Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar 1v1 Map Code: 9007-7204-6798
Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar Boxfights Map Code: 9466-7672-0077
Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar Practice Map Code: 8391-1517-1417
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(b) Creator Code Fortnite + Call of Duty: Amar
Amars Setup Video und Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSwUNp8Ud_I
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Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar 1v1 Map Code: 9007-7204-6798
Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar Boxfights Map Code: 9466-7672-0077
Mongraal x MrSavage x Amar Practice Map Code: 8391-1517-1417
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(b) Creator Code Fortnite + Call of Duty: Amar
Amars Setup Video und Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSwUNp8Ud_I
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00:00Alright chat, alright chat, alright chat, okay, okay, okay, so, nie mehr hard times, hard times.
00:12So, and this is the rounds it's gonna be. First it's gonna be Victory Royale round, next most kills, next longest alive, special round and the same thing again, okay, just for everyone to know.
00:23So, even if you're last place, look at Hyjo yesterday, he was like literally last place, he went longest alive in the last round, won 1.000 EURO already, he's top 50 or something right now, GG's, made 1.000, easy going, alright.
00:36And one special is gonna be today, you all have to stay unmuted, okay, in this discord and I will tell you something now, now you can see the standings, I will tell you something now.
00:49We're gonna have a special today, I wanna have some fun with you today, okay, and I wanna break you a little bit, it's gonna be like in the first or second or third round, actually I'm announcing it right now, okay, it's gonna be in the W key round, where most kills, you know, if you have the most kills, you get benefited, there's gonna be 5 minutes of you all being unmuted on the discord, 5 minutes.
01:14You can talk whatever you want, obviously no racism, no fucking discrimination, you can say who and you can say whatever, okay, but don't be racist or something, okay, I want you guys to shit talk each other, why 100 people are unmuted, it's gonna be fun, I think, let's see, so this is the standings chat, which game is gonna be the W key game, not the whole game, not the whole game, 5 minutes, I think 5 minutes is gonna be enough, a full game is gonna be too much, guys.
01:40And when we know, you're just gonna be unmuted, everyone, I'm gonna join and say it.
01:46Everyone is saying full game, chat is saying 5 minutes, everyone else is saying full game, this is gonna be full trash talk, by the way, and also, by the way, if you're dead, you could mute yourself, by the way, you could mute yourself or just shit talk everyone, if you're dead, in the game, where you're muted, where you're not muted, okay, I'm telling you right now, you can say if someone is one shot, you can say whatever you want, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can
02:16say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game, you can say W key game
02:46Aras, war die all?
02:54Ja, Aras, er darf nicht so pussyhaft spielen gerade.
02:56Oh, er wird getagged.
02:58Avesta, danke für den zweiten. Flexi, Inan und Zeroi, danke auch für die Subs.
03:01Viko gegen Fasro, geh auch grad.
03:04Danke auch für über 5000 Subs schon wieder, Chat.
03:06Holy shit, das ist komplett crazy.
03:12Oh nein. Viko popelt!
03:16Warum rennt er denn so lang weg, Bruder?
03:19Wer fightet?
03:20Why are you running so much?
03:22Ey, Maniak.
03:25Jetzt spielt einfach niemand hide.
03:28Oh, ist auch noch moving, diese Lockere.
03:33Giggity Juggler. Oh, Gigi ist tot.
03:35Ach, get candy, bro.
03:37Get candy.
03:38Also, ich kann das nicht mehr so langsam wirklich.
03:40Oh, das macht er gut gerade in der Zone.
03:43Zwölf Leute nur noch alive, Chat.
03:45Es geht um den Sieg.
03:46Einer hat schon wieder Anonym-Modus.
03:48Mods, geht mal in Replay.
03:49Eyabafo hat den letzten getötet.
03:51Und Flichi wurde getötet von jemandem anonym.
03:54Die bitte raussuchen.
04:01Panzer hat Anonym an.
04:03Und einer fehlt aber noch, der Anonym an hat.
04:15Halt's Maul.
04:17Atmetz, Bau.
04:18Top 3.
04:19In der Zone.
04:20Wer ist noch alive?
04:21Folgt mir.
04:25Synth gegen MariusQ.
04:27Das war's.
04:29Synth wins.
04:30Synth won.
04:33Synth won the match.
04:37Let's go, Synth.
04:39Let's go, baby.
04:431000 Euro in your cash, Synth.
04:45Irgendwie schafft das nicht jeder.
04:48Yo, Leute.
04:54Okay, Attacke in Tournament Lobby.
04:56Hallo, hallo, hallo.
05:01Hallo, Servus.
05:04Let's go, chat.
05:09Oh, das wird geil, chat.
05:14100 Leute.
05:15100 Leute sind unmuted hier, chat.
05:18Die werden alle gerade reingemuft in den neuen Bot.
05:21100 Mute...
05:23100 Pros.
05:24Da sind über 10 Millionen Earnings drin.
05:36Hier müssen wir immer sagen, wer fightet, ne?
05:42Digga, einer schreit einfach die ganze Zeit.
05:44Woher war er?
05:45Woher war er?
06:16Digga, ach du Scheiße.
06:17Ey, wer fightet, wer fightet, wer fightet?
06:20Viko's Game ist gecrashed!
06:22Und jetzt sprechen sie gleich auf allen Sprachen, chat.
06:24Auf Russisch.
06:25Auf Polnisch.
06:26Auf Deutsch.
06:27Auf Französisch.
06:28Auf allen Sprachen.
06:41Man hört Varianen einfach die ganze Zeit nur.
06:45Das ist der falsche Ort.
06:46Der falsche Ort.
06:47Ich hab nicht versprochen, dass du hier raufkommst.
06:50Also, ich kann dich jetzt nicht mehr helfen.
07:14Also warte mal, jemand der, der, der denkt so auf, auf, äh, Pepsi ist die ganze Zeit.
07:25Please don't team!
07:26Please don't team!
07:27Don't team!
07:28Das ist das Einzige, was er sagt.
07:29Please don't team!
07:30Digga, er könnte so auf ihn sneaken, ne?
07:31Der Gegner wird's nicht raffen, wenn er sneaktchat.
07:32Er wird's nicht raffen.
07:33Aber wenn Malibu gar stirbt, Chat, das ist, das war's, dann kracht hier alles.
07:59Ja, ich wusste es, ich hatt's im Gefühl, Chat, ich hatt's im Gefühl.
08:21Oh, gib's mir mal, Libuka, genau hier rein.
08:24Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
08:42oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
08:53oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
09:00oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
09:05oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
09:09oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
09:13oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
09:43The Zhiving, The Zhiving, Guys, The Zhiving, Hello, Hello, The Zhiving
10:02Mh, Hati.
10:05Oh, Hati.
10:08Warum rastet Viko die ganze Zeit noch raus, Chat?
10:10Viko ist nicht mal mehr in der Lobby.
10:13Guys, it's endgame, let's all be quiet, please.
10:17Guys, please, please.
10:20It's endgame, please.
10:22Please, man.
10:30Skyjapan, ja.
10:37Oh nein. Oh, warte, ja.
10:43Skyjapan und Chat mit drei Kills.
10:45Der mit den... ey, ich hab das schon voll vergessen.
10:47Der mit den meisten Kills kriegt sogar noch 1000 Euro on Bobchat.
10:58Oh, okay.
11:00Chat, da ist ein Fightbot-Zoner.
11:04Oh mein Gott.
11:06Sky mit fünf Kills.
11:08Sky mit fünf Kills auf Hype.
11:16Hype is 1 HP.
11:18Er hat nicht gehört, dass einer angesneakt ist.
11:20Oh mein Gott!
11:22Pixi vielleicht mit dem Windjet.
11:23Oh, er schockt.
11:40Oh, Pixi.
11:53Okay, Mods, mutet sie alle wieder.
12:03Nein, ehrlich?
12:08Wie viele Kills hat er?
12:11Ehrlich jetzt?
12:15Oh mein Gott, warte mal.
12:16Du hast gewonnen.
12:18Das sind so 90 Punkte.
12:21Und du hattest sechs Kills.
12:23Das sind 30 Punkte.
12:25Also hast du 120 Punkte gemacht.
12:27Und du hattest die meisten Kills aus diesem Lobby mit deinem Sieg.
12:31Also hattest du sechs Kills, Sieg und 1000 Euro in deinen Pockets.
12:39Und ich denke, das lauteste Schreien in der ganzen Lobby habe ich von Malibuka gehört.
12:43Bruder, erneut, Bruder.
12:44Heilige Scheiße.
12:46Der Typ ist nie ruhig, aus irgendeiner Grund.
12:49Wir dealen tot, Jett.
12:51Ich brauche immer wieder Dings, ne?
12:53Die Calls bitte jetzt.
12:54Top 18, Jett.
12:55Top 18.
12:56Fünf Kills, Viko.
13:01Jett, derjenige, der null Kills hat, am längsten hier gerade in der Lobby, der kriegt nochmal 1000 Euro.
13:07Jeder, der null Kills hat, jetzt im Spätspiel.
13:10Jetzt 1000 Euro.
13:11Wer so lange mit null Kills ist.
13:14Drei Leute haben noch null Kills.
13:17Pablo Vingo, OneUp und Prism.
13:20Nicht spoilern.
13:23Wer ist gerade gestorben, Jett?
13:24Aruja gerade gestorben gegen Shark.
13:251v1v1 Situation.
13:28Veno, Shark und noch einer.
13:34Veno gegen Shark.
13:35Veno versus Shark.
13:39Veno versus Shark, Jett.
13:41Oh shit.
13:43Oh shit.
13:44Oh shit.
13:50Wo ist Shark?
13:5113 Kills.
13:52Shark 13 Kills.
13:53Er killt seinen eigenen Idol.
13:55Let me see.
13:56Everyone was going for zero kills.
13:59And Shark goes for 11.
14:02Shark goes for 11, Jett.
14:06No way.
14:07Geist ist gestört.
14:11100 HP.
14:13Drops Blob.
14:14Zero Meds.
14:16Still zero Meds.
14:1720 HP.
14:24Look at this.
14:25He has 1000 safe but is only top 50 by the way.
14:28For everyone participating.
14:29Every round counts.
14:31Every round counts.
14:34Tom is here on the top 30.
14:36Sneaking up his way to the top.
14:38Vaniac as well.
14:39Pedagemon, Synth.
14:40Teenie, Cheaten, Vico.
14:41Prism, Aki and Tripon.
14:43Aras is actually insane.
14:45And Aruya.
14:46Those are like literally tier 3 players by the way.
14:49Playing in this solo tournament.
14:53That's actually good.
14:54I gave them the chance.
14:56And they're actually using it.
14:57That's nice.
14:58I like to see that.
15:00Oh my god.
15:01The first page looks actually fucking insane.
15:04Holy shit.
15:06Tayson is having a bad run right now.
15:07He's still in earnings.
15:09But he's having a really bad start of day 2.
15:12Only the winner.
15:13It doesn't matter if you have 0 kills.
15:15It doesn't matter if you have 20 kills win, okay?
15:17Only the winner of the round gets 2000 Euro.
15:22And it will be not scored in the main scoring, okay?
15:24So even if you're dead last right now.
15:27You can still win this OG Fortnite build round, okay?
15:32That was unlucky for him of course.
15:38Shut up.
15:41You're so shit.
15:43Get out Pablo.
15:44You fucking suck.
15:48Shut up.
15:52What did I say, Tayson?
15:54Shit my son, please.
15:56Shut up.
15:57Shit my son, please.
15:59Shit my son.
16:01Jaske and Flowy, thanks for the subs.
16:04Oh no.
16:22He took Tayson so apart.
16:24Dude, that was the perfect clip.
16:25230 in the face, chat.
16:27Just zero reaction.
16:28That was cold.
16:30Shut up.
16:33Oh, minigun from Faded, chat.
16:56No off height.
16:59Full beast.
17:00Oh, 188.
17:02No way.
17:04No rally, chat.
17:06No rally with the kill.
17:14Top 20 people still alive, chat.
17:26Noah is doing well so far.
17:28He just has to shoot the bandages.
17:30Zone is the smallest.
17:39Eeeeh, Noah.
17:45Savage trying to win with 5 bandages, chat.
17:48Won't work.
17:52Savage show top 8.
17:53Teenie down.
17:54Faded Pidgey down.
17:55Who is still alive?
17:57Viko Giras.
17:59Viko alive.
18:00Viko dead soon.
18:17I just lost because I didn't get the extra medkit.
18:24Wait a minute.
18:25I have to take a look, chat.
18:26I have to take a look.
18:30Did Viko get second place in the second round yesterday?
18:36Polish Gorum, chat.
18:43That's insane.
18:51Oh my god.
18:53Tazen now above, chat.
18:55Tazen now above, search.
18:56But he has to rotate.
18:58And he can't get pumped.
18:59Boah, he's doing well.
19:01Boah, he's doing well.
19:02And he's zone.
19:04Oh oh.
19:05Oh oh.
19:06He's dead.
19:09How did he get out?
19:10I have to go right.
19:13Jonas, thanks for the 7th.
19:16Tazen is top 7 right now.
19:18ThomasHD is down.
19:22Schöner 75er.
19:24Den braucht er eigentlich als Refresh, chat.
19:26200 Max noch.
19:31Schöner 70er auch nochmal.
19:34Queasy geht auch down.
19:39Oh ne.
19:41Oh ne.
19:46Lauf Forrest.
19:49Schallfaden. Warum hat er Falschhand kassiert?
19:56Keine Mets mehr. Oh mein Gott. Er hat sich den killt. Wer war das? Kasperowicz. Kleiner Blobby.
20:03180er Jiggly Juggler. Tazen geklatscht, Chat. Wenn Tazen das überlebt, kann er klatsch gehen.
20:14Keine Mets. Keine Mets mehr. Oh oh.
20:18Oh. Der ist in den Top 13, Chat. Predagomon noch alive. Henness noch alive.
20:26100. Schade.
20:35Zeig her, Cringe. Nur der Viktoroyal kriegt nochmal einen Taui, Chat. Unser Schweizer. Der Cringe.
20:44Top 5. Er hat 130 Mets. Wer ist noch alive? Wer ist noch alive?
20:49Ich hab Big Bababubuhino. Okay, ich will gar nicht sprayen so viel, damit die mehr Mets haben,
21:02damit ich Heal aufspielen kann, denke ich mir gerade. Ja, smart.
21:05Noch zwei. Okay, ich glaube, ich spiele euch early noch einfach.
21:11Okay. Mag ich. Marius Kuh vs. Cringe, Chat.
21:22Oh oh. Oh oh. Oh mein Gott. 1000 Euro. Marius Kuh vs. Second Place.
21:381000 Euro. Digga, ich call, ich sag doch, ich schwöre, ich gewinne eins, Olo Doms,
21:46Digga. Ich schwöre, ich gewinne eins. Yo, Dennis. Yo, Dennis ist weit gekommen.
21:50Alter. Also, ich sage, Heirus gewinnt zu 100%. Kann eigentlich nichts dagegen sprechen, Chat.
22:01Oh, sieben. Sieben. Er hat sieben Kills, Chat. Er hat die meisten Kills mit Abstand. Er hat die
22:15meisten Kills mit Abstand. Und Pixy ist auch noch alive. Pixy top ten. Pixy top ten. Er hat
22:25so viele Mets sogar noch. Vico tot. Tayson ist auch noch am Leben. Queasy down.
22:33200 Punkt nach rechts. Oh mein, oh mein Gott. Tayson wird so gebeapt aus der Luft. Heirus
22:42auf den Highground mit acht Kills. Ey, sind das die? Ne, das sind noch nicht die meisten
22:46aus dem Tag. Thomas HD down durch Cherry. No way. Frey gegen Marius Kuh. Warte mal,
23:00wenn Frey. Als Maul. Flopper Frey. Gegen Marius Kuh. Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein,
23:18nein, nein, nein, nein. Zwölf. Let's fucking go, Marius. Zwölf. So alt wie sein Sohn,
23:30Chat. Zwölf Jahre. And Marius Kuh with the first win ever, Chat.
23:36Na? Nice. Einfach nice? Einfach nur nice? Alright, Chat. Second last round. Second last round.
24:00Alle, die mit minus 999 zu sehen sind, das sind die Leute, die disqualifiziert sind. Aus welchen
24:07Gründen auch immer. Hat alles mögliche an Gründen. Okay? Alle, die durchziehen, sind Männer. Frey
24:14jetzt. 71. Platz. Gerade eben zweiter Platz geholt. Aza geht immer füll für Doublekey. Gabi auch.
24:20Also Kylie. YoDennis null Kills, aber Top 62. Okay. Last game is going for zero kills the longest,
24:28by the way. Zero kills the longest, Chat. Jannis ist auf jeden Fall ein Anwärter dafür. Nako,
24:33Chino as well. Stark gespielt, Frey. Ernst. Okay, 228 Punkte hat Savage. Oh, das ist schwer,
24:41Top 10 zu kommen, glaube ich. Ja. I'm saying everyone who's not Top 22, Top 23 maybe,
24:51play for the zero kills. Trust. And whoever is Top 20, you need to stay in the Discord. Everyone
24:59else who's not getting earnings and die, you can go and thank you very much. Okay?
25:04Boah. Das ist ein Rennen zwischen SharkGotti, needs to have like a big kill game and win,
25:12to be first. Sweezy just needs a win with a few kills and needs to kill kind of Pixie to be
25:19first. Ach du Scheiße. Ach du Scheiße. Heilige Scheiße. 417 Points is Top 10, by the way.
25:27Veno mit nem Kill of Nomz. Okay, ich brauch dafür nen Clip, bitte. Warte mal. Warte mal,
25:40warte mal. Was macht denn Cringe? Zero Weapon Challenge. Ich weiß nicht,
25:54was soll ich alle noch spielen. Ich weiß auch nicht, was hier abgeht. Was macht er da? Bro,
26:07es geht um Null Kills am längsten überleben. Das macht der Smart. Max, danke für den Raid,
26:20mein Freund. Typische Timme mit den 100 Bits. Crazy. Crazy, Chat. Chat,
26:31könntest du auch fight ohne Waffe, Digga. Ich muss mir doch die Null Kills 1000 Euro
26:37securen, Digga. Das ist krank. Das ist Smart. Das ist Smart. Real Talk,
26:44Bruder. Das ist so Smart, Real Talk. Real fucking Talk. Real Talk, das ist crazy.
26:5310 Sekunden. Dritter Platz, wenn das nicht... Warte mal. Wait, ich glaube Kavi hatte Null.
27:06No way. Halt's Maul, Chat. Cringe ist vier Minuten in der Zone am Heal-offen,
27:21wird dritter Platz mit Null Kills und Kami wird zweiter Platz mit Null Kills. Wow.
27:28Swizzy, du hast die letzte Runde gewonnen, richtig? Ja, ja. Oh, Scheiße. Warte,
27:35das wird knapp. Ja. Oh, verdammt. Okay, okay. Wie viele Kills hattest du?
27:41Sechs oder sieben. Was? Wirklich? Ja. Okay. Das wird so knapp. Oh,
27:50das ist fest. Okay, ich liebe das. Ich liebe das. Ich liebe das. Okay,
27:55wie viele Earnings hast du in diesem Turnier schon gemacht? Mal schauen, wer zuerst ist. Warte,
27:59ich werde euch beide einladen, okay? Ich dachte, als du fast in der Zone gestorben bist,
28:04als du zwei HP hattest, dachte ich, ja, ich habe gewonnen. Aber nein,
28:08Bruder, du hast das ganze Lobby nachdem. Erstens, vielen Dank an alle und die Zuschauer,
28:13die teilnehmen, für alle Pros, die teilnehmen, für alle Viewing-Party-Bosse, die da
28:19teilnehmen, aus jeder Region, selbst aus dem Mittel-Osten, aus Brasilien. Das ist verrückt,
28:24das ist wirklich verrückt. Oh, Werbung? Letzter Platz offiziell im Turnier. Fixe den Service.
28:31Ist es Jordan Fahki? Zet Andi. Zet Andi? Oh, okay. Oh, verdammt. Oh,
28:40tut mir leid für den Unrecht. Tut mir leid für den Unrecht, okay. Zweiter Letzter,
28:45Mischa. Dritter Letzter, Lefrançais. Mhm. iDrop hatte ein wirklich schlechtes Turnier,
28:52das ist verrückt. Big Frey hier, Noah da. Digger, Frey über Noah und alle haben noch
28:59gelacht über Frey, ne? Mhm. Chep über Yannis, auch nicht viel. Chino oben mit dabei. Ey,
29:06Abafo, stark. Nice, ey, Abafo. Malibuka, Top 50. Sweezy, Mustache, Apple, Giras. Oh,
29:17Naku, mein Spanischer Junge. Let's go. Always count on you. Who's gonna win,
29:21chat? Sweezy or Pixy? Ach du Scheiße. When we go into the nearly last page. Oh,
29:34Kami. Top 11? No, this is insane. Top 11 is insane. But you made earnings. You made
29:44earnings at least. And Hyrus with 32 kills in total. That's insane as well. Faded as well
29:51with 30 kills. Thomas HG with 19. Viko with 21. Arujo also with 14. Predagomon with the
29:59most consistent like Kami. The winner of the European Championship from Amar and winning
30:05this kind of huge Pokal is. Nein. Was? Oh my God. Oh my God. No way. No way. Oh my God.
30:27This is insane. One point on 14 rounds of Fortnite with with different challenges with triple points
30:36here. One and a half point multiplier on the second day. One point. Shit, Pixy. Congratulations.
30:43You won 10.000 Euro and the biggest trophy in history, by the way. And the biggest trophy in history.
30:50Congratulations, bro. This is insane. Big performance. Big come back for you. You also
30:56have like an amazing trio anyways. And we have also obviously. We have also obviously the
31:04Swedish flag for the background, baby. The Swedish flag. We have everything. We have everything set.
31:10Pixy, it's your words. Wow. I thought that we're going to lose first, but like.
31:17Wow. One point. One point, bro. And we're like over 100 points over third as well.
31:24Wow. This is crazy. This is insane. Swizzy, what do you have to say? Swizzy?
31:33I mean, can I ask a question? Like I killed Mirsage on triple points,
31:38but I don't know. Should I count it or no? Yeah, I mean.
31:47We can actually go double check these ones, OK? Because this is like a one point difference.
31:51We're going to double check it. Yeah, you can check it. Yeah, we do the VRR.
31:57There we go. And last game, yeah? Yeah, last game.
32:03This is VRR for 5.000 Euro right now. One point in between for 5.000 Euro.
32:09This is crazy. We're still waiting. Holy shit. But I can also say Hen, insane fucking comeback.
32:18You know, people said he's dead for the last two years or something.
32:22And now he's back like Rücken. Top fucking 10 in the most stacked lobby ever. Hen,
32:28fucking GGs. Crazy. Same thing. People always say, oh, he's so old and he can only IGL.
32:34He's insane also against the best people here. Big fucking GGs to you. Cherry,
32:40insane performance. Top eight. Not teaming this time at least. You know, this is crazy.
32:46Joking, bro. Top eight. You deserve everything. As well as Mario's Cow. Big comeback from him.
32:51Chicho, crazy. Also with his duo Tayson, just with like 11 points in between. Shark,
32:58I think he had the biggest performance from everyone like regarding kills. I didn't have
33:03him on my books on that one, but this is insane. And Veno, big day two clutch. GGs, bro, Veno.
33:10All right, guys, I have some news. Oh, oh, tell me. I'll show you the scoreboard.
33:26Oh my God.
33:31That's insane.
33:32This is insane. So this must be the biggest clutch of history. You had to win last round.
33:40You won last round. You tripled your points with kills.
33:43Shit, Pixi, how do you feel right now?
33:45Wow. I mean, I just have no words. I don't know. I'm still bad for you.
33:52I'm so sorry for you, man. I am so sorry for you. What place did you become last round?
33:59Like 18th, something like that.
34:02So you would have only needed like top 10 or something. So the European champion,
34:072025, the first one at least. Maybe we do a second and third one this year. Maybe.
34:11I'm not promising, but looks good. Looks good. We're going to see. Swizzy, congratulations, bro.
34:21Thank you, bro. Thank you. It was like,
34:25it was so fun to play actually, but it was so long and everyone is tired.
34:34Ama, we're getting some drama right now.
34:36Oh, we're getting drama? Why?
34:39Flixi wants to get moved because he thinks maybe Merztasch gifted a kill to Swizzy.
34:45Guys, I'm not made for this. I'm not made for this.
34:50Okay, move in.
34:51Let's see what Flixi has to say.
34:54Nein, ich sag's nicht hier. Überhaupt nicht. Also ohne dich. Ich muss kurz in Eintracht reden.
34:58Ach so, all right.
35:00Was? Wie?
35:01Okay, this is cinema. I'm waiting.
35:04All right. I don't know. Ama, do you want to review the kill on Merztasch from Swizzy?
35:12Yes, but I want to hear it from Flixi.
35:17He told me nothing besides that he looked at his ward and it's kind of sus.
35:21Okay, okay.
35:21That's the only thing he had to say.
35:55Ich sag's nicht.
35:57Wait, I saw the clip from Merztasch. He had a medkit, by the way.
36:00Merztasch killed me?
36:02It's so sus here. I agree with you.
36:19Okay, I think only Merztasch can say something against this.
36:24Because he was the one doing that.
36:28I think, in my opinion, okay, because I've seen these kind of things very, very often in my life.
36:34I could just say, normally, normally, okay, I'm in Merztasch skin.
36:40He already ragequitted. Then he came back.
36:43And then he said, okay, fuck this. I don't want to be banned from any tournament.
36:46I just get killed now, early.
36:48And also I can benefit my teammate because I don't win or lose anything.
36:51From my point of view, this is what normally happens.
36:55Why is Fl1k3y getting blamed? What the fuck?
36:58Fl1k3y was actually the hero for, you know, he's fighting for the rights.
37:03That's good. I like that.
37:05You know, it's last game. I really didn't care.
37:06And adding to this, I missed my drop.
37:10I mean, I don't want to be that guy, but he peaked with 12 HP when he had a medkit.
37:16Like, you can still get money from, like, this thing.
37:20I swear, it was the, you know, the extra money, you know?
37:22Yeah, it was for Zenkutsu.
37:24It just happened to be that he missed his drop, peaked with 12 HP when he had a medkit.
37:30Too swissy.
37:31Like, he didn't even shoot him.
37:34Like, he peaked when he reloaded his gun, you know?
37:41He couldn't even shoot.
37:42And he, like, shoot.
37:44Like, he didn't even shoot.
37:45So, for me, it's like different scenarios.
37:48It's, you know, it's like a bit a little bit wishy-washy.
37:51And I don't want to end the tournament like this.
37:54With a bad mood kind of thing that someone not regularly won.
37:58So, we have different scenarios, okay?
38:00One scenario would be, I would ban Mashtouch for the future tournaments.
38:04Is that a scenario?
38:05And what happens after that?
38:07Then it's just, like, it just stays as it stays.
38:10Other scenario.
38:11We all shake hands.
38:12And we have two of the best fucking players with, like, over 100 points in between them
38:17and third place.
38:19And you shake hands.
38:20Seven and a half each.
38:22You guys had zero before.
38:24Both make seven and a half each.
38:26And two trophies.
38:28So, no one gets more.
38:29No one gets less.
38:3110 seconds before Swizzy had 5k.
38:3310 seconds after Swizzy had 10k.
38:35So, it's just a number, in my opinion.
38:37But you guys have to decide.
38:39Like, for me, right now in the books, it would be, okay, this looked really sus.
38:44And then not sus from Swizzy.
38:48Fully nothing.
38:50You know, it's just someone landing on him.
38:52Not care about the game anymore.
38:54Because he's like, oh, I can't earn anything anymore.
38:56And die.
38:58So, I think Swizzy is not the one who's, like, you know, in charge of this.
39:01These are the options, in my opinion.
39:03Or you just find something else.
39:04I mean, I would understand, like, if it was a low, like, extra money, you know?
39:09But he can still, like, win, like, 1k.
39:14But he's getting no kills.
39:15I know, I know.
39:15Like, he's still AFK.
39:17Like, there's nothing.
39:18I know, I know.
39:19I'm with you.
39:19I'm with you.
39:21But as I said, I think Swizzy can do shit against it.
39:25Even if it's, like, some random, you know?
39:27Just landing there because he's like, oh, fuck this.
39:29I don't care.
39:30You know?
39:30And then just die.
39:31I don't think they wrote before and said, yeah, land on me and just give me kill or something.
39:36I don't think it.
39:37And we can't prove it either, so.
39:38Yeah, I mean, Mircea just throwed the last game.
39:41I don't really know what to do.
39:43So, either, as I said, either we keep it like it is.
39:46Swizzy is first.
39:48Pixy is second.
39:49And Mircea just banned for future tournaments.
39:51This could be one way.
39:52Or we shake hands.
39:54You both are first place.
39:57And you both get seven and a half thousand.
39:59And no one is getting banned.
40:00I think these two options we have.
40:02And you guys decide.
40:03I don't care.
40:03I guess I'm just taking 7.5k.
40:06I mean, I can't prove that they teamed or anything, so.
40:09If you can prove it, they're both banned, obviously.
40:11I mean, I can't prove it in any way, like.
40:14If you somehow can, then yes.
40:16I need to decide now, right?
40:19Because the YouTube video will end somehow.
40:21I mean, yeah.
40:22Okay, I'm down to, like, take 7.5k.
40:26Because, like, it's us.
40:27I'm down to split.
40:28Yeah, same.
40:29This is some low-key, big-man decision.
40:33Holy shit.
40:36I'm standing up for you guys.
40:38I'm actually standing up.
40:39Bro, this is actually fucking a love story.
40:42We have two winners, chat.
40:45We're low-key.
40:45Do you want to do one thing?
40:47We do a one-to-one.
40:49No, no, bro.
40:49I'm fine.
40:50I'm just tired.
40:51And you're gonna win anyway.
40:55You can do a kill race if you want.
40:56Solo vs. squads.
40:57I'm watching you the whole night.
41:00No, no.
41:00We're just splitting.
41:03Yeah, just split, I guess.
41:05Okay, we have two winners now.
41:07We have two winners, chat.
41:08Swizzy and Pixii both won the AMA European Championship.
41:12And both will win this beautiful trophy and 7.5k each.
41:18And thank you.
41:19Actually, thank you, Swizzy.
41:21This is the most wholesome and most adult thing I've ever seen from a pro player outside.
41:27Yeah, thank you.
41:28Actually, this is the most...
41:29Like, I always owe you something, okay?
41:32And Pixii as well.