The Rookie | Season 07 Episode 6 | The Gala
00:00Previously on the rookie, it's my sister Jenny. I'm so grateful. You're willing to help out with dad's house, you know, Keith Graham
00:04Yeah, sure. He revealed that he has recurring intimate dreams about
00:11I'm the man hunting your ex-husband. If you hear of Jason's whereabouts, let me know Jason is still in LA
00:19I left my jacket
00:28Cannot wait until the weekend
00:36That's not something you see every day it's illegal and romantic as all get out
00:41Son, I need you to stop what you're doing right now. Don't hassle me man. I gotta control the drip. Hey right now
00:50Come on
00:51Don't be like that. This is art and an expression of my deep inner body love. It's vandalism
00:57Come on, turn around hands behind your back
01:03Can you just hit pause until my girl passes she takes this world to work every morning
01:08See there. She is. Would you fill this for me with my phone? It's in my pocket for Instagram, please
01:33Propose it. Well, you never heard of a ring. I'll get you a ring next payday
01:38Okay, the next payday you can ask me again
01:40There's your answer. Let's go
01:42All right
01:44All right
01:45Don't marry you
01:48I love you, baby
01:50I'm the happiest man in the world
02:12Hey, I thought you're taking the deal I've been hurt enough in life to know that sometimes
02:16Walking it off really is the best advice you didn't pull a hamstring you got hit by a car which later crashed with you in it
02:24Who's the EMT here, I'll be fine
02:32Don't forget to bring your suit to the station
02:35My what your blue suit for the charity gala. I'm meeting you there after work. Remember right?
02:40Should we do presents now or later at the hotel?
02:46It's Valentine's Day. Our first one together as a married couple, of course. No after I still have to wrap mine. Okay
02:53Well, I gotta go. I love you
02:59Happy Valentine's Day not sure why you and I should care since we're both single because it's the perfect day to turn the page
03:08I'm ready to get out there and start dating again, and I need your help
03:14So these big goods come with strings attached. I like to think you'd help your baby sister even without the sugar and carbolysis bribe
03:23Okay that charity gala tonight I want to be your plus one no, you don't but it's being organized by my boss's wife
03:29It's a work. Yes, but for me your work event means a bevy of cute single cops in attendance
03:36Come on be my wingman
03:42Yeah, okay, I'll be home in bed and asleep by 11 no problem party animal
03:51Valentine's Day for most of the world
03:53It means chocolate and greeting cards for us it equals an uptick in
03:59Shoplifting DUIs and domestic violence, which brings me to an idea. The captain has proposed
04:09Turn in your ex day. Yes
04:12It's where our fine citizens are encouraged to snitch on the one that broke their heart
04:19For cash reward waste our time running down false leads brought to us by a vengeful dumpees. That's correct
04:25And because officer Chin's rookie is out sick and yours has legal training
04:32You two will take point. Yes, sir. Happy to do it good. It's nice to see someone with a positive attitude
04:40Hi, I just want to thank everyone for supporting tonight's children of the fallen charity gala as a reminder
04:46The hotel that is hosting us is offering a deep discount on rooms if you want to turn this evening into a staycation
04:58Hashtag grumpy cap says what I never gonna live this down. Am I not if I can help it?
05:03Did you book a room for tonight at the hotel? Yeah, I got one
05:08All screwed away
05:10You don't seem too excited. No, I am. We got a view of the city. Okay, so does your house?
05:16Thank you for helping us get set up. Of course, ma'am
05:22Okay, oh, yeah, I just uh
05:25Got a little tweak in my back must have slept wrong bad enough
05:29You're sleeping in your car now your girlfriend crammed in there, too
05:31Actually, miss Luna was kind enough to get us that special hotel rate for a full week
05:36But I've been sleeping in my car for so long my back doesn't remember what a bed feels like
05:40Are you are you are you looking for an apartment? That's number one on Camilla's agenda
05:45show is
05:47Here are those search warrants receipts
05:51Appreciate it anytime. Oh
05:53and I
05:55Struck out a night plus one for tonight. So I got an extra ticket if either of you wants it. I am covered
06:01Thanks, James and I are doing a proper date night tonight. We got a sitter and booked a room girl
06:05Same, but I'll take it off your hands. Cool. Thanks
06:11See you later
06:15Watch me get into trouble
06:23Hey, babe, what's up, you know how you hate it when I
06:27Play matchmaker for our friends. Well only because something inevitably goes sideways and then we get blamed for it and they're not our friends anymore
06:34Well, I'm thinking of fixing up Keith Graham
06:44Okay, what's what's the plan well I invite Gretchen to the gala tonight she's newly single I
06:50Introduced them and see if they hit it off
06:53Terrible idea. Are you kidding? It's a great idea. I'm all for it. You are 100% Just let me know if I can help in any way
07:01Okay. Bye. Bye
07:05Okay, I show you don't know he's all in which is really not like him maybe he was touched by the spirit of st.
07:14Everything was perfect. But then he started to change he cut his hair lost weight started acting secretive. He stopped sharing his phone location
07:22Yeah, look, there's nothing illegal about that. I found woman's jewelry in his desk drawer. I think it was a trophy
07:27So you think that your ex-boyfriend is a is a serial killer
07:32100% and you really can't think of another reason he might hide things from you
07:36All I know is after he left they found those bodies in the Sepulveda Basin. I think he's that killer you're looking for
07:42Okay, ma'am based off of the evidence that you've described here
07:47I think it's more likely that your ex-boyfriend was cheating on you. What?
07:59Know your ex-boyfriend's not a serial killer. He's a gaslighter. You're better off about
08:07Take care
08:10Was that so hard pure agony
08:21I hear we're getting rain next week, but I guess we need the water
08:26I live on a hillside all rain means to me is flooding
08:31Remember Scott Wiccan
08:33No, his dog found that that leg and helped us off the no-holdo case. Yes. Yeah, you went on a date with
08:41I thought things were going well, but he goes at me. Oh, is that him texting you right now? Yeah, he's checking in
08:48But that's kind of weird right why chicken on Valentine's Day?
08:51Because that is as the kids like to say a low-key booty call should I text him back? I'll be real casual
09:00I'm good
09:04You oh
09:05He's already typing again
09:077 Adam 15 for 15 fight in progress hotel a CERN room 702 control shows responding code 3
09:14Still typing Boris. Yes head in the game sir. Yes, sir
09:36Came in and got physical with Sally. I'm just doing my job and you are her pimp. No, dude security
09:42I'm an independent contractor and this gentleman booked an hour of my time and conversation conversation point being
09:50Nothing illegal happened here and he can have his money back if he just goes quietly
09:55So I'm gonna put a sequel is a problem. Oh, yeah, so I don't know Tommy, huh?
09:58He can assume he's got a Claudia Nandez
10:01Be no surprise. It's a school. Yes. Yes, sir. Yes, I'm gonna go now. Yeah, I think it'd be no Carla
10:08He says his daughter's missing
10:11Wait, this is about Claudia. Hey, you know her. I mean, I hired her once to do makeup for a modeling job
10:19Yeah, but that was two months ago. I haven't seen her since do you know anyone who might know?
10:25I'm sorry. I
10:27It was a one-time thing. This is gonna lay stuff. Oh, how was
10:31Tiene que contraria. Temo que algo le haya pasado a mi hija
10:37Help me
10:43And when I told her the chili tasted funny
10:45She said it must be the cilantro, but I don't think it was the cilantro because I've had cilantro and this tasted like soap
10:50But you know for some people cilantro does taste like soap. Maybe you've actually never tried it. No, just test the stuff
10:57I swear she tried to poison me. That's a chili. No, that's what I threw up afterward
11:03We're done here
11:11Mean thank you for coming by
11:13You know, you guys are super cute together. Please. Tell me you're dating someone deserves to be happy on Valentine's Day
11:20No, sir. We're just co-workers. Oh
11:23If you want to go out with me
11:26You are literally holding a jar of your own vomit. I will pass. Thank you
11:31You got the word for Claudia Hernandez's phone
11:34And it answers a few questions while begging a whole lot more most of her texts were deleted those will take a minute to recover
11:39But we do have location info in the month before she disappeared
11:43She spent a lot of time at an apartment in Century City. Most importantly the day she disappeared
11:49She arrived at that building at 4 p.m. And was still there when her phone was dead at 2 in the morning
11:53No more GPS no more calls or texts any idea what apartment she was in
11:57No, and there's a couple hundred units if I were you I'd start showing a picture around
12:05She looks familiar what apartment was she visiting? I can't tell you that. I'm sorry
12:10It's that they make us sign all kinds of forms when we start here NDA is all right
12:13Look, this girl has been reported missing and we believe she's in danger
12:17You could be arrested for delaying and obstructing a police officer
12:28Thank you
12:42Are you gentlemen licensed to carry here in Los Angeles? Yes, we are security security for who?
12:49Anton Petrovich he lives in the penthouse
12:52Why all these questions?
12:54You're right
12:55I'll save my questions for mr. Petrovich in the meantime. I'm gonna have to secure your weapons temporarily
13:03You will like the alternative
13:26Oh, this is about mr. Petrovich, I'm officer Nolan. This is officer warriors. We're looking for this woman
13:35I've never seen her before noted. Now, please step aside. We're gonna search the premises. This is America
13:40You need a warrant for that not when I have reasonable suspicion that this woman's being trafficked and that she's been to this apartment
13:45In America, we call that exigent circumstances
13:49if you please
14:07Clear the couch
14:23Have a seat gentlemen
14:32Anyone else in the apartment No
14:41So you see this girl you're looking for
14:43So you see this girl you're looking for she's not here
15:14This is my daughter Mila
15:16She was in town for a visit, but she flew home yesterday
15:19The room's a mess like she left in a hurry. No, she's simply a slob and the maid hasn't been yet
15:26Well, I'm gonna need Mila's phone number. It's possible. She knows the girl we're looking for. She doesn't and I won't have you harassing her
15:34If you need anything else, you can reach out to my lawyer. I
15:39But if you really have nothing to hide
15:43Should have your daughter call me
15:46Anton Petrovich is a very dangerous man
15:48He was an enforcer in the GRU for a decade and he got rewarded with oil leases that earned him tens of millions
15:55What about his daughter?
15:57Mila's a rich kid cliche at least on social media private jets and designer everything
16:02I mean, she looks like a woman who would hire a glam squad
16:06You know, maybe Claudia was doing her makeup and saw some kind of criminal activity inside the apartment and Petrovich caught her and made
16:14her disappear
16:16Should I call Sebastian I promise I'd keep him posted
16:19Everything we've learned would only worry him more better to wait till we have a more positive development or a much worse one
16:29I say we call it. It's been 15 minutes. Let's come by
16:36Hi, hi, I'm Brooke Saunders, I'm here to turn in my ex Matt Wallace
16:40He's a loser at love, but he's a top-notch fence do tell he is moving something really big today
16:46And I'm gonna help you guys catch him in the act. Are you sure you want to do this?
16:50Cuz you you can't unring this Bell. Yeah
16:52Look, it's over between us. He was such an ass to me this morning. He didn't get me a Valentine's Day gift
16:59He got mad at me when I brought it up to him. You know, I don't care how stressed out you are
17:04You don't put your drama on someone you love
17:13Matt the fence should be here any time I take bets on what he's moving. I'm going jewelry. That's such a boring guess
17:19I heard of a case recently suspects got caught moving a hundred and twenty five
17:23Thousand dollars worth of stolen Legos people go crazy for those kids. That's your final answer Lego
17:31No, I mean obviously it's jewelry
17:37You go into that thing tonight
17:39Yeah, I'm Salina and I got a suite for Galentine's but she's bringing that guy Scott now
17:44So who knows what's gonna happen? Are you are you going? Yeah, I got tickets. I didn't get a room
17:49I mean, that's just an excuse to drink too much and make ass out of themselves for the bosses. All right
17:56So you're you're taking a date yeah, I'm going with blue van just pulled in a lot wait what
18:10Have it safe and sound in back you got the cash
18:16That's doing business with you
18:28You want to go easy on that boss
18:31That's not jewelry, it's a tiger what kind
18:42The guy wants a giant cat I get him a giant cat I don't ask questions. I'll just make dreams come true. Yeah
18:47You're a real saint
18:49The cat is going to a sanctuary and your client is going to jail. Sorry you let's go. Oh, hold up
18:55How'd you guys find out about the exchange?
18:58We can't tell you that I
19:01Was extra careful with this job. I even changed the drop-off location this morning. Only one other person knew
19:16We had a fight
19:20I said some stuff but
19:24Was gonna apologize
19:26I was even gonna buy her a big-ass Valentine's Day present with all this tiger money. I know she was done with me
19:33Look relationships are tough
19:37What am I gonna do without you know, if you have any evidence of criminality against her I can reduce your sentence
19:47Do but but what cherry three to the lions tiger, whatever you don't owe her anything
19:55Don't do it. You don't have to do this. Why not? She betrayed him. You should totally sell her out. Really? Yeah
20:04Or not, yeah be the bigger person show some kindness even though you could be leaving a criminal on the streets
20:14Love her too much to hurt her lock me up
20:22In the update on Claudia Hernandez
20:24Well, the judge won't give us a warrant for Anton Petrovich's phones without clear evidence that Claudia was at his penthouse
20:30But given the man's criminal activity, you know, the FBI keeps tabs on him 24 7
20:36So I reached out to special agent Garza. He agreed to put Claudia's name on the relevance document
20:42Keep me posted. Yes
20:44So cool. You guys can invite me
20:46We should check out the auction items though. I'm determined to leave here with some kind of spa vacation. Yeah, good idea
20:52Hey, you know what? Don't there's detective Grant. Let's go say hi first. Come on
20:57James tells me that you are a tutor. Yes, that's how we met
21:01I kept coming by the community center to pester him about an after-school study program. Anita has been an amazing help
21:08Is that so?
21:10Now I want to launch a summer reading group for the older kids, right? Because that's just what every kid wants in the summer
21:18James Nyla, this is my husband Teddy
21:21Nice to meet you. Hey, well, if I am gonna be spending the next three hours listening people talk about sad orphans
21:27I'm gonna need myself an adult beverage
21:31Gotcha here. What am I wingman responsibilities?
21:35Love you, but this is gonna go much better if I'm flying solo fine by me Jenny
21:42Amazing so do you
21:45Doesn't she she always does
21:49Hi, I'm Selena hi. Yeah, this is Scott. Hey, hi
21:55Well, I'm gonna go hit on some hot cops you interested oh no, thank you
21:59I have learned my lesson about not dating people at work. So okay, and that's my cue to go to the bar
22:04Yeah, we're gonna go check out the action items
22:08Yes, am I crazy or is there something going on between us? Oh, no, you're not crazy
22:15I'm surprised you text me this morning after you cursed at me last year. Yeah
22:22I'm an idiot. I
22:24fell hard for you and
22:26Scared me so I bailed
22:28You deserve better
22:32I would love the chance to try again. I
22:35Thought this was a booty call. Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm good with that, too
22:39So I signed that lease on this great place in the hills and then the landlord says oh by the way it comes with a cat
22:45Oh, no, I don't have to do anything with this. It just hangs in the yard cut to six months later
22:52Keith does this cat live with you soon as I let her inside. She's like oh, yeah, this is cool
22:57She hasn't left the house since
23:01People usually go for dogs
23:02But with this article that said men who prefer the feline personality tend to be loving and patient
23:07Well, that makes sense since cats are feisty and independent like us
23:13Wesley loves dogs. They're man's best friend. Look, I'm gonna get a drink. Anybody want anything? Yeah, I have another one. Thanks
23:20Thank you all for coming and for supporting this wonderful charity
23:24Please take a look at the auction items and bid generously every penny goes to a very worthy cause
23:35Please I'm gonna ask the kitchen to make up a plate for miles and his girlfriend to take back up to their room
23:40Please I'm gonna ask the kitchen to make up a plate for miles and his girlfriend to take back up to their room
23:49Because I look forward to being alone with you in the world
24:03Hey, sorry, I'm late
24:06Zipping up the stress was a little more challenging than I thought. Well, I told you you should take it easy today
24:10No, and you were right
24:14Now, what are we gonna do first drool over auction items? We can't afford or binge on mini crab cakes
24:20Whatever you want
24:22Is everything okay sure what I don't know you seem a little mad and you did this morning, too, I'm fine
24:31Well, we go get some air
24:35Okay, spill it
24:39There's nothing to say
24:42Now you don't want to have this conversation here, okay. Well now I'm really worried what's going on with you with me
24:51It's with you
24:55Where did you get this from your jacket at the hospital and you're communicating with a hitman
25:01How could you who's asking my husband or a cop?
25:11The man who terrorized me for years escaped from prison intending to murder me so I sent a reckless text
25:18How could you not understand what was going through my head?
25:21Reckless text that's criminal conspiracy Bailey. You could be arrested for that. Not when the evidence is in a thousand pieces
25:28How could you keep this from me?
25:31Though we agreed no more secrets because I was afraid that you would judge me
25:36But I was hoping that you would still have my back no matter what baby
25:41I'm going home alone
25:52I've had the kitchen box up a little bit of everything
25:57Camilla and I do appreciate it. How is the hunt for a place to live going?
26:01Not well, everything is so expensive and we've got no savings. I don't see I'm not sure what to do
26:07She sacrificed so much for me. I hate the idea of failing. Well, you're not failing her
26:12You are building a life together and that's hard. I don't care how much money you got in the bank
26:23Shouldn't say you can tell me
26:26It's just we got together when I was gonna be a millionaire running back
26:30Now she stayed with me when I put it all the way so
26:35I owe so much, but you're not in love with her anymore
26:41That's hard
26:43But if that's how you really feel then what you owe her is the truth
26:49Hey, honey, oh, thank goodness. I am starvin
26:57You know leaves on a job front
27:00Well, I think I can get a job at the local Sonic. Well being that the Sweetwater location will give me high marks, but
27:07the closest one is in
27:10Yeah, I think I can get a job at the local
27:12Being that the Sweetwater location will give me high marks, but the closest one is in
27:19Is that nearby? No, it is. How do y'all live without Sonic God?
27:31Nothing nothing I see
27:35It's something going on with the one I'm doing I don't know why she left without him. Thank you
27:48Don't do that
27:49Do what don't look at me like that. Well, you prefer a hashtag grumpy cop. Oh
27:55My god, you're really good at that years of experience
27:59Okay, this is the saddest Valentine's Day party ever. No eligible men. Oh, no a ton
28:05Except as soon as they find out I'm Tim Bradford's sister. They make an excuse in bail. I
28:09Think they're afraid of you
28:11So I called Rachel we're gonna get a drink do you wanna come? Oh, wow, my sister my two exes out of the town
28:16What could possibly go wrong? No, I should pass
28:18I have an early shift and Selena and I got a Galentine's suite. So I
28:22Think your Galentine's suite is about to become a hook-up suite pretty soon
28:29See you later, bye
28:33Well, I am headed out if anyone needs a room tonight they can have that one, okay, hold on is everything okay
28:48Well, you know what's this about
28:50He went to the station for an update and someone told him we were all at a party. Yeah, it's a pedida
28:55Pedida, it's all moon walkie the fiesta. Nadia's a molesta. I'm gonna be Claudia. Tell him Claudia is our priority
29:03But LAPD never closes. I am game or eat a mismo buscando Claudia
29:08Prometo que estamos in total a possible para encontrar la
29:14I'll take him back to his hotel. Okay. Well, I should go with you. No, no, no, you're my night's ruined already
29:19No sense in ruining yours. Tell him I'll give him a ride. Hey, no, I'll come by
29:31So, are we ready to call it how more than ready let's go up to our room and peel off these fancy clothes
29:37Yeah about that I gave Graham a room key
29:40Look, he and Gretchen were hitting it off. They wanted somewhere to hang out. So you gave them my hotel bed
29:45They're single people who live alone. They can go anywhere. You wanted them to hook up
29:49I was simply being a good partner in crime, but he has got you there
29:53Come on
30:01Finishing my drink Anita, I know but you said you know, is there a problem me?
30:06Ain't no problem
30:08Don't you mind your damn business? Oh, sir. You have had so much to drink. You're in a room full of cops
30:13Oh, so bring it down a notch. Why don't you bring it down?
30:28Call dispatch we're getting you not over here to take him in. Oh, wow
30:32They can sign them on the 647 F when he sobered up
30:36You better go straight home. I
30:45So sorry, he gets angry when he drinks. He doesn't mean it. Okay. Well, he just attacked a cop
30:51So he's gonna have to sleep it off in custody. You can pick him up in the morning. Yeah
30:57We will walk you up come on, thank you
31:01Are you all right? Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine. Hold on. You got a cut on the back of your neck
31:06I'll send a first-aid kit up to your room. What's the number?
31:09It's 503. I'll come up and help you. I'll manage it. No, it's on the back of your neck. You can't even see it
31:22Okay, take your shirt off so I can see if the glass cut you anywhere else
31:41You okay tough guy? Yeah, okay
31:45Yeah, what's the prognosis am I gonna live unfortunately, yes
31:53Thanks, you're welcome
32:00Wish it
32:56I'm away
32:59All right, of course you are up at five like a rooster I remember
33:08So you want to talk now or order coffee first
33:13Do we need to talk I mean this just feels like a classic case of Valentine's Day xx, right?
33:23Yeah, yeah
33:28Singular moment in time aided by alcohol and shirtless triage
33:33Right, yeah, and now it's in our rear view and we can go back to normal
33:45Okay, well I'm gonna finish getting ready in my own room hopefully Scott has already cleared out so
34:02See you at the station
34:07See you at the station
34:27That guest room is Arctic why is no one told me
34:35Really we really need to talk I have nothing to add to what I said last night when you're ready to apologize
34:41I'll listen
34:42The fact that you are mad at me kind of blows my mind the fact that you are judging me instead of empathizing is blowing
34:50Tech found Claudius deleted text last night and the ones with Anton Petrovich's daughter are very enlightening gotta go
34:58I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something? Yeah
35:05Mila is basically a bird in a gilded cage. She has no license no friends or any freedom at all
35:11She tried to run away back in 2020
35:13But when her father caught her he had her committed to a Russian insane asylum for 10 months
35:17So Claudia saw how she was being treated and tried to help her. It's more than that. They're in love
35:23Yeah, Claudia deleted her text and turn off her phone because she and Mila were gonna run away
35:27But they were terrified Mila's father would come after them. So it's possible Claudia still alive
35:33John Nolan officer Nolan, it's Brad the doorman from yesterday. Mr. Petrovich's guys just brought in his daughter and the girl you were looking for
35:39They were all beat up
35:47Seven out of 100 I need a RA for a male victim with a head injury. What happened?
35:51This guy came in yelling at me in Spanish about Claudia
35:54He moved the crowbar when I told my cousin let him upstairs
35:57Claudia's father how long ago?
36:37Seven out of 100 shots fired two down code force an additional RS. Is it gonna be?
36:42All right. Yeah, it looks like a clean shot through and through ambulances on the way
36:48So keep us a condom dentists and I'm super at all
36:51Anything I could put the head on me. He's not gonna get in trouble for this easy. No, no, given the circumstances. No
37:00Asked Mila
37:05Married it's like a happy ending like a storybook. Yeah, but storybooks. There's a lot less blood
37:17Things don't squirt away at the hospital. Yep, Sebastian surgery went well. Claudia's barely left his side
37:22She feels guilty for texting him and asking for help, but he should be discharged in a day or so
37:28How did the debrief go with Mila? Well the feds swooped in she told them where the figurative bodies were buried and a few
37:36Literal wounds by the time she was done Garza could not quit smiling. He promised her. She'd never have to worry about her father again
37:44Do you need to get that?
37:46No, it's it's God I told him I'm working but he won't quit texting me. Oh, so you're a simple booty call has turned complicated
37:54I might have to ghost a guy
37:57Speaking of ghosts, how are things with my wife? No
38:00The answer is I have no idea
38:03You ready to go almost
38:07So Graham and Gretchen really hit it off she's posted like nine pictures with him from last night
38:14Why do you care so much, you know, I don't
38:19He's figured it out
38:21We've figured what out
38:24That Graham has a crush on me wait what
38:28if you knew
38:30Why didn't you shut him down because he does her scut work. He's eager to please. So yes, sometimes I use it to my advantage
38:37This morning he organized my search warrant receipts. I wish I had a work husband
38:41Well now he's with Gretchen and I've lost my helper so I can't go home until I've updated my own case status reports
38:47Well, I'm going with
38:49worth it
39:01Hey, no, we don't have to check out to the morning. Yeah, I know but
39:10Leaving tonight
39:14What come on miles
39:16Not stupid. I've never seen you as serious about anything as you are about this job except you including me being a cop
39:26Being out here in LA
39:28It's your dream not mine
39:31And I could tell from the second that I saw you at the station. I didn't fit in
39:37You're right
39:42Football came so easy. I took it for granted. I threw it all away cuz I didn't respect it
39:49But this I didn't realize how important this job was until I started it
39:55Until I started working with people who cared about in such a way I didn't care about nothing before in my life
40:02I just hate that I'm breaking hard after you sacrificed so much for me
40:06It wasn't a sacrifice
40:11But over the last six months while you've been here
40:14I've been thinking a lot and I don't want to leave, Texas
40:18Leave my friends and my family for your dream. I
40:22Deserve my own
40:28You do
40:32I do love you come over
40:37I love you, too
41:03I'm not sorry about last night
41:06But it can never happen again. I know a million reasons. I mean a chain of command for one exactly plus
41:15Hashtag grumpy cop
41:18Yeah, I'm too
41:22Wasn't grumpy last night
41:26No, you definitely were not
41:58Hey, I'm gonna stay at the firehouse tonight, but maybe longer I don't know
42:04For you not to understand why and to judge me like that, I just I don't know how we fix this
42:13Please fix this