Good.cop.bad.cop.2025.S01 E03
00:00Whoever did this wanted us to find the body most likely moved from another location and dumped here
00:08who would do this someone from Birch Creek of your figure call it a hunch
00:15not exactly the case of the speckled band Oh the notoriously difficult Sherlock Holmes mystery
00:26not a reading crowd I guess so you go to the big game Glen you bet go Eagles
00:32yeah go Eagles yeah go the Eagles we'll see ya
00:40yeah sure I forgot how football crazy this town is yeah well the Eagles do
00:45look damn good this season brand-new QB transferred in from high school in Texas
00:49cannon for an arm Birch Creek is going down they think they're so great over
00:54there cuz they have a Sam's Club and a Costco come on where's your school
00:59spirit it's rivalry week I'm supposed to get excited about gerrymandered city
01:03lines that determine what color sweatshirt we should like and cheer for
01:06another town's kids to get concussed it's painfully clear why you sat by
01:10yourself at lunch in high school okay speaking of the old days a shortcut to
01:14the police station doesn't happen to still be there does it the hole in the
01:17fence in the alley no they fixed that like five years ago last one of the
01:21station buys lunch I didn't agree to this wager
01:42neat place you come here a lot no that's kind of the point on a counter be a
01:49sensitive nature of this transaction right
01:55have you tried a neti pot change my life what for your sinuses you know it's
02:02ragweed season I noticed you're wiping your nose a lot don't notice things
02:06about me right bring the photo here's the guy that's Jake Wilson you know him
02:16Eagles star quarterback this kid is the real deal yeah well I want him gone I
02:23mean not dead okay just gone yeah well it's your money
02:30did you get the burners yeah
02:37they're pink yes sorry that's all they had that and uh Spongebob come to think
02:42of it Spongebob was more of a walkie-talkie and talk too much sorry
02:46happens when I get nervous I also get hungry I'm thinking about
02:49ordering something you want to split a cobb salad
03:10dude I found this tape to your locker
03:15oh that's nothing that's just a bad joke
03:28kakutai you should push in this maggot answer what brush your meal till of a
03:34Moira the words of my great teacher prima ballerina Anna Morozova you can
03:41Google translate tonight on her birthday we will honor her with best
03:47recital this town has ever seen what you said clown face page nobody's gonna come
03:54it's a Birch Creek game tonight that's why none of the other girls are at
03:57rehearsal we will still do show you are number one dancer now cool does not mean
04:05you are good okay everybody listen up two big announcements first off Henry's
04:12buying lunch Lily find the most expensive place to order from that would
04:16be the new Italian place on Douglas I'm not gonna use a coupon even though I
04:21have one it's today the day I try calamari oh no you cheated and you had a
04:26head start so what a loss you're tall but you run like Frankenstein
04:30Frankenstein was the doctor and his foot speed was unknown yeah I was just about
04:34to say that brother from another mother you're a grown man in the Letterman
04:39jacket it's a rivalry baby Bradley's the only player in Edenville history to
04:46score against Birch Creek two lousy points the immaculate safety
04:50quarterbacks in my side times expiring on the clock their o-line didn't even
04:54touch me man I was like a ghost I just ran in and yeah I was kind of hoping
05:02you'd all join in sorry Bradley second big announcement officer Stepkowski has
05:09been on the job for three months so it's time he takes his first solo call I don't
05:18think this pie is ready to come out of the oven yet this is a very good for a
05:22solo call the annoying San Francisco couple on Ridgemont wants a patrol car
05:26to stop by they found something concerning in their yard yeah last week
05:30they had me come over cuz there was a goat and it was looking at it funny the
05:34week before that a balloon was stuck in their tree you got this yeah yeah I got
05:43thanks for coming with me on my first solo call my presence negates the solo
05:48part but you're welcome now pretend I'm not here establish control assert your
05:54authority and be firm okay here I go
06:07let their yellow leather hi I'm officer Stepkowski this is officer Ray she's not
06:15here oh I'm Evan this is my wife Andy Wow that's not a very antiquated in agro
06:22my wife like you're a possession I forget who we moved here to spend more
06:27meaningful time with the kids where are they what day is it as Friday why did
06:33you call the tennis at soccer Levi's at filmmaking and Lucy's firing pot no no
06:38no that's no sorry that's Thursday right sir why did you call us to your
06:42domicile did not have human remains on my bingo card do you think this will
06:48delay the completion of our swimming pool of course that's not what's
06:50important here of course that's not what I said okay please don't fight
06:55Louise Henry thanks for coming to see me you did the right thing son bless you
07:03get the door bud notice he calls a total stranger son and his own son bud it's a
07:10figure of speech and he was talking to me that young man is a teammate of Jake
07:15Wilson's marks a running back the coach Grady converted to wide receiver oh I
07:19don't hate that kids got wheels for a guy his size he runs a 4 640 and what's
07:25his yards for catch I can leave and come back oh sorry yeah when I get a bad
07:30football kind of like you and Star Trek remember when you're a little you had
07:33all the toys and the bedspread it was Star Blazers the American adaptation of
07:38the pioneering Japanese anime space battleship Yamato Star Trek is for
07:41children yeah of course right sorry anyway I've got a new case for you guys
07:47Oh partial human remains well no we're gonna stick a pen in that I got
07:51something better now apparently somebody broke into
07:55Jake's host family's home took a photo of him while he was sleeping and then
08:00taped it to his locker along with a threatening note how is that better
08:04probably just a couple Birch Creek knuckleheads you know the drill they
08:08prank us we prank them yeah but I mean all the same this game is important to
08:12the town and coach Grady is a close personal friend so I'm gonna throw
08:15everything we have at this thing of course you are there's something wrong
08:18no no reallocating police resources from investigating human remains because
08:22somebody played a joke on your buddy's football player that feels just right
08:26okay look we're on the same team it's called prioritizing the coroner's best
08:30first guess is that those bones are over a hundred years old so I am asking you
08:34to prioritize an actual death threat against a currently living person with
08:40this leadership the Argo would have been destroyed by Death's Lock and Prince
08:43Zordar if you'd watch Star Blazers you'd know that was a perfect burn
08:56I can't believe he has us doing this BS assignment for his good old boys we are
09:00detectives not school crossing guards oh that's not fair we're here to be
09:03detectives oh it's okay you can cross glass half-full we get to revisit our
09:09old stomping grounds of course you're happy to be here you loved high school
09:12oh and high school loved me class president editor of the yearbook of our
09:16city point guard occasional girlfriend of Bobby the Dukes Dugan what did you
09:20ever see in him no the Dukes had a admirable quality of thinking I'm
09:23awesome and I just couldn't resist this teenage dirtbag vibe panic overhauls
09:27work boots exactly why'd you even mention him cuz he's right there
09:33dudes sorry Frankenstein tall I knew I'd regret that
09:41hey Henry the Dukes sweet ride thanks man made some mods
09:48hey sexy oh no you guys want to get high in the
09:54groundskeeper shed you know we're cops right you don't kiss like a cop okay
09:59we're done
10:07would you stop he's quite the feather in your cap okay it was high school he
10:12said you don't kiss like a cop that's present tense which means Louise Hickman
10:16this is branch oh my best student it is so great to see you did you know I still
10:23use your essay on Thoreau in my AP English class Henry mrs. branch it's so
10:32great to see that you're still at EVHS shaping young minds into unquestioning
10:36blobs incapable of dissent or original thought I see you're still upset about
10:40getting a C- in my class you wrote rules on an essay on civil disobedience that
10:44makes literally no sense okay well it is great to see you you too
10:50there was something fundamentally wrong with that woman but you were such an
10:54absolutist just because he didn't like her doesn't make her a bad person
10:57ooh did I ever tell you and in high school I spread a rumor that Becky
11:02Simpson hooked up with her cousin does that make me a bad person yes well she
11:09used to torture me in seventh grade she made everyone on the bus call me poo
11:13Hickman in her defense that's pretty funny don't judge me it's not like you
11:18got a perfect record with people from your past
11:27so were there any signs of forced entry into your home we're trying to figure
11:42out how someone took a photo of you while you were sleeping well my host
11:45family of the mittens they're real sweet people but they don't like their doors
11:49at night probably just some kids fooling around can you think of anyone who might
11:53want to hurt you besides every d-line in the state got your game against
11:59Millbrook saw you toss that linebacker like a rag doll broke that guy's collar
12:03bless you honestly the only thing I'm worried about my allergies y'all got
12:08different trees than I got in Texas we appreciate you coming out and I'm sure
12:11they know there's nothing more than the handiwork of some overzealous Birch
12:15Creek fans yeah because they know we're gonna kick their ass tonight well still
12:20out of an abundance of caution Big Hank is increasing police presence at
12:23tonight's game appreciate it oh and thank your dad for his concern it's good
12:28to have friends in high places that's our motto to protect and serve
12:31Big Hank's friends how the hell the police get involved I didn't call him
12:37coach you need to keep a low profile in town no drink in no party and not even a
12:43parking ticket we don't need any more police Jake you need to meet Joe Bradley
12:59the immaculate safety I've heard of you hey a former Eagles legend protecting a
13:03current Eagles legend what's that Brandon Big Hank assigned me to be Jake's
13:07security detail promise not to let him out of my sight I'm gonna be like your
13:11bodyguard from from the bodyguard these are all the bones I recovered from the
13:22site the sheriff's department is checking the rest of the yard with their
13:25ground penetrating radar machine I have the best stuff I don't even have a
13:29functioning microwave the only button that works is potato oh yeah the trick
13:33is to heat stuff up in increments of potato like popcorns like two and a half
13:37potatoes oh I'm gonna try that also there's some clothing fibers and a
13:42plastic packet of Valentine's Day hearts at the same depth could be a clue to
13:46when the victim died pretty eventful first solo call mm-hmm I didn't go by
13:52myself today I asked Ray to come I know she told you no you accidentally turned
13:58your walkie on when you fell in the pit and started screaming a lot of earthworms
14:03down there I just caught me by surprise that's all be sure it doesn't have
14:06anything to do with you second-guessing your decision to become a cop
14:10oh it's walkie pick that up too huh I just I don't I don't know if I have what
14:17it takes kind of feel like a fraud yeah I get it being a cop is tough when I'd
14:24been on the job for three months I felt like I was wearing a Halloween costume
14:29to work every day totally but I hand-picked you because I know you can
14:35do it thanks Lou you're welcome and next time I send you in a solo assignment go
14:46Lottie hi oh do we have lunch plans today and make
14:50pirozhki oh those are like gold around here I caught Lily trying to steal these
14:56out of my lunch in the office fridge hey you are coming to my recital to
15:00honor my hero you wouldn't miss it it's tonight gotta miss it Hank you make
15:05promise I know I meant it but any other night but tonight is Birch Creek look I
15:11know you want those kids to have their moment just move the recital to a
15:14different day I cannot move on Amorosova's birthday maybe the move game
15:19this is the big game oh oh is championship well no but it is a big
15:28game if they win they will get to play in championship well there no I mean
15:34it's early in the season there's lots of factors like strength the schedule and
15:37that gets kind of political sometimes does not sound like big game
15:41Lottie, Edenvale is a football town. I will make it a dance, Tom.
15:58I left him another note and just to make sure he really gets the message I'm
16:05gonna go buzz the tower
16:11I can't believe you, Tom. This is your last warning.
16:27you saved me that's no big deal Jake safety's uh it's kind of what I'm known
16:35for around this place you know cuz yeah yeah you got it
16:42well well well still think it's a bunch of high school kids playing games we've
16:49got Jake was unhurt thanks to Bradley's quick thinking that's a sentence I
16:53didn't think I'd say when I woke up this morning uh-huh now what do we find out
16:57about the driver deceased white male low 30s I'll be right back
17:05hey hey uh what are you doing here we don't really need County Sheriff's
17:10support on this one oh no yeah I just heard it on the radio and thought I'd
17:15make sure you're good oh well that's nice
17:21you went to Birch Creek right you going to the game tonight no my ex-wife's
17:26gonna be there so there's gonna be enough tackling on the field yeah so the
17:31deceased is Dustin Cravetti the distant estate pen last known residence was
17:36Birch Creek guess he wanted Edenvale to lose tonight yeah we're running over
17:40your star quarterback is one way to do it did you guys go in no it's your
17:45crime scene well damn right the county's just here to direct traffic and look
17:50pretty not that you look pretty and not that you don't I'm neutral to your
17:55appearance fellas let's open up the vehicle hey um it's great to run into
18:03you yeah would be nice to see more of you
18:08detective Chief
18:15well what'd you find out about the driver got a positive ID I'll go back to
18:21the office pull his jacket check it in at last knowns
18:23meantime junior I'll search the vehicle again don't call me junior dad didn't
18:28mean that no no he's right he's right I'm sorry Henry okay I'll circle back
18:34play nice gloves I prefer nitrile to latex superior protection from corrosive
18:42chemicals and punctures and nitro can't hold a candle to latex when it comes to
18:47range of motion made the best club win
19:01if you rub that you get three wishes it's a neti pot ragweed season some
19:10wedged in here we're gonna have to remove the seat no no no no let me give
19:14you a shot here you won't be able to get it out yeah yeah there we go
19:22yeah see range of motion could be a burner phone yep hmm still works and
19:34according to these last few texts this was a job for hire whoever did the
19:37hiring is over 40 how do you figure they're horrible at texting unless he
19:42sent a hitman three eggplants in a peach they went to a bar called the old place
19:47you ever been yeah a long time ago places dead middle of nowhere
19:53me and Lou will check it out
20:01let's give it up you know I was just doing my job you know that coach Grady
20:10always says you play for the name on the front of the uniform not the name on
20:13the back oh although that that might be a little bit confusing because my name
20:17is on the front of this uniform but yeah the point is it was a team effort
20:21didn't I write Jake
20:26oh boy so how'd it go with dad back there you guys getting along a little
20:31better we get along as well as we need to never see eye to eye and everything
20:35but it's fine it's not fine EVP dvpd have you seen this man uh-huh
20:44he was here earlier are you sure oh yeah was with this other guy who ordered a
20:48Cobb salad I mean who orders a Cobb salad at a bar you don't want to know
20:53how old those eggs are does that security camera work yeah
21:00wait for is it right there that's Carl branch mrs. branches husband
21:07I'm shocked someone would marry that terrible woman all right thank you let's
21:13split up you go to his house and I'll go to his workplace at the Apple Store
21:16this town has an Apple Store they opened last month welcome to the Apple Store
21:22hi is Carl branch here by any chance sorry he's not here oh can I ask you a
21:31few questions then make it quick I only have three are either of you football
21:36fans did your husband bet on tonight's game and lastly did you give me a C
21:40minus in English because you secretly knew I was smarter than you I'm going to
21:46answer in a way you were never able to in my class concisely no oh mr. branch
21:54Lou Hickman EVPD if you just have a Hickman we went to high school together
21:59Becky Becky Simpson Becky Simpson Becky Wow I haven't seen you in forever yeah
22:07well I left town after someone spread a nasty rumor about me my whole life fell
22:11apart no don't remember a rumor of course not you were one of the good ones
22:18where are my manners these are my babies Coco and mrs. boots I rescued them but
22:29really they rescued me excuse me Oh Oh Hickman I have grading to do so unless
22:43you have any more questions it is time to go just one more thing is there
22:49anything about your relationship with Jake outside the classroom that you're
22:53not telling me are you suggesting that I'm having an inappropriate relationship
22:57with a student was just that earlier I asked if either you or mr. branch were
23:01football fans and you concisely answered no however you have all of the football
23:07game circled on your calendar hanging on the wall right there why isn't that Jake
23:14Wilson I have no idea where he came from you mean you have no idea from where he
23:23came you're a predator mrs. branch and a lousy English teacher
23:31you're under arrest how did you beat me here shortcut turn around I'll see you
24:01so I ran varsity track go Eagles go Eagles
24:22where's naughty I don't know man a little bit of a disagreement I didn't go
24:29to her dance recital well I'm sure she'll let it go yeah you think so no
24:36it's being sarcastic I don't have a full range of facial expressions because of
24:41the Botox
24:47ladies and gentlemen please take your seats for a special halftime performance
24:59what's Nadia doing on the field I have no idea in honor of great Russian
25:06dancer Anna Marosova did she say in honor of Russia
26:36think it's done upon it on a morose avoid me I guess we're stupid yes I
26:42found it don't know sick though what did she say hey Lou you got a minute yeah
26:56I'm letting my suspects sweat a little before I question her hey I'm reheating
27:01coffee do you think two potatoes is enough I go three hmm all right what's
27:07up um when I was cataloging the bones into evidence I noticed that the breaks
27:12in the bones were at like a 45 degree angle and under magnification I
27:16discovered these like serrated marks I think the body was dismembered hmm to
27:22what end I don't know maybe to make it harder to identify the body I don't know
27:27just a theory pretty sure an imposter wouldn't have thought of that good work
27:32officer a potato up to you I'm just looking at your bank records you
27:44recently withdrew $5,000 so that's a lot of money for a small town
27:51you could buy a bass boat or build a gazebo or hire someone to kill Jake
27:57Wilson I don't know who that is oh well let me give you a hint your wife is
28:03having an affair with him you ever been to a dive bar called the old place no
28:09this is a screenshot from the bar security video of you with Dustin
28:13crevetti a career criminal with quite the rap sheet pretty sure he wasn't
28:18there to sell you a boat build you a gazebo so that leaves the third thing
28:23mrs. branch folks in this community trust you with their children I can't
28:29believe you would take advantage of a minor it wasn't like that with us why
28:32because he's a boy you think that makes it better he's not a boy he's a man not
28:37in the eyes of the law okay look I just wanted to scare Jake out of town okay I
28:45didn't want him dead I wanted him to leave Ian Vale before word got out about
28:49the affair and it ruined my wife's reputation I'm going to type that up and
28:54you're gonna sign it ragweed season and I am personally gonna make sure that you
29:05get the maximum punishment because I don't like when people take advantage of
29:08kids he's not a kid he's a 25 year old pretending to be a teenager I figured
29:21out first seems like it was a tie how'd you get to it when we interviewed him he
29:26sneezed into his hand which means he's been out of school for at least six
29:28years in 2017 there was a push by the CDC to have all school-aged children
29:32sneeze into the crook of their elbows to stop the spread of germs this is a kid
29:35this is an adult Jake's an adult huh pretty good well how'd you figure it out
29:42a sneezing too
29:55I got this coach let me go hail Mary I got this in there call the timeout right
30:01I got your text what is it we said to meet at the parking lot son it's a fourth
30:05quarter I came down from the stands is as close as I get to the parking lot we
30:09arrested mr. branch on attempted murder and arrested mrs. branch on corrupting a
30:14minor but we had to cut her loose because the minor turned out not to be a
30:17minor what Jake Wilson is a 25 year old posing as a teen so we can play high
30:24school football that's crazy we got to get him off the field
30:29let's see if Jake Wilson can create a little last second magic after we win
30:35all right boys
31:55mama is that you so I will see you at my studio next week for first lesson fans
32:05huh no students I sign up slave already I told you Edenville was done well we're
32:14definitely not a football town I'm so proud of you babe let's promise never to
32:21fight again oh that was not fight you don't want to see fights yeah no ma'am I
32:26do not still though I need to apologize to you I had no idea how homesick you
32:31were until I saw that dance you understood the story of the dance yeah
32:38of course isn't it obvious it was all coach Grady's idea my host family
32:45doesn't know anything about coaches playing they're good people coach Grady
32:48found me after watching a video of mine when I was playing my junior college
32:51days in Plano he forged all the documents and he rolled me into high
32:54school I knew it was wrong then why'd you do it I don't know I guess I just
33:00wanted a chance to come back and redo high school I made a mess my first go
33:06around don't you ever want to just go back yes I can't believe coach Grady did
33:11this he's one of my closest friends guess we know what that means no Henry
33:14what does that mean hmm your record still intact the only Edenville play to
33:20ever score against Burch Creek you're an insult to the uniform we should be the
33:29ones talking to coach Grady not him and I told you there was something
33:33fundamentally wrong the mrs. branch as a person okay you had a premonition that
33:37in the distant future she would have an affair with a student who turned out to
33:40be a grown man well I didn't know the exact way her lack of moral character
33:44would reveal itself but yes you are so annoying oh because I'm judgmental of a
33:50woman who was willing to sleep with a minor because you are judgmental about
33:54everyone is this about dad okay you are so quick to write him off all the time
34:00you know people are complicated right and so is he don't you ever just owe him
34:03the benefit of the doubt who made you his keeper you did dummy when you left I
34:08had to pick up the pieces well I didn't ask you to do that okay well I guess in
34:12your universe that totally absolves you
34:16do you really believe he's gonna do the right thing in there yes and if I'm
34:24right I get to punch you as hard as I can well what if I'm right then you
34:28don't get punched look I know I screwed up I bring you Jake here
34:36Birch Creek have owned us for so long I just wanted to know what it felt like
34:40the win one I can't look the other way Grady I mean you put a grown man on the
34:46field with kids somebody could have gotten hurt I'm asking for your help
34:50there's a friend
34:57I'll lose my job Hank I'm sorry so now you're all high and mighty
35:04oh I mean everyone knows you have turned a blind eye to worse
35:11yeah I know they do not a great thing to be known for I'm charging you
35:20falsification of documents and child endangerment
35:41I can't believe big Hank arrested coach Grady well I told you not everything is
35:47black and white people are complicated like how you ruin Becky Simpson's life
35:50we don't know that I haven't seen her in years she's probably doing great
35:58department finished at the scene at San Francisco family's house found a few
36:02more bones thought I'd drop them off Wow hand delivery that's fancy why didn't
36:07you just get one of your deputies to drop it off um I could have but I was
36:11headed here anyway going to the Pioneer to get a bite Pioneer that's on the
36:15other side of town that's it's completely out of your way Henry why
36:19don't you take the rest of the night off and I'll catalog these with detective
36:23Carson sure you know see you at home still still doesn't make sense how you
36:30thought the station was on your way unless the Red Hook Bridge was closed
36:34and GPS rerouted you this way yeah yeah have a great night these ones
36:44definitely I mean there's clearly not enough here for a whole skeleton I'm
36:52thinking maybe like in foot yeah that seems right you look for metatarsals I'll
36:56work on the tibia I think these are yours thanks you know I find with
37:03puzzles it's best to start with the corners
37:09phalanges I was looking for those thank you so what'd you usually be doing on a
37:17Friday night if you weren't sifting through old bones in a dark musty room
37:22honestly probably writing you're a writer Wow really didn't know that what
37:33kind of stuff promise under life yeah I promise I'm working on a novel about an
37:40expedition of wizards tracking a dragon that holds the key to the survival of a
37:43kingdom of elves and sorry sorry I'm not I'm not laughing at you or your book I
37:58just um I was surprised to hear that is all why because I mean you're like so
38:05you know and it's like so nerdy no it's unexpected
38:15can I read your novel when you're done maybe maybe you don't have the best
38:23track record you promise not to laugh and then immediately laugh that is fair
38:28but you know now that I've had time to digest the fact that Shane Carson of
38:34the Warren County Sheriff's Department is a fantasy writer I think it's pretty
38:41cool sorry officer Sapkowski thinks that you know maybe it was someone trying to
38:49cover up a murder from a hundred years ago and I think he's right which means
38:53that there could be other body parts gathered around out there interesting
38:57yeah I mean you probably think it was cooler if it was like an elf or
39:02something but still I think we're done for tonight we don't have to be I'll
39:12grab a drink
39:15and is there a cure for this a terrible curse to be
39:33I'll be sleeping
39:39and it's no small thing you'll smoke me out in your own way and chase me around
40:00and follow me by
40:05only I don't miss you
40:24I guess I should call you detective I guess I should call you doctor that
41:13this is my son John Mark who was you his name's French he doesn't speak French
41:24he's a baby right of course
41:29yes sir baby
41:36you have a baby
41:43for these aspiring filmmakers fiction has turned into reality I do not believe
41:51someone killed and dismembered a man what if whoever did it is still out
41:54there don't tell me you're taking urban legend seriously that was just a bird