We try and become the most OP Airplane in Roblox
Friends in the Video
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
• Video Editor ► @championbran
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #roblox
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Friends in the Video
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
• Video Editor ► @championbran
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #roblox
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00:00So boys welcome back to roblox today. We have an interesting one. We're playing flight simulator, right and uh,
00:05Biffle apparently recorded this a while ago and they're all way ahead of me. I wasn't in that video
00:12My goal is to catch them and pass them because I am cock
00:16I don't know
00:17All right, boys. We have 20 minutes. I'm gonna catch you go. I gotta hurry. I gotta hurry
00:22I already have to spend so much money guys
00:24You gotta do me a favor these every time I spend robux hit the like button and hit the subscribe button
00:30Tell your friend's friend at your friend's house to uh, watch that
00:35Roblox what just I don't know i'm doing four times multiplier. I don't know what this does, but i'm multiplying everything by six
00:44So let me explain how this works, there we go
00:46We might do eight multiplier in a minute. So I go over here and I get on this treadmill and I run
00:53Look at my energy top center. I'm growing my energy. I don't know what that means yet
00:58I don't think so. I have 300 energy now my tutorial says now let's go flying
01:02So if I go over here and look at me look at me you see and I already died
01:07You see that bar in the bottom center? That's my energy bar
01:11That's why I need to get my energy up so I can fly farther if I want to go to the new area
01:16What is that? That's got a guy what was that guy pets passengers times one power? Okay
01:21I got more power now
01:22So now I can buy i'll buy a pet in a minute
01:24But if I want to go to uh the next island
01:27I have to fly far enough in this runway and then get enough money 25 000. I have 400 right now
01:33So, uh, yep, we got some ways to go, but i'm gonna buy this egg and soon enough
01:38We're gonna be able to catch up and win. I got a common cat. Yippee. I need another egg now. Let's fly again
01:43I don't want to keep flying stop the tutorial. I am better than the tutorial. Sorry. Look at my all my energy and I died
01:52Hey, this is not going well, can you guys give me all your robux?
01:56I only flew a thousand meters. Oh, no, that's it
02:02I got another passenger though. Hold on passenger. I gotta increase my power. Hold on increase my power a passenger
02:09Let me fly real quick in this world sunday just to show you stop it. Don't do that. Oh my gosh
02:15Upgrade goodbye. Oh, this is how I upgrade my airplane
02:18So if I do this spend money on my engine, I have something on my head, uh wings now i'm getting my wings
02:27Increase my boosters my landing bonus increase my energy. I don't have enough money. Oh, no
02:34I don't have enough money. This is not going. Well, hold on
02:36Hold on. I need I have 700 energy. Um, i'm so happy for you. Let's go on this one
02:41Oh now i'm getting 461 energy per second. Are you oh and I can click while i'm on this you can click things
02:48I remember that he's cheating boys. No, i'm not
02:51Wait, hold on rebirth. This will make my money generation
02:55And my energy go up by 10 and rebirths cost gems. So if I rebirth
03:02I can buy gems. Hold on. Let me buy my let me buy this multiplier really quick
03:07I just want to do one multiply one more multiplier and that's it eight times multiple. Should I do ten times multiply?
03:11How much is this remember every time I buy robux? You gotta leave a comment saying gab
03:15No, don't say that either just you know what i'm saying sometimes moms. All right, let's buy this
03:2225 000 gems. I am going to auto clicker the rebirth
03:28Let's buy it one more time. I am gonna rebirth so many times that i'm gonna get so much energy
03:34I have 50 000 gems. So check this out every time I click right now. Look how much energy I get 500
03:41I'm gonna rebirth with my auto clicker. I'm just gonna spam rebirth. Let's see here
03:49Remember before I rebirth like this I clicked once and got 500 energy so that I can fly farther
03:54Let's see how much I get now and are we done?
03:58Not enough gems. Oh, okay
04:012 000 let's click
04:036 000 a click I went from 500 to 6 000 and I can okay
04:09I can already use the final tier
04:12Uh thingy here. I already have I already almost have I have a million energy now
04:16Let's go fly and wait. Are there is there anything in the shop that I can buy? Let me see
04:19Oh, I can get double money whenever I go flying. Okay. Yeah, we'll get that. Oh double energy. Yep. Yep. Cool
04:25Oh, don't double gems. Would that have worked with buying those gems? I want a refund. Oh, and there's a pet
04:3216 000 robux. What is that? I can't buy that. That's too much. That's too much. I can't no that's too much
04:38I can't do do I do it? How much time do we have 16 minutes? Okay. Got it. Um, I don't know
04:44I'm gonna buy this gem. I'm spending so much money to try to catch up to them. I will not lose
04:50I just got let's get 750 gems. It didn't multiply. Oh, I got a sale. I already bought all that
04:56I don't hold on now. I'm gonna drink the drinks. Hold on drink the drinks drink the drinks
05:00Wait, didn't I get the drinks? Are they in my inventory? There they are
05:03double double money double
05:06hatching double
05:08Potions double everything. I just look at all my things in the bottom left. Okay, let me click once see what happens
05:1353 000 per click. Let me spam my rebirth again
05:17Now, let me check something. Let's say I buy 25 000 gems again
05:21Will I get 50 000 because I bought that two times pack? I did not I got skimazed. I'm sad
05:26I only get double from the flying. I gotta go fly again. Let's go fly again
05:30I need to get more money. Here we go. All right, let's fly
05:34How did I run out of energy that fast
05:36No, uh-uh. How did I run out of energy that fast? Wait, uh-uh. I just got scanned. Don't need to up
05:43I just got 48 000
05:46Energy boost level i'm upgrading my energy. I need to go farther. Um, what level is my energy?
05:52My energy is level 14 already. Cool. All right, let's go flying. Here we go. How far am I gonna go go?
05:59Oh now my look at now look at my energy. Oh and I also have a booster
06:03Look in the top center. I have a boost. So it's like a minecraft. Elytra
06:07I gotta like fly down and then fly up. My energy is still going down look in bottom, right?
06:11I'm going 300 miles per hour though. So is this the next island crash landing? How much money did I get for that?
06:171.3k. No, that should have been a lot more right? How much did I get?
06:20287 000. Okay, cool. Um, let's keep upgrading. I'm gonna upgrade my wings. So my wings are currently cardboard
06:26I'm gonna upgrade my wings now. They're metal cool. What now what now they're whatever that is rusty
06:32Okay. Now what uh, oh i'm an actual airplane now. Now what now i'm a jet? Okay, cool
06:37Now what now i'm futuristic I have solar panels on my thingy. Okay. Got it, and I can't upgrade again
06:42All right. Well, let's upgrade everything power boost upgrade everything. All right, we're looking good. Wait, can I buy money?
06:46I can just buy money. I'll do that later. Maybe all right. Oh, I also want to buy that pet
06:50What does the pet do 16 000 robux? All right, let's go
06:55Okay, so I think I need to get to this island and once I do that I just win right look out my boost
07:00My boost is insane. Okay. Well, let's go. Do I need to land here if I land here?
07:05Can I go to the next area? I think I might be able to
07:07Hey, so I landed at this area. Can I go to the next area now where you guys are be honest?
07:13Sorry, where who are where you guys are?
07:15Oh, i'm not at that area. I'm at the next no, you're not. Oh gosh. No, you're not
07:19I'm gonna catch you and i'm gonna uppercut your mom. I don't know what that means, but i'm gonna say that's mean
07:24No, it's not. I don't like that
07:26Okay, hold on. I need to click once how much energy do I have by the way?
07:29How many what sorry nothing in my bees?
07:32Sorry, I meant a's no o's. What is it saying c's? What is it saying? I'm just i'm eating all of my items
07:38I'm getting a trail anime egg. I just noticed. Yeah, I bought those what in the video another video not this one
07:45You can't do that. You can't do that in this video
07:48My energy is stuck at 100 keep that in mind. Oh, I mean so is yeah
07:57I need 100. Wait, it didn't let me go to the next area. Oh, I need 100. Can you help me?
08:02No, I can't new record new distance
08:04Oh, if I want to get to the next world look in the bottom. I need to get to eight percent
08:08i'm only at eight percent
08:10Oh, this is a lot more difficult than I thought it was. Do you need me to come back and help you?
08:17How am I gonna catch you
08:19Uh, I don't know maybe swipe that credit card. I'm sorry. Stop it. Stop it. I'm not I need more energy
08:24I need more energy. I need more energy. Oh, no
08:28Do I do this?
08:29I have so much energy the pets only give energy right? It only gives energy
08:34I can tell you what one of my pets do my lowest one. It doesn't matter
08:37Your pets are the pets are pointless. We already have infinite energy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's so useless at this one
08:44Wait, I got another pet. I think that was beating you right now. Yeah. Well, he had a head start
08:48Okay, so this gives time 75 energy equip that now what happens when I click?
08:53Oh, okay. Okay. Look how much energy i'm getting now. Are you doing something?
08:58Look how much energy i'm getting now claim it all. No
09:01We're all ahead of you. You don't have to hide this
09:03No, because i'm winning and i'm gonna win and i'm gonna come back and you're gonna be like just in the crystal area together
09:08Yeah, but you're ugly. Sorry. Oh, i'm
09:10Good at flying boost power wings
09:13Engine engine top speed. Oh, I can increase my top speed. Oh damn on moms. Oh, you just not did that
09:19Boost power landing bonus damn. All right, i'm going here we go. I will come to this next day. Oh you go a lot faster
09:28I'm going. Oh my i'm going 900 miles per hour. What does this do?
09:32Oh that increased look how high i'm going. Wait, i'm owning wait. How many is the next area?
09:37What if I go all the way up here and hit this?
09:39Five percent more energy. I don't want I don't need more energy. I have enough area one. I'm at 20
09:44How far do I have to fly?
09:46Okay, I need to get a ton of money so that I can increase all of my stats
09:51My energy is still at 100. I have infinite energy. I don't need pets for energy. Okay, this is good
09:56No, this is good. All right, let's land here. I'm gonna get so much money. I just went
10:0160 000 distance
10:03How much money did I just get 2 million?
10:06Now if I wanted to since I have so much money I can buy 13 million because it compounds the more money you have
10:13The more money it compounds so I can just keep buying this and it compounds. It's like compound interest
10:18Learn about that learn about compound interest while while you're young and you'll be really good in life
10:22All right. Well, um, this is so much money. I'm gonna buy a billion. Why not? Why not buy a billion?
10:27Why not? Why not? I'm here. I'm I have I have issues. I have problems with saying no to things
10:36Somebody tell me to stop somebody tell me to stop
10:39Stop okay. All right. Okay, uh top speed
10:44Yep. Yep. Yep. There it is. Yep. Okay, and we'll increase my energy. There we go
10:49Just keep increasing that we're at a thousand. I'm not even near spending enough. What level is my energy?
10:55Well, I can't even see I don't even see
10:57Okay, and I spent all my money
10:59Okay, how much does it cost to buy money again? I only get 3 billion. Okay, look at how I look now
11:03Let's see how fast I go
11:06Okay, um, we are going
11:101,200 miles per hour. We were going 600. All right, let's go to the next world. Here we go
11:15New island unlock how much money am I gonna get for this? Uh, I want 102. How much money am I gonna get 17,000?
11:21That's gonna multiply like a billion. I'm probably gonna have like 75 billion. Let's see
11:25900 million
11:27Let's go to the next area. There we go. All right, what's in here more upgrading? All right
11:31Look, I have a ton of energy
11:33So if I take off in this area and I want to get to the next area the desert I need 7.5 million
11:38All right. I want to escape the desert
11:41No, my energy is going down. My energy goes down faster in this area
11:45I might need that pet the pet gives you more energy. No
11:49I thought I was gonna be able to catch that I can do it. I'm at 30% look in the bottom
11:53I'm at 30% to the next world. I will catch them and I will win
11:57Okay, my energy is high enough to beat this level. So I don't need to train energy at all
12:02I just need to train my speed
12:04Which means I need money because if I get money then I can increase my my aircraft. Okay, I need to land
12:09I need to land in this area. I can't beat it this time
12:11Let's land at area to get a ton of money and i'm gonna upgrade my boat my upgrade my aircraft
12:15How much money did I get for this? This is gonna be a ton, isn't it?
12:18We are gonna get so much money in this new area. Let's see how much we get
12:21I was at 900 million. I only got 63 million. That's it
12:24I mean, I guess that's a lot but I do I have to do it again fly at double speed at all times
12:29Oh my gosh, why did I not get this before? Okay. All right. Okay. All right
12:35Um, I gotta go. I gotta go in here. I don't know. What what is this area that i'm in?
12:39Okay, i'm back here. Let's upgrade. How much does it cost upgrade a lot of billions? Oh, no
12:44So this is how competitive nature don't do this at home. Don't spend a lot of video game
12:49Don't spend a lot of money on video games
12:51Like i'm doing this is this is this is expensive your purchase of mega because something went wrong
12:56Your account has not been charged. What do you mean? Did I get locked out of spending robux?
13:01There's no way you locked me out of spending robux. Okay, they didn't
13:06Okay, it just it compounds i'm getting 90 million right now. I'm getting 400 billion. I mean 400 billion
13:12Why am I doing this?
13:15Somebody tell me to stop, please
13:18Stop doing stop doing stuff. No, keep going
13:21No, what are you doing? I want to I want to win. I want to win. Stop it, please
13:24Somebody i'm doing bad things. I'm doing bad things
13:30I'm doing bad things
13:35I'm coming for you. I am gonna up uppercut your mom your dad and your uncle. Wow
13:43I figured out the next plate. So I don't want to talk to you
13:44I'm doing it one more time one more time and this is it one more time. What are you doing? And this is it?
13:49Oh my god
13:52Hey, does anybody have a mortgage? Well
13:54No, did I do it again? I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing it again
13:58Do it again, whatever you're doing. I can't even upgrade. It's not even letting me upgrade
14:01Does that mean not even is it because you're in the upgrade station? I can't use it. I'm not in upgrade
14:06I can't even use it. I can't even use the upgrade station
14:10Hold on where's the exit I gotta go back to the other area or return to forest
14:14I can't even use the upgrade station anymore. Are you having fun? No, did you break the upgrade? I don't know i'm sad
14:18I'm crying. I'm unhappy. I can't use I got I got a lockout. I gotta reset
14:22Okay, and we're gonna we're back in increase altitude everything. What do you mean? What do you mean?
14:28Engine, why are you altitude?
14:31Okay, let's just get the 1.5 t. What are you doing? There we go. What are you doing?
14:35Nothing before i'm catching you and i'm going to tell your mom how mad at you. She is of you. I don't know what that means
14:42I actually do know what I mean. It's not good. I don't i'm scared. Okay, can I just upgrade everything?
14:48How are you upgrading everything? I can't even upgrade so I I gotta be careful not to spend everything right?
14:52Okay, here's what i'm gonna do. Here's what i'm gonna do. Here's what i'm gonna do. I'm trying for 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7
14:58One more time one more time and I should be done. I should be done. Look at my aircraft. Look at it. Look at it
15:04Look at the aircraft. I mean I can't i'm in the others. Okay, so if I do this maxed out
15:10maxed out maxed out
15:14Maxed out and then we'll spend the rest
15:16Uh auto clicker that so I could I could I could buy this for robux right now
15:22And I broke it. What do you break? What do I do? It's negative 34 quadrillion. Oh
15:27What wait, what? Huh? How'd you go negative? I broke you break the entire game. I broke it. No much money
15:33I spent on this game. I mean robots. I spent on this game. Look it look at my aircraft
15:37Look it i'm gonna see how fast I go in zone one. Let's see
15:41I wiped out because I went too fast. I broke through the ground. I didn't even hit the ramp
15:46I went so fast. What is happening? You guys think I might be in trouble?
15:50No, you're definitely not it's not looking good for you
15:54It's not looking good for you biffle
16:10And all right, that's done I beat that part. All right, let's go to the next area. Um
16:15Nope you're not coming to this area. That's impossible. All right coming to the forest. All right, biffle
16:20I think we have like two minutes left. So, uh, yeah, well you're gonna it's gonna take you at least an hour to get to this
16:25Area, so I caught up to biffle. So yeah, well took you hours bottom center
16:30Look bottom center. Yeah, but how's your energy?
16:35I'm looking
16:36But I can't see anything
16:39Well, you're not at the next next area though, so that's where being sigils are we're like teaming
16:44That's right team. Are you past it? Are you past the desert? Yeah, obviously desert was. Oh, yeah. Yeah
16:48Yeah, we're past the desert gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta like like that's like tutorial. I was just checking
16:52Honestly didn't even know what are the what are the passengers do they do increase power? What does that do?
16:57Yeah, the power is it hasn't been plugged to flight, you know, what did it say?
17:00Oh, I get it. I get it. I get it. Don't call me it. Sorry
17:04It's so disrespectful, but how dare you you think you're gonna beat me? You don't have enough time. Wait, i'm in the snow area
17:09Wait, why do you look like wait?
17:12Where did he just go?
17:13My energy died instantly. That's what i'm saying. This place is impossible
17:19The energy died instantly. That's right. You know how many bees I have here? What are bees? Do you know I have c's?
17:26Hold on. Oh, man. Hold on. Stop giving me the passengers. They're good. They give me
17:32I don't know. What is this? Don't you stand on that vip one? Don't you stand on that vip?
17:36You look like an attack apache
17:39Helicopter oh, yeah pilot. Oh, yeah
17:42How much am I getting per click vip? Oh, i'm getting i'm getting 1 billion energy per per run. Is that good?
17:49I'm a little behind i'm a little behind i'm a little behind that's all you're getting to a little bit
17:52Understand how much how much how much I have to you? Oh, no
17:56Oh, I don't want to do this guys. You have to hit the like button. I'm literally i'm gonna cry i'm crying
18:02I just cried don't cry. I just cried
18:05Sorry, I don't know how to tell you this but hold on this one over here
18:07Equip five trillion equip the pet equip best. What do you mean?
18:13I just said no you didn't you didn't do it
18:20There's no chance you did not spend that did you see my rent is
18:26I can buy more energy
18:31Do you know what you just did? Oh, I know
18:35Are you gonna get a call from like a lawyer a bank? Uh your mom your bank? My mom's gonna call you. Uh
18:43Okay, let's see let's let's look here let's see let's see
18:47He just went
18:48Okay, look at my energy now
18:50Look at my energy now. I'd rather not look at my energy now
18:53Uh, look on the right look on my look on the right. Look at my height. My height is 50 000 feet in the air
18:59But you're only like five foot 11
19:02I am nose diving into the end. Are you cheating like a lot?
19:07I think this is the most expensive video i've ever done really but I caught up to biffle and I passed him
19:14We did it boys
19:17I can't believe you. That's insane. Don't leave me here. I'm going to the next area boys
19:24Hold on hold on. Hold on. I want to see what this one does. I want to see what this one looks like
19:29I have 2.2 qd money. Congrats cutie. That's not even cute. I'm gonna beat the next area, too
19:36No, you're not i'm going
19:389 000 miles per hour biffle. Wow. What's that in american new island? Oh, he just
19:45Oh, all right
19:46All right, boys. Let's uh, let's all go back to the first area and let's race
19:50Okay, great. So, uh, you guys ready? Look at my aircraft. Yeah, look at mine though. What is that?
19:56All right, boys, let's fly three two one go go
20:00Oh my god, I am going over seventeen thousand miles and i'm done
20:06What you did i'm at seven percent. I'm at 20. Um, okay
20:12I want to see what happens if I laugh you hold on. Can I do that? No, you're not laughing. No get away from me
20:17No, don't you dare? Here we go. Don't you dare laugh at me? Stop. Where'd you go?
20:22Part one wait, can I turn around? Oh, I turned around i'm going backwards
20:26You do like barrel rolls. Where are you? I heard a dog. Where did you guys go? What percent are you at? 43 43?
20:31I'm coming to you. Don't leave me alone. No, please don't do it, please. Oh, I fell
20:36Yeah, we did it bite the like button the subscribe button. I need a mortgage