• 8 hours ago
Hudson And Rex S05 E12


00:00The following program is rated PG and contains mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:26Joe! Thank God!
00:30Mary, what were you thinking?
00:32That the public should be made aware that that rapist is wandering free in St. John's.
00:37Blake Harrison has not been convicted of any crime.
00:39He's guilty, Joe. I know it.
00:42You were harassing his patients.
00:44No, I was warning potential victims.
00:46You vandalized his clinic.
00:48His clinic? He calls himself a physiotherapist. He's more like a physioabuser.
00:52Stop. How do you know that?
00:55Because I believe his accusers.
00:57I sympathize with you, Mary. I do.
00:59But belief is not proof.
01:06What are you hoping to achieve here?
01:08I want him to suffer the same way he made those women suffer.
01:15Mary, I know this last year has been hell.
01:17But the death of your daughter...
01:19My daughter didn't just die, Joe.
01:22She was murdered.
01:23And women are being abused and beaten and killed by men who go unpunished.
01:27And something has to be done.
01:32I'm worried about you.
01:34I appreciate that, Joe. But I am fine.
01:52I'm sorry.
02:07You know, Mary...
02:10Grief is a journey.
02:14And I know you're slowly navigating your way through it.
02:18But you gotta believe me when I tell you...
02:21that throwing your life away in order to ruin someone else's...
02:26is not gonna fix what happened to your daughter.
02:38Yeah, you're right.
02:41Harassing Blake Harrison...
02:43isn't gonna change anything.
02:48So do you promise to stop?
03:01Let's get you out of here.
03:05Come on.
03:17Mr. Harrison?
03:21Mr. Harrison?
03:24Mr. Harrison?
03:28Oh, God!
03:48We really have to stop meeting like this.
03:52Blake Harrison is dead.
03:55Guess I won't be harassing him anymore now.
03:58This isn't a joke, Mary.
04:00I'm not gonna pretend the world isn't a better place without him in it.
04:04Are you saying that you're glad that he's dead?
04:06I'm not sorry. But I didn't kill Blake Harrison.
04:10I'm gonna need you to account for your whereabouts last night...
04:14after you're released from here.
04:19You'll have to talk to my lawyer.
04:22I'm not saying another word.
04:31The victim is Blake Harrison.
04:33The guy who does the rounds on morning TV?
04:35A very good guy.
04:37The guy who does the rounds on morning TV?
04:39A very sane, called himself the physio dude.
04:42Right. What was his story again?
04:44He started working with elite athletes, then pivoted?
04:47Into doing pro bono work for people with disabilities.
04:50Leaned heavily into his good-guy image
04:52when he was put on trial for sexual assault in Corner Brook a few years ago.
04:55That worked if I remember it correctly. He wasn't convicted.
04:58Case of he said, she said.
05:00According to the judge who tried the case.
05:03Right. What's the body telling us?
05:06Not much. No external signs of trauma.
05:09I mean, judging by rigor mortis,
05:11I'd say he died in this position peacefully in his sleep.
05:13And judging by the lipstick on his forehead,
05:15I'm guessing he wasn't alone last night.
05:17I'd agree. But I can't find any evidence as to who he was with.
05:36What do you got, pal?
05:40Take a look at this.
05:42Look at that.
05:44How much damage can have happened by accident?
05:47Yeah. Grudge against a camera.
05:55Track it, pal.
05:57What do you got, pal?
05:59What do you got?
06:01What do you got?
06:03Hmm. Track it, pal.
06:16Looks like there's nothing but just papers in there, pal.
06:26Look at that.
06:30I don't even want to know.
06:33Let's see.
06:37Photos of a lot of different women.
06:41Too bad the prosecutors in Cornerbrook didn't have that.
06:45It gets worse.
06:49Looks like Rex hasn't finished his investigation.
06:52I'm afraid to know what else Harrison has hidden around here.
07:03Looks like somebody was trying to break in.
07:06Aldus for Prince.
07:11This is interesting.
07:13What's that?
07:15Those three circles next to the prints.
07:17The complainant against Harrison was one of his clients.
07:20His physio clients.
07:22You think that's an orthopedic cane?
07:27I don't know.
07:29You think that's an orthopedic cane?
07:34Good find, partner.
07:45Have you finished your preliminary assessment?
07:49Nothing unusual beyond the lip print.
07:52He was in good health according to his medical records.
07:55No prescriptions?
07:56No. Why?
07:58A toxicology report showed he had...
08:02enough oxycontin in his system to kill an elephant.
08:05So he didn't die of natural causes.
08:08Accidental overdose?
08:10Well, this lipstick print tells us he wasn't alone.
08:13It's pretty hard to catch you on the forehead.
08:15Exactly. And if it was an accident,
08:17then whoever left the print would have called it in.
08:20So this is likely a homicide.
08:24I remember the Blake Harrison case.
08:27If the charges against him were true,
08:29then the woman that went to court probably wasn't the only one.
08:33He could have had a lot of enemies.
08:35How to narrow down that list?
08:37Well, lip prints are like fingerprints.
08:40No two are exactly alike.
08:43That'll help.
08:45I'll get you a copy of the print and a sample of the lipstick right away.
08:51Here. Harrison gave this statement after he was acquitted last year.
08:55I'm a guy who loves women. Women love me, okay?
08:58I don't need to throw myself at them.
09:00Oh, and by the way, now that this matter's all settled up,
09:03I'll be in time for ladies' night at Cool Cat's.
09:05Just saying. You should come too, sweetheart.
09:09Yeah, a good judge of character is always Pell.
09:12Yeah, social media's blowing up.
09:14I mean, sentiment's divided about the victim,
09:16and there's all these rumors of the lipstick killer.
09:19I had a feeling the housekeeper wasn't gonna keep quiet.
09:21Yeah, there's no way that cat's climbing back in the bag.
09:24We just need to push forward.
09:26Jesse, where we at with the investigation?
09:28Well, I got off the phone with some of his colleagues at the physio practice.
09:31I mean, there's no indication that he was an opiate user.
09:33Well, he was accused of dosing his victim with opiates before he assaulted her.
09:37I don't like this guy, but...
09:39I don't know. I guess I'll do my job as if it were any other victim, right?
09:43I'll look into the accuser.
09:45Look, I-I don't have to tell you guys
09:47that none of these accusations were proven in a court of law.
09:50I'm just saying that it's left some people outraged.
09:53There could also be other victims that we don't know about.
09:55Which is why we need to find out where he was last night.
09:57No one's come forward yet, but the lipstick print?
10:00Definitely a message.
10:01I've analyzed the pigment. It's Rogue Red by Lady Beaumont.
10:04It's a pretty common brand.
10:05It can be found at multiple locations in town and online.
10:08Okay, we need to find out who that belongs to.
10:10You brought Mary McGuire in.
10:11You think she has anything to do with this?
10:13Uh, Mary refuses to disclose her-her movements
10:16at the time of Blake Harrison's death.
10:19Grief can make you do unimaginable things.
10:23You know what, I'm gonna take another run at her,
10:24see if I can make some headway.
10:31See if you can identify any of the women in these photos.
10:39You okay?
10:40Ticked my stomach, actually.
10:42Charlie, is there any other way to find out who he was dating?
10:45Yeah, it just feels like such a violation of their privacy.
10:49Yeah, I don't like it either, but there's a killer out there.
10:53I don't know how we can avoid it.
10:54Jesse, do you know that he saw at least one patient outside of work?
10:58Do you have his client list?
10:59I'll cross-check it.
11:08Thanks, buddy.
11:10Good thing we've got our big, furry empathy bomb.
11:14Whoa, that was faster than I thought.
11:16Find something?
11:17One of the women in the photo is Wendy Clark.
11:20She was Harrison's patient.
11:29Um, Ms. Clark, are you sure I can't take you somewhere more private?
11:33I don't have a lot of time. This is fine.
11:36All right, um, in the course of a homicide investigation,
11:40my colleagues and I...
11:41Blake is dead, I know.
11:42Could you cut to the chase already?
11:44We found photographs of you in Blake Harrison's home.
11:49Intimate photographs.
11:51Yeah, me and the physio dude hooked up.
11:53It's not illegal. Last time I checked.
11:56And you're aware of the allegations against Mr. Harrison?
11:59He did nothing to me.
12:00We had a fling, it was consensual, and it's none of your damn business.
12:04And I want my pictures back.
12:06Well, they are evidence in a murder investigation.
12:09I can get them back to you once they're released.
12:11Blake Harrison had my permission to take those things.
12:13The police do not have my permission to keep them.
12:16Yeah, I understand your distress.
12:18Oh, you are the source of my distress.
12:25What happened with Blake and myself behind closed doors is our business, not yours.
12:35My client wishes to inform you that she was attending her weekly mixed martial arts seminar
12:40the night of Blake Harrison's murder.
12:42Here is a printout of the class list for that night.
12:45You'll note her name right here.
12:47And this is a dated photograph of my client dominating her opponent with a guillotine choke.
13:00That's good form.
13:04Mary, why didn't you just tell me that you had an alibi for that night?
13:07My client wishes to remain silent.
13:09You know I would have been relieved to eliminate you from suspicion.
13:14But this is how it's going to be now.
13:16We're not even speaking to each other.
13:18My client has made her wishes very clear, Superintendent Donovan.
13:24You know your lawyer's reputation, right?
13:26She's tough.
13:28She also plays fast and loose with the rule of law.
13:31Do you really want to trust her more than you trust me?
13:34Okay, we're done here. Let's go, Mary.
13:36I do have one thing to say.
13:38I'm all ears.
13:40You're investigating Blake Harrison's death with a lot more rigor than you did the assaults he committed.
13:45The incident...
13:47The alleged incident took place on Corner Brook, Mary.
13:51That's outside my jurisdiction.
13:53Doesn't matter. Cops are the same everywhere you go.
13:56That's not true.
13:59We found the man who killed your daughter.
14:02And we put him in prison.
14:29Okay, well, could you have Miss Hines contact me as soon as possible?
14:36I don't think so. They had a relationship, but it was consensual.
14:39Even the photos?
14:41Guys, I might have something.
14:48I found a longer clip from just outside the police station.
14:54I wonder how many of those women Blake Harrison assaulted.
14:57I wonder if his killer's among them.
14:59Wait, Jessie. Freeze right there.
15:03You remember those marks that we found in front of Harrison's window next to the footprints looked like a cane?
15:08That woman has a cane.
15:10Jessie, can you ID her?
15:12Maybe she's a client. Maybe she's in the photos.
15:15Yeah, give me two seconds. I've put faces to the names on his client list.
15:21Yeah, there we go. That is one Astrid Hines.
15:24Blake Harrison's accuser. And her suit was unsuccessful.
15:27I've been trying to get in touch with her with no luck.
15:29Left two messages. Looks like we may have a suspect.
15:42We appreciate you coming in, Ms. Hines.
15:44And we both understand this must be very difficult for you.
15:50You were a patient of Blake Harrison's?
15:53In Corner Brook, yeah.
15:55That's where he assaulted me.
15:57And that's where the judge let him off scot-free.
16:01Did you have any contact with him since he moved back to St. John's?
16:05No, of course not.
16:09Will you excuse me for a moment?
16:28Do you recognize this camera?
16:35Well, Rex thinks that you should. And Rex is never wrong.
16:39Astrid, we found footprints outside of Blake Harrison's home that we believe to be yours.
16:43That's ridiculous.
16:45We also found impressions of Blake Harrison's car.
16:49And we believe that Blake Harrison's car was stolen.
16:52And we believe that Blake Harrison's car was stolen.
16:54That's ridiculous.
16:55We also found impressions of your cane.
17:04Okay, I was there.
17:06A week ago.
17:10It broke in.
17:14I was trying to find...
17:17I know this is difficult, but it is best if we know the truth.
17:30He took photos of me.
17:33He told me about it.
17:35After the trial, when I lost.
17:39That's how cruel he is.
17:46I wanted to destroy the photos.
17:48Wouldn't you?
17:52But I couldn't find them.
17:55I found his camera, though, and I smashed it.
17:58Because I wanted to send him a message.
18:03That's all I did.
18:12You're gonna want to see this.
18:15The lowlife list?
18:17Yeah. You might recognize the familiar face.
18:20Blake Harrison.
18:22What is this website, Jesse?
18:23Well, it calls itself a record of Newfoundland sexual predators.
18:25Who created it?
18:27A company called West Expert Design,
18:29but the domain is registered to Mary McGuire,
18:31and the site is administered by Astrid Hines.
18:34Astrid Hines?
18:36The same Astrid Hines who's...
18:37In the interrogation room, yeah.
18:44Well, if there are no more questions,
18:46then I will just...
18:48Astrid Hines.
18:50Uh, Astrid, this is Superintendent Donovan
18:52of the Major Crimes Unit.
18:54Please sit.
18:58I want to talk to you about your involvement
19:00with Mary McGuire.
19:04You run a website together.
19:06It's called the lowlife list.
19:11All right.
19:13We met at a support group for trauma survivors.
19:16We have interests in common.
19:18There's nothing wrong with that.
19:20Blake Harrison is listed
19:22as a predator on that website.
19:24Because he was.
19:26Look, I know that this looks bad.
19:28We exposed abusive men
19:30through public protests and online campaigns
19:32in order to warn other women.
19:34It doesn't make us killers.
19:36Who else is involved with this website?
19:39It's just Mary and me.
19:44She tried to lie about knowing Mary.
19:46She could be covering for somebody else.
19:48The question is who.
19:50Jesse mentioned a company that was doing web design
19:52for the lowlife list.
19:54A website like that is legally dicey territory.
19:56They'd want somebody who's sympathetic to the cause.
19:58Jesse probably has a name for you.
20:00I'll check it out.
20:02Why don't I go with you?
20:04That's a good idea.
20:06Come on, pal.
20:16West Expert Designs is my company.
20:18What do you know about the lowlife list?
20:22Oh, that website.
20:26It's sad.
20:28I'm embarrassed for those women.
20:30You mean Mary Maguire and Astrid Hines?
20:34And you helped out with their website?
20:36I mean, I set up the site
20:38according to their instructions.
20:40I might not agree with their methods,
20:42but a paycheck's a paycheck.
20:44You don't know any of the men who are on their list?
20:46Blake Harrison?
20:48I-I don't read the content.
20:50I mean, I-I just push pixels together and make pretty images.
20:52He was murdered.
20:56Wow. Yikes.
21:00Yeah, I mean, if there's anything I can do to help,
21:04But I'm not part of that silly little man-hater crusade.
21:08If it were up to me, the web would just be filled
21:10with people
21:12and pictures of their pets.
21:14Isn't that right, buddy?
21:16Okay, well, um...
21:18Thank you for your time.
21:24Do you believe her?
21:26You think the lady doth protest too much?
21:28Jessie says she's not on Harrison's client list.
21:32Well, I'll check in with Jessie,
21:34see if she has any other connection to the victim.
21:36The St. John's Police Department
21:38must be held accountable.
21:40The police are interrogating assault victims,
21:42treating us like criminals
21:44instead of investigating the men who abused us.
21:46The SJPD protects sexual predators.
22:02I can't talk to you, Joe.
22:04I am not the enemy.
22:06You can't do this and pretend to be my friend.
22:08A man was murdered, Mary.
22:10No matter my feelings about him,
22:12we will investigate.
22:14Well, domestic abusers and rapists go unpunished.
22:16The police don't protect women.
22:18Blake Harrison was...
22:20Was tried in a court of law
22:22with all available evidence.
22:26Astrid wasn't the only one you know.
22:28There were others.
22:30I need names, Mary.
22:32They've been through enough, Joe.
22:34This case is best left unsolved.
22:48Hey, boss.
22:50Everything okay?
22:52You know, Jessie,
22:54sometimes I wonder if police
22:56fail to take victims seriously.
22:58What do you mean?
23:00Well, this low-life list.
23:02It's controversial.
23:04But it's also detailed and well-researched.
23:06And I can't help but wonder
23:08if the information here
23:10could be used to help us in our investigations.
23:12Well, I mean,
23:14I guess it depends on which website
23:16you take seriously.
23:18I mean, some of them are well-researched
23:20and others are dodgy as heck, you know,
23:22calling out men for various offenses.
23:24Dodgy how?
23:26Okay, well, I mean, the low-life list, for example.
23:28Other websites,
23:30they just air out dirty laundry about dates that went bad.
23:32Look at this one, for example.
23:36Grade Your Date.
23:38The internet's largest sifter
23:40date review site.
23:42Oh, okay.
23:44Yeah, I see what you mean.
23:46This seems to be just, uh,
23:48just gossip and sour grapes.
23:52Oh, my God.
23:54Is that you?
23:56What is that?
23:58I remember this date. I had no idea she felt that way.
24:00I just...
24:02I mean, I thought I was being a perfect gentleman.
24:04That's all.
24:06No, it's probably just a misunderstanding.
24:10Jesse, you should stay on the, uh,
24:12Harrison clients, okay, and just see if there's anyone
24:14who's unhappy.
24:16Yeah, will do.
24:18You should do that now, Jesse.
24:34But for her
24:36to post such vehement online condemnation...
24:38How about you tell us about the date
24:40and we try and figure it out?
24:42I don't know. It was a rather uneventful
24:44coffee date, or so I thought.
24:46No second date? No, there was no spark.
24:48But nothing bad happened.
24:50I'm sorry she said such mean things
24:52about you. I don't know.
24:54Maybe I shouldn't have ordered
24:56for her, I guess. I don't...
24:58You ordered for her?
25:00Yeah, it was her first time at Coffee Cathedral.
25:02I wanted her
25:04to try the matcha latte.
25:06Their matcha lattes are transcendent.
25:10I'm not big on matcha lattes. I don't get what all the fuss is about.
25:14Well, maybe it was presumptuous
25:16of me to order for her, but...
25:18but I certainly didn't act like a, um,
25:20old-fashioned toad
25:22to stick up his...
25:26I don't know.
25:28You know, maybe I should just reach out to her
25:30and contact her and maybe... No way.
25:32No, no, no. Do not contact her.
25:34But don't stress over it either. Joe, you two
25:36just weren't a good fit. Yeah.
25:38I mean, some people like matcha lattes
25:40and some people have no taste whatsoever.
25:46you know, it just feels terrible knowing that there's someone
25:48out there who...
25:50says such awful things about me.
25:52Look, people post all sorts of things online
25:54that they wouldn't say to your face.
25:56Oh, also, that's just one person's opinion.
25:58Right? Someone else would have found
26:00the exact same thing charming.
26:02Let it go and move on.
26:06I just, uh,
26:08hope this whole dating thing is worth it.
26:10Thanks, ladies.
26:14Hey. Jesse, what's up?
26:16Okay. I'll be right there.
26:26Charlie said you wanted to know more about Melanie West.
26:28Blake Harrison's website.
26:30Yeah, look at the bottom of the page. Recognize that logo?
26:32West Expert Design.
26:36Yeah, right there is a connection.
26:38Melanie West said she'd never heard of Blake Harrison.
26:54Not here.
26:58Should we wait for her?
27:00Yeah, we should.
27:04Check this out.
27:08Melanie said she didn't know Marion Astrid.
27:10They look pretty friendly here.
27:12Well, here, I...
27:14picked up Lady Beaumont, Rogue Red.
27:16Good thinking.
27:18Hey, Rex...
27:21track it.
27:23Rex breathing heavily
27:40Look at that.
27:42Lipstick print.
27:44Good job, pal.
27:46But I trust Rex's nose.
27:48Let's go.
27:57His name is Robert Crown.
27:59Crown with an E on the end.
28:01He was supposed to be back two days ago,
28:03but he's not answering his phone.
28:05Please, I don't know what to do.
28:07Ma'am, excuse me.
28:09Uh, did you say Robert Crown?
28:12Yes, he's my husband.
28:17According to this,
28:18Robert Crown has been the target
28:20of numerous harassment lawsuits.
28:21Yeah, apparently he's paid a lot of money
28:23to have them disappear.
28:24What do you have on his wife?
28:26She says that it's unusual for him to go this long
28:28without getting in touch.
28:31We got a lead.
28:33Melanie West, web designer for the low-life list.
28:35She lied about not knowing Astrid and Mary.
28:37She's not at her office, not answering her phone.
28:39Yeah, well, that could be a problem.
28:41We have another potential victim, Robert Crown.
28:43Yeah, another name on the low-life list.
28:45His wife just reported him missing.
28:46And we need to find him, and I think the best way
28:48to go about it is to find these women.
28:50Start pinging phones.
28:51Okay, in the meantime,
28:53I'm gonna head to Melanie's house, see if she's there.
28:54That's a good idea.
28:56Sarah, you do the same thing with Astrid.
28:57I'm gonna try to find Mary.
29:01Hi, you've reached Mary.
29:04Excuse me.
29:06Can I help you with something?
29:08Yeah, Superintendent Joe Donovan.
29:10Major crimes.
29:12I'm looking for Mary McGuire.
29:15Well, I seen her packing up her Subaru this morning,
29:19like she was going on a trip.
29:22Oh, I see.
29:24I'm sorry.
29:26I'm sorry.
29:28I'm sorry.
29:30I'm sorry.
29:32A trip?
29:34Any idea where?
29:36I got no clue.
29:38She's always real secretive.
29:47Hey, I put Charlie on the line, too.
29:49Hey, Joe.
29:51No sign of Astrid at her house.
29:53Yeah, same at Mary's.
29:55Any luck at Melanie's, Charlie?
29:56No, I'm striking out, too. Come on, pal.
30:01Hang on.
30:09What'd you find?
30:11What is it, Charlie?
30:20Did Rex find Melanie?
30:24We did find a bottle of oxycodone.
30:27And it's empty.
30:40Right now, Melanie West is our prime suspect.
30:43And with Mary and Astrid at my A2,
30:45they could be working together.
30:47Yeah, hold on. I'm getting a call from Jesse.
30:49I'm gonna link him in.
30:51What's going on, Jesse?
30:53There's been no activity on Melanie West's cell
30:55or credit card for hours.
30:57But Mary's phone pinged from a wooded area near Petty Harbor.
31:01Wait, wait.
31:03Okay, it looks like Astrid's phone is at the same location.
31:05Okay, great. Text us the coordinates, Jesse.
31:07Yeah, I'm on it.
31:10Come on, Rex.
31:12Yeah, we'll meet you there.
31:14Listen, Charlie, I need you to be discreet
31:16when you get to the location.
31:18We do not want to scare off our suspects.
31:20I'll see you there.
31:26It should be just up ahead.
31:28What would they be doing out here?
31:30Great place to dump a body.
31:34What is that?
31:36It's coming from up ahead.
31:40Let's fan out and surround the clearing.
31:42You guys go that way.
31:44Come on, Bell.
31:55Come on.
32:13Nobody move!
32:15What the hell, Joe?
32:17It's okay. I know these guys.
32:22You just busted up a healing retreat of trauma survivors.
32:24What do you want?
32:26Mary, we need to ask you about Robert Crown.
32:28I've been advised to talk to you only through my lawyer.
32:30And she's not here?
32:33Let me handle this.
32:37We're so sorry to disturb the gathering,
32:39but I need to ask you about Robert Crown.
32:41What's there to say?
32:43He's a creep who harasses female employees.
32:45He's gone missing.
32:47Missing? He's probably shacked up in some no-tell motel.
32:49From what I've heard, he's a world-class philanderer as well.
32:53I'm going to see if I can...
32:55Yeah, thanks.
33:01Apologies for the intrusion, ladies.
33:04Trying to butter me up with your dog?
33:07It works sometimes.
33:09What do you want?
33:11Can you tell me about Melanie West?
33:13Is she part of your group?
33:15I have no idea who you're talking about.
33:17Sorry, Mary.
33:20You just lied to me.
33:31Look, I know that you're hurting.
33:34I also know you don't want to be responsible for a man's murder.
33:37And I won't be.
33:39If somebody kills Robert Crown, it's not on me.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:45It's not on you. It's not on me.
33:47Where's Melanie West?
33:49Mary, please.
33:51Things only get worse for Melanie from here on out.
33:53As her friend...
33:55I have no idea where Melanie is.
33:57We've reason to believe that she may have murdered Blake Harrison.
33:59Oh, come on.
34:01And that she's responsible for the disappearance of Robert Crown.
34:05Keep blaming the victims.
34:07It's what you do.
34:11Superintendent Donovan, sorry to interrupt.
34:13Yes, Carmen.
34:15I have some lab results that I think you're going to want to see.
34:17As Rex indicated,
34:19the lipstick print from Melanie West's cup
34:21is a match to the lipstick on Blake Harrison.
34:23And the prints?
34:25They're only a partial on the cup, but what we have does match.
34:27So she was the one who gave him the kiss of death.
34:29That's one way to put it.
34:35Come on.
34:41You withheld information from us, Mary.
34:43Now another man's life
34:45may be in jeopardy.
34:47I fail to see a connection between those two situations.
34:49The lip print on Blake Harrison's
34:51forehead belonged to Melanie West.
34:55How can you be sure of that?
34:57We matched the two a cup in her office.
34:59And a lip print is like a fingerprint.
35:01Unique to each individual.
35:03That means she was there
35:05the night he died.
35:09She's always been a bit of a wild card,
35:11but I didn't believe she was capable of this.
35:17I want justice, not revenge.
35:19If there's anything I can do
35:21to help with your investigation,
35:23I will.
35:29Well, at least we've got her cooperation.
35:31But we're no closer to finding Robert Crown.
35:33Or Melanie West.
35:35Guys, I might be able to help with that.
35:37I tracked Robert Crown's credit card to this gas station.
35:39They pulled up the security video for me.
35:41It's Robert Crown.
35:43Wait, that's Melanie West.
35:45Jesse, where's this gas station?
35:47Eastern outskirts of town, but this was 30 minutes ago.
35:49You have any idea where they're heading?
35:51According to his credit card, he checked into the Slumber Motel in Stopperside.
35:53No time. I'd be running out for Robert Crown.
35:55Come on, pal.
35:57And Melanie West may be about to claim another victim.
36:01Let's go.
36:11We don't have a Robert Crown registered.
36:13We know that he used his credit card to reserve the room.
36:15You're supposed to have some kind of search warrant or something?
36:17Sir, a man's life may be in danger.
36:19You know what? Don't worry about it.
36:21We'll just go room to room. I'm sure your guests won't mind being disturbed.
36:27Honeymoon Suite.
36:29No need to be hurtful.
36:31Rex, let's go.
37:11She was trying to kill me!
37:27I caught her slipping something into my drink.
37:29I pretended to fall asleep so I could see what she'd do next.
37:31When she kissed me on the forehead, it hit me.
37:33She killed that Harrison guy.
37:35So you decided to kill her first?
37:37It was her or me.
37:39It's her self-defense.
37:41Damn right.
37:43I didn't do anything wrong here except save my own life.
37:47I didn't do anything wrong here except save my own life.
37:59Tell us about Blake Harrison.
38:03He taught me not to mix business with pleasure.
38:07You two were in a relationship?
38:11It wouldn't go that far. We were seeing each other.
38:13For how long?
38:15About a month.
38:17It ended the night that he decided to choke me so hard
38:19I had to wear a turtleneck for a week.
38:23He choked you?
38:25Turns out that Blake
38:27liked his women one of two ways.
38:29Unconscious or
38:31scared for their lives.
38:35I'm sorry that happened to you, Melanie.
38:43I begged him to stop.
38:45He said that I wanted it.
38:49I didn't want that.
38:55And you didn't
38:57report him?
39:01Apart as a comedian.
39:03No, I didn't report him because I knew that that wouldn't accomplish anything.
39:05Blake was
39:07handsome and charming and as close to
39:09a celebrity as you get around here, so no.
39:13So you killed him instead.
39:21We have overwhelming
39:23evidence. We don't need a confession.
39:25But you may
39:27get more sympathy with the court
39:29if you give one.
39:31Is that true?
39:37Well then, I'll happily take
39:39the credit for it.
39:41All you do is sit around
39:43complaining about bad men getting away
39:45with things while I actually do something
39:47about it.
39:49So you were going to kill Robert Crown?
39:53the best laid plans are often ruined by
39:55cops who can't see the big picture.
39:57Which is?
39:59That I'm better
40:01at keeping scum off the street than you are.
40:19and then there was this hottie in the R&D
40:21department. She played hard to get,
40:23but I saw right through it.
40:25Why are you telling me all this?
40:27What, you're not impressed? Not really.
40:29Oh, I get it. You're one of those modern,
40:31sensitive males, afraid to make
40:33one wrong move.
40:35I pity you, pal.
40:37Yeah, the feeling's mutual. Whatever.
40:39Where's my stuff, anyway?
40:41Cops grabbed everything out of the motel.
40:43It'll be out of evidence as soon as you know. Robert?
40:55Consider yourself served.
40:57I want a divorce.
40:59Brittany, listen to me. Come back!
41:05I wouldn't cross him if I were you.
41:13Thank you for the ride.
41:15Well, I'm glad you're speaking to me again.
41:17I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Melanie.
41:19I'm sorry I arrested
41:21you for murder. I'm not an
41:23extremist, Joe. I'm really not.
41:25I'm just trying to protect other women like
41:27Molly. Well, we're trying to do the
41:29same thing. Hopefully we
41:31can work together in the future.
41:33I'd like to, but will you listen?
41:35Without asking me for evidence?
41:37I will.
41:39I promise.
41:41But you need to talk to me first.
41:43Then I'll post stuff on websites.
41:45Why shouldn't I do both?
41:47People say such
41:49hateful things online, Mary.
41:51It's hard to
41:53sort between the lies and truth.
41:55You sound
41:57like you're speaking from personal experience.
42:01What happened?
42:07This happened.
42:13You're on Sifter.
42:15I never
42:17would have guessed it.
42:19She's complaining
42:21because you opened the door for her.
42:25And that I tried to carry in her shopping bags.
42:29Basically, she's upset you were chivalrous.
42:31Yeah. That's exactly
42:33what I was going for, yeah.
42:35That was a hard A.
42:37Yeah, that's an understatement.
42:39I'm sorry that happened to you.
42:47For the record,
42:49if a man held the door for me
42:51and carried my shopping bags,
42:53I'd love it.
42:55I'd absolutely love it.