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Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
Me Atrevo A Amarte Capítulo 6 Completo HD
00:00You have every right to do whatever you want with your property.
00:04But they threw it away.
00:06And those who saw it tell me it was someone from your estate.
00:09Let's see, did any of you do that?
00:12No, boss.
00:13No, boss.
00:14No, sir.
00:15Whoever it was, I want you to tell me now.
00:17Who threw the fence?
00:19We didn't, boss.
00:20I did it, dad.
00:31In San Agustín, we are not used to separating the land with fences.
00:35And much less to keep the harvest that others planted.
00:38My daughter acted impulsively.
00:41I don't want this problem to get worse.
00:44I'm going to repair the damage my daughter caused.
00:47And that's where the problem ends.
00:49Are we, Mr. Sanchez Guerra?
00:52We didn't come to fight, Mr. Perez Olero.
00:55We just wanted to clarify what happened.
00:58Actually, we don't know that raising a fence was wrong.
01:01So we'll look for another way to get the cattle out of the fences.
01:06We don't want any problems either.
01:10We're going to pay for the repair of that fence.
01:13Have a good day.
01:22Thank you, Mr. Valente.
01:24Good day.
01:26Let's go.
01:35Victoria is a Perez Oler.
01:38She is the daughter of my enemy.
01:41She is the daughter of my enemy.
01:44What did you do wrong, Victoria?
01:47How many times have I told you that problems are solved by talking, not by throwing fences?
01:52What they did to us wasn't fair, dad.
01:54They sold our crops, the fruit of my efforts.
01:57I worked for them.
01:59And that's why you had to go and tear down a fence?
02:02Defending us from injustice is one thing,
02:05and reacting aggressively is another, completely different.
02:09Victoria, what you did wasn't right.
02:12And besides, I don't want you to do anything against those people again.
02:16In fact, I don't even want you to get close to La Paz Ranch
02:20or anyone who lives there.
02:22Do you understand, daughter?
02:25Tell me you understand, Victoria.
02:44All this time, she made me believe she was a whore.
02:49An employee of the ranch, and in reality, she's the daughter of that bastard.
02:53She's a Perez Oler.
02:58Mom, forgive me.
03:01Forgive me for what I feel.
03:05I should hate her for her deception, mom.
03:10I found out the lie that she was a whore.
03:14And she's the daughter of that bastard who caused your death.
03:22I didn't know, mom.
03:24Forgive me.
03:26But I made you a promise and I'm going to keep it.
03:30I'm going to fall in love with the daughter of the brave Perez Oler, mom.
03:37I don't know how to get rid of the thought.
03:44Victoria, mom.
03:47Her name is Victoria.
03:59I see that you don't like me at all, right?
04:02No, no, no. I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about Yegua.
04:07You don't even give me and you give me exactly the same.
04:10No, no, no. You don't.
04:15You drive me crazy.
04:19Why do I have to think about that?
04:25Valente's daughter threw us the fence.
04:27And that's a declaration of war.
04:29Deborah, calm down. Alejandro already fixed it.
04:32He went to talk to Mr. Perez Oler and he offered to fix it.
04:36Where is Alejandro? I want to talk to him immediately.
04:38He left like crazy on his horse and I couldn't reach him.
04:40How? Where is my brother?
04:43I don't know. I thought he had come back here, but I saw that he didn't.
04:47The Perez Oler are not going to do anything to my nephew.
04:49And if Victoria dared to attack us, it's because she has the same grudge as her father and her grandfather.
04:56Don't talk like that.
04:57She's also going to pay for what she did to us.
04:59Stop fighting, please. I don't like it.
05:02Look, don't worry, Amar.
05:04The truth is that I don't think it's something personal against us.
05:08Yesterday at the Jaripeo, I realized that the Perez Oler have a problem with Dionisio.
05:12Maybe he sold us the ranch to create a problem.
05:16We shouldn't fall into his game.
05:26And how are the kids doing with the compost?
05:29Good, but they just finish and start with their mess, right?
05:33Amar, give them more work, Victoria, so they can move forward instead of whining.
05:39What are you going to do? Why are you fighting?
05:43We are going to continue with the compost so that they learn and stop gossiping.
05:47Let's go.
05:49Look closely, listen.
05:51They are going to throw away the remains of fruits and vegetables that they brought from their homes,
05:56here, to make the compost.
05:59This compost is a good fertilizer for the land.
06:04This is how we take advantage of the remains of legumes that we don't eat.
06:07Did you understand?
06:10I made a bet with these, Victoria.
06:12Another one?
06:13For me.
06:14That you like the Puerto Rican who won the Jaripeo.
06:17What nonsense are you talking about?
06:20Why did you give him that kiss at the fair?
06:24It wasn't out of pleasure, the priest asked me for it.
06:26And you gave it to him right away.
06:29It's obvious that you two like each other.
06:39You're smiling again.
06:42You must have remembered the Puerto Rican.
06:44I told you, Alejandro and Victoria are dating.
06:48No, no, no, we are not.
06:50We are not dating.
06:51He tries to say what he is not.
06:53Let's see, let's see.
06:55Come on, let's continue with the compas.
06:57Hey, you're laughing.
06:59Come on, kids.
07:00Keep going.
07:07What's up?
07:10Are you still upset?
07:13I guess you're very confused.
07:17I know you were shocked to find out that Victoria is the daughter of Pérez Soler.
07:21But I want you to know that what you feel is because you are in love with her, Alejandro.
07:25And it will help you accept it.
07:28He was a liar.
07:30He made you go through a daycare to lie to me.
07:36He made me believe that I had a good heart to fall in love with her.
07:40I'm just going to forgive him.
07:43I know you feel cheated, bro.
07:46Hey, but you love her.
07:48If those things can be fixed, it will be for a long time, bro.
07:53Get it out of my head.
07:56I can't love the daughter of the man who killed my mother.
08:00I understand that you and Débora are resentful with Valente.
08:03But I don't share that feeling.
08:05And much less I can agree with them hurting her family.
08:10Bro, I love my son.
08:13I love her and that's why I can't support you in this.
08:15Besides, they are a good family.
08:17Victoria almost drowned in the river to save a kid.
08:20And Marisol spends her time helping the homeless.
08:23You saw it.
08:25What happened 25 years ago has nothing to do with them.
08:28In fact, they were not even born.
08:30Please understand that.
08:32And what do I do with this anger?
08:34Run! Run!
08:36Why did life teach you to be a mother?
08:37Why did life teach you to be a mother?
08:42What can I do, bro?
08:44We were children.
08:47Besides, my little sister got that disease because of that misfortune.
08:53Just because an unhappy man decided to accuse us unjustly
08:58and send his dogs to chase us.
09:02I can't do that and live like that, even if it had happened.
09:06Do you understand me, bro?
09:09I have a lot of courage.
09:13I need to do justice.
09:16But that's not justice, bro.
09:18That's revenge.
09:20I don't care.
09:22I made a promise and I'm going to keep it.
09:24I have to keep it.
09:27Or my heart will break.
09:38Until you come to visit me.
09:41I thought you had forgotten about me.
09:43Please sit down.
09:45I didn't come to visit.
09:47I come for an explanation, dad.
09:49Why did you sell the ranch to Mrs. Debora?
09:51According to you, why not?
09:54I haven't lived there for years.
09:57I wanted to sell that ranch and she wanted to buy it.
10:00What's the problem?
10:02That ranch was our home, dad.
10:03When my mother lived.
10:05And there are many memories of her there.
10:07Besides, that woman you sold it to already had problems with Valente.
10:12And I don't think you cause more worries to my husband.
10:16I made a call and found out that it was not Sánchez Guerra
10:20who sold Victoria's harvest.
10:23Oh, damn. So who was it?
10:26They didn't know how to tell me.
10:28Apparently we were wrong with him.
10:30And then?
10:32Are you going to trust the boy?
10:34No, I never do that, Delfino.
10:37I want you far away from my daughter.
10:41Alejandro Sánchez Guerra.
10:44It's not what my daughter deserves.
10:46Let's go.
10:50Did you hear that?
10:53Alejandro wasn't the one who sold my harvest.
10:57Well, of course, how was he going to know?
10:59He didn't even know I was a person.
11:01He didn't even know how to smell.
11:03And I even went to throw his beard, Brioza.
11:08Can you imagine what he must be thinking about me?
11:12I shouldn't be worrying about him.
11:15But the poor guy is right, right?
11:17I threw his beard.
11:19He must be hating me, Brioza.
11:23Should I tell you what's the worst?
11:27That I care.
11:31I care a lot.
11:37Now I can't tell you,
11:39but I want you to know that I want to take care of him.
11:43I have feelings that I've never had for him.
11:48What, for a simple peasant like me?
11:50No, I didn't ask him to do this for me.
11:56How could he do this to me?
11:57I don't know.
12:00She's more than just a peasant,
12:02just as hypocritical as her father.
12:05I never cared about her.
12:09I shouldn't even think about her.
12:13It's so hard for me to forget her.
12:16Why did I have to meet her?
12:27I don't know.
12:43Don't worry.
12:45You're safe now.
12:52What's Victoria doing here?
12:54I have to get my revenge.
12:57We can't be in the same place anymore.
13:17If that thief thinks he's going to rob me,
13:20he's in for a surprise.
13:39There's no doubt that you're a pervert.
13:42Everything is solved with violence.
13:44Hey, I won't let you talk to me like that.
13:46I didn't know you were hiding in there.
13:48Why did you lie to me?
13:50Why did you pretend to be a prostitute?
13:54Did you expect me to fall in love with you?
13:55Was it you who thought that?
13:57That I was a peasant?
13:59And you didn't lie to me.
14:01You continued with your farce.
14:03You must be very used to it.
14:06Do it.
14:08Do it, don't stop.
14:10I didn't slap him.
14:12Just because he's bleeding, okay?
14:14But yes,
14:16I didn't get it out of his head when I saw the kind of prostitute he was.
14:19Or what?
14:21He's going to deny that he kicked me out of his car
14:23because he's going to know that a fly bit him.
14:27I don't know what else to give him that he's a peasant.
14:29I don't care about the deception.
14:31I don't care if you've proven to me that you're not a person.
14:34What if I were?
14:36What if what?
14:39What if I liked you?
14:43I wouldn't hesitate to fall in love with a woman
14:45as lying as you.
14:50Wait here and don't move.
14:56What are you doing?
14:58Planting some herbs
15:00to stop the wound
15:02and I can kick him as he deserves.
15:06Does this make you feel better?
15:09That happy sale affected your granddaughter.
15:13Yes, Dad.
15:15Victoria lost all her harvest.
15:17What, you didn't think about that?
15:19You don't care about anything?
15:21Oh, no.
15:22You didn't think about that?
15:24You don't care about anything?
15:26Now it turns out
15:28that I'm the villain in this story.
15:32Do you think you're capable
15:34of doing something like this?
15:36I didn't say that.
15:40are my only family
15:43and you know perfectly well
15:45that the only thing I've done
15:47is help you.
15:49Worry about you
15:50and worry about you always.
15:54Since I lost your mother
15:59I've been so alone.
16:02I've only
16:04dedicated myself to you.
16:06To you?
16:09To my granddaughters.
16:13That's just it.
16:16I'm sorry.
16:17Please forgive me.
16:18That wasn't my intention.
16:20I just want to know
16:22why you did it.
16:24Victoria is homeless.
16:26She lost all her harvest.
16:28Then blame me.
16:32If that makes you feel better.
16:35I appreciate your intention
16:37of wanting to help us
16:39but sometimes I don't understand you, Dad.
16:43Dad, stop it.
16:45Please don't get like this.
16:48Let's stop this argument.
16:53Just so you know,
16:55I didn't mean to attack you.
16:57I thought you were a thief.
16:59I didn't think it was you.
17:01I shouldn't have hidden myself
17:03to see you.
17:07You're still bleeding.
17:11Take my handkerchief
17:13and clean yourself.
17:14It's not necessary.
17:16Don't be stubborn.
17:18It's not necessary.
17:20You have to stop the bleeding.
17:22Of course.
17:24That way you can slap me.
17:26It must hurt a lot.
17:28But now the pain is gone.
17:32Do you really care about this?
17:35Why are you doing this?
17:38Press the slap button
17:40with the handkerchief
17:42or the bleeding won't stop.
17:44I don't care.
17:50Stop looking at me.
17:52I know you're mad at me.
17:54I'm not.
17:56You're worried about me.
18:00And I like that.
18:03I like it a lot.
18:12Thank God
18:14your kisses
18:16belong to my mouth.
18:20May the wind blow
18:22and make me crazy.
18:26May you know
18:28that this love
18:30is so far-fetched.
18:45Tell me
18:48how your path goes.
18:52I know you won't find
18:55a love like mine.
18:59Tell me
19:02how you feel the emptiness.
19:06I know you feel the cold
19:10of loneliness.
19:15I gave you a sincere love.
19:19I gave you my caresses and kisses.
19:22Don't make me cry.
19:28Tell me how you feel
19:31knowing you lost
19:33a love like this.
19:35Tell me how you feel
19:38knowing you lost
19:40another chance.
19:42Tell me
19:44how you feel
19:46knowing you won't
19:48touch my body.
19:53I gave you a sincere love.
19:56I gave you my caresses and kisses.
20:00Don't make me cry.
20:14I gave you a sincere love.
20:30Why does he look at me like that?
20:34If he's still mad about the picture I gave him,
20:36I already told him...
20:37He shouldn't have.
20:41He shouldn't have.
20:42He's a coward.
20:44Give me that.
20:47Forget what I told you.
20:49I don't want you near me.
20:52I don't even want to look at you.
20:59Is he the one who hit you?
21:03What am I doing here like a fool?
21:06That's what worries me.
21:09Are you really a pervert, Victoria?
21:13Did you let them kiss you?
21:25What were you thinking?
21:28That woman is your enemy's daughter.
21:31You should hate her, not kiss her.
21:39Victoria was with him.
21:43I shouldn't feel like this.
21:46Why do I care so much about that guy?
21:50Why do I have to feel this?
22:02Right now you're going to tell me
22:04what you were doing with Sanchez Guerra.
22:06I don't have to give you explanations.
22:08Hey, hey, hey.
22:10Better be careful with him.
22:12He just wants to hurt you.
22:15Yes, I know that.
22:17Why do you say that?
22:19Look, Victoria.
22:21I really care about you.
22:23For a long time.
22:25It's just that you miss me, right?
22:28But it's good that you're alone with that guy.
22:30Even if he has money,
22:32I assure you that he's not better than me.
22:35He's just going to hurt you.
22:37You speak as if you knew him very well, Victor.
22:39You know the foreigner.
22:40Talk to me clearly.
22:42If not, better close your mouth.
22:44What? Let go of me!
22:46Let go of me!
22:48You're never going to be with that guy!
22:50Let go of me!
22:52In your life, you put your hand on me again.
22:54Don't you dare because you're going to know my breath.
23:05Victoria, what you did was not right.
23:07And besides, I don't want you to do anything
23:08against those people again.
23:10What's more, I don't want you to come near
23:12Rancho La Paz or any of the people who live there.
23:15Do you understand, daughter?
23:18What did all that tell me?
23:22We'll see if I don't find out.
23:27I baked some pancakes.
23:29Of banana.
23:31I don't forget that they are your favorites.
23:33Beautiful, thank you.
23:35Are you always so affectionate?
23:36Since I was a child, you have spoiled me a lot.
23:40I'm going to save them for me.
23:42I'm not going to share them because no one makes them so good with me.
23:45Oh, my daughter.
23:47You know I really like that you like them
23:50because I do them with a lot of affection.
23:52I know.
23:54Thank you, I love you.
24:01They smell very good.
24:06Promise me that you will take good care of yourself.
24:08Of course, I promise you.
24:10Tell me, little one.
24:14Good morning.
24:23I can't believe you sold your ranch to this woman.
24:26I'm talking to you about Deborah Mendez.
24:28Don't you realize that woman not only came to hurt Valente,
24:32but she's also going to hurt Diana and the girls.
24:35Don't you realize?
24:39Let's not start with the same thing.
24:41Let's not start with the same thing.
24:43That woman is sick with anger and hatred.
24:46And that hatred is going to set fire to hell
24:49on the Pérez Soler ranch.
24:52It's going to end.
24:54It's going to end.
24:56It's going to end.
24:58It's going to end with Diana.
25:00It's going to end with the girls.
25:02Don't you realize?
25:04Don't you care?
25:06The only thing I care about
25:09is that my daughter finally realizes
25:13how stupid her husband is.
25:17This guy never deserved her.
25:21He doesn't deserve her.
25:23And then you do.
25:24Look, Dionisio.
25:26When Diana realizes everything you've done to hurt Valente,
25:30she's not going to forgive you.
25:32She's not going to set foot in this house again.
25:35She's going to forget you.
25:37And we're going to lose her.
25:39We're going to lose Diana and the girls.
25:41For God's sake, Dionisio, I'm begging you.
25:44I'm begging you, Dionisio.
25:48Have fear of God.
25:50Where did God go?
25:51Where did God go?
25:54When these Pérez Soler humiliated me,
25:58took my daughter away from me,
26:00took my wife away from me,
26:02did that damn Fernando
26:06have fear of God?
26:09When he put my own wife in his bed,
26:13did he have it?
26:15That day,
26:17I swore to take revenge on the Pérez Soler.
26:19I swore to take his seat.
26:22To leave Valente unhappy, with nothing.
26:25No land.
26:27No money.
26:29No family.
26:31And you're going to help me get it.
26:41Tell me.
26:43What is that so powerful
26:45that will unleash his wrath?
26:49Tell me!
26:51What do you know about that woman?
26:53If you don't tell me,
26:56I'm going to take you so far
26:59that you'll never again
27:03react to my diets.
27:07So, talk.
27:18If Evelia knows what happened 25 years ago,
27:23someone else may be aware and tell Débora.
27:27Don't let her, my God.
27:35Forget about your son.
27:38You'll never see him again.
27:40He was born dead.
27:42No, my son, no!
27:45Let me go!
27:51He hasn't had these nightmares in years.
27:56But Valente made him come back.
28:00He's to blame for everything that happens to us.
28:05They made Débora believe that her son was born dead.
28:09But it's not true.
28:11They took him away.
28:15They stole him.
28:18Who was it?
28:24The boss of the hacienda, Pérez Soler.
28:38It was Valente.
28:46It's not fair that my dad forbids me to go out with Ángel.
28:50He hasn't even given me a reason not to see him.
28:53I should give him a chance because we're in love.
28:57Oh, sister, now that I know what love is,
29:00I understand you more than you can imagine.
29:03I still can't believe that David,
29:05the most handsome boy in San Agustín,
29:07is interested in me.
29:09I can't believe it either, Aguaspaloma,
29:12because that guy hasn't taken anyone seriously.
29:15You say that out of jealousy
29:17because Juanita is flirting with another girl.
29:19Oh, well, for me, she can flirt with whoever she wants
29:21because she and I are just friends.
29:23Oh, and you really don't care that she's interested in another girl?
29:27Yes, she cares.
29:31Have you seen Victoria?
29:33She hasn't come back, Mom. Why?
29:35Oh, I'm very worried about your sister.
29:37On the fly, I realized that Victoria cares more about Alejandro
29:41than she wants to accept.
29:42Well, after he sold his harvest and she threw the fence at him,
29:46I don't know what's going to happen.
29:48Oh, no, what will Ángel think about all this?
29:51He hasn't come to see me or called me, Mom.
29:54How could Victoria do that, Mom?
29:56The truth is, it happened with the neighbor.
29:58No, no, no, for whatever reason,
30:00I have to clarify things with Ángel, know what he thinks.
30:03Mom, please.
30:05What happened?
30:06Talk to my dad, okay?
30:08I love Ángel and I need to know what his position is, okay?
30:17Mia, how are you?
30:19Very good, and you?
30:21Good, good, good. Hey, you played well at the party, boss.
30:23I had already told you that I am your fan.
30:25Thank you, Juanito, how nice.
30:27But did you see that another DJ played before me?
30:29Yes, yes, yes, yes, but I didn't like his music at all.
30:32But the public did.
30:34And they invited him to play at an event.
30:36I'm also invited, but if I don't go, it's no use.
30:37People are going to stop looking for me
30:39and they are only going to hire my competition.
30:41That DJ Max can't take my job away from me.
30:43No, no, no, no, he can't.
30:45Hey, and when is the party or what?
30:47There it is.
30:49It just falls on the day of class
30:51and that's why I wanted to ask you for your help.
30:53No, no, no, Mia, don't get me into this anymore.
30:57No, one thing is to escape while everyone is sleeping
30:59and another is to skip classes while everyone is more than awake.
31:02No, it's cooler and they can catch us easier
31:04and we get into a problem.
31:06Let's see, calm down, calm down, and I'm not disorganized either.
31:09You take precautions and I'm well prepared, look.
31:13This is a medical recipe in white.
31:15A friend who went to the doctor told me about it.
31:18That's why we started.
31:20Oh, come on, no one in the farm will notice.
31:23And at school, with that justifier,
31:25they don't have to know it's a lie.
31:27So, what do you say?
31:29Are you going to help me?
31:30Are you going to help me?
31:36Okay, yes, I'll help you.
31:39But don't risk me so much, okay?
31:42It's for your own good, Mia.
31:47Honey, there really was no bad intention
31:50of those boys when buying the ranch.
31:52My dad assured me.
31:54Please, please,
31:57let's try to get along with the neighbors, okay?
31:58You know Marisol is very interested in Ángel.
32:00To me, the truth seems very strange.
32:02Diana, do you know what my position is?
32:05I want those people away from my daughters.
32:08I know Alejandro Sánchez Guerra came to live here
32:11to hurt us.
32:13Why do you say that, Dad?
32:15Why would Alejandro want to hurt us?
32:22I know he came to annoy the family.
32:25And I would like to know,
32:30I have no interest
32:33in talking about Valente.
32:38What I want is for us to talk about that son
32:42you had with him
32:4525 years ago.
32:48I don't want to talk about him.
32:50I don't want to talk about him.
32:52I don't want to talk about him.
32:54I don't want to talk about him.
32:56What do you know about my late son?
33:01You have lived wrong, ma'am.
33:04Your son
33:06didn't die.
33:08They stole him.
33:10They stole him.
33:12They stole him.
33:14I have only told the truth.
33:17Your son lives, ma'am.
33:19Do you have proof of what you are saying?
33:21How dare you say something like that?
33:24I don't have that proof.
33:26But they say
33:28that mothers
33:30have a sixth sense.
33:33I don't know.
33:35You should know
33:37or feel it.
33:40Forget about your son.
33:42You'll never see him again.
33:44He was born dead.
33:46No, my son, no!
33:53It wasn't just a dream.
33:57It was real.
33:59I'm sorry.
34:01What do you mean?
34:03Who told you?
34:05How do you know?
34:07You have to tell me where my son is.
34:09I don't have that answer.
34:11Why don't you ask Valente?
34:14He's the only one who can tell you.
34:18And you have every right
34:20to get your son back.
34:22And Valente's father-in-law tells me.
34:25What does he want from me?
34:27Just so you know the truth.
34:32My son-in-law
34:34is a miserable man.
34:36He's not the unfeeling man
34:38he seems to be in front of my family.
34:42And it's time
34:44for everyone to know
34:47his dark secret.
34:50Don't you think so, ma'am?
34:55Come on, Juan.
35:04It had to be Valente.
35:07Why did he take him from me?
35:10What did he do to me?
35:12Who has taken care of him for so many years?
35:15But whether he wants it or not,
35:17Valente will have to tell me
35:20where my son is.
35:25You have to tell me, Dad.
35:27I want to know why Alejandro wants to hurt us.
35:30Enough, Marisol. Enough.
35:32Give me a reason.
35:34It's not fair that you chose Angel, Dad.
35:36I assure you, you're wrong.
35:38He's a good person.
35:40You really have to believe me, Dad.
35:42Why would he want to hurt us?
35:44Are you okay?
35:46Mom, tell him, please, explain it to him.
35:48Let's see, please, not anymore.
35:50Mom, it's not fair.
35:52Listen to me, please.
35:54Sit down, my dear, please.
35:56Get ready.
36:00I'm fine.
36:02It's something temporary.
36:04Honey, honey.
36:06I'm very worried that you get like this.
36:08You have to listen to me, please.
36:10It's important that you do your studies
36:12to see the doctor, okay?
36:14Well, I guess they're not going to tell me anything, right?
36:21I should hate you for being the daughter of my enemy.
36:25But I can't.
36:27The only thing I want is to be by your side.
36:31I love you, Victoria.
36:38What does that poor guy think?
36:40That you saw him drunk.
36:42First he kisses me and then he tells me
36:44that he doesn't love me anymore.
36:46I don't know.
36:47That you saw him drunk.
36:49First he kisses me and then he tells me
36:51that he doesn't love me anymore.
36:53Do you understand that?
36:55Because I don't.
36:57Well, yes, I'm also very drunk, drunk.
36:59I wish I knew what he's up to.
37:02And if it has anything to do
37:04with what my dad said?
37:06He asked me to stay away from him
37:08and he was serious.
37:10Well, like it or not, my dad will have to explain
37:12what he's up to against Alejandro.
37:14Why do you think that's a threat to me?
37:19Maybe that way I can understand
37:21why you look at me like that.
37:27With so much anger.
37:29As if you hate me.
37:36And if you're good at drinking all your tea,
37:38it will help you calm down,
37:40make you feel better.
37:41Sweetie, thank you for your care.
37:43I assure you that I already feel good.
37:45I'm glad.
37:47Hey, I don't want you to feel bad again.
37:49Your health is the most important thing for me.
37:51I want you to be fine, please.
37:53I'm going to make the appointment with the doctor
37:55and you're going to have to go, you hear me?
37:57Oh, Diana.
37:59I had to do something right
38:01so that life would reward me with you.
38:03I'm sorry.
38:05I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:13Thank you for loving me so much,
38:15for taking care of me.
38:18Sometimes I think I don't deserve you.
38:21How can I not love you?
38:23You're the best husband in the world.
38:26I don't want anything to happen to you.
38:29I would die.
38:31You know I would die of longing.
38:33No, no, no.
38:35That's not going to happen, honey.
38:37Take care.
38:41I'll be back.
38:43I'll be back.
38:47Can I have some more tea?
38:49I liked it a lot.
38:51It was delicious.
38:53Thank you, honey.
39:00This is Fausto, Mr. Pérez Soler.
39:02I was just about to call you.
39:04I called to remind you
39:06that the payment date is about to expire.
39:08I'll be waiting for you with the money in my office.
39:11Have a good afternoon.
39:16What am I going to do now?
39:25What's wrong?
39:28Don't tell me anything.
39:32The lender just called me.
39:34This friendship...
39:37I couldn't get the money together to pay the debt.
39:43We could lose the ranch.
39:46We're not going to lose it.
39:48Together, we're going to find a way to get out of this problem, okay?
39:51Talk to Mr. Fausto, Dad.
39:53He'll probably give us a little more time.
39:55I don't know, something's going to happen to us, but no.
39:57We're not going to lose our mountains, okay?
39:59Look at me.
40:01The Pérez Soler ranch will continue to be ours,
40:02no matter what.
40:10Oh, Ángel, I've never seen you like this.
40:12I think Marisol is the perfect girl for you.
40:17The truth is that I'm dying to be with her.
40:20You know who I don't care about the worst? Alejandro.
40:23You just don't know.
40:25Victoria kissed him on the lap and the other one...
40:28I've never seen him like that for anyone.
40:30Well, a long time ago.
40:32And Alejandro is very interested in her.
40:36But that's why I'm worried that he's still seeing the Pérez Soler as his enemies.
40:41Tell me something.
40:43Do you also want to take revenge?
40:46Just like Debora and Alejandro?
40:51Well, it's not like my opinion matters much.
40:56Ángel, can I ask you something?
40:59Tell me.
41:01It's just that I don't understand much.
41:04They're just talking about their hatred and their revenge and...
41:09I don't think they're bad people.
41:11In fact, I like them.
41:14Am I wrong?
41:16I want to know because I don't know if I'm disrespecting my mom's memory.
41:20No, Ambar.
41:21You're not wrong.
41:23I think your mom would like us to be happy,
41:27regardless of the past.
41:29Besides, revenge won't bring her back.
41:34Are you okay?
41:42Marisol, we were just talking about you.
41:46I need to talk to you.
41:48There's something I need to ask you, Ángel.
41:50Can we meet?
41:51Can we meet?
41:58Hello, Miss Victoria.
42:00Look how pretty your Yegua is.
42:03Her name is Briosa.
42:05I assure you that there is no better Yegua than her.
42:08I believe you.
42:10In fact, how much does she sell?
42:12How much do you ask for her?
42:14No, the family doesn't sell and...
42:17Briosa is like my brother.
42:19Go look for her.
42:21You'll find something you like.
42:23Well, that's a shame.
42:25If I've changed my mind, please tell me.
42:28Excuse me.
42:34I want to know who sold my harvest.
42:37I know Alejandro Sánchez Guerra doesn't say who it was.
42:40Well, he'll find out anyway.
42:44It was his grandfather.
42:46Dionisio was the one who sold it.
42:48Excuse me.
42:53Did you send for me?
42:56Well, you tell me.
42:58What can I do for you, Mr. Dionisio?
43:00No one saw you come in?
43:02No, no one.
43:06Los Sánchez Guerra.
43:08They shouldn't know you're my employee.
43:11Is that clear?
43:13Be careful, boss.
43:14I sent for you because I want you to keep an eye on Débora.
43:19I need to know every step that woman takes.
43:23Do you understand?
43:25Yes, boss.
43:35All these years,
43:38all those nightmares told me the truth.
43:40My baby!
43:42Who was my baby?
43:47My baby!
43:49What really happened was that my son had died.
43:52They stole him from me.
43:54Forget about your son.
43:56You'll never see him again.
43:58He was born dead.
44:00No, my son, no!
44:02Dionisio told the truth.
44:04They stole my son.
44:06My son.
44:07They stole my son.
44:09My son is not here.
44:12My son is alive.
44:14And Valente will have to tell me what he did to him.
44:18Where is he?
44:20I want my son.
44:31I didn't hear you come in, honey.
44:34What happened to your face?
44:35It was nothing, aunt.
44:39Are you okay?
44:41Every day that passes, I become more convinced of the evil that Valente Pérez Soler embodies.
44:48He is a heartless man.
44:50He doesn't care about leaving a mother without her son.
44:53He doesn't care about anything. He only cares about himself.
44:56That's why now, more than ever,
44:59we have to make him pay for every tear that our family shed.
45:03And we're not going to rest until we destroy him.
45:06And so it will be.
45:08We have to make him suffer for all the damage he caused us.
45:11You should never forget that, Alejandro.
45:14I won't.
45:17I promised him.
45:28My aunt is right.
45:29My aunt is right.
45:32I can't forget what that man did to you, mom.
45:35I can't betray you.
45:40I have to hate him, his daughter and all the Pérez Soler.
45:45I'm going to make them pay for your death.
45:47Nothing will be more important to me than revenge.
45:51Not even my own heart, mom.
46:00Corredor de Vines y Raíces.
46:06Good morning.
46:08Mr. Sánchez Guerra?
46:10Yes, counselor, tell me.
46:12I have an opportunity that will surely interest you.
46:16And what is it about?
46:23I'm sorry, Miss Pérez Soler. She doesn't deserve credit.
46:30I know something can be done.
46:49What are you doing here?
46:51I have a business meeting here on the ground.
46:54I was passing by and I saw Brioza.
46:57I needed to see you.
47:03No, don't get close to me.
47:06You feel the same as me.
47:09Don't lie to yourself.
47:11No, you're the one who's lying.
47:13Didn't you make it very clear to me that you don't want to be close to me?
47:16Yes, yes, that's what I said.
47:18It's just that sometimes our destiny is not the one we want.
47:21And we refuse to accept it because things shouldn't be like that.
47:26But I can't deny it anymore, Victoria.
47:30I need you.
47:33I love you, Luis.
47:35Let go of me.
47:38I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
47:41It wasn't my intention.
47:43Stay away from me.
47:45Stay away, I tell you.
47:47Stay away, I tell you.
47:54Although we deny it.
47:57Our destinies are united.
48:00No, I don't listen to you.
48:02Nobody decides for me.
48:04I take the reins of my destiny.
48:06I don't know.
48:07I don't know.
48:32I have to feel this.
48:33I have to feel this.
48:37I even had to fall in love with her.
48:42The daughter of my mother's murderer.