• 16 hours ago
Hudson And Rex S05 E04


00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter viewer discretion is advised
00:12Yeah, okay, no, no, hold on I'm heading into the shop
00:23There you are you don't have to come here
00:30Come up there to move on after all no, no, I know you're not like the cool
00:35But it would have been a good opportunity for me to learn your end of the business
00:39You do great for the business in Jamaica next time. I come there. Okay
00:45They won't be a next time
00:48Serious, no, you've been working non-stop for what four years. No, you deserve the break
00:53Okay, the order is ready for pickup. The shipment should clear mobile tomorrow check two out of three accountants have confirmed
01:00I'll send you the resumes and Skype links. Check check. Oh
01:05My sorry, Tony
01:08It's not forever things are not gonna fall apart and you need to get your butt in gear. Okay, I go I go
01:18Okay, I'll leave it in a me car
01:22Okay, just one more quick stop what can be that important Katie
01:26Just a loose end and then I promise I'll be off the grid for two glorious weeks safe travels my sister
01:34Text when you land. I love you gal now bring on those sunrise meditations and sunset surfing
02:16Will find your Tashi what's got your stare?
02:50According to the flights manifest the shipment containing this crate left st. John's International
02:56Two days ago at 7 30 a.m. Was unloaded at Sankster International in Montego Bay six hours later
03:03Well Jamaican customs officials are certain that this crate was not tampered with on their end
03:07They chance the person this belongs to is still alive
03:10I'd say not the hand appears to be in severed post-mortem due to the clean sharp edges with no soft tissue hemorrhaging
03:18Karma, there's no sign of inflammation
03:21Which means that the remains we're looking for could still be in Newfoundland
03:25based on size
03:27fingernails and this
03:29We're looking for a female victim poor creature
03:32Well shipped from honest to Cod on Water Street
03:36Honest to Cod. I know that place. It's a it's a saltfish company down at the harbor
03:41It's run by a pair of sisters Katie Barrett who works here and her sister Tony who works out of Jamaica
03:47Okay, well, we'll treat the shop as a potential crime scene. Well, I meet you there. Yeah, right behind you. Come on, pal
03:52Yeah, just keep me posted. Okay
03:59This is custom
04:01See the wedding and engagement rings have been soldered together. It's like an heirloom. Oh, it's a special piece
04:11I'll take the prints and then this is all yours to process great
04:33Hey, so according to the manager Katie Barrett's on vacation in Costa Rica
04:37They packed up the shipment day before she left ten crates were picked up the next morning
04:41Nothing out of the ordinary during or since we keep on no blood on the premises. I rocks agrees with them
04:48What's going on here let me true
04:51Can you tell me what's going on I'm a sign of forced entry. It's keyless entry on both doors. Mm-hmm
04:57Well, the victim was likely killed elsewhere
05:00Whoever shipped the hand likely had the entry code
05:03Please you have to let me pass. This is my place
05:06You don't understand. I am the owner
05:09Has anyone talked to the owner since she left on vacation? No, Katie Barrett is likely the victim alone
05:19Me speak to whoever's in charge here. This is my business. It's okay officer. We have this
05:26I'm detective Hudson. This is dr. Truong and my partner Rex
05:31You Katie Barrett. I'm our sister. Tony London Katie's on vacation. I promised her
05:36I take care of everything from our Jamaican office. You just came from Jamaica
05:39I came as soon as I heard about the package
05:42But I am confused all the customs officials told me was human remains I
05:47Thought maybe an industrial accident. What's happened? Would you mind coming down to the station with us? Miss London?
05:58So you and your sister have been running this business for some time now
06:01Two years and growing all the time
06:05Our country's have a long-standing connection
06:08Saltfish has been a staple of our diet since the 1800s, of course
06:13slave owners used to use it as a
06:15Cheap source of protein to feed their slaves and when you're all under a prohibition my ancestors would trade rum for God
06:23Mmm, old-school smuggling those old-timers are creative
06:27140 proof was sitting barrels until the wood absorbed alcohol and they ship the empty barrels up north fill them with hot water and
06:34Couple of weeks later, they'd have some potent. I like what you call it swish. That's right
06:45Miss London, when was the last time you spoke with your sister?
06:50Few days ago before she left for Costa Rica
06:54It's not too strange. We can reach her. You know, she she went on one of these digital detox retreats and over your phone when you arrive
07:03Promised her I would take care of everything. I'm supposed to be interviewing for a new accountant ready to go when she gets back
07:11Our team spoke with the airline
07:14Katie didn't get on her flight to Costa Rica
07:18You also haven't asked us what we found
07:22Do I want to know miss London we found a woman's hand inside the honest to cod crate
07:29And this woman is dead
07:31We have reason to believe so yes
07:34You think it's Katie?
07:39Miss London, do you recognize this ring?
07:46It was my mother's
07:51Kitty where is it?
07:59Know where's the rest of her?
08:03Miss London, we intend to find out the answers to your questions
08:27That's not an easy notification especially with so few details, yeah, I want to find her sister for her
08:38Really okay, so we can establish a window for the time of death. Tony was talking to her sister on FaceTime Tuesday at 6 p.m
08:45Shipment to Jamaica left the shop 6 a.m. Wednesday morning. Okay, so we can presume she was killed within that 12-hour window
08:52Jessie let's see if we can get eyes on Katie's car
08:54Tony said that she was heading to the airport after their call on it
08:58Mind if I yeah
09:02Yeah, this was definitely somebody she knew someone's access to the shop yeah and reason to do it look at how it's
09:09Carefully separated from the fish below salt packed tightly around it. Whoever did this. They didn't want to shift during transport
09:18They wanted the person opening it to find it just so exactly like a message yeah like a horse head in a bed
09:27We Tony was supposed to pick up the shipment wait
09:31If someone wanted to send her a message and they find out that she's here. She might be in danger
09:38You know, my daughter gave me some of your saltfish as a gift
09:41I have to say some of the best I've had on this island and that's saying something
09:48Yeah, they would have loved to hear you say that
09:52What made her decide to come to Newfoundland she won a business scholarship to Heritage University
09:59One year here
10:01She knew she wanted to start a Canada Jamaica import-export company
10:07So she came up with the idea for honest to cod while in school. Her business plan was so good. She got a startup loan
10:15She talked me into running things back home
10:20Come in
10:22Did you find anything Charlie?
10:25Yes, miss London. Can you think of anybody who might hold a grudge against both your sister and yourself me?
10:32Well that crate was addressed to you. And if it wasn't for the dog of customs, I would have opened it myself
10:41Heaven Barrett
10:43Katie's ex Barrett her husband Katie was divorcing him and he thought I talked her into it
10:50Not that she needed convincing
10:52His drinking was more important to him than his wife. Okay, we'll have a word with him
10:58In the meantime in the interest of your safety, we'd like you to stay here until we have mr. Barrett in custody
11:04You think that is necessary?
11:06You can't be too safe
11:23Evan Barrett
11:26Detective Hudson St. John's Police Department. This is my partner Rex
11:31How can I help you well, we have a report of a missing vehicle belonging to your wife Katie
11:36I was wondering if you might be able to help us out
11:39Katie's guy or not. I've not seen
11:45When was the last time you saw Katie
11:48We're not together anymore. I say something to upset you. Look, I don't know about her car and I got nothing else to say to you
12:10Hey, you think you can meet me down at the docks and bring your kid, okay
12:17What's going on my partner just found blood in your truck
12:29You match the DNA from the hand as a sibling of Tony Lennon so I can confirm that it belongs to Katie and
12:34The blood Rex found in Evans truck is also a match to Katie any blood anywhere else in the vehicle
12:38No, not on his boat either. No, he had a few incidents of drunken disorderly on his record
12:43Seems like a guy with the temper. Well, you said it earlier
12:46It's possible that he did it somewhere else and only moved the hand in his truck
12:50Actually that might account for the limited amount of blood her ex you'd have the key code
12:55Supplier for honest to God, he'd know the shipping routine. Let's see what he has to say for himself, huh?
13:04What the hell is going on
13:06What does blood in my truck have to do with Katie's stolen car? I didn't steal her damn car
13:11We didn't even argue over it in the divorce what did you argue over?
13:16I didn't carry anything out of our house that I didn't bring into it. Okay, but you didn't want the divorce
13:21Who wants to get divorced? Would you?
13:24No, and I think it would make me mad
13:27Mad at Katie mad at her sister to maybe her sister. Yeah, didn't she encourage Katie to kick you out?
13:34What does Tony got to do with any of this well, you're mad about the divorce what did you do about nothing
13:41How am I gonna blame Katie she gave me plenty of chances it's my own fault I couldn't
13:47Get my act together how Katie's blood get in your truck. What is Katie telling you?
13:55It's from months ago
13:58We went on a hike she fell she cut herself and I carried her back to the truck
14:06What's this about
14:09Katie's car is missing and we haven't been able to reach her
14:17Well, she's on that retreat in Costa Rica we have reason to believe that's not the case
14:26What reason
14:29Is your ex-wife been having problems with anyone anyone who might want to harm her
14:37Detective please just tell me what's happened
14:47He said he thought she was on her vacation and I believe him, okay, where does that leave us?
14:51Well, I haven't said that Katie had been receiving threatening calls from an unknown number racial slurs warnings to leave town
14:57Scared her enough that she let him sleep on her couch one night. You know, you have any idea what it was about?
15:01No, neither of them knew she wasn't dating. Anybody knew no arguments with anyone
15:05There had been a couple incidents of vandalism at the shop guys. Yeah here. Yeah, I
15:11Got something right here. Last thing from Katie's cell was at the airport and take a look at this
15:16Southpark lot. That's Katie's car
15:22But that's not Katie or Evan good job Jesse Katie's body may be in her car Rex
15:34Mr. Barrett, we appreciate your cooperation and you'll call me when you hear anything now
15:40Tony's here
15:42Look, I don't think this is a good time
15:44Tony I
15:47Don't even know what to say you're releasing him. I had nothing to do with this. You gotta believe me
15:52I don't know what to believe Evan. Look. Mr. Barrett is not a suspect at this time at this time
15:59I told you how we treated our no, no Katie and I we were
16:03Working through things to be civil, you know
16:08Maybe one day even friends
16:12Mean your main fish supply. I mean would she have kept me on if things were that bad?
16:16Sure, I knew a dick on chat
16:18She didn't tell me that she thought that you would judge her
16:23Think that she was a pushover. I
16:25Only wanted what was best for her
16:30I know but I would never lay a hand on her much less
16:39Sorry for your loss Tony
16:46Mr. Barrett gave us some really good information. Your sister was receiving threats. She never told me about any threats
17:05Nothing in Katie's car except for her luggage, but Rex didn't find this
17:09Okay, I'm just on the line with a Katie service provider with the dates and times of the calls
17:13We should be able to track the blocked ID. So you were saying that the phone calls started about a month ago
17:17Yeah, it started once in a while, but then she's been getting them a few times a week. Hey. Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here. Oh
17:22Great. You're a rock star Lou. Thank you
17:25Okay, looks like the blocked ID belongs to someone named Archibald Parsons
17:29Sorry, Archie Parsons. Why do I know that name? Well, he donates to the police Memorial Fund every year
17:34What's his connection to Katie? Well, his family's in Saltfish has been for generations
17:39The Parsons plant employs over a hundred people. You think he has a problem with honest to Cod?
17:44I'll call him in I'll sit in with you Charlie, but we have to tread lightly on this one friends in high places and such
18:03You go, but that's weird
18:10You going buddy
18:33And what can I do for you, okay
18:42Haha, I got you. Uh, I'm not supposed to be feeding him
18:52Is that gourmet jerky? Am I in trouble? Well, yeah, you're gonna spend half your paycheck if you keep feeding him that well
18:59I I thought if I want to make friends with the team that I should start with Rex
19:02Yeah, you're not wrong. And look it is okay to feed Rex even if Rex doesn't go for my treats anymore
19:09Did did you follow him here?
19:13I'm Jesse
19:17Okay, okay
19:19There you go. Call me Archie. I'm very happy to be of help. Great. You made several phone calls to Katie Barrett
19:26What was the subject of those phone calls?
19:28Miss Barrett's a colleague colleague. Yeah, we're competitor
19:34Detective competitor. I mean a bear doesn't look at a toy poodle as competition
19:40And a bear doesn't make phone calls in the middle of the night
19:43Miss Barrett and I talked about business. I'm happy to mentor young entrepreneurs
19:48Hmm. Well, all the phone calls were from your phone to hers and her husband said that she mentioned she was being threatened. I
19:56Can't explain what she told her husband. Maybe you should ask her yourself. Well, we can't ask her ourselves because she's been murdered
20:05That's awful, where were you three nights ago
20:08Superintendent you said this was gonna be a friendly chat, but this is just merely a formality Archie
20:13We just need to eliminate you from all the inquiries. That's all. Well
20:17Three nights ago. I was at my cottage with the wife. Feel free to ask her
20:22I'm truly sorry about miss Barrett, but anything else I have to say on this matter. I will say to the chief
20:32Tread lightly I said
20:35Joe we have him dead to rights on the calls. There's no way to know what was said though, Charlie
20:39All we have is the word of the ex-husband. Well, you think they were sharing saltfish recipes Archie Parsons runs a huge operation
20:46I just I can't see a motive here
20:51Batman killed my sister
21:07What exactly did he say he offered his condolences and then he said to call him if I need help closing down our shop
21:13He offered you his help. Hmm
21:16Yes, then he shook my hand and he said I had elegant fingers you see
21:22He was talking about Katie's on the message if you could see the look in his eyes when he said it that was a threat
21:32Do you know why Archie Parsons would have a problem with Katie?
21:35We just secured a big hotel contract in Jamaica Parsons used to supply the chain. Okay
21:41We'll have a look into that. Well, you don't believe me. No. No, no, that's not what we said
21:46It's just that a handshake's not enough. We need evidence that takes time. No, you know what I done
21:58Miss London
22:00Listen Joe, you may be a good guy
22:03But may come from a place where Richmond like Archie Parsons can slip a cop a C note and he get off scot-free
22:08Charlie Hudson is not like that. We'd all do respect. You can't find corruption panini force
22:14All I can say is that if it were my sister
22:17Charlie's the first person I want on the case
22:19You really think he will do all that is necessary to bring Katie justice
22:23If anyone's gonna get to the bottom of this it is my team
22:26You have my word
22:29Allison you have had a long and difficult day. I have an officer here who's standing by to take you to your hotel
22:37I'm counting on you superintendent
22:40That's why I'm here
22:42Go on get some rest
22:53Okay, thanks for your time
22:56General manager of the Oceanshine hotel chain did confirm that she recently awarded her fish contract to honest to God
23:02What did she say how Parsons took it? I said he was professional
23:06Well, what do you think? Do you think Tony was right and he's involved somehow? I don't know something doesn't feel right
23:11I wish we had confirmation of the harassment and Katie's emails
23:15Well, I searched every possible keyword in your basic harassers dictionary a couple new ones to
23:21Nothing popped up. Well, I did find a thread between her and her accountant
23:27It starts out generic enough, but gets heated Tony mentioned hiring a new accountant. Ah here. Yeah, look
23:34Katie fired this guy last week
23:37She asked him to return all their books before her trip. What's his name?
23:40Craig Fields
23:42Okay, guys. Look at this
23:45Location tracking from Katie's cell between honest to God in the airport. She made a 25-minute stop at an address belonging to
23:51Craig Fields
23:53I said it first
23:59Hey, you okay
24:05Some of my victims personal items are missing like the ring from the hand and now a watch from another body. Oh
24:14Well, I mean there's got to be a logical explanation. I've looked everywhere
24:19Has anything like this ever happened here before? I don't think so
24:25What if somebody thinks that I stole them, oh nobody's gonna think that well, I'm new here that's what I would think
24:32Yeah, maybe you just need a second set of eyes. Yeah
24:39So you were here alone for the whole night three nights ago you say mm-hmm
24:45Yeah, yeah all alone. Just me and my shows in my bag of popcorn
24:52How long did you work for Katie Barrett? Oh
24:56We think now a
24:58year year and a half maybe
25:01Lovely woman great. We worked great together. You know what?
25:06I've balanced the books for a lot of little businesses over the years. Some people think it's all numbers
25:12It really brightens up the work when it's for someone is passionate about her products Katie a
25:18Great business sense to you. Look it made my job a heck of a lot easier. Let me tell you
25:24Any idea why she fired you last week?
25:29Where's your dog going I'm not picking up after me can't just go out there, you know, he's just doing his job
25:35Why did Katie Barrett fire you last week?
25:38I wouldn't say that you fired me. It was more of a misunderstanding
25:42About the numbers, you know how bad women are with numbers
25:45Not in my experience, right? Right. Just kidding. Not funny
25:54But it was a misunderstanding we were gonna talk about it after she got back
25:59We're going to what is it? Is there a reason why you can't talk to her when she gets back? Well if she
26:06And I look anyway honest to cod is just one contract I've got loads of other clients
26:13No hard feelings, you know
26:23What's what's your dog's name Rex Rex Rex
26:44What is it
26:52Hey, you need a forensic team down here immediately
27:01Saw partner
27:04And you're sure you removed all the items definitely Sarah even commented on caddy's ring
27:17And as for the watch
27:21Look see it's gone. Yeah, it is. Um, I think we should look somewhere else though. Oh
27:35Jesse I'm so sorry. I thought you were used to cadavers by now
27:39I usually deal with more of the computer-based side of the murders, right? Yeah, I
27:45Forget that not everybody's weird like me. Oh, no, I didn't say I wasn't weird
27:51Did you draw these yeah, these are these are really good. Thanks and
27:57Thanks for your help, too. By the way, I really don't think we're gonna find these personal effects
28:01I think someone must have stolen them. You know, I find it hard to believe that someone working here would steal something but
28:08You know just in case
28:12Let me see your earrings
28:17We're gonna keep the personal belongings
28:21Okay, what are you up to the old classic bait-and-wait
28:32Hey Sarah your team just finished sweeping Craig's place, you know, somebody wiped the floor with bleach but Rex's nose didn't betray him
28:40Yeah, I gotta go yeah
28:57Katie Barrett
29:03The victim's carotid artery was severed with a sharp blade possibly the same blade that severed her hand
29:08She would have died very quickly within minutes leaving behind a lot of blood. Yeah, it fits with what we found at Craig fields house
29:15I'd like you to release Katie's ring now that we've discovered her remains. I want her sister to have it
29:20Don't we need that for the trial? I'm gonna make an exception right? Of course. I'll bring that up to you as soon as I've cleaned
29:27up down here
29:28Thank you
29:36I'm being framed. I swear
29:39Anyone could have gotten into my yard put her there little would I know but we found blood in your house Craig
29:45Maybe they did it while I was out and cleaned up
29:49Location tracking on Katie's phone said she arrived at your house at 615. You said you were at your house all night
29:57Okay, okay, right yes, yes she did drop off some documents but then she left to go to the airport
30:04Well, this is you dropping her car off at the airport just before 7 what?
30:14We found Katie with her jacket over her face, you know what that tells us Craig
30:20It tells us that you had remorse for what you did
30:24I'm framed you're caught
30:27Blood in your house photo on CCTV. You even had the key code to get into the shop so you could plant the hand
30:34God the hand
30:38Yeah, why'd you do that Craig
30:48Okay, it looks like Boris isn't our thief that's a relief
30:52Well, I'm glad for Boris and his honest heart
30:57But he was my last hope
31:03Been a philanthropist all over this province. I don't know what it is about me. No one took me seriously
31:11Not until dr. Truong
31:14Yeah must be hard always being the new kid, huh? I want to work in one place a place where I
31:22Fit in I
31:24Mean if it's any consolation I didn't fit in here for like
31:28The first three years
31:32You know what? It's like then. Yeah, I do but you know what? I
31:37Mean, I found my footing and you will too
31:43Should we try again tomorrow? Sure good cuz my legs are falling asleep
31:56Found her and we have a culprit in custody
32:00It was Archie knows Craig fields the accountant and we have a really solid case against him
32:05You think he killed my sister over a couple of thousand dollars. Sorry. What are you talking about? Craig skimmed from our tax rebates?
32:12That's why Katie fired him. Why didn't you tell us this but it was only a couple of thousand
32:17She wasn't even sure she was going to report him
32:20Does that seem like a reason to kill
32:24Actually, it might why I mean
32:26Well, if he was reported that means they would have had to do an audit on all of his clients
32:31An HST is both a federal and provincial tax
32:33Which means that he would have been charged with the fraud in both governments lost his accounting license and face certain jail time
32:41That sounds like a damn good motive to me
32:46Craig Fields was eyeballs deep and stealing from honest to cod and a few other clients
32:50I'm checking for the rest Craig Fields prints are on Katie's coat and her car. Her blood was in his house
32:55Now her throat was cut with the same knife used to remove her hand
32:59So if we find that knife, yeah, but even without it, it seems like an open-and-shut case
33:02You know, I certainly have a lot of evidence against Craig sensing a butt
33:06But why sit in the hand Tony didn't rate him as a suspect what did he have against her?
33:10Well, what did he say when you asked him didn't have an answer? I mean, that's another thing about him, too
33:14He he's got a weak stomach. Well, you think you had an accomplice like he's protecting somebody
33:20Jesse do you have a list of Craig's clients? Yeah, sure thing. Well, he's gonna have to name names and then some
33:27This is not looking like we're gonna be able to get you off here Craig
33:30The only question now is what is the charge gonna be and how much time?
33:36How much do you think it will be first-degree murder
33:41Jury's not gonna like the dismemberment. I'm guessing life in prison. I was not built to
33:48be a murderer
33:50I'm not a murderer. I'm not a murderer
33:52I'm guessing life in prison. I was not built for jail detective
34:02Well, there is accessory after the fact
34:05Judge has a little leeway with that. They tend to use their discretion for people who cooperate accessory after the fact
34:10You you know what happened? Well, you know, I did notice that Archie Parsons is on your client list
34:14Did you skim from his taxes to never mind jail? I would have to have a death wish to talk about Archie. Yeah
34:21What was Archie's problem with Katie
34:24It was the hotel contract. That's what set him off
34:28And he had you set up a meeting. He told me that if I could convince her to sell honest a cod to him
34:35Then he would make me the CFO. I
34:38Thought that maybe everything would work out good for everyone Katie. Look there's no reason to talk about anybody firing anybody
34:45Okay, it was a mistake
34:56Had no idea what he was going to do
34:59And it was his idea to send the hand to Jamaica
35:02If I didn't he would turn me in for the tax fraud. Well, the evidence is at your house though. It's his word against yours
35:10No one is going to believe me
35:15I'm not sure that's true Craig
35:20You see I want to put the right person behind bars for Katie's murder and you're gonna help me
35:34Archie I'm freaking out. We've got to meet somewhere today
35:40No, no somewhere public
35:43pub on Adelaide Street
35:48Yeah, okay
35:50Elsa, okay
35:52Okay, Craig
35:55There we go. Now if you could just do me a favor and speak into the mic make sure this works today's the day
36:02I'm gonna die
36:05Excellent, he's all yours
36:07Okay, just breathe
36:09Okay, try not natural. You don't want to spook him. You just want to get him talking. I forget what I'm supposed to say. Hey
36:15How about that's your conscience? She's got the better of you. Okay
36:22Don't worry. Archie's not gonna do anything to you in a public place. He values this image too much
36:27You don't know Archie. You don't know what he's capable of
36:30Well, I suppose you do know that part Craig duck. You're gonna be fine
36:35Okay, and just remember you've got our secret weapon by your side
36:46Testing testing
36:49Jane I'll take a pint
36:55Who's your friend a
37:00New guard dog
37:02So, what are you afraid of little Craig you have proven to be a bit of a wild card, thank you so much
37:10What's the emergency? I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't drink. Can you?
37:17So good
37:20What seems to be bothering you the guilt it's eating me alive have you tried talking to a shrink
37:26What would I tell them that's entirely up to you?
37:30How about I tell them how long it took me to clean the blood off. Would that be a good start?
37:36Come here what come here
37:43Take me for a real fool, I can't go to jail for this Archie
37:47I told that Jamaican broad to go back where she came from
37:52She thinks she can come in here and do things better than we've been doing for generations. No
37:58You saw what I did to her
38:01You come here thinking you can outsmart me. They made me do it. Yeah, I
38:06Am sorry that you've gotten yourself into trouble Craig
38:12But I can't help you
38:17Hey Archie, huh
38:20Hudson hmm. Well, you got nothing on me
38:28No, I think we have enough you see you forgot one
38:36Come in here and do things better than we've been doing for generations. No, you saw what I did to her
38:45This is when you turn around come on
39:09Let's try this again, shall we
39:12Archie Parsons
39:14You're under arrest for the murder of Katie Barrett
39:17Come on
39:20Fun to switch it up every now and again, huh pal
39:35Was hoping that shift change would prove more fruitful
39:39You know, I don't know karma, I mean I've worked with these guys for years they they're good people
39:47I'll tell superintendent Donovan that I lost the ring and I'll just hope that with
39:53His wealth of experience and wisdom that he'll recognize my clerk conscience. Do you hear that?
40:41You don't have to apologize I shouldn't have left it out where you could get it. It's just too tempting
40:46Well, you're not the first person to make that mistake, right buddy
40:52There you go
40:56Take a look. Oh
41:01Mike yeah
41:04Rex you are sneaky Rex. That's for sure
41:19See her smudged caught margarita inspired. You should pick some up. Yeah, I think Rex would like some too
41:29Whatever you like to try I insist take some home. Can we chat? Yeah
41:41It's very nice of you to to host us it's what we do back home
41:45Toast and eat to celebrate our loved ones. Well, our traditions aren't that different
41:52Fish and rum, it's perfect
41:57I'm sorry. I doubted you Charlie. My judgment was quoted. Yeah, no need to apologize and as for your judgment
42:04It was spot-on about Archie. We have a very strong case against him
42:08That brings you some comfort
42:11Let's eat while it's still warm. Oh
42:14We have here I can't selfish to make a national dish who and who mint pepper sauce proceed fashion
42:21That's it's really good
42:32Once Katie's body is released, I'll take her back to Jamaica
42:36But I'll be back
42:38Someone's going to have to carry on with the business
42:40It's what Katie would want, you know, I
42:43Agree and I for one would be a regular customer
42:48Thank you all for being here to celebrate my sister Katie
42:53to Katie
42:55To Katie Katie