• 2 days ago
What Every Frenchwoman Wants 1986 (L'iniziazione) Italian erotic comedy film directed by Gianfranco Mingozzi.
The movie explores the theme of female sexuality and relationships.

The film follows the story of a beautiful young woman, Roger, who is in a relationship with a wealthy and older man, Marcel. However, Roger's life takes a dramatic turn when she meets a charming and handsome young man, Pierre.

Claudia Cavalcanti as Roger
Sylvain Creuzevault as Pierre
Jean-Marc Barr as Marcel

Gianfranco Mingozzi as Director
Gianfranco Mingozzi as Screenwriter
Riccardo Neri as Producer

Genre : Erotic Comedy Movie

Runtime: 1 hour 30 minutes

Release Date :1986

#WhatEveryFrenchwomanWants #EroticComedy #1986Movies #ItalianCinema #GianfrancoMingozzi #ClaudiaCavalcanti #SylvainCreuzevault #JeanMarcBarr
