Max Richter's Sleep | movie | 2020 | Official Trailer | dG1fUGxkdVZzbXV0LWs
Short filmTranscript
00:00I've never heard anyone say,
00:02oh, things are just getting so much slower.
00:06Everything is always up.
00:08It's moving forward.
00:10That's how life works.
00:12Things just speed up.
00:16When we're sleeping,
00:18we're not absent.
00:22It's a different cognitive state.
00:26What happens in the brain is you've got lots of cells
00:28and they're all doing their own thing.
00:30But when you fall asleep, they come into concert more
00:32and move as a group.
00:34There's this incredible thing that happens
00:36when you start drifting in and out
00:38of this dreamy space.
00:40Would it be interesting to make a piece
00:42which is made to exist in that space?
00:44Not necessarily to be listened to,
00:46but to be experienced.
00:50This is something which has never happened
00:52and probably never will again.
00:54This concept of musicians
00:56surrounded by sleeping people
00:58somehow takes you away from the
01:00individual details of your own life.
01:04This piece is obviously
01:06very extreme in some ways.
01:08It's a big juggernaut of a thing.
01:10I wanted to build a language which had a directness.
01:12To help us navigate our way
01:14through the chaos that we live in.
01:16A ritual which shifts
01:18your state of mind.
01:22It hits your soul.
01:24It makes me feel connected to this world.
01:30Music is my vehicle
01:32for getting through life.
01:34I write music to do that.
01:36It is as if he had found
01:38something that has a way
01:40of getting through life.
01:42It is as if he had found
01:44something that has already existed
01:46for thousands of years.
01:48It's like moving from
01:50a space which we know into
01:52a space we don't know.
01:54Into the dark.