that's what the **** it is.
23:14Like, I just felt ambushed.
23:16Why would you just sit there and let them go crazy?
23:21Mel, I'ma be honest.
23:22I really didn't know what to do.
23:24When I tell you, I beat myself up about that all the time.
23:29You know, I did kind of just told my family,
23:32you know, just ranting with my emotions,
23:34and I think that's what kind of caused the chaotic of it all.
23:38Like, it's not their place to come in
23:40between your relationship.
23:42And like I said, that was my fault, babe.
23:44You know, and it is a boundary.
23:46Part of the reason why I haven't told my sister
23:48that me and Mel are back together
23:50is because of how it went down last time.
23:52Of course, I wanna be open and talk to my sister
23:55about everything, but then again, I worry
23:57and I just be like,
23:59I don't want any misunderstandings again.
24:01You know, I don't want us to go backwards.
24:03I just feel like they did all that
24:05thinking that we would never talk again,
24:08which is crazy to me.
24:10And now, who looking dumb now
24:13because we back talking, right?
24:17After everything that happened,
24:19do you feel like everybody will be able
24:22to be cordial, respectful?
24:28Honestly, Mel?
24:31I don't know.
24:33It makes me worry about, you know,
24:35Mel and Toya ever coming to that type of zone again.
24:39You know, I just don't want it to go the wrong way again.
24:42Where do you see our relationship going?
24:44I see our relationship going to the end of the world.
24:48Me too.
24:52♪ Ooh, baby, I just might, just might ♪
24:55♪ Ooh, I just might, just might ♪
24:57♪ Baby, I just might do something to you ♪
25:04Ooh, nice and big.
25:07That's nice.
25:09I saw this new spot that came available
25:11that's just right a couple of doors down
25:14from Wait No More Studios.
25:16I feel like it will be an easy transition
25:18for our clients, for us,
25:20and, you know, it's just right there.
25:26Hey, Rick, you at the gym?
25:28Like, five minutes away.
25:30Come to the gym like you coming to the gym?
25:33Well, pass it up.
25:34Go to the building all the way at the end.
25:36I want to show you something.
25:37I value Rick's opinion because he's my manager.
25:40Like, you know, I'm always asking him for advice.
25:43What's up, bro?
25:45What's up, Ricky?
25:47What up?
25:48This is like the gym.
25:50This is like the gym.
25:51No, this is where we need to put the gym.
25:55We already got a gym.
25:56I know, but the lady had hit us
25:59and told us that this space was available
26:01because this used to be a gym.
26:02It's way bigger.
26:03Like, I mean...
26:04I mean, this is, like, triple the space.
26:06Like, this is a lot.
26:07Like, this is, like, the overhead triples.
26:09But you can also utilize this to make more money.
26:13Like, it's different things that you could do
26:15with a space this size.
26:17Nah, for sure.
26:18We can set up a whole area for our merch
26:20and stuff like that.
26:21We can have events here.
26:23I get the vision.
26:24I see.
26:25We can put all the stuff here.
26:26So, Red want to do this?
26:29He want to bring in, like, new trainers?
26:32No, Red don't want to move.
26:35You know, he feels like it's more intimate.
26:37So, he don't know about this?
26:39I mean, because I was trying to throw it.
26:42I was trying to throw it out there to him.
26:44So, what are you going to tell him?
26:47I was talking to the lady about doing, like, you know,
26:49getting the spot.
26:50Hold up.
26:51Slow down.
26:52So, you talking about getting the spot,
26:53doing the paperwork before you talk to him?
26:57Nah, nah, nah, nah.
26:58I think that Red is going to change his mind
27:01after he sees how beautiful this space is.
27:04We could take this...
27:05a whole nother elevated level.
27:07I do have multiple businesses.
27:09And, you know, I...
27:11I know what I'm doing.
27:12This is an opportunity that we really need to take.
27:15And he needs to see that.
27:16You know, sometimes you just got to move on.
27:19So, am I wrong for that?
27:22You got to get what happened.
27:23Because if he finds out you did this behind his back,
27:25I don't think he going to feel good about that.
27:30Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
27:32L.A., hi.
27:33Yeah, you have to make a firm, a solid choice
27:36if you're going to be out here.
27:37So, explain yourself at the party, now.
27:39I don't think I was wrong.
27:40You don't think you were wrong.
27:41I know I wasn't wrong.
27:43All of us are tired of your...
27:47Got, got, got, got.
27:53We got work to do, baby.
27:55It's things to be done.
27:56Our kingdom needs some love and rebirth.
27:59Hi, father.
28:00Hey, baby.
28:01Hi, daddy.
28:04How you doing?
28:06Awesome. How you feeling?
28:07I've been good.
28:09Just came by to see what you on.
28:12What's been going on?
28:16How was tour?
28:17It was amazing.
28:18Soon as y'all left New York,
28:20I had went to New York and missed it.
28:22They had an earthquake while we was there, too.
28:26Right outside the building,
28:27they had men, like, working on, like, scaffolds,
28:30like, on, like, the 60th floor.
28:32Like, they didn't even budge.
28:34Oh, no.
28:35They were working on them windows.
28:38New York.
28:39New York, they don't care.
28:40They don't care.
28:41What was that?
28:42It felt awesome.
28:44Massage, man.
28:47Now that I'm in L.A., I see my dad a lot.
28:49I go cook for him.
28:51My dad is, like, my best friend.
28:53Like, if we're not seeing each other,
28:54we're texting each other.
28:55What you doing?
28:57Nothing, just been chilling.
28:59I forgot to tell you,
29:00my mama and my titi Danielle came the other week.
29:05She had fun?
29:06She had fun.
29:07They came out here because they got a problem
29:10with just me spending.
29:14I ain't gonna lie.
29:15I thought, I said to myself,
29:17you're literally just like your dad.
29:22But they told me that they wanted me to go
29:25look at houses to show me what I will be paying.
29:30For what I'm paying now.
29:32Now, this is huge.
29:34This a lot of house.
29:35It's a clean look, nice and modern.
29:38And you say this house is 4?
29:42This is getting established.
29:44It's not giving my life.
29:46L.A. high.
29:47Yeah, it's...
29:49It's very high.
29:50That ain't the word.
29:51It's very, very expensive.
29:54It is, okay.
29:56It's a very expensive place.
29:57You know, you have to make a firm, a solid choice
30:00if you're gonna be out here.
30:03I'm very torn between choosing a house in L.A.
30:08or saying renting or moving back to Atlanta.
30:12I just don't know.
30:13Just because I tend to have more opportunities in Atlanta,
30:16but I feel like things are picking up in L.A.
30:19This just has me confused and I got a lot to think about.
30:22Yeah, I don't know if I told you,
30:23but I've been getting a lot of auditions.
30:26Yeah, you did.
30:27Like, I'm in directors' faces.
30:29I'm in their seat.
30:30That's all that matters.
30:31As long as it's fulfilling to you.
30:34It is.
30:35I'm happy.
30:36You ever thought about acting?
30:37Nope, I don't think about it.
30:39As long as your progression is fulfilling for you.
30:44So what I mean by that is, you know,
30:46because progression is the hard part.
30:48As long as that still feels awesome to you about it,
30:51that's what you're supposed to be here for.
30:54And I really do love acting.
30:55I feel like it's, it makes me happy.
30:58You seem like you're doing it.
30:59My dad has always been the dad to tell me
31:02do what makes me happy and what I love.
31:05I feel like growing up as a celebrity kid,
31:07it's really hard to get in your own light.
31:10So I feel like with acting, people know me for me.
31:13Whether it's Atlanta, L.A.,
31:15I am pushing forward and never giving up.
31:17We gonna write a movie one day.
31:19You can go ahead and write it.
31:20I'm gonna write it and I'm gonna write your part in it.
31:22You gonna do it?
31:23I ain't gonna have time to write it.
31:24You gonna do it?
31:26We gonna get that together then.
31:28I think we should all take a family trip.
31:30No phone.
31:31To get away from the world and get the energy.
31:34So you're gonna take,
31:35but the trip is gonna be somewhere in this world?
31:37How you gonna get away from the world and just get...
31:39Oh my God.
31:42But how about your part?
31:43I love you, Daddy.
31:44You're too smart for your own good.
31:47Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
31:49Your grandma, girl.
31:50She came, like, she was just,
31:52the behavior was just off.
31:54I feel like sometimes y'all forget
31:56that she's your mother.
31:59How that made you feel, though?
32:01You went all in with me and Toya.
32:03It just made me feel real unbalanced.
32:23You got it, baby!
32:25You got that!
32:36So y'all about to get out of school in a little bit, right?
32:39Uh, yes.
32:40You were in Detroit, what's your school?
32:43I like it.
32:44Really good.
32:46Hey, look at Nae-nae.
32:48Hi, Nae-nae, you look so cute!
32:51Oh, y'all are cute and y'all are really a soccer family.
32:56Oh, we forgot your shirt.
32:58You gotta share with your shirt.
32:59With me?
33:00Share with your shirt.
33:01Give me this.
33:02Oh, sorry.
33:03That's a big one.
33:04I'm thick, girl.
33:05Come here, Mama.
33:06Give Nae-nae a hug.
33:07Nae came all the way to see you for your soccer game.
33:10Yes, it's a big one.
33:12Nae came all the way to see you for your soccer game.
33:15Yes, it's the mystery.
33:16You're so cute!
33:18So, Rainn has a soccer game today,
33:20and this time I decided to bring the family along,
33:23Reggie-nae and Josh-ae.
33:25Josh-ae is my niece, my brother's Josh's daughter.
33:28I raised Josh-ae, and now she's in college.
33:31With Nae and Josh-ae back in Atlanta with the family,
33:33it's always a good feeling.
33:35You happy to be back in Atlanta?
33:37I am.
33:38I am.
33:39I'm so happy.
33:40Are you confident on what you're going to do?
33:42Well, I do know that I want to move out,
33:44like Melissa said.
33:46Like, I don't know which way I want to go.
33:50Girl, you know you want to be back here with us, okay?
33:53I know Nae loves L.A.,
33:55and she's trying to make her acting career happen there,
33:58but she might as well come on back here
34:00instead of spending so much money on an apartment in L.A.
34:04that she barely gets to spend any time at.
34:07I haven't told you about Walter's welcome home party.
34:09How did that go?
34:11Your grandma, girl, she just...
34:14She came, like, she was just...
34:16The behavior was just off.
34:18I know her life story,
34:20and I know all of the trauma that she's been through
34:22and the people that she's lost,
34:24and I couldn't imagine losing two kids.
34:26But I'm like, where is Anita?
34:28Where is the loving, like, Anita?
34:31I want to help her find that person again.
34:34My mom is still locked,
34:36but no matter how upset I get with my mom,
34:39I'm gonna always empathize with the things
34:41that she's been through.
34:43I would like for her to talk about whatever's bothering her
34:46so we as a family can help her get through this.
34:49I feel like sometimes y'all forget
34:51that she's your mother,
34:53and some feelings, like, you're not gonna tell me.
34:57You don't want to show me that.
34:59I feel like sometimes she feel like that too.
35:01I definitely think my grandma has a guard up
35:03where she doesn't want to show her feelings,
35:05and tries to play this strong role,
35:07but I don't know.
35:09I feel like she needs to let it out.
35:12Did you ever get to talk to Kasey
35:14about what happened at the queen's court?
35:17It really hurt, like, I'm gonna be honest with you.
35:20The king and queen thing is not the real reason
35:25that I don't talk to Kasey.
35:27It's everything.
35:30You know, like, the king and queen thing
35:32is just what set it off for me.
35:37I feel bad because it's like
35:40he's dealing with something, like, mentally,
35:44that we all don't know how to deal with
35:46because we never dealt with nobody
35:49in this type of situation.
35:51You got rain, you got me, you got a husband,
35:53you got businesses, you got yourself.
35:55You got too much to be stressing over.
35:58Trying to get a grown man to get his stuff together.
36:02Like, he can't, he not about to stress my mama out.
36:05You know, it gets people to the point
36:07where it's like you don't want to be around them
36:09or you don't like them,
36:10and I promise you I'm at that point.
36:12I love him to death, but I don't like him.
36:29Yeah, man, we beating the man's head, man.
36:31She bringing Mel.
36:32I'm ready to see Mel.
36:34Wait for her to laugh.
36:36The last time Mel came, man, I'm like,
36:38"[Bleeped out].
36:41I'm going to beat it.
36:42I'm going to beat it.
36:43I'm going to beat it.
36:44I'm going to beat that Mel.
36:51I'm excited about this dinner.
36:53I would like to know Mel a little bit better.
36:57Considering the fact that her and Talia
36:59had issues in the past,
37:01I want to learn Mel's perspective
37:03and bring about some type of peace, hopefully.
37:06How y'all doing today?
37:07I'm good.
37:08My name's Asha.
37:09I'm going to be taking care of y'all today.
37:11What's your name, sweetie?
37:14Bring me my water, Asha.
37:15I got you.
37:16Stop flirting with Asha.
37:18Thank you, Asha.
37:19You're welcome.
37:20Let me get a snack.
37:21Walt flirt with everybody, bro.
37:23I can tell he just got out.
37:25This is going to be something.
37:27I've been gone nine years.
37:29Asha look good.
37:30All right, Asha.
37:31Every female I see is awesome.
37:35You know what I'm saying?
37:36I be like, wow.
37:37So how does it feel to have all your kids home?
37:41You know, girl, I love this.
37:43I love this kind of stuff.
37:44How does it feel to have Beady back now?
37:47It feel real good.
37:50That's my person.
37:53Represent that then.
37:54All right, so let me ask you this then.
37:56Because I'm trying to catch up, me.
37:57I'm trying to catch up to speed.
37:59I wasn't here.
38:00How that made you feel, though?
38:02You weren't arguing with me and Toya.
38:04It just made me feel real unbalanced.
38:07You was misunderstood.
38:08I am not even going to lie to you.
38:10All you done was like Mel was manipulating Beady.
38:13You feel what I'm saying?
38:14And, you know, that's only being a big sister.
38:17So she's being protective by you being quiet like that.
38:20They done have no choice but to assume.
38:22Do Toya know that y'all back together?
38:25No, she don't.
38:27So I'm trying to figure that out, bro.
38:29Beady has a character trait of keeping things to herself.
38:33Toya doesn't know about Beady and Mel.
38:37I'm going to be honest with you, bro.
38:39That s**t caused some firecrackers, some fireworks.
38:42So you're going to talk to Toya, right, y'all?
38:44You about meeting up with her?
38:47So you're going to talk to Toya, right, y'all?
38:50You about meeting up with her?
38:55I don't mind at all as long as I'm not being, like,
38:59approached like a little girl.
39:00Right, right.
39:01I don't mind.
39:02Knowing Mel and Toya,
39:04I really believe that they could patch things up.
39:06Can things go left?
39:08Now, there's always the possibility of that
39:10because they're both, you know,
39:12Can things go left?
39:13Now, there's always the possibility of that
39:15because they're both too strong-minded individuals.
39:18Yeah, Mel, join the party
39:20because she don't talk to me no more either.
39:22We beefing.
39:23Oh, Lord.
39:24So that's our op now.
39:26You beefing with me?
39:27She's not beefing with you, man.
39:28She just wants your mind right, bro.
39:30It is real frustrating
39:31that Kasey doesn't see Toya's side of things.
39:34Toya feel a certain way, I feel a certain way,
39:36Beady feel a certain way, my mama feel a certain way,
39:38Nate feel a certain way.
39:39Yeah, that's because all of us are tired of you.
39:42Straight up.
39:43That's family, though, so...
39:45We gonna be all right, y'all.
39:46You know what I'm saying?
39:47See how you don't never want us to beef with each other,
39:49and that's true.
39:50That's 100. I feel that.
39:51All of them.
39:52So you can't tell me no more.
39:53So explain yourself at the party, then.
39:55I am not gonna explain nothing.
39:56I just told you I'm not talking.
39:57It was my party, though, man.
39:59I don't care who party it was.
40:01You talk to her yet?
40:02I'm not leaving up.
40:03I ain't talk to her.
40:04I don't think I was wrong, so...
40:06You don't think you wrong.
40:07You heard you.
40:08No, I wasn't wrong.
40:09So now you changed the language.
40:10I just don't say nothing.
40:11Nita and Kasey got accountability issues, bro.
40:14If they can't get their... together with Talia,
40:17that's gonna cause a big rift between us all.
40:22The whole... time they blow up.
40:24Oh, you got to take accountability for something
40:26that you do wrong.
40:27I ain't got to do nothing wrong.
40:28I ain't do nothing wrong.
40:29I don't do nothing.
40:30Y'all listen, y'all.
40:31That ain't right, ma.
40:38Ooh, come on, babe.
40:39Let's go take a walk.
40:40Look how nice it is out.
40:42What you want?
40:43What you want there?
40:46Let's go walk.
40:47Today is the day I am getting ready to take Red
40:49to see our new Wait No More studios.
40:52Babe, come with me to look in here.
40:55Give me your hand.
40:56How you gonna look in there?
40:58Somebody in there?
40:59I got the door.
41:00I'm confident.
41:01I feel like he's gonna see my vision,
41:03and he's gonna love the space.
41:05That used to be a gym.
41:06That was the gym.
41:07That was dope.
41:09Welcome home.
41:12This is ours.
41:15This is the perfect space.
41:16I just had to do it.
41:17You had to do it?
41:19Had to get it, because she had a lot of people
41:22that was trying to get the space.
41:24Get it as in, like, you signed a lease for it?
41:27I just feel like it's time to eliminate it.
41:29No, no, no, no, no, no.
41:30Take it to another level.
41:31Wait, wait, wait.
41:32You signed a lease for this?
41:36I mean, we started this together.
41:38We've been talking about this,
41:39and I told you we're not ready to move to a bigger space.
41:44And you told me you're gonna let me handle this.
41:46You're gonna let me do weight no more.
41:48Yes, I make moves without asking you,
41:50dealing with stuff in a gym,
41:52the operation in a gym.
41:54But anything big like that, I'm gonna come to you.
41:56If it's a problem or something,
41:57I'm gonna come to you out of respect
41:59to see what you say.
42:00And now you don't want to sign the damn lease?
42:02I told you that from the beginning.
42:04We're not ready.
42:05Every time you brought it up, I said no.
42:08You're not even thinking.
42:09You're just going off.
42:11Toy, you get an idea, and I just go.
42:13Toy, you get an idea, and I just go.
42:14That's stupid.
42:16You should have sat down with me
42:17before you went and signed the lease.
42:19You need to talk to them about the damn lease then.
42:21Red, just let me know.
42:23What are you tripping about?
42:29Put the cameras off.
42:39Next on Toya and Reginae.
42:42This spread went off on me.
42:44Because you should have had a conversation with him.
42:46Not talking to Toya about her signing the lease.
42:49I don't get no respect.
42:51It's always you, you, you.
42:52You're very entitled.
42:53I hate when y'all say that.
42:56Turn these cameras off, because he's talking stupid.
42:58Who knows y'all together?
43:00Everybody except Toya.
43:02We had a dinner.
43:04Me, Beatty, Mel.
43:08That's f***ed up.