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¿Crees que sabías todo sobre el cine? Desmantelaremos mitos y expondremos la verdad detrás de algunas de las leyendas más famosas del cine que todo el mundo cree.


00:00I thought you said she was dead.
00:02That was her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East.
00:04This is the Wicked Witch of the West.
00:30Who's my watch?
00:39Yes, there are some watches that mark 4.20 in the movie.
00:43A couple of which can be seen in the House of Employment when Butch goes to save Marcellus.
00:47But not all of them.
00:48And there are many takes of watches in the movie that do not mark 4.20.
00:52Including the one that Captain Coons gives to Butch as a child.
00:56You know, the one that is used where the sun does not shine.
00:59This watch was on your daddy's wrist when they were shot down over Hanoi.
01:03Number 9.
01:04Braveheart did not roll in three weeks.
01:08We do not know where this came from, but a rumor states that Mel Gibson only took three weeks to shoot Braveheart.
01:15If it were true, it would not surprise us much.
01:21Having seen the movie many times, it seems more likely that it took three weeks to record one of these incredible battle sequences.
01:30Actually, Gibson and the team were from June to October 1994 shooting the movie in Ireland and Scotland.
01:37Nothing good is done in a hurry, so we are glad to see that Gibson took the time he needed to capture his vision.
01:54Number 8.
01:55Number 8.
01:56David Irr only had two weeks to write the script for Suicide Squad.
02:00Although anyone who has seen the 2016 movie may think that the script was written quickly,
02:06the rumor of the two weeks that has spread so much is not true.
02:15This is said by the person who knows best, the screenwriter himself and director David Irr.
02:20When someone on Twitter repeated the false statement, he replied.
02:24The script in two weeks is a garbage meme.
02:33It could also be an affirmation that people would use to describe the script and the movie itself, but we are digressing.
02:45Number 7.
02:47Number 7.
02:48It was not in the script of Pink John Malkovich that the can hit John Malkovich.
02:53We have to recognize the merit to whom he created the director's false comment.
02:57If we did not know, we would believe that it was Spike Jonze talking about how an extra got drunk on set,
03:03threw the can of beer at Malkovich and they left him in the movie because he loved it.
03:07But the truth is that the scene was written.
03:10A fact that John Malkovich himself has confirmed in multiple interviews in an attempt to refute the rumor.
03:18However, one thing that is true is that the guy who threw the can hit Malkovich
03:23right in the back of the head in the first take.
03:26That is a real cinematographic curiosity.
03:38Number 6.
03:39The rain of Singing in the Rain was milk.
03:42There are many false curiosities around this iconic movie,
03:46in particular the scene in which Gene Kelly literally dances and sings under the rain.
03:52I'm singing in the rain
03:55Just singing in the rain
03:58What a glorious feeling
04:02I'm happy again
04:05Although there are those who like to say that Kelly filmed the whole sequence in one take,
04:09the truth is that it took between two and three days to finish it.
04:14Then there is a curiousity that affirms that the rain of the scene was mixed with milk
04:19to make it look better on camera.
04:21Come on with the rain
04:23I have a smile on my face
04:27The truth is that yes, they had to take certain measures to make the rain look on screen,
04:32but it was not done with milk, it was done against the light.
04:36Dancing and singing in the rain
04:45Number 5.
04:46Snow White is the first animated film in history.
04:49To answer this question correctly, you have to listen very carefully.
04:54You will see, although it may seem a technicism,
04:57Snow White by Walt Disney is the first long-term animated film ever made.
05:07But it is not the first animated film in history.
05:10That honor is due to a German release in 1926 called The Adventures of Prince Achmed,
05:17which was created with a silhouette animation technique.
05:23Well, it is actually the oldest animated feature film that is preserved.
05:28Before Prince Achmed, two films were made in Argentina, but they were lost.
05:33Do you see what we mean by listening to the question?
05:37Number 4.
05:38Jenny dies of AIDS in Forrest Gump.
05:40It cannot be denied how heartbreaking it is when Jenny dies at the end of the film.
05:44What can be denied is that her death was considered the AIDS virus.
05:51Winston Groom, who wrote the novel in which the film is based,
05:54has said that in his mind the virus that took Jenny's life was hepatitis.
05:59However, it should be noted that the screenwriter Eric Rapp admitted that in the film
06:04they wanted it to be AIDS.
06:10The fact is that the virus is never mentioned in the film,
06:13and when they asked director Robert Zemeckis if it was AIDS, he said,
06:17it could have been AIDS, but it doesn't matter.
06:25Number 3.
06:26Heath Ledger improvised the scene of the explosion in The Dark Knight.
06:35This may be the most famous scene of The Dark Knight,
06:39in which the Joker leaves after exploding the hospital in the background.
06:43The moment of the explosion does not come out as planned,
06:46and he hits the detonator several times to make it work.
06:53The popular version behind the scenes is that the fact that the explosion did not occur immediately
06:58was a mishap in the set with which Heath Ledger managed to improvise.
07:03Although it is a good story, it is completely false.
07:06As Christopher Nolan himself has stated, every second of that scene was rehearsed without stopping,
07:12and it came out exactly as it should.
07:18Number 2.
07:19A Munchkin died during The Wizard of Oz.
07:27When the Wizard of Oz movie comes out in a conversation,
07:30normally there are two things that you will almost certainly hear someone say.
07:34There are the people who will ask you if you have ever seen the movie
07:38synchronized with The Dark Side of the Moon,
07:40and at least one person who has to talk to you about the Munchkin hanging in the background.
07:51Although it is great to see the movie synchronized with Pink Floyd's album,
07:55you can be sure that there is no body on the screen.
07:58What you are seeing is the silhouette of a bird in the set,
08:01something that is more clearly seen in the 1980 television show.
08:12Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
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08:22You will surely like them.
08:24Now, let's go to the end.
08:26Number 1.
08:27Hitchcock directed the famous logo of the MGM.
08:33There are many parts in this myth, so be patient.
08:36The story goes that Alfred Hitchcock was directing The Lion
08:40in the iconic logo of the MGM,
08:42when two thieves sneaked into the studio.
08:44The Lion killed one and the other was run over by a car while trying to escape.
08:49The next day, the animal, very affected by the events, killed his coach.
08:55It is not surprising that the whole story is an invention,
08:58including the fact that Hitchcock directed the sequence.
09:02You can also be comforted by the fact that there is no evidence
09:05that any of the MGM lions have attacked anyone.
09:08As for the famous photo of him with a lion,
09:11it was a North by Northwest promotion.
09:20What is your favorite real curiosity about movies?
09:24Check smartphones during trivia, it's against the rules.
09:26Ok, I'm turning it off.
09:28Tell us in the comments if you do not miss these other videos of WatchMojo Spanish.
