• 2 days ago
Today PWR drop into Season 2 to find out who is the best player in PWR!
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#PWR #CodePWR #EpicPartner
00:00Chapter 6 season 2 is here and with its release we have new items, new locations, vaults and even some dill bits?
00:07So as always we gathered everyone in power and put them in the same game to answer the question
00:13Who is the best in power?
00:15Make sure to use code power in the item shop and let's get into it.
00:18New season, best in power. Let's go!
00:21Best in power, everyone is like, oh let's do a little teaming. Everyone's teaming up. So I need to like cook.
00:28I'm gonna land magic mosses because it's where one of the black marketplaces are.
00:34I'm saying it right now, if I see Loki, I'm gonna W key him because every time I've done a video with him, I like shoot him and then I run away.
00:42This time, I'm not running away.
00:43Wait, am I the only one at crime city? Hello?
00:46I'm in a power video drought right now. The biggest drought the world's ever seen. I'm gonna lock in and win.
00:53Vin! My duo in solos!
00:56Wait, this is me. This is me. I'm right next to you, okay? Don't shoot me, please.
00:59I'm jumping, I'm jumping, I'm jumping. Don't shoot, don't shoot.
01:02We were doing hide and seek before and I forgot to change my skin.
01:06Hey, Winter.
01:08I mean, we're not teaming.
01:11We're not teaming against people. We're teaming for a greater cause.
01:14I'm not a teamer. Me, don't need to. Just got too much talent to team.
01:20I'm gonna go to shifty shafts. Is that worthy? I think that's worthy above me.
01:25Who's this? Is this Alex? Let's just chill out, man.
01:29I feel like if I can get a decent loadout with a sticky nade launcher, I can take down Looter.
01:34I can take down Alex and I'm nearly out of spawn. So like, that's where we're at right now.
01:42Okay, well, we got one kill.
01:44I'm gonna make sure it's my life mission to make sure you win this power video right now.
01:47I'd really appreciate it, but I want you to win.
01:50No, no, no, no.
01:50So it's my life's mission to protect you and make sure you win this video. All right, Looter?
01:55I'm actually kind of washed right now, so I need the protection.
01:57So I appreciate that. That's why we're brothers.
01:59Teamwork makes the dream work. I love you.
02:02I love you more.
02:03Yo, Alex.
02:06What's good, bro?
02:08Who's this?
02:09Hey, yo, what the hell?
02:11Oh no, Alex is taking out Worthy off RIP, bro.
02:15Guys, we need to win a power video.
02:17Wait, Worthy?
02:18What the f**k?
02:20Alex, you better lock in and win this power video if you're taking Worthy out like that.
02:24You better actually lock in.
02:25Bro, why are you trying to pickaxe with me?
02:27Bro, I thought you were friendly.
02:29Wait, he actually pickaxed you and then he...
02:31Bro, he just landed on me and just started trying to... I didn't even know it was you.
02:34No, no, why are you lying?
02:36I was pickaxe swinging from afar.
02:38Nah, that's actually so BM, bro.
02:40That's... you better actually win if you die now, Alex.
02:46Sam, don't come to my P.O.I., bro.
02:50Nah, nah.
02:51Oh my god, he's pushing me, bro. Are you kidding?
02:58Get a grip, mate. Get a grip.
02:59Get a fine gripping yourself, mate.
03:02What I want, I want more minis, more chugs.
03:04But I do want to get that armoured vehicle.
03:06Not gonna lie, we ain't been doing great lately against Power Discord.
03:10They've been putting up numbers lately.
03:12I feel like maybe you're not looking good, Lucky.
03:14Don't even start with me, Alex.
03:16I'm literally in the best form of my life and playing the best Fortnite I've ever been playing.
03:20Don't come at me with these false statements. Absolutely, Alex.
03:23Do you have any, like, proof to back that up or...?
03:26No, 100%.
03:27Hey, Worthy, what are you doing right now?
03:29Um, spectating, yeah.
03:32Where are you right now, Lucky?
03:33Yo, I just got a gold sniper. You're cooked.
03:35Wait, what's even in here?
03:36Oh, Bitcoin.
03:40Mammoth, how are you?
03:41It's looking good. I'm getting stacked.
03:45Got some gold, got some chugs.
03:48Oh, sheesh.
03:49Oh, another Bitcoin. Hell yeah.
03:52Wait, how do you even shoot this? What are you...?
03:53Oh, you shoot that.
03:55We've been doing it wrong the entire time.
03:58Let's go.
03:59I got my deal coin.
04:00We're in.
04:01Okay, I got a chug jug. Let's go.
04:03Oh, that's it.
04:08Oh, buddy, you've made a big mistake.
04:15Oh, that was a really bad shockwave, bro. No.
04:19Good double upgrade in weapons, though, which is nice.
04:24So I actually might have enough gold to just go straight to the crypto market.
04:27This door is deadly.
04:29We're teaming up to take out Alex. That's the goal. I love that.
04:32Okay, follow me. It's over here, the shop, the black market.
04:37Wait, 13.
04:40I just came across... There's another Alex skin on me.
04:42The fake Alex, bro. Show him his boss.
04:45I don't know what he's doing. Bradley, GG.
04:48Oh, he's going south.
04:50This is good, actually, for us.
04:53He's quite random.
04:57No, I've crashed.
05:00I've crashed. No.
05:05Unlucky. I'm not best in power.
05:08I'm going to play this like a solo cash cup.
05:10I'm just going to find a hiding spot and stay there.
05:12Coming after this guy.
05:15Lucky. I'm about to get a kill. Are you nervous?
05:17Fans, is it me?
05:19It might be.
05:20I could be stalking you right now.
05:23It could be, but I'm in it.
05:25It wasn't you. It was TikTok Krogz, I found.
05:28It did look like him, though.
05:29There's a guy here.
05:34200. What are you doing, buddy?
05:37You're trying that cheap move on me? Like, come on, boys.
05:42So, the train is here.
05:44Oh, they're fighting.
05:45I'm down.
05:46Nice, Evan. Knocked him. Killed him.
05:48Nice job, Evan. Oh, my God.
05:50Vinduli just killed this guy on me.
05:52Yo, let's go. Look at that. Look at that feed. Feed's looking good.
05:55But the guy's taking our loot.
05:56Yeah, let's get our loot, then. Let's take it back.
05:58Did I go kill Vin?
06:00Wait, it's Alex.
06:01Come. I think it's our Alex.
06:03That's Alex. That's Alex.
06:04Looter wants to smoke.
06:06Wait, yeah, they're a duo right now. They're teaming.
06:08Wait, is Looter and Vin teaming?
06:09Yeah, they're in a core tier right now.
06:11Guys, why is everyone teaming?
06:13Wait, I'm grabbing this. I don't even know what this is.
06:17It's a mythic, though.
06:18I feel dangerous already. Let's go.
06:23Where is he?
06:24On me. On me. On me.
06:25On top of the fight.
06:26I'm coming.
06:28He can't die.
06:29What is he doing, bro?
06:30I've got two boys on me.
06:31Oh, they're fighting. 80. 80. 80. 80.
06:32Knocked him. Go get him.
06:34Bat him, Vin. Bat him. Bat him. Bat him.
06:35We got three people on you, bro.
06:38I'm getting teamed on by Vin.
06:40Wait, I can't see. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
06:43You can't die.
06:44I've got Luna and Vin on me, bro.
06:46I'm getting down. I'm getting down.
06:47Oh, that's you. That's you. Come. Come. Come.
06:48I think someone else is here.
06:51I'm trying to chop it out. I'm trying to chop it out.
06:53Chop it out. Chop it out. Chop it out.
06:55I'm going on Vin's head.
06:56He's coming down.
06:57I just flanked him.
06:59Where is he?
07:04Oh, he's doing what's up. He's doing what's up.
07:06Get him.
07:09Yes, man.
07:11I'm dead.
07:12Luna and Vin are teaming on me.
07:14That's my go. That's my go.
07:16No, I need to reboot you. How do I reboot you?
07:19Pick up my reboot card.
07:20Oh, no.
07:22I get teamed on.
07:23Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
07:24I lost for really mad.
07:25There's a sniper on me. There's a sniper on me.
07:27I lost my win dually.
07:29Oh, what?
07:30Luna and Vin are running amok, bro.
07:32But Vin's dead, right?
07:34I think I sniped Luna too.
07:36Guys, just an update on my golf game that I'm sure you guys are very interested in.
07:41Today, I shot two under par.
07:44Quite an incredible performance from me.
07:45So if you guys could just chuck a comment down in the comments.
07:48Just saying, you know.
07:50Hey, Timmy, well done.
07:52All right. Anyway, I should keep moving.
07:54Are you trying to team?
07:56Wait, are you still alive?
07:57Because I got mythic pump, mythic AR and a mammoth here.
08:01You want to trade the mammoth for like a mythic sniper?
08:03This is the true black market, bro.
08:06This is a black market trading.
08:12170, 200, baby.
08:14Too good.
08:15Get it, get it, get it, get it.
08:17I'm actually too good.
08:20Oh, who's this guy who's fighting?
08:27Oh, he just fed me a kill.
08:34Oh, bro, you are dying.
08:37He didn't even hit him.
08:38He just like went on the car, bro.
08:40That's insane.
08:40Oh, lucky just killed.
08:42Oh, do I kill lucky?
08:45Oh, do I kill lucky?
08:46Yeah, yeah, brother.
08:47They just got a kill as well.
08:50Oh, I hit him.
08:50Wow, that's insane.
08:51Have you got me on spectate?
08:52I'm cooking.
08:53No, I'm watching looter.
08:54We're locked in on.
08:55You have to kill looter, bro.
08:56And then we can spectate you.
08:57All right, that's my new goal.
08:59But if I, if I slap on him, it's definitely going to be.
09:01Oh, he's dead.
09:02He's dead.
09:02He's dead.
09:03He's dead.
09:03He's dead.
09:04He's dead.
09:05Oh, he's running away in his Porsche 911.
09:07That's crazy.
09:08He just flexed on me while driving away.
09:21Do you want to?
09:22Hold on, hold on.
09:25Who do you think you are, mate?
09:27You try and betray me.
09:29Who do you think you are?
09:31Please tell me.
09:32When are you going to do this?
09:33Where am I?
09:34Like, where's my time?
09:35Like, what's going on?
09:36The whole reason I'm in this is because Winter wanted to hire me to eliminate him.
09:40But he's not following me.
09:41Wait, there's someone on me.
09:52I appreciate you.
09:52So now you're going to be my hype man?
09:53Like, you're still here in spirit?
09:55Yes, sir.
09:55Yes, sir.
09:56You're teed, bro.
10:03Ah, I coned his impulse.
10:06Are you crazy?
10:08I'm crazy, Vin.
10:09You're still here in spirit.
10:10He's got powers left in 2.0.
10:12Does that make you scared, Loki?
10:13Not really.
10:14I think I'm just like...
10:15Loki just think I'm priming.
10:16I need to get to a gas station though.
10:18Is there a gas station?
10:25200, baby.
10:26Frantic fan.
10:27All right.
10:28I gotta just start hitting headshot snipes.
10:29But then I also gotta just like lock in for the end game.
10:32What do you need for end game?
10:33You need a bat, right?
10:34To rotate?
10:34I don't know.
10:35Yeah, like I don't actually know.
10:38I'm boxed up in metal.
10:42Oh, 200.
10:43Let's go.
10:44Holy ****.
10:45Oh, Loki got a snipe.
10:46Wait, that's Loki.
10:47Wait, wait.
10:48I know where Loki is now.
10:49Yeah, I got the sniper boys.
10:51I need to get on Loki POV right here.
10:53You need a slump looter.
10:54Yes, this mountain's nice, man.
10:56It's nice.
10:56You sit behind it until you get in.
10:58It's good.
10:59It's good.
10:5925 feet full left.
11:00This is good.
11:01Can you show the zone?
11:02It's getting tiny.
11:03It's getting tiny.
11:04And it's across multiple mountains.
11:06Oh my god.
11:06Imagine off that mountain.
11:08It could.
11:09Off the wolf.
11:10Off the wolf would be crazy.
11:14Watch this.
11:14Watch this.
11:15Watch this.
11:15I'm actually gonna just full send it.
11:19Oh, oh, oh, oh.
11:21Oh, oh.
11:22Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:24Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
11:27Oh my.
11:29Bro was about to die to the cutest kid on Fortnite.
11:33Wasn't even close.
11:34I think I know where looter is.
11:36Dude, calm down.
11:37What did I do to you?
11:38Is that power of Lachlan?
11:39I think now he's going to try and go for me.
11:41It's Lachy.
11:41Of course it is.
11:42Does he want to get WQ?
11:46Wait, who's blighting?
11:53Zammy, what are you doing, brother?
11:55There's a no fly zone.
11:57Can I borrow you?
11:58Can you join the call, Zam?
12:04I've been waiting the whole game out.
12:06And the second you call me,
12:08Lachy turns on his aimbot that he's never had before in his life
12:12and beams the heck out of me.
12:14Go, son.
12:16Yes, Winter.
12:19Let's go, Winter.
12:20My goat.
12:21Yo, Mitch, Mitch.
12:24Is this you on my card?
12:25Yeah, this is me.
12:26Thanks for the ride.
12:28Yes, okay.
12:29Do you want to do a little fun stuff?
12:31What's the fun stuff?
12:33You want to go fly?
12:36What the hell?
12:37What the hell is that?
12:40Can I get in on that?
12:41Surely I can.
12:42Wait, they look friendly.
12:43They look friendly.
12:45He's going to hop in.
12:46Leave him alone.
12:47It's not in zone anyway.
12:50Look at that.
12:50What's a good mountain?
12:52That mountain's perfect.
12:53That's a mountain.
12:53That's a nice mountain.
12:55That's us.
12:55That's us.
12:57What's Winter doing?
13:00Oh, he knew, bro.
13:02Oh, put him in the blender.
13:04Currently rendering him in the blender.
13:06Oh, I missed.
13:14We don't have a lot of our health to work with here.
13:16The fuel doesn't matter.
13:17The health matters.
13:18I'm a bit scared of the zone.
13:21Cheer up, brothers.
13:22That's Timmy.
13:26Okay, that's our hill because it's like it's dead.
13:30No, that's cringe.
13:31Yeah, yeah, just get ready to build.
13:33That's the person you fly into.
13:35Okay, yeah.
13:37I like you need to chuck down this pad.
13:40Get over there and just start box fighting this guy on wood right here.
13:43Who's fighting?
13:44That's folks.
13:49That's Timmy?
13:50It is Timmy.
14:00Unlucky, bro.
14:03I'm sorry.
14:08Timmy, what the f*** are you doing?
14:10You're supposed to be encouraged.
14:11Let me just destroy my car, bro.
14:13That's rude.
14:14Okay, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch.
14:17I'm- I'm-
14:17You can't get in the back.
14:19What do you mean you can't get in the back?
14:20Did they patch it?
14:22I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.
14:23Get in the driver's seat.
14:26Go, son!
14:40That scared the s*** out of me.
14:44Dude, are we serious, Lucky?
14:45Are we still playing this game?
14:46I wasn't getting spammed.
14:47Wait, is that you spamming Luda?
14:49That was me spamming.
14:50Wait, is that Luda?
14:51Luda, you need to win this, bro.
14:53I sacrificed my life.
14:54Oh no, I pissed him off.
14:55Wait, is this you?
14:56Oh no, oh no.
14:58This is where-
14:58It's your time to shine, Lucky.
14:59He's scared, all right.
15:00Look at how much space he builds.
15:02I pissed off Luda so bad.
15:05Oh my god.
15:07No, Lucky.
15:08Oh, Mitch just got pissed off, Lucky.
15:10There's someone else there, is there?
15:12Oh no.
15:13I'm out of hearts.
15:14It's the moment you've been waiting for.
15:16What's no fuel?
15:16Oh, there's no fuel.
15:17Okay, that's fine.
15:21Oh, I'm getting cracked.
15:24Yo, you got any minis?
15:29Help me out, please, please.
15:33I had max mats, good heals.
15:35Oh, oh wait, you want that?
15:37Yeah, I definitely need that.
15:37Give it back real quick, give it back real quick.
15:39Oh, I really want it, but yeah.
15:40No, no, I'll trade you, I'll trade you.
15:42Here you go.
15:44Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go.
15:45Wait, wait.
15:46I want the launcher, though.
15:48I want the launcher.
15:50Why is this guy still walking out?
15:51Oh my god, we're dead.
15:52I'll shock you, I'll shock you, I'll shock you.
15:55Oh no.
15:56Oh no, you're getting ferted.
15:58Yeah, I'm getting ferted.
15:59Did you get pressed?
16:00Lucky's beginning to get pressed.
16:02Okay, now I'm getting pickaxed.
16:04Are you getting teamed on?
16:05What is this?
16:07It's so freaking cringe.
16:17I don't like the launcher.
16:18Should I just, like, ordinate to me right now?
16:21I'm dead, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just...
16:23This cringe lord, dude.
16:24The whole game.
16:28No, Lucky.
16:30Full box Lucky.
16:36Come on.
16:37Can't do it.
16:38I gotta hold it.
16:44No, bro.
16:46Bro, like, I'm getting teamed on.
16:48That's so cringe, bro.
16:49That's so cringe.
16:52Oh, no, Lucky.
16:53If you didn't spam sticky nade launcher me and try sniping me, like, I would've left.
16:56Like, legit, just let me have a clean fight, bro.
16:58Like, oh, so annoying, bro.
17:04Now I'm copping the sticky launcher.
17:06Have a bit of that, buddy.
17:07Timmy's still alive.
17:08How is Timmy still alive, bro?
17:10Because Luda spared him.
17:12Oh, that's such BS.
17:16Oh, Luda's getting cooked, though.
17:18Luda's in trouble.
17:19I believe in you, Luda.
17:20Take him out, man.
17:21Take him out.
17:31Mitch, what are we doing, brother?
17:34What are we up to?
17:38Got it back.
17:39No, Mitch just killed Timmy.
17:40No, oh, no.
17:41And now Luda's gonna kill Mitch.
17:43We got no heals now.
17:51No, no.
17:53I'm dead.
17:57I died!
17:59Trying to kill Luda!
18:02No way it was you the entire time, bro.
18:03You're the weirdest.
18:12Oh, Mitch got a kill.
18:14Oh, Luda, you little-
18:15You should be dead right now.
18:16If he looks at him, he's dead.
18:21Oh, no, he got cracked.
18:22Mitch is 5 HP.
18:28Oh, my God.
18:34Oh, no!
18:35Luda, Luda, Luda!
18:36He got two builds!
18:40It's so cringe.
18:42It's all right.
18:43You did good.
18:43Top three.
18:44Winter greased me so hard.
18:46And it wasn't even a good meme.
18:48Mini Austin Bowser.
18:50Yeah, he's up.
18:51Let's go!
18:53Come on!
18:55Come on!
18:57Yes, let's go!
18:59Let's go.
19:00Mini Austin powers.
