• last week
#bulldozerforest #dozerforest #bulldozerinforest

Watch as a Bulldozer D6R XL opens an old road covered by dense forest, clearing thick vegetation and obstacles with incredible power. This massive land-clearing project showcases the strength of the Caterpillar D6R XL as it carves through overgrown terrain, bringing an abandoned road back to life.

In this video, you'll witness the full process of road clearing, from the first push through thick undergrowth to the final smooth path. Whether you love heavy machinery, land development, or just want to see an amazing transformation, this video is a must-watch!

✅ D6R XL bulldozing through thick trees and brush
✅ Step-by-step road restoration from overgrown forest to clear path
✅ The power and efficiency of Caterpillar's D6R XL in action
✅ Professional techniques for clearing roads using heavy equipment



