00:00The only person I personally know that got eaten by an anaconda, he went down to the river, he was drunk at night and he tried to get a drink, never came back, they looked for him, everybody was partying, in the morning they went looking for him, and there was an anaconda, and they can't dive when they've just eaten, so this huge anaconda with a human-shaped lump, I've come extremely close to that.
00:16Once I got wrapped, we were trying to study the snake, we were trying to measure it, I got wrapped, and the thing is you grab it by the head, you gotta control the head, and then it wraps my arms, and now my forearms are pinned together, and then it wraps my shoulders, and now my collarbone,
00:27and my shoulders are coming closer together as the snake's coils are coming in, it's like a 300-pound snake, huge snake, we're talking like thicker than a basketball, this thing's wrapped me, I'm losing oxygen, I'm trying to scream for my friend, nothing's coming out.
00:39These guys are running in, just as my collarbones are about to crack, they grab the tail, and the only way to unwrap it is to grab the tail, I still had the head, but I was completely out of control, if they didn't show up, that snake would have crushed every bone in my body, and then gone back in the water.