• hace 4 días
Months of grind, practice, scrims, spanks, and leaks, it's finally here. THE NLC GRAND FINALS!!! LOCK IN AND GET IN HERE

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Edita: https://twitter.com/stendwol

00:00:00 Start
00:00:28 Game 1 Draft
00:05:43 Game 1
00:18:18 Game 2 Draft
00:19:04 Game 2
00:32:26 Game 3 Draft
00:37:42 Game 3
00:48:47 Game 4 Draft
00:50:27 Game 4
01:02:49 Game 5 Draft
01:03:51 Game 5
00:00:00I'm on a four-minute delay right now.
00:00:02I have to have a four-minute delay for competitive integrity.
00:00:12There's some audio issues on the back end, apparently, so they can't start the games yet.
00:00:19There will be a minimum of a 10-15-minute delay, chat.
00:00:21Sorry, it's a four-minute delay, so if there's any problem, it takes me a while to fix it.
00:00:26But the boys are ready and set up. They're good.
00:00:30They're banning Corki or Ezreal, I think.
00:00:31I think they might ban...
00:00:32They ban one, probably. The other one is coming.
00:00:34Or they might ban a top laner or Galio.
00:00:35I think they're banning top.
00:00:36Corki. Probably Ezreal is coming on three, which means Skarner is going to be open.
00:00:39We're feeling good?
00:00:40Yeah, then we just see where we're in.
00:00:42Yeah, yeah.
00:00:42We're gonna ban Poppy last.
00:00:47So, when we ban Poppy last here, they're gonna ban Ezreal or Skarner.
00:00:51We're gonna take the other.
00:00:52If Ezreal and Skarner are open, what do we think?
00:00:53We pick Ezreal.
00:00:54We pick Ezreal.
00:00:57I think they're banning Ez.
00:00:59I think they're banning Skarner, you know.
00:01:01Are they?
00:01:02Let's see.
00:01:03They're banning...
00:01:03We haven't banned Ivern.
00:01:04So, they are just happy playing Ivern, no?
00:01:09Okay, let's take Skarner.
00:01:10Or Ezreal, Ezreal, sorry. Ezreal, Ezreal, Ezreal.
00:01:12No, coach.
00:01:13My bad.
00:01:14I pick Ezreal.
00:01:21Now, it's likely they go Skarner something.
00:01:23Skarner, Kai'Sa, maybe.
00:01:24If they don't take it, we should take it and we ban away mid or support, depending on what they pick.
00:01:33If they don't take Skarner, we take it, I think.
00:01:36If they take it...
00:01:37Oh, bro, if they don't take Skarner here, we're gonna eat them.
00:01:40We're gonna eat them.
00:01:41Yeah, they might greed for the Ivern, as I told you yesterday.
00:01:43And go Ivern on three here.
00:01:44Let's see what they pick, too, though.
00:01:46They might pick Syndra.
00:01:47Yeah, with Azir banned, they might go Syndra right now.
00:01:49I think Bard on 4-5 goes really hard if they have Bard-Syndra.
00:01:56Alright, so here we're doing Ivern-Cho'Gath, yeah?
00:01:59I think we just slam Ivern-Cho'Gath.
00:02:02Okay, let's think about bans, then, no?
00:02:05So, I think if they pick support, we're banning counters to Cho'Gath.
00:02:07We're gonna ban, like, Gnar and Gwen and shit.
00:02:09Might go Zac.
00:02:11If they don't pick top here.
00:02:12If they pick top here, we can ban supports.
00:02:16We can't play Bard with Ivern, I think.
00:02:18I need to play Alistar or Braum.
00:02:20Yeah, we're gonna need to...
00:02:21Just leave some supports open, because it's Ivern, you know?
00:02:23Okay, here...
00:02:24It is good, no?
00:02:25Alistar, Braum.
00:02:26What do I play in our comp?
00:02:29We play Rell.
00:02:32I guess it's the best, yeah.
00:02:33What should we ban?
00:02:34So, for bans, I think what we discussed is, if we ban counter-tops here, right?
00:02:37If we just take away Gnar and Gwen.
00:02:39We don't care about Zac.
00:02:40Syndra is like, okay, ban from it.
00:02:43Okay, hold up.
00:02:44I think Syndra ban is good here.
00:02:48We can ban Syndra first.
00:02:50What do you guys think?
00:02:51Syndra ban is really good against.
00:02:52But you're blinding, no, Tim?
00:02:53They're gonna pick top on four, aren't they?
00:02:54Unless they know about the Cho'Gath flex.
00:02:55If they know about the Cho'Gath flex, we're fucked anyway, no?
00:02:57Okay, let's ban Gnar first, ban Gnar.
00:02:59Ban Gnar first.
00:03:01Gnar is the more important one.
00:03:02Yeah, Gnar is the more important one.
00:03:03Do you guys wanna hard play the Cho'Gath flex or not?
00:03:05Yeah, but let's just do one thing first.
00:03:06How is Cho'Gath against Syndra?
00:03:08It's playable.
00:03:09But Syndra is just, like, good.
00:03:10I think we want Syndra.
00:03:12We want Syndra.
00:03:13Yeah, but they might...
00:03:14Ban Syndra, I think.
00:03:15Ban Syndra?
00:03:16Yeah, true, we get Syndra for next game as well.
00:03:17But they might play Gwen, but we can swap.
00:03:19I mean, we're hoping they're picking top on four, right?
00:03:24We're gonna pick Syndra ourselves if they don't pick it.
00:03:26Just ban Syndra.
00:03:27Just ban Syndra, I think.
00:03:28Just ban it, take it out.
00:03:29Sure, sure, sure.
00:03:30I honestly don't really know what to play here.
00:03:32I'll go from their core pick.
00:03:33Zac or Gwen is what they will pick.
00:03:36Let's go with the flow.
00:03:38Stealing your pool here, maybe?
00:03:41Just think about Swain as well.
00:03:43Game, game, no?
00:03:44If they pick Sion here, they can pick Swain.
00:03:46Actually, just play Cho'Gath.
00:03:47Oh, they went for Camille.
00:03:48This is where we go Jax, Cho'Gath mid, yeah?
00:03:51Is that too much AP?
00:03:52We are quite heavy AP, though.
00:03:53I mean, that's the one we talked about.
00:03:55But can enemies stack things?
00:03:57Because they're not.
00:03:58Would I not rather go Volibear here?
00:04:00You can go Volibear.
00:04:01I'm gonna go Voli.
00:04:02I'd rather do Volibear.
00:04:03Okay, go Voli then.
00:04:05And let's go support.
00:04:06What are we thinking?
00:04:07We have Alistar, Braum out, Leona.
00:04:08Rell is pretty solid.
00:04:11A bit tricky.
00:04:12I'm probably gonna go Rakan.
00:04:13Rakan is really good with Cho.
00:04:14Because I have two targets with Cho and Volibear that I can play off of.
00:04:17And I think the combo Ezreal-Rakan is way better than the combo Rell-Ezreal.
00:04:20Okay, go whatever you want.
00:04:21How much damage?
00:04:22The only thing is our support jungle is not very good together.
00:04:24Is it okay?
00:04:25We don't have tanky, but it's better in fights.
00:04:26Like, Irelia and Rakan are not great together.
00:04:28We can't do anything on our own.
00:04:29So we just have to play together a lot with either of the carries.
00:04:31Are you comfortable with Rakan?
00:04:33Super comfortable?
00:04:35I'm happier with Rakan than Rell.
00:04:36Let's go Rakan.
00:04:37Let's go Rakan.
00:04:38Okay, we talked about damage share here.
00:04:39How much damage share is Volibear?
00:04:40It doesn't matter.
00:04:41They are not like...
00:04:42It's fine.
00:04:43We have true damage and physical magic.
00:04:45So how's their...
00:04:47Ezreal will melt them.
00:04:48So how's Camille-Volibear side?
00:04:50I think he's gonna play so in here.
00:04:51Yeah, probably.
00:04:54Yeah, he's probably gonna play Swain or something.
00:04:56Do we have damage?
00:04:57We do.
00:04:58We have to.
00:04:59We have choice.
00:05:00We just can't stop focusing.
00:05:01We just true damage that bitch.
00:05:02Oh, he's going Viktor, which is...
00:05:03That's so good.
00:05:04Really good for us, yeah.
00:05:05I think so.
00:05:07Remember what I talked about.
00:05:08Drake setups.
00:05:09Don't be too rushing with it.
00:05:10Dying on weak side.
00:05:11Your tempo and your bases.
00:05:12Don't overplay.
00:05:13Make sure we're stacking drakes.
00:05:15Same play, same screen.
00:05:17Make sure we win.
00:05:18Yeah, make sure we think about what side we're playing to, yeah?
00:05:20Okay, swap.
00:05:21Let's also talk about swaps.
00:05:22What do you want to do?
00:05:23We have Ivern, Rakan, Ezreal.
00:05:24We are pretty OP and sure.
00:05:25Yeah, we can do something level 1.
00:05:26You guys want to go to dry bush and then assist?
00:05:28Which one do you want to go to?
00:05:29But boys, just enjoy.
00:05:30Good luck and have fun and enjoy it.
00:05:32No stress, yeah?
00:05:33Zero stress.
00:05:34If nothing happens in the first 10 minutes, we're fine.
00:05:36Maybe if this goes to six items, we have a little bit of a problem, but we're fine.
00:05:39Top bush?
00:05:41Bot or top bush?
00:05:42We are blue side.
00:05:43Thank you, coach.
00:05:44When I have Mercs, I can play with her again.
00:05:45I just need to get the Mercs without losing the game, and then I'm good.
00:05:51But they for sure hear this with the casters.
00:05:54I hear the casters.
00:05:55They for sure hear this, because I hear the casters and they're spoiling everything.
00:06:03Can I have a flash for this?
00:06:04I think you should.
00:06:05Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:06:06Yeah, I got it, got it.
00:06:08We got ward on blue.
00:06:09Oh, ward.
00:06:11We stay in swap.
00:06:12I don't have secure.
00:06:13I don't have secure.
00:06:14I don't have secure.
00:06:15I don't have secure.
00:06:17Leona has sweeper.
00:06:18Leona has sweeper.
00:06:19We should stay here, by the way.
00:06:20Yeah, we should stay, no?
00:06:23I'm going out.
00:06:24They can't have vision.
00:06:25I have W up again.
00:06:26No ward, no Oracle.
00:06:27Wait here.
00:06:28I swear, if casters spoil what we are doing.
00:06:30But should we just up the white noise?
00:06:32We should tell them to up the white noise, no?
00:06:34We should, yeah.
00:06:35Because they were here, by the way.
00:06:36We can hear the casters.
00:06:37Can we flex Cho'Gath mid chat?
00:06:39We went through the draft already.
00:06:40I'm not in your situation, but...
00:06:41And we talked about damage share.
00:06:42We can hear you, I think.
00:06:44This is an exact draft.
00:06:45We thought what happened.
00:06:46The issue is you can hear casters, correct?
00:06:48Yeah, and they're talking about what they're doing.
00:06:50Yeah, yeah, exactly.
00:06:52Wait, the casters, they could...
00:06:53The cast...
00:06:58What did they say?
00:06:59Use your flash early on.
00:07:00I can hear the casters.
00:07:01All the players could hear the casters in their ears.
00:07:03First minute of the game.
00:07:04And when we invaded, they heard that they were invading.
00:07:07So now our invade doesn't work because they heard the casters.
00:07:09Varus no flash, guys.
00:07:11There was a chance of five of them being behind here.
00:07:13They said, no, not really.
00:07:15It was worse yesterday.
00:07:16We can't even hear each other.
00:07:22No way did they hear the casters.
00:07:23Varus is playing Cosmic, right?
00:07:26There's a lot of AP in that draft.
00:07:28But we talked about that draft last night.
00:07:30And we came to the conclusion that this draft should cook them no matter what.
00:07:34With the draft we have.
00:07:37He's Cosmic, no?
00:07:38He has Cosmic, yeah.
00:07:39Yeah, so it's 4-15.
00:07:40Oh yeah, sorry, yeah.
00:07:41Or 5-5 AD.
00:07:425-5 AD.
00:07:46Guys, we just...
00:07:49I don't know if I can talk.
00:07:50He's talking anyway.
00:07:52You say cooked on draft, but this is exactly what we wanted.
00:07:54Varus is freaking here.
00:07:55As soon as he walks up.
00:07:56Varus, Varus, please do not talk.
00:08:00Yeah, focus up, focus up.
00:08:01Boys, lock in, lock in, lock in, lock in.
00:08:06I don't have flash, remember?
00:08:07You guys have to go first.
00:08:09You're too loud?
00:08:10Okay, I dropped my mic.
00:08:12Oh, we killed Varus.
00:08:16That's fucking annoying.
00:08:17You guys don't meet.
00:08:18You don't need to be escorted.
00:08:19I escorted, I escorted.
00:08:20Nah, probably don't need to, honestly.
00:08:21We might as well.
00:08:22We have nothing better to do.
00:08:23It's only Viktor.
00:08:24Viktor's gonna annoy me.
00:08:25You gonna ward anything?
00:08:26Should I ward your blue?
00:08:27Okay, so the logic between Cho'Gath mid is that it's unplayable for enemy mid.
00:08:29Viktor here.
00:08:30Like, Cho'Gath gets poked early, and then we think Cho'Gath, Ivern, 2v2 actually murders
00:08:34Because Skarner doesn't have the damage to kill either of them, and Cho'Gath true damage
00:08:36burns to any items that they build, and Ezreal is our focus.
00:08:39Good invade already.
00:08:42Like, Cho'Gath is the most OP mid in the game, we think, right now, is our logic and discussions.
00:08:46I have to finish my poker on top lane today.
00:08:48Yes, Q.
00:08:50I have W in mind, so I can't trade that well.
00:08:52Just ult us.
00:08:54Maybe when you have passive, I can even W you like the Leona if she attacks me like
00:08:58I'm having no passive.
00:08:59You're so annoying.
00:09:00I don't think you need to.
00:09:01Just stop it.
00:09:02He keeps, like, chanting random shit.
00:09:03I'm B.
00:09:04I think we just play on your base, and we're strong as fuck.
00:09:07They're ward ganking the gank.
00:09:08Bot gank.
00:09:09Bot gank!
00:09:11I'm pretty sure I'm just dead.
00:09:12He skipped camps.
00:09:14We don't have flash for this one.
00:09:15It's okay.
00:09:16We're good.
00:09:17We're good.
00:09:18We're good.
00:09:19I want to run to his blue and fight the camp.
00:09:21You could, yeah.
00:09:23They're looking bot.
00:09:24They're looking bot.
00:09:25They're looking bot.
00:09:26They're looking bot.
00:09:27They're looking bot.
00:09:29Can't really help you guys.
00:09:30I'm okay.
00:09:32I can E you.
00:09:33Yeah, I'm okay.
00:09:34One more.
00:09:36Okay, good.
00:09:37They just support this.
00:09:38It's not a big deal.
00:09:39She's diveable, no?
00:09:40Yeah, I think so.
00:09:41Yeah, I'm coming top.
00:09:42She will hit this.
00:09:43If she skips camp again, then it's just what I did.
00:09:44She has nothing.
00:09:46Should I flash over the wall?
00:09:47Yeah, no, it's fine.
00:09:48It's fine.
00:09:49It's fine.
00:09:50It's gold, so.
00:09:52Two tanks.
00:09:53Oh, I messed up.
00:09:54Go, go, go.
00:09:55We kill.
00:09:56We kill, no?
00:09:57We kill.
00:09:58Got her.
00:09:59She flashed.
00:10:00She died.
00:10:01Did you die?
00:10:02Oh, I died.
00:10:03My bad.
00:10:04I should have flashed.
00:10:05We don't win 3v3.
00:10:06We're good.
00:10:07We're good.
00:10:08Okay, I just, the wave.
00:10:09I don't want to die.
00:10:10We're going to start the drake soon.
00:10:11Oof, the dive didn't work.
00:10:12Baus Q'd the tower by accident.
00:10:13I think the boys are a bit nervous.
00:10:14Well, we can, or do we?
00:10:15For sure?
00:10:16No, no.
00:10:17They didn't start.
00:10:18They didn't start it yet.
00:10:19The boys are a little bit nervous.
00:10:20I can play the game now.
00:10:21We can look for this.
00:10:22You want to?
00:10:23I'm looking here.
00:10:24Velia, look for this.
00:10:25Look for this.
00:10:26Look for this.
00:10:27If you land the Q, or just burn flash.
00:10:28I will Q.
00:10:29Oh my god, Velia, baby.
00:10:30Oh my god.
00:10:36Yes, that's fucking big, man.
00:10:40I'm going to base here.
00:10:47Oh, it's okay, Baus.
00:10:48Don't worry about it.
00:10:49Don't worry about it.
00:10:50Yes, we're making top lane.
00:10:51Do you have her?
00:10:52I can get her.
00:10:53I can get her.
00:10:54She has no flash.
00:10:57Nice, Nemeh.
00:10:58Nice, Nemeh.
00:10:59Nemeh is fucking smurfing.
00:11:00I'm dead.
00:11:01Nemeh, Nemeh, Nemeh.
00:11:02I'm dead.
00:11:03I'm dead.
00:11:04I'm good, I'm good.
00:11:05Listen, listen.
00:11:06We'll play Gromp.
00:11:07Oh no, they TP'd.
00:11:08Double kill the Skarner is fine.
00:11:09I'm going bot.
00:11:10I'm going bot.
00:11:11What if we just TP behind them and find Viktor?
00:11:12We could do that.
00:11:13Do you want to stay?
00:11:14Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:11:15We'll just flash.
00:11:16I have nothing bot.
00:11:17No flash.
00:11:18Stand nemesis to play.
00:11:20Say again.
00:11:21You TP'd behind.
00:11:22Okay, yeah, yeah.
00:11:23Ten seconds.
00:11:24I TP bot and they're dead.
00:11:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:11:26Play it slow.
00:11:27You can play it, Karan.
00:11:28You can play it.
00:11:29Don't be scared.
00:11:30They have nothing.
00:11:31I think your TP won't be in time, though.
00:11:33This is Camille.
00:11:34She has no flash.
00:11:35No ult.
00:11:37No flash for her.
00:11:38No flash for you.
00:11:39Sorry, I'm fucking trolling.
00:11:41We're a bit nervous.
00:11:43I think I'm out, personally.
00:11:45We have a cone there.
00:11:46We have nothing.
00:11:47I think I'm out.
00:11:48We're really nervous.
00:11:50I don't know, like, how strong Camille is.
00:11:54Skarner's dead, though.
00:11:57Oh, yeah, get him, Bowsie.
00:11:58Kind of alone.
00:11:59Kind of alone.
00:12:00Come on, Bowsie.
00:12:01Come on, Bowsie.
00:12:02Talk to me.
00:12:03Actually, he has flash.
00:12:04He has flash.
00:12:05He has flash.
00:12:06He has flash.
00:12:07Fucking Bowsie.
00:12:08Yes, Bowsie!
00:12:09Come on, baby!
00:12:10Get some confidence.
00:12:11They could overload the new Bosh, but probably not.
00:12:13They don't have ult.
00:12:14They don't have ult.
00:12:15They're bot.
00:12:16They're bot.
00:12:17They're bot.
00:12:18Camille no ult.
00:12:19Camille no ult.
00:12:20Can I TP?
00:12:21No, no, no.
00:12:22Victor will TP as well if I TP.
00:12:23Skarner, Camille no ult.
00:12:24Skarner, Camille no ult.
00:12:25You're outtie.
00:12:26I think you're outtie.
00:12:27Yes, Bows!
00:12:28Play those weak sides.
00:12:29My men.
00:12:31He won't go next wave.
00:12:32It's no way.
00:12:33But what about going bot?
00:12:34They're all bot side.
00:12:35They might dive me, by the way.
00:12:36They might, yeah.
00:12:37I need to stay top.
00:12:38I don't know.
00:12:39Ivern could too.
00:12:40Then I base and cover.
00:12:41Obviously, then I get cover.
00:12:42I'm coming.
00:12:43I'm coming.
00:12:44All good.
00:12:45Just play bot side right now.
00:12:46They're getting damage in 10 seconds.
00:12:47Veno, you need to connect as well.
00:12:48Karrion, play bot side.
00:12:49I'm kind of around you, Bows.
00:12:50They're coming mid, I think.
00:12:51They're coming mid.
00:12:52Let's do next bot wave together, Bows.
00:12:54I'll be behind you.
00:12:55Don't fight me.
00:12:56Don't fight me.
00:12:57Don't fight me.
00:13:02I think we've calmed down a bit.
00:13:03Just calmed down.
00:13:04Then we get bot tower.
00:13:05I'm going to base here.
00:13:06I'm on a ward.
00:13:07I'm on a ward.
00:13:08They see me on ward.
00:13:09Run a...
00:13:10I will TP bot if I have to.
00:13:18I can get her.
00:13:19I can get her.
00:13:20Victor TP.
00:13:21Victor TP.
00:13:22I'm TPing too.
00:13:23Come on, Bowsy.
00:13:24Make those shotcalls.
00:13:25Yo, Bowsy's fucking leading the charge.
00:13:26Kill him.
00:13:27Kill him.
00:13:28Kill him.
00:13:30Go for this.
00:13:31Leads it.
00:13:33This is the pace we wanted with these champs.
00:13:34That's what I'm talking about.
00:13:35I'm going to base him on top, yeah?
00:13:39Careful here.
00:13:40Oh, on Rekkles.
00:13:41Careful here.
00:13:42Boss moving.
00:13:43Boss moving.
00:13:44Boss moving.
00:13:45Boss moving.
00:13:46No, there are three men.
00:13:47Three men.
00:13:48No, no, no.
00:13:49Let me, let me.
00:13:50Let's get out.
00:13:51I'm out.
00:13:52Can you help me?
00:13:53Can you help me?
00:13:54No, no.
00:13:55We're fine.
00:13:56Oh, no.
00:13:59Voli's coming.
00:14:00Voli's coming.
00:14:01I think we should engage.
00:14:02I think we should engage.
00:14:03Good job.
00:14:04Good job.
00:14:05What are we doing?
00:14:06I'm going here.
00:14:07Can I?
00:14:08I don't think we can fight.
00:14:09No point fighting.
00:14:10Just push sides.
00:14:11Just push sides.
00:14:12Push sides.
00:14:13That's all our comp can do.
00:14:14The Volibear runs the game.
00:14:15Just group more guys.
00:14:16Just don't die, please.
00:14:17Can I go?
00:14:18Can I go?
00:14:19Can I go?
00:14:20Can I go?
00:14:21Can I go?
00:14:22Can I go?
00:14:23Can I go?
00:14:24Can I go?
00:14:25Can I go?
00:14:26Can I go?
00:14:27I don't think we can fight, please.
00:14:41Get in Bawseec.
00:14:42Get in Bawseec.
00:14:43Get in Bawseec.
00:14:44Come on, Baws!
00:14:45That's my boy!
00:14:46I get the Victor!
00:14:47I get in Bawseec!
00:14:48Run run run!
00:14:51Come on!
00:14:52That's what I'm talking about!
00:14:53Get the Victor!
00:14:55That's the comp right there.
00:14:56right there it's come alive get out the car now get out the car now that's what
00:15:07I'm talking about we just run at them
00:15:22fuck me Baus is actually single-handedly Baus is carrying so hard
00:15:27what he's three levels up man
00:15:32okay come alive come alive come alive that's what we need that's what we need
00:15:51we need that magic the Los Ratones magic baby can lock in now games on one
00:15:57still need to play it smart I'll see no I'll see no they can go
00:16:01national this I should be fine save him Velia save him save him save him save
00:16:11him yes that's Baus that's Baus no flash Ferris that's Baus that's GG that's
00:16:22baron he's still alive holy fuck give him a penta where's the penta for Baus
00:16:31that's my boy yes yes
00:16:49Baus is pushing Baus is pushing Baus is pushing Baus is pushing let him push let him cook
00:16:54let him cook let him cook come on come on Bausie
00:17:08we don't have an Ezreal Baus
00:17:09Nami Nami Nami come on Baus eat him
00:17:20holy shit
00:17:39come on Baus heal up that's my boy again again three times he's just won the game
00:17:47three plays just trust Bausie another double another fucking double
00:17:52that's the game one all right chat BRB get the boys up here get the boys up here
00:17:57come on guys that's what I'm talking about
00:17:59chat we're gonna go do draft again so I'm gonna put the camera here and I'll
00:18:16see you in a little bit I'm happy you guys happy okay just think about Xerath Vi
00:18:21yeah Xerath Vi Zac they're engage on mid is fucking crazy please be careful
00:18:25Crowny they have five champs that can engage on you mid I think especially you
00:18:28Tim this game yeah I die once I reach two items I'm back so don't worry okay
00:18:33think about drake fights how we can contest them and just make sure you
00:18:36think about the plan think about jungle AD support are we stronger are we weaker
00:18:39who's with better on side what side are we playing to please cover Neme on side
00:18:42lane in the mid game I already go there make sure we're playing from side to
00:18:45mid Corki is safe on mid Crowny and needs to be safe on mid yes okay we win
00:18:49bot 2v2 so they might swap do we like swapping
00:18:53let them swap if they want to swap let's keep it up you guys want to invade the
00:18:58red one we have Viego Braum Corki I'm down for it
00:19:03Baus you need to carry this champ red no? who covers that? can you cover Velia or do I cover and you cover?
00:19:10Velia covers I can cover
00:19:12what is Baus doing?
00:19:15can you switch?
00:19:17wait how do I have this?
00:19:19he's cooking actually
00:19:23they're coming here they're coming
00:19:25you want to contest raptors?
00:19:27I'm gonna ward
00:19:29we're doing raptors I'm going mid
00:19:31yeah we took their raptors nice
00:19:35good start for me
00:19:37talk to me Nemi
00:19:39hey we don't see any
00:19:41the hud's a bit scuffed but we'll take it
00:19:43we're warding in our top jungle
00:19:45yeah probably top jungle
00:19:47Velia tell them that Vi has a lot of free time
00:19:49Vi is really fucked on this
00:19:53they're losing bot
00:19:55probably not
00:19:57oh Baus
00:20:05no one is moving
00:20:07you're so ill Baus I hate you
00:20:09you can run to me if you want
00:20:12yeah I'm coming to you Velia
00:20:14I gained flash though
00:20:16don't give it to Xerath please
00:20:18can't really help much
00:20:20Xerath will E you
00:20:22I'll take that
00:20:24oh yeah the Baus
00:20:28there he is
00:20:32we're gonna get collapsed
00:20:34I'm insta pushing
00:20:38they're coming by the way
00:20:40we're dead
00:20:42I can look to stun
00:20:54Nemi is still up 100 gold even though Xerath got a kill
00:21:06Baus is absolutely unlocked
00:21:09no don't fight this Kempz
00:21:11you're just blocking him from wolves or what
00:21:19we see Vi
00:21:29I don't like Velia cycling
00:21:35Xerath 6
00:21:38there's a drake on the slope
00:21:40next wave
00:21:42they're slopping
00:21:44I'm just dying for the wave
00:21:46are we ever diving sac or not
00:21:52mega wharf they have no wave now
00:21:54get the cannon
00:21:58one more
00:22:02no flash Xerath
00:22:04where's the cameraman at
00:22:08big kill to Nemi
00:22:16big kill for Nemi
00:22:18TP top he can't get dove right
00:22:20Xerath is coming on basic
00:22:22he's really strong
00:22:24I don't know if Braum comes maybe
00:22:30we're fighting him
00:22:32he might die
00:22:35nice Velia
00:22:37nice Nemi
00:22:39he stopped their basic
00:22:41oh it's beautiful
00:22:53come on Baus show me the movement
00:22:55oh look at the moves
00:22:57oh look at the moves
00:22:59he's fucking god
00:23:01he's god tier
00:23:05are you kidding
00:23:09come on Nemi flash back
00:23:11everything is going so good
00:23:13yes Velia
00:23:15these fights are going so good
00:23:21Baus is just possessed
00:23:23he's possessed with like
00:23:25primed shy in his brain
00:23:27get the cannon
00:23:35look on our way
00:23:37this is free kill guys
00:23:39care bot side
00:23:41we can play top
00:23:43oh does the wraparound
00:23:45oh nice Q
00:23:47flash Reki
00:23:49Baus is just humiliating
00:23:57Nemi you good
00:23:59Nemi is cooked here
00:24:03save him Reki
00:24:07Nemi movement
00:24:13we're good Velia
00:24:15nice stun no flash rel
00:24:17free kill
00:24:21keep it up Bausi
00:24:29I can't
00:24:33oh Velia
00:24:37that was beautiful
00:24:39the boys are locked the fuck in
00:24:41Bausi runs these sidelines
00:24:47Bausi runs these sidelines
00:24:53talk to me Nemi
00:24:55oh he's one shot Kai'Sa out of nowhere
00:24:58no this wasn't executed
00:25:00no execute he just does that to him
00:25:06he just QEW ulted him
00:25:08and he was dead
00:25:18talk to me Crowny
00:25:20nice damage no flash
00:25:23go mid
00:25:25nice kill
00:25:27good tanking
00:25:29everyone is playing individually so well
00:25:31look at that gold lead
00:25:35come on Velia
00:25:37show me that Xerath
00:25:39you're definitely not scripting
00:25:41nice stun on the E
00:25:43bro it's a fucking murder
00:25:45it's a murder
00:25:49it's a complete murder
00:25:51we're 10k up in 13 minutes
00:25:53is that serious
00:26:05Kai'Sa is mega low
00:26:07what about Kai'Sa
00:26:09can we chase her
00:26:13nice you got him Velia
00:26:15talk to me
00:26:173 kills on their play is crazy
00:26:20oh we got a kill on Xerath again
00:26:24is this the 20k gold lead chat
00:26:28don't get cocky though
00:26:30just end the game
00:26:32he one shot the whole wave
00:26:41nice stun Velia
00:26:50TP back
00:26:58the ult was perfect
00:27:00can you play that 2v3
00:27:04Xerath no flash
00:27:06you can play that
00:27:08triple knock by Reky
00:27:10and there's Viego on the flank
00:27:14wrap it up boys
00:27:16wrap it up
00:27:22Baus is 4.3k up
00:27:264.3k up on Sion
00:27:28how the fuck is my top laner
00:27:308k up
00:27:32in game 1
00:27:34and 4k up in game 2 in 17 minutes
00:27:36is Baus just that guy
00:27:38or what
00:27:41I don't know if his style is going to work
00:27:43I don't know if he's going to choke at lane
00:27:45just let him cook
00:27:47let him cook
00:27:49all him
00:27:51he's 202 cs
00:27:53at 18 minutes
00:27:55I think we found the match for Chovy
00:27:57it's Baus
00:28:00no no no
00:28:022 seconds stun
00:28:04do you want to keep playing here
00:28:06no I don't want to keep playing here
00:28:10but that Xerath is low
00:28:12oh Velia
00:28:16Velia what are we doing
00:28:23he's such a mental
00:28:25that kid
00:28:27look at him
00:28:29he's fucking crazy
00:28:33holy fuck
00:28:35the hydra is one shotting waves
00:28:42Velia Aldino
00:28:50the wave just gets one bang
00:28:56someone wrote in all chat
00:28:59who wrote in all chat
00:29:01I hope it's not us
00:29:03I'm pushing hard bot
00:29:09I'm pushing hard bot
00:29:11you guys can play adecan
00:29:13don't overplay
00:29:15we have to go for missing
00:29:17no no no
00:29:19they're going to team
00:29:23I don't have good vision for this play
00:29:25no no back back back
00:29:29we don't have Baus tp
00:29:39Baus is looking for an ult here
00:29:41look at Kai'sa
00:29:43Kai'sa look at Baus
00:29:45let's just
00:29:47force them out
00:29:49oh in the head
00:29:52no flash
00:29:56bro Baus
00:29:58that guy is insane
00:30:00are you kidding
00:30:04enemy team has 4 xlc players
00:30:06he's just there
00:30:08he's just there
00:30:10he's different
00:30:13we need to dps
00:30:15ok we're fighting
00:30:21the sequences are not clean
00:30:23crowny is dead
00:30:25Baus is the damage dealer
00:30:31what about bot wave
00:30:33Kai'sa is in 5
00:30:43I'm on my way
00:30:45Baus is just on the map
00:30:47in the map all over the map
00:30:49on top of the map below the map
00:30:51east west north south he's everywhere
00:30:56my fucking boy
00:30:58oh that tower damage
00:31:00we're in it
00:31:10nice peel Reki
00:31:12do we win this
00:31:16is it a sally curse
00:31:22oh my god I thought we just lost the game
00:31:24for no reason
00:31:29holy fuck
00:31:33my boys
00:31:41my boys
00:31:43alright boys
00:31:45I'm gonna get them up here
00:31:47we don't have a 5
00:31:55are we diving
00:32:01I'm gonna get the boys
00:32:03actually they'll come up here
00:32:05but maybe it's better we go outside
00:32:09one more guys
00:32:17ok chat we've done the draft
00:32:19we're gonna go down now
00:32:21ok so let's take the slow
00:32:23jungler in the pantheon
00:32:25are we thinking wukong
00:32:27are we actually taking the pantheon here
00:32:29sorry are we actually taking the Jax
00:32:31I think we're fine
00:32:33if we can play Sejuani into it
00:32:35they have pantheon already
00:32:37let's take wukong first
00:32:41wukong slash nocturne
00:32:43let's go wukong
00:32:46I think with this Alistar ban
00:32:48this pantheon might be support
00:32:50if you pick Orianna the best you can play is Ahri or Mel
00:32:52what do we think about Nautilus flex here
00:32:54or would you rather blind Azir
00:32:56I think we should just pick Ori
00:32:58keep in mind they can still do nocturne draft
00:33:00yeah they can do nocturne here
00:33:02but they can't with Orianna now
00:33:04we've denied the Orianna
00:33:06I'm happy with Orianna here
00:33:08now here's my idea
00:33:10I think Nautilus flex on 3 could do a lot
00:33:12for us here
00:33:15and AD on 4
00:33:17I think that's gonna do work
00:33:19they know about the Nautilus flex though
00:33:21we've actually shown it
00:33:23Nautilus flex or Sejuani top
00:33:25how confident are you on Sejuani top
00:33:27what about Galio
00:33:29what about Galio
00:33:31into Jax
00:33:33what about just taking the Jax on 3 here with bans
00:33:35yeah we could do that
00:33:37how's AD matchup dropping
00:33:39boss do you like Galio into Jax
00:33:41or no
00:33:43wait but we just ban Jax here
00:33:45no we just take Jax
00:33:47I think that's Pantheon support
00:33:49I don't think Jax is great into Sejuani
00:33:51but I'm down to play it
00:33:53I don't know what he would play into
00:33:55I think you should pick your top laner here now
00:33:57what's your best top here
00:33:59I think Jax is gonna do us good
00:34:01yeah lock Jax
00:34:03just think about this
00:34:05they have double global engage
00:34:07what if they put Sejuani top
00:34:09is that possible
00:34:12should we ban Ziggs
00:34:14I like Ziggs
00:34:16let's think about bans
00:34:18I'm gonna list champs
00:34:20Cassante, Gnar, Ornn
00:34:26what about Ambessa
00:34:28what about Gnar
00:34:30or GP bans
00:34:32if we have another ban feel free to speak out
00:34:34otherwise I'll take
00:34:36what about a GP ban
00:34:40don't they want a melee top laner
00:34:42with Sejuani
00:34:44unless it's Sejuani top
00:34:46it could be Sejuani top
00:34:48should we ban Nocturne
00:34:52just ban GP
00:34:54they can play Gnar if they want
00:34:56we'll swap
00:34:58what do you think
00:35:00I think this is fine
00:35:02can we lane
00:35:04Pantheon Ashe
00:35:06I can max E though
00:35:09Xayah is open as well
00:35:11I want to go Xayah or Xayah
00:35:13you have Xayah
00:35:15if you're playing Lulu
00:35:17you could also pick Lulu
00:35:19Xayah, Jinx, Xayah
00:35:21Xayah or Xayah
00:35:23we can go Xayah, Renata
00:35:25I can still play Janna as well
00:35:27I think Xayah is pretty safe
00:35:29what do you like most
00:35:33because they could put Pantheon support
00:35:35Sejuani top
00:35:38Pantheon support, high chance
00:35:40they can play range mage
00:35:42but if they go
00:35:44high range mage, very defensive comp
00:35:46I go Bard
00:35:48Pantheon is good into Jax by the way
00:35:50maybe it's top
00:35:54he could play Renekton
00:35:56but then we lane swap
00:35:58into Gnar we also lane swap
00:36:00Bard is open
00:36:02Bard is cooking
00:36:04how is Xayah Bard
00:36:06Pantheon support
00:36:08we should decide if we are fine lane swapping or not
00:36:10it's important about last pick
00:36:14what do you think
00:36:16I don't think Lulu is that great
00:36:18myself with Xayah
00:36:20we could Bard and lane swap
00:36:22I think Bard, Janna
00:36:24even Maokai support not bad here
00:36:26how is top matchup
00:36:28not the best
00:36:30but I'll do a right one we want
00:36:32I think Bard is doing a lot for our comp
00:36:35what about just a Janna game
00:36:37you just want to do a Janna game
00:36:39the thing is Bard is bad with Xayah
00:36:41Janna Xayah is good lane
00:36:43and I counter 3 of their champs
00:36:45I'm not good against Vel'Koz or Ashe
00:36:47but you guys deal with those guys already
00:36:49we can go Janna
00:36:51I think Bard is not good with Xayah
00:36:53we have to be careful of our engage
00:36:55look at our comp
00:36:57we have Wukong Orianna good
00:36:59but we also have Xayah Jax
00:37:01Jax loves side lanes
00:37:03I guess bot is very volatile
00:37:05just remember
00:37:07they just win
00:37:09we should just swap
00:37:11just remember to make a plan
00:37:13but don't they dive
00:37:15what side are we playing to
00:37:17Ashe is not that strong early
00:37:19what do you think Baus can you survive a dive
00:37:21Sejuani, Ashe, Pantheon
00:37:233 man dive
00:37:25I'm dying once but I'm surviving the second one
00:37:27then swap is not bad
00:37:29we have 2 range champs
00:37:32I gotta go
00:37:34think about drake, think about weak side
00:37:36tempo, overplay
00:37:38and just scale guys
00:37:40scaling is our best friend
00:37:42if you are blind swapping
00:37:44can I start raptors
00:37:46and Janna you just check his blue
00:37:48and then I just fight him on his raptors
00:37:50sorry on his gromp
00:37:52if he is starting the blue
00:37:54I would love to do that
00:37:56Cassiopeia 0 CS
00:37:58wanna dive?
00:38:01he has E and W
00:38:03we need to do it properly
00:38:05if he has Q it's easy
00:38:07but if he has W we have to be careful
00:38:09that dive is not happening guys
00:38:11I also think
00:38:13the tanking is hard
00:38:15I tank a bit
00:38:17I drop
00:38:19I drop
00:38:21beautiful dive
00:38:23and Bausi 1 for 1
00:38:27I think he has QE
00:38:29holy fuck how did Bausi 1 for 1
00:38:31he said you are only here
00:38:33I'm behind you
00:38:35there is gonna be a top wave
00:38:37we will TP with Jax
00:38:39Jax TP
00:38:41just take over and get the wave
00:38:43I will TP top
00:38:45oh crowny
00:38:47he is so good crowny
00:38:49well played
00:38:51well fucking played crowny
00:38:53little bit late
00:38:55this is where I start
00:38:58I'm gonna give you 3 stacks
00:39:00and I base
00:39:02Cassiopeia has no flash
00:39:04no TP
00:39:06Bausi is unlocked
00:39:08I'm around
00:39:10but I'm on ward
00:39:12he doesn't have it
00:39:14I'm around
00:39:16he warded me right now
00:39:18I go bot
00:39:20did he see you?
00:39:22he saw me
00:39:24no no
00:39:26how are we level 4 on Wukong
00:39:28I'm here crowny
00:39:34beautiful Velja
00:39:36big kill
00:39:38I can do it
00:39:40I can
00:39:42oh my god they are lane ganking bot
00:39:44it's gonna work
00:39:46should be on the grab
00:39:48should be
00:39:51she is fighting
00:39:53she flashed
00:39:55she doesn't have the vision
00:39:57no flash
00:39:59in 1 minute 3 kill if you want it
00:40:01you wanna eat a bit of CS here
00:40:03I just wanna swap here
00:40:05I want to play back
00:40:07I think Bausi might be dead
00:40:09they are fighting
00:40:11we are coming
00:40:13we are coming
00:40:15they use everything
00:40:17every ult already
00:40:20no flash
00:40:22I give you the kill
00:40:24talk to me Nemi
00:40:26get his flash
00:40:30Bausi survived as well
00:40:32it's big
00:40:34good stuff
00:40:36good counter Nemi
00:40:38Nemi's got that prio
00:40:40nice cancel
00:40:42what the fuck
00:40:44they are really trolling here
00:40:46give it to Bausi
00:40:52he is gonna arrow you
00:40:54just chunk him
00:40:56it's enough
00:40:58I could have blocked it
00:41:00yes Nemesis
00:41:04I will burst at 2k
00:41:08burst now
00:41:13we need to kill Bausi
00:41:15they are coming
00:41:17you have a ward
00:41:21not bad
00:41:23we lose Herald
00:41:25come on Bausi
00:41:27get that AP Jax cooking
00:41:29they are doing Herald
00:41:31I give
00:41:33I don't know if we can take this
00:41:37I am not giving them the Herald
00:41:39no no
00:41:41what do you mean
00:41:43you are not giving them the Herald
00:41:45ok but don't
00:41:47I will TP
00:41:49I am behind bot
00:41:51what if we dive mid
00:41:53if it's Velkoz
00:41:55he has flash
00:41:57we are not playing together
00:41:59guys we are 3 lanes
00:42:05I am not there
00:42:08I am picking up the eye
00:42:14we stole them
00:42:16what are we doing
00:42:18can you get out
00:42:20he doesn't have a ward
00:42:22because of Herald
00:42:24oh my god
00:42:30was that worth it
00:42:33I have mejai
00:42:37we need to play together
00:42:47come on
00:42:49get the fuck out
00:42:51nice respect
00:42:53I take new wards
00:42:55farm slowly
00:42:57mid wave gone
00:42:59he can drive out
00:43:01I can just get out with the Herald
00:43:05they are looking for your team
00:43:09unless they can cross this vision
00:43:11they are running
00:43:13they are going to kill Baus
00:43:17he is cooked
00:43:19they are running for me
00:43:21I am starting the scrolling
00:43:25they are 3 man bot
00:43:27is this doable
00:43:30we need to get the fuck out
00:43:32get out
00:43:34shit we are throwing
00:43:36just out
00:43:38give up can now
00:43:40I don't know if I like this
00:43:42they are going to go on you
00:43:46I want to start and pull
00:43:48like here
00:43:50pull it to the left
00:43:52away from Velkoz
00:43:54someone in the pit
00:43:56I don't have any wards
00:43:58she is taking a lot of damage
00:44:00please no
00:44:02don't throw the game here
00:44:04I can do it
00:44:06she has no Q
00:44:08burst at 2k
00:44:12burst now
00:44:14we got it
00:44:18I am dead
00:44:20this is ok
00:44:22we got the drake
00:44:24I am going waves
00:44:27I think
00:44:29it is ok
00:44:31I can use a W
00:44:35look Velkoz me
00:44:47nice Neme
00:44:49help us
00:44:51I will push mid
00:44:53Velkoz no
00:44:56we are taking the G2
00:45:00holy fuck the pre-shockwave was nuts
00:45:02he failed his Q flash
00:45:04run you red
00:45:08do we end here
00:45:12Fountain is coming
00:45:16he has no flash
00:45:18he could TP
00:45:20save CC
00:45:22we don't have CC
00:45:26he has no flash
00:45:34talk to me Bausi
00:45:40Baus is out
00:45:42he has symbiotics
00:45:44can we go baron
00:45:50heal him up
00:45:52I will zone her
00:45:58holy fuck they actually clutched it
00:46:00Neme just flash
00:46:02and he insta-shockwave the flash
00:46:04it was fucking delicious
00:46:10we are a bit split here
00:46:12just play with crowny
00:46:16save him
00:46:19I will be in their base
00:46:23find stopbacks
00:46:27is Bausi going for the end
00:46:31Bausi is going for the end
00:46:37come on Baus
00:46:39come on Baus
00:46:45come on Baus
00:46:47come on Bausi
00:46:51so close
00:46:55I can solo soul
00:46:57you can start baron
00:46:59Baus is dead
00:47:03back with me for a few seconds
00:47:05can you back
00:47:09we can just wait it out
00:47:13I can solo soul
00:47:16I can solo soul
00:47:18I will show mid and then I will solo it
00:47:26I can really solo it in like 10 seconds
00:47:28we don't want Sejuani to steal it
00:47:32they can come
00:47:34pump your null
00:47:38we have more damage than smite
00:47:40the smite doesn't matter
00:47:42we have more damage than smite
00:47:46yes we got it
00:47:50take care Baus
00:47:52if you die it's cooked
00:47:54you need to survive
00:47:56we have soul
00:48:00don't die
00:48:06we can play guys
00:48:08I have QSS
00:48:10I think we can play
00:48:12it's 3v5 don't risk it
00:48:17I went bot
00:48:19you can steal this
00:48:33there is 6 items
00:48:35stop taking my farm
00:48:37should I team farm with you guys
00:48:39I just killed them
00:48:41they are going platform
00:48:43you take this wave
00:48:45mid wave
00:48:47I am taking next wave
00:48:49you guys got that wave
00:48:51we need people to also
00:48:57I am taking next wave
00:49:03they do not have wave
00:49:05I am going inhibitor
00:49:07just don't die
00:49:10it's going to take forever
00:49:18can we fight
00:49:20we have no engage
00:49:28it's ok
00:49:30we gave a lot of free kills
00:49:32this is going to be a hard game
00:49:34this game is lost
00:49:36I am up in 17
00:49:44do you want to fight now
00:49:46what if I TP behind
00:49:48I think it's a good time
00:49:50I can heal you up
00:49:52this is it
00:49:54I am TPing
00:49:56wait for me
00:49:59healing 5
00:50:05come on crowny
00:50:07come on bouncy
00:50:12pantheon no flash
00:50:24crowny don't overplay please
00:50:26we can fight
00:50:29I am ok
00:50:37why are we fighting
00:50:39when bouncy is bot
00:50:43why are we fighting
00:50:45when bouncy is bot
00:50:51play this
00:50:53velkoz is going to TP
00:50:55I am looking for TP
00:51:01I don't know why we are fighting
00:51:03when Jax is bot
00:51:07maximum 1 person flanking
00:51:11I am 5 seconds faster
00:51:13than this guy
00:51:15can we do something
00:51:17I am taking bot wave
00:51:19I need you guys
00:51:21they are on a timer
00:51:24can you flank
00:51:26I think I am fine
00:51:28I am flanking
00:51:32look me
00:51:36big engage
00:51:38we lose
00:51:40I don't know
00:51:46it's 1 for 1
00:51:48crowny misclicked
00:51:50I am waiting for TP
00:51:52can we start this
00:51:54do you have lifesteal
00:51:56I need my jungler
00:51:58let's seju base
00:52:00velkoz is 1 HP
00:52:02it's free
00:52:04can you come
00:52:06it's 1 HP
00:52:08sejuani is half
00:52:10are you confident
00:52:16yes we got it
00:52:21get the baron
00:52:23hell man
00:52:25I am losing my hair
00:52:31we can get nash
00:52:33we have elder and soul
00:52:45my body is shaking
00:52:48TP bot
00:52:50it's ok
00:53:00mid bot
00:53:02we have elder for 1 minute
00:53:04push mid now boss
00:53:06they are here
00:53:08in the base
00:53:10I am taking mid
00:53:12velkoz mid we should fight
00:53:14I am taking eq
00:53:16we will shift to top
00:53:18we don't have power
00:53:20send it
00:53:22we have elder
00:53:24we have one more wave
00:53:26even if we die we don't lose the game
00:53:28top wave
00:53:30let me hit
00:53:32I am hitting
00:53:38we used everything already
00:53:41they are mid
00:53:45save him
00:53:57that's gonna be it
00:53:59kha'zix flashes in
00:54:01that's gonna be it
00:54:09let's go guys
00:54:29anyone here
00:55:09let's go
00:55:39he is inside the house
00:56:13I am watching gibbals
00:56:39let's go
00:58:04You know, I have a delay. I don't know how to talk.
00:58:31Oh my god, Gatelstrim can hear me actually.
00:58:44Hello Gatelstrim.
00:58:48I should put this on second monitor.
00:59:11Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:59:34I don't know if you guys hear me, but that last game was pretty crazy.
00:59:38But thank you for watching.
00:59:43What's up?
00:59:44Holy moly, everything is locked.
00:59:45Can you hear me?
00:59:46What's up, man?
00:59:47Holy moly.
00:59:48How are you doing?
00:59:49I'm chilling. You?
00:59:52I'm good.
00:59:54That last game was a bit of a fiasco.
00:59:56Thank you guys so much as well.
01:00:01Alright guys, I'll stop streaming for now.
01:00:04Wow, what a feeling.
01:00:07Thanks everyone for watching.
01:00:09This is how it looks, guys.
01:00:11Wow, winner split 2045.
01:00:16What an amazing feeling.
01:00:17Thank you all so much for tuning in and supporting us.
01:00:20We all appreciate it. Thank you guys.
01:00:22I'm gonna head out now, so thank you all so much.
01:00:26And bye bye.
01:00:29That's right.
01:00:30I don't know, man.
01:00:31The support is crazy.
01:00:33This didn't feel like a trio.
01:00:36Baus was fucking cracking heads.
01:00:39Completely changed.
01:00:41It's something huge.
01:00:42And to be honest, we tried our best.
01:00:44I hope you had fun.
01:00:45We really tried our best.
01:00:46Because at the end of the day, we're just gamers.
01:00:49We love this show as much as you do.
01:00:51Let me just put a tweet out.
01:00:52Until then, I'll see you soon.
01:00:53But, calm down, player of the series.
01:00:56Head on to Twitter and vote our own MVP.
01:00:59Baus, Velja, or Reckless.
01:01:03It's up to you.
01:01:04Head on to Twitter and spam.
01:01:08I mean the crowd wants Baus.
01:01:10So, keep that in mind as you go and vote.
01:01:13It's your MVP.
01:01:14To me, you are the MVP.
01:01:16Either be here.
01:01:17Either be on this team, on production.
01:01:19I love you very much.
01:01:20Until then, keep climbing.
01:01:22I'll see you soon.
01:01:23Oh my god.
01:01:33Chat, what was...
01:01:35What a day.
01:01:37What a fucking day.
01:01:39The audio was scuffed.
01:01:40There was delays.
01:01:41Everything was a horror every now and then.
01:01:43But we fucking got the job done.
01:01:45That last game was stressing me out so much.
01:01:47Oh my god, I was freaking out.
01:01:49Chat, we're gonna do LEC finals.
01:01:53In about an hour.
01:02:01The boys are probably gonna get some food.
01:02:03But I need to do LEC finals.
01:02:04So, I'll be back to do that.
01:02:05I need to get rid of the delay.
01:02:08So, I can actually talk to chat.
01:02:10What a big fucking win.
01:02:12What a big fucking win.
01:02:13We're gonna play in EU Masters now, chat.
01:02:14We're gonna play in EU Masters now.
01:02:16We're gonna play in EU Masters now, chat.
01:02:34Okay, I'm just gonna get the boys up here.
01:02:39I mean, what more is there to say?
01:02:40Chat, your support is mind-blowing.
01:02:44It's actually ridiculously mind-blowing.
01:02:47Even though that finals looked easy,
01:02:49that finals was hard, man.
01:02:50That was stressful.
01:02:52That was tricky.
01:02:54That was some tricky games.
01:03:02Sorry that you couldn't hear the interviews.
01:03:04If you ever wanna watch them, you can check them out.
01:03:06But Baus has the trophy, baby.
01:03:08Where's Velia?
01:03:46You fucking smurfed it, baby.
01:03:47Good job.
01:03:50Good fucking shit.
01:03:51Oh, yeah.
01:03:52Of course, of course, of course, Ken.
01:03:54Yo, you're fucking awesome.
01:03:55Yo, shut up.
01:03:56Repeat what you said.
01:03:57Repeat what you said for the chat.
01:03:58You fucking smurfed it.
01:04:00That game one and game two was crazy.
01:04:01Your game three flashes,
01:04:02your confidence was great.
01:04:05Good fucking confidence, man.
01:04:06I'm fucking proud of you.
01:04:07All because of you.
01:04:08I'm fucking proud of you.
01:04:09Good shit, man.
01:04:10You popped off.
01:04:11You happy?
01:04:13Ah, bro, I can't be more happy.
01:04:15Like, what else can happen?
01:04:17What else can go my way?
01:04:20We're going EU Masters, baby.
01:04:22Yeah, that can go.
01:04:23That's in weeks.
01:04:24Three weeks.
01:04:25We're gonna win the two.
01:04:27You gonna celebrate with a pizza now?
01:04:29Is it time to celebrate with a pizza?
01:04:30Yeah, I think I should.
01:04:32You think you should?
01:04:33Alright, bro.
01:04:34I'll DM you, okay?
01:04:38Good shit, man.
01:04:39Good shit.
01:04:40Proud of you.
01:04:41Have fun.
01:04:45I can mute the mic.
01:04:46What's up?
01:04:47Yeah, the Pantheon flex hurts.
01:04:48Maybe the second they lock Sejuani, we should know it's support, no?
01:04:52We shouldn't guess more that they're gonna put Sejuani top.
01:04:54We did say Chachi could play Sejuani top.
01:04:57Yeah, but maybe we overcooked.
01:04:58Yeah, I think we should just, yeah.
01:05:00I think you just played bad.
01:05:02I can't think of any other games where I played this bad.
01:05:05You still won.
01:05:06You're good, right?
01:05:07So I don't know how the fuck that was possible.
01:05:08I think there was a lot of problems around us.
01:05:11Like, how did you hear the noise from the crowd a lot?
01:05:15Yeah, and casters.
01:05:17And you could hear casters level one, which is like...
01:05:20I don't know if that hurt us or helped us, because...
01:05:22But I heard that they were lane swapping, so I paused.
01:05:24But then they were on Baofu's screen.
01:05:25Yeah, so it's like, even though it's bad that you paused because Baofu's getting engaged on,
01:05:28it's also good because otherwise you would know exactly what happened.
01:05:31No, I wasn't gonna say it.
01:05:33But I just felt that it was weird.
01:05:34If I don't pause, and I know what they're doing, and I don't tell my teammates,
01:05:38am I not in a really sticky position then?
01:05:40Yeah, you should just pause.
01:05:41Because I'm playing the game knowing what's going on.
01:05:42Yeah, you should pause.
01:05:43My teammates don't know.
01:05:44I can't say anything.
01:05:45Yeah, yeah.
01:05:47My bad, my bad.
01:05:48But we won.
01:05:49Most important.
01:05:50Maybe we can do a group picture together with the trophy,
01:05:52and we can put it on the Lost for Tone social media.
01:05:54Yeah, chat.
01:05:55We won our first trophy as a team, together, guys.
01:05:58You're part of the story.
01:05:59I go bathroom?
01:06:00All of you fans are part of the story, guys.
01:06:05Hey, chat.
01:06:06Hey, chat.
01:06:07Where is the camera?
01:06:08Or is that one?
01:06:12We won.
01:06:13We got this trophy as a team, guys.
01:06:15We would not be able to do this without all of you.
01:06:17So, you know, thank you for all the support.
01:06:20And for all the backseating and scrims.
01:06:22We really appreciate it.
01:06:24Especially Keydrol.
01:06:31Yeah, of course, of course.
01:06:42I don't know what we're going to do now, chat, I think.
01:06:44We're going to take a group photo, and then we're going to do fan meet-and-greet.
01:06:49And then we...
01:06:54Do not know.
01:06:58Do not know.
01:06:59We'll figure something out, you know.
01:07:02The team's journey has only begun.
01:07:06This is the first of many trophies.
