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00:00How is it that I'm the host, and yet Danny has less ping?
00:05That makes no sense.
00:07No servers in my house. Oh, and now we all have the same ping, oh.
00:10Well, it's like, it's like, it's like periods, our pings are all stinking up now. Oh, yeah, true, they're starting to equalize.
00:17So true.
00:21Oh, wait, there's levels.
00:23Yeah, okay. Hey guys.
00:25There's levels to this shit.
00:27How do I Fortnite dance?
00:30Hit Q.
00:32You go little.
00:36Wait, guys, look at me.
00:38When it's cold outside, am I right?
00:40No, no, that's way too big, you have to go lower.
00:44Oh, sorry.
00:46When it's cold outside.
00:50I'm sure this has been said by a million people on the internet, but the talking reminds me of South Park Canadians.
00:56Yeah, it definitely does.
00:58Or Blue from Imaginary Friends.
01:00Oh, yeah.
01:02Foster's Home.
01:04Alright, let's go.
01:06Don't worry.
01:08Oh, I broke it on the wall.
01:10I stepped on the ocarina.
01:12Close the door on him.
01:16Oh, nice.
01:18Wait, check this out, check this out.
01:22Oh, wait, you can text a speech?
01:28I'll show you that then.
01:38Oh, blow him up!
01:40You broke it, Jesus Christ.
01:46Did one of us die?
01:48What was that?
01:50No, I think he did damage to me, I'm at 70% health.
01:52Oh, gotcha.
01:54Oh, way to tank it.
01:56Jesus was just in there.
01:58He was just staring at me.
02:02I'll move forward.
02:04Oh, shit!
02:06How do we fight?
02:12Oh, hey.
02:20Oh my god.
02:26Can I, like,
02:28grab her foot and
02:30trip her?
02:32Oh, shit!
02:38What a fucking idiot.
02:40Is it just me?
02:42Oh, nice, good to see ya.
02:44I think we can revive people by bringing these back to the start.
02:46Oh, okay.
02:48Is it just Chase?
02:50No, I think Matt's over here.
02:52Oh, okay.
02:54And, yeah, Monster's
02:56back there.
03:02Wait, can I hit her with this?
03:04Because it made you fly.
03:14Oh, you got a whole
03:18Yeah, how much are we looking at?
03:22Okay, so we're almost there.
03:24There is another thing in that room as well.
03:26Just in there to the right.
03:28Yeah, here, I'll keep this slabbed up.
03:30I can't grab it.
03:32Can you grab that teapot down there?
03:34Yeah, I got it. Oh, that's 14...
03:40That was the exact amount we needed.
03:42Oh, shit.
03:44Oh, wait, you got a chest here?
03:48Here we go.
03:50Jackpot, 600. Oh, huge, huge.
03:52One more, hang on.
03:54Is it Jim?
03:56Oh, it exploded.
03:58It's alright, we'll get the next one.
04:02Okay, I think we're at our
04:04cap here. Oh, bad guy, bad guy, bad guy.
04:10I'm going to lead it away from you, okay?
04:12Okay, yeah, yeah.
04:18You're a hero, Danny.
04:24Oh, I'm so greedy.
04:36Did we win?
04:42Oh, hello?
04:44Hey, welcome back, guys.
04:50No, Danny's all alone in the afterlife.
04:52Wait, did Danny die?
04:54You know, fuck it, I'll run on one health.
04:56I don't care, just don't hit me with stuff.
04:58Wait, can you not afford a small one?
05:02Alright, I'm ready.
05:04I'm pretty good.
05:06Are you guys ready to buy?
05:08Yeah, I think that's good.
05:10Oh, God.
05:12What the fuck just happened?
05:16I didn't realize I could use them.
05:18Oh, yeah, you can just throw the stuff.
05:20Wait, that seems... bad?
05:22Oh, God!
05:32Wait, can I just use the medpack, then?
05:36Wait, that's such a good call!
05:38You can't, you can't, you can't.
05:40What happens if I walk with this outside of the store?
05:42Do I blow up?
05:44Wait, wait, wait, let me grab something, too.
05:46Oh, yeah, grab something.
05:48Everyone shoplift, everyone shoplift.
05:50Is there a large health pack somewhere?
05:54Surely nothing bad will happen.
05:56You guys exploded the store, I can't find anything.
05:58Come on.
06:00Come on, baby.
06:02Come on, baby.
06:04No, but the stuff we bought is back here.
06:08And here.
06:10Come on, baby.
06:12Make it hurt so good.
06:14Oh, Swift Broom Academy.
06:16Oh, Hogwarts.
06:22Look at that!
06:24We know what we're doing now, this should be smooth.
06:28I'll be a cart guy.
06:30I wonder how many squads we'll find.
06:36It's a love potion.
06:38What did you just type?
06:42Wait, did you type that or did it do it for you?
06:44No, I didn't even type that.
06:46Yeah, it is an actual love potion.
06:58That's funny.
07:00That's cute.
07:02Can you throw it at the monster you think
07:04and have it fall in love with you?
07:06That's such a good idea, you can try it.
07:10I'm sorry, you got in the way of my pocket watch.
07:14Guys, I don't want to alarm everyone,
07:16we're already at $4.
07:18We're rich.
07:20Wait, we're at $4,000.
07:22Oh, is that not a period?
07:24No, it's $4,639.
07:28Also, there's got to be a way to open this lock.
07:30Wait, wait, wait.
07:32You thought we were at $4.63
07:34and nine nanocents?
07:36I thought the numbers were really small
07:38because we were like, well,
07:40you round up the penny, Charlie.
07:42You round up the 64.
07:44You're right, you're so right.
07:48Oh, God.
07:52Onward and upward.
07:54Yes, Papa.
07:58What's my zero out of two mean?
08:00What's this?
08:02That's, um...
08:04I don't know.
08:08Are you at $2,400 for this game?
08:12The portkey's bad!
08:22Oh, no, wait, what?
08:26What's it doing?
08:30Oh, good find!
08:32Oh, that's what I exploded
08:34against the car last time.
08:36Wait, we have...
08:38We have so much money right now.
08:42Yeah, I hear precision.
08:44Wait, class?
08:46Wait, what?
08:48It says run.
08:52We have to listen to it.
08:56Oh, can I wear this?
08:58It's buggy.
09:02Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
09:06Behind me!
09:08What the fuck is that?
09:10What the fuck is that?
09:12How do we fight it?
09:14Wait, maybe...
09:16Do we have anything to throw at it?
09:20What the fuck?
09:22Oh, my God!
09:24Oh, help!
09:26Oh, my God!
09:28Wait, I'm inside of it.
09:30Wait, I'm controlling it.
09:32Are you okay?
09:34Yeah, what the hell?
09:36He's evil.
09:38No, wait, this is good.
09:40I can fight!
09:42Keep talking!
09:44Alright, what do I sound like?
09:46You sound like a really deep voice.
09:48Oh, I like that.
09:50Holy shit!
09:52It's the headman!
09:54The headman is here, I'm fighting it!
10:02We'll get it on our way back.
10:04This is a $5,000 fucking base.
10:06You want me to carry it?
10:08Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:10Should we toss it on the platform?
10:22I think you eradicated
10:24the beast when you died.
10:26We haven't seen any...
10:28I killed him!
10:30Oh, you did?
10:32Yes, what happened?
10:34What the fuck, Matt?
10:36He blew up his soul.
10:38What was that?
10:40Holy shit!
10:42Stay back, I'll get him!
10:44Come on!
10:48What the fuck?
10:52I'm gonna kill him with Matt's head.
10:54Oh god, watch out.
10:56No, no, no!
10:58No, god!
11:00Oh god, oh god!
11:08I fucking fooled him.
11:10He thought you were Rubble.
11:14He mistook you for Debris.
11:16What an idiot.
11:22He's just standing there, man.
11:26He looks like a Hotel Transylvania character.
11:30Do we have anything to throw at him?
11:32I don't think so.
11:34We can extract.
11:38Oh, oh.
11:40I found something really cool.
11:44Oh, okay, I thought you...
11:46What the fuck?
11:48Yeah, you looking tranced right now.
11:50Hold on.
11:52Yeah, everything's moving in slow motion right now.
11:56Oh my god.
11:58What the fuck?
12:06Yeah, I'll get the cart so you don't have to travel this far.
12:18What was that?
12:28There we go.
12:30What a weird...
12:34That was cool.
12:36Well, it's ours now.
12:38Yeah, wait, we can't extract there.
12:40We already used it, so we have to go to the one up here.
12:42Go to the one where?
12:44There's one over here, I'm pretty sure.
12:48Because there's question marks on it, so I think that's extraction.
13:02There we go.
13:04Is he gone?
13:06Yeah, he's gone.
13:08Oh, I found an item. Last one.
13:12I got a couple as well.
13:26Good shit.
13:28Oh my god.
13:30Welcome back.
13:32That time...
13:38The head is back.
13:42Protect me.
13:58Do we need to bring the cart back, do you think?
14:02Surely not.
14:04Okay, let's extract then.
14:06He's right here.
14:08He's right here.
14:16He left.
14:18Oh god, not again!
14:20Leave me alone!
14:26He's coming around us.
14:28Don't throw up on me.
14:30I'm trying not to. It's on me again.
14:32Oh, head man! Head man!
14:34Oh, not again!
14:36Don't throw up on him!
14:38I did.
14:40God, please let it be enough.
14:42Oh my god, he just left.
14:52Wait, what happened?
14:54He couldn't get me for so long.
14:56He threw up.
14:58I don't know.
15:00I'm going.
15:02See you on the other side, brother.
15:04Run, Matt, run!
15:06I'm out of energy already.
15:16I see head man.
15:20Come on, Matt, you can do this.
15:24This is what you were born for.
15:30Can you hear me?
15:42Head man is in front of me.
15:44I'm gonna kill him.
15:50Oh god, he's in the truck.
15:54I'll get him away.
15:56Go, go, go, go, go.
16:00Oh my god.
16:08Leave me alone!
16:10Leave me alone!
16:12What the fuck?
16:14That dude doesn't fuck around.
16:16What the fuck?
16:18It's like the Crimson Djinn's dad.
16:20What is happening?
16:22He knows.
16:24Yeah, that's right, rat tail.
16:26Keep going.
16:28You don't need to come back.
16:32No, so close.
16:34All our money.
16:36You taunted him too much.
16:38I taunted him.
16:40I shouldn't have called him rat tail.
16:42He hates that.
16:48Wait, did it say disposal arena?
16:52Oh, do we play against each other now?
16:54Oh, we fight.
16:58Nuclear waste.
17:04Have at thee.
17:10I've got a big bowling ball.
17:12Oh god!
17:14I have a ducky.
17:16Oh my god, the doll.
17:22Come on, baby.
17:28Sneak attack.
17:30Oh my god.
17:32Okay, okay, okay.
17:34Oh, fuck my shield.
17:38Danny found a weapon
17:40that's too good.
17:42No one gets it.
17:44No one gets it.
17:46What are we fighting over?
17:48It's mine, Matt.
17:50Oh god!
17:56Alright, I got this.
17:58I got this.
18:00Wait, what happened to Danny?
18:02I don't know.
18:06Oh shit.
18:08Oh god.
18:10Atta boy, Chase.
18:12Yeah, good work.
18:14Chase, did you throw
18:16something at me?
18:20I was fine and something whipped across the arena.
18:22Oh, did we lose?
18:24Yeah, we lost.