De LAID à MAGIQUE ! Meilleure Transformation de Sirène avec des Bricolages et Astuces Épiques 🧜♀️✨
Regardez comment nous transformons une poupée sale et laide en une magnifique sirène magique en utilisant des bricolages DIY épiques et des astuces ingénieuses ! Dans ce voyage ultime de relooking, nous sauvons une poupée oubliée et lui offrons une métamorphose complète - d'une apparence négligée et usée à une étincelante reine des mers. Chaque étape de la transformation est remplie d'idées créatives qui inspireront vos propres relookings de poupées !
👇 Plongez dans la transformation maintenant et regardez la magie se déployer ! 👇
De la réutilisation de matériaux du quotidien pour créer des queues de sirène scintillantes à l'utilisation de simples astuces pour concevoir des accessoires sous-marins éblouissants, ce relooking est véritablement au niveau supérieur. Que vous soyez un amateur de poupées ou un passionné de DIY, vous adorerez ces techniques inventives qui transforment la banalité en splendeur !
👉 Appuyez sur S'abonner pour encore plus de transformations étonnantes et de projets DIY épiques !
👉 Aimez si vous adorez une bonne histoire de relooking !
👉 Partagez avec votre bande - il y a forcément quelqu'un qui sera inspiré par ce relooking magique !
💬 Question pour VOUS : Si vous pouviez offrir à n'importe quel vieux jouet une métamorphose magique, que deviendrait-il ? Déposez votre transformation rêvée dans les commentaires ci-dessous !
#TransformationDeSirène #RelookingsDePoupées #BricolagesDIY #FabuleuseMétamorphose #DeLaidAMagique
#AstucesDIY #MétamorphoseMagique #TransformationDePoupée #BricolageCréatif #MagieSousMarine ❤❤❤ Cliquez sur "j'aime" sous cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! Activez la cloche de notification 😉🔔🔔🔔
Musique Epidemic Sound
Cette activité est pratiquée par des acteurs dans un milieu sécurisé.
Faites attention avant de la reproduire.
Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécessaires en vue de reproduire ces actions.
Regardez comment nous transformons une poupée sale et laide en une magnifique sirène magique en utilisant des bricolages DIY épiques et des astuces ingénieuses ! Dans ce voyage ultime de relooking, nous sauvons une poupée oubliée et lui offrons une métamorphose complète - d'une apparence négligée et usée à une étincelante reine des mers. Chaque étape de la transformation est remplie d'idées créatives qui inspireront vos propres relookings de poupées !
👇 Plongez dans la transformation maintenant et regardez la magie se déployer ! 👇
De la réutilisation de matériaux du quotidien pour créer des queues de sirène scintillantes à l'utilisation de simples astuces pour concevoir des accessoires sous-marins éblouissants, ce relooking est véritablement au niveau supérieur. Que vous soyez un amateur de poupées ou un passionné de DIY, vous adorerez ces techniques inventives qui transforment la banalité en splendeur !
👉 Appuyez sur S'abonner pour encore plus de transformations étonnantes et de projets DIY épiques !
👉 Aimez si vous adorez une bonne histoire de relooking !
👉 Partagez avec votre bande - il y a forcément quelqu'un qui sera inspiré par ce relooking magique !
💬 Question pour VOUS : Si vous pouviez offrir à n'importe quel vieux jouet une métamorphose magique, que deviendrait-il ? Déposez votre transformation rêvée dans les commentaires ci-dessous !
#TransformationDeSirène #RelookingsDePoupées #BricolagesDIY #FabuleuseMétamorphose #DeLaidAMagique
#AstucesDIY #MétamorphoseMagique #TransformationDePoupée #BricolageCréatif #MagieSousMarine ❤❤❤ Cliquez sur "j'aime" sous cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! Activez la cloche de notification 😉🔔🔔🔔
Musique Epidemic Sound
Cette activité est pratiquée par des acteurs dans un milieu sécurisé.
Faites attention avant de la reproduire.
Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécessaires en vue de reproduire ces actions.
00:00:00What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the sea is calming.
00:00:06Wait a minute, someone is in trouble.
00:00:09Don't worry, I'll save you.
00:00:11Here you go, it won't take long.
00:00:14I'm holding you.
00:00:16It didn't take long.
00:00:19I thought I was done for.
00:00:22Come with me.
00:00:27I've been training. I'm starting to feel dizzy.
00:00:31Wait, what's that?
00:00:34This doll is in danger.
00:00:36Wow, no one's going to help me?
00:00:40No, I'm holding you.
00:00:43What a catch! You have to be careful.
00:00:48It's time to make a new skin. Let's go.
00:00:51Great, I don't know how I did it at all.
00:00:54Oh, a mermaid! That's so cool!
00:00:57Oh, hello! Back off, fish!
00:01:00Are you okay? It won't happen again.
00:01:03I'll take care of it. I'll split the piece in two.
00:01:07I'll stay on my side. You stay on your side.
00:01:10Are you serious?
00:01:12You talk too much.
00:01:14Ah, finally some silence.
00:01:16That's not cool!
00:01:18Don't force me to take the garlic.
00:01:20It was just a joke.
00:01:22Wow, she's mean.
00:01:24Don't make fun of me, vampire. Ignore him.
00:01:27Oh, look at you. We have to clean you.
00:01:31I'll start by removing the sand.
00:01:33I hope you're going to vacuum.
00:01:35Wow, we can build a sand castle with that.
00:01:38What's next?
00:01:40Oh, I know!
00:01:42Luckily I didn't clean my ears.
00:01:45That's exactly what I need.
00:01:47Don't move.
00:01:48I'll use it to pick up the remaining sand.
00:01:51It's so sticky.
00:01:52It works!
00:01:53There's only a few grains left.
00:01:55I think I've got it all.
00:01:58Wow, that's much better.
00:02:00Thank you very much.
00:02:02It's... it's pretty good.
00:02:04But I have this brush.
00:02:06I stole it from my mom's bathroom.
00:02:08Wow, wait!
00:02:10Don't even think about it.
00:02:11Well, it's good to be clean.
00:02:14I'll show him.
00:02:16Ah, this will do.
00:02:18Hey, watch your face.
00:02:20You have big problems now.
00:02:22Wait, I can use this.
00:02:24Great, thank you.
00:02:26I'll pour it in a bucket.
00:02:28Wow, look at that color.
00:02:30But I can improve it.
00:02:32I'll add glitter.
00:02:35Call me the glitter fairy.
00:02:38It makes everything so magical.
00:02:41My last victim.
00:02:43I mean, a volunteer can help me.
00:02:47It'll do.
00:02:49Wow, look.
00:02:51It's very pretty.
00:02:53Then, the special ingredient.
00:02:56It's good, it's still fresh.
00:02:59My magic potion is ready.
00:03:01I need this sponge,
00:03:03a little bit of shaving foam,
00:03:05and then my two-day spa is open.
00:03:09You're very lucky.
00:03:11I really need a care session.
00:03:13It'll get rid of all the dirt and dirt.
00:03:17How is it?
00:03:18It tickles, right?
00:03:19It's time to shave.
00:03:21I hope you can hold your breath.
00:03:23Just a little longer.
00:03:25I think that should be enough.
00:03:27And out you go.
00:03:29Let me look at you.
00:03:30You're shining.
00:03:32What's going on over there?
00:03:33Forget them.
00:03:35You're the most important here.
00:03:37What a loser.
00:03:39Hmm, you need to do something with your hair.
00:03:42Have you thought of another color?
00:03:44Well, it's your lucky day.
00:03:47I'm going to put this highlighter on your golden hair.
00:03:52Wow, it's so bright.
00:03:54No need for a sophisticated hair salon here.
00:03:57What's that?
00:03:59I can beat that.
00:04:01Dark hair is very fashionable right now.
00:04:03I'll add a few drops of water.
00:04:06Then you have to stir quickly.
00:04:08This leg is so practical.
00:04:11I'm having so much fun.
00:04:14I'll make sure to put all your hair in there.
00:04:17No one likes bad colors.
00:04:20Can you imagine?
00:04:22And we're out.
00:04:24It was so easy.
00:04:26What do you think?
00:04:27Wow, I love it.
00:04:29Well, that's supposed to impress me.
00:04:32Get comfortable.
00:04:34Huh? What's wrong?
00:04:36Oh, you don't have legs.
00:04:38I forgot.
00:04:39Look what I have.
00:04:40You can have them.
00:04:41Really? That's very nice.
00:04:43Now I feel bad for my comment on the garlic.
00:04:46How is it?
00:04:48A little weird.
00:04:50It doesn't work.
00:04:53What are we going to do?
00:04:55I just want to help you.
00:04:56I know.
00:04:58I'll arrange some shells for your body.
00:05:00I'll go all the way down.
00:05:02I'll give them the shape of a tail.
00:05:04Then I'll need a bottle of glue.
00:05:06I'll water the shells.
00:05:08It will stick them in place.
00:05:10I'll make sure to cover everything.
00:05:12I'll pour glitter on the glue.
00:05:14I'll wait for it to set.
00:05:16It looks like fish scales.
00:05:18I'm so happy.
00:05:20I hope you'll like it.
00:05:22I'm very hungry.
00:05:26It's wonderful.
00:05:28How do I compete with that?
00:05:30Wait, I have an idea.
00:05:32I'm going to crush it and mold it into a ball.
00:05:35It's fun.
00:05:37But I need it to be flat.
00:05:39I'm going to crush it with this chaudron.
00:05:41Witches are useful.
00:05:43I'm going to put this plastic bowl around your waist.
00:05:45Then I'll wrap it around you.
00:05:47It will make a beautiful dress.
00:05:49Hey, girl, I know about fashion.
00:05:51I mean, look at me.
00:05:55Someone is ready to party.
00:05:57It's normal to be jealous.
00:05:59I admit it.
00:06:00She's gorgeous.
00:06:01They should hang out together.
00:06:03Oh, are they best friends?
00:06:05It's delicious.
00:06:09Someone is having a bad day.
00:06:11And it's not me.
00:06:13It's okay, I'll fix it.
00:06:15I worked out.
00:06:17You're gorgeous.
00:06:19Who's my next victim?
00:06:21What would you say about a face scrub?
00:06:23Nothing better than sunscreen.
00:06:25I hope you're thirsty.
00:06:27I brought you something.
00:06:29Wow, thank you.
00:06:31Your skin has never been so beautiful.
00:06:35A nose scrub?
00:06:37My doll looks hungry.
00:06:39Oh yeah, it tastes good.
00:06:41Ladies, don't fight.
00:06:43I'm done with this.
00:06:47Please, this clown is crazy.
00:06:49You have to do something.
00:06:51You're safe now.
00:06:53We can't leave them like this.
00:06:55Are you thinking about the same thing as me?
00:06:57Let's go.
00:06:59Here, take my hand.
00:07:01Who would do such a thing?
00:07:03I have an idea.
00:07:05I'll be right back.
00:07:07Where are you going?
00:07:09He always does that.
00:07:11I'm back.
00:07:13And I brought the cleaning stuff.
00:07:15It speeds up things.
00:07:17You see, I'm a genius.
00:07:19He's picking up all the dirt.
00:07:21It's going to tickle.
00:07:27And you have the vacuum cleaner.
00:07:29Are you okay?
00:07:31You're so dirty.
00:07:33But it doesn't matter.
00:07:35I can fix it.
00:07:37You need a bath.
00:07:39It will be so relaxing.
00:07:43Look at this.
00:07:45You're beautiful and clean.
00:07:47What a relief.
00:07:49Nobody wants to look like a clown.
00:07:53Don't screw yourself.
00:07:55I have a better idea.
00:07:57That should be enough.
00:08:01It's time to brush.
00:08:03I need someone to do that for me.
00:08:05I need a day of spa.
00:08:07You can sit here.
00:08:09Insects in hair are never pretty to look at.
00:08:11I'm going to remove them.
00:08:13Can you use shampoo?
00:08:15Okay, I have a plan.
00:08:17I just need to get rid of all his hair.
00:08:21I'm almost done.
00:08:25What are you doing?
00:08:27My beautiful hair!
00:08:29Don't move.
00:08:31You monster!
00:08:33I need this thread.
00:08:35I'll put it in the holes.
00:08:37This color will be perfect for you.
00:08:39It's great.
00:08:41I want to try this.
00:08:43Quick, quick.
00:08:45That's enough.
00:08:47You're radiant.
00:08:49If you say so, my friend.
00:08:51He does his best.
00:08:53I think I can use this.
00:08:55Pass me the doll.
00:08:57I'll fix this.
00:08:59I'm going to wrap the hair around his hair like this.
00:09:01It will hold them in place.
00:09:03Then I'll give him a diadem.
00:09:07Wow, it's a princess.
00:09:09We need a new outfit here.
00:09:11No, it's not your style.
00:09:15Maybe the red one will do.
00:09:17Hey, stop!
00:09:19That's exactly what I need.
00:09:21I can certainly use it.
00:09:23I'm going to fold it.
00:09:25I'm going to make a triangle.
00:09:27Now I need my scissors.
00:09:29I'm going to make a little cut here.
00:09:31And another one here.
00:09:33It seems right to me.
00:09:35I want to remove a little triangle.
00:09:39I'll do the same on the other side.
00:09:41Then I'll put it on my doll.
00:09:43Wow, you look so chic.
00:09:45What a difference.
00:09:47What do you think?
00:09:49I love it.
00:09:51Wow, I'll never find the right outfit.
00:09:53It's useless.
00:09:55Don't give up.
00:09:57Wait, I might be able to help you.
00:09:59Fly, bat, fly!
00:10:01Oh, here he comes.
00:10:03Where have you been?
00:10:05And what do you have there?
00:10:07Wow, that's exactly what I need.
00:10:09It's so shiny.
00:10:13You'll make an excellent mermaid.
00:10:15I'll slide the tail on your legs.
00:10:17What a metamorphosis.
00:10:19You deserve it.
00:10:21It's incredible.
00:10:23I knew you'd like it.
00:10:25I couldn't help it.
00:10:27It's a vampire.
00:10:29Nice, isn't it?
00:10:31I warned you.
00:10:33Take a look at my doll.
00:10:35It's a glamorous mermaid.
00:10:37They're both gorgeous.
00:10:39Wait, I'll put them here.
00:10:41We still have to finish our date.
00:10:43You're so romantic.
00:10:45Yeah, I know.
00:10:47What a day.
00:10:49Wait, what is it?
00:10:51Hey, are you okay?
00:10:53What happened here?
00:10:55Wow, a mermaid!
00:10:57Look at her, she's gorgeous.
00:10:59I heard everything.
00:11:01Do I have to kiss her?
00:11:03Let's go.
00:11:05Hello, handsome.
00:11:07Do I have to kiss her?
00:11:09Let's go.
00:11:11Hello, handsome.
00:11:13Kiss me.
00:11:15Wait, was it a dream?
00:11:17That's disappointing.
00:11:19Oh, legs.
00:11:21I was really hoping
00:11:23to have a fish tail.
00:11:25Wait, why not become one?
00:11:27It can't be that hard, can it?
00:11:29I have my pictures
00:11:31and my mermaid tail.
00:11:33Let's get to work.
00:11:35Wow, I like it.
00:11:37I have some palms.
00:11:39Let's try them on.
00:11:43Now I have to put them together
00:11:45with some tape.
00:11:47Why didn't I think about it earlier?
00:11:49I'll wrap the palms in the tape.
00:11:51It's the last piece.
00:11:53Look at this, a mermaid tail.
00:11:55It's not very impressive.
00:11:57What was I thinking?
00:11:59I have a better idea.
00:12:01All I need is some cardboard
00:12:03It looks good.
00:12:05I'm finally a...
00:12:07It's a disaster.
00:12:09But I'm not giving up.
00:12:11Yo, what can I do for you?
00:12:13I need your help.
00:12:15That's all?
00:12:17It's very exciting.
00:12:19Discover my latest creations.
00:12:23Here's my board.
00:12:25I'm going to slide in the water,
00:12:27but I have to shine.
00:12:31The sound is dazzling.
00:12:33No, let me simplify.
00:12:35Here's a doll,
00:12:37and that's a fish.
00:12:39Together they form a mermaid.
00:12:41Oh, I get it.
00:12:43I'll be right back.
00:12:45So, what do we do?
00:12:47Look at this.
00:12:49Don't move.
00:12:51I've always wanted to be a muse.
00:12:53I won't go that far.
00:12:55Don't move.
00:12:57Wow, you're an artist.
00:12:59It's time to make you shine.
00:13:01We'll just need these special glitter.
00:13:03Look at them.
00:13:07Shine, shine.
00:13:09Wow, I can't believe it.
00:13:11I'm a mermaid.
00:13:13All my dreams are coming true.
00:13:15It's going to cost you dearly.
00:13:17Oh, yes, give me a moment.
00:13:19Yeah, you didn't think it through.
00:13:21There you go.
00:13:23Wait right there.
00:13:25Here, it was worth it.
00:13:27Wow, it's the most beautiful day of my life.
00:13:29But I can't wear this.
00:13:31I have to change.
00:13:33Let me think.
00:13:35Aha, that's what I was looking for.
00:13:37My old box of clothes.
00:13:39I haven't opened it in a while.
00:13:43What's this?
00:13:45What else do we have?
00:13:47It's a mess.
00:13:49No, no way.
00:13:51Phew, I did it.
00:13:53There must be a simpler way to do this.
00:13:55Every artist never complains.
00:13:57What's that?
00:13:59Hey, miss.
00:14:01Well, I don't know where it's coming from.
00:14:03Oh, that's it.
00:14:05Just what I need.
00:14:07But something's missing.
00:14:09I know, I'm going to need some shells.
00:14:11I think I'm going to go to the beach.
00:14:13Anyway, I wanted to tan.
00:14:17Wow, feel the sea air.
00:14:19It feels like home.
00:14:21It seems to be a good place.
00:14:23Oh, I'm supposed to catch some shells.
00:14:25It shouldn't be long.
00:14:27Yo, shells, where are you?
00:14:29Oh, I think I have something.
00:14:31Hey, it's big.
00:14:33Are you kidding me?
00:14:35It's trash.
00:14:37Wait a minute.
00:14:39There are shells in there.
00:14:41I touched the jackpot.
00:14:43They are excellent.
00:14:45I'm going to be beautiful.
00:14:47I'd better go home.
00:14:49There's no time to waste.
00:14:51I'm going to be beautiful.
00:14:53I'm going to be beautiful.
00:14:55I'm going to be beautiful.
00:14:57I'm going to be beautiful.
00:14:59I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:01I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:03I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:05I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:07I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:09I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:11I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:13I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:15I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:17I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:19I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:21I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:23I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:25I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:27I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:29I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:31I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:33I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:35I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:37I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:39I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:41I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:43I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:45I'm going to be beautiful.
00:15:47Look at this!
00:15:55I can totally do it!
00:16:03Why all this noise?
00:16:05Annie, stop!
00:16:09I'm putting my voice down.
00:16:13My ears, that's enough!
00:16:15What's going on?
00:16:17It's finally over.
00:16:19I can hear again.
00:16:23It's an apple juicer.
00:16:25I needed it.
00:16:29It was pretty good.
00:16:31You understood everything, my dear.
00:16:33I knew it.
00:16:35I felt like I was in place.
00:16:37Come on, I have to go.
00:16:39She's finally gone.
00:16:41I'm glad I bought these earplugs.
00:16:43What a day!
00:16:45The life of a mermaid is exactly as I imagined it.
00:16:47Hey, doll!
00:16:49I think you need a new look.
00:16:51We could be mermaid twins.
00:16:53It looks so good on you.
00:16:55This tail is just right for you.
00:16:57Wait a second.
00:16:59We have to get rid of these blonde strands.
00:17:01Just cut them so they disappear.
00:17:03You needed a new look.
00:17:05What a bald head!
00:17:07Now I'm going to use a needle and thread.
00:17:09That's more like it.
00:17:11It's beautiful.
00:17:13Now I'm going to tie up your body.
00:17:15So far, so good.
00:17:17Hands in the air.
00:17:21I'm wrapping you in aluminum foil.
00:17:23You'll feel comfortable.
00:17:25I'll use these curtains to fix the fish's tail.
00:17:27Now I'm going to cover it with modeling clay.
00:17:29I'll shape it around your legs and tail.
00:17:31Then I need my glue gun.
00:17:33I cover the clay with the glue.
00:17:35I'll apply it by making waves.
00:17:37I want it to look like scales of fish.
00:17:39I'm going to add some glitter.
00:17:41It will be the final touch.
00:17:43It will make all the difference.
00:17:45The green really contrasts with the blue.
00:17:47Now you have to find a water.
00:17:49We have to hide all this.
00:17:51Wow, you're the prettiest mermaid.
00:17:53I have a surprise for you.
00:17:55Welcome to your new home.
00:17:57Make yourself comfortable.
00:17:59I hope you'll like it.
00:18:01My job here is done.
00:18:03I guess I'd better put on my makeup.
00:18:05But it has to be adapted to a mermaid.
00:18:07I need this bat.
00:18:09I'll slide it over my head.
00:18:11It looks like I'm going to rob a bank.
00:18:13Okay, I have my makeup brush.
00:18:15I'll start with this blue.
00:18:17I apply it by making circular movements.
00:18:19I'll do it on each side of my face.
00:18:21I'll try a light purple.
00:18:23Oh, this one is nice.
00:18:25I only need a light layer.
00:18:27I'll mix it with blue.
00:18:29I can remove the bat now.
00:18:31I can't wait to see what I look like.
00:18:33Wow, it looks like scales of fish.
00:18:35I'll add glitter.
00:18:37We all need to shine in life.
00:18:39I'll put pearls on my skin.
00:18:41I'll be the most elegant mermaid of all time.
00:18:43I can't forget my eye shadow.
00:18:45I'll mix the colors.
00:18:47I want everything to match.
00:18:49I'm very happy.
00:18:51A bit of mascara.
00:18:53I'm happy to have a stable hand.
00:18:55I don't want to waste all my work.
00:18:57Then I'll make my eyelashes beautiful.
00:18:59What a transformation!
00:19:01Oh, I almost forgot.
00:19:03She makes my lips stand out.
00:19:05It's amazing.
00:19:07I'll let it dry.
00:19:09Then I'll apply a shiny layer.
00:19:11It's getting better and better.
00:19:13Look at them.
00:19:15But I don't use my brush.
00:19:17I'll add glitter on my chest.
00:19:19Just a little.
00:19:21Sometimes, at least there are some.
00:19:23I can't help but look.
00:19:25Wow, I'm done with my makeup.
00:19:27My hair needs a little work.
00:19:29And I know exactly what to do.
00:19:31I need this felt.
00:19:33I put it on my hair like this.
00:19:35Who needs an expensive hair salon?
00:19:37I just hope it doesn't go to waste.
00:19:39I'll take my time.
00:19:41I don't want to miss a spot.
00:19:43Now the other side.
00:19:45Wow, it's so dramatic.
00:19:47I love this color.
00:19:49I think I'm ready.
00:19:51I'm finally a mermaid.
00:19:53I feel great.
00:19:57There's someone at the door.
00:19:59Wait, I'm coming.
00:20:03Hey, you ordered...
00:20:05Wow, hello.
00:20:07You're beautiful.
00:20:09Do you really think so?
00:20:11It's so cute.
00:20:13Do you believe in fate?
00:20:15Of course.
00:20:17There are things that are inevitable.
00:20:19Like this moment.
00:20:21My breath was worse.
00:20:23What would you say about a kiss?
00:20:25Is it really happening?
00:20:27It's so cute.
00:20:29Kiss me.
00:20:33It's a joke.
00:20:35Wow, I have a tail.
00:20:37Maybe it wasn't a dream after all.
00:20:41Why buy new jewelry
00:20:43when you can make them yourself?
00:20:47I don't get tired of pink.
00:20:51And as for shapes,
00:20:53hearts make beautiful precious stones.
00:20:55There you go.
00:20:57Two is always better than one.
00:20:59Let's move on to epoxy resin.
00:21:01Don't worry.
00:21:03Soon it will shine like a diamond
00:21:05and it will be full of beautiful pearls.
00:21:09It's so cute.
00:21:13A unicorn just like me.
00:21:15Wow, a real mermaid.
00:21:17I'm not coming back.
00:21:21Oh, hello, human.
00:21:23Oh, come closer.
00:21:27But I have fins, look.
00:21:29Oh, it's true.
00:21:31Did you see that?
00:21:33Try to catch it, okay?
00:21:35Wow, it's simply divine.
00:21:39There's nothing.
00:21:41It's incredible.
00:21:43Oh, my eyes.
00:21:47Where is she?
00:21:49What happened?
00:21:51Oh, hello, little fish.
00:21:57Oh, it's you.
00:21:59I'm so happy.
00:22:01And this is where I go to school.
00:22:03Oh, hello, everyone.
00:22:05Okay, not all at the same time.
00:22:07Oh, my.
00:22:09Can I have an autograph?
00:22:15Yes, I'm here.
00:22:17Can you see me?
00:22:19Get out of my way.
00:22:21Wait, I have an idea.
00:22:29Do you see this printed drawing?
00:22:31Use wire to reproduce the shape.
00:22:37It looks good.
00:22:39Once you have two,
00:22:41add the colors you want
00:22:43in two cups with epoxy resin.
00:22:45Not bad.
00:22:47Use a stick to fill it.
00:22:49Like this.
00:22:51Then put the white color here.
00:22:53Tap to flatten it.
00:22:55Then draw a circle like this.
00:22:57It looks like a little sun.
00:22:59How cute.
00:23:01And on this side,
00:23:03draw a little crescent moon.
00:23:05For the finishing touches,
00:23:07add varnish.
00:23:11Everything is dry.
00:23:15Excuse me, I'm passing.
00:23:19With pleasure.
00:23:21Wow, it's so cute.
00:23:23I know.
00:23:25I love it.
00:23:27And they go together.
00:23:31Slowly with my best friend.
00:23:33Look, we're completing each other.
00:23:35My Yang's yin.
00:23:37Yes, I'm so happy.
00:23:39It's almost over.
00:23:41We're free.
00:23:47I brought the snack.
00:23:51And if we watch a video while eating?
00:23:53Hey, look at this ad.
00:23:57Available right now.
00:23:59Pika Pika.
00:24:03Watch out.
00:24:07Not bad, right?
00:24:09Oh yeah, it's delicious.
00:24:11I want to have bigger hands.
00:24:13It's so good.
00:24:17There's a spoon, you know.
00:24:19A spoon?
00:24:21It's really weird.
00:24:25Now take some ice.
00:24:29But how do I put it in my mouth?
00:24:31What a mess.
00:24:33I'm almost there.
00:24:35It's quite funny.
00:24:37Very good.
00:24:39What is it?
00:24:41Is it a Pokémon keychain?
00:24:47What would I give to have it?
00:24:51It's really cute, don't you think?
00:24:53I love it.
00:24:57Get your keychain today.
00:24:59Call now or send an SMS.
00:25:01I don't have a lot of money.
00:25:03Me neither.
00:25:05Wait, I have an idea.
00:25:07All I need is this spoon.
00:25:09You see these pieces of clay?
00:25:11Roll them all together.
00:25:15Then put it in a spoon.
00:25:21Use another spoon to crush it.
00:25:27And now for the most fun part.
00:25:29The glitter.
00:25:31The ultraviolet light
00:25:33to dry the clay.
00:25:35Then remove the mold.
00:25:37It's pretty.
00:25:41Now I have my own keychain.
00:25:43Put it on my backpack.
00:25:49There you go.
00:25:51And it costs nothing.
00:25:53It's crazy.
00:25:55Look at this.
00:25:57You're the best mermaid friend
00:25:59of all time.
00:26:01Oh no, it melted.
00:26:03Time for some ice cream soup.
00:26:07Mom's gone for an entire hour.
00:26:11What should I try?
00:26:13I don't know.
00:26:15Ah, it's so comfortable.
00:26:21This is really adult.
00:26:23Mom has beautiful jewelry.
00:26:25Which one shines the most?
00:26:31It's so beautiful.
00:26:33I found it.
00:26:35Wait, where did the others go?
00:26:37Hey, no.
00:26:39Is that what you're looking for?
00:26:41Are you really into jewelry?
00:26:45Oh, since I don't have a choice.
00:26:49You can take Mom's headdress.
00:26:51And that too.
00:26:55There you go.
00:26:57Are you happy?
00:27:01It's my favorite.
00:27:05No, don't cry.
00:27:07I can't help it.
00:27:09Wait, let me think.
00:27:11Mom has nice things here.
00:27:15I just had a great idea.
00:27:17You'll see.
00:27:19First, stick transparent tape
00:27:21on the varnish.
00:27:23Once it's done,
00:27:25cover it with transparent varnish.
00:27:29Then, put a nice piece of paper,
00:27:31wrap it,
00:27:33and add varnish.
00:27:35Just make sure it's clear.
00:27:37Then, remove the ring.
00:27:39Once it's dry,
00:27:41sand the edges.
00:27:45There you go.
00:27:47The edges are much clearer.
00:27:49And there you go.
00:27:51A very unique ring.
00:27:53And this one is just for you.
00:27:55Oh, that's great.
00:27:57Cool, right?
00:27:59I used different patterns.
00:28:01And I have another one for you.
00:28:05this one is really cool.
00:28:07You're the best, Claire.
00:28:13Okay, let's go.
00:28:15I'm so good at fishing.
00:28:17Hey, I think
00:28:19I caught something.
00:28:23I told you.
00:28:25I'm so good at fishing.
00:28:27I can see that.
00:28:29Now it's my turn.
00:28:31There you go.
00:28:33I can feel it.
00:28:35I feel something.
00:28:37Look, it's a burk.
00:28:39What is this thing?
00:28:41I don't know why it was in the bin.
00:28:43There you go.
00:28:49I did something wrong.
00:28:51What's going on up there?
00:28:56this thing must be worth something.
00:29:00Are you jealous?
00:29:02It's mine.
00:29:08Don't panic, okay?
00:29:10Let's find something else.
00:29:12Like this.
00:29:14Oh, an old bottle.
00:29:18Oh, I'm sorry.
00:29:20Hey, you!
00:29:23I know.
00:29:29I'm going to make something special, okay?
00:29:33First, cut the bottle with a blade.
00:29:35Here and here.
00:29:37Then use scissors
00:29:39to cut the rest.
00:29:41And the other side.
00:29:43You can now put it flat.
00:29:45Use a ruler
00:29:47to draw two straight lines.
00:29:49Once that's done,
00:29:52fold it like this
00:29:54and round the corner.
00:29:58Then drill it with a drill.
00:30:00Put tape
00:30:02along the entire length of the tab.
00:30:06You can't even see it.
00:30:08It's perfect, look!
00:30:10Now connect the ends.
00:30:13Carefully wrap the ribbon
00:30:15around the tab.
00:30:17Continue until it's covered.
00:30:19You need patience,
00:30:21but the result is beautiful.
00:30:23Don't cover the hole.
00:30:25At the end,
00:30:27pass an elastic band
00:30:29and tie it up.
00:30:31Turn it over
00:30:33and stick some decorations.
00:30:35I chose some shells.
00:30:41It's pretty, isn't it?
00:30:43There you go.
00:30:45Here, it's all yours.
00:30:49Thank you!
00:30:51I'm a true master
00:30:53in the art of DIY.
00:30:57He's still wearing my diadem!
00:30:59And he's a horrible dancer!
00:31:03You'll never catch him!
00:31:05You'll see if I catch you!
00:31:09I'm getting prettier and prettier.
00:31:11Oh, what's going on outside?
00:31:15this noise is coming from my toilets.
00:31:17They seem to be very angry.
00:31:19I'm going to take
00:31:21what's in my hands.
00:31:23What's wrong?
00:31:25I hope it'll work.
00:31:27Oh, burk!
00:31:29It's good, it's clean.
00:31:31Maybe there's something stuck inside.
00:31:33Ventus, help!
00:31:35Why isn't anything coming?
00:31:37I only have one solution.
00:31:39I'm going to have to fish.
00:31:41I hope
00:31:43what's stuck in there
00:31:45likes earthworms.
00:31:47Get to work, little one!
00:31:55Let go of my wire!
00:32:05A pretty mermaid!
00:32:11That's weird.
00:32:17I know what can help!
00:32:19It's time for a transformation!
00:32:25Hi Sky!
00:32:27What are you doing?
00:32:29Do you like my make-up?
00:32:31What did you do?
00:32:35Your lashes don't look good at all!
00:32:39Stop blinking!
00:32:41It's not true!
00:32:43Oh, it's getting ridiculous!
00:32:47Leave me alone!
00:32:49I couldn't stand it for long!
00:32:53I'm not hungry!
00:32:57Wait, no, stop!
00:32:59There's too much wind!
00:33:01Oh no!
00:33:03Hold on a second.
00:33:07I'm coming to help you!
00:33:09It's okay!
00:33:11I'm going home!
00:33:15Oh my!
00:33:17You're almost there, Julie!
00:33:21Thank you!
00:33:23Oh no!
00:33:25You want to blink, don't you?
00:33:29Don't blink!
00:33:41Oh my God!
00:33:43Indeed, I blinked for too long!
00:33:51Oh, what's that?
00:34:01What do I do now?
00:34:05Oh, hello!
00:34:07To our health!
00:34:11I love fish!
00:34:15And now I'm bored again!
00:34:19Oh, so pretty!
00:34:21I can do something with that!
00:34:27While today I'm stuck on Earth!
00:34:33It won't last long!
00:34:35Oh! Wait and see!
00:34:37Oh no!
00:34:39The glass is stuck to my mouth!
00:34:43It's okay, I'm back!
00:34:53Ah! What did you do to your lips?
00:34:55Come on, help me pull harder!
00:34:57Ah! Pull!
00:35:01Oh no! We're in trouble!
00:35:05What? What are you looking at like that?
00:35:07Oh, nothing! I hope it'll go away on its own!
00:35:09Oh, I'll put it on for you, okay?
00:35:13It's going to take a lot!
00:35:15I don't know if it's the most suitable.
00:35:17I'll rather take this brush.
00:35:19A brush for foundation?
00:35:21Um, what?
00:35:23And that's it!
00:35:27It's done!
00:35:29I have to go, Skye!
00:35:31See you later!
00:35:33But what's that?
00:35:37What did I do?
00:35:39Oh no!
00:35:41Let's take a selfie!
00:35:43Pinch your head a little!
00:35:45Oh! And put your hand there!
00:35:47Not bad!
00:35:49So cute!
00:35:51I'll post it right away!
00:35:53What about the others?
00:35:57What are those nails?
00:35:59Oh no!
00:36:01It's not right!
00:36:05No, it's not right!
00:36:07Oh no, no, no!
00:36:09Give me a minute!
00:36:11What am I doing?
00:36:13Maybe I can...
00:36:17What if I call someone?
00:36:21Are you kidding me?
00:36:23Okay, I'll take care of it myself!
00:36:25What are you making?
00:36:27Are you drawing?
00:36:29Oh! I know!
00:36:31Give me that!
00:36:33I'll do a manicure!
00:36:35You'll have clean nails!
00:36:37I'll start by copying the shape of your nail.
00:36:41I finish the outline of the nail
00:36:43and I take the pen.
00:36:45Wait a minute to see the result!
00:36:47I'm almost done with the outline!
00:36:49And now I fill in!
00:36:51I drew your favorite shape, Skye!
00:36:53Oh la la, you're going to love it!
00:36:57Let's go!
00:36:59Do you like it?
00:37:01And here are the fish nails!
00:37:09You'll thank me later!
00:37:13It's not easy to make fish nails!
00:37:15Where are you going?
00:37:17Why did you go there?
00:37:19I offer a little company to my friend!
00:37:27My fish!
00:37:29Okay, do what you want!
00:37:35Much better!
00:37:37I was so hungry!
00:37:39Oh! It's over!
00:37:41So, where was I?
00:37:43Ah! Perfect!
00:37:45It's good!
00:37:47I was efficient!
00:37:51It's good, I'm ready!
00:37:53Are you sleeping?
00:37:57What happened?
00:37:59Where am I?
00:38:07Oh la la!
00:38:09Your hair!
00:38:11We're going to tame this mane!
00:38:13Let's go!
00:38:27No, it's not over yet!
00:38:29You're not getting away!
00:38:31Don't move!
00:38:33Come on!
00:38:35But stop moving in all directions!
00:38:45This noise doesn't mean anything!
00:38:47My favorite brush!
00:38:49Give it to me!
00:38:53Goodbye, my dear brush!
00:38:55You were nice to me!
00:38:57I'll remember you with emotion!
00:38:59Rest in peace!
00:39:01Oh! So sad!
00:39:03But I'm not done with you yet!
00:39:05You know what this is?
00:39:07No, I'll take this!
00:39:09Oh, so weird!
00:39:11OK, that's better!
00:39:13Trust me!
00:39:19Well, it's the best I can do!
00:39:33I know what can help you!
00:39:35Toilet paper rolls!
00:39:37Roll them into your hair!
00:39:39Like this!
00:39:41No need to heat them up!
00:39:43Let's see if it works!
00:39:49What do you think?
00:39:51Is it wonderful or wonderful?
00:39:53Because I feel
00:39:59Hey, that's incredible!
00:40:01I'm jealous of your hair now!
00:40:05I've never seen anything so beautiful!
00:40:07They are really perfect!
00:40:13Oh! A new swimmer!
00:40:17I hope I'm well dressed!
00:40:19I have to put on something cute!
00:40:27The orange suits me well!
00:40:29I'll impress
00:40:31this human up there!
00:40:33Let's go!
00:40:35I have to warm up my legs!
00:40:39Aren't they beautiful?
00:40:41It's a little weird!
00:40:43Come on! I'll get used to it!
00:40:45A normal day
00:40:47in the life of a mermaid!
00:40:51The fish is huge!
00:40:53As big as its muscles!
00:40:55Hi girls!
00:40:57Are you getting tanned?
00:40:59Hi handsome!
00:41:01It looks like they like me!
00:41:05Where are they?
00:41:09Where are this girl's legs?
00:41:11Oh! No legs!
00:41:15Do you need help?
00:41:17I'm coming!
00:41:21Hey! How are you?
00:41:25Did you faint for a minute?
00:41:29Oh! It's just fish!
00:41:39Your fin is superb!
00:41:41Don't move!
00:41:43Yes, like that!
00:41:45Great! The angle is perfect!
00:41:49My purple sweater!
00:41:51What a clumsy girl!
00:41:53I'm almost there!
00:41:55I feel it!
00:41:59What's going on?
00:42:01I can't do anything in life!
00:42:05Where are you?
00:42:07I'm here!
00:42:09All my fins fell!
00:42:11Well, I'm waiting!
00:42:15But where is this aquarium?
00:42:19Take a fish bowl
00:42:21and put hot glue
00:42:23on the bottom of a glass.
00:42:25And glue it to the bottom of the bowl.
00:42:27Now add a few blue balls.
00:42:29You can also put
00:42:31shells and stones.
00:42:33Then pour water into the bowl.
00:42:35A little more.
00:42:47What is it?
00:42:49Do you get it?
00:42:51But of course!
00:42:53Now they won't fall anymore!
00:42:55Let's go to my mermaid portrait!
00:42:57Let's go!
00:43:05This film is really great, don't you think?
00:43:07Look at this horse!
00:43:09Yeah! Fascinating!
00:43:13I'm just going to close my eyes
00:43:15for a second.
00:43:19Oh, how cute she is!
00:43:21I just have to get up.
00:43:31What happened?
00:43:33This couch is really narrow
00:43:35and it's not very long either.
00:43:37I don't have room for my swimsuit.
00:43:39It's not comfortable.
00:43:43I know where I can
00:43:45take a nap.
00:43:47Right here in the shade.
00:43:49That's perfect!
00:43:51Let's go!
00:43:53But never without my pillow.
00:43:55I'm the only one missing.
00:43:57Good night!
00:43:59Dreamland, here I am!
00:44:17A mermaid party?
00:44:19Great! I love parties!
00:44:21Play the music! I want to dance!
00:44:27Where is everyone?
00:44:29Is there anyone?
00:44:31That's the right address, isn't it?
00:44:33Is there anyone here?
00:44:35Where is...
00:44:39But where is the party?
00:44:41I'm here!
00:44:43Still no one.
00:44:45The party?
00:44:47I won't give up!
00:44:51I really don't have any luck.
00:44:55Hi, friend!
00:44:57Come to the party!
00:44:59I'm ready!
00:45:01I just need my mask.
00:45:05I'm ready for the party, guys!
00:45:11I thought I would never find you.
00:45:13Come on, let's dance!
00:45:17And I asked him,
00:45:19are these real copies?
00:45:21And he said,
00:45:23what are you looking at?
00:45:25This boy with his finger in his nose?
00:45:27Please don't tell me...
00:45:29You don't see what I see?
00:45:37I see he's disgusted.
00:45:43He says hi to me now?
00:45:47I'll be with you in a minute.
00:45:53Oh yeah, it's time!
00:45:55I beg you, don't do that,
00:45:59I know.
00:46:01Hey, Madison,
00:46:03do you want some perfume?
00:46:07But what
00:46:09Madison doesn't know is that
00:46:11it's not perfume.
00:46:13I'm coming, darling!
00:46:17What's that smell?
00:46:19It smells like rotten fish!
00:46:23Come back!
00:46:25It's not my fault!
00:46:27Oh no!
00:46:29What a shame!
00:46:31Maybe it wasn't for you,
00:46:33that's all.
00:46:35But let's get back to my story.
00:46:41I'm done with my make-up.
00:46:43Will you join me in the water?
00:46:45See you in a minute!
00:46:51It's really good.
00:46:53Are you coming?
00:46:55I'm coming, yes, ok!
00:46:59Be careful!
00:47:03It's super cold!
00:47:07Maybe you need a little touch-up.
00:47:09Let's go!
00:47:13Swimming did me good!
00:47:15But look at my make-up!
00:47:17I know what will help you!
00:47:19A little mermaid magic!
00:47:21Ready for an aquatic make-up?
00:47:27I'll get you out of there!
00:47:29I'll get you out of there!
00:47:31Don't forget the glitter!
00:47:33You're beautiful!
00:47:39Is it really necessary?
00:47:43Is it over?
00:47:45Look inside!
00:47:49It's amazing!
00:47:51You're the best!
00:47:53Thank you!
00:47:55Let's go!
00:47:57And now, the moment of truth!
00:48:03Not bad at all!
00:48:05Except that my brush is a little dry.
00:48:07It happens to me every time!
00:48:09I know!
00:48:11I bet Madison has one!
00:48:15Ding! Ding! Ding!
00:48:17That's exactly what I need!
00:48:21I will be able to put beautiful colors!
00:48:23A little more!
00:48:27Ding! Ding! Ding!
00:48:35The brush!
00:48:37It flew away!
00:48:39I won't be able to find it!
00:48:41Here it is, in the pool!
00:48:43What happened?
00:48:49It fell asleep!
00:48:51Excuse me a second!
00:48:53Stay here and relax!
00:48:57Here it is!
00:48:59I have it!
00:49:01And it's clean too!
00:49:03Look at that!
00:49:05Good idea!
00:49:07A broken brush?
00:49:09No problem!
00:49:11Just glue it to a shell!
00:49:15And where is it?
00:49:17Is that what you're looking for?
00:49:19Is it my makeup brush?
00:49:21I made it for you!
00:49:25It's original!
00:49:27You can still use it!
00:49:29You mermaids are really creative!
00:49:45Do you think you could be a mermaid?
00:49:47I hope you like water and everything that shines!
00:49:49Don't forget to share this video with your friends
00:49:51and subscribe to our channel
00:49:53to never miss our great videos!
00:50:15Open your eyes!
00:50:17Wake up!
00:50:19You're alive!
00:50:21Thank you, my God!
00:50:23My savior!
00:50:25You're so... unique!
00:50:27Thank you!
00:50:29I have to go!
00:50:31Wait! Don't go!
00:50:33No! Why?
00:50:35Why did it run away?
00:50:37I know why!
00:50:39I have to fix this!
00:50:41My hairbrush!
00:50:43Come on!
00:50:49I'm stuck on Earth!
00:50:51Far from the sea!
00:50:55Go away!
00:51:01Another treasure chest?
00:51:03What's this?
00:51:05A boat...
00:51:07Let's see...
00:51:09A bunch of little circles...
00:51:13I can hide my buttons!
00:51:15Humans really have a lot of things and bidules.
00:51:17I'm going to try this.
00:51:19I have to cover them all.
00:51:21Hm, it's not working.
00:51:23Ow, it hurts.
00:51:27It works!
00:51:31I'm going to remove them all.
00:51:33Berk. Ugh, gross.
00:51:35Speak of the devil.
00:51:37I'm as sweet as a pearl.
00:51:39Oh, what's this?
00:51:41I'm going to remove it.
00:51:47Even more disgusting stuff.
00:51:49Get out of my face, please.
00:51:51Berk, a glass?
00:51:53It's so disgusting.
00:51:55Anyway, no need to call Ursula after all.
00:51:57Oh no!
00:51:59I have to take care of this.
00:52:01I'm going to look in this treasure chest.
00:52:03Oh, what a horrible thing.
00:52:05I wonder how it works.
00:52:11Very well, I think I found it.
00:52:13I'm going to pour some coconut milk on it.
00:52:15Maybe it'll help me.
00:52:19Please, work, you thing!
00:52:21My head is spinning.
00:52:27Hey, it worked!
00:52:29Wait a second.
00:52:33Some leftovers from breakfast.
00:52:35Hey, maybe I can use this.
00:52:37What if I...
00:52:41It looks scary, but maybe it'll work.
00:52:45Why is being beautiful so painful?
00:52:47But my prince is worth it.
00:52:49So sweet.
00:52:51This thing isn't sweet at all.
00:52:53Come on, magic bidule.
00:52:55Do your thing.
00:52:59But it's red.
00:53:01I have an idea.
00:53:03I heard humans talking about something disgusting,
00:53:05like slime.
00:53:07That's it, right?
00:53:09Try to help me, buddy.
00:53:11It tickles.
00:53:13Yeah, mission accomplished.
00:53:17My head is spinning.
00:53:19I wonder if I should wash it.
00:53:23What am I going to do?
00:53:27Yeah, I have an idea.
00:53:29It looks like I need a good shower after all.
00:53:31But first, let's get some seaweed.
00:53:33Excuse me, little frog.
00:53:35I saw a mermaid friend do this with her hair,
00:53:37so I should try it too.
00:53:39I think he did it like this.
00:53:41It's the only hook I know
00:53:43that isn't dangerous.
00:53:45Now I have to pull on it.
00:53:47Yeah, great.
00:53:49But I have a long way to go.
00:53:51I hate waiting.
00:53:57That's what I call loops that bounce.
00:53:59It's time to put on my makeup.
00:54:03It's time to put on my makeup.
00:54:05I deserve all the bling bling.
00:54:09human face paint.
00:54:11But I want to be unique,
00:54:13like my prince said.
00:54:15Some net,
00:54:17some paint,
00:54:19and voila!
00:54:21So beautiful and stylish.
00:54:23Wow, I can't wait to kiss the prince,
00:54:25but what do I have for the lips?
00:54:27Oh, that's weird.
00:54:29I hope
00:54:31I don't look like a fish.
00:54:43he bit my lip!
00:54:47Oh, Sebastian,
00:54:49I didn't think it was you.
00:54:51Thanks for your help.
00:54:55not that.
00:54:57Good luck.
00:54:59Where are you, my prince?
00:55:01I'm ready.
00:55:03Kiss the girl.
00:55:05Wow, what happened?
00:55:07You're so beautiful.
00:55:09Oh, my one and only love.
00:55:11Ready to kiss real love.
00:55:13Great, I have to go.
00:55:15See you.
00:55:17Wait, what? Why?
00:55:19I'm perfect.
00:55:21Wow, I love your trident.
00:55:25Do you need anything else?
00:55:27Of course.
00:55:33a new magical day in the forest.
00:55:35Look at this basket
00:55:37full of delicious berries.
00:55:39It's time to prepare
00:55:41my special potion
00:55:43and we'll put berries in it.
00:55:45But I'm going to need
00:55:47a lot more than that.
00:55:49It's better like this.
00:55:51Oh, now I have to turn it on.
00:55:53It's ready.
00:55:55Look at this.
00:55:57It makes a great mask
00:55:59for the face.
00:56:03But it's so good.
00:56:05Nom, nom, nom.
00:56:07I love my morning beauty routine.
00:56:09I could do this all the time.
00:56:13It's so good.
00:56:15You know,
00:56:17I could do another one.
00:56:19La, la, la, la, la, la.
00:56:21It's a new incredible day.
00:56:23Oh no, Mother Nature
00:56:25is angry.
00:56:27I can't go out like this.
00:56:29It looks like my fishing
00:56:31is cancelled.
00:56:33I was waiting for it
00:56:35with impatience.
00:56:37What am I going to do now?
00:56:39I can't wait to go fishing.
00:56:41Oh, I know.
00:56:43I can fish
00:56:45in the sink.
00:56:47I can fish in the sink.
00:56:49I have my fishing rod.
00:56:51And now, I wait.
00:56:53Oh, I think I have
00:56:55a little bite.
00:56:57It's a big one.
00:56:59Wow, this fish must be
00:57:03I got it. Hey, little fish.
00:57:05And now,
00:57:07maybe a little
00:57:09unicorn magic.
00:57:13is that your name?
00:57:15Great, and I have something
00:57:17in my hair.
00:57:21Have a good swim,
00:57:23little guy.
00:57:25OK, that's disgusting.
00:57:27But now, we can be friends.
00:57:29I need to eat. I'm so hungry.
00:57:31Oh, that's true.
00:57:33Maybe I can prepare something for you.
00:57:35Come on. Ready?
00:57:37Wow, the red one
00:57:39suits you really well.
00:57:41Look what I have.
00:57:43Delicious strawberries.
00:57:47And melted white chocolate.
00:57:49Let's dip the strawberries in the chocolate.
00:57:53We have to make sure
00:57:55that they are well coated.
00:57:57They look good.
00:57:59Yes, but they are not finished yet.
00:58:01Let's put them back in the plate.
00:58:03I'm going to remove the wooden skewers
00:58:05and add a fondant horn
00:58:07and ears.
00:58:11we can use these edible glitter
00:58:13to give a sparkle.
00:58:15I'm just going to sprinkle them on the strawberry.
00:58:17I love the color. It's fun.
00:58:19I add glitter on the honey.
00:58:21I think they are ready to be eaten.
00:58:23Let's taste them.
00:58:29it's great.
00:58:31It's better than fish food.
00:58:35I love it.
00:58:37I can't stop eating.
00:58:39It's delicious.
00:58:41Oh, it looks good.
00:58:43I'll take yours.
00:58:45We should see each other more often.
00:58:51this place is incredible.
00:58:55Well, it was fun,
00:58:57but I'd better go home.
00:59:01What's that?
00:59:03Did you see that?
00:59:05The water is beautiful today.
00:59:07Let's check the temperature.
00:59:09Oh, hi.
00:59:13it's beautiful.
00:59:15Look at this tail.
00:59:17Do you often swim here?
00:59:19Oh, it's so romantic.
00:59:21You should let it know
00:59:23what you feel.
00:59:25Good idea.
00:59:27I'm going to draw it.
00:59:29I'm going to start with a heart
00:59:31and then add a drawing
00:59:33of us inside.
00:59:35It's so romantic.
00:59:37Oh, I know.
00:59:39A little licorice magic could fix that.
00:59:41I should have thought about it earlier.
00:59:43Okay, let's go.
00:59:51What am I supposed to do with that?
00:59:55Make another drawing.
01:00:01what's going on?
01:00:07It's good.
01:00:09Love can be scary,
01:00:11but trust me.
01:00:13If you say so.
01:00:17It's perfect.
01:00:19It really enhanced my beauty.
01:00:23I drew this for you.
01:00:25You're so talented.
01:00:27Here you go.
01:00:29I'm in love.
01:00:31I love you, too.
01:00:33I love you, too.
01:00:35It's much better than the ocean.
01:00:37Not easy to get a nice tan over there.
01:00:39What's that smell?
01:00:41Is that poop?
01:00:43There's so much of it!
01:00:45It's coming this way!
01:00:51Who did that?
01:00:53They should see a doctor.
01:00:55It never stops.
01:00:57I need to see where it's going.
01:00:59I think I'm getting closer.
01:01:02The poop track ends here. What is...
01:01:09It's not what you think!
01:01:12It looks like you're eating poop!
01:01:14Wait, I can explain! Look!
01:01:18It's not real poop, you see?
01:01:21Hi friends!
01:01:22I'm going to cut this cookie dough into pieces.
01:01:24Then I'm going to add food coloring.
01:01:26I use different colors.
01:01:28Then I mix it with the dough.
01:01:30It's actually quite relaxing.
01:01:32Now I'm going to roll it into long sausages, like this.
01:01:39And I'm going to do the same thing with the rest.
01:01:41I just need to make them the same thickness.
01:01:45OK, I'm going to align them next to each other and fold them.
01:01:49It's like getting a haircut!
01:01:52Poop-shaped unicorns!
01:01:55But they need to bake.
01:01:56So I'm going to put them in the oven and let them bake for 20 minutes.
01:02:03Mmm, they smell so good!
01:02:05And they are gorgeous!
01:02:07Let's taste them!
01:02:09It's delicious!
01:02:12Oh, it's true! What a relief!
01:02:16Try it!
01:02:18Thank you!
01:02:20Mmm, your poop is delicious!
01:02:22I knew you'd like it!
01:02:29Drawing is so much fun!
01:02:31Almost done!
01:02:34It's awful!
01:02:35It doesn't look like a rainbow!
01:02:38This year's drawing is so unfair!
01:02:45Hi, how are you?
01:02:50I'm not in the mood.
01:02:52I know what will cheer you up!
01:02:55Look at me!
01:02:56It's crazy, isn't it?
01:02:58Go away!
01:03:01I know, everyone likes to juggle!
01:03:07It still works, it's a classic!
01:03:18No, it doesn't work!
01:03:19A difficult audience!
01:03:21I must be able to do something!
01:03:24Emily looks so sad!
01:03:28I have an idea!
01:03:31I can use this cutter and the pencils!
01:03:33I'm going to scratch the pencil with the cutter.
01:03:36I need these shells.
01:03:38And now I'm going to use my finger,
01:03:39I'm going to pass it on the shells
01:03:41and make a rainbow!
01:03:45Hey, Emily, look at this!
01:03:47A rainbow!
01:03:51Get out of here!
01:03:54Here you go!
01:03:56Thank you, my friend!
01:04:01Life would be fabulous if you were friends with a unicorn!
01:04:04What was your favorite unicorn DIY?
01:04:06Tell us in the comments below!
01:04:08Don't forget to share this video with your friends
01:04:10and don't forget to subscribe to our channel
01:04:12for more magical videos like this one!
01:04:17Like this one!
01:04:33It's incredible!
01:04:37Well, it's not that easy!
01:04:38Who is it?
01:04:39Really, you don't find it?
01:04:40It's my swimmer master!
01:04:44And Chris?
01:04:58Now we just have to wait for everyone to leave
01:05:05Thanks for the sneakers!
01:05:10Thanks a lot!
01:05:14I'm not going to let you have them!
01:05:16Let's lose this!
01:05:22I'm done with the hairbrush!
01:05:30My beautiful shirt!
01:05:32It's new!
01:05:33I have to try it on!
01:05:38It's already dirty!
01:05:43Stop touching my stuff!
01:05:45I can't stand you anymore!
01:05:54Where's my diary?
01:06:01What's this?
01:06:03You like it too?
01:06:07You're married?
01:06:09How did you...
01:06:10Luna, stop!
01:06:12I can't believe it!
01:06:17Take this!
01:06:25What have you done?
01:06:37It's over!
01:06:38We're breaking up!
01:06:50Hey, what are you doing?
01:06:54Now I'm going to have my own space without you!
01:07:01You'll never come into my room again!
01:07:10They're back!
01:07:12It's done!
01:07:14Let's start decorating!
01:07:21What are you doing here?
01:07:23Leave me alone!
01:07:29Let's do this!
01:07:43Wow, how did you do that?
01:07:45Get out of here!
01:07:46Go to your room!
01:07:50But why are you doing all this?
01:07:52You'll see!
01:07:55Now get out of my room!
01:07:59Don't ever come back here!
01:08:03Don't ever come back to my room!
01:08:05I have a date with Chris!
01:08:08A date with Chris?
01:08:09I'll call him!
01:08:10I'll call him first!
01:08:15Hey Chris, do you want to come?
01:08:19Yeah, I'll be there at 6
01:08:22Ok, I'll wait for you!
01:08:25My room is going to be even better!
01:08:28I'm going to discover your secret!
01:08:43La la la la la!
01:08:48What's that?
01:08:53A blue lightbulb?
01:08:55Let's change that!
01:09:00His life!
01:09:02The love of my life!
01:09:04He's so cute!
01:09:06What's that noise?
01:09:17Am I late?
01:09:22I still have time to finish this!
01:09:30What's she doing?
01:09:35What's that?
01:09:38It's war!
01:09:40Look who's not allowed in my room!
01:09:44Is she allowed to do that?
01:09:47I'll fix that!
01:09:52Let's see what she's doing there!
01:09:56She wants a better room but I won't let her do that!
01:10:06She's hot!
01:10:10So many things! Where are they?
01:10:16Get out of my room!
01:10:20No sea water for you!
01:10:22I'll have you!
01:10:29No light for you!
01:10:32A little peace!
01:10:34What's going on?
01:10:35I can't see anymore!
01:10:40She'll never come into my room!
01:10:43Let's get rid of her!
01:10:46Let's go!
01:10:50That's great!
01:10:56Need a little spice?
01:11:04It's all for you!
01:11:10I can't believe it's ready!
01:11:15Let's take care of this!
01:11:18That should do it!
01:11:20I hope I didn't waste too much time!
01:11:23Two hours before the date!
01:11:26My room is a mess!
01:11:34Time to throw the trash away!
01:11:39Oh no!
01:11:47Last piece!
01:11:52You'll regret this!
01:11:58I'll show you!
01:12:10Not again!
01:12:15I need a break!
01:12:26I need to get rid of this!
01:12:40Nice cream!
01:12:42What's the name of it?
01:12:52It's alive!
01:12:56I need to get rid of this!
01:12:58I need to get rid of this!
01:13:06It's not going to work!
01:13:10Where is it?
01:13:13I need to fix this!
01:13:16What could help me?
01:13:20It's too dangerous!
01:13:23Maybe this?
01:13:25Someone help me!
01:13:32Stop making so much noise!
01:13:39My shell is ready!
01:13:43It's so pretty!
01:13:49Ten minutes left!
01:13:51Blue can go with my personality!
01:14:03Red lips, of course!
01:14:06Chris is going to love it!
01:14:10Last touch!
01:14:15It's here!
01:14:17Just a minute!
01:14:22I'm coming!
01:14:25What's taking them so long?
01:14:28Hi Chris!
01:14:30Hi Savvy!
01:14:31Where's Luna?
01:14:34She's sick!
01:14:37Hi Chris!
01:14:38Let's go!
01:14:40Where's Savvy?
01:14:43Oh no!
01:14:44Come to my room!
01:14:45No, mine!
01:14:47Not me!
01:14:51Calm down!
01:14:52Let's have fun together!
01:14:56So comfortable!
01:14:58We'll be more comfortable in my room!
01:15:01My room!
01:15:04Don't fight!
01:15:05I brought food!
01:15:11How dare you?
01:15:12How dare you?
01:15:14Wait, what?
01:15:18Don't ever set foot in this house again!
01:15:22Best sister ever!
01:15:41You stupid fish!
01:15:43Why are you so mean?
01:15:45I'm sick of your stupid jokes!
01:15:47I'm going to the human world!
01:15:51I'm coming with you!
01:15:54Oh, Laura!
01:15:55I miss you!
01:15:56I wish you were here!
01:15:59I'm back!
01:16:01You changed your hair?
01:16:04Get out of my way!
01:16:11Here's my sister Laura!
01:16:17Sorry, Léa!
01:16:22So, who am I going to interview today?
01:16:25But who are you?
01:16:27I'm Laura, girl
01:16:28Oh, ok
01:16:30I'm bored
01:16:31Let's have fun!
01:16:39Léa, you have to do something!
01:16:44Léa, what are you doing?
01:16:48Oh my God!
01:16:52A frog!
01:16:55That was funny!
01:16:57Ok, you have a test!
01:17:00It's hard!
01:17:02Just cheat!
01:17:04No, Léa! Think!
01:17:07Léa, can you help me with the test?
01:17:11Léa, are you cheating?
01:17:15What am I going to do?
01:17:17Léa, how did the test go?
01:17:20Oh, I'm screwed!
01:17:22Léa, you have to tell him the truth!
01:17:24Léa, we can fix this!
01:17:27The test, honey!
01:17:30What test?
01:17:34Give me the test, Léa!
01:17:38You have to tell him the truth!
01:17:43I got an A!
01:17:44Oh my God, my daughter's going to love it!
01:17:46I'm so proud of you!
01:17:47I'm going to tell everyone!
01:17:49That was an A!
01:17:50Thanks, Laura!
01:17:52You're welcome
01:17:56I'm so proud of her!
01:17:58Wait a minute
01:18:04Someone's in trouble!
01:18:11Léa, we're out of control today!
01:18:14Léa! Léa!
01:18:15Wake up!
01:18:16I brought you breakfast
01:18:27Laura, can you help me?
01:18:29I thought you'd never ask
01:18:31Now I'm awake!
01:18:39Cheating! Cheating!
01:18:43Think as if your life depended on it
01:18:52I got an A!
01:18:54Good job!
01:18:55Yeah, that's it!
01:18:56Hey, let's eat!
01:19:01It's not fish
01:19:02It's chicken
01:19:08It's so good!
01:19:10Okay, ladies
01:19:11Here's your meal
01:19:14That's too much!
01:19:16Oh my God
01:19:17Let's run!
01:19:19Don't worry, Léa
01:19:21It's for me
01:19:23I'm going to open my own restaurant
01:19:26I resign
01:19:29You have to pay, young lady
01:19:31Okay, let's run!
01:19:33Thank you, Laura
01:19:34You're welcome
01:19:37It was a dream
01:19:38Come and see me
01:19:40Laura again?
01:19:41Do you want to go out with me?
01:19:42I don't love anyone
01:19:45Let's go
01:19:47I can't find Laura
01:19:48We have to find her
01:19:52Not here
01:19:54She's not here
01:19:55Not here
01:20:00You cooked my dolphin, darling
01:20:04She's not upstairs
01:20:08She's not here
01:20:09You're making fun of me, aren't you?
01:20:12Let's go outside
01:20:14Where is she?
01:20:17Have you seen this girl?
01:20:20It's you
01:20:21Very funny
01:20:22Where are we going, Laura?
01:20:24No one loves me
01:20:28Who are you?
01:20:29I am your...
01:20:31My queen, good girl
01:20:33I know what you want
01:20:36Laura, Laura, Laura
01:20:40Okay, what should I do?
01:20:42Sign right here
01:20:51No, don't do that
01:20:53Don't sign that
01:20:55But everyone will love me
01:20:57But we love you
01:21:00This stupid fish face doesn't love you
01:21:03I'm the only one who can call her that
01:21:06Not yet, stupid mermaid
01:21:10Let's go home, girls
01:21:13It's time for us to say goodbye
01:21:15I have a gift for you
01:21:17Wow, thank you
01:21:21And for you, Laura
01:21:23Forget it
01:21:27Oh girls, I'm going to miss you