• 2 days ago
Hermitcraft 10: Episode 29: TO THE WORLD BORDER! Grian and the permit office are about to really do their job
00:00I'm on a horse. That's how we're going to start today's episode. Right, I have been very, very busy.
00:05I have actually done some immediate work to the base without recording it, which is a very silly
00:11thing to do. Sometimes I actually forget that I actually need to record things if I want to put
00:16them in the video. But all I've done is made a small staircase that goes all the way up under
00:21this building. It's not strictly necessary, but I've also caved out an area for a cactus farm.
00:28Now, the idea is that the cactus farm and a bamboo farm all feed a furnace like bop and go.
00:34So I'm going to make my own budget bop and go just for my base because I keep going there and
00:40it's never working properly. Or it's like it's so many people use it that the XP is never enough
00:46for me. So hopefully today what we're going to do is put the front of this building here together.
00:53Seeing as this underside has been finished now, you know, it's it's well on its way and I've
01:00decided that this building is going to be green. I think all the hard work's basically been done.
01:04I just need to put the front on. But last episode, there was a rather ominous announcement that the
01:11spawn for the server has been relocated. Why has this happened? Well, you're going to find out.
01:19You know what? I didn't even check my mail last time. Hermitcraft TCG. Oh, baby. A whole set of
01:26cards. Very nice. And also something something else that I seem to have missed. And I genuinely
01:34think I'm I'm missing something. So I was here randomly digging some of this hole out and just,
01:42you know, making steady progress. Honestly, this this like whole project here has somewhat fallen
01:48apart. I don't really know what's going on. A few of us keep digging a little bit more,
01:53but I'm not sure it's moving with any real purpose at the moment. But I was digging and
01:58I randomly saw and I don't and I'm not going to assume you've watched all my videos. But this
02:05is a famous recreation of a giraffe that skids made on one of the guests, the build videos that
02:12we did. And it's just simply horrendous, horrendous to look at. But I feel like I've
02:18missed something because here it says Happy Holidays, Grian. So this must be for me.
02:25And then I looked at this red box. Grian's skizzes giraffes painted red toenail box.
02:34So I think this was for me. Shopping district gift card to Grian from. Oh, this from Joe.
02:40OK, Joe has given me a whole bunch of diamonds and it must have been for the holiday period. So I
02:45missed something, but then I found it. Then I was confused by it. Then I found it again.
02:51Oh, no. Oh, OK. OK, we caught it. We caught it. We caught the box.
02:56Thanks, Joe. Right. So what we're going to do now is head over this direction. We're going to head
03:02over to the shopping district because we need to go and have a little look at the old permit office.
03:08We need to go and meet up with our other permit office guys and talk about why the spawn has
03:16moved under a number new management. No po no po office. What? I didn't do it. I know it looks
03:29like I threw a brick through the window, but I didn't. Just because I got here for. Is that you
03:35broken in? Why is there a brick on? Oh, someone has thrown a brick through the window.
03:39You think? Do you think it was mumbo? Get up here, guys. Get up here. I know he's a
03:44brick. I'm coming. I'm coming. You didn't turn the lights on. That's against policy.
03:50Someone's removed. You got a lot. That's really. Yeah, it's really. This isn't going to work,
03:54buddy. This was us guys here. You got to go through the vent. Take some. I actually cut my
04:01hands off the keyboard and mouse. I can't. I'm really bad right now. Wait, put your hands on
04:06your head in real life. OK, they're on my head. What? We're stuck. Oh, my God. I've got to deal
04:15with every day. My hands. How are we? How have we done this? I don't know. Press. How are you?
04:22Press shift. Press shift. Press shift. It's not helping. That's making it worse. Well,
04:27Scott, certainly, certainly you guys can press up and get out of here, right?
04:32Are we going to have to break? Yeah, there you go. That didn't help me.
04:36Scott still stuck. All right, here, let me have my breaks. OK, I don't want to come down with you.
04:44I don't know what happened. All right. Yeah, there you go. I'll turn the lights. All right.
04:49All right. Let's go in through the real door. All right. All right. Dang it. Hold on.
04:57One second. I'm going to practice. There he goes. There he goes. All right. Come on up.
05:03Come on up, Scott. We're skids, by the way. I've got him in my pocket. So what we're going to do,
05:07guys, is because it isn't here every now and again, we're just going to go silent and look
05:11at skids and then hand him this footage. But stop. Oh, yeah, that makes that makes sense.
05:16That makes sense. So, Cub, let's let's discuss what's happened. So first of all,
05:22Nopo apparently threw a brick through the window. Yeah. What was that about?
05:26But also, it also says under new management, Nopo. So did he take over,
05:32then throw a brick through his own window? I guess so. I guess so. The whole thing doesn't
05:37really make any sense. No, I'm really confused. No sense. No threat more like it. Am I right?
05:43It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Yeah, I agree. I agree.
05:47He's well said skids. So good point. He's he's he's really pushed our hands here,
05:56Jeff. And this is the thing. He's not handing over his permits. There's a few permits still
06:00out there in the wild. Right. And so there are a few. There are a few. I have gotten a few,
06:05though. So we have some permits to redistribute if we so desire. Okay. Okay. Everyone on the
06:09server already knows that the big news that the spawn that the actual spawn has been relocated.
06:17Yes. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So be careful, Scar. Don't die. How far away is it?
06:24It is twenty nine point nine million blocks away. Yeah. It's thirty thirty million blocks away
06:31because this is this is the thing. If they don't hand it over, they go in there. It's exile. They're
06:39going. What's that? That's true. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. All we got to do to send them to exile
06:49is to break the bed and then they die. They die. They respawn there and there's no coming back.
06:54There's no coming back. Yeah. Yeah. They're going to be stuck out there permanently.
06:58So do anyone know where Jeff's bed is? Because there's no post stuff.
07:03I say we go. I say we go over to his to his base and just start breaking beds wherever we see him.
07:08What do you think? Certainly one of those is. Yeah, it's got to be. Oh.
07:14He always says like he always has the most interesting input,
07:17I find. All right, let's go. Let's go. I'm taking the exit out. Man,
07:22come. We can't. We can't all be in the pipe. It's a secret. This is the way. OK,
07:25we got it. We got it. We got it. Let's go. Ring a ding ding. A popo coming to town.
07:31We're looking for his bed. We have reached Jevin's base.
07:35We're going to be somewhere in here. It's not in here. I've broken it. I've broken it. You go
07:39downstairs. Go downstairs. See this? Yeah. Where was it? Where was it? It was right here. Right
07:47here. OK, if you put it back, will he respawn at it? Yes, he will. He will. So if I'm what if I
07:54said it like one block, that's one block off. It was here. Let's move it like that. Yeah. OK,
07:59that can't work. Right. Because it was on there. That won't work that I would put money on that
08:03being his actual bed, because this is this is a this is a respawn room, right? This is where you.
08:08Yeah, yeah, absolutely. What if we just burnt the bed? I agree. We should. Any one of us,
08:14if any one of us is online at the same time as Jeff done. Good idea. Killing idea. Bring out
08:21hot guy dead in one. Send him to exile. Maybe we should rename our weapons to be,
08:29um, you know, exile related. Anyway, I'm going to which we name it, which exile mine's mine's
08:34called Banisher. Permanent. You are permitted to leave. I'm doing it. You are permitted to leave.
08:41So there's there's another thing that we might want to discuss. I want kids to hear this.
08:47We are also vulnerable to attack by the same methods that we're using.
08:53So we may or may not need a permit bunker with beds of our own and ender pearls to get back if
09:03we're in trouble. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree. Okay. So, yeah, we just we just need to be aware
09:11that this could get ugly. Hello. He's right there, guys. He's right there. Hey, there he is.
09:20There he is. What are we doing? What are we doing over here, guys?
09:24About those permits, Jeff, about those permits. You'll never get it.
09:29It's kind of time. Time to hand him over. I'm scared. What do you think?
09:35He's got a lot to say. You have it's time. You got to give up the permits, man. It's time.
09:42Get him. Oh, that was we got him.
09:46That was that was that it wasn't as easy as that. Did we get him? Let's check the bed. Let's check
09:51the bed. Don't forget. He's not he's not at the bed. He's gone. He's gone. He might be gone. He
09:58might be gone. He's gone. So smart. Oh, man. Oh, good job, guys. Good job. Wait, where is he?
10:06He's not he's not gone. He's not gone. Oh, my gosh. We had one job. Okay, so we now have
10:15we now know that spawn maybe may or may not be in the right place. So we've now got to test it
10:21because apparently it's now been done. Jevin has absolutely got away with it and we've lost the
10:26element of surprise. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately. But we got a plan. We got a plan. So we're going
10:32to test this ourselves. So what we're going to do is we're going to make an enderpearl stasis
10:36chamber and we're going to test two things. One, whether or not the enderpearl is going to vanish
10:43and two, whether it's going to send whoever goes all the way to a floor. I think under normal
10:52circumstances, we would have done this in a bunker, but we need to you know, we need to test
10:57now. So here we are in the back. We need a bunker in the back rooms or some other undisclosed
11:04location. Right, guys? Okay, we're going. We're going. Exile. Exile. Straight down
11:11into the stasis chamber. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Okay. Right. Let's make sure it's
11:16stable. Yep. Stable. Stable. Stable. For the permit office. All right. All right. In theory,
11:23in theory, Scar is currently 30 million blocks out of this world. At the world border. Yeah,
11:32literally looking at it right now. He's probably being attacked by zombies. We should,
11:35we should just let him sweat a little bit, cub. Just, you know, he's going to be wondering,
11:40you know, yeah, we'll let him sweat. Should we just say, oh my goodness.
12:11let's kill Jeff. We can now exile people properly. Yeah, it works. So we caught,
12:16we've lost the element of surprise because it didn't work the first time, but now,
12:22now he's going to be exiled. Yep. Yep. Oh man. Permit office. Wait. So just, I mean, just in
12:30case, I know we don't have a bunker or anything official set up just yet, but I'm going to,
12:34here you go. I think we should all just, just in case, just set, set that up.
12:40There you go, Scar. Do you want me to kill you? Oh, I mean, no, not really. You want to go? You
12:47want to go? No, not really. Not really. Oh, okay. I mean, I could see exile. Do you want to see,
12:52cub? Should we see exile? Yes. Yeah. Oh, ouch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see it. Let's see it.
12:57Let's see it. Right. So guys, I cannot stress enough how easy it is to accidentally exile
13:01yourself or have someone exile you. So we really, really have to be careful.
13:06Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I got to build the bunker. All right. And the bunker has to be a
13:12super secret location. Okay. Super secret. All right. Cub, send us away. Let's take a look at
13:18this place. Goodbye, Cub. Goodbye, Grian. Wow. Beautiful. There it is. Beautiful. There it is.
13:28Legendary. And there's a portal up in the sky. That's, that's where, that's where the pig takes
13:33you. That's where Doc's pig takes you. Oh, yeah. All right. We're in exile, man. So Scar is going
13:42to bring us back. Cause, oh yeah. Let me show you. Anytime now. If you don't have an ender pearl
13:49and your bed's gone. Oh, oh, oh. Scar, come on now. Oh my. No, he didn't. No, no, he didn't.
13:59No way. No. Hey, at least we got, at least we got a ship here though, right? Yeah. We're good.
14:05I'm gonna, I'm gonna raid the ship. You get back in here right now. He's going back. Come on,
14:09Scar. You got this. You can do it, buddy. Yeah. Oh my gosh. He hit us with the Uno reverse card.
14:16Good job. Yeah. So how was it? Did you see the ship? Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's cool. We did see
14:21the ship. That, for some reason, that shipwreck, it just, it makes it feel like it's properly
14:26exile. You know, you're out on a desert island. Like Tom Hanks and you got a basketball or a
14:32football or a. Out there with Wilson. Yeah. Let's, let's all just play this safe for now.
14:39We all just set it. Yeah. Let's just, let's just set this up in case of a disaster.
14:44Amazing. Well, I think. Well done, everyone. That was fun. Yeah, we did it. We did it. We did it.
14:49I think everything worked out in the end, although we actually failed to banish Jevin.
14:57It didn't work because of, for some reason, the world border was smaller than it was
15:04in the previous update. I don't know why I don't know what, but that's seems to be what caused our
15:08issue. And that's been solved now. But actually, it was a blessing in disguise because yes,
15:16Jevin got away with it, but. Me, Cub and Scar spoke about a phenomenal idea about how we can
15:26set up the area in exile. So maybe next episode, that's what we're going to do for now, though,
15:31we are going to turn around and turn our attention to this little building right here where we are
15:37going to put on the front or at least a little bit of the front. Let's get some base progress
15:44steadily going. Let's not rush everything and do it all at once. But I've collected a bunch of
15:49green blocks and I'm going to freehand experiment and try and create some sort of facade. I'm not
15:57entirely sure yet. I managed to freehand pretty much everything you see here. Nothing was taken
16:03onto a creative server or planned ahead of time or anything like that. It's all just been free flow.
16:09So now that I've chosen my color for this one, all I really need to do is just give it a go and see
16:14how it goes. Now, over there behind me, you might see that I've been shaving the dirt off of that
16:20mountain, and it's all because Jem said you should put wheat there. No, that's why they call me grain.
16:28Anyway, let's time lapse us having a go at this old big old green building right here. Let's go.
16:57you know what? Yet again, pretty happy with how this has turned out. Let's take a little look.
17:05The green seems to work exceptionally well here, and I'm zooming right out because with this build,
17:12I kind of want to paint a picture and I want to make sure it looks good as, you know, in context
17:18of the rest of the build. But as we get closer, I feel like it matches the vibe of these two very
17:24well. I was very much struggling during the building of this just because it was looking
17:30very plain and I wasn't able to mix in many colors. The solution I found was mossy cobble
17:36and lichen. That has given it more texture and the windows here have helped a lot as well. Now,
17:44all I've done actually is this front section here. As I got to this bit, I very much realized I
17:51needed to make this as thin as possible, and I also realized that this side is pretty long and
17:58heavy here, so we have to break it up. So, the next goal in a future episode is to tackle this
18:07side, and I'm very much into building this right now. So, I've obviously done this section down
18:12here, now done the front. So, next episode, I'm hoping that we can create the cactus farm,
18:17the bamboo farm, and get the budget bop and go going, and then hopefully even do this section
18:24here. We're gonna, you know, baby steps, bit at a time, bit at a time, every single day, and I think
18:29this, from this angle, which is, by the way, the main angle for me because this is where I hang out,
18:34this is where I keep all my stuff, this is the angle I actually need to focus on, and while it's
18:39very different from the one where you're flying, it doesn't look terrible, and that's the main
18:43thing. I think with a bit more attention, a bit more height here, and obviously I need to add
18:48some light, I think altogether this is going to go really, really well. It's got a very, it looks
18:54so big from down here, but when you fly up, it actually looks fairly small, and that's probably
19:00because there's so many big builds next to it, but I'm, I really like this base. It's got a long way
19:06to go, although it looks like it's starting to shape up, it has got an awful long way to go.
19:12Right, well, I actually need to finish this episode here, because I'm really, really busy. As you can
19:18see, Kerb and Skiz are on, and Scar's on the way. We are now preparing to go to exile to prepare
19:26something, but that'll have to be in the next episode. So, I'm gonna go and gather all those
19:30materials, because we're gonna need a lot, and I shall see you in the next episode. Thank you very
19:35much for watching, and good bye! Guys, we also have quite a serious problem that I haven't told the
19:43other permit guys, because it's kind of a big deal, and I don't know what to do, but as you know,
19:50I think you know, I've always kept my permits in, in this barrel here. The only ones left in here
19:56are red sand and mushroom blocks, which I've made a shop for. All my other permits, which I haven't
20:02handed back, are missing. They're gone. So, I don't know what to do. Someone has moved them, taken them,
20:11or something. It's not good. I'm hoping I can just stay quiet for a little while, and this will all blow over.