• 17 hours ago
Penguatan nilai tukar rupiah terpangkas, dan kembali diperdagangkan di atas level Rp16.300-an per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Kamis (06/03) siang tadi, penguatan rupiah terpangkas di 0,02% dan kembali ke level Rp16.306 per USD


00:00Let's move on to the other trading indicators of the stock market, where the value of the exchange rate has been cut and traded again above the US$16,300 level.
00:17It is quoted from the stock market data until the trading on Tuesday, the strongest Rupiah at 0.02% and back to the level of the US$16,300, precisely at US$16,306.
00:30Where before, the Rupiah has been opened to strengthen quite significantly at 0.37% at the US$16,250.
00:41The strong Rupiah in the middle of the US dollar index was again suppressed for the last three days and is at 104.3, which is the lowest level since November 5, 2024.
00:53The depreciation of the US dollar index occurred as a result of the emergence of a signal of a delay in the US economic growth and part due to uncertainty related to the US President Donald Trump's trade rate.
01:07We will immediately update how the Rupiah exchange rate is moving towards the next major indicators.
01:13You can watch the graph on your television screen to view the data collected by our editorial team until this afternoon, West Indonesia time.
01:22The Rupiah movement towards the US dollar is at Rp. 16,334.
01:27Then towards the euro at Rp. 17,475.
01:31Paul Sterling at Rp. 21,073.
01:34Then towards Japan at Rp. 109.81.
