• 11 hours ago
Why Floyd Mayweather Drinks Cola🥊🥤

Source: @joerogan

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00:00Floyd Mayweather used to have a crazy workouts, and he would crack open a Pepsi and people like what the fuck is he doing?
00:05He's crazy, but no he's nice smart, and you would think there's no way this guy
00:08He treats his body like a temple, but he does he's smart that guy did it the right way never drank
00:13Never partied would run home from the club to if boxing is hit and don't get hit who's better than Floyd
00:18How many people cracked it in his career Shane cracked him?
00:21I knocked his tooth out, and then would carry it around on a gold necklace
00:24I want to see it in the fight it flies out of his mouth and one of the corner men saw it and grabbed it
00:29second fight
