• 7 hours ago
When Calls the Heart S12 E04


00:01Previously on When Calls the Heart
00:04Maybe we could do that for my birthday.
00:06A dance party?
00:0820,000 coins stolen from a locked safe.
00:11We might well be on our way to solving the great Rocky Mountain train robbery.
00:15I'm heading to Hope Valley.
00:17To Uncle Ernie's ranch.
00:21About half the town has asked me to help resolve this.
00:29Lee's overreacting. And that's on him.
00:31This is all Lucas.
00:33Shared use?
00:35Cows and people? Who wants to take a picnic in a cow pasture, Bill?
00:39He won't even consider the concept of shared use.
00:42Lucas is too busy listening to Edwin to remember his promises.
00:46Or his friends, for that matter.
00:48He doesn't want to talk. He wants space.
00:50So that is what I'm giving him.
00:52And when he's ready, he can come to me.
00:54No. When he's ready, he can come to me.
01:00It has lace and a little bow.
01:02Thanks for designing it.
01:04I love it!
01:05What has you girls so excited?
01:10You're planning a birthday dance party?
01:14Um, this weekend.
01:16I thought it would be fun to do something special.
01:20I love that idea.
01:22I'm so excited.
01:24I thought it would be fun to do something special.
01:27I love that idea.
01:30Of course! I adored dance parties when I was younger.
01:33You can use the schoolhouse for practice, if you like.
01:36We need it.
01:38I could teach you a few steps of the waltz.
01:40Thanks, Mrs. Thornton, but we were thinking of newer dances.
01:46Like the way Wyatt dances?
01:48Like the Charleston and the shimmy.
01:52Could you teach us those?
01:54By Sunday.
01:59No problem!
02:05My dad doesn't know about the dance.
02:08He has his mind set on a pony party and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
02:13Please don't say anything yet.
02:15Of course, Allie.
02:21I love you.
02:42A fancy dress.
02:45Lace and fabric.
02:47Something's going on.
02:49Get out with it.
02:51Allie's having a birthday dance party.
02:54Oh, absolutely thrilling.
02:56You know, I was a dancer in my youth.
03:00Well, um, it's a secret.
03:03Oh, well.
03:05All right, then.
03:11A dance? How exciting.
03:13But I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.
03:15Well, I didn't.
03:17I wonder why it's a secret.
03:21Let me take you back to 1907.
03:24A notorious crime known to all as the Great Rocky Mountain Train Robbery.
03:2920,000 rare and priceless gold coins just disappeared.
03:34Unfortunately, the ruthless perpetrators just slipped through the fingers of the law.
03:39This has the Garrison gang written all over it.
03:41Jack Garrison.
03:43Jake Garrison went to the grave.
03:46His lips sealed.
03:49That's what they all told me.
03:51So you think that you can link this coin to the Garrison gang?
03:54No, but I think I can link it to the robbery.
03:57And then to the Garrison gang.
03:58Maybe help us find where the gold is now.
04:00The first thing we need to do is figure out who spent it.
04:03You know, why don't you two take the lead on this?
04:05Until we find out where this coin came from, I think it's best not to raise any red flags.
04:09Why is that? It's just a few questions.
04:11Well, any time a Mountie asks questions, it just raises red flags.
04:14What we need is some sort of a cover.
04:16Oh, a cover. I love it. Oh, I know.
04:19I can say I'm doing a follow-up piece in the Valley Voice.
04:22Now we're talking. We can start in the mercantile.
04:25You read my mind.
04:27And I'll pull the other Garrison gang files and see if I can find a comparison with this one.
04:31Maybe there's a connection.
04:33And can I just say, it's really nice to see you two working as a team again.
04:45So, why can't you go to the dance?
04:47Apparently it's just for teenagers, so we're not invited.
04:51Except we're 13. Teen.
04:55They want to do partner dances and don't want little kids involved.
04:59Wait, wait. Partners? Count me out.
05:04Count me out too.
05:08Thank you, Mom.
05:11And what about you, Angela?
05:13I thought you'd be planning it with Ali.
05:15I have a lot of homework to do. I think I'll go to the library.
05:23I didn't hear anything about partners or teenagers only.
05:26Makes sense. I'm sure that's what Angela's worried about.
05:30She's never been to a dance like this before.
05:32She doesn't have nothing to worry about.
05:34You remember what it's like to be young? How scary it is to try something new?
05:40Maybe I should teach her a couple dance steps.
05:43Now that is a good idea. You are the best dancer in the family.
05:47Do tell.
05:49What you want?
05:51Oh, you didn't see that one coming.
05:54It's new.
05:58Why aren't we going to the soda fountain like we always do?
06:01The saloon has a really good sandwich bar.
06:04It's because Wyatt's working.
06:09Wyatt! Dave! Wyatt!
06:15Well, afternoon, ladies.
06:17Have you heard about Ali's birthday dance?
06:20Yeah, yeah. That's the talk of the town, pigtails.
06:23You should come. It's Sunday night and everyone's invited.
06:27That could be fun.
06:33Why'd you do that?
06:34Because you weren't going to. And now he might come to the dance.
06:40Well, if the whole town is talking about it, my dad's bound to find out.
06:46You'd better find him.
06:51Hi, Ali.
06:52Have you seen my dad?
06:53He's not back from rounds yet.
06:55Good. Um, did he say anything about a dance?
07:01Yeah, I'm having a birthday dance this Sunday.
07:03Actually, Oliver, you should come.
07:06Arrive early and help us hang the stringers?
07:08Sure. Of course.
07:17Now, I've looked through the ledger and it seems the coin was spent as exactly one dollar.
07:22No change. But there's no way to tell who spent it.
07:25Well, there must be. Do you remember anyone that stopped by the other day?
07:29Well, let's see. There was Henry and Faith.
07:32Lucas, the Canfields.
07:34Oh, the Lawsons and Molly.
07:36Me, Richard Wolfe.
07:37Oh, and Nathan and Elizabeth.
07:40There were some tourists.
07:41Oh, that's right. That lovely couple.
07:43Yes, she was wearing a lemon blouse. She had a little dog. So fluffy.
07:48So, in other words, the entire town.
07:50Maybe we can take a look at that ledger.
07:53Not to worry. Bill is, uh, helping us.
07:58He's, uh, helping the Valley Voice. Independent investigator.
08:04A missing coin spender investigation?
08:09Looks like there's only three purchases for exactly one dollar. All hazelnuts.
08:14This could be the break we've been looking for.
08:16All right. Remember, who bought hazelnuts? It's important.
08:20Molly bought a bag.
08:22I think.
08:24And did she?
08:26Did she?
08:34Hello, Angela.
08:36Hi, Mrs. Thornton.
08:38I was hoping I could find some books that would, um, help me teach all of you tomorrow.
08:44I know how excited everyone is for the dance lessons.
08:47I guess.
08:49Is there something wrong?
08:52It's silly.
08:58I'm sure it isn't.
09:02Hope Valley has felt more like home than anywhere else ever.
09:08But, I just feel like I don't know anybody who understands what it's like to be me.
09:16To be blind.
09:20Of course.
09:23I imagine that must feel very isolating.
09:28It does.
09:34Is there anything I can do?
09:38I don't think there's anything anyone can do.
09:48So, I was just talking to Rosemary, who was talking to Joseph, who I think was talking to Minnie or Molly or somebody.
09:54Anyway, the point is, we're more than happy to let Allie use the saloon for her big birthday dance party.
10:02Birthday dance party?
10:05Birthday dance party's our thing?
10:09Get with the times, Nathan.
10:25Oh, this just does not seem right.
10:37Are you trying out the latest dance craze?
10:40Of course.
10:41I promised the teenagers I would teach them the Charleston and the Cheniere. Is it Chimmy?
10:46Looks like it's coming along.
10:50It's terrible, isn't it?
10:52Rosemary, what have I done?
10:54Elizabeth, what is this really about?
10:57I just want to help make Allie's birthday extra special.
11:00She's leaning on me, and not just as her teacher. It feels different.
11:05It is different now.
11:07Of course it is.
11:08I think I just want to impress her a little.
11:10Well, then we will make it so.
11:13So let's take a look.
11:15All right.
11:17All right.
11:18Now, uh, well, um, this is a bit more puzzling than the choreography I'm used to.
11:25How long do we have?
11:29But the dance isn't until Sunday.
11:31Yes, but the children are coming by tomorrow at noon to learn it from me.
11:34Oh, Elizabeth.
11:36I know. I know.
11:38All right.
11:39No need to be so dramatic.
11:40Just let me think.
11:44I know who we need to call.
11:46Oh, yes.
11:54That's a nice little melody.
11:56Thanks. I just wrote it.
12:04Is something weighing on you?
12:06It's nothing.
12:08Because I get the sense it's about the dance.
12:12You don't have to tell me.
12:14But you might feel a lot better if you do.
12:18Everyone's talking about these new dances.
12:21But I've never danced with a partner before.
12:24What if I embarrass myself?
12:26Well, I'd be happy to show you a few steps if you like.
12:30But I don't know how I look.
12:33Well, Angie.
12:38Dancing is not about look.
12:41It's about feel.
12:43That's easy for you to say.
12:45It's different for me.
12:46I'm different.
12:48You're not different, baby girl.
12:50You're just like everybody else.
12:52But I'm not, Daddy.
12:56Well, there's no reason you can't be.
12:58Come on. Let me show you.
13:00Turn that on.
13:03Come on to the table.
13:05That's my girl.
13:07Let's start simple, okay?
13:09Right foot forward.
13:10Right foot back.
13:12Left foot forward.
13:14Left foot back.
13:16Okay, now we're gonna spin around.
13:19Oh, that looks so good.
13:21Yeah, you're doing great.
13:29It's your friendly home.
13:31Dance supplies.
13:36I knew you'd have a problem with it.
13:38What I have a problem with are secrets.
13:40And dances.
13:41I didn't say that.
13:42You didn't have to say it.
13:44You don't want me to grow up.
13:45I want you to grow up.
13:47I just, I want to know why you didn't tell me.
13:50Because I thought it would be a fight.
13:52What is this?
13:58This is stupid.
14:00It's not stupid, Allie.
14:02Because like it or not, you are the daughter of a Mountie.
14:04And I don't think you're ready for the responsibility of looking after so many kids.
14:08What if somebody gets hurt?
14:10You're overreacting.
14:12Mrs. Thornton is okay with it.
14:15She's even gonna teach us the dances.
14:25I am on my way to town and my dad doesn't trust me.
14:29I didn't say that.
14:31I just don't like you having secret dances with no adults.
14:35It's not, it's not a trust thing.
14:39Maybe we could find a compromise.
14:42We could chaperone.
14:44From a distance.
14:47I can live with that.
14:50Can you?
14:53It could work.
14:56Now, do you want to see the dress I picked out?
15:08Allie, that's beautiful.
15:23Wouldn't it be nice to just make time stop for a moment?
15:32Did I hear that right? Did she say that you are teaching them how to dance?
15:39To be honest, I think I'm just as in over my head as you are.
15:51Thank you so much for your help, May. I really don't know where to begin.
15:54Neither did I, but I picked it up really quick and I'm sure you will too.
15:57Ooh, okay.
15:58This is gonna be fun.
15:59Okay, it's really fast.
16:07And you want to twist.
16:11Oh, listen.
16:12She said to twist.
16:13But the feet.
16:15Didn't you take lessons as a girl?
16:17Yes, but it was classical ballroom.
16:20Well, have you heard of the quick step?
16:22Uh-huh. I believe Julie taught me a few steps when she last visited.
16:25Okay, if you can quick step, you can Charleston, I promise.
16:28Hear that?
16:29I think.
16:31Start with the right leg.
16:33Step, touch, step.
16:36A little faster.
16:37Step, touch.
16:39Step, touch.
16:42And you want to add a little bit of hands.
16:45Oh, that's perfect.
16:46That's perfect.
17:07Good morning, Angela.
17:09Oh, hi, Mrs. Thornton.
17:11I have something for you.
17:15The story of my life.
17:17Helen Keller.
17:18I wanted to read this.
17:19Oh, good.
17:21After our conversation yesterday, I called around, and the Buxton Library had a copy,
17:25so they sent it over in their early morning deliveries.
17:28It may not be the same as you, Angela.
17:30It's not.
17:31It's not.
17:32It's not.
17:33It's not.
17:34It may not be the same as knowing someone, but hopefully her words can help.
17:41You're welcome.
17:43See you at dance practice.
18:05Governor Bouchard.
18:07My, my.
18:10Ms. Martel.
18:11Mrs. Martel.
18:13I'm engaged.
18:15What are you doing here?
18:16What am I doing on my ranch?
18:18Maybe I should ask you the same thing.
18:23Thought I'd take a ride up here and see what's what.
18:26For myself.
18:30I could show you the cattle paths to the pasture at the center of all of this.
18:36That's not a bad idea.
18:40Shall we?
18:43All right, everyone, let's form two lines facing this wall.
18:48Face out this way, ladies.
18:51Don't be shy.
18:53Do we need a partner?
18:54Actually, the Charleston can be danced solo or with a partner or in a group.
18:59So anyone can join.
19:00Just follow my lead.
19:02Okay, let's start with our right leg tapping forward.
19:06And now bring it back to center.
19:09And now we'll use our left leg and tap it backwards.
19:13And bring it back to center.
19:16Very good.
19:17So all together we have forward and center.
19:21Back and center.
19:22We can even swing our arms a bit to the right and center.
19:27Right and center.
19:29Now let's see if we can pick up the pace.
19:31Right, center, back, center.
19:34Right, center, back, center.
19:40And if you're feeling really fancy, add in a little twist.
19:46That's great.
19:48Oh my goodness, you've got it now.
19:53You're a natural.
19:55All right, Timmy.
20:07It's been a tough couple of years for us with the economy down.
20:11We'd have all gone under if it hadn't been for McGinty's Meadow.
20:17The only usable pasture in the valley since the mudslide.
20:20But we need access through the park to get here.
20:25I understand.
20:27I'm probably being sentimental, but this ranch meant everything to my Uncle Ernie, so it means everything to me.
20:37Sounds like he was a good man.
20:41He was wonderful.
20:43When my parents passed, he stepped right in.
20:47He even paid for my law school.
20:50When I was a girl, I spent some of my favorite summers here.
20:55He'd create these little adventures.
20:58Elves and fairies and secret trails to hidden treasures.
21:05I guess I just want to protect his legacy.
21:17Heard there was a dance lesson.
21:19I gotta say, you picked up those dance moves pretty fast.
21:23Well, only thanks to me and Rosemary.
21:27I was so worried about making it perfect for Ollie.
21:30Yeah, I've been there.
21:32Although, you are a much better dancer than you give yourself credit for.
21:36Okay. Maybe I had a little help from some ballroom lessons when I was younger.
21:40I think my first dance was in a bar.
21:46You want to show me a few of those fancy dance moves?
21:50I'd be delighted.
21:58You know, I'm really proud of you.
22:01Just the way you're handling all this, Ollie, growing up.
22:06I guess I...
22:08I didn't realize that the last scavenger hunt was going to be the last scavenger hunt.
22:13But, you know, she's trying new things.
22:16She's having fun.
22:19I couldn't be happier for her.
22:22Maybe we should follow her lead.
22:25Maybe you take the lead.
22:36What can I do?
22:39Well, maybe you're showing me that this dance thing isn't so bad after all.
22:43She's a little cute.
23:02We have got to do something about this dance!
23:05I just learned there'll be no adults allowed.
23:08Just look at what they're doing.
23:09adults allowed. Just look at what they're doing.
23:14Oh wow, I think it's fantastic. You know, Elizabeth and I gave it a go last night.
23:19Oh, we were shimmying and shaking and I had my hand going. We were starting to
23:23get the hang of it. Molly, we need to talk to you about
23:27hazelnuts. We heard that you bought some. I bought a bag at the mercantile. They
23:32just smelled so good I couldn't help myself.
23:34But what about the coin? The gold coin from my article?
23:37Oh, Rosemary, I'm a very busy woman. I don't have time to read every little
23:40fluff piece. What did you use to pay for the hazelnuts?
23:43Did you use a gold coin? Where would I have gotten that?
23:47Well, that's what we're trying to figure out, Molly.
23:50If I had a gold coin, I certainly wouldn't be spending it
23:53on nuts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the infirmary.
24:00Good day.
24:03I don't think we're gonna find anyone with ties to the garrison gang in this
24:09town. Or the coin. Oh, dear. I think we're back
24:13to the drawing board.
24:19You know, I don't, uh, I don't mind the silence, but
24:22you got something on your mind? It's Angela.
24:28Can't help but feel that I let her down. How's that?
24:32Well, she was saying last night how she, she feels different.
24:36She is different. That's the last thing I want her to feel.
24:40Look, she's saying she feels that way. She feels different.
24:45Look, you're the preacher in this town. Everybody looks to you to
24:49say thanks. Maybe she's just looking to you to listen.
25:16Oh, no, no, no, no.
25:21Hmm. Lee, you need to cancel the dance.
25:25Cancel the dance? Oh, my goodness. Molly, what on earth for?
25:31It's scandalous. Allie's birthday.
25:34Scandalous. It's just a dance. Not this one.
25:37Partners, shimmies, no adults. It's not appropriate. And I am sure that your
25:43constituents would like their voices heard on this subject.
25:45Molly, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
25:48And I'm sure your constituents would like their voices heard on this subject.
25:50Molly, I really don't think people are going to mind that much.
25:53Well, we will see. I'd like to call a meeting, and I think it
25:56will be clear to you that there are a plethora of concerns.
26:04Well, that was a bit dramatic. Hmmm.
26:09I'm not sure a dance is an emergency. Well, I agree with Molly.
26:13Once Lee hears our concerns, he'll have to stop the dance.
26:29There's a meeting about the dance.
26:32There's Ali.
26:36The grown-ups are trying to stop the dance.
26:39I need Mrs. Thornton.
26:41I'll get her.
26:44You need to pass an emergency bylaw.
26:47No teenage dances.
26:49That's not fair.
26:51Ali, you don't know what you're getting yourself into, honey.
26:53Molly, are you really trying to cancel Ali's birthday dance?
26:56Smith, I have experience with this.
26:58It only ends in hurt feelings.
27:00And these new dances...
27:01Can I have a say?
27:05Please let her speak.
27:14This dance is about having fun.
27:17It's about making friends and trying something new.
27:20Which could end badly.
27:22Well, if it ends badly or with hurt feelings,
27:25then the children will have learned a valuable lesson.
27:27And they can choose to avoid it in the future.
27:29I agree.
27:30It's Ali's 17th birthday.
27:32And I trust she's responsible enough to handle this.
27:36And Nathan and I will be there to chaperone.
27:39Well, I guess that could be okay.
27:43Molly and I can chaperone as well.
27:47Joseph and I can chaperone too,
27:49but we can all stay in the background.
27:53You won't even notice us.
27:58We're all good with this then?
28:01Everybody's happy?
28:04Young lady,
28:07Young lady,
28:08looks like you got your dance.
28:18Hi, Daddy.
28:20Mind if I sit?
28:31I want to apologize
28:33for not listening to you last night.
28:35It's okay, Daddy.
28:37No, it's not okay.
28:39I'm ready to listen.
28:42How are you feeling?
28:45I'm actually really excited about the dance.
28:48Mrs. Thornton taught us the Charleston,
28:50and the music is so fun.
28:56I still feel different.
28:59I've been reading this book Mrs. Thornton gave me,
29:02and I know I have a community in Hope Valley,
29:05but I want to know other people who are like me.
29:09People who are blind.
29:12That's why I want to go to a college for the blind.
29:19Thank you for sharing with me.
29:22Thank you for taking the time to try again.
29:27Love you.
29:28I love you too.
29:30Love you more.
29:31I love you most.
29:37So you want me to teach you the Charleston?
29:40I would love that.
29:45There you go.
29:48Okay, Daddy, follow me.
29:51Forward step.
29:52Back step.
29:53Back step.
29:54Forward step.
29:55Forward step.
29:56Back step.
29:57Back step.
29:58Use your arms.
30:14You're in town awfully early.
30:17A calf got out, and it's all my fault.
30:20I didn't latch the gate properly last night,
30:22and the rich hands are all off for the weekend.
30:26I could give you a hand.
30:33You wanted to show me life on the ranch.
30:36Well, this is definitely one way to see it.
30:40I warn you, I know nothing.
30:43That makes two of us.
30:52Come in.
30:54Happy birthday.
30:57I really, really messed this up.
31:02No, no, no, no.
31:04You look lovely.
31:07But maybe you'd like my birthday gift to you.
31:16Oh, Mrs. Thornton.
31:20It's beautiful.
31:23I'm so glad.
31:24I'm so glad.
31:27Would you maybe like some help?
31:38Oh, my.
31:43I never got to thank you for teaching us those dances.
31:47Sorry we didn't get to waltz.
31:50That's all right.
31:51I know that waltzing isn't exactly your speed.
31:55Actually, I kind of wish someone would ask me to dance like that.
32:01It might be old-fashioned, but it's so romantic.
32:06Reminds me of why I started dance lessons in the first place.
32:11I was 15, and I liked a boy,
32:15and I begged my parents to agree to host a dance party
32:19just to impress him.
32:22You know, I kind of like someone, too.
32:27I guess I'm hoping this dance will impress him.
32:31You won't say anything, right?
32:34Of course not.
32:38It's nice to have someone to talk about this stuff with.
32:42It's weird to talk to Dad about it.
32:45There are some things that just us girls get.
32:49And that's okay.
32:52Do you want to see?
33:00Thank you so much.
33:03I love it.
33:08Not that I'm not grateful, but doesn't the governor have something better to do?
33:14Let this lone calf fend for itself?
33:17I don't think so.
33:20Let's go.
33:33Hey, buddy.
33:35It's okay.
33:38Okay, okay.
33:39Hey, hey.
33:45So close, so close!
33:47I told you I wasn't very good at this.
33:50Apparently neither am I.
33:55Hey, hold on.
34:00I have an idea.
34:05I think it's worth a try.
34:06Do you?
34:17Yeah, sure.
34:18Come here, buddy.
34:24Okay, okay, okay.
34:25Got him?
34:26Okay, yes, yes, yes.
34:27Got him?
34:30Edie, your ring.
34:32Your ring.
34:35Oh, it must have fallen off in the grass.
34:37Well, it has to be here somewhere.
34:39Oh, Lucas, it's impossible.
34:40I mean, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
34:42But your fiancé...
34:44There is no fiancé.
34:46I was engaged.
34:47I'm not anymore.
34:48I wear the ring to keep suitors at bay.
34:52I'm sorry.
34:53I had no right burdening you with my personal affairs.
34:57It's all right.
35:00You know, Edie Martell,
35:02you continue to surprise me.
35:07Hey, buddy.
35:08Come here.
35:10Come here.
35:34Everything looks beautiful.
35:35You excited?
35:41Where is everyone?
35:43You know, I'm sure they're just fashionably late.
35:48this is gonna be a bust.
35:50Ali, don't worry.
35:51Yeah, come on.
35:52Have fun.
36:03I knew it.
36:05I said this dance might just leave someone brokenhearted.
36:10I'm starting to think this is a personal experience.
36:13In my own youth, I threw a dance.
36:16And the boy I liked never showed.
36:18I spent the whole night by myself.
36:23I just wanted to prevent Ali from going through that.
36:27It's good of you to care.
36:29It's good of you to care.
36:43Ali, people are arriving.
36:46We should start the music.
36:48What if no one dances?
36:58Come on.
37:11No one is dancing.
37:14I can take care of that.
37:28Let's dance.
37:58I can take care of that.
38:18Look at them.
38:20They're growing up.
38:21They're quite the young ladies.
38:23Yes, they are.
38:25You fathers should be very proud.
38:28You learn something from your girls every day.
38:31They're growing, but we're the ones learning.
38:43Look how much fun they're having.
38:46I bet everyone thinks I'm fuddy-duddy.
38:50Oh, I don't.
38:53I see someone who's passionate and who cares.
38:59You know, the boy who stood you up at the dance?
39:03He's the dumbest guy I've ever heard of.
39:14Jed, would you like to dance?
39:17More than anything.
39:29I have a confession to make.
39:33I bought those hazelnuts.
39:36They just smell so good.
39:38Don't they?
39:40And I paid with a gold coin.
39:45That was you.
39:48Well, thank you for your honesty.
39:51You should tell Bill.
39:52Right now?
39:54It can wait.
40:06Where's your girlfriend?
40:07I thought she'd be with the kids from Benson Hills.
40:09Oh, well, uh, she's sick.
40:11She couldn't come.
40:15Want to dance with me?
40:19Want to dance with me?
40:20Just as friends.
40:22All right.
40:44You made it.
40:45Happy birthday.
40:46You made it.
40:47Happy birthday, pigtails.
40:50They're beautiful.
40:56So, do you want to dance?
40:58Yeah, yeah, sure.
41:17She's happy thanks to you.
41:20And you.
41:46Happy birthday.
41:47Happy birthday.
41:48Happy birthday.
41:49Happy birthday.
41:50Happy birthday.
41:51Happy birthday.
41:52Happy birthday.
41:53Happy birthday.
41:54Happy birthday.
41:55Happy birthday.
41:56Happy birthday.
41:57Happy birthday.
41:58Happy birthday.
41:59Happy birthday.
42:00Happy birthday.
42:01Happy birthday.
42:02Happy birthday.
42:03Happy birthday.
42:04Happy birthday.
42:05Happy birthday.
42:06Happy birthday.
42:07Happy birthday.
42:08Happy birthday.
42:09Happy birthday.
42:10Happy birthday.
42:11Happy birthday.
42:12Happy birthday.
42:13Happy birthday.
42:14Happy birthday.