• 2 days ago
Axel Kicillof inauguró la Asamblea Legislativa de la provincia de Buenos Aires y dijo que es un “contexto muy complicado por la compleja realidad que transcurrimos” , Ante los legisladores el gobernador bonaerense denunció que “el presidente amenazó con intervenir la provincia, parece una barbaridad pero es real”.


00:00Attention, we are going to go with Kicillof, attention, I tell the people who are watching us, thank you for this, we have already changed the schedule.
00:07Is Kicillof here? Come on, give me Kicillof live, come on.
00:11President of our province, that is why today I want to start by referring to a recent episode of unprecedented institutional gravity,
00:19a fact without antecedents that we cannot overlook.
00:23I want to summarize it without adjectives, the fact in itself is enough to cause perplexity.
00:28The president of the nation threatened to intervene in the province and intended to throw the governor through social networks.
00:36It seems unreal, it seems a tragicomic dystopia, but it is what happened a few days ago.
00:43Just as it happened recently with a cryptocurrency, the president now says that he did not mean what he said, worse,
00:53that he said it but that he was not internalized in the subject.
00:57I do not know what is worse, to have carried out the threat or to do it and then retreat.
01:03You cannot, president, be impudent, cynical and irresponsible.
01:08It takes the hair of all the political leadership and the whole people with such a serious, delicate and loaded issue of history as a federal intervention.
01:17That is why I am going to read textually his message of February 28.
01:22It says textually, get out of the way, this is a resignation and let the province intervene.
01:28I repeat, get out of the way and let the province intervene.
01:31I was reading the tweet of Javier Milei.
01:33But what were we talking about?
01:35What were we talking about?
01:36One, Milei raised it, it is not Cristina, it is Kicillof.
01:41The opponent to beat, run away from the province of Buenos Aires, is Kicillof.
01:48What does Kicillof do?
01:49He takes off his gloves.
01:51He goes up and says, yes, it's me.
01:53And he is victimized.
01:55He is obviously being victimized by the tweet of Milei, who said to run away and that the province was going to intervene.
02:04Now we have to see what he says, because this is power.
02:08But wait a minute, dear Nico.
02:10The government also ran a little bit of the word intervention.
02:14Do you remember Luis Petri?
02:17When I asked him, they started.
02:19No, no, intervene meant to let us act, as a synonym for acting, not for federal intervention.
02:26It was a lot.
02:27Milei himself clarified it later.
02:29After that tweet, Milei himself came out to clarify that, precisely because they saw that Kicillof was going to use it as he is using it now.
02:37It is already clarified, what Kicillof says is already clarified.
02:39The reaction of the government before the Clinton case was, we promote the low imputability.
02:45Suddenly, Milei's tweet was to run away.
02:47Supposedly, intervention is not intervention.
02:49Let him run away or change his ideology.
02:52So we get into the province of Buenos Aires.
02:55Look, it's sung, I read them, I read them.
02:58They must be the canes that one has.
03:00This enormous president that we have wants to intervene in the province of Buenos Aires.
03:05To you.
03:06Take away all the possibilities of the state that we have given you.
03:09The present state.
03:11The present state.
03:12Pablo, let's take care of the present state, please.
03:15The campaign scheme.
03:16They already have the campaign scheme.
03:18They did not take out the funds.
03:20Appealing to the memory of the people who forget that it was Alberto Fernández who took out the funds to the city of Buenos Aires to give it to Kicillof himself.
03:33Sorry, with a court ruling that they did not comply.
03:35Give me Kicillof.
03:37The political force of the president was defeated in three instances.
03:41Just as the president cannot endorse a financial scam on an international scale, he cannot use the mandate that democracy gave him to tempt against it.
03:50From here I want to remind the president that with democracy and federalism it is not played.
03:57Those threats of my law that were recorded as a new chapter of infamy are not a personal attack.
04:11That is why I mention it.
04:12It is not against me.
04:13It is an attack against the province of Buenos Aires, against democracy, against this legislature, against the constitution and very especially against federalism.
04:22Unfortunately, it does not download.
04:25There is the key.
04:27It is as if we had known the book.
04:29But you read minds too, Pablo.
04:32Mind reader.
04:34It is obvious.
04:36It is obvious.
04:38Underline federalism.
04:41What is Kicillof saying?
04:43Governors of the country, come with me because this unitary ...
04:50He is chanting.
04:53He received support from the governor of Peronism.
04:57I do not know if there is Peronism here.
04:59It seems to me that Lacan is not there.
05:01No, he is not.
05:03Kicillof will want to bring him to a Yarjora.
05:05Kicillof will want to seduce a Sanz.
05:11Those are there.
05:15Zamora, Santiago Lestero.
05:17It was strong too.
05:19Until they came out to clarify it.
05:21The intervention.
05:23Watch the pink house.
05:25I do not know how they will play the political chess with this.
05:29I also imagine that they will answer.
05:31Tranquilos, tranquilos.
05:33The governors with whom they are in this moment in Canada.
05:35But of course, Pablo, of course.
05:37There is Kicillof.
05:39With any governor who dares to defend the interests of his province.
05:44Now, the president seems to forget something fundamental.
05:49He governs the nation.
05:51But he does not govern the provinces.
05:53Governors are not employees of the president.
05:56We represent our people.
06:03And we have the obligation to defend their rights and interests.
06:06That is why I want to be clear.
06:08The province of Buenos Aires is not subject to threats or extortions.
06:12I will not allow the fate of the people of Buenos Aires
06:15to be freed from improvisation, prepotency or resentment that does not respect democracy.
06:21I know that I count on all of you for this task.
06:24Regarding this, I take this opportunity to reiterate my gratitude
06:28for the support received by leaders, political forces,
06:33even those who are not part of our space.
06:37They bravely expressed their rejection of this unconstitutional behavior.
06:44Let us always be united in defense of democracy.
06:50In this context of disintegration
06:54that encourages the desertion of the national state
06:58and the exaltation of selfishness,
07:00the province of Buenos Aires ratifies its commitment to federalism,
07:04democracy and the constitution.
07:06We will continue to work with all the provinces,
07:09regardless of the political sign of the one who governs,
07:13as we have done with Chubut, Corrientes, Rio Negro, La Pampa, Santa Fe.
07:22This is our way of showing solidarity.
07:25He is launching his presidential campaign.
07:29We are building an anti-military democratic front.
07:34I ask the governors to come with me.
07:38I will defend them.
07:40I don't care which party they belong to.
07:43I don't care.
07:45All in defense of democracy.
07:48Stand behind Axel Kicillof.
07:53It is no longer the homeland.
07:55Democracy is in danger.
07:57Let's go on March 24th,
07:59as a Kirchnerist suggested,
08:01with the constitution in hand.
08:03Let's go.
08:05Get ready, Nacho.
08:07You will see on March 24th.
08:09They trampled it.
08:11The constitution was independent.
08:13What Kicillof is saying is not a waste.
08:15Let's go again.
08:17In the next passage,
08:19I will comment on the opening speech
08:21of President Milley's sessions.
08:23The truth is that more than a description of reality,
08:27the president told us a fantasy
08:29that only exists
08:31in his fervent imagination.
08:33That is why I will characterize very briefly
08:35the economic policy
08:37and its real consequences
08:39for this province,
08:41for its districts,
08:43and for its people.
08:45The falsification is not new.
08:47It comes from the electoral campaign,
08:49when he held that the adjustment
08:51and the motocira were not for everyone,
08:53but for a small group
08:55that he called the caste.
08:57As in other plans,
08:59it was a deception.
09:01We said then,
09:05an electoral scam.
09:07The truth is that at this point
09:09no one can escape the fact
09:11that it is an economic program
09:13that has nothing to do with Austria,
09:15with anarcho-capitalist
09:17or liberal-libertarian.
09:19Milley's economic plan,
09:21like several neoliberal plans
09:23in our history,
09:25in particular,
09:27Martínez de Hoz's table,
09:29Caballo's convertibility,
09:31or Macri's first years,
09:33is made up of a few elements.
09:35Planting the dollar,
09:37planting the salaries,
09:39adjusting the budget strongly,
09:41applying tariffs,
09:43and implementing an import opening.
09:45Well, that's it.
09:47Do we agree that he is launching
09:49the presidential campaign?
09:51He is linking CryptoGate
09:53with Milley's campaign promises.
09:57In addition, he chose to talk
09:59about Milley's speech
10:01and the opening of ordinary sessions.
10:03He is doing the opening
10:05of such an emblematic legislature.
10:07So transparent.
10:11They never talked about the chocolate case
10:13in any of the games,
10:15but it doesn't matter.
10:17What did Kicillof say
10:19about Cristina?
10:21He didn't say Cristina.
10:23Neither Maximo nor Cristina.
10:25No, before he would have said
10:27Cristina, Maximo,
10:29he would have named her ten times.
10:31You say that Kicillof is
10:33decristining himself.
10:35And he has an advisor
10:37who tells him what to do
10:39to make Cristina angry all the time.
10:41I think he wants to wear
10:43a moderate suit.
10:45He wants to wear a suit.
10:47Cristina should be irritated.
10:49Cristina should be irritated.
10:51Kicillof also advises him
10:53what to do to irritate everyone.
10:55Wait, does Cuervo La Roque
10:57advise him to be moderate?
10:59No, he advises him to do this
11:01to make Maximo angry.
11:03Ah, he is a specialist
11:05in making Maximo angry.
11:07They tell me that Kicillof
11:09doesn't stop throwing titles.
11:11While in the imagination
11:13of the president
11:15and everything grows,
11:17in reality we have the worst
11:19levels of consumption
11:21of meat, milk
11:23and grass in decades.
11:25Sometimes of the whole series
11:27or in 100 years.
11:29Of course, if there is no consumption
11:31there are no sales and therefore
11:33production and employment are destroyed.
11:35The estimate of economic activity
11:37of the province
11:39recorded a fall of 4.4%
11:41in the first 13 months of my law.
11:43If we take away
11:45the recovery of the agricultural sector
11:47after the drought of the previous year
11:49the fall is of 6.8%.
11:53there are not many
11:55historical episodes
11:57of this fall in production.
11:59And while the industry
12:01collapsed by 10%
12:03and construction by 27%.
12:05As a consequence
12:07of this economic policy
12:09thousands and thousands
12:11of jobs were lost.
12:13170,000 formal jobs
12:15were destroyed.
12:17If we include the informal jobs
12:19we reach 230,000
12:21jobs were destroyed.
12:23A quarter of a million jobs
12:25were destroyed by my law.
12:27There are 207,000
12:29new unemployed people
12:31all over the country
12:33and this is the fact
12:35that I wanted to share with you.
12:37Of these 207,000,
12:39they are from Buenos Aires.
12:45Let's discuss the economy.
12:47Economist against economist.
12:49When you give statistics.
12:51Let's go to Cristina's Twitter.
12:55In a little while
12:57she will want to go up.
12:59What is also striking
13:01is that someone who has been in power
13:03for two terms,
13:05the province of Buenos Aires
13:07chooses to talk about the inauguration speech
13:09of the president of the nation
13:11and not to give accounts
13:13to the Buenos Aires people.
13:15Dear Lucia,
13:17the political system
13:19revolves around my law.
13:21Nobody has anything new to offer
13:23except his opposition to my law.
13:25And well, Kicillof wants to be
13:27the new offer.
13:31Do you know who told my law?
13:33Stop talking about Cristina.
13:35Cristina is a very important leader
13:37of the Buenos Aires Peronism.
13:39If you don't show yourself as something new
13:43you will continue to be the old young boy
13:45that was Cristina's promise
13:47and that ended up sinking you.
13:49Let's see if he does.
13:51But my law decided
13:53to stop answering to Cristina
13:55and go up to the reign of Kicillof.
13:57That was advised by someone who knows a lot
13:59about the Buenos Aires Peronism.
14:01Now we will have to see
14:03if Kicillof is going to advance
14:05in the pro-Buenos Aires.
14:07Let's see.
14:09From what we just heard,
14:11not the whole speech,
14:13the legislative campaign
14:15is not being launched.
14:17Kicillof is already
14:21the presidential campaign
14:23that he imagines.
14:25The January 27th campaign.
14:27Yes, of course.
14:29Without 2025, Kicillof,
14:31there is no 2027.
14:33If he leaves the land to Cristina,
14:35Cristina will monopolize the opposition
14:37in the face of 2027
14:39and Kicillof will have nothing to do.
14:43Give me one more paragraph.
14:45In his speech, he also
14:47deployed a new deception.
14:49He maintains that the worst has already happened
14:51and that we are already going through
14:53a short-term recovery.
14:55I ask you to explain it
14:57to the quarter of a million
14:59unemployed workers.
15:01I ask you to explain it
15:03to the PYME businessmen
15:05who had to close their industries.
15:07I ask you to explain it
15:09to the small agricultural producers
15:11who suffer from these policies.
15:13I ask you to explain it
15:15to the retirees,
15:17to the workers
15:19and to the middle sectors
15:21who lose their rights
15:23and do not reach the end of the month.
15:25These are the losers.
15:27This is the protocol act.
15:29Then the campaign act
15:31will come.
15:33The campaign act
15:35of Kicillof.
15:37Let's imagine
15:39if this is the protocol act,
15:41an act of barricade,
15:43how will the act be
15:45in the face of militancy?
15:47I want to add to this table
15:49this very interesting debut
15:51of H17,
15:53to Damian Di Pace.
15:55A Kicillof trying to discuss
15:57from equal to equal,
15:59economist to economist,
16:01to President Milley.
16:03How are you Damian?
16:05How are you Pablo?
16:07Good afternoon, a pleasure.
16:09Did you manage to hear
16:11something from Kicillof's speech?
16:13Yes, yes, absolutely.
16:15And what do you see?
16:17Well, the reality is that
16:19understanding how the province
16:21of Buenos Aires is,
16:23the reality is that
16:25the people of Buenos Aires
16:27are Kicillof's employees.
16:29And I'll tell you why
16:31they are Kicillof's employees.
16:33When you see municipal rates,
16:35the province of Buenos Aires
16:37has to become a tea house.
16:39When you see gross income,
16:41the province of Buenos Aires
16:43has its gross income.
16:45So the reality is that
16:47at least all the people
16:49who live in the province
16:51of Buenos Aires
16:53are Kicillof's employees.
16:55The reality is that
16:57in economic terms,
16:59basically because the accounts
17:01were not closed and because
17:03the tax pressure has risen
17:05in a bestial way, Pablo.
17:07So I say, it's not that
17:09the people of Buenos Aires
17:11are not President's employees,
17:13I think they are Kicillof's employees.
17:15Briefly, did the markets
17:17shake, did they affect Argentina?
17:19Did the dollar bonds
17:21have a recovery view?
17:23Did this paper
17:25or this document
17:27published by the Bank of America
17:29help a little?
17:31With some of the reasons
17:33that would encourage Argentina
17:35to have a view, basically recommending
17:37Argentine bonds after the lows.
17:39Keep in mind that the floor
17:41of the Risk Country of Argentina
17:43was the arrival of the Magi.
17:45January 6, 561 basic points.
17:47From there, it did not stop climbing.
17:49And today, after all that period,
17:51we have a correction to the low.
17:53The bonds go up in some way.
17:55The Bank of America
17:57recommends Argentine bonds
17:59as an investment asset
18:01and it bases several
18:03foundations in which it recommends.
18:05The first is that
18:07Argentina has
18:09a situation of very important
18:11microeconomic reforms through
18:13regulatory processes of its economy.
18:15And the great
18:17sword of the government
18:19has to do with the fiscal
18:21and the probability
18:23that it has a good election
18:25because the population has surpassed
18:27in a very complex year like 2024
18:29the adjustment of the public sector
18:31and public spending.
18:33Give me another part
18:35about Kicillof, winners and losers
18:37in the model of President Milley.
18:45But the great, great winner
18:47is the speculative sector.
18:49There is a lot of talk
18:51about the financial bike and the carry trade.
18:53In this type of plans,
18:55the same
18:57that reduces inflation
18:59facilitates the tomb.
19:01The dollar is artificially still.
19:03I explain it easily.
19:05If someone
19:07entered Argentina with dollars
19:09and put them in a fixed term
19:11with dollars
19:13in February of 2024
19:15his earnings in dollars
19:17was 100%.
19:19This does not exist
19:21in any part of the planet.
19:23They tell us
19:25that they want to destroy the State.
19:27But this profit,
19:29this profitability is
19:31purely guaranteed by the State
19:33and it will fall on the back of our people.
19:35There is not
19:37something similar in the world
19:39in terms of financial speculation.
19:41Passing the clean.
19:43The Argentine and Bonarense
19:45productive framework is being destroyed.
19:47Workers from the labor market
19:49are being expelled.
19:51Work conditions are becoming precarious
19:53and deteriorating
19:55the conditions of our industry
19:57in the short and medium term.
19:59There are many losers and few winners.
20:01And that results
20:03in a greater concentration
20:05of wealth in the hands of few.
20:07More inequality, fewer opportunities
20:09and therefore less freedom.
20:11Well, the only Kirchnerist
20:13with power
20:15who wants to de-Kirchnerize
20:17to compete with my law.
20:19The only Kirchnerist with real power
20:21who has any chance
20:23of disputing power
20:25is doing ...
20:27But you can.
20:29Because part of the asset
20:31that Silovo has is that it represents
20:33the extreme vote of Cristina.
20:35He is talking to those people.
20:37Then he has to dispute power
20:39with the Kirchnerists.
20:41Because the elections are missing
20:43in the province of Buenos Aires.
20:45That is a mess.
20:47There will be national elections
20:49with a single ballot.
20:51And then it is not defined
20:53if in the provincial election
20:55in which leaders or officials
20:57are elected for the municipalities
20:59there will be peace or not.
21:01There may be a triple election.
21:03Damien, to close.
21:05The only way for the government
21:07to respond to Kicillof
21:09is to maintain the economic plan.
21:11That is, it needs to bet
21:13on the catastrophe
21:15of the economic plan of my law.
21:17I have you muted.
21:19Damien, let's see.
21:21I stayed with the issue
21:23of financial speculation.
21:25You imagine
21:27that we had been left
21:29from the previous government
21:31with bonuses of 27.
21:33They were absolutely deteriorated.
21:35The country's risk was 3,000 points.
21:37Well, if the recomposition
21:39of the expectation
21:41of the economic agents
21:43who had investment
21:45believe that this process
21:47will be better than the one we had
21:49for me, in short,
21:51the one who invests and buys
21:53a PAE or IPF corporate bonus
21:55is growing
21:57and those sectors will grow.
21:59I don't see speculation
22:01more than the credibility
22:03that there will indeed be
22:05profit returns.
22:07That there was a gain in Argentine bonds
22:09and that in recent days
22:11there was also some uncertainty.
22:13It is also real, we are saying it now.
22:15Hence, we have
22:17an absolutely disruptive
22:19scenario. I don't see it.
22:21I think that if Argentina
22:23closes an agreement with the
22:25International Monetary Fund,
22:27the dollars we need
22:29and then we are indeed
22:31in a very convulsed world.
22:33It is not so easy to foresee a future
22:35in a local and global present
22:37very complex.
22:39Well, Dami, thank you very much.
22:41We continue.
22:43Damián Dipache.
22:45Kicillof continues.
22:47It has just begun, I would tell you.
22:49It has just begun.
22:51It will be for a long time.
22:53Do you want to copy Cristina
22:55in those long speeches?
22:57Two hours, three.
22:59Meanwhile, Kicillof wants to
23:01give the government
23:03in the Senate
23:05a slap in the face, right?
23:07Yes, tomorrow is a key day
23:09because the Court has to decide
23:11whether or not the path to the jury
23:13should be given to Lijo as Minister of the Court
23:15and in turn to the Senate.
23:17Kicillof, Peronism there,
23:19what it says is that it will not approve
23:21the files of these ministers
23:23to commission,
23:25in the course of a year.
23:27If those files do not go through the Senate,
23:29Manuel García Mancilla,
23:31who already swore last week,
23:33at the end of the year,
23:35will stop being Minister of the Court.
23:37For now, they are letters
23:39that we do not know.
23:41What will the Court do?
23:43It is a blank page,
23:45an unpublished case.
23:47With Lijo, right?
23:49Peronism, yes, lock
23:51and, even if Lijo swears,
23:53at the beginning,
23:55a negotiation can be opened.
23:57Give me the last cut of Kicillof.
23:59Eduardo Feinman is already preparing
24:01with the news of A24,
24:03with all his crew.
24:05Put me Kicillof, come on.
24:07It is incredible.
24:09The International Monetary Fund
24:11is a last-minute lender
24:13of the countries.
24:15That means
24:17that it is to help
24:19from its foundation
24:21and according to its statutes
24:23to countries that suffer great crises
24:25or that are directly
24:27in bankruptcy.
24:29My law celebrates
24:31that the IMF
24:33is going to put fresh money,
24:35as the previous government
24:37celebrated ours.
24:39But we all know
24:41that the more loans ...
24:43It is a machine to throw titles.
24:45We take a break.
24:47We have the last part.
24:49It is already being prepared,
24:51just arrived from a spectacular trip,
24:53an unforgettable trip
24:55through Israel with many experiences,
24:57human political experiences, very, very strong.
