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PO BOX 2290, Burleigh Waters, QLD, 4220
00:00Good morning, welcome to another vlog.
00:14Today I'm off to Sydney.
00:15I'm very excited.
00:16I'm actually going to meet Riley at the airport because we're flying together to go and see
00:21Billie fucking Eilish.
00:23I'm so excited.
00:25So I have almost packed.
00:27I'm going to book my Uber soon, but I'm just wearing this because comfy.
00:34Do I have everything?
00:36Yes, because we're actually going to Drake on Tuesday night.
00:39So I've had to pack for tonight and tomorrow night.
00:42So I think I've got everything.
00:45Let me just double check.
00:48I mean, if I do forget something for Drake, Peter can just bring it up with me because
00:52we're actually going to fly straight into Brisbane rather than Gold Coast and then
00:56have to drive to Brisbane.
00:57I just thought it's so much easier, surely, as long as I've got tonight's outfit, which
01:05I still have no idea what I want to wear, but I've got some options, so.
01:21This is the airport fit, comfy, obviously wear these pants to death, they're Myra Swim,
01:27my new thongs.
01:29And then I'm also going to bring my Henny jacket because it's just so comfortable, like
01:34for planes.
01:35I thought I'd bring it just in case Sydney is randomly cold.
01:38Who knows?
01:39I don't think it will be, and I probably won't bring it tonight, but just in case.
01:43So that can be my jacket for the plane and possibly for tonight, but we'll see.
01:49Anyway, I need to go book an Uber now.
01:51So I will see you at the airport, if not in Sydney.
01:55Okay, we've arrived and we're staying at this new hotel called The Eve and it is so nice.
02:02Did you say it's the same owners as Carlisle?
02:04Oh my God, it's all like automatic, do you get it?
02:09Yeah, same owners as Carlisle.
02:12I like this more than Carlisle.
02:13Yeah, it's a bit more quirky, I reckon.
02:16I reckon if we were hotels, you'd be Carla, I'd be this.
02:20Yeah, it's really cool.
02:21Up, up, up, up, up.
02:24Level three.
02:25Okay, go on.
02:26Did you bring your swim?
02:28Oh, that's a shame.
02:31What are we?
02:33We're still that way to the right.
02:34Thanks guys.
02:35Awesome, thank you.
02:36This is the right?
02:38That's unreal.
02:40Whoa, this is cool.
02:47Yeah, lots of cool details.
02:49You're doing vlogging for-
02:51Pop off Rimmel.
02:55Who likes that?
02:56Oh my God.
02:57I love it.
02:58That is so cute.
03:02It's kind of giving Melbourne place ex-Carlyle.
03:09Perfect mirror for selfies.
03:12Whoa, that's nice.
03:14Guys, we've got little goodie bags.
03:19How cool is this?
03:22Little tee.
03:23Like, I low-key want to wear that tonight.
03:25Maybe I'm wearing that with my jeans.
03:28What's this?
03:29Thrill Seeker.
03:30Liquid latex, which is the whole point of the trip, I'm guessing.
03:35Yeah, launching liquid latex.
03:36Very nice.
03:37Quite cool.
03:38Yeah, this is such a cool room.
03:39So I actually am quite excited to try that because you know how I like doing my, just
03:44the border with that-
03:46And it stays.
03:47I can't remember what brand it is, but it's really good.
03:50And this might be-
03:52The new one.
03:55It's the-
03:56Oh no.
03:57No, I think it's the Maybelline, yeah, Superstay or something.
03:59So this actually might also be great.
04:02Okay, lunch arrived.
04:03We got Delicia.
04:05Can someone just explain what that is?
04:07Yeah, it's huge.
04:08They're like huge baguettes.
04:10Well, that's why they're 30 bucks.
04:13Is that right?
04:16It's meant to be focaccia.
04:17I think they ran out of the sea salt focaccia and they've given us baguettes.
04:25Still yum though.
04:30Should I get some napkins?
04:31What is this?
04:33It's something.
04:37I can't believe you don't like rocket.
04:40Like I don't like absolutely hate it, but I just think I don't like it because it's peppery
04:46and it almost just tastes like grass.
04:49I just don't think I like that.
04:52I've got like oil dropping down my chin.
04:54Do you want me to open this or something?
04:56Is that what you were waiting for?
04:57I don't know what I was waiting for.
04:59It's going to slip out of my hand.
05:01Getting ready.
05:05We need to be at the venue at 5.30.
05:08It's currently 5.
05:09And the bar does drinks.
05:11Is it 5?
05:15You're lying.
05:1610 to 5?
05:19Seriously, we're going to get a wriggle on?
05:21Yeah, I always think we've got way more time.
05:27Do you just not look at the time when you're getting ready?
05:29Like in general?
05:30Like if I'm at home?
05:32Well, yeah.
05:34Like why are you always late?
05:35Like you just don't look at the time?
05:37No, it's not about when I'm getting ready.
05:39It's the before.
05:40When you start to get ready?
05:41Well, yeah.
05:42Like I would have thought that I would have probably started getting ready now at 5.
05:46But like what makes you think that you could get ready in half an hour?
05:51Like genuinely?
05:53I can't answer that.
05:54I don't know.
05:55But like you know that you can't?
05:57I know.
05:58So then why don't you just start an hour earlier?
06:01Because in my brain that's like I don't need that long.
06:06I know there's something wrong there.
06:07I'm trying to get better.
06:10Like if I wasn't here, you'd be starting your makeup now?
06:12Yeah, 100%.
06:15Or maybe like thinking about starting it.
06:17For fuck's sake.
06:19I can get ready really quick if I want.
06:20Yeah, like if you didn't have like shit to do or shit to film.
06:25And you didn't really care or you didn't want to take photos or whatever.
06:29Then I get it.
06:31I just, my concept of time is all fucked up.
06:33But apparently it's an ADHD thing.
06:34Like you have two concepts and it's either...
06:37But I feel like I have ADHD.
06:39But I...
06:40I think there's different kinds.
06:41Yes, but like the thing that fucks me up is the concept of time.
06:46Like it's either now or not now.
06:49So like unless something's happening.
06:50Like that's why I feel like if you said like should we get sandwiches and I wanted it now,
06:54I don't want it later.
06:55Like we're getting it now.
06:56You want it now.
06:57And like also if an event is happening in three weeks, I'm not...
07:02That's not now.
07:03So I don't care.
07:04So like you...
07:05That's why like when you're like why have you not ordered that?
07:07I'm like because it's not now.
07:08And I just think I have more time than I do.
07:11And then I actually don't have time.
07:13It's fucking annoying.
07:18I definitely have ADHD to some extent because I can't do one task at a time.
07:23I'm constantly...
07:24You can't finish it?
07:25I get distracted.
07:26Like I'll start doing something.
07:28Especially if I'm on my phone and then I get a message and I have to reply to that one.
07:32And then I just completely forget what I was doing.
07:34And then a day later I'm like fuck.
07:36I needed to do that.
07:37And do you have like racing thoughts?
07:38And if you don't quickly write it down you forget it?
07:44So both gone at the same time.
07:45Especially when we get home.
07:46We're almost ready.
07:47Here's my fit.
07:50Really playing the part.
07:53I've just gone basic as fuck.
07:55Have I?
07:57You look cool.
07:58But I'm just a basic bitch.
07:59Playing the part is unreal.
08:02You are.
08:04Let's go in that skirt on TikTok.
08:06Outfit breakdown.
08:08Penny, Dish, H&M, Sam and Scarlett, JHM.
08:14What about you?
08:15Temptation Vacation, Thrifted from Tokyo.
08:19Where are these from?
08:20These are cool.
08:24They were from Greece.
08:25From Bershka.
08:29So like the Europe version of like...
08:30Kinda Zara.
08:34And then Not To Be Named.
08:36Good girl.
08:37I know better.
08:39I'm kidding.
08:40Where are they from?
08:41Good girl.
08:42People might want to ask.
08:43LaVisa or something crap.
08:44I've forgotten that.
08:45Oh, On Root.
08:46I've never heard of them.
08:47They do like big.
08:48So it's actually not a competitor of yours because it's like a different vibe.
08:52Well, every jewellery brand's a competitor.
08:53If I wear that, I might get backstage.
08:58Should I go about then if my pants are like swimming?
09:38Good morning!
09:40I haven't vlogged.
09:42I haven't vlogged since last night.
09:44It was really good.
09:46People, dates.
09:47Daily details.
09:48I look weathered.
09:50Why do I vlog on this?
09:51Because my vlogging camera got run over.
09:53Oh, yeah.
09:56I forgot.
09:57Riley just asked why I vlog on this now.
09:58Well you could get another one.
10:00Here's the gumball.
10:01I don't know about it. I do want to try that new Canon one though, like the handheld pocket.
10:09It's like a square. So maybe I'm trying that next. Anyway, Billie Eilish was amazing. And
10:17if you're going to a concert, get excited. Yeah, she's so good. So good. And real pretty.
10:24Yeah, really, really pretty. Kind of scary. Don't you reckon? Cool as fuck. Yeah, like
10:29there was just like some grudge and like scary movie graphics on the screen. Yeah, it was
10:34scary. We're going to Drake tonight. I'm so excited. But yeah, we're off to the airport
10:43now. Go grab an acai bowl, a coffee. Wonder if they do good matcha at Sydney Airport.
10:51And that's the vibes. Got everything. Okay, we've checked in. We're getting ready. We're
11:03just waiting for the boys, but we thought we'd get ready. Don't ask for that. I don't
11:09even know if Shorley's left. Are you setting up anything? Like what's the vibe? Yeah, I
11:19thought, well, I'm supposed to let you look like ready to go and I just look haggard.
11:25Where have you put everything? Just there. I might plug this into my power bank tripod
11:31or something. Okay, we're good. Sure. Just you? Just in front of you. I don't care. You
11:42hate me. Okay, good. You clearly hate me. No, I'm just trying to think like what the
11:46vibe is. Yeah, it's okay. You can just say you want to do something on your own. I don't
11:50really care. Is it even recording? Yeah. Anyway, we've got sushi room for dinner. Yes, please.
12:03Apologize. Sushi room for dinner in a couple of hours. And then we're heading off to see
12:14champagne puppy. I'm really excited to be honest. It's really fucking good because Jess
12:20says it's really yum and I like the prawn. What is it? Prawn something. Oh, like tempura bug.
12:27Yeah, it's really good. I also had Messina. Yeah, I don't know why you guys had that. So random.
12:33What? Obviously you. Yeah, like I'm for dinner. I reckon I feel like ice cream after lunch is like
12:40random. Ice cream in the sun, that's normal. Also, when are you going to have it? It's going
12:46to be shut when you get back from the drive. Tell you that right now. Well, I had it like
12:51literally two days ago. I wonder if they actually rent rooms out. To live? Yeah.
13:01Give me mate rates Australia. Seriously. Give me mate rates. Seriously.
13:10That would be so expensive. This is the second time doing my makeup today. Unreal.
13:14Well, yeah. Did it on the plane? Groundhog. Yeah. Why did you do it on the plane for Connie? Yeah.
13:21What's happened to that?
13:23That's my camera by the fire. There we go. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's nice lighting. Nice and soft.
13:30Is that? Yep. I'd like randomly broken out in like a rash of pimples like around my nose as if I'd
13:37like, you know, I didn't do this. Yeah, it's giving them a little bumps. Really? Yeah.
13:48Bugger. Yeah. It's not good. Incoming. Why do I look so tall? What do you mean? Something.
13:59Okay. Well, I don't even have questions for you in any way. I just thought
14:03I could ask you some. Okay, go. Fire away. What's your favorite thing about me?
14:09I couldn't tell you. It's just too many. Couldn't just tell you one.
14:16What did you think of me when you first met me?
14:20And what's changed now? What's changed now? What do you mean? Well, like,
14:24what was your first impression of me? I was like, oh my God, I get to see you IRL.
14:29Whoa, fan. Yeah. We both followed each other. Oh, that wasn't funny. Really?
14:36Would you like to know anything about me? Like what my favorite thing is?
14:39Thanks for watching on YouTube. Oh, so you're the fan? Yeah. Really? Yeah. This is my plot all along.
14:46Finally made it guys. I actually did not even YouTube. Really? But I feel like I sort of
14:52discovered you when you did A45. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was probably like when I found
14:58out who you were. But I'm like, I'm then sort of like, I remember when I started following you.
15:06Do you think? Yes. But like, I would have had to follow you before JRF because like,
15:13no, I don't think he did. No, I think I would have. Can you really, can you tell
15:18when, um, did you follow someone? You know how you, you like, it was permanent scheme. Did you
15:24refer me? No, we, I didn't get anything if I referred anyone. No, I just like wanted to suggest
15:30it to like other people to help them. Yeah. How people lose weight prank. Well, I think you,
15:34maybe you messaged me saying like, Hey, is it like any good? Really? Yeah. Like you're just
15:40shocked by my results.
15:44No, I think you can actually see when you started following someone. Yeah. But it wouldn't have been
15:49jazz hand. Would it have been on our makeup? No, I got my jazz. Groundhog day, groundhog day,
15:56getting ready. I know. Whoa. What's going to happen with your foundation? You've like drawn
15:59it all on. And then was it going to like dry down like that? Why? If you don't blend it out?
16:05Cause it's been sitting there for ages. Is it fine? Yeah. I reckon it's not drying, but I think
16:10sure. Um, we've got big seat up, packed, packed in the room. Yeah. Um, yeah, I'm going to do middle
16:19part here down and I can't figure out whether my hair looks really oily or whether it's like
16:26possible. It's fine. I'm scrolling up to our very first messages on makeup by jazz. Maybe
16:32you will be scrolling for so long. Nah. Cause we don't really talk. I'm already up to 2022. Whoa.
16:37Yeah. And we haven't known each other that long. We're trying to figure out where me and Jess
16:41like who was the first, who was the first, but I think we definitely would have spoken on fit
16:45spa. No, but I had this like, surely you followed me on makeup by jazz. Like if you watch my blogs,
16:50I never used to do fitness blogs. I just want to see if you've like asked me a question about
16:58makeup. Oh really? Like fan. No, I don't think I would have, but you can say,
17:04well, we talked a lot on this account. Oh, this is for Africa. Oh, Kyle. Okay. Snaps.
17:11Dude. Seriously. We're both in green lime green. It's quite cool. So, okay.
17:18I need to do something. I need two hands for my road milk road. Milky milk.
17:28Is it all good? Yeah. Okay. Bye.
17:35Seriously. There's probably people that do that. What? Just like dump it down.
17:48I feel like it's a good color for me. That what shade is that does good on your
17:54complexion. Gentle. I think that's one of the lighter ones in the shade. Gentle.
18:06What's her name? Selina. Selina. Selina.
18:11Do you like that? I actually don't know what I look like. Cause I'm using my phone screeners.
18:15Really? You're not even using like another mirror. I picked it up a couple of times.
18:19Oh yeah. You can use mine. Thank you. I feel like it almost turns out better when you're looking at
18:24the phone screen. Cause it's like such cheap quality. So you try and make it look good.
18:28And then you look at a normal mirror and you're like, whoa, that's what I do. Sometimes if I get
18:31ready with me, it's like, I'll use that as like the mirror. Cause I'll be like, Oh my God, blah,
18:35blah, blah. And then I'll just like have a lot of very rarely actually look in my mirror. Whoa. And
18:41then at the end, I'm like the best night I've ever done. Whoa. I don't know why. Why heck
18:45then? Isn't it? Yup. Is that like really light? I think so. I think sometimes it looks like that.
18:54And then when I put it on my laptop, it's like normal. You could always darken it too. Yeah.
19:02I might not need concealer today. Let's put a bit on.
19:06Oh, so I ended up buying, um, do you buy for you as well? Yeah. Whoa. It's a treat.
19:25I saw Sarah Ashcroft using it. It's one of those collagen face masks. Yes. And you peel it off.
19:30Yeah. I was going to buy it straight from her link, dude. I bought it. She said two months ago
19:36or over two, maybe even three months ago, like when she posted it, I remember when she posted
19:41it and I've only just got the notification out. They've got, Oh my God. So yeah, I bought two,
19:45one for you, one for me. Oh, thank you. But, um, yeah, I was, her skin looked amazing. I was like,
19:52I need that really good skin as well. Like really? Yeah. But okay. We'll try anything at this point.
19:58Yeah. So that is, let's have a look and see where it is. Well, yeah, I saw that early waters post
20:04off and I saw, I saw her saying that, um, yeah, there were facts. Well, I just literally clicked
20:09her link that she shared. So I'm so excited saying, Whoa, cool. So stay tuned. If you see us
20:18going, yeah, you know what it is. So like, even if you want it to glow, you wouldn't be able to glow
20:23for another three months. Cause that's how long it took to arrive. True. It's crazy. I know.
20:31I wonder why. No idea. I was considering, um, cause I feel like it is Australian.
20:38Like I paid an AUD, they're like 70 bucks, but I just don't know why it took so long to like ship.
20:47Like I didn't get the dispatch notification for like a month or a month and a half. That's not
20:52right. So on its way. No, it's delivered. Oh yeah. Like it's at my PO box. So I'll grab it tomorrow.
21:07What's your name? How did you use? Oh, hold on.
21:12I've been doing this one recently again.
21:15Laura Mercier. Yeah. That was like my go-to for years.
21:20Right under the eyes. And I've got some new little, um, puffs from Morphe.
21:24Oh yeah. Same actually. It's nice. Like blurring effect prank.
21:33Under the eyes. Or should I sit my deep crevices that are my smile lines currently?
21:41I'm 29.
21:44Getting a facelift, non-surgical on Friday.
21:47Yeah. Jess is getting non-surgical facelift. Oh, it's a legend. I'm scared.
21:53I'll be snap. The contraption is like unbelievable. Yeah. So it could be a hoax.
21:59Well, yeah, probably. Yeah. But like we'll try it out. Well, you'll try it. I'll try it.
22:03Yeah. If it works, I'll give it a go too. So. Okay. I finished my makeup.
22:09Really pretty. Oh, do you know what I've forgotten?
22:22Got it. It's the time that we're really off for. Yeah, that's all right. I've got two hours until dinner.
22:28And I'm pretty. Good morning, everyone. Happy Thursday. Actually unintentionally didn't vlog
22:35yesterday. Don't know why we were traveling back from Brisbane because we're in our concert era.
22:42We literally two concerts in two days from different cities. So we flew from Sydney,
22:47as you saw, to Brisbane to another concert. But yeah, it was really good. Yeah. I don't know why
22:52I didn't vlog yesterday. We got back around lunchtime and I was just straight into work.
22:57I had so much that I had to do. So I was just in work mode. But yeah, today is a new day.
23:03I yeah, I just got ready, made my matcha to go and I'm just about to head into work.
23:09We've got another busy day today as well. But do you remember that email that I got?
23:15Was it last week? And I was like, this is a very exciting email. And I promised that I would update
23:20you when I knew. But basically, I am going to New York on Monday with Maybelline. I am so excited.
23:32Like Makeup by Jazz would be screaming right now. If I got this opportunity back in my makeup days,
23:38I would have been like dead. But obviously, I love Maybelline. I work with them and they are
23:44just a dream. And I can't believe I'm going on a brand trip with Maybelline to one of my favorite
23:51cities in the world. So I'm so excited, although I am a tiny bit unprepared just because it is
23:59freezing at the moment. Like I literally checked and today was a high of three degrees. So I did
24:05actually end up buying thermals the other day because we're at the shops just to get a few
24:08things. And I was like, oh, I may as well just run into Uniqlo and get those heat tech thermals
24:12because I've seen lots of people rave about them on TikTok. So I've got thermals. I just need to
24:17get some good gloves, I think. And I have a scarf. I'm going to go and raid Riley's jacket closet
24:25because she's got lots of warm jackets. Because it's so cold, I don't really need to stress about
24:31having cool outfits because I'm literally just going to be wearing a coat majority of the time.
24:34I think I want to bring two different coats and then I feel like I'll just mix it up with
24:40accessories. But yeah, for the most part, I'm actually not stressed about what I'm going to
24:49wear because like I said, it's going to be absolutely freaking freezing. But yeah, I'm so,
24:54so excited and so grateful for this opportunity. So yeah, that's what's happening on Monday.
24:59Literally leaving Monday night. So I was thinking of going late night shopping tonight just to get
25:04a few things that I need. I've got a list. I'm going to try and get in a skin treatment as well,
25:09but I also am going to get... This sounds like really full on, but it's like a non-surgical
25:17facelift. I mean, that's what it's meant to give you, but I'm going to Irina. She's just got a new
25:22machine and it's basically... I'm pretty sure I've seen it before. She's the first one on the
25:27Gold Coast to get it, but it's basically like they put pads on your forehead, cheeks, and chin.
25:32It's meant to tighten and lift your face. And apparently you don't need to get Botox if you
25:37get it. I think you need four treatments though, but she did say you can notice changes within the
25:43first treatment. So I'll definitely keep you updated. But yeah, she's the first in the Gold
25:48Coast, not the first in Australia, but to get it. So I'm going to go in and get it done on Friday.
25:56So if I'm looking extra snatched, then you know why. I am actually really curious to see if you
26:01could see a visible before and after. I know I'm only 31, so it's probably not necessary, but
26:07I mean, I'm all for prevention. These are the sunnies I'm going to wear. This is my fit. I'll
26:13show you really quickly. I'm really loving brown and yellow together. So I've just got this Perfect
26:18Stranger skirt, Henny top. I've got my bangles on, Bella sunnies, and I'm off. It's just us two
26:27today. Fit check Friday. Here's my fit. Is it all Perfect Stranger? No, this is Henny, Perfect
26:36Stranger, Bella sunnies. We're kind of like low-key matching. We are low-key matching. Yellow.
26:47All creased. Okay. Fit check Friday. My uncle just dropped this off at my warehouse. My
26:57Barker made me these little, they're giving like scrolls, bacon or ham and cheese scrolls.
27:06I don't think she's ever made them before,
27:08but she's in her YouTube era and looks up recipes on YouTube and makes them.
27:21Been designing all the styles.
27:23Oh, wow.
27:23Wow. You pumped them out so quick.
27:26Yeah. Care tags and things. We're going to just get a few options sampled and then probably show
27:30them to you guys in real life, so it's easier to visualize. Okay, cool. This is the lineup,
27:36kind of narrowed down that with everything you guys have selected so far. I think there
27:41was some feedback and we can definitely do anything else you'd like to see.
27:48Good morning, everyone. Oh my God. I swear these last like 24 hours have just been hectic.
27:55Obviously, as you know, I'm leaving on Monday and I'm just so unprepared. I feel like I'll be fine,
28:01but I just haven't even started packing or even thinking about what I'm going to wear.
28:05And it's just, and I also have basically two full-time roles that I need to do every day,
28:14obviously, because Charlie's not here. I have to cover her daily tasks and then obviously what I
28:19would usually do. So that's pretty much why I've been, I guess, absent on my socials, like
28:27Instagram. Oh, I guess on TikTok, I've been all right, but I would have liked to have posted more.
28:32But anyway, I'm basically, yeah, doing two full-time roles the past week or so. I ended
28:39up going to the shops yesterday because I needed to get a few things. Oh my God, it was so hard for
28:46me not to buy new clothes. And I'm like, no, I've got enough clothes. I don't need anything new.
28:53So I've just bought accessories and little travel stuff that I needed. But okay, so first place I
29:00went was Sephora because I wanted to get another F1 brush. No, sorry, F4 brush, because I just like
29:08having two and the other one of mine shed, so I threw it out. And then I tried to find another
29:17one of these little travel-sized Huda Beauty, it's like their translucent powder, sold out.
29:26I just don't know. I guess I could just refill it through there. It just might take me a while.
29:31So yeah, I tried to get that sold out. But when I was at the checkout, I did see this,
29:35which I've wanted to try for ages, the one size setting spray. So I'm going to take that with me
29:43and try that. And then I got a top-up of my favorite dry shampoo. I wish this wasn't $50,
29:50but it's just so good. It's a Living Proof Perfect Hair Day. So I just decided to get a
29:54little travel size. And then, oh my God, okay. When I was in Mecca, Riley, hi, if you're watching
30:01this, she always serves me, love her to death. She's always decked out in a jazz hair maid. She's
30:05honestly the most helpful person ever in Mecca. Anyway, I was in the Dr. Dennis Grow section,
30:13and I was obviously looking for my glow pads, and I realized they discontinued. But I didn't think
30:19they'd be discontinued so soon. Anyway, she looked it up for me, and apparently there is one showing
30:23at PacFair, which I'm going to go today and get, hopefully, if it's not sold out. But she ended up
30:28giving me all the testers because she's like, we're not going to need them anymore because
30:34it's discontinued, which is such a shame. I'm going to have to go online and see if I can
30:37find them anywhere else. But these are seriously the best face tanning glow pads ever. Hopefully,
30:43they're just reformulating them and they're coming back because seriously, they're so good.
30:49And then I went into Witchery. Now, I did want to actually get the black version of this belt
30:55because I have something a little bit similar. And then I saw the brown, and I was like, oh my God,
31:00I think it'll match perfectly because I actually ended up getting a brown coat, which hopefully
31:05should arrive today. So yeah, I decided to get the brown, and I didn't realize that it was on sale.
31:12So this is it. It's so nice. And I really love the silver detail. They actually had the black
31:21and gold or black and silver, but I don't know. I just really loved the brown. The only thing is
31:26it was the last one left and it was on sale. Actually, I thought it was going to be $119.95,
31:32but then I got to the checkout and she was like, it's $59.95. So I was like, it's cool. Anyway,
31:37the only downside is that there was only one left and it's a large to extra large. So it's
31:42a little bit too tight, a little bit too loose, sorry. But I thought if I wore it low, like low
31:51with a skirt, which looks really cute, it kind of works. I just need to get a clear elastic and
31:57put it around there. So yeah, otherwise it just flaps because for some reason this doesn't move,
32:02that little thing. But yeah, it's really cute. I don't know. I thought it was just giving
32:06New York. So I got that and that's it. That's all I ended up getting. But today I am going
32:14to three appointments. I'm getting my nails done. I know I just got them done,
32:17but they're just not really giving New York. So I think I'm just going to get
32:20a color change and get either brown, like chocolate brown or red. I feel like I always
32:26get red when I go on holidays. I just love a red now. So I'll decide when I get there.
32:31And then I'm also getting my non-surgical facelift today. And then I'm going and getting
32:39my lashes and brows done. So I'll get lash lift and brow lamination. But first I'm actually going
32:47to go for a walk and check out the new Matcha Place. It was previously called Otopia, but
32:55they've rebranded to 94 Cafe in Palm Beach. So I'm going to go visit them, grab a Matcha,
33:01go for a walk and yeah, then I'll come home and then I'll probably have to leave to go get my
33:08nails done. I kind of woke up with a bit of a tickle in my throat, like sore throat vibe. So
33:13hopefully that ends very soon, but I thought I'd show you this top, which I got from Elite 11.
33:20It's a part of Adele's new collection, Obsessed. This crop is everything. So congratulations.
33:27I love it so much. So I'm going to wear this today with my black leggings. And then I think
33:33I'm going to do my, my yellow 1960s. I just need to go get some socks, but yeah, let's go get a
33:41Matcha. Okay. Hello. Sorry about the really bad lighting, but I just went and got my nails done.
33:48I actually woke up this morning with a little tickle in my throat. So I was like, I don't want
33:54to get sick. I didn't really think anything of it because I mean, some mornings I do,
33:58and then it just goes away. But I was like, if this actually gets worse,
34:03I'm going to be in trouble because I cannot afford to be sick for this flight.
34:09So I ended up getting the essentials. I got Armour Force, Neurofen Savants. I'm actually
34:16going to take them now. And then she recommended this for if I get a sore throat, it's like a
34:21spray, sore throat spray. But yeah, I was like, I actually don't want to risk it getting worse.
34:29So I'm just going to, like, usually I wouldn't take medications, but I think she said one tablet
34:38a day. Yeah. Let's just hope this freaking helps me.
34:58Because now I can start to feel a bit head coldy,
35:03which is alarming. So I'm going to take two Neurofen.
35:08Okay. Let's go get this face snatched. Yep. I've got no makeup on.
35:22I'm not quite able with this. Okay.
35:44Okay. Debrief. I'm home now. I went and got my brows and lashes done as well. They are looking
35:50a little bit crazy and dark, but because my hair's dark now, I feel like I can get
35:54away with like a darker tint. So we did a lash lift and lamination. Sorry, this lighting is like
36:04dire, but I'll show you guys better tomorrow. But yeah, I got a package from Maybelline,
36:12I guess for the trip. So I thought I would show you guys. It's so cute. Basically it's a July
36:16suitcase with all these goodies. We've got obviously Maybelline products. Oh yeah. By the
36:20way, have I shown you guys my nails? I feel like today has been like go, go, go. And I
36:25barely have had time to breathe basically. They're my nails, very New York coated. I feel like I
36:31always get red nails when I go away. Anyway, a sleeping mask, which will come in handy for the
36:36plane. This little like ring light as well. And then I actually ended up ordering these on Amazon
36:42because I couldn't for the life of me find gloves in store yesterday. Like I just couldn't find them
36:47like every single shop that they didn't have them. So I've got some gloves, little film camera,
36:54which is really cute with some film, a nice little note, cute little key ring, and then a
37:00tracksuit that says Maybelline. Like how freaking iconic. I'm so, so, so excited. I actually think
37:07I am going to bring this carry on because my one is white and I think the black will look really
37:12sleek, but yeah. Thank you so much, Maybelline. I'm seriously so excited. Ooh, my paper.
37:20Good morning, everyone. I'm not feeling the best today, guys. I feel like I jinxed myself.
37:27Like I woke up yesterday with like a slight sore throat, but that's
37:30kind of normal because we sleep with a fan on.
37:36But usually it goes away. I still have a sore throat. So I've taken Amiforce, Neurofen. I
37:43actually need to take one today. But honestly, the timing of this is unreal. Like I never get sick.
37:52Though I do, I guess have like two full days to like rest. I was meant to go to an engagement
37:58party tonight, Vic's sister, and I was really excited. But I have made the decision not to go
38:04because I just don't want to feel worse. I just need to rest. So yeah, that's the vibes today.
38:14I just can't believe I'm sick. I'm just making some boiled eggs. I do need to go to the shops
38:24and just get a few more things. And then I think I'm organized. Although I did make an order to get
38:29a brown jacket and it hasn't arrived. So hopefully it arrives on Monday because I don't actually
38:36leave until like Monday afternoon. So fingers crossed it arrives in the morning so I can
38:42bring it with me. But otherwise Riley has basically a whole store of coats. I don't have.
38:49So I'm going to go over there today and grab some to take with me. But yeah, I just
38:55cannot believe I'm sick. So I'm going to eat this, finish my matcha,
39:02and try to feel better. Hello everyone. I thought I would give you an update. The last you heard of
39:10me, I was not very well. Like I literally woke up and I felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks.
39:18I was baffled. Anyway, I'm feeling a little bit better now. I did end up going to the shops to
39:24get what I needed to get. And I've decided to lay out all of my accessories. I also
39:30went to Riley's and picked up a few of her coats that we wore last time I went to New York. So
39:36yeah, I'm going to bring them again I think. And I think I'm going to have to bring two
39:40suitcases guys. There is just no way I'm going to be able to fit this all in one suitcase.
39:45If I want more than one coat, there's just no way it's going to fit. So I'll show you what I picked
39:51up today. So I ideally wanted to find something else that I can wear to a dinner because we
39:58actually have two main dinners on the trip that we're going on. And one of the dinners or one of
40:04the, I guess, events is the main event. And I've got the dress, which I'll show you guys next week.
40:10But yeah, I got the itinerary yesterday and it said we're going for another dinner. And I was
40:15like, okay, what can I wear? And I automatically thought maybe I'm just doing like blazer or coat
40:21with my lace skirt. But I saw this photo on Pinterest and this girl styled a blazer with
40:27a skirt, but she also wore stockings underneath it with a slightly shorter lace skirt. Obviously,
40:33my skirt that I have is quite long and I tried rolling it up, but it just gathered and it just
40:39didn't look good. So I actually went into Zara and I found this, which is the perfect length.
40:47And I actually love this style of lace. So cute. It's like, yeah, a midi length. So I think I'm
40:54going to do that for the first dinner with a blazer, maybe even a belt around my waist. I'm
41:00not too sure yet. With stockings. And then I also got some new shoes from Naked Vice. They also sent
41:06me, look how cute this bag is. This bag, which I think I'm going to take as my carry on, to be honest.
41:14I'm very tempted to. I also got a blazer, a brown blazer, which is really cute. But yeah,
41:23I also got these shoes, which I'm so excited to wear. And then I also got these two bangles
41:28because I think I'm going to do like a monochrome moment on the event and do...
41:35Basically I've got a brown dress. So I'm thinking of doing like a brown jacket, brown shoes,
41:40brown bag. And then I was thinking this, or maybe even the gold over the top of the dress,
41:45because it's long sleeve. I don't know, but I really love this bangle. It's almost like
41:49tortoise shell kind of vibe. And that's all I got from Zara. And then I just got some stuff that I
41:58needed. Hairspray, like a mini hairspray. I also really wanted to try this. It's the Dermal Therapy
42:05dry shampoo. So really came to try that. And then I just needed some like disposable
42:11razors. I always get them when I go on trips. And then David Jones, I actually needed to get,
42:18I've already thrown out the package because I've just tried it on,
42:22shapewear. But specifically I wanted the one because my dress kind of has a slit on one side.
42:29So ideally I wanted one that had like one leg shorter than the other, if that makes sense,
42:34but they didn't have it in David Jones. But there was like this clearance section
42:39and what caught my eye were these pants. And oh my God, they are so soft. I'm going to definitely
42:47take these as like my pajamas on the plane or even just like pajamas. So comfortable.
42:53And they were $69. What were they originally? $109. I was like, bargain. So I got them in the
43:02gray and the black, but I'll definitely like get changed into those like my hop on the plane. So
43:06I'm comfortable. Also got some shapewear, only just like high waisted ones that go like up to here.
43:13And it was like a brief. And they were randomly $29. I was baffled. I think it was because maybe
43:20the package was open or it was like tampered with, but I was like, it was in my size. And
43:26I mean, it was fine. So yeah. Slay. Skims sale at David Jones. They had heaps of these, by the way,
43:33Pacfair David Jones. And they had mainly sizes large. I don't think they had any mediums and
43:40extra large. So like bigger sizes, if you're wanting some of these, but so soft and comfortable.
43:46Hello everyone. So I'm now at work. I am feeling so much better. Thank God. I'm just at work
43:54because we had to unwrap the fridge and set that up all for next week for the girls.
44:03And I've just been editing my vlog. I'm pretty much finished. I just need to end off the vlog.
44:07I was going to end it off at home, but I just think I need to really knuckle down and pack
44:12before tomorrow. So obviously start how satisfying I start a new vlog tomorrow. And that's when I
44:18leave. Cause like every single time I go away, it's always never on a Monday. So it's always like,
44:24I don't know, like a Thursday and it really throws off my weekly vlogging schedule, but I'm very
44:29happy that I'm leaving on a Monday. And I think I'm actually getting back on Monday as well,
44:35or even Tuesday, but I'll work that out anyway, but I have so much to do still. We're actually
44:40going to mom's for dinner tonight. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin was pretty
44:46much red raw and look at how pale my natural skin is because I don't see the sun for obvious
44:54reasons. I just fake tan, but yeah, that's the plans, fake tan, pack. And then tomorrow I'm
45:03heading to New York. Like what do you actually mean? I can't wait to vlog everything. And yeah,
45:09basically prepare to be sick of me, but yeah. Thank you so much for watching another week
45:14of my life and I can't wait to bring you guys along next week. Bye.