• 10 hours ago
Podcast Seram Sejuk Sepahtu yang di hos kan oleh Joey Daud, bersama artis undangan akan bercerita tentang pengalaman seram yang amat dasyattttttt!

Sepahtu Reunion Live merupakan sitkom komedi yang pertama dirakamkan secara langsung di Astro Prima & dilakonkan oleh anggota kumpulan Sepahtu iaitu Jep Sepahtu Rahim Sepahtu, Pakya & pemain baru Ropie

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Sepahtu Reunion Live 2025
Setiap Jumaat | 9malam
Astro Prima & strim di Astro Go & On Demand



00:00Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:11I am a very diligent worker in Sentosa Hospital, Bahagia.
00:21My name is Tahir.
00:23Long name, Tahir or not?
00:26I have been taking care of this hospital for a very long time.
00:31With my beloved doctor, Ahawawatilid.
00:38He is a great doctor.
00:39But I love him because he only pays my salary.
00:42So today, I want to ask all of you.
00:45Is this hospital really threatening our lives?
00:48Today, we are going to reveal...
00:50...in a very scary podcast.
00:56To Be Continued...
01:01Our guest today is my beloved doctor.
01:04He is Dr. Wah Wah Wah Wah.
01:07Please welcome, Dr. Wati Yilid.
01:14When did you become a lawyer?
01:15Aren't you taking care of this hospital?
01:18I'm looking for food.
01:19There are many children.
01:20So you have to interview me?
01:22Yes, doctor.
01:23Please have a seat.
01:29As a crazy doctor...
01:31I forgot.
01:33What kind of doctor are you?
01:35My beloved doctor.
01:36Yes, of course I'm your beloved doctor.
01:38Is there a life-threatening doctor in this hospital?
01:44Is there a life-threatening husband?
01:46Tell me.
01:47Many people want to know what is life-threatening in your life.
01:50Why didn't you tell me?
01:51I'm excited.
01:53There's one.
01:54He's very scary to me.
01:56Who is he?
01:57That man.
01:59My husband.
02:01My husband looks like you.
02:04Maybe he's a goat.
02:07Why is he scary?
02:08Why is he a goat?
02:10Why is he a scary husband?
02:12He's very scary.
02:13Because he doesn't sleep.
02:16He's not scary.
02:17He's creative.
02:19Why did I back him up?
02:21Why is he a scary husband?
02:23Because he's a scary husband.
02:26So, I can't take care of him.
02:28He doesn't sleep at home.
02:30That's your problem.
02:31I don't want to get involved.
02:32I want to involve him in the hospital.
02:34What is life-threatening in a doctor's life?
02:36Is there a life-threatening husband in this hospital?
02:38There are many.
02:39When I was pregnant.
02:41I was pregnant.
02:42He didn't want to play with me.
02:43He's smart.
02:44He's smart enough to be pregnant.
02:47I was pregnant.
02:48I was pregnant for a few days.
02:50I took a breath.
02:52It's normal to be pregnant.
02:56Suddenly, I saw a hair.
03:00I didn't know what it was.
03:02It looked like hair.
03:04I didn't know what was going on.
03:06My sister shouted from inside the house.
03:08Wati, come in.
03:11I didn't know what was going on.
03:13So, I came in.
03:14Mr. Pontian was there.
03:16The ghost was upside down.
03:18It was upside down.
03:20It looked like hair.
03:21That's why the hair fell down.
03:23The hair was long.
03:24The baby was safe.
03:26Praise be to God.
03:27I wasn't shocked.
03:29My sister shouted from inside the house.
03:32There were many people in the house.
03:35Mr. Pontian.
03:37Mr. Lang.
03:38Mr. Lang Suwiri.
03:40You're smart.
03:42I've been staying here for a long time.
03:45Did you call me ma'am?
03:46You said you were pregnant.
03:47Yes, I'm pregnant.
03:49I'm smart.
03:50I have a husband.
03:51I'm not a ma'am anymore.
03:52What happened after that?
03:54I had many scary experiences.
03:57There was another one.
03:58With the elite group?
04:01We were going to a show.
04:03We were in a car.
04:04Do you remember there was a car accident on the highway?
04:08A car accident?
04:10No, it was on the highway.
04:13I saw it with my own eyes.
04:18I was driving the car.
04:20Suddenly, I saw an electric car.
04:22I looked at the car.
04:26I was sleepy.
04:27I couldn't see anything.
04:29You couldn't see anything?
04:30I couldn't see anything.
04:31I looked at the car again.
04:33It was still in front of me.
04:35I didn't know when the car hit me.
04:38Did you see everything?
04:39I only saw the car.
04:41I only saw the car hit me.
04:43But, I've seen many people on the highway.
04:51The car was still there.
04:53So, you saw everything?
04:55No, it was my own experience.
04:57I was driving the car.
04:58There was no car accident with the elite group?
05:00There was.
05:01But, we were going to a show on the highway.
05:04I told them about the car accident.
05:07It was their experience.
05:09Did you see it?
05:10No, I didn't.
05:11Why didn't you see it?
05:14I asked you.
05:16You asked the elite group.
05:18I'm sorry.
05:21You asked the elite group.
05:23I told them that I was alone.
05:25Thank you for sharing your experience with me.
05:30I don't want to talk about it anymore.
05:31Be patient.
05:32This is a long episode.
05:34We'll see you again in the next episode.
05:39I don't want to talk to you.
05:43I want to talk to the viewers.
05:45I want to talk to you, too.
05:46We have a gift for you.
05:49What is it?
05:50Drink this water.
05:52It gives you energy.
