all good things take time :)
a glimpse into our life in madrid for the past few months!
instagram @doobydobap
a glimpse into our life in madrid for the past few months!
instagram @doobydobap
00:44I'm uploading the video now.
00:47This is our setup.
00:50Plus I'm sick.
01:00And how long have we been living like this?
01:11A week?
01:15How long have I been there?
01:27This is magnificent!
01:31Mmm, tasty!
01:42It's good.
01:44No onion, no garlic, but a little bit of sweet should help I think.
01:47It is.
02:01I split it yesterday.
02:02I'm yours.
02:03Try this one.
02:04It's very good.
02:16Is it so good?
03:41My bowl cut.
03:43My bowl cut.
03:45Matching bowl cuts.
03:49So we're on our way to go to IKEA to pick up a bed frame, a mattress, amongst other things, and an office desk.
03:58Thankfully they had stock, so...
04:01And we rented a...
04:06We rented one of the car sharing apps called Wibble in Madrid and it's honestly so OP because you don't need a car, really, to live in Madrid and I really like that.
04:33We have arrived in the promised land.
04:41It's a bumblebee!
04:42It's a bumblebee!
04:43No face, no face.
04:46What is that?
04:48Cinnamon rolls.
05:04I feel like every IKEA in the world looks the same.
05:07Every year, we get older, but IKEA stays the same.
05:12There's differences though.
05:14Year one had all the...
05:16Hanok setting.
05:17That was pretty cool.
05:23It's so pretty.
05:35Ah, it's so greasy!
05:41How does it feel?
05:43Feels hard.
05:46Extra firm.
05:48They're just a symbol.
05:53What is this?
06:16It tastes different here than in Spain.
06:18In a good way.
06:19It's really good.
06:20I had the meatball.
06:21In a good way.
06:22The juice is better.
06:23It's good.
06:47For dinner, we're going to a Senegalese restaurant in Lavapice.
06:52I love Mafé.
07:04What is Maggi?
07:06Maggi is...
07:12Oh, the lenses, sorry.
07:22Oh, I forgot.
07:40You look like a DJ.
07:45Wait, this is so high!
07:48We call it Meat on the Block.
07:52Good job, babe.
07:53I'm proud of you.
07:55I'm hungry.
08:00It's serious business up in here.
08:05Century egg and the padron peppers.
08:17So good.
09:06I almost wasted the mattress.
09:09No, come in, come in.
09:11Wait, why?
09:12That's crazy.
09:14That's crazy.
09:22It looks like you're getting boned.
09:24It's the uterus.
09:52Let's go.
10:23Yeah, okay.
10:37Taking a little mini tea break from Spanish to try...
10:50That should be a little trinket every time.
10:52A little Jesus.
11:10It's a very thick egg custard.
11:13You know how there's some desserts that look nasty?
11:16Like an upside-down pineapple cake.
11:18But that absolutely slaps.
11:21This is that.
11:22It looks very 70s.
11:25It's like a warm pillowy brioche with like a custard egg cream inside.
11:30And like a crunchy, sugary, caramelized oranges and almonds.
11:35It's so good.
11:55Annyeong, Doobies.
11:56Gucci Mane once said,
11:58if you ain't got no sauce, you lost.
12:02Today, we're going to be exploring some of my favorite Asian condiments
12:06so you can cook like a pro.
12:15Let's go.
12:46Isn't there a cafe?
12:47Let's go.
13:13Spanish lotion.
13:15I have them in Danish.
13:16Then I'm going to start reading Dragon Ball again, just in Spanish.
13:43So smart.
13:47Yes, it's going to be more pricey,
13:48but it's just the best for functionality
13:51because you can just get one pull.
13:53That's going to fit all.
14:16Why is it so high?
14:18Can you get up there?
14:20Why is it so high?
14:21I don't know.
14:22Try to climb up.
14:28I cannot return it.
14:29Then what are you going to do?
14:30I'm going to cut the legs.
14:34I'm going to look up what is an average bed size.
14:37I mean,
14:38it's not that big.
14:39It's not that big.
14:40It's not that big.
14:41It's not that big.
14:42It's not that big.
14:43It's not that big.
14:44It's not that big.
14:45I mean,
14:46it doesn't matter what the internet tells you.
14:48Yeah, this one looks good in a big room.
14:53Now it looks big in a small room.
15:15We're so fucked.
15:33The fact that this is walking distance,
15:36we're really fucked.
15:38You all can suck my ass.
15:41It's so good.
15:43Holy shit.
15:44That was an experience.
15:48Don't walk.
16:14Excuse me.
16:39Excuse me.
16:42We got a addition to our family, we call them Rocky.
16:49It's non-binary.
16:50That's true.
16:51Open the top cover, open the top cover of the robot.
17:08Hi HiDoobies.
17:09So let me explain what's going on here.
17:11We are building a coffee cabinet wall.
17:14So the whole back wall is meant to be opened and closed because there's both the AC unit
17:19which will, there is gonna suck all the air in up to the AC, blow it out, and then there's
17:24the radiator.
17:25So what we had to do, we had to do a solution where we don't cover up the wall completely.
17:28And on the bottom I found a perforated piece of metal that I'm cutting so it fits underneath
17:32so the radiator and AC module can still get air.
17:35And this is Tina.
17:38For the shelving units, we opted for a stainless steel wall and that's it, give it up.
17:49I got a new coffee machine.
17:58Box inside a box.
18:03Made for performance.
18:04What are you talking about?
18:06A box inside a box, inside a box.
18:36I have to soak it for three minutes.
19:06I have to soak it for three minutes.
19:36Family nap time!
20:06I have to soak it for three minutes.
20:13I have to soak it for three minutes.
20:34So this is where the production of the apron is being made.
20:38Everything's made in Korea, it's all handmade and you can see the ladies, the seamstresses
20:43making the aprons.
20:44Right now it's the pocket process and it's bellissimo.
21:42Doobie doobie, doobie doobie, doobie doobie.