An unapologetic immersion into Florida's redneck mudding culture. Video Pat is a mudding enthusiast who must question hi | dG1fOVJObVJORkdJN2c
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00:00I can't deal with all that concrete roads every corner you friggin turn.
00:11It was not my life.
00:14Maybe one was my life.
00:23I'm not going to sit here and say that a large part of a Rednecks activity in the woods is trespassing,
00:27but I'd be kind of full of shit if I wasn't.
00:32If I could fishtail saw.
00:35I can tell you damn sure that a lot of the places I've gone, technically should I have been there?
00:39Probably not.
00:45There's a lot of rebellion in the culture running back to moonshiners back in the day
00:49when they first started putting them big motors in trucks and big tires on trucks
00:53trying to get away from the Yankees and the launch.
00:57Before it gets too late, it's like a mile around. It's really nice.
01:00The South's been rebelling since the Civil War. We ain't never really stopped.