• 2 days ago
Shade Grown Coffee | movie | 2020 | Official Trailer | dG1fWVduLUYzb0pBM0U
00:00It's addictive. Just the smell, then you get to the taste, and that's it. You're hooked.
00:09When people drink their cup of coffee, they don't realize all that's going on beforehand.
00:13It's an incredible process.
00:16Coffee is grown in the most biologically diverse regions of the world.
00:20Shade-grown coffee is coffee that has tall trees over it that provide shade,
00:27and the shade is like a forest.
00:31If all farms were to go conventional, sun-grown, well, we'd have a lot of coffee in the world,
00:38and we'd probably also have some very long-term consequences to deal with
00:44because of the way the land is treated.
00:46Soil erosion, perhaps water contamination, workers being exposed to agrochemicals, pesticides.
00:55If the people who buy and drink coffee want coffee to be produced in a sustainable way, it will be.
01:00If they don't, it won't be.
01:02You can do a lot of good just by drinking coffee.
01:05It's a great way to feel good. It's a great way to start the day.
01:10For coffee to be sustainable, it has to be sustainable for everyone.
01:14The roaster, the buyer, the farmer, the farm worker.
01:19For all the people involved in the supply chain.
01:23The market price has been down to around $1 a pound.
01:27You can't even produce coffee at that cost.
01:30My coffee is not only just regular coffee. It is a forest coffee.
01:34It is really deep forest.
01:36We are in the middle of the jungle.
01:40I don't want animals to go away. I don't want forest to go away.
01:45I want coffee with the forest to be alive together, and then animals to be together there.
01:52There's a lot of other life that has to go on on the farm apart from the coffee.
01:58Birds are ecological indicators that tell us how our ecosystems are doing.
02:03We have 50% fewer songbirds today than we had just 40 years ago.
02:07So that tells us there's something very wrong with the ecosystem supporting those birds.
02:11And those are the same ecosystems supporting us.
02:15We need to plant for the future and grow for the future.
02:19That's what sustainability is.
