• 2 days ago
We chat to a Shrewsbury Paramedic about her love for her Long Hair Dachshund's and about getting ready for Crufts.
00:00Hi, I'm Amy. These are my miniature long-haired Dash-hounds and we're going to Crafts 2025
00:07tomorrow. Is it the first time you've been to Crafts? No. So I've been with my field
00:13spangles before and with Ellie and Mia and Bree before but it's the two puppies first
00:21time at Crafts this year. What is it about Dash-hounds then? Is it Dash-hounds? I say
00:28Dash-hounds. What is it about Dash-hounds then that's kind of captivated you? Well my
00:33family have always had them since kind of the 80s, 90s and they're just, they're such
00:38a big personality and such a little dog and they're just really good companions. They
00:44just want to be with you all the time and they'll either go walking up the woods or
00:49up the hills with you all day or they're quite happy chilling on the sofa with a movie and
00:54they're just, they just want to be with you all the time and they're just really, really
00:57loyal little, little dogs with big personalities. A good, a good cuddle dog for that set, eh
01:02then? Yeah, definitely. So what, how long have you been going to Crafts? I think 2012
01:09was my first year that I've been and then obviously things got a bit hairy during lockdown
01:16and then kind of probably consistency since like 2023 we've been the last few years of
01:22the gang. So what does it, what do you have to do in terms of prepping for the dogs then
01:26to get them ready for Crafts? It's an all, it's a 365 days a year process so that obviously
01:34they've got to have good diet, be kept in good condition, exercise regularly and just
01:39kind of making sure that they're comfortable for showing so going to Ring Craft training
01:46so that's like your show training and making sure that they're happy, well, well-natured dogs.
01:55So the judges will be looking for their, their kind of temperament, their behaviour? Yeah,
01:59temperament and kind of their, their general kind of health and conformation, how they're put
02:04together, how they move in the Ring. So a dog that moves well is generally put well, put together
02:11well and so all that, they'll look at their teeth, their, their general build, their condition,
02:18their coat, the whole picture really. And where do these come from, where's the breeder? So
02:26Ellie and Mia came from a lady in Warphampton, well, Piraten and then Ginny's from down
02:35in Somerset Way and then the other three I bred myself. Oh wow, so is that something you want to
02:40get into more then, the breeding side of things? Yeah, so my grandparents bred them in the 80s
02:46and 90s and have kind of passed the kennel, so Ribbondale is my show name, they've passed that
02:54on to me. Yeah. And now just kind of striving to, I only breed if I'm like looking for my next
03:01dog for the show at Ring. Yeah. So just striving to breed kind of good quality, healthy,
03:08well-tempered. So your uniform gives it away, your day job is a paramedic? Yeah,
03:15yes. There's no bring a dog to work day when you're a paramedic is there? They have visited
03:20sometimes. Have they? Yeah, they, they do love to be made a fuss of. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, no,
03:29I wish they could ride around with us in the ambulance. Be nice. It's nice to come home to
03:32them after a long shift. Yeah, that kind of relaxing, therapeutic element that dogs have.
03:39And they're lovely colours aren't they? Really nice colours. Thank you. So what would, are you
03:44hoping to come back with kind of rosettes or is it just all about just being there and meeting
03:49people and other breeders? It would be lovely to place. Yeah. It's the puppy's first time
03:54there and they've done quite well in the Ring kind of throughout the year,
04:00um, but it's just the experience. It's, it's, it's craftsmess,
04:04it's the highlight of the year. So just, just go in and being part of it's the best part.
