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Epic Games Support A Creator Code ➤ Fade3
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Epic Games Support A Creator Code ➤ Fade3
00:00My name is Joey Grimm
00:04Huncho. I had a son. His name was Ramon Rivero
00:07Yo, who the f**k is this n*****?
00:09He was 17 years old. He died to street violence. I had a lot of friends
00:14Jay, Malik, and I could give you a whole list of names
00:18That run to the end of a school lunch line on a Thursday where they're serving pizza
00:23Does that even make sense? I don't even know if that makes sense
00:25The hood, the hood used to be fully packed with a whole bunch of people here
00:29There used to be so many people so many different vibes
00:33now 70% of them are either dead or in jail and
00:38Actually seven of them got sacrificed in the last live stream we did. I don't know if you guys watched the live stream
00:44But long story short, I got into a police chase and the homies kept sacrificing themselves to save me
00:49LAPD has this operation called the schnoover remover. I know crazy, ain't it?
00:53That's LAPD for you, and they're trying to eliminate our whole entire faction and I'll be honest
00:57They kind of already did they got a lot of the homies, but the mission don't stop and that's exactly why I gotta continue
01:03Saving my hood and spanking everybody out there. Ask about me. Y'all know me. I'm out here really belting things
01:08Y'all love Tommaso, man. You better ask about me. We did and they don't know you bozo
01:14Never heard of you, never seen you, never did anything about you, you dirty bozo
01:21Yo, yo, yo
01:25Y'all waiting on me? Yeah, everybody did a skip. Where's my gun?
01:42You gave me a gun with a beam?
01:45I'm clutching switch right now. Stop the cab. Are you clutching switch? How'd you get it? Stop the cab. I bought it off my little cousin, Jalil from 20s. Who? Yo, he's copping. I have a little cousin named Jalil in 20s.
01:59Cab, let me see the button. Put on your mother's life. Bro, your mother's life. Wait, yay. I said you a poor mother.
02:06I don't know if I should go on a skit with you. Somebody in my comments said, uh, you should be in the kitchen
02:15Tell that nigga, he's a bitch. Somebody said you too soft, you should be in the kitchen.
02:30Bro, I just got a speeding ticket. It's good.
02:34What kind of horn is it? Yo. Yo, who this is? Yo, yo, yo, who that over there like, what's up with this rat ass car?
02:45It's food town. What's your name, bro? What y'all trying to spin the hood for though?
02:52What do you mean? Y'all know what y'all did?
02:59Don't say the 80s pull this car and catch my fade
03:05Pull over and catch my face. Come on, bro
03:10Don't tell me you go you gonna spin to the hole, but you won't duck a fade, right?
03:16Y'all gonna spin shoot the shit up not hit nothing. No, you don't gonna fake it. Come on
03:21This hot is all started bro. This all started over a feed that they duck. It's literally how it all started
03:26That's crazy and they still
03:28Not learning. Hey, come on. Come on. Let's run the fake pull over real quick
03:32I'm saying this bro. Oh, okay. We will switch
03:36here in his car
03:39Ck was the only real nigga from y'all hood, bro. Hey, he's in a car. What's your names?
03:44Dino dino
03:46This dino, you know, you can't tell you no nigga. Hey, do you know how them lakes feeling brody?
03:51Man yeah, I know you I know you heard me. I know you heard come on. Come on pull over. Oh you uh, pull over
03:57I ain't pulling over come bro. So we're gonna chase you down fade
04:02Chase you down
04:04You're gonna catch a fade one way or another so you might as well stop and not run from it
04:09Then tip all over and just catch it
04:16Imagine you die in a car accident gang. Come on pull over stop being stupid bad
04:19I ain't gonna let you ever heard of jake jay
04:26We're trying to do it right now, I want to get stupid right now, come on get out the car donkey
04:35Yo, swiss cheese is dumb ass
04:38Swiss cheesing what?
04:41Pull over again. Oh, oh, oh do not switch cheesing right here
04:49Come on bro, pull over look don't drive. Don't drive off. Come on
04:59All right now we on his ass
05:04He's gonna die he's running
05:13I'm on his ass
05:20What if you do don't let them get away oh come on
05:27All right, you're not slick what is he doing what are you doing he's running to the cops he's probably running to the cops
05:38Hey, you can't even run either bro, you don't let his legs. Oh, yeah
05:47Oh we on your ass we on your ass we on your ass
05:57He's scared he's scared
06:09Oh my god, yo
06:12Yo, we are really we are good bro
06:17Oh, bro, you might want to stop running now, bro
06:21Hey, come on d get out the car
06:24I told y'all your ass gonna die one way or another. Where nuna at?
06:29Nuna yeah, where he at that car right there
06:32Um, he he usually just be driving around that's nuna right there right in that black car in that car right there
06:38Hey, tell us the truth we'll let you live we'll go clap him be honest
06:43Oh my man, is that nuna is that nuna that nuna, you know, you ain't gonna go out like that. You know, is that nuna?
06:49You know, what's that blonde? No, that's baby face. That's baby face baby face. Oh no, no
06:55Baby face making last time we even worried about him. So listen, look, you know, you don't make a deal
07:01Well, we'll soon set up nuna for us set it set up nuna and we'll let you live
07:07You let me live wait, nah, nah, nah, that's a good I hate that guy. Anyway, see see y'all
07:13There you go
07:21We'll let y'all both live we'll let y'all both live
07:29I mean y'all both gonna die anyway, so if you don't if you don't cooperate you feel me just call him gang
07:35Hey, you ain't gotta go. I like this my bro. Oh, you can really save your own life, you know, just do it, you know
07:41Come on, bro
07:43That young jet back there don't want to die. He's smart, bro
07:47But but you know, you do know, you know, you know, oh
07:53No, no, no, no, I got him
08:01No way to let him get away nice right here
08:05Come on, bro, where y'all go like bro, like where are y'all going? I'm not going home today. How do I tell you?
08:14Go ahead. Call that donkey up. Call the donkey dina or uh, or nunu call him up
08:21Like why are you being so difficult, bro?
08:24Oh, just do it
08:29Nah, hell no, I don't know you didn't just hear that it just came from in front of us into the web
08:34Are we good? Yeah, just sit right here. Don't move for the cause
08:40Y'all call him up gang are you gonna call him dino?
08:48Be small bro
08:51Bro call them gang. Oh, this is not playing with you
08:54You get to go home tonight if you set him up, bro, if not, you won't die right here
09:03Hello bro, what's your name?
09:07What's up my name double a double a
09:10Bro, what's your real name bro? Don't give me no bullshit
09:14Double a batteries looking at shut your donkey ass up. What's your name? What's your name, bro?
09:21Isaac call nunu. We're called. No, no, bro. We're not playing with you, bro. Call me
09:25I don't just do it
09:27I'm gonna die in this car
09:29Don't call. No. All right, bro. Hey, i'm finna hop out this car and flick him. Do you know you boys?
09:36I'll make a deal with you though. Isaac. I'll make a deal with you though. Isaac
09:38Well, the thing is I won't let him die. Okay, isaac. What am I gonna do with you?
09:42Get out the car and run right now. I won't let you live
09:45Go ahead
09:49All right. So now now now you what you're gonna do you're gonna get out the car, okay?
09:53And we're gonna flick your ass down right here. You're gonna get out the car. I'm not just gonna let you do that
09:58Okay, so you want us to
10:06Bro, why didn't y'all just light him up at that traffic stop gang?
10:11I don't know
10:16Great we're chasing down. Uh, she said i'm not just gonna let him do that. No, i'm gonna let you do that, bro
10:21You're gonna die. Anyways, how do we tell you?
10:25Let him volunteer
10:28Hey, hey once we skimming getting our fucking car quick time
10:37Yeah, i'm knowing i'll let them let them
10:41It's gonna be a dot by the ground for him
10:44Where is he going gang? Oh, he's on the phone. He's on the phone
10:55No, no, no, I said when we was by the fucking stove I should have just blicked him down by the window don't hit him
11:00i'm not trying to
11:02He's on the phone gang with the cops. This bitch. This bitch. Yes
11:07That's easy
11:11We should go we should turn around and go clap his little brother
11:14Y'all want to?
11:16No, no, no, no
11:18This is the big homie right here. This is the big homie. He knows that big homie
11:21This is the big homie
11:24He gonna feel if that's his if that's his little brother he gonna feel the pain
11:28My game he can feel the pain
11:40Not getting away from you again
11:44Yes, it's over yes, yes it is
11:51Hey pull over bro, just pull wait, bro, I don't know he kind of got a lot of a lot of sentiment for his son though
11:57That's his brother dude or his brother
12:00You didn't you ain't hear what are you? You ain't heard him as long as I know you're safe. That's all that matters
12:05We're killing him gang. We're killing him
12:07You gonna kill him and we gonna swim back tomorrow and kill his brother you gonna end the whole fucking oh my god
12:12We're running out of gas
12:21We're running out of gas gang you suck bro, how do I suck bro do something bro
12:30Yeah in front of I can't I can't hit him I can't even move in front of him i'm trying to
12:37We're running out of gas he definitely just heard that too
12:48He just oh he just oh he's up you have the gun he just yeah he up the gun
12:52So wait, what do you want to do?
12:55Bro, bro, you open that little lag gun like you're gonna do something like
12:59Come on, let's let's swing that door do something with it do something with it. Like what what do you want to do?
13:04Do something with it. Don't just stand right here
13:07You keep following me, but i'm right here. What's the deal?
13:12Come on
13:16You don't want to swing that door oh my god go I can't
13:23Okay, let's just pretend like we do
13:25I don't know bro. We're right. We're out of gas, but if he has something that shouldn't work dad, you know that right?
13:29No, we're not. Oh, hell no. I don't know. Yeah, I better shoot through the car
13:32All right
13:37There's a cop up there too, bro. Just break up. Just break out your break up. We know what car he's in
13:42All right
13:43He's gonna go back to the hood, bro. All right, let's go get gas. Let's go. Well, we got gas
13:47Let's see where he at. Let's see if he tucked up
13:49Wait, you sure he had a gun in his in his handle? Yeah. Yeah, he had a gun. He had a gun
13:53Okay, so that's the only gun they had
14:03La la la shut the fuck up, bitch
14:07All right
14:10He would have got behind this car
14:13Yeah, all right go to the hood. I wouldn't even say anything. Yeah, I would have jumped on the shooting down
14:18Bro, they know we in this car, bro, but you know, you know, they touched up
14:22Come on
14:27He's on up right there right there on that porch, who is that me bro
14:33Oh, that is a random nigga, bro
14:36And he went in the house, bro. He went in the house, bro. He really tucked up
14:40You know that was gonna happen
14:43Fuck it. Let's go get his son, bro. He got away too. That's baby. Oh, they're all in the car together
14:49They're all in the car together
15:01We good we good oh that whole car dying
15:05Oh, wait, why'd it get a little though?
15:09How do I use it
15:19Hell no, not hell no
15:31We good we good damn that shit go fast though
15:38Uh, there is no more nigga, it's full i'll restore that bitch there's no nitrous in here
15:44You know, it's probably not it's probably not that muscle for you then oh, they're crashing the crash. Yeah. Yeah, we're good
15:52A lot of cops right here though
15:57It's all good. Hey, who had the gun? What's going on?
16:00Uh, you know, do you know do you know do you know? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they're crashed
16:05I don't know
16:06He had a vest on I think bro. Holy scooby-doo. Where are corners? Is he hitting? Oh my god
16:11In the right in the right in the right next left
16:18Left another left another left
16:21He went right
16:27We lost him damn this shit, bro
16:36All right, you see that
16:37A lot of times how about this beat this vps to his ass. Oh, hey, look out. He's walking away
16:44Hey, the bbs right here
16:46Nah, homie
16:47We're running funny. Tell me
16:51Yeah, what is it let's do this hre
16:54Oh, it was a deal
16:56Hey, man, what you doing on this side of town?
16:58Yo, bros. Yeah, I just got out the school bus
17:01I just got out of school. Why the fuck your school boys drop you off?
17:04Weird nigga, don't you do when you saw it? Yeah, my uncle stay over here though. Oh, okay. All right, then dude, buddy
17:14Right there I said right you went left to the clothing store
17:23Not at any time that ain't done you see
17:29Yesterday yo, he's just right
17:34You know
17:57I'm sweet
18:17Come get your gun back
18:19Come get your gun back come get your gun back
18:33Come to the back come on
18:37Come on, hey, we're gonna we're gonna put them on their booties. How do I tell you?
18:42Yo, hell yeah, uh, hey, hey we stripping up i'm gonna lie we're
18:50We're gonna put them on their booties
18:53But they ran they ran they ran yeah
19:00They ran they ran they ran not coming
19:05Hold on
19:14Hey, come on, hey, come on come around the back come around the back don't be scared right here
19:20All right
19:31Nah, they still there they don't want to come
19:33Why don't you come to the back?
19:35I want to rob him if I did like
19:37No, no, no, we can we can have the gun
19:39We got the gun to the car and tell him to go to the back or we're gonna shoot at them
19:43Yeah, uh, why don't we just
19:45Come to the back
19:47So what happened just flash it to them bro
19:53Hey, bro, what happened what we're not scared for wow, why am I coming back to squabble right here?
20:00Yeah, I'm not coming. So y'all niggas not trying to squabble, bro
20:04Bro, these niggas pussy
20:06Look, bro, we said come to the back
20:09It's feds all over this bitch. I'm saying bro. Come to the back
20:43Come to the back come on
20:47Keep that car again keep that car again keep that car again
21:02Come on come on, come on, I think you saw that shit. I think yeah, he saw that gun. He definitely saw that gun
21:06And turbo
21:08What's the deal? You ain't got a car?
21:11I do got a car you got a hundred bucks. Yeah
21:25Someone's on the floor
21:29Yo, yo to do what's the deal who does say what is in this corner
21:35Sure, there's no face from fruit time. What is say no face?
21:39Yeah, who this is?
21:42No, no, that's my dad should I could call him up. Oh, no, no, no, is it dad? Call him up
21:47All right, who this is right here? Let him know a good friend from uh back in the days is looking for him
21:53All right one second. Hold on
21:59I put him on speaker if he answers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right
22:24Hold up one second
22:29Shit you're not answering the phone. You're probably sleeping right now. You're not answering
22:33Nah, what's your name?
22:36My name is no face. No face
22:41Nah, like what's your real name gang?
22:43Oh, my name is kentro kentro. How you know? No, that's your father for real
22:47Yeah, that's my dad. Oh, that's your dad
22:53Man your dad your dad owes me some money man. Here's your money how much yeah
23:00I can't lie like
23:02Two three thousand dollars
23:05It's not even that much
23:07So what you want to pay for him?
23:09I mean how he owe it to you. Like what what do you do? What do you mean? What do you do?
23:13Like what what like I can't tell you all that, you know, just know he owe me some money man
23:20Okay, hold on if you want to pay your father's debt that's cool too
23:26Hold on one second
23:36Mean shit two three thousand even that much you got cash. I'll take cash
23:40I mean I can send it to you over the phone. I really don't got cash on me, man. I don't even got a phone
23:46Oh damn. All right, you don't got cash
23:49No, I don't or let me borrow your phone and then i'll give you my number put it in and then you just send it
23:54to my number
23:55I'll okay can't even do that. Why?
23:59I don't even know but i'm i'm not gonna give some somebody my phone that I don't know. Hey, hey, hey, uh answer
24:04But how about give him your phone?
24:06Huh? Go ahead. Go ahead. Send him a send him money. My man's right here
24:10Exchange exchange you exchange you with my man's hey, hop out hop out. Give him give him all the contacts
24:26All right, but you said three thousand yeah, three five three rands
24:31All right, but that's not even that much
24:34All right. There you go
24:38We got the payment paid off. All right that paid off
24:43Okay, have a good day you too
24:48We got the school that kid all right, uh, well listen we're about to go school that little nunu kid
24:52His son i'm about to literally school his son, bro. How do I tell you nunu missed call?
24:57Nunu called me. Nunu's probably sleeping right now. He's probably not even in the city right now, but little does he know
25:03Oh, he is answering
25:07Yo, yo, no, no
25:10Yo, what happened gang? Where you been at? What'd you tucking tail for?
25:14I've been spinning. I've been spinning. Yes shit. What do you mean every day?
25:18I've been spinning. I've been spinning. Yes shit. What do you mean every day?
25:22Every day gang. Ask your homies every day. Ask lilyay
25:26Okay, even bro, but lilyay been tuck tucking tail gang
25:31Hella hot all around the city. We just got pulled over for a window
25:36You think you think I don't know that's all up on your hood right now?
25:40It's not even just our head everywhere they're like literally I feel it you feel me like
25:46Motherfuckers can't do nothing. Yeah, same over here, right?
25:50There ain't no point
25:51So so how do y'all not cook yet? Like y'all be y'all be y'all have like a little stash of something like what you mean?
25:56Yeah, bro. We don't we don't we don't we don't really be in the hood like that no more
26:01I feel it. I feel that I feel it. I could tell
26:04We can tell gang. Hold on, sir. You could definitely go. Yo, yo, shut that shit up back there. I ain't talking
26:10Shut your bitch ass up, man. Shut the fuck up. Damn
26:14Yo, I got between so small like that, man, we had we had your man's running and we had your man's
26:23Pull up we gave him we gave
26:26A chance to pull up gang. We told him pull up to your block and let's bump
26:30He was scared to come to his own block. We had one gun. Nah, little ye's a little scary
26:36You knew it too y'all know we had one gun, you know, you even admitted it
26:43Now little ye is for sure scary are you scared hunter? No, I ain't scared. I ain't scared hell. No, I ain't scared
26:50You scared, bro
26:59Hey, man, what are your hood didn't get tucked up bro, it's not even it's not even about that gang
27:05It's just it's not smart. It's not smart. I feel like the cops just be on major donkey shit. You feel me?
27:10No, I feel you it's not smart like any any shootout that anybody's gone into nine times out of ten they got cooked right after
27:17So it's like yeah, they they call your block heavy, bro
27:20It's not just our block gang. If you're not banging in the east or the west you cook down here
27:25i'm saying though
27:27Feel me so that's really I can't lie. That's everybody's play right now. Everybody's just kind of hoping these cops just die out soon
27:34Bro, I shit bro. I'm down to scooping these niggas. I ain't gonna keep it above with you, bro
27:38It's even damn bro. It's too hard again. You can't school. They wear they wear armor and some more shit, dude
27:44It's shit done
27:45It's good, but all right
27:50All right, hold on no face wait, wait
27:57Did you pick up
27:59Dude I I heard no face talking about hold on. I might not even meet up with them. Did you not hear that?
28:12Okay, cool we'll come back we'll look him in the long way again
28:17All right, all right baby we need like five minutes
28:24You drive you said you said you heard what I heard no face in the back talking about hey
28:29I'm not I might not even meet up with them
28:32Wait, who are you on the phone with
28:34Yeah, bro. I was I was on the phone with uh, what's called?
28:38That was them that was them
28:42That was fruit town game
28:44Are they're all with him now? Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah more people
28:48Huh? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was all them. That was all them. It's been the hood. It's been the hood
29:09Hey, that's no face that's no face right there. Yeah, what's going on? Hey, come on no face. Where you at?
29:15Where's where's no no way. I just talked to him
29:18Oh, I mean, hold on. Let me call
29:20Call him see where he is
29:23Yo, check it out. Where y'all at?
29:27Wait, what you mean where y'all at we in your hood you in my hood. Yeah
29:33I bet we're gonna pull up. Stay there. What car you at? What do you mean? I know it's a flip
29:38What car you want? So I know it's a flip. Oh, you're gonna flip. Hey, oh, why is there seven pd right here?
29:43Go drive off that gay old son that gay old son go drive off drive off
29:47Get that rope go go go go go go
29:57Stupid ass
30:03Go we get we get
30:13Did we break the news
30:16Come on
30:23Yo, yo, yeah, what happened that phone call dropped into your son ain't it
30:33No, no
30:38Yo, no, no, yeah that phone call dropped into your son you ain't hear a drop
30:47Yo, keep talking
30:49Yo, bro, this nigga talking about
30:51Go check the hay go check the hay
30:54Bro, this nigga just killed my son sk bro
30:57Yes, bro, that's my son, bro
31:01Bro this bitch ass nigga i'm on the phone with bro
31:06Nigga hot show bro. Yes way nigga
31:11Bro, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, bro. Yo, bro
31:17Yo, honcho, yo, bro, you screw my little homie nigga. Yeah
31:22I can't lie
31:28Give me the green light right now. Give me the green light right now. I can't wait
31:31Give me the green light right now
31:33Give me that green light bro
31:36Come get your game
32:02We're gonna come back
32:05Oh cop right there cop right there cop right there
32:12Yo, yo where niggas at bro, why ain't you at your block bro, where's you at bro, what you mean i'm uh,
32:17You know, i'm outside your house. I'm outside your crib right now. Where's you at, bro?
32:22Oh, that's you in that gray skat
32:24You know that where you at? Where you at? You in the car? Where you at?
32:27Do you mean where i'm at? I can't tell you all that. Where you at? Where you at?
32:33How am I being pussy bro, we're not about to do this right now, bro
32:39Real quick gang check his pose, bro. We got you know, we got
32:43Slow bro. Come on, bro. Do it bro. Let's do it bro
32:48I'm scared gang. You don't want to play a block in these
32:51Bro, we're not about to do this, bro
32:54Behind my block right now
33:01Bring it out
33:22Bro, I told you I was coming through gang. I told you i was coming through you knew what it was
33:27Are you in such
33:29This shit pissing me off gang
33:32You're like i'm crazy. I'm gonna get pulled over. God no factors in your hood for three days
33:38No factors
33:46When I catch you nigga when I
33:56I'm hung up. I'm got broad now. They they gonna scoom the shit out of us. How'd I tell you nigga?
34:00Are you in a ferrari?
34:03Yo little yay
34:05Bro, do you see this?
34:06I'm out here spanking the ops and ducking belt while y'all out there in ferraris
34:14Whose fault is that gang gang? You really do belong in the kitchen
34:19Your game your game your game is because you're broke and you want to steal span
34:22Instead of getting your life together and getting in the car with me
34:25And coming to a mansion where you could live happily and not have to worry about getting killed or arrested
34:29Gang, you know, that's your fault, dude. You know how these streets go
34:33Yeah, that's why i'm ducking them exactly so bro, you can't be just ducking the wreck
34:39Okay, i'm up bro game. I'm up. I'm up millions. I'm up, you know, nigga got double digit bodies gang. I'm i'm
34:45I completed gang i'm good
34:47Double digit bodies
34:49Definitely got definitely
34:52Life like that game
34:53I think you're gonna leave us to run good gang. Yo, yo and turbo and turbo. Uh, what car are you going right now?
34:59Look, i'm gonna m5 but look who bought that m5
35:02Look, that's who bought that in five
35:07Money don't mean shit if you can't still go on drills though gang
35:11Yeah, see niggas like you niggas like you don't make it long gang
35:17B-a-b-k j-bo game look at him
35:20Take him as an example
35:22Nah, get me out this car
35:25Yo, what's going on bro, where everybody at? I don't know
35:30Everybody gone bro. Hey, but crazy
35:35Crazy I came back. I came back to my brother being dead, bro
35:41Crazy bro
35:43Crazy rara not answering
35:47Mellow not answering
35:50Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's in the hill celebrating his rapper money
35:56Skillet without us without us alone. I'm not leaving these streets, bro. How do I tell you?
36:04Robots call me yo
36:07Yo, where you at?
36:09I'll come back to the hood. Where you at? Come on come to the hood, bro
36:12It's only me me and you pop up right now. We gotta save this hood
36:16All right. Come on, you're in the hood right now. Yeah, i'm in the hood right now
36:19All right, but i'm pulling up. What's your name donkey?
36:23Bro, it's peanut. Oh, that's peanut. Oh, oh, oh peanut peanut peanut. I mean, he called me a donkey bro
36:30All right. Yo, i'm here right here now gonna head into the truck
36:36I forget I forget, you know, he's been a minute since you've been here
36:40Yeah, man, he's went to congo. What?
36:44What's up, san francisco?
36:46What's up, man, how you doing man? It's the word y'all what's the word?
36:50Where y'all been it ain't shit man update. They moved me out to the mansion man
36:54Yo, because I I made a song man. Yo, yeah, I can't lie. Hey, bro
36:58Put all that rapper money to the side, bro. We about to get into the streets. I didn't get
37:02I didn't get no rapper money yet
37:04Who is this right here?
37:06This is rara. That's rara like a dungeon dragon. All right, come on. Let's put up a car all four of us. Come on
37:13Whoa, whoa, whoa
37:16Come on come on
37:18We're taking we're taking a little kid on a on a donkey drill. Come on
37:26Yeah, what's the deal? No, no
37:30Hey, I heard you try to spin my block and you shot nothing but air bro. Stop saying you bro
37:36You know that wasn't me bro. I've been telling you this bro. We had a whole conversation on it. That wasn't y'all
37:42No, that was no that wasn't me that wasn't me but that was fruit town right that was that was us
37:48But that wasn't me. Yeah, I can't lie gang
37:51Can't lie you're bad for the brand you're bad for the brand when I come
37:54Your shit though. No, no, you're gonna feel it bro. Listen, I we were four deep in a car with holes in a little nugget
38:00You had to kill a little kid
38:04Go dig your son up gang go dig I could say the same thing to you bro. That's the craziest part
38:10That's just an eye for an eye gang and that's what it is
38:13I took your son. That's how we do it. Hey, that's that's the eye for eye gang
38:18All right, listen, bro. Y'all can't be y'all can't be scared of bumper. You're not on your block. Y'all niggas, right?
38:23I was just there. I was just on a bro. I was literally just on the block for literally two hours
38:28I immersed on my mom's wheels and we just spun we spun through every 15 minutes
38:32Seeing if you're outside again, come on, I can merge that on my mom's I can't stole
38:36Okay, that's the whole hood right now game. That's the whole hood right now
38:39That's the car on speaker. Go ahead. Ask the hood. Yo, hey, check it out. Check it out
38:44How many times you spun through a train that wasn't outside?
38:47Like 20 times really that's bad. There go two right there. Hold on. Hey, all right, man
38:52Hey, how many times hey, how many times we spun through? Hey, come here. You hear me? No
38:56Yeah, I can hear you. Hey, how many times we spun through a train that wasn't
39:00Too much. Hey, hey, hey, hey go go spin their block spin their block spin their block. Oh, they're outside. Yeah. Yeah
39:06It's been
39:09What do you want to do you want to come from the back
39:12Yeah, yeah, yeah, we go we go head to left head to left boy there wait, what would I say?
39:16What would I say what I get now? You don't gotta say nothing. We're gonna sneak up on them
39:19We're gonna sneak up on them more than 40
39:25A peanut look you need to be ready to step on his gas go straight
39:36Further further we can go right behind him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm on it. I'm on it
39:40I and and then reverse you see our little coat to the right reverse like not into it
39:45But just you know, so we can run up again
39:48Wait, how are we doing this?
39:51I mean we could just run up and fucking scheme some shit if you want run up front back. All right, right, let's go
40:00Come on i'm right behind you brother. I love you game. Come on. I love you, bro
40:13Hey, hey right here
40:22I hear a car
40:30Come here come here
40:36Come on
41:06Wait, wait, wait, wait, I have an idea. I have an idea. There was just right there flagged up
41:11They get they're getting distracted right now by a car
41:17Just wait for them to hop this wall they're gonna hop this wall we're gonna score them on the leave
41:24Right there
41:26We're good
41:36You see him, yeah, wait
41:49Come over
41:58Wait, wait, wait, wait
42:19We need them we I I we they can't be hiding behind a wall
42:37Money money
42:47Oh, yeah
43:05They're definitely gonna hear us
43:15Right there right there did you see that
43:18I can't hear you
43:35Where are you from? Oh, where are you from? Oh go down get the other one. Come on
43:58Come on come on, come on, come on
44:09What what what dude that's perfect that was perfect you had a homie sold us
44:18That's the homies for show. All right, come on
44:30Yo, bro, we were just sitting there we were just sitting there chilling
44:33People pulled up. That's them
44:36Yep, that's them right there. What's her right? What's her right? Wait, wait, stop the car. What's the game? What is it?
44:44Hey, hey, yo, what's up?
44:48Yeah, we just shot your little homie he dead as fuck
44:51He dead as fuck. Oh my mama. Oh my mama girl. They got that one, too
44:56Fuck you talking about go pick them up
44:58Pick them up
45:01Ah, look at that
45:07Yeah, yeah, yeah i'm here i'm here i'm here
45:12No, no, i'm not here i'm hip i'm hip to it i'm hip to what they're trying to do
45:16Oh, it's a sad day for them
45:20Are you calling me? Hold on?
45:22That's how you do it. Y'all just y'all just gonna keep killing residents. Come on
45:30What you want to do bro, what you want to do in school I just told you let's bomb bro
45:35I just told you bro. He was in traffic right there. You ran game. Come on. What's the where you at with it?
45:40Come on, where you trying to bump? Where you trying to bump? Hey, he's trying to bump. He's trying to bump
45:44Come on get in traffic get back in traffic. Come on
45:47Where you at?
45:48Nigga, we'll be coming to you. Where you at?
45:50Shit i'm in the hood
45:52You in the hood?
45:53Yeah, i'm in the hood
45:55All right, we're coming send them more
45:58All right bet come on
46:01Hey get in the car get in or get in the house get in the house. We're we're hiding we're hiding we're hiding
46:04All right. Y'all it's nice knowing y'all. We only got two poles in here
46:08Who's who?
46:12No, don't say no don't sacrifice the homies dog. All right, I call dibs in the shower
46:19Who that is
46:24Who that is hey, he's not in a suit
46:27The fuck who is in the suit?
46:31Hold on hold on. Hold on. Yo hunter. Look somebody go check who's that in the suit?
46:35Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's them right there. That's the ops. That's the ops
46:42No, no
46:46It's a decoy you ain't see how everybody else died i've been here long enough wait y'all listen y'all listen
46:55Who the hell is those men in suits gang i'm out the crib
46:59You said
47:02Come out the crib, hey, who's those? Hey see who those men?
47:05They're about to get flamed bro
47:08Go see where they are
47:13I'm feeling tired of this
47:25No, i'm just that shit happened before it was like check who it is went outside someone got smoked I ain't gonna lie
47:32Not me. No, i'm gonna tell you right now
47:35Yo, I can't lie we're scared bro, but we got the right to be scared game
47:39We got two poles and three motherfuckers out here and a little kid y'all bro. That's your bro. That's the second time on us, bro
47:45That's the second time you're doing this
47:47You sent men in suits after me or something
47:50Bro, they were on your block bro when we got there. They're about to get flamed
47:58Keep killing you just keep killing people on the block then you just tuck up and then tell us
48:05I'm watching you in the crib
48:23Go back to the block
48:28Oh, no, hey, that's where we come from the back though, that's where we come from the back that's what that's what i'm seeing
48:32That's what i'm seeing
48:53Come on bro, are they spinning? Oh, yeah. Hey, what's this? Oh, yeah
49:19Huh, there's that
49:32Hey, they're here dear dear dear
49:47Got a bad feeling just watch your back just watch your back to me watch my back
49:52Just watch it. Just make sure you got eyes on the back of your head. Hey, it's cool
49:57Hey, bro, you got this one chief
50:00Come on
50:04Oh no, where
50:06Watch out i'll get in the bathtub
50:09In the back. Oh my god. Oh my god. Wait, this
50:14Wait, wait
50:17No, get out get out get out get out
50:32Y'all niggas got the guns you talking about going out, right
50:37Yo, the ops got us looking like this
50:40All right, guys, well listen i'm gonna wrap this video off here, bro
50:43All right
50:43Listen, I try to convince the homies to get on and spank somebody with me or play defense in the hood
50:47But it's literally only me left in the hood. I can't lie. The homies do not want to hop on. Hey
50:52Y'all trying to get on and spank the ops
50:57Send me a band for my birthday i'm not sending you a band for a birthday, bro
51:00We got ops to catch and y'all not outside man
51:06Bro, so y'all don't want to get on and play defense
51:10I think it's gonna hurt
51:15So with that being said i'm gonna wrap this off here, I love y'all thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can't talk
51:20Thank you so much for watching. I love y'all i'm with my goodbyes and i'm gonna see you on the next episode
51:23I love y'all. Take care and goodbye
51:26And now folks it's time to say good night
51:29We sincerely appreciate your patronage and hope we've succeeded in bringing you an enjoyable evening of entertainment
51:35Please drive home carefully and come back again soon
51:39Good night