Watch Day Fiance S10 E01
00:00:00Don't it feel so good?
00:00:02I wanted a fine-ass woman.
00:00:04When Sophie followed me online, I was like, oh, s***.
00:00:07But she's got spoiled, rich-girl tendencies.
00:00:10She's even used to maids.
00:00:11Oh, my gosh.
00:00:12I don't think I've only heard a gunshot once or twice.
00:00:16We've got to stand together.
00:00:17When I met Manuel in Ecuador, we became
00:00:20engaged after like a week.
00:00:22But I haven't told him I am a witch.
00:00:24When you come, I'll make a lot of love.
00:00:30Don't break my penis.
00:00:31Oh, I'm going to break it already.
00:00:34Fifteen years ago, when our first K1 visa was approved, our love wasn't ready.
00:00:40But now I'm going back to Moldova to give love a second chance.
00:00:44Me more!
00:00:46I'm finally making my dream come true to start the 90 days of my life with Gino.
00:00:52You're done?
00:00:53Let's take it out.
00:01:01Oh, little French pig.
00:01:02I'm living in a one-bedroom apartment with two guinea pigs, two chihuahuas, and my mom
00:01:05lives in my closets.
00:01:16Without my parents' blessing, I can't get married.
00:01:23Are you fine?
00:01:30Cheers to our new beginning.
00:01:33Have you guys thought about kids?
00:01:35I don't think I actually want to be pregnant.
00:01:40I could not walk down the aisle today.
00:01:42It would be a lie.
00:01:46I'm thrusting my flags.
00:01:47You know, people don't want to be around him.
00:01:49You're going to spend the rest of your life with this man?
00:01:51I do feel pressure to make things work because there's only 90 days.
00:01:56Did he give me a shower?
00:01:57Or what?
00:01:58I don't know.
00:01:59It's hitting me.
00:02:00It's like, he really is cold to me.
00:02:02If you're not sexually attracted to me, why are you with me?
00:02:10What is this?
00:02:11I have no idea what that is.
00:02:14You're a shitter!
00:02:16No, I'm not!
00:02:17Yes, you are!
00:02:18I never!
00:02:19Yes, you are!
00:02:20That's not cheating!
00:02:21Stop it!
00:02:23I don't want to go home.
00:02:40I think I'm having a panic attack.
00:02:42Oh my God.
00:02:44I'm literally getting lightheaded.
00:02:46Oh my God.
00:02:47Oh my God.
00:02:51Oh my God.
00:02:53Oh my God, I'm freaking out.
00:02:54I'm freaking out.
00:02:56Oh my God.
00:02:59Oh my God.
00:03:05Oh my God, I'm actually crying.
00:03:18I'm just visualizing him coming.
00:03:23Us being together.
00:03:25My name is Ashley.
00:03:27Yes, I'm a black Ashley.
00:03:29We're unicorns.
00:03:30I'm 32 years old and I'm from Rochester, New York.
00:03:34Wait, wait for Mama.
00:03:37I love to dance.
00:03:38I love to learn things.
00:03:40I'm a poet.
00:03:42And I am a witch.
00:03:48I'm a tarot reader.
00:03:49I'm an astrologer.
00:03:50I specialize in shadow work.
00:03:52I think people are still very much afraid of the word witch.
00:03:58Because we've been conditioned to believe
00:04:00that a witch is somebody with a crooked nose
00:04:03looking into their crystal ball,
00:04:05throwing hexes on people.
00:04:07That's not anything that I do.
00:04:11Place your hands on your heart.
00:04:14Feet planted firmly on the ground.
00:04:18Ready to receive divine wisdom from our spirit guides.
00:04:23One more deep breath in,
00:04:24filling the belly up with air.
00:04:27And let it all go.
00:04:30You can just shake it out and get all nice and loose.
00:04:32I love it.
00:04:33I love it.
00:04:34I love it.
00:04:35Let's pull some cards.
00:04:36My family was really just growing up,
00:04:38but I'm like the crazy one, the rebellious one.
00:04:41And I began to dabble into the occult.
00:04:45The magician is coming in upside down
00:04:47next to the ten of swords upside down.
00:04:49There's some limiting beliefs.
00:04:51Yes, there is.
00:04:52I'm going to get a little deep with you, okay?
00:04:54This little twinge of doubt, this isn't going to work.
00:04:57Childhood trauma.
00:04:59My spirituality guides every single part of my life.
00:05:02When I was in my undergrad, I had a dream.
00:05:06I was literally in the woods, in the jungle,
00:05:08and I was working with the earth somehow.
00:05:12It prompted me to talk to my biology teacher.
00:05:14And she's like, we're going to Ecuador in December.
00:05:16And I was like, sign me up.
00:05:18And then I went.
00:05:20I met Manuel that very first year.
00:05:33My fiancé's name is Manuel.
00:05:35He's 35 years old,
00:05:36and he's a construction worker from Puyo, Ecuador.
00:05:40I met Manuel on New Year's Eve over 10 years ago.
00:05:45Manuel came up to me and asked me to dance.
00:05:48Oh my goodness.
00:05:49He has this beautiful, dark skin.
00:05:53It's like a mixture of peanut butter and cinnamon.
00:05:56And this like luscious black hair that just bounces and is so full.
00:06:02We were like inseparable after that.
00:06:05And then we became engaged after like a week, I think.
00:06:09It was passion, getting caught up in the moment,
00:06:12being young and in love.
00:06:14Young, dumb, full of ****.
00:06:16I think all of that came back home.
00:06:20We tried to have a long-distance relationship,
00:06:22but it didn't last.
00:06:24I was like, I don't know.
00:06:26Came back home.
00:06:27We tried to have a long-distance relationship,
00:06:29but it didn't last.
00:06:42Ooh, this is beautiful.
00:06:46He might not wear these.
00:06:48And I want him to wear it.
00:06:50Manuel and I spent about seven years apart or so, give or take.
00:06:54I had gotten out of a long-term relationship.
00:06:56Like, I feel like everybody can relate to this.
00:06:58When you get out of a relationship, the exes come out of the woodwork.
00:07:01Even if you haven't announced it, that's literally what happened.
00:07:05I was a week out of my long-term relationship,
00:07:07and Manuel out of nowhere, hola.
00:07:09And I'm like, oh my God, this dude.
00:07:18Manuel's kind of a **** boy.
00:07:19I'll own that.
00:07:20And, you know, in his 20s, he was more of a **** boy than he is now.
00:07:23But Manuel was always my what-if man.
00:07:26So I bought a ticket to go see him in September of 2020,
00:07:31hopping my happy ass on a plane across the world.
00:07:39He got me from the airport.
00:07:40We went straight to the Airbnb, and we quarantined together.
00:07:43And I'm sitting in the bed, and he, like, takes out the box,
00:07:45and he was like, okay, so, like, here's the ring.
00:07:48Like, are you going to do it?
00:07:49Are you going to do it?
00:07:50Are you going to do it?
00:07:51Are you going to marry me?
00:07:52And I was like, are you sure?
00:07:53He's like, are you sure?
00:07:54I'm like, I think I'm sure.
00:07:55He goes, I think I'm sure, too.
00:07:56And then I did.
00:08:00Dragon's Blood in Cyprus, huh?
00:08:03My partner is traveling very far away for the first time ever,
00:08:08hence protection work.
00:08:10Yes, yes.
00:08:11Initially, he didn't want to go to America,
00:08:13but he recognized that it's better for him to come here
00:08:16because he can get work pretty easily doing construction.
00:08:19So we applied for the K-1 visa.
00:08:22We got it!
00:08:25And Manuel is finally scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
00:08:30I am so excited about it.
00:08:32I'm also hella nervous about Manuel coming here
00:08:36and being around my witchy practice
00:08:39and being able to take it all in.
00:08:41Manuel would prefer me to be a Catholic woman,
00:08:45a thousand million billion percent yes.
00:08:54Any special occasion going on that we got all this?
00:08:57We got some love.
00:08:58We got some protection.
00:09:00I'm so excited.
00:09:01Yeah, my partner is coming here to live.
00:09:08From where?
00:09:12He's never been on a plane.
00:09:13He's never left his country.
00:09:15I am petrified of him taking this trip.
00:09:19Manuel's never been outside of Ecuador.
00:09:21He's traveling from Guayaquil to Quito,
00:09:23from Quito to Miami,
00:09:25from Miami up to Rochester.
00:09:27Never left his country before or been on a plane.
00:09:30And he doesn't speak English.
00:09:33And then on top of that, his visa expires tomorrow.
00:09:36If he's not on the plane, what happens then?
00:09:39Literally, like, I'm not sure if he's going to be there
00:09:41or not be there when we get to the airport.
00:09:44All the thoughts are running through my head.
00:10:12My name is Jasmine.
00:10:14I'm 36 years old, and I live in Panama.
00:10:18But in just a few days, I'll be moving to the United States
00:10:22to be with my amazing fiancé, Gino.
00:10:25So tonight, my friends are picking me up
00:10:29because it's my bachelorette party.
00:10:31I'm so excited.
00:10:32I'm so excited.
00:10:33I'm so excited.
00:10:34I'm so excited.
00:10:35I'm so excited.
00:10:36I'm so excited.
00:10:37I'm so excited.
00:10:38I'm so excited.
00:10:39I'm so excited.
00:10:40Because it's my bachelorette party.
00:10:42It's very sad to think that they're not going to be able
00:10:44to make it to my wedding.
00:10:46And why not to have a party?
00:10:58Gina and I met online three years ago.
00:11:02He was very nerdy.
00:11:04And I found that kind of cute.
00:11:07Because I don't like traditional good-looking guys
00:11:13because I'm a super jealous person.
00:11:15But when I saw his pictures, he has, like, the belly fat,
00:11:18the flamingo legs, the sharky nose,
00:11:22the non-existent lips.
00:11:24It's kind of my thing.
00:11:25I mean, those are the things that I like from him.
00:11:28I'm being just honest.
00:11:30I told him that, and he was laughing.
00:11:34My baby's so happy.
00:11:35It's always a beautiful day when I'm with you.
00:11:38We applied for the K-1 visa one year and a half ago,
00:11:43and they gave me a date for the interview.
00:11:47And when I made it to the embassy,
00:11:50they just told me,
00:11:53oh, we're sorry, but there is something wrong
00:11:57with the visa at this moment,
00:11:59and we will have to reschedule your interview.
00:12:03It was devastating.
00:12:06But I was given a second chance,
00:12:10and it took the officer less than 10 minutes
00:12:14after seeing me, because I'm super cute.
00:12:17How can you say no to me, right?
00:12:19And he was like, congratulations, you're going to America.
00:12:24Your visa has been approved.
00:12:26That means that I'm going to marry Gino.
00:12:29I'm going to be with him day and night, 24-7.
00:12:33That's scary.
00:12:35But it makes me so happy.
00:12:47I am out of here.
00:12:50I'm Gino, and I'm from Michigan,
00:12:54and today is my last day of work.
00:13:00Oh, jeez.
00:13:03I've been working in automotive engineering
00:13:06for probably, like, 30 years.
00:13:08I told my boss, you know, that I need to take a leave
00:13:12of absence for a couple of years,
00:13:15I told my boss, you know, that I need to take a leave
00:13:18of absence from my work for a while,
00:13:21and I'm not planning to come back
00:13:23for possibly a year-ish or so.
00:13:26I want to make Jasmine a priority.
00:13:28I want to make sure she gets on her feet in Michigan,
00:13:31get all these things that she's going to need,
00:13:34like a Social Security number, driver's license,
00:13:37because I'm really worried, like,
00:13:39if she's not able to adapt to it,
00:13:41is she going to go back to Panama and that's it?
00:13:44That would suck.
00:13:50Jasmine and I have been together for three years now,
00:13:54and I love Jasmine.
00:13:56I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.
00:13:59But our relationship is a rollercoaster.
00:14:02It's up and down, up and down, and that's on a daily basis.
00:14:08One of your exes sent me a message.
00:14:12Did you send her naked pictures of me?
00:14:16If there is a f***ing prenup,
00:14:19I'm not going to marry you.
00:14:22Just forget it.
00:14:23F*** you. F*** you.
00:14:25Your family is a f***ing trash.
00:14:28You're a f***ing piece of s***.
00:14:30F*** you. I'm going to go and f*** my ex
00:14:33that knows how to f*** me.
00:14:36F*** whore.
00:14:39What don't Jasmine and I fight about?
00:14:42I mean, we fight about my past exes,
00:14:45my past girlfriends, the food I eat,
00:14:48finances, my family and stuff.
00:14:51Unnecessary cosmetic procedures, I believe.
00:14:54She doesn't like all the pop I drink.
00:14:56I don't like her talking about her exes.
00:14:58She shouldn't be talking about her exes,
00:15:00but what keeps us coming back together
00:15:03is we have such a strong bond
00:15:06and a good connection
00:15:08that when I believe there's no hope
00:15:10or think there's no hope,
00:15:12somehow we come back together.
00:15:14It's amazing.
00:15:16It's amazing.
00:15:35Okay, let's go to the floor!
00:15:41That's it! Keep dancing!
00:15:44Hurry up!
00:15:45Put your hats on!
00:15:49Party, party!
00:16:08So I've been dieting and exercising like crazy,
00:16:11but the problem is that because I lost a lot of weight,
00:16:14that included the little butt that I had.
00:16:17One of the few things that Gino compliments me is like,
00:16:20oh my gosh, your fat ass, I love it.
00:16:22And I was like, oh my gosh, what am I going to do?
00:16:25It's gone.
00:16:26So I got butt implants,
00:16:28and now my ass is so round and peachy.
00:16:32It's just perfect.
00:16:45Gino was giving me, I mean,
00:16:47like a feast for my wedding dress.
00:16:51And there it is.
00:16:55The butt that's left.
00:16:57Exactly, exactly.
00:16:59And he's going to enjoy it a lot.
00:17:01I wish Gino were more appreciative
00:17:04of all the effort that I put into being pretty.
00:17:08My hair, my nails,
00:17:10my laser hair removal that he loves.
00:17:14By the way, he likes hairless,
00:17:17but that means spending money.
00:17:20And Gino is cheap.
00:17:22So I was basically forced to spend the money
00:17:26that he had been giving me for my wedding dress
00:17:29and butt implants.
00:17:31It's all gone.
00:17:32I'm sitting on it right now.
00:17:40You spent the money for the dress
00:17:42for the butt implants.
00:17:44What the hell am I going to do?
00:17:46I mean, I already got butt implants, and I spent the money.
00:17:48Not even to take it off.
00:17:49Exactly, but he doesn't know.
00:17:51What a surprise.
00:17:54I'm going to get divorced.
00:18:06Oh my God.
00:18:10Oh my God, sorry.
00:18:14That's too fast.
00:18:16Currently, I help Jasmine out with her rent and stuff
00:18:20and bills because unfortunately,
00:18:23she lost her job as a teacher in Panama.
00:18:27And since she's about to leave for USA,
00:18:30she hasn't gotten a new one.
00:18:32So I help Jasmine quite a bit financially right now.
00:18:39Whew, not in shape.
00:18:41Yeah, I get that heart rate going.
00:18:43Oh my gosh, wow.
00:18:45Yeah, it works great.
00:18:47The hard part is that I think Jasmine's become spoiled,
00:18:50and I think when she comes to Michigan,
00:18:52you know, she's going to get a taste of reality.
00:18:56How much are you selling this for anyway?
00:18:59I list it for $200.
00:19:01Do you know what the mileage is on this thing?
00:19:05I'm not sure how to check that, but it's only a few years old.
00:19:10We just weren't getting much use out of it.
00:19:13Oh yeah, I recently quit my job because my fiancé's coming.
00:19:17So we're on a tight budget, and I don't want to go over that today.
00:19:21But thank you so much for showing this to me.
00:19:24I really like it.
00:19:26You're welcome.
00:19:28I'm not buying the treadmill today because
00:19:30even though I want to give Jasmine everything she wants,
00:19:33I don't think spending a lot of money on a treadmill right now makes sense.
00:19:40I'm a little worried about telling Jasmine that I quit my job
00:19:44because Jasmine likes to live the luxury good life,
00:19:47and if I don't have any income or money,
00:19:50oh my God, Jasmine's going to kill me.
00:19:53So I think it's better to wait until she gets USA.
00:19:58I'll tell her when she comes to Michigan.
00:20:06There we go, that'll get the bump we need.
00:20:09I ended up falling in love with someone who has a completely different background.
00:20:13She's lived in really nice places.
00:20:16She's even used to maids.
00:20:18Being with me is not going to be a cakewalk.
00:20:20Man, this is going to be a problem.
00:20:23All right, here we go.
00:20:25How do I look?
00:20:27Work, Barbie.
00:20:29It had been two years that Jess and I were dating,
00:20:33and he was being lazy and he wasn't helping me with the housework.
00:20:36We got into a lot of heated arguments.
00:20:38One of those arguments I said,
00:20:39yeah, well, I have a secret to tell you,
00:20:41and he freaked.
00:20:57Big lights, big city, electricity.
00:20:59Party all night, party all night, yeah.
00:21:08That's actually nice.
00:21:11My name is Sophie, I'm 23 years old, and I live in London, England.
00:21:19For work, I do fashion modeling and content creating,
00:21:22just like social media things,
00:21:24so I don't have to stay in one place.
00:21:26I can kind of just, like, go wherever,
00:21:28and also I get free clothes, so that's nice.
00:21:33I don't like green, but, like, if this was, like, bright yellow, I'd like it.
00:21:36Like, I like standing out stuff.
00:21:41I like to go out, I like to dance, be with friends, have a good time.
00:21:44I was clubbing at 12 in America.
00:21:46I'm sure that looks absolutely crazy.
00:21:48But in Europe, if you look old enough, you can go to the clubs.
00:21:50Like, they don't really care.
00:21:53My family is wealthy.
00:21:55Like, basically, my grandad's, like, a really hard-working man.
00:21:58I don't really ask about what he does.
00:22:00I just know he made a lot of money.
00:22:02So, like, that's why we always just lived, you know, in nice houses.
00:22:05I went to private school.
00:22:07I've traveled a lot of places, so, like, I'm really lucky for that.
00:22:10But I also had a lot of really tough experiences in life.
00:22:14I'm actually mixed race, so my dad is black and my mom is white.
00:22:18I was raised in Spain where there wasn't any black people,
00:22:21so I was, like, the only mixed kid or black kid in the whole school.
00:22:25And as a kid, I was bullied.
00:22:28I didn't really have any friends and I just struggled to fit in.
00:22:32But, like, even though I went through a lot of difficult things,
00:22:35I'm still thankful for them because those experiences led me
00:22:38to the person I am today and also led me to the love of my life, Rob.
00:22:44Before I met Rob, I was following, like, a bunch of Instagram pages
00:22:48for, like, cute mixed race guys.
00:22:51And then I saw Rob on there.
00:22:53He was actually the only guy from that page that I followed
00:22:56just because I thought he was so cute.
00:22:58I wouldn't tell him that, though. He'd get a massive head.
00:23:14Here we go. How do we get the pump we need?
00:23:19I'm Rob. I'm 32 years old and I live in Los Angeles.
00:23:23Two days until you got your wifey in town looking at you like,
00:23:26what you been doing? You been working out?
00:23:29I do care about looks.
00:23:31I care about both looks and personality, but I care about looks a lot, too.
00:23:34I feel like I'm a good-looking guy, so people can kiss my ass
00:23:38on me being shallow and wanting a good-looking girl,
00:23:40but I'm going to keep it real.
00:23:42I'm a fine-ass woman, and Sophie is the hottest person I've been with,
00:23:46and that's what I've been looking for.
00:23:50I'm kind of a jack-of-all-trades, and one of my jobs was being a model,
00:23:54so I would get a lot of women who would reach out to me on social media.
00:23:57Usually, I would just ignore them.
00:23:59But when Sophie followed me, I was like, oh, s***.
00:24:08She's stunning. Who is she? Is she even real? Like, she followed me?
00:24:10One of the first things I said to her was,
00:24:12if I had a girl like you, I could stop looking.
00:24:15And then sparked a conversation with her and shot my shot,
00:24:18and I must have made that shot.
00:24:23I don't know. Rob's, I guess, not smooth.
00:24:25I'm not even going to call him smooth.
00:24:26But, like, he said all the right things to me.
00:24:30I kind of text him back and entertained it a bit,
00:24:33and then literally after the first day, he FaceTimed me.
00:24:36That was very bold, innit?
00:24:37I don't know if it's an American thing or what,
00:24:39but, like, you don't just FaceTime them after they've replied to you,
00:24:41and you don't know them.
00:24:42I accepted the call, and I was like, hello, why are you calling me?
00:24:46And he was like, oh, I just want to see if you're real.
00:24:48And I was like, yeah, I'm real.
00:24:49And at first, I was a bit weirded out,
00:24:50but then I was like, oh, he's very confident just to do that.
00:24:53I love you, baby.
00:24:55That FaceTime lasted eight hours.
00:24:57On FaceTime, like, what do you even talk about with someone for eight hours?
00:24:59But we was just talking nonstop. There was never any silences.
00:25:03Even though we were from opposite sides of the world,
00:25:05and I know I was raised in a nice area and he was raised in a rough area,
00:25:08but even with that, we've had very similar childhood experiences
00:25:11in terms of, like, you know, racism stuff,
00:25:14and he never fit in with anyone, and he was bullied as well.
00:25:17Even though we've been, like, brought up different ways,
00:25:19I think we've both felt the connection that was just, like,
00:25:22we haven't really found it anywhere else.
00:25:31We've talked for, like, six months, and then she came to Los Angeles,
00:25:34and we went from having never met to living together for two months.
00:25:38Before I ever met Robin real life, I'd only ever seen him on video call
00:25:41with his face, like, all up on the camera.
00:25:44So when I first saw him in person,
00:25:46he kind of just looked like he had a pea head.
00:25:49It looks like his head is, like, stuck on someone else's body.
00:25:54One time.
00:25:56At the end of it all, we both felt like we,
00:25:59even in those two months, had gotten comfortable with each other.
00:26:03I'd heard about the K-1 visa before,
00:26:06and I just kind of put the idea in his head, like,
00:26:09this is a solution.
00:26:11And it was so awkward, because it was like,
00:26:13this basically means I'm proposing.
00:26:15He was like, so, like, you're asking if we should get engaged?
00:26:18And I was like...
00:26:22Is it fine?
00:26:27Keep it up, keep it up.
00:26:28It'll be worth it.
00:26:30She is due to show up here very soon,
00:26:33and this journey all comes down to this.
00:26:36It's very nerve-wracking.
00:26:42You should take these, you know, just in case.
00:26:45Last thing I want is some uninvited guests.
00:26:51I ended up falling in love with someone
00:26:53who fell in love with me back,
00:26:55who has a completely different background.
00:26:57And sometimes it just seems like
00:26:58Sophie really can relate to me.
00:27:01She's lived in really nice places
00:27:03where she didn't have to pay the rent.
00:27:05She's even used to maids.
00:27:07It's far from the real world.
00:27:09Just throw one under there.
00:27:11She's still got spoiled rich girl tendencies.
00:27:14I'm gonna have to bring her a little bit down to earth.
00:27:17She's gonna have to learn that, you know,
00:27:18it ain't, it ain't, it's not that easy,
00:27:20and being with me is not gonna be a cakewalk.
00:27:23And at the end of the day,
00:27:25marrying Sophie needs to feel like it's gonna work.
00:27:28If I feel like it's just not gonna work,
00:27:30then I don't want to do that to myself.
00:27:32And I don't want to do it to her either.
00:27:37So basically, you're going to Mendoza
00:27:38to see if he's the man for you.
00:27:40Uh, yes.
00:27:42Honestly, we have some things to work on.
00:27:45There is no third chance with Justin.
00:27:48This is our last opportunity.
00:27:59You ready?
00:28:00All right, here we go.
00:28:01Angle this a little bit the other way.
00:28:03All right.
00:28:04How do I look?
00:28:06Work, Barbie.
00:28:08Gorgeous, as usual.
00:28:10Okay, so I'm ready to do this.
00:28:13I'm Nicole.
00:28:15I'm from Hoboken, New Jersey.
00:28:17I'm 47.
00:28:19Just an age.
00:28:21Don't even think about it.
00:28:24All right.
00:28:26I am a recording artist
00:28:28known as Nikki Exotica.
00:28:30Sexy, exotic, erotic, hypnotic
00:28:32Making the booties get so psychotic
00:28:34As a music artist,
00:28:36I created Nikki Exotica
00:28:38as an alter ego.
00:28:40I wanted to have another persona
00:28:43and then come home and be normal again
00:28:45and be myself again.
00:28:47I wanted to be myself.
00:28:49I wanted to be myself.
00:28:51And then come home and be normal again
00:28:53and be Nicole.
00:28:55The difference between Nicole and Nikki Exotica
00:28:58Nikki, she's a little bit of a diva.
00:29:01Nicole, on the other hand,
00:29:03is a homebody.
00:29:05Vicious, I'm home.
00:29:07Come here.
00:29:13I love the smell of fresh roses.
00:29:17To make ends meet,
00:29:18I am a hairstylist and makeup artist.
00:29:20And I am also a beauty consultant.
00:29:22So that means that anyone
00:29:24who wants advice on plastic surgery,
00:29:26I am the person to come to.
00:29:28I've done every plastic surgery procedure
00:29:31from head to toe.
00:29:33Nose, lips, jaw,
00:29:36chin, cheek implants,
00:29:38eye color change, breasts.
00:29:41You can't expect a woman
00:29:42to have all these curves naturally.
00:29:46You know, when you look this certain way,
00:29:49you have a lot of people judging you.
00:29:51But when it's 80% of the world
00:29:54giving me positive feedback,
00:29:56I don't really care
00:29:57what the other 20% have to say.
00:29:59You know, if they can go kick rocks for all...
00:30:01I care.
00:30:02Because there was a time
00:30:03where I didn't love myself.
00:30:04You know, I was going through
00:30:06a really dark time.
00:30:07And now I'm finally, like,
00:30:09in a place where I'm happy
00:30:10and I love myself.
00:30:11And now I can actually
00:30:12invite love into my life.
00:30:16Yeah, there you go.
00:30:17Give me that sex kit.
00:30:19Got it?
00:30:20I think that's the shot.
00:30:22Yes, we got it!
00:30:24Got it.
00:30:25I currently have a fiancé named Justin.
00:30:28Justin is a personal trainer.
00:30:30And he's from Chisinau, Moldova.
00:30:32Today is your turn
00:30:36to send me a lot of photos
00:30:38and videos.
00:30:42I will wait.
00:30:44What kind of guy do I go for?
00:30:46Honestly, it's so Iraq.
00:30:48It's everything Justin is.
00:30:50Tall, hot,
00:30:52obviously hung,
00:30:54and funny,
00:30:56and sweet.
00:30:58Like, genuine.
00:30:59I just want to be with my baby.
00:31:01So everybody wants to know
00:31:03how I met Justin.
00:31:05It is a long story.
00:31:06But here it goes.
00:31:1017 years ago,
00:31:11I was not in love with Justin.
00:31:13I was not with Justin.
00:31:14We were not dating.
00:31:15I was in love with a Russian guy.
00:31:17We met at a nightclub in New York City.
00:31:19He was the love of my life.
00:31:21We were supposed to get married.
00:31:22It's just that he was a bad boy.
00:31:24You know, and he was against trouble.
00:31:25And he committed a crime
00:31:27that he couldn't get away from
00:31:28and was deported from the United States.
00:31:31I was distraught.
00:31:33So I made a plan
00:31:35to fly out to Chisinau, Moldova,
00:31:36where he got deported to,
00:31:38to find him.
00:31:41So I arrived to Chisinau
00:31:43to reconnect and reunite
00:31:45with the love of my life,
00:31:46so I thought.
00:31:48I never told him I was coming.
00:31:50And he opens the door.
00:31:52I'm trying to, like, give him a hug and a kiss,
00:31:54and he's being so cold with me.
00:31:56And I'm like,
00:31:57what is going on?
00:31:59He says,
00:32:00Nikki, I live here with a girl.
00:32:02I'm like, excuse me?
00:32:05I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone.
00:32:07My ex played me so bad.
00:32:09So I made a profile
00:32:11on a friend's site in Moldova,
00:32:13and I found Justin.
00:32:16His name is Igor,
00:32:17but I just couldn't fathom the name Igor
00:32:20because it just reminds me of,
00:32:21you know, Frankenstein's assistant.
00:32:24So I renamed him Justin
00:32:25because when I first met him 17 years ago,
00:32:28he did look like Justin Timberlake.
00:32:32And it stuck,
00:32:33and he loves the name too.
00:32:35And we spent the rest of my first trip
00:32:37in Moldova together.
00:32:39The first time he took me on a date,
00:32:40didn't even try to sleep with me.
00:32:42He was really sweet,
00:32:43gave me a kiss on my forehead,
00:32:45and left.
00:32:46And I thought it was, like, so, like, wow.
00:32:47Like, you know, like, that was...
00:32:49I've never been treated like that by any guy.
00:32:52And I started to fall for Justin.
00:32:58And then on my fourth visit to Moldova,
00:33:01Justin proposed to me.
00:33:03It was in a park.
00:33:04It was so romantic.
00:33:05You hear the birds chirping.
00:33:07Baby, you husband.
00:33:11We met, didn't we?
00:33:18Our first K-1 visa was approved,
00:33:20and we tried to give it a chance.
00:33:23But two weeks after,
00:33:25Justin came the first time.
00:33:27We had some issues,
00:33:30and it just couldn't be worked on.
00:33:34So basically going to Moldova
00:33:36to see if he's the man for you.
00:33:38Uh, yes.
00:33:39Are you excited?
00:33:41I am excited,
00:33:43and we have some things to work on, so...
00:33:47What happened the first time?
00:33:49You never told me the full story.
00:33:51He was being lazy,
00:33:52and he wasn't helping me with the house chores,
00:33:54and he didn't want to help me cook
00:33:55and things like that,
00:33:56that I had to do everything.
00:33:57I had to work.
00:33:58I had to cook, clean, this, that.
00:34:00We got into a lot of heated arguments,
00:34:02and in one of those arguments,
00:34:03I said, yeah, well,
00:34:04I have a secret to tell you.
00:34:05I used to be a man,
00:34:06and he freaked.
00:34:11I was, I think I was about 20 years old
00:34:14when I did my sex change operation.
00:34:16I, like, woke up,
00:34:17and the first thing I did was
00:34:19had to touch myself down there,
00:34:20and I'm like, oh, oh, my God.
00:34:22I did it.
00:34:24I'm a woman.
00:34:25I'm a woman,
00:34:26and I just feel like tears,
00:34:27you know, like coming down my eyes.
00:34:28I felt reborn again.
00:34:30At that time,
00:34:31I was living my life stealth.
00:34:33Stealth is basically
00:34:34where you don't tell people
00:34:35the way you were born.
00:34:37I was very in the closet
00:34:38and very closed.
00:34:40You know, I didn't have any gay friends.
00:34:41I didn't have any trans friends.
00:34:42I kind of, like,
00:34:43wanted to have female friends only.
00:34:45It was just a thing for me.
00:34:46You know, I had to find myself
00:34:48and go through that journey.
00:34:49It had been about two years
00:34:53that Justin and I were dating,
00:34:55and when I did blurt
00:34:57that I used to be a man,
00:34:59he was in shock.
00:35:01Like, what?
00:35:02Like, how could you lie to me
00:35:04and do this?
00:35:05I traumatized him,
00:35:07and he went home,
00:35:08and he was depressed
00:35:09for a really long time,
00:35:11and I feel bad about that.
00:35:14When was the last time
00:35:17you were together?
00:35:18In 2007.
00:35:20Fifteen years ago.
00:35:23And we're back together.
00:35:24Second chance at love.
00:35:26Justin and I kept in contact
00:35:28throughout the years.
00:35:29He had to go through things
00:35:31on his own,
00:35:32and I had to go through
00:35:33things on my own.
00:35:34But years ago,
00:35:36we got into a conversation.
00:35:37He's like,
00:35:38how's everything?
00:35:39I was like, oh, I'm single,
00:35:40you know,
00:35:41but I'm in a much better place now.
00:35:42You know, I'm happy.
00:35:43I love myself.
00:35:44And he's like, yeah,
00:35:45good, good, good.
00:35:46You know, I'm single too.
00:35:47And I was like,
00:35:48you know, it would be so funny
00:35:49if we actually gave us
00:35:52another chance.
00:35:53And he said,
00:35:54Nicole, you're crazy.
00:35:56And I was like, you know,
00:35:57don't you need a little crazy
00:35:58in your life?
00:36:00Hey, sweetie.
00:36:02You see,
00:36:03I have a new hairstyle.
00:36:05Hey, I just came to the gym.
00:36:08Three months after we first
00:36:10started speaking again,
00:36:11I arranged a trip to Mexico
00:36:14for us to connect physically,
00:36:17mentally, emotionally.
00:36:20Let me go back.
00:36:22While we were there,
00:36:23he did tell me that
00:36:24I'm the love of his life.
00:36:26And he proposed to me
00:36:28and then I applied for the K-1 visa
00:36:31a second time.
00:36:33Are you ready to see him again?
00:36:35Are you ready to make sure
00:36:37this is it?
00:36:39there's just some concerns
00:36:40that I have with our relationship.
00:36:42So before the K-1 visa
00:36:44gets approved,
00:36:46we have some things to work on.
00:36:49So originally,
00:36:50when I kept making advances
00:36:52to come to Kishanel,
00:36:54his answer was no, no, no.
00:36:56Trans people are not
00:36:57widely accepted in Moldova.
00:36:58I don't think gays
00:36:59are widely accepted in Moldova.
00:37:01People are beat up
00:37:02for being who they are.
00:37:04But this is our last time
00:37:05to apply for the K-1 visa
00:37:07because he can only try twice.
00:37:09So when I go to Moldova,
00:37:11I need to know
00:37:12like if it's going to work
00:37:13before he comes.
00:37:15There is no third chance
00:37:17with Justin.
00:37:18This is our last opportunity.
00:37:20And I hope we do keep building
00:37:21our happily ever after
00:37:23because it's our last chance
00:37:25to date a trans woman,
00:37:28especially publicly.
00:37:30Getting older,
00:37:31this is like my last chance
00:37:33at love.
00:37:38Hey, mom.
00:37:39How's Rob the knob?
00:37:41Hey, rude, rude, rude.
00:37:43Rob the knob is not
00:37:44a term of endearment.
00:37:45He's stupid.
00:37:46He's grumpy.
00:37:47He's the epitome of a knob.
00:37:49I'm marrying him.
00:37:50I'm marrying him.
00:37:52He's the epitome of a knob.
00:37:54I'm marrying him, sir.
00:37:56You all know I have done this.
00:37:58I've made a decision
00:37:59and then I'm like,
00:38:00oh, I made the wrong decision.
00:38:02And then I backtrack
00:38:03and backpedal
00:38:04and pretend that decision
00:38:05never happened.
00:38:06There's definitely
00:38:07a lot of white lies
00:38:08that have come out
00:38:09and I'm worried that
00:38:10that's going to blow up
00:38:11into something more.
00:38:12Full transparency.
00:38:13If it does not go
00:38:14the way that I see fit,
00:38:15I am prepared to bounce.
00:38:23Come on.
00:38:25So currently,
00:38:26I live in Englewood
00:38:27with my dog, Rome.
00:38:28He's my best friend.
00:38:30I've had him for over 10 years
00:38:32since he was 3 months old.
00:38:34We've been through it all together.
00:38:37Come on, come on, come on.
00:38:39No eating grass.
00:38:40Come on.
00:38:41Come on.
00:38:42Come on.
00:38:43Come on.
00:38:44Come on.
00:38:45Come on.
00:38:46Come on.
00:38:47Come on.
00:38:48Come on.
00:38:49Come on.
00:38:50Come on.
00:38:51Come on.
00:38:52No eating grass.
00:38:53Come on.
00:38:54There's definitely
00:38:55some really nice,
00:38:56cool spots in Englewood
00:38:57and then there's some,
00:38:58you know,
00:38:59worst parts of Englewood
00:39:00that people have probably seen
00:39:02on the news in the 90s
00:39:03or something.
00:39:04It's kind of like
00:39:05a really loud street
00:39:06and not necessarily
00:39:07somewhere that Sophie
00:39:08should just be like
00:39:09walking around at night.
00:39:11She's seen my crib
00:39:12because when she came to LA
00:39:14the first time,
00:39:15we stayed in my crib.
00:39:17I think she would like me
00:39:19to not still be there,
00:39:21but, you know,
00:39:22that's just not how it played out.
00:39:26Man, this is gonna be a problem.
00:39:30So right now,
00:39:31I'm living in a studio apartment
00:39:32and it might not be the nicest,
00:39:34but it has everything I need.
00:39:36The only thing I don't have
00:39:38is a bathroom in the apartment.
00:39:41You have to walk across the courtyard
00:39:43to get to it,
00:39:44which I can see that being annoying,
00:39:47especially if you gotta go
00:39:48like in the middle of the night.
00:39:49But it hasn't bothered me so much.
00:39:52I mean, I used to live
00:39:53on a mountain in Oregon,
00:39:54so walking to the bathroom
00:39:56is better than walking 40 yards
00:39:58so that you're out of sight.
00:40:02All right, baby.
00:40:03Yeah, I got plenty of work to do
00:40:05to get this place ready.
00:40:06That's nasty.
00:40:08I know that this is not
00:40:10the ideal place
00:40:11to bring a princess to live,
00:40:13but this will be a part
00:40:14of the story of me and Sophie
00:40:17one day where we'll tell our kids,
00:40:19like, yeah, I brought your mom
00:40:20into L.A.,
00:40:21took her straight to the hood,
00:40:23and she was all nervous.
00:40:24They'll be like, wow,
00:40:25like, that's crazy.
00:40:26You guys are so happy now.
00:40:27We got a nice house
00:40:28and we have all the stuff we want.
00:40:30I'll be like, y'all have no idea.
00:40:31You don't know what it's like.
00:40:48Rob's room is so small,
00:40:50so, like, I don't know
00:40:51how this is gonna fit
00:40:52even into it
00:40:53because his closet is small
00:40:54and he has a bunch of clothes,
00:40:55so it's like,
00:40:56I don't know how
00:40:57I'm gonna fit everything.
00:40:58My apartment in London
00:41:00is very different
00:41:01Rob's place in Inglewood.
00:41:03Rob's, where he lives, is very small.
00:41:06It's like a giant bedroom,
00:41:07and then in the corner there's like
00:41:08a little stove and a fridge.
00:41:11Rob's bathroom is kind of like an outhouse,
00:41:13so when I need to pee at like two in the morning,
00:41:16I would rather hold it than go to the bathroom at night.
00:41:19I literally was showering one time,
00:41:20and there was a raccoon on the roof,
00:41:22so I was just a bit like, oh my God,
00:41:24I don't know where I'm at right now.
00:41:27Hi, Mom.
00:41:28Can you hear me?
00:41:29How are you?
00:41:30Are you excited?
00:41:31Yeah, I'm ready.
00:41:32I just want to get out of the way now.
00:41:33Like, I've been waiting for two years for this.
00:41:35I'm ready to just get there.
00:41:38I don't have any siblings or anything,
00:41:39so like me and my mom have always been close
00:41:41since I was little.
00:41:42It's not really like a mother and daughter relationship,
00:41:44it's more like sisters, I'd say.
00:41:46I'm not really a big fan of siblings,
00:41:47but I'm not a big fan of having siblings.
00:41:49I'm not a big fan of having a lot of siblings,
00:41:51but I'm not a big fan of having a lot of siblings.
00:41:53I'm not a big fan of having a lot of siblings.
00:41:55Sisters, I'd say.
00:42:00When I was about 16 years old,
00:42:02I moved to England by myself.
00:42:03After that, my mom ended up moving to England.
00:42:05She hates England, but like, I was there,
00:42:07so she moved with me.
00:42:08And then I moved to Mexico,
00:42:11and then she stayed with me the whole time I was in Mexico.
00:42:14I mean, knowing my mom, she probably moved to America,
00:42:16probably moved down the road.
00:42:18And Rob doesn't like to hear that.
00:42:20They're not like the biggest fans of each other,
00:42:22but they're going to have to learn to get along
00:42:24because we're all going to be family at the end of the day.
00:42:27How's Rob the knob?
00:42:28OK, rude, rude, rude.
00:42:30I'm marrying him, so...
00:42:32Rude, but true.
00:42:33He's stupid, he's grumpy, he's the epitome of a knob.
00:42:38A knob is a penis, but it's like, it's not an actual penis.
00:42:42It's someone that's just a knob.
00:42:43They're just like, I guess, a dickhead, like a...
00:42:47Rob the knob is not a term of endearment.
00:42:49Are you nervous about when you get there,
00:42:51where you're going to live?
00:42:53Yeah, obviously, it's not the best situation,
00:42:56but I'm just excited to see Rob
00:42:58and I'm going to think about, like, the bad stuff when I get there.
00:43:01There's a saying, talk's cheap, money buys houses.
00:43:04No, I mean, I'm going to get him to move out at some point.
00:43:09I really wish you'd let me just give him a call
00:43:11or give him a heads up, say, listen,
00:43:13you need to be doing this for myself.
00:43:15Yeah, no, don't. You need to, like...
00:43:17Don't scare him off before we're even married.
00:43:18Wait till we're married and then do what you want.
00:43:21Let me just first... Let's get the marriage done.
00:43:23We've been waiting for it. I don't want anything to mess it up.
00:43:25And then if you want to call him, do whatever, go for it.
00:43:30For work, Rob does little odd jobs here and there.
00:43:33But it's frustrating for me because I've been trying
00:43:35to get Rob to move out for months.
00:43:37He's had so much time to find a good job
00:43:40and kind of change the situation he's in.
00:43:42I think Rob is a real man.
00:43:44He just doesn't do some of the things a real man is supposed to do.
00:43:47So it's a bit more serious for me than Rob realises.
00:43:52A NEW FRIEND
00:44:03Can I do a vodka, water, with lemon and lime, please?
00:44:08I'll do a double.
00:44:09Oh, hey. What's up, guys?
00:44:20How are you guys doing?
00:44:22You got the bead memo?
00:44:23What bead memo?
00:44:24This one?
00:44:25Oh, yeah, this one.
00:44:26Totally unplanned.
00:44:27Besides me.
00:44:30I am a mixture of emotions to know that Manuel is going to be arriving soon.
00:44:36We have been waiting for this day for so long.
00:44:40And now it's here.
00:44:43And it's scary.
00:44:44So I'm meeting my friends for a couple of drinks just to kind of calm down before I
00:44:52get to Manuel.
00:44:54My friends know about Manuel.
00:44:56They all know about this ex-fiance I had in Ecuador.
00:44:58Like, he'd always been in the background.
00:45:01And so they didn't even take me seriously about this wedding until, like, after I got
00:45:06back from Ecuador, like, the third time, like, recently.
00:45:09Even after we filed for the K-1 and everything, they still thought it was just me and one
00:45:13of my things.
00:45:16Tomorrow is the big day.
00:45:17Tomorrow is the big day.
00:45:18Are you excited?
00:45:19I'm excited.
00:45:20I'm nervous.
00:45:21I'm anxious.
00:45:22Did he tell you how his first flight was?
00:45:23Because it was his first one?
00:45:24He said he thought the plane was going to fall.
00:45:26It literally was like my love.
00:45:29Oh my God.
00:45:30Did he get a chance to talk to his mom once he got to Guayaquil?
00:45:35He's talked to her, but he's telling her he was in Guayaquil to work.
00:45:39Wait, how long does he normally work for?
00:45:41So over there, the men that work in construction, they go to different parts of Ecuador and
00:45:45they live there.
00:45:47And they work for months, sometimes even a year.
00:45:50So he could be here for three months before he tells his mama.
00:45:53This makes me, and I'm sure everybody else, skeptical as f**k.
00:45:57Like, it's kind of scary.
00:46:00Why hasn't Manuel told his mother that he is coming to America to live with his fiancée?
00:46:07That's a Manuel question.
00:46:10This is what he says, okay.
00:46:13He tells me that it's easier for him to tell her when he gets here so that she's not worried
00:46:21about him traveling so far away and all of that.
00:46:26Because I feel like Manuel likes to not tell everything or leave things out as a way to
00:46:31protect other people.
00:46:33Which irks me, because of course I'm worried what he's not telling me.
00:46:36Why do you think he hasn't said anything?
00:46:39Do you think he's, like, coming over here to just kind of, like, get away from the situation?
00:46:44I thought about that, too, if he's trying to almost kind of, like, run away from the
00:46:50burdens that he has there and start fresh.
00:46:55In America.
00:46:56Cheers to that.
00:46:57Cheers to that.
00:46:58Let's do a cheers.
00:46:59You, Manuel, and all the witchy stuff he hasn't seen yet.
00:47:00And all the witchy stuff he hasn't seen yet.
00:47:01Cheers to that.
00:47:02He's got to get ready for it.
00:47:03You know, speaking of that, does he know the full extent of your witchiness?
00:47:04What have you told him so far?
00:47:05Like, what does he not know?
00:47:06That I do tarot and astrology.
00:47:07And your spells and...
00:47:08Slaughter a lamb on the full moon.
00:47:09I do not slaughter a lamb on the full moon.
00:47:30I do remember there was one time it was like a full moon and something and I told him
00:47:31I had to go work with the moon and not call him back.
00:47:32And when I called him back, we were talking for like 10 minutes and then he goes, so what
00:47:35were you doing with the moon?
00:47:37Is like witchiness and like brujerĂa like a thing in Ecuador?
00:47:41Or like, is it like...
00:47:42God is a thing in Ecuador.
00:47:43So they're Catholic?
00:47:44Very Catholic.
00:47:46So being a modern day witch to me means working with the elements.
00:47:51It means working with the earth.
00:47:52It means working with your own intuition through all different kinds of spell work,
00:47:57affirmation work, mantra work, all that fun stuff.
00:48:01That being said, things like witchcraft are foreign to Manuel and they also have a negative
00:48:07But this is not just what I do.
00:48:10This is who I am.
00:48:11This is my lifestyle.
00:48:13So I am worried about how he's going to conceive it all.
00:48:18I hope he's supportive.
00:48:20I hope it doesn't weird him out to be honest with you.
00:48:23Like it's one thing for him to say it's cool, babe, and it's another thing for him to see
00:48:26me literally actively working at my altar.
00:48:29Do you think that you're actually going to go through with the whole process with you
00:48:36both leaving so much out?
00:48:38So there is a part of me that worries like, what if like the first 30 days are just hell?
00:48:42What if they're nightmarish?
00:48:43You all know I have done this.
00:48:44I've made a decision and then I'm like, oh, I made the wrong decision.
00:48:49And then I backtrack and backpedal and pretend that decision never happened.
00:48:52You can't do that right now.
00:48:53I can't do that.
00:48:56There's definitely a lot of mini lies, like little white lies that have come out.
00:49:00And I'm worried that that's going to blow up into something more that's going to be
00:49:03like detrimental to the relationship.
00:49:05So I'm worried that he's going to get here finally and things are going to change.
00:49:09And I'm, you know, as friends, as best friends, I'm worried that, you know, she's going to
00:49:15get her heart broken.
00:49:19It's like, just from the stuff that you told us today, what happens if it goes south?
00:49:24Like, are you prepared to like cut the whole thing after you spent all this time doing it?
00:49:30Full transparency.
00:49:31That's all we want.
00:49:33If it does not go the way that I see fit, I am prepared to bounce.
00:49:49I have to explain to my son that his mom is going to be moving to the United States.
00:49:59I don't know how he's going to take it, so it's going to be very hard.
00:50:16Coco, just don't be around because you can get crushed.
00:50:30If you have told me five years ago that I was one day going to move voluntarily of Panama,
00:50:37I would say you're crazy.
00:50:38But here I am, packing my whole life in a suitcase.
00:51:02Like a baby.
00:51:03I have my two sons, JC and Juanse.
00:51:06The eldest is Juanse.
00:51:08And the connection that I have with Juanse, it's out of this world.
00:51:15I'm a cool mom, so we love eating a good ice cream or junk food that he cannot eat with his dad.
00:51:23And saying goodbye to that, it's very tough for me.
00:51:30I made it a year after the first time I met Gino to introduce him to my children
00:51:35because I wanted to make sure that it was like something long-lasting.
00:51:41Any mother will understand that.
00:51:43Back when things got serious, I slowly introduced them.
00:51:47And the funniest part is that they don't have a language in common.
00:51:51But they were just so happy.
00:51:53It was such a beautiful moment.
00:51:55It's something that I will take in my heart until the day I die.
00:52:23ÂżCĂłmo va la relaciĂłn con Gino?
00:52:25Bueno, mami, a veces tenemos nuestras peleitas.
00:52:28O sea, Gino siempre me pone a un lado cuando se trata de su familia.
00:52:32La cuñada de Gino, la mujer del hermano, me mandó un mensaje hace poco en redes sociales.
00:52:40¿Qué vas a hacer al respecto?
00:52:43Yo voy a hablar con Ă©l y se lo voy a decir.
00:52:46Que yo no voy a estar para complacer a su familia.
00:52:51Gino's sister-in-law, Lori, sent me a very rude message
00:52:56asking me not to have my wedding day on specific days
00:53:02because she was going to be on vacation to Florida.
00:53:06It's not just like the message.
00:53:09What she said is how she said it.
00:53:11It was very bossy.
00:53:13She never said like, hi, Jasmine. How are you doing?
00:53:16Any kind of greeting.
00:53:19It just looks more like an order
00:53:21rather than a polite request or suggestion.
00:53:25And it makes me feel unwanted.
00:53:28Not loved by his family.
00:53:32Mami, casualmente tengo que decirle a Juanse
00:53:36que me voy.
00:53:38No le he dicho.
00:53:40O sea, yo le dije anteriormente a Ă©l
00:53:42lo de la visa que la estaba tramitando
00:53:44pero Ă©l no sabe que ya la visa se dio
00:53:46y que ya me voy.
00:53:49Esta noche le voy a dar las noticias.
00:53:53Even though my kids have a very comfortable life in Panama
00:53:57my plan with Gino
00:53:59because we both agree on it
00:54:01will be to bring my children to the United States
00:54:04as soon as possible.
00:54:08Hasta ahora.
00:54:12My ex-husband, he's okay with it
00:54:15but I haven't discussed with Juanse
00:54:19specific details about the K-1 visa
00:54:21especially because there was a possibility
00:54:23that it wouldn't be approved
00:54:25but now I have to explain to him
00:54:28that his mom is going to be moving to the United States.
00:54:32I don't know if he's going to be sad.
00:54:34He's going to cry.
00:54:35I don't know how he's going to take it.
00:54:37So, it's going to be very hard.
00:54:43ÂżUsted se acuerda que yo le habĂa dicho
00:54:45que la mamĂĄ se iba a ir a Estados Unidos
00:54:48a casarse con papĂĄ Gino?
00:54:51Te queda acĂĄ en PanamĂĄ con el papĂĄ
00:54:54con la tĂa, con la abuela
00:54:56hasta que yo arregle todo
00:54:59la casa donde vamos a vivir
00:55:02tengo que averiguar la escuela
00:55:04donde usted va a estudiar
00:55:05porque ese es el plan.
00:55:06ÂżTe acuerdas que te lo habĂa dicho?
00:55:09Juanse really wants to move to America.
00:55:13I don't know who put that idea in his mind
00:55:15it was maybe Gino
00:55:17but no children in the world
00:55:19will want to be separated
00:55:21from their mother
00:55:23even if it is temporary.
00:55:25A mami le aprobaron la visa.
00:55:27ÂżSabes lo que eso significa?
00:55:29La visa es el permiso
00:55:31para que yo pueda viajar
00:55:33a Estados Unidos
00:55:34a casarme con tu papĂĄ Gino.
00:55:37MamĂĄ, Âżen quĂ© dĂa te vas?
00:55:39En un par de dĂas.
00:55:43Lo que mĂĄs me gusta hacer con mi mamĂĄ
00:55:45es pasar tiempo con ella.
00:55:47Vaya a Estados Unidos
00:55:49la voy a extrañar mucho.
00:55:52Lo que mås voy a extrañar de mi mamå
00:55:54es ver su sonrisa.
00:55:59Ahora te pregunto, mi amor
00:56:01ÂżcĂłmo te sientes?
00:56:10ÂżPero entiendes que yo me tengo
00:56:12que ir un tiempo?
00:56:16ÂżNo te pone triste?
00:56:20ÂżQuieres que me vaya?
00:56:24Mamå, ¿por qué se ve triste?
00:56:28¿Por qué se ve triste?
00:56:31No, no, no, no estoy triste, Juanse.
00:56:33MĂrame, no estoy triste.
00:56:35Estoy... es de la felicidad.
00:56:39Porque yo estoy muy orgullosa de ti.
00:56:43ÂżSĂ me entiendes?
00:56:47Dame un abrachito, bebé.
00:56:49Con corazĂłn, con un hombre grande.
00:56:53It's going to be very hard for me
00:56:55to be far from my kids
00:56:57because as a mom
00:56:59I'm 100% involved in their life
00:57:01but I know that everything I'm doing
00:57:03is for them and eventually we're going to be
00:57:05all together. I keep
00:57:07myself repeating those things
00:57:09but it gives me nightmares and a hard time
00:57:11trying to sleep at night
00:57:13thinking about not being with them.
00:57:21When you come
00:57:23I make a lot of love.
00:57:25Really? That's interesting.
00:57:28Justin and I used to have lots of sex
00:57:30but now that he knows
00:57:32that I'm trans, something
00:57:34inside him rejects
00:57:36that part of my body.
00:57:38We're going to talk more when I get there.
00:57:58Vicious, we're going to speak to daddy today.
00:58:12Hello? Oh, I see you.
00:58:14I have to find
00:58:16the parking.
00:58:24Baby, you're beautiful today.
00:58:27Well, you know you like me
00:58:29all natural. You don't like me done up
00:58:31like a drag queen.
00:58:33Yeah, I like when you're more natural.
00:58:35When you come
00:58:37when you do
00:58:39your makeup, I want you
00:58:41to be more natural. Yes?
00:58:45I think Justin
00:58:47is nervous about people looking
00:58:49at me because he's still trying to get over his
00:58:51insecurities. He thinks that
00:58:53people can still figure out that I'm trans.
00:58:57I will teach you.
00:58:59You will not teach me anything
00:59:01with the fashion that they have there.
00:59:03I'm sorry.
00:59:05How's your mom?
00:59:11What is she thinking that I'm coming there?
00:59:13Is she excited?
00:59:15Of course, she's waiting.
00:59:19She's waiting to meet me again?
00:59:21Knowing everything that she knows now?
00:59:24My mother
00:59:26respects my choice
00:59:28and she supports me.
00:59:30If I said, this is my woman,
00:59:32she will respect you.
00:59:34That's good, you know.
00:59:36I just want to be
00:59:38I want her blessing. I want to make sure that she approves
00:59:40and you know
00:59:42because I'm going to be part of the family.
00:59:44I'm going to be part of your family
00:59:46and you're going to be part of my family.
00:59:48The time when I
00:59:50met Maya, his mom,
00:59:52I feel like she loved our union
00:59:54and loved us together as a couple.
00:59:56She did not know that I was trans
00:59:58years ago, but now she
01:00:00knows and she
01:00:02has hang-ups and she's
01:00:06I hope Justin's family
01:00:08accepts me and
01:00:10us together
01:00:12like they did in the past.
01:00:14I don't know how I'm going to feel
01:00:16you know, if she doesn't accept me.
01:00:18Well, we're going to talk more
01:00:20when I get there. Are you excited?
01:00:24Don't break my penis.
01:00:26Oh, I'm going to break it all right.
01:00:28When you
01:00:30come, I make a lot of love.
01:00:32Really? That's interesting
01:00:34because it's the last time we saw each other.
01:00:36Lovemaking was very much in
01:00:38two and a half weeks, maybe four times.
01:00:40This is very good for 35 years.
01:00:42No, it's not. No, it's not.
01:00:44That's like an 80-year-old man that's ready for a
01:00:46casket. No.
01:00:4815 years ago,
01:00:50we used to have lots of sex
01:00:52and everything was so healthy.
01:00:54And like 15
01:00:56years forward, I'm just
01:01:00what changed? I
01:01:02noticed that he will not
01:01:04pleasure me completely.
01:01:06I understand
01:01:08like the whole
01:01:10trans thing probably
01:01:12bothers him, but I mean like I'm supposed to be
01:01:14your fiance, like your future
01:01:16wife, and you're not even like
01:01:18100% in bed, like
01:01:20fully connected to me.
01:01:22If you can accept me, then you accept me.
01:01:24If you can't, c'est la vie.
01:01:26Okay, baby. All right,
01:01:28kisses. I'm very glad to see you.
01:01:30Bye, honey.
01:01:40Tell me why
01:01:42I saw Sophie on Bumble.
01:01:44She said she was just trying to
01:01:46find friends in America while she was here.
01:01:48She's on date naps.
01:01:50She's doing a lot of things that
01:01:52make me feel like she's not really here for Rob.
01:01:54Red flags all over.
01:01:56Nah, I don't think so. A date nap Rob.
01:01:58Nah, bro, watch.
01:02:16Took you long enough.
01:02:18My bad.
01:02:20Had me waiting forever. What's up, bro?
01:02:22You know I try my best to not have you waiting.
01:02:24How you doing? I'm doing good.
01:02:26So today me and Terai are going to
01:02:28hit the dance studio up and
01:02:30practice something to do for
01:02:32Sophie when she gets off the plane.
01:02:34What you got for us?
01:02:36We gonna have to come up with that together.
01:02:38My plan when I get to the airport
01:02:40is that when Sophie
01:02:42walks around she's gonna see me and I'm gonna be like,
01:02:46Hammer time.
01:02:52Then I'm gonna bust out the ring
01:02:54and she's gonna be like,
01:02:56whoa, thought this was it but now there's a ring
01:02:58and I'm like yes, the time is
01:03:00officially now I'm gonna do this
01:03:02actual sweet Disney
01:03:04princess proposal.
01:03:06What do you want this dance to signify?
01:03:08What's the purpose? I really just want it to be like
01:03:10cute, fun,
01:03:12like welcome to America.
01:03:16Alright, this is what I got. You ready?
01:03:26That's what I got so far. So I need you to
01:03:28help me come up with the next move after that.
01:03:32What is this?
01:03:34That's all you got. Right here.
01:03:36I mean, I've never seen nobody come up with
01:03:38this for love.
01:03:40Pledge allegiance to
01:03:42Sophie? That's all you
01:03:44got for real.
01:03:46What are you doing? How long is the dance? Probably like 20 seconds.
01:03:48So you can't even think of a 20 second dance
01:03:50but you're about to get married. I can come up with it but I have you
01:03:52here to help. That's wild bro.
01:03:54I met Sophie maybe
01:03:56once or twice before.
01:03:58The vibes I got from her were a little
01:04:00iffy. She seems like a nice girl
01:04:02but she's young, like
01:04:04early 20s I think.
01:04:06When does she get here? Two days.
01:04:08She's doing a lot of things that
01:04:10make me feel like she's not really here for Rob.
01:04:12I don't know what you're saying. Don't start.
01:04:14I can't call it.
01:04:16You're not even ready for the dance bro.
01:04:18Are you ready for a whole marriage? Don't start.
01:04:20That's funny. I'm ready.
01:04:22I'll take your word for it then.
01:04:24You know I've been put two years into this.
01:04:26Facts. And I've always been
01:04:28someone looking for somebody.
01:04:30So I just didn't find it but
01:04:32I found it. I feel like I found it so I'm ready.
01:04:36I remember last time she was in L.A. bro.
01:04:38Tell me why
01:04:40I saw Sophie on Bumble.
01:04:42She was in there looking for
01:04:44a tenderoni and a date side of things
01:04:46bro. She's saying she was
01:04:48just trying to find friends in America while
01:04:50she was here.
01:04:52She did the same thing
01:04:54in Mexico. That's a red flag
01:04:56bro. Red flags all over.
01:04:58Nah, I don't think so.
01:05:00It ain't only the date.
01:05:02No, there is a friend side to it.
01:05:04I was on the app bro.
01:05:06Maybe she had clicked over to the wrong side.
01:05:08If you're in an open relationship
01:05:10just say that. Nah bro, I just think that we
01:05:12have an understanding on what that was.
01:05:14I don't think that it was
01:05:16what you think it was.
01:05:18It's right in your face bro.
01:05:20The cards are in your hand. Nah bro, watch.
01:05:24Rob might look like a real
01:05:26tough guy on the outside and he puts that off
01:05:28like he doesn't trust people but
01:05:30in the inside, Rob is really soft.
01:05:32At the end of the day, I think he's afraid
01:05:34to put off that he's scared of getting hurt
01:05:36and that's kind of how he deals with it.
01:06:00Hi. How are you?
01:06:02I'm good, how are you? I'm good, thanks.
01:06:06Tonight I'm with my friend Maya.
01:06:08I actually met Rob when I went to LA
01:06:10the first time a couple years ago.
01:06:12When she first met Rob, I feel like
01:06:14she really liked him because she saw that he was
01:06:16a proper gentleman when he first met me.
01:06:18He hasn't been as much of
01:06:20a gentleman as he was.
01:06:22Me and Rob had a rough patch
01:06:24because of COVID I couldn't visit him, he couldn't visit me.
01:06:26In that time, he was speaking to
01:06:28this girl online, so
01:06:30I told my friend about that straight away
01:06:32and as soon as I told her, her opinion changed.
01:06:34Obviously, I didn't leave him
01:06:36but that's in the past now
01:06:38so hopefully she's forgiven him but
01:06:40it'd be good to hear her opinion of me moving
01:06:42and actually marrying him.
01:06:44So how's life?
01:06:46Good. I'm excited for you.
01:06:48I'm getting married, Sophie.
01:06:50It's crazy, I did not think I'd be married at 23.
01:06:52Make me feel like the old lonely grandma.
01:06:54Yeah, you have a boyfriend.
01:07:00Have you planned anything yet?
01:07:02To be honest, no.
01:07:04I'm just kind of leaving it until I get there
01:07:06just because this whole journey
01:07:08has been so stressful as it is.
01:07:10First thing that comes to mind,
01:07:12all that stuff that happened with the
01:07:14online thing
01:07:16that you told me about.
01:07:18So how are you feeling about all of that now?
01:07:20Obviously, sometimes it crosses my mind
01:07:22that he did that
01:07:24because I never did anything like that.
01:07:26Even though it was going through a hard time,
01:07:28it's like, why would he do that?
01:07:30It's not something I'm going to
01:07:32ruin the relationship for
01:07:34and just end everything that we've been through.
01:07:38I remember I got a call from Sophie
01:07:40and she said, there's an account that's messaged her
01:07:42and said, look what your boyfriend's been doing
01:07:44and he'd sent sexual videos of himself.
01:07:46The first thing I thought when she told me that
01:07:48is they're in different countries
01:07:50and how do you know what he's doing out there?
01:07:52I can't believe it's the only time
01:07:54but I hope she knows
01:07:56what she's doing.
01:07:58Do you and Rob feel like you know everything
01:08:00about each other?
01:08:02Yeah, I feel like
01:08:04I know everything there is to know about Rob.
01:08:06Obviously, we've been talking every day
01:08:08for two and a half years, maybe three years now.
01:08:12There is something he doesn't know about me
01:08:14which I don't know
01:08:16if I'll tell him just because I haven't told
01:08:18anyone yet.
01:08:20I haven't even told you, so you don't even know.
01:08:24Basically, I'm bisexual.
01:08:30Did you know that?
01:08:32No, I would have never even...
01:08:34Did you expect it?
01:08:36No, not at all.
01:08:38If someone asked me, I'd probably say yeah
01:08:40but I'm not just going to announce it.
01:08:42I feel like it's no one's business.
01:08:44It feels good to say it though.
01:08:46Are you bisexual?
01:08:52I've always known that I was attracted
01:08:54to women because my first crush
01:08:56when I was five or six years old was a girl.
01:08:58But I think because of the fact that I'm bi
01:09:00not fully gay, I've kind of pushed it aside
01:09:02because it's easier to date men.
01:09:04It's exciting for me to get it off my chest
01:09:06because it does feel nice.
01:09:08This is all new for me.
01:09:10There's definitely a fear of
01:09:12if I don't explore this before I'm married
01:09:14what if it's a mistake?
01:09:16But I'll find a way to figure it out for myself
01:09:18without ruining our relationship.
01:09:20I don't want to say when did you know
01:09:22or is it something you've always known about yourself?
01:09:24Yeah, so like
01:09:26the first crush I ever had was actually a girl.
01:09:28But it's like
01:09:30yeah, I just feel like
01:09:32I kind of just suppressed it for years
01:09:34because I also like guys.
01:09:36I think it's like the same amount maybe
01:09:38even though I've never had a girlfriend.
01:09:40Do you think, you know, you've obviously
01:09:42come to this
01:09:44certain realisation now that you are bisexual
01:09:46is there ever going to be a part of you that
01:09:48you'll get married
01:09:50and you've never explored that side?
01:09:52You know, I do wonder about
01:09:54because I never physically went all the way
01:09:56with a girl.
01:09:58I don't know what that's like.
01:10:00If he was willing to negotiate some kind of thing
01:10:02at some point, maybe
01:10:04one day I can explore it a bit.
01:10:06Yeah, I mean, I guess
01:10:08in a normal situation I'd say
01:10:10we'll see how he reacts but
01:10:12you'll get married.
01:10:14It's a bit late now.
01:10:16I love Rob
01:10:18and like appearance wise I love everything about Rob.
01:10:20But we only have a
01:10:22short time to get married so I have to figure out
01:10:24what I want to do with that fact.
01:10:30I haven't even
01:10:32stepped a foot
01:10:34into the United States
01:10:36and I'm already receiving orders.
01:10:38I'm going to do everything
01:10:40in my power to make sure that they're going to
01:10:42attend our wedding and that's the way it is.
01:10:44What about me that I'm
01:10:46living my whole life just
01:10:48to be with you?
01:11:08Look baby!
01:11:22Hello Mrs. Yasmin!
01:11:24Hi Genesis! How are you?
01:11:28Hello Coco!
01:11:30I'm going to take the bread off but
01:11:32Coco is leaving.
01:11:34This is the
01:11:36last spa we're going to do.
01:11:38No way!
01:11:40Coco is family.
01:11:42Yes, I know but we're leaving
01:11:44to the United States.
01:11:46My dog Coco is technically
01:11:48the only family member
01:11:50that I'm taking with me to the United States.
01:11:52Why? Because unfortunately
01:11:54he's the only one who doesn't need a visa.
01:11:58I'm taking him to a spa because
01:12:00I want him to be the cutest
01:12:02dog at the airport.
01:12:06Hello baby!
01:12:08My angel!
01:12:10I want to show you
01:12:14Oh yes, I love surprises.
01:12:16Look who's here!
01:12:18Oh my gosh, Coco!
01:12:20Your baby!
01:12:22I want you to say
01:12:24bye to Coco before he
01:12:26gets his special treatment today.
01:12:28Bye Coco, you're in good hands.
01:12:30So baby,
01:12:32I have to do some shopping for Coco
01:12:36we're running out of time.
01:12:38I'm about to travel. I want to make sure
01:12:40that I have everything ready.
01:12:42I need to ask you,
01:12:44have you potty trained Coco yet?
01:12:46Because when I was in Panama,
01:12:48he was peeing all over your floor.
01:12:50Is he going on the mat now?
01:12:52Or does he still pee all over the place?
01:12:54Okay, number one,
01:12:56Coco doesn't do it on purpose.
01:13:00he doesn't do it on purpose.
01:13:02He suffers from anxiety.
01:13:08Are you okay?
01:13:12Define okay.
01:13:16I mean, are you doing okay?
01:13:18Are you feeling okay? Everything's okay?
01:13:22I cannot pretend
01:13:24that I'm super happy.
01:13:26I just can't.
01:13:28Because that's not true.
01:13:30That's wrong.
01:13:36Your sister-in-law texted me
01:13:38about the date
01:13:40that I can already not pick up
01:13:42for the wedding because she's having
01:13:44a lovely vacation
01:13:46in Florida.
01:13:50And she didn't even say hi, hello,
01:13:52Jasmine, no.
01:13:54She didn't mean anything
01:13:56bad about that.
01:13:58I just wanted to tell you a quick message
01:14:00because she was talking to me saying,
01:14:02oh, no, please don't have
01:14:04the wedding during these days or whatever.
01:14:06It's about having manners.
01:14:08Yeah, I don't like the way you talk
01:14:10about my family like they're your enemies
01:14:12or something.
01:14:14Gino is always blaming me for not
01:14:16getting along with his family
01:14:18and not being open-minded
01:14:20to receive them with all my love.
01:14:22You know, I made them my family.
01:14:24But there is a pattern.
01:14:26He's never going to take my side,
01:14:28not even when I'm right.
01:14:30All you do
01:14:32is to complain about me, to compare
01:14:34me to your family, to just
01:14:36let me know and throw it to
01:14:38my face that they are more
01:14:40important than me.
01:14:42I said you were equally important.
01:14:44I don't want to be equally important.
01:14:46I need a man that's going to tell me
01:14:48you are the most important person
01:14:50in this world.
01:14:52I don't need marriage.
01:14:56It doesn't matter what
01:14:58I do or what I don't do.
01:15:00I'm always going to be the bad guy
01:15:02when it comes to me and
01:15:04his family. And I hate it.
01:15:06I hate it.
01:15:08All my family have always treated you
01:15:10with love, with respect when you have
01:15:12come to Panama.
01:15:14I haven't even stepped a foot
01:15:16into the United States
01:15:18and I'm already receiving orders.
01:15:22Hey, all she was trying to say is
01:15:24hey, we're going to be on vacation these days
01:15:26please try not to have a wedding during this time.
01:15:28That's all she's saying and I completely
01:15:30agree with her. That's a simple
01:15:32request and you're making a big deal
01:15:34out of it. Have some compassion for these people.
01:15:36I am the one
01:15:38who has to have compassion.
01:15:40What about them having compassion on me
01:15:42that is living her whole life
01:15:44just to go there because I
01:15:46love you and marry you.
01:15:48So whenever I want to get married, I'm going to
01:15:50get married. You're talking about compassion
01:15:52on these people because they're having a
01:15:54vacation in Florida.
01:15:56What about me that I'm living my whole
01:15:58life just to be with you.
01:16:00I'm going to do
01:16:02everything in my power to make sure that
01:16:04they're going to attend our wedding. That's my brother
01:16:06and sister's luck and that's the way it is.
01:16:14What a jerk.
01:16:18What a jerk.
01:16:20Yeah, and that's the way it is.
01:16:24I'm done talking about the
01:16:26wedding stuff.
01:16:30We can talk later.
01:16:32Okay, sounds good.
01:16:34Say hi
01:16:36to your lovely family.
01:16:38I will and they are lovely.
01:16:42F***ing idiot.
01:16:44I have the message here.
01:16:46I'm not making it up.
01:16:48She was so f***ing rude
01:16:50and I have to be compassionate
01:16:52and move my wedding day
01:16:54according to her vacation.
01:16:56What about the way around?
01:16:58When it is about his family,
01:17:00I never win.
01:17:02It's like this all the time.
01:17:08Look at the way he expresses
01:17:12Look at the way he expresses himself
01:17:14that I have to be f***ing compassionate
01:17:16about his f***ing family
01:17:18when I'm leaving everything I love
01:17:20in my country, my kids,
01:17:22even when I have to leave
01:17:24my dog.
01:17:30I don't have any American friends.
01:17:32I don't have anyone, not even
01:17:34from any part of the world.
01:17:38I'm going to be so lonely.
01:17:40And look at
01:17:42Gino's attitude.
01:17:50I think I'm having a panic attack.
01:17:52Oh my God.
01:17:54Manuel is supposed to be
01:17:56arriving to Rochester
01:17:58but I literally have no clue
01:18:00if he made his connection. What is happening?
01:18:02Where is he? And if he's not on the plane,
01:18:04what happens then? Did I lose him
01:18:06already and he hasn't even gotten here?
01:18:08Oh my God, I'm freaking out.
01:18:10I'm freaking out. Oh my God.
01:18:20Come up here, baby boy.
01:18:22Come on.
01:18:24One more time. You got it.
01:18:26There you go. Good job.
01:18:34I'm going to be bringing you a new daddy
01:18:36Good day, baby boy.
01:18:38Are you excited?
01:18:40Manuel is supposed
01:18:42to be arriving to Miami
01:18:44right now in order to catch his
01:18:46connecting flight to Rochester.
01:18:48Come on.
01:18:50But I literally have no clue if he made
01:18:52his connections. What's going on? I don't know where he is.
01:18:58I sent him a message two hours ago
01:19:00and he still hasn't gotten it.
01:19:02So, yeah.
01:19:06He entered into Miami and in Miami
01:19:08that's where you go through customs.
01:19:10You give them everything and they say,
01:19:12OK, enter or something's wrong here.
01:19:14And I haven't
01:19:16spoken to him since he entered
01:19:18into Miami. Everything's
01:19:20left unchecked on WhatsApp, Facebook.
01:19:22Like, literally my messages are
01:19:24left unread. It's very, very
01:19:26worrisome that there's been no communication at all
01:19:28so I don't even know if he got through customs.
01:19:38How are you?
01:19:42I'm trying to Zen.
01:19:44You look good. Thank you. You look good too.
01:19:48I don't know where Manuel is.
01:19:54So there's no time frame? There's nothing?
01:19:56No messages?
01:19:58You have nothing? No.
01:20:02And you're just hopeful that he's going to show up?
01:20:04He's supposed to land today.
01:20:06You know, I feel like there's always
01:20:08something that's, like, going wrong
01:20:10with this whole situation.
01:20:12So, like, I don't know.
01:20:14Is that, like, the universe telling you, like,
01:20:16maybe this isn't
01:20:18such a great idea?
01:20:20You know what I mean? I do believe in signs
01:20:22and I've thought about
01:20:24this. Are these signs that I
01:20:26shouldn't be doing this?
01:20:28I don't know.
01:20:32I'm the more cautious sister
01:20:34where she's super spontaneous
01:20:36and will, you know, go head first into
01:20:38you know, deep waters without
01:20:40thinking twice about it.
01:20:42But I think sometimes people can be naive
01:20:44and I think we need to worry about
01:20:46the other side of it too. Like, what if he
01:20:48is not in it for the right
01:20:50intentions? Or what if
01:20:52he no longer wants this? Or what if she no longer
01:20:54wants this? You go ahead of me.
01:20:56Okay. I love you.
01:20:58I'll see you in a little bit. I love you too. I'll see you there, baby girl.
01:21:00Alright. Okay, alright.
01:21:08Let's do this.
01:21:10Bye, baby girl. Don't scratch that, honey.
01:21:16Worst case scenario, his papers can't get approved.
01:21:18Like, tomorrow his visa expires.
01:21:20It could
01:21:22take just one officer having a bad day
01:21:24to just be like,
01:21:26what are you doing here, sir?
01:21:28I get it, it's the 22nd, but like,
01:21:30why so late? What held you up?
01:21:32You're marrying who? Where are they?
01:21:34Why would they let you travel this far
01:21:36when you've never even traveled before?
01:21:38I see you don't speak English.
01:21:40Are you sure this is what you're doing?
01:21:42But like, I can't think
01:21:44anything else but what the plan
01:21:46has been. So,
01:21:48I'm gonna go to the airport
01:21:50and stick to the plan
01:21:52and try not to freak out.
01:22:16Oh my God.
01:22:22We're getting to the airport
01:22:24and I carry my anxiety in my stomach
01:22:26and I just felt my stomach, like, in my throat.
01:22:28What is happening? Where is he?
01:22:30And if he's not on the plane, what happens then?
01:22:32Did I lose him already
01:22:34and he hasn't even gotten here?
01:22:48I think I'm having a panic attack.
01:22:52Oh my God.
01:22:56I'm just trying to breathe.
01:22:58Oh my God.
01:23:00I think I just...
01:23:02Oh my God.
01:23:08I'm getting lightheaded.
01:23:10I legit think I'm having a panic attack.
01:23:12I'm literally getting lightheaded.
01:23:14Oh my God.
01:23:16Just breathe. In through your nose,
01:23:18out through your mouth.
01:23:20Oh my God.
01:23:22Oh my God, I'm freaking out.
01:23:24I'm freaking out.
01:23:26Oh my God, I'm actually crying.
01:23:28Oh my God.
01:23:30Breathe in.
01:23:32Oh my God.
01:23:34Oh my God, I'm actually crying.
01:23:36Oh my God.
01:23:48This season on 90 Day Fiancé.
01:23:54What is going on?
01:23:58So we're gonna do this?
01:24:04Oh, I miss you.
01:24:06This is the first trip here in Moldova
01:24:08after I know she's trans.
01:24:10Our country is narrow-minded.
01:24:12Oh my God.
01:24:14Oh my God.
01:24:16I just got clocked.
01:24:18The people over there staring at us.
01:24:22My fiancé Citra
01:24:24is from a very strict
01:24:26Muslim background
01:24:28and you can't sextile marriage like that.
01:24:30It's just uh-uh.
01:24:32I'm a horny little ****
01:24:34and it's not gonna be easy.
01:24:36Oh my God.
01:24:42Annaliese's dad
01:24:44has no idea that I even exist.
01:24:56He has family in New York City.
01:24:58I'd be a fool to not think
01:25:00Manuel might be coming here on my back
01:25:02so he could meet up with his family.
01:25:04And leave you.
01:25:06Who is that?
01:25:08I don't know.
01:25:10He's been getting disgusting videos from other women.
01:25:12I'm not perfect
01:25:14but I'm definitely not trying to be with
01:25:16nobody else but you.
01:25:18I saw the message.
01:25:20What am I supposed to do now?
01:25:26You act like I cheated on you.
01:25:30I'm not gonna get married
01:25:32to these **** idiots.
01:25:34Men in this region
01:25:36do they **** with him?
01:25:38Yeah, of course.
01:25:40Don't worry we can find a younger
01:25:42woman for you.
01:25:44You wanna bring a partner in to pleasure me
01:25:46because you can't be a man enough to get over
01:25:48that part of me?
01:25:50Who the **** do you think you are?
01:25:52Bye little child.
01:25:58Today's a big day for our family.
01:26:00I'm not sure if
01:26:02they accept me.
01:26:04It's okay, don't cry.
01:26:06It's just a lie.
01:26:08I don't know if I'm making the right decision.
01:26:10It's just sad man.
01:26:14Not too many words I can say can comfort you.
01:26:18How is this gonna work?
01:26:20We just keep **** arguing.
01:26:22At this point I don't know if I wanna marry him.
01:26:26I'm not doing it.
01:26:28They just disappeared.