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00:00it's 8 a.m. good morning. I feel ugly. I'm not a morning person. I feel like you guys know that.
00:15I'm a little bit more awake. hey guys it's me tara and I've been traveling the month of
00:20February so much that I feel fucking fugly. whenever I travel I feel like I look like shit
00:25because I'm not in my own element and I've been traveling non-stop and I just feel ugly and I
00:30feel like it's time for a reset you know what I mean? glow up with me in one fucking day. today
00:34we've got a brazilian blowout, I'm getting my hair permed, an eyebrow appointment, I'm gonna get my
00:38nails done, I'm gonna get my toes done, I'm gonna take vitamins, make myself glow. I don't fucking
00:43know. if you guys don't know I have curly hair and I get a brazilian blowout every few months and
00:47it's just it's time. I gotta shave my undercut and I'm running so late my hairdresser's gonna
00:52kill me so I'm gonna really quickly I'm not even gonna drink coffee I'm just gonna maybe make my
00:57coffee there. I'm gonna put on some shoes and just hang out. OOTD? I'll do one. shirt is from
01:02oh mighty it's a silly little leo bitch. Silly leo bitch. IMG pants and I'm gonna bring the jacket
01:08because I feel like I need one still. where's my jacket? bitch did this not come with a matching
01:12jacket? I'm sorry I'm so late. I'm gonna take sugar potty. you guys watch this. you ready?
01:19sure you want to go potty?
01:31oh it's sunny. rare occurrence we're taking the poop. for those of you who don't know who haven't
01:36been following me for a while um I didn't always drive the pink interior car I drove this one that
01:41has exterior pink and then Jake got me the g-wagon which I'm so grateful for because I would get
01:45followed in this one. now I get to take this one out for a spin every once in a while like to get
01:48my hair done or something and it's just my baby like a pink my pink mini cooper is just my baby
01:53child and it feels so funny because it's a little go-kart driving it I always forget how like mini
01:58and like Mario Kart-y I feel in this thing but yeah I got to take the pink mini out so that's
02:03fun I can't look at myself I feel ugly. okay now that I'm more awake and we just parked and I'm
02:08like a minute early which is rare for me I feel like my poor hair girl I'm always like a minute
02:11late I'm sorry I'm a minute late and I'm usually very on time to things but I've now declared a
02:16state of emergency sometimes no matter how hot how sexy how iconic you are or you feel you don't
02:22feel it and it's because you need a glow up reset you know what I mean it's like it's hit that like
02:27mark everyone everyone has that like window where it's like hey your nails are going out honestly
02:31my nails look kind of slay but what I didn't tell you guys is in two days I go to Cancun Mexico
02:37so I would like to look nice because by the time I would come back from Mexico these nails would
02:40have looked like shit so I'm like no no no no no we're not letting that happen we're gonna go
02:44looking good into Mexico because I'm gonna come back with a tan that's the ultimate end of this
02:48video that you guys won't see is I'm gonna get a tan by the end of next week okay the bad thing
02:52about a Brazilian blot that I'm gonna go do right now is that it's not instant result so what it has
02:56to do is my hair is gonna be stick straight for 24 hours until I wash it so I'm gonna have to like
03:01put on a hat or something even though you're not supposed to because I just I hate my hair is like
03:05flat to my head but at least it's gonna look at my okay I'm having a stroke at least it's gonna make
03:10my hair look super long so farewell pink mini cooper I'm going to go get my hair done don't
03:16worry I won't forget you guys you guys are coming with me silly silly goose I need my coffee I got
03:23a lock on my car okay what are you gonna do to my hair today Tara today we're gonna give you a
03:34oh no way way it's in the fucking morning I'm like you want to punch me in the face I know you
03:41know yeah you do I want to hug you in the face there's never planking yeah wait oh my god
03:51I want to let you guys know I'm in a hair salon right now you're like we're not doing like a house call
03:55you are a liability I need my morning coffee oh I'm gonna order some
04:04I have so much I have bad news for you no coffee machine's gone
04:09wait is it where is it at your place no it's gone gone I said I'm gonna order it
04:15I'm gonna order it anyways I'll tell you what the tea's been I have so much to tell you guys this
04:21is not good me getting my hair done it's just a gossip session honestly yeah also you need to see
04:26my hair hold on I want to see your reaction for how long it's been since my Brazilian you ready yeah
04:34Tara yeah guys if you guys remember me cutting my hair up to here you guys are oh geez that was the
04:40first time I ever met Donia which is insane to me because Donia does my hair for like every shoot
04:44everything I ever do ever I also feel like I apologize to you like once a month in my videos
04:48like I'm sorry my hair girl she hates me listen I'm proud of you though you actually like
04:52accomplish the things that you do without me I know very well I'm like not bad yeah not at all
04:58snip snip guys hit me up for your next haircut one hour later guys
05:06it's straight and it's going behind my ear because look at this
05:09I was like this is just tomorrow I'll feel better I'll film tomorrow we're just one step
05:14closer look at this wait let me so silky yes like a horse do the toss toss I didn't watch it
05:25I never watched it again oh you have to watch it I know okay guys I got my hair straightened I put
05:31a hat on so it doesn't look so crazy um it's now afternoon so it's part two of the glow up which is
05:36getting my nails and my toes done again like I said I'm going to Cancun so I'm like debating
05:40whether to do friendship or white on my toes on my nails though I don't know I feel like I do
05:46friendship so much I'm like do I just do white on everything and just call it a day make it easy this
05:50time because if I do friendship on my toes I'll probably do friendship on my nails and it's gonna
05:53be a pain it's gonna take a while you know what I mean I'm feeling quite lazy at the moment also
05:58this wasn't part of the glow up but it always makes me feel better I bought two pairs of shoes
06:01I went to the blinding me fuck not working hold on as I was saying um yeah shoes aren't part of
06:11the glow up but it definitely helps also I'm about to get a pedicure so I'll show you guys the shoes
06:15that I got I got them for Mexico I think I'm gonna throw like little kitten heels I got one
06:19white pair and one black pair because I just realized I didn't have kitten heels and I don't
06:21want to wear like full-blown tall heels to Mexico at night I'm gonna be stumbling I already know
06:26yeah I'll figure out my toes and my nails I'll keep you guys posted on that
06:40three hours later okay I have friends over right now but I'm gonna show my roommates here too I'm
06:46gonna show the shoes I bought because part of a glow up is not buying shoes but I did it anyway
06:50okay these I got at Nordstrom but they are Steve Madden
06:56I got these just little black kitten heels they're cute right
07:01the crowd you didn't want to say anything
07:05super cute and no one knows who's talking which is funny
07:08I was about to say it seems like you're like lying but there's people here you know the one
07:13where it's like oh my god my boyfriend's taking this video yeah I feel like I'm lying that I have
07:16friends over but I swear to god I do I'm making a glow up video because I felt ugly
07:20I felt ugly so I like did glow up stuff today like I got my hair done I got my eyebrows done I got
07:25my nails done the next pair what are they oh yeah I just got I just got white kitten heels
07:30they're like very very basic but I needed them because I didn't have any white heels I just
07:35realized and the dress that I'm taking to Cancun I needed white shoes they're boring they're just
07:41Cancun I needed white shoes they're boring they're just like cute thanks
07:48thanks thanks skinny skinny thinks these are cute who the fuck is skinny
07:54guys I have friends I swear this isn't fake there's people here well I think that I think
07:59that a glow up is like I don't look glowed glowed up right now I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to wash
08:04my hair out because the brazilian needs to be washed out and then it needs to be because this
08:07isn't what it's actually going to look like obviously you guys know that I've done this too
08:10many times on the internet so I need to wash this out and it's gonna look like actually going out
08:13I'm gonna do my makeup and then I'm gonna feel better about myself I can't see what I'm recording
08:19I'm trying on the shoes everyone
08:24the next day good morning um my hair is still flat on my head so this does not feel like a
08:30glow up because I don't feel good like I don't feel pretty um but I think last night it sounds
08:36really cheesy but last night taught me a glow up is like not always on the outside like I had a
08:40really fun night with some friends and I laughed a lot and it made me she was being so cute I don't
08:46know if you guys see him um it made me laugh and I got in and out and that made me feel better about
08:50myself like even on the outside like this morning I woke up I'm like yeah still don't feel my best
08:54don't still feel like I look like my best but I feel good on the inside because I had so much fun
08:57with my friends so I think hanging out with your friends or like doing something you love like I
09:01went shopping is definitely part of a glow up it's not it sounds so cheesy it's not just the outside
09:06obviously feel better after I got my toes and my nails and like my eyebrows and my hair done but
09:10it's not over yet I think that you know the inside stuff was needed last night I had like one of my
09:15favorite meals I got a grilled cheese from in and out and then hung out with some friends and that
09:19honestly made me feel a lot better and I go to Cancun tomorrow so what we have to do is we have
09:23to wash out this Brazilian blowout even though it's so pretty and straight right now we gotta
09:28rinse it and obviously it's not gonna look like this but it's gonna be so much more manageable
09:31for me to do my hair I basically do this so it's like a high maintenance thing to be low maintenance
09:36you know what I mean before I shower though I'm gonna make myself a coffee I'm starting to think
09:40being hot is a full-time job I'm not kidding it's like when do I give up when do I give up getting
09:45my nails in every week getting my eyebrows done all this maintenance when do I give up when do I
09:50give up and here's the answer ladies and gentlemen never because you don't look hot for other people
09:54you look hot for yourself and honestly the second my nails start growing out I start hating it so
09:58as long as you're doing these things for you and feeling hot for yourself and not for other people
10:03then you're good to go you can complain all you want about the maintenance that's my role you know
10:07what I mean being a hot girl is really a full-time job I'm not kidding where's my pto
10:11where's my 401k plan I'm dead serious where is it where is it
10:19I'm like making myself giggle I feel like I'm in too deep now like I feel like if I was like
10:23low maintenance from the beginning I'd be fine but I was getting acrylics every two weeks in
10:27high school it's horrible I would like save my money like save my like chore money or like my
10:33birthday money every year and I would use that money I'm not kidding you guys to get my nails
10:38done every two weeks that was my thing getting my acrylics in every two weeks and I'd get like
10:41really funky shapes and colors and fun stuff and now I'm like not that I'm boring but I know what
10:46I like and I know it matches my outfits and every two weeks I have something like you know for work
10:50I go on like trips I vlog for you guys I have different events different shoots and I'm like
10:54the nails have to be a certain way so I can't do that anymore which I'm not complaining about I
10:58actually enjoy that I know what I like now like I had to go through so many like trial and errors
11:03but I feel like even then I liked what I was doing I think it was just like for the time you know
11:07what I mean you know in like a style like nails just for the time like I look back at my pictures
11:10I'm like oh this is cringy now but like for the time I looked slay like in 2013 I was wearing
11:14galaxy leggings slay but for 2012-2013 if I wear galaxy leggings now I'm gonna look
11:23a little odd I think actually you know what should we bring them back I gotta make a boom boom
11:28that coffee went right through me one hour later I'm starting to feel better I just showered and
11:34this is my dry hair just it just dries like I just like blow dried it at least like rough dried it
11:39which is so nice I finally feel like yesterday's work is working and now when I do my makeup I'm
11:44just gonna feel so much better and be like oh I look put together the difference between this and
11:49the clip before this when I had to make a boom boom is crazy a boom boom means I had to take a
11:53shit by the way guys I recently learned about bronzing drops like two months ago and I didn't
11:59know what they were and I learned a little something from the middle schoolers on tiktok
12:02because they know better than I do clearly I mix my elmess guys new new part of the makeup routine
12:08that definitely makes me feel fucking glued up definitely makes me feel really good by the way
12:12like I said the last part of this glove you guys can't even see it I'm going to Cancun tomorrow
12:16and that tan that I'm going to get from Cancun is going to be the last part of my glove because I
12:19want to feel like glowy but for now we'll use bronzing drops so what I do is I mix this like I
12:24probably do this wrong but like it's fine it works for me and like as long as something works for you
12:28there is no right and wrong and I put the Tarte Key Largo glow but like I don't know I don't know
12:33how much is too much that might be too much and then I mix it because I don't wear foundation
12:38I use concealer so this kind of like gives me like a good bronzy glowy base especially because
12:43I'm putting on lotion anyways I don't even know if it does much but it makes me feel great it
12:46makes me feel so glowy I'm definitely doing this wrong listen if you could learn one thing from
12:51TikTok it's that middle schoolers are probably way ahead of the fashion curve because I remember when
12:55I was in middle school and I was wearing those galaxy ass fucking leggings I was like I'm shit
12:58I know better than anyone else does I truly think that middle schoolers have a superpower where they
13:02just know what's next you know those eighth graders man eighth graders are my biggest fear
13:07seventh graders they're mean seventh grade boys mean mean as fuck like if you want to feel like
13:12shit go hang out with a seventh grade boy he'll make you feel like shit fucking trauma bro like I
13:17said though I learned I think from this video that the main that I have to wax the main part of like
13:25a glow up is I think as like cheesy as it sounds it's feeling good on the inside because hanging
13:29out with my friends really you know did something for me it made me like laughy and smiley and
13:34there's nothing more beautiful than a smile right I love making vlogs like this because it's just
13:38like oh I'm just like filming what I'm doing in a day and letting you guys know that I felt like
13:42shit and I needed like a glow up week or a glow up day or whatever it's been like exactly 24 hours
13:46since I started filming so exactly 24 hour glow up attempt attempt at a glow up I mean there's
13:50been like better glow ups for sure but like look like my hair feels so much better already it's
13:55just so much easier to do I'm just gonna like do a little blow dry moment and then it's gonna
13:59have a blowout it's gonna be so much easier you know it sucks too though I'm gonna be really
14:02honest with you guys I love my curls and like the curls that I had in like high school but I've done
14:06Brazilian so much that now it's just like really hard to manage and I don't have a good curl routine
14:10so I'm just like I'm just gonna do a blowout instead I know that's sad because it's like my
14:13natural hair is like really beautiful and I know it is and I really like it but it's just easier
14:17this way you know what I mean and that's what's sad about it but you know what are you gonna do
14:21my makeup that's what I'm gonna do doing your makeup even if it's just like eyebrow gel it just
14:25makes you feel fucking put together something about even this just like a little bit under
14:28the eye I'm just like something I realized that I haven't done in a while is an updated makeup
14:33routine I think last year was the last time I think it's been a year since I did an updated
14:38makeup routine and a lot of things have changed a lot of things are the same because I like stick
14:41to the same things but a lot of things are different because I've been trying a lot of
14:44new makeup products here and there so if you guys want an updated makeup routine comment down below
14:48I don't know when you guys want one like I don't know when it's an appropriate time for an updated
14:51makeup routine but if you guys want one I got you guys I feel like I need more god blush is the
14:55first thing to go away so I'm like fucking I look like a clown but it's fine also another thing I
14:59haven't done I haven't done a house tour which I know I haven't done it and like I will do it
15:02one day I don't think the house is ready I mean it's ready but I don't think it's like I don't
15:05think I want to do one yet I add things to it all the time and things change all the time around the
15:08house but I can do a room tour for you guys or like a closet tour I realized I moved in to my
15:14house in June it is now February so my room is definitely done it's a little messy right now
15:19because I'm like packing for Cancun and things are everywhere I have like a Ross bag over there
15:23but I haven't done a I haven't done a room tour so I feel like if you guys want one you let me
15:31know and I'll do one for you because I feel like those like videos like that I haven't done since
15:35like the beginning of my channel which is five years ago and so many things have changed obviously
15:39I live in my own place now and different room different vibe so if you guys do want a room
15:42tour please let me know and I will give you one and no one's just no one's really asked so I'm
15:45like you guys even want one do you guys even care you guys even care so let me know let me know
15:50anything you guys want I try to listen to the comments I do read my comments my YouTube comments
15:54especially because I care about what you guys think you guys are my community you guys are my
15:57friends I need to know what you guys want to see so I can provide things coming up um you guys
16:01should we talk about that while I just do my makeup things coming up I don't know if you
16:05guys have noticed but I've done one stuck in a car with a month so that will for sure happen on
16:09this channel for the rest of the year I feel like you guys aren't in the loop so I want to put you
16:12guys in the loop yeah 100% at least at least one a month I don't know if you guys want more I can
16:17definitely do more because that would mean 12 guests in a year which is like is that a lot is
16:22that not enough I don't know it's up to you guys you guys control you guys control this channel
16:27um you guys might think it's me but it's you if you guys want something you let me know you let
16:31me know who you want you let me know when you want and I will try and make it happen but not everyone
16:34wants to be stuck in a car with believe it or not people don't want to be stuck in a car with me
16:38but we do have some really cool guests coming up I will tell you this much I'm going to film one
16:42right now that's what I'm getting ready for one that I'm very very excited about because it's
16:47super cool and probably definitely one of the cooler ones that I'll probably ever do um but
16:53yeah I've pre-filmed like three now so little do you guys know maybe like in April I filmed it in
16:58January you'll never know because I'm just I'm a YouTuber and I film things in advance and you'll
17:04never know anywho I'm just gonna keep getting ready now you guys let me know what you want to
17:09see and I'll give it to you that's the moral of the story a few moments later now I feel glowed up
17:14now I feel good guys get ready for your day that'll probably do it for you because it did it for me
17:19guys if you guys enjoyed this video give this video a like comment down below who or what you
17:22guys want to see next let me know if you guys want this kind of video my travel vlogs I'm all
17:26packed up for Cancun which I will also vlog for you guys um I love you so much it is time to
17:33skedaddle bye guys